The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility

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The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index
Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility

By: Simon Dixon, Haris Irshad, Derek M. Pankratz, and Justine Bornstein

Where should cities                                     the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and
                                                        other digital technologies to develop and inform
go tomorrow?
                                                        intelligent decisions about people, places, and prod-
   A smart city is a data-driven city, one in which        Unfortunately, when it comes to designing and
municipal leaders have an increasingly sophisti-        implementing a long-term vision for future mobil-
cated understanding of conditions in the areas they     ity, it is all too easy to ignore, misinterpret, or skew
oversee, including the urban transportation system.     this data to fit a preexisting narrative.1 We have seen
In the past, regulators used questionnaires and sur-    this play out in dozens of conversations with trans-
veys to map user needs. Today, platform operators       portation leaders all over the world. To build that
can rely on databases to provide a more accurate        vision, leaders need to gather the right data, ask the
picture in a much shorter time frame at a lower cost.   right questions, and focus on where cities should
Now, leaders can leverage a vast array of data from     go tomorrow.
The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

   Given the essential enabling role transportation               theme analyses how deliberate and forward-
plays in a city’s sustained economic prosperity, we2
                                                                  thinking a city’s leaders are regarding its future
set out to create a new and better way for city of-               mobility needs.
ficials to gauge the health of their mobility network          3. Service and inclusion. Urban mobility
and their readiness to embrace the future. The result             should be accessible to all residents. Exemplary
is the Deloitte City Mobility Index (DCMI), a collec-             cities in this category offer widespread coverage
tion of conscious choices based on our vision of what             and modest wait times for public transit, afford-
smart urban mobility should look like. The DCMI is                able options, and user-friendly ways to access a
an in-depth exploration into the rapid changes oc-                variety of transportation modes.
curring in the way people and goods move about,
with intermodal journeys, active transportation                   With these three themes as our lodestar, we dug
options, such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes, and              into the component pieces of each.
public transit playing prominent roles. The DCMI
places economic prosperity at its core, takes a holis-
tic view of the city’s entire mobility landscape, and          What we learned:
it is informed by our clear image of how the future            Select findings
of mobility could unfold in urban areas.
   Here you will find an overview of how we con-               “WHAT’S PAST IS PROLOGUE”3—
structed the DCMI and a discussion of some of our               BUT NOT DESTINY
key findings. We invite you also to explore the ac-               Some of the cities we looked at are centuries old;
companying in-depth city profiles and interactive              they reflect countless choices made by political lead-
feature, which we will be expanding over time.                 ers, businesses, and residents over time. Naturally,
                                                               those circumstances, both physical and political,
                                                               shape today’s mobility landscape, and affected their
Measuring urban                                                rankings in our index. Cities in which decision-mak-
mobility performance                                           ing authority rests with multiple actors, like Paris
                                                               and Washington DC, often struggle with articulat-
   To develop a picture of mobility across the globe,          ing and acting upon a cohesive vision for the future.
we went beyond what transportation looks like                     That said, many of the cities we profiled have
today to explore what mobility could be in a truly             shown a remarkable ability to overcome their cir-
smart, liveable, economically vibrant city. Three key          cumstances through new approaches. The mobility
themes emerged from this research:                             profile of Columbus, Ohio, for example, is typical
1. Performance and resilience. Urban mobil-                    of many mid-sized American cities: car-dominated,
   ity should be efficient. It’s a given that the trains       with limited public transit but also limited conges-
   should literally run on time. But cities that               tion due to its modest size. Faced with rapid growth
   scored highest in this category also minimize               and critical shortcomings, especially when it came
   congestion and travel times, maintain roads and             to key health outcomes, city leaders crafted an am-
   other infrastructure, and offer multiple, inte-             bitious strategy to remake Columbus’s transporta-
   grated modes of transportation.                             tion system into a model for smart mobility.4 Even
2. Vision and leadership. Urban mobility re-                   weather need not be a hindrance. Walking and cy-
   quires innovation, coordination among stake-                cling are most prevalent in Paris, Berlin, and Am-
   holders, and direction. Creating a high-per-                sterdam—all northern European cities. Helsinki is a
   forming, resilient, and inclusive mobility system           top performer, too, where it frequently snows!
   is unlikely to happen by accident. This second

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

                                                              consuming to utilize. But driving private cars adds
   Cities with high population densities such as              to congestion, pollution, and parking challenges,
London, Singapore, and Berlin scored highest on               not to mention the financial burden it places on
transportation performance. With more people                  families. In fact, some families find that the lower
funding systems that cover less ground, these cities          costs associated with a move outside of the city core
get more bang for their bucks. Cities with large geo-         are offset by car ownership costs or expensive travel
graphic areas, such as New York and Chicago, tend             passes. City governments would do well to work to-
to do better within city limits but do not perform as         gether with their surrounding regions to fix this is-
well in their larger exo-urban areas.                         sue, and to do so quickly.
   One reason for this may be the lack of integra-               There is also a direct tie between the presence
tion, coordination, and effective governance among            of multiple regulatory authorities and service pro-
transportation regulators and providers between               viders and having a lower ability or willingness
the city and the suburbs, and between public and              to explore innovative solutions. In our index, the
private entities. The city proper usually has one             leading innovations include smart parking and
transit authority, surrounding areas have their own,          ticketing, integrated payments, intelligent transit
and the level of cooperation between the various              systems, and electric vehicle infrastructure. For
entities can vary widely. While this is improving in          any of these efforts to succeed, they often need to
many of the cities surveyed, it still has a ways to go.       be offered across commuting corridors and inter-
   Our findings suggest that having multiple regu-            agency (regulatory body) coordination and coop-
latory providers inhibits a smoothly functioning              eration are required. Data integration, governance,
and integrated transportation system, but inter-              and security are also easier with more tightly linked
agency coordination can be successful. In Toronto,            governing bodies.
for example, the Toronto Transit Commission han-                 Finally, the data suggests that more than any
dles public transportation within the city, while a           other indicator, having low levels of integration is
multitude of smaller authorities (GO Transit, YRT/            correlated with low readiness to face the future of
Viva, MiWay, and others) cover the surrounding                mobility. Creating seamless urban transportation
municipalities. The various authorities operated              demands a unity of purpose and an ability to act in
largely independently—for years, passengers travel-           concert across different modes and jurisdictions.
ling between regions required multiple tickets and,
apart from a few exceptions, travellers who crossed           THE CHALLENGES OF PRIVATE CARS
boundaries had to pay two fares. However, since                  Our vision for smart urban mobility emphasizes
city leaders created the Greater Toronto Transpor-            active transportation and public transit. That neces-
tation Authority and the region’s “Big Move” initia-          sarily means any city that relies heavily on private
tive in 2009, integration has proceeded in stages.            cars—as many US cities do—will fare poorly on
When completed, this multiyear endeavor will fully            several metrics in the index. We think that choice
integrate a number of transit systems across On-              is reasonable. Our analysis—and many others’—re-
tario, allowing users to pay fares with a single card         veals a number of deleterious consequences from
across the network.5                                          overreliance on private autos, including congestion,
   As cities grow and expand and housing costs rise,          pollution, and accidents.6 If cities continue to grow—
many young families have little choice but to move            and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
to the suburbs and commute into the city for work.            and Development (OECD) predicts that 70 percent
Too often, it becomes clear that the only viable com-         of the world’s population will live in urban areas by
muting option is driving; absent a single authority           20507 —then public and private players need to find
or close coordination among multiple authorities,             ways to move people and goods in ways that maxi-
public transportation can be too complex and time-            mize use of space and minimize such social costs.

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

   Private cars can work well in some circum-                     B, cycling across a large city is a less viable option.
stances and are an important piece of the mobility                While it is relatively easy for cities like Amsterdam
landscape, however. Geographically spread-out cit-                and Helsinki to do well in this regard, their recipes
ies tend to favor car use, and North American and                 for success may be hard to replicate in a sprawling
Australian cities are among the most geographically               metropolis, such as Los Angeles.
spread out of cities measured. Thus, they have a                     The role of culture is also much more important
higher modal share of private cars and a lower share              to the development of a transportation system than
of active transportation. Their strategic plans also              we usually assume. Casual ridesharing is common
tend to focus more on road improvements and road-                 in cities such as Washington DC (where it is known
based transportation.                                             as “slugging”) and New York, but less so in other US
   Still, cities that rely heavily on personal vehicles           cities. Similarly, Amsterdam is quite famous for its
should think through ways to optimize their use.                  cycling culture, but this seems not as common in
For example, by augmenting private ownership                      other cities, even those with similar geographic and
with carsharing and ridesharing, perhaps as part of               population profiles.
a mobility-as-a-service solution, it may be possible                 Then there is the issue of social attitudes toward
to keep the cars-to-people ratio in check—or even                 public transportation, such as “bus stigma” and the
drive it down. And cars are often the fallback op-                importance of “car culture.” Cities can spend bil-
tion when the first mile/last mile problem is unsolved.           lions to upgrade their transportation systems, but
Our research suggests that if getting to public trans-            if the public perceives that taking a bus or train is
portation is a problem, people will get in their cars . . .       a second-class option compared to driving in, pas-
and won’t get out until they reach their destination.             senger numbers will not increase. Such was the case
Creating convenient and affordable solutions for                  for Denver (not included in our survey).9 Car own-
the beginning and end of a journey—think bicycle-                 ership is deeply ingrained in the American psyche,
sharing, dynamic shuttles, and ride-hailing, ideally              is reinforced by decades of advertising by automak-
integrated via a full-fledged mobility-as-a-service               ers,10 and is an increasingly important status symbol
offering—can be an important step to reducing reli-               in China.11 Overcoming those cultural barriers could
ance on personally owned vehicles.                                be particularly challenging for transportation plan-
   Paris has made significant strides in reducing                 ners. They should consider ways either to work with
the number of single occupancy vehicles. It intro-                prevailing beliefs, or to find ways to shape them
duced a pioneering bicycle-sharing plan in 2007, an               gently.12
electric carsharing plan in 2011, and closed off the
left bank of the Seine to cars in 2013. As a result,
traffic has dropped by more than 30 percent in the                Remaking your mobility
past 15 years. 8
CULTURE’S ROLE IN TRANSPORTATION                                     From our research, we found that mobility plays
   Similar to the EU’s designation for traditional                a central role in a city’s economic prosperity. This
foodstuffs of specific character, a city’s mobility sys-          is why the rewards for getting it right are poten-
tem will ultimately be shaped by its culture and “ter-            tially great. Looking for out-of-the-box solutions
roir” and have its own distinctive local flavor.                  to solve their problems, leading future of mobil-
   Geography plays a massive role in mobility, and                ity cities demonstrate that finding money is rarely
this is something that leaders should consider when               a long-term solution. Their success tends to stem
looking at other cities for inspiration. Spread-out               from integration and innovation rather than sheer
cities tend not to rank highly for active transporta-             investment.
tion. This is no surprise: If you have to get from A to

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

   For cities that have fared poorly across specific          will produce better returns over time. While adding
indicators, all is not lost. Given the speed of change        more service or building more roads can be helpful,
and technological trends, any city has the opportu-           developing better-integrated strategies with greater
nity to radically remake its mobility landscape over          involvement from the private sector often yields
the next five to ten years. Cities that rank poorly to-       better results. In these scenarios, the government
day could leapfrog to become leaders in the future of         often takes on different roles, such as enabling data
mobility by deploying advanced solutions that solve           sharing, monitoring cybersecurity, incentivizing
some of transportation’s perennial problems.                  private-sector innovation and participation, and es-
   Leaders need to identify what the “right” kind of          tablishing the standards and rules by which mobil-
spending is—typically, those that integrate systems           ity providers must abide.
or introduce technological improvements. These

  We chose more than 60 unique data parameters based on a review of existing literature, their
  correlations with economic growth, and our research team’s analysis. Data was gathered from a
  variety of sources, including government statistical databases, third-party reports, private vendors,
  and nongovernmental organizations. We then brought in the qualitative judgments of a variety of
  experts on urban mobility or particular cities, both inside and outside Deloitte.

  We assigned each metric a score between 1 and 5 based on the data parameters within it.
  Depending on the metric, score assignment involved converting a qualitative assessment into a
  number, indexing data to create a relative score, or both. We applied some data parameters and
  metrics to more than one theme.

  To look specifically at a city’s readiness for the future of mobility, we focused more closely on the
  parameters that dealt with “smart” or “digital” elements of transportation. In particular, the DCMI
  looks at integrated and shared mobility, vision and strategy, innovation, regulatory readiness for the
  future of mobility, and ease of use. The metric scores were then averaged. “Five” indicates being
  closest to full future of mobility readiness. (See figure 1.)

  The data was collected for the years 2016 and 2017 (or earlier where newer data did not exist).
  Unless specified otherwise, this information is no more than five years old. In some instances, trend
  data was collected, but predominately the data was cross-sectional for the latest year.

  In all, we examined more than 40 cities. (Profiles of 18 cities were published contemporaneously
  with this report. Additional cities will be added in the coming months.) Cities were selected to
  achieve geographic distribution, a variety of sizes (population and area), and various levels of
  economic development.

  Of course, any effort to create a composite measure such as this is a product of choices and
  assumptions made along the way. Ours were guided by a view of how seamless urban mobility
  that is faster, cheaper, safer, and cleaner than today could look, and the important contribution
  such a system can make to prosperity and productivity. Places that had multiple modes of easily
  accessible transportation; that had placed an emphasis on walking, biking, and public transit
  relative to personally owned automobiles; and that had taken steps toward digitally enabling their
  mobility network received high marks. Different choices and assumptions, guided by a different
  vision, would necessarily yield different results. In addition, the DCMI currently presents a snapshot,
  not a trajectory. It does not capture how cities have trended over time, nor can it evaluate how
  past investments have affected mobility. As we update the data every year, a more robust picture
  will emerge.

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

Figure 1. Deloitte City Mobility Index themes, metrics, and data sources

      THEME              METRIC                                                     EXAMPLE DATA
                                         • Peak hours spent in congestion                 • Driving time to city center (10km drive from
                      Congestion         • Congestion level                                 each cardinal direction, peak hours)
                                                                                          • Dedicated bus lane in km

                      Public transit     • Percentage of metro/tram delays                • Average waiting time for public
                      reliability        • Percentage of bus delays                         transportation (in minutes)

                                         • Road quality                                   • Number of traffic-related fatalities
                      Transit safety
                                         • Walkability score                              • Number of traffic-related serious injuries

  Performance                            • Existence of open data or APIs for transport   • Bikesharing system in the city
                      Integration and    • Existence of integrated ticketing option       • Existence of MaaS-based application
  and resilience      shared mobility      across transport modes                         • Private car dependency
                                         • Carsharing system in the city

                                         • Annual mean of PM2.5 concentration             • CO2 per capita emissions
                      Air quality
                                         • Annual mean of PM10 concentration              • Air quality index

                      Vision and         • City innovation and Future of Mobility         • Regulatory collaborations and joint initiatives
                      innovation           strategy                                         with the private sector and academia

                                         • Transport budget as a percentage of the        • Investment levels in transport
                      Investment           total local authority/city budget

                                         • Electric vehicles (EVs) adoption               • City rank in IESE Smart Cities index
                                         • Existence of open data or APIs for transport   • City innovation and Future of Mobility
                      Innovation                                                            strategy
                                         • Smart transportation/FoM-focused
                                           accelerators/venture capitals/startups         • Existence of MaaS-based application

                                         • Operation of ridesharing companies             • Regulatory collaborations and joint initiatives
    Vision and        Regulatory         • Number of regulatory bodies                      with the private sector and academia
                                                                                          • Autonomous vehicles (AVs) –city support
                      environment        • City innovation and Future of Mobility
    leadership                             strategy

                                         •   Transport sustainability score               • Cars sold/registered in given year that are
                      Environmental      •   Sustainability plan score                       low CO2 (BEV or PHEV)
                      sustainability     •   Length of bicycle lanes (in km)              • Dedicated bus lane (in km)
                      initiatives        •   Electric vehicles (EVs) incentives           • “Environmentally friendly” modal share (includes
                                                                                             public transport, walking, and cycling)

                                         • Rail system length (in km)                     • Metro/subway average peak frequency (in
                                         • Number of light rail stops                       minutes)
                      Public transport
                                         • Length of bicycle lanes (in km)                • Dedicated bus lane (in km)
                                                                                          • Average waiting time for public
                                                                                            transportation (in minutes)

                                         •   Monthly public transport cost (in $)         • Minimum daily wage (in $)
                      Transport          •   Fuel price per liter (in $)                  • Modal share divided into percentage of trips
                      affordability      •   Average parking price (in $)                   by cars, public transport, cycling, walking,
                                                                                            and other modes such as taxi, ferries, etc.
                                         •   Average cost of taxi (in $)

                                         •   Presence of tube or commuter rail system     • Presence of dedicated rapid bus transport
                                         •   Presence of tram system                      • Presence of other mode of transport:
                                                                                            rickshaw, taxis, ferries, etc.
   Service and        Versatility        •   Operation of ridesharing companies
                                                                                          • Bikesharing system in the city
                                         •   Carsharing system in the city
    inclusion                                                                             • Private car dependency

                                         • Customer satisfaction with public transport I • Congestion level
                                         • Customer satisfaction with public transport II • Average waiting time for public
                      satisfaction                                                          transportation (in minutes)
                                         • Road quality

                                         • Transport accessibility score                  • Accessibility of train or metro fleet (in
                      Accessibility      • Accessibility of bus fleet (in percentage)       percentage)
                                                                                          • Walkability score

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index


1.   City leaders are not alone in this. Corporate goal-setting is plagued by similar biases and chal-
     lenges when it comes to assessing current performance and setting future goals. See Michael E.
     Raynor, Mumtaz Ahmed, Derek M. Pankratz, and Rob Del Vicario, “A theory of relativity: Setting
     priorities and goals for financial performance improvement,” Deloitte Review 17, July 27, 2015.

2.   Sir Rod Eddington, “The Eddington transport study,” UK Department for Transport, December 2006.

3.   William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act II, Scene 1.

4.   “Andrew J. Ginther, “Smart city: The city of Columbus,” E&E News, accessed December 15, 2017.

5.   Metrolinx, “The big move: Baseline monitoring report,” September 2013.

6.   See, for example, Graham Cookson and Bob Pishue, “INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard,” INRIX Research,
     February 2017; Federico Karagulian et al., “Contributions to cities’ ambient particulate matter (PM): A
     systematic review of local source contributions at global level,” Atmospheric Environment 120 (2015):
     pp. 475–83; World Health Organization, “WHO global urban ambient air pollution database,” 2016.
     OECD, The Cost of Air Pollution: Health Impacts of Road Transport, (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2014);
     Jonathan I. Levy, Jonathan J. Buonocore, and Katherine von Stackelberg, “Evaluation of the public
     health impacts of traffic congestion: A health risk assessment,” Environmental Health 9, no. 1 (2010):
     p. 65; and Erik Hansson, et al., “Relationship between commuting and health outcomes in a cross-
     sectional population survey in southern Sweden,” BMC Public Health 11, no. 1 (2011): p. 834.

7.   OECD and CDRF, “Trends in urbanisation and urban policies in OECD countries: What lessons for China?,”
     OECD, accessed December 15, 2017.

8.   Adele Peters, “Inside Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo’s ambitious plans to create the post-car city,”
     Fast Company, April 4, 2017.

9.   Andrew Small, “Denver radically expanded its transit. So why are more people driving cars?,” CityLab,
     November 2, 2017.

10. Derek M. Pankratz, Sarah Kovar, Jordan Sanders, and Philipp Willigmann, “Framing the future of mobility:
    Using behavioral economics to accelerate consumer adoption,” Deloitte Review 20, January 23, 2017.

11. Tania Branigan, “China and cars: A love story,” Guardian, December 14, 2012.

12. Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, Nudge (London: Penguin Books, 2009). See
    also Deloitte Insights’ collection on Behavioral Economics and Management.

13. The sources of data included:
     • 2thinknow data: Data sources purchased from 2thinknow, a research company based in Austra-
       lia that focuses on analysis of cities. Data points include metro/subway average peak frequency,
       taxi rate per km, traffic-related injuries and casualties, and others (14 data points in total).

     • Government statistical databases: Including census reports, eco-
       nomic statistics, and geographical information.

     • City and state/province websites: Including US Department of Trans-
       portation, city transport authority websites

     • External reports and indexes: Including Movmi Shared City Mobility Index, INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard,
       TomTom Traffic Index, Waze Driver Satisfaction Index, IESE Smart Cities Index, Arcadis Sustainability
       Index, Easy Park Smart Cities Index, Moovit average waiting time for public transportation survey.

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

    • NGO reports: These include the road quality rating provided by World Economic Forum,
      Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) reports by World Health Organization, European Alterna-
      tive Fuels Observatory, OECD, CDP, and American Public Transportation Association.

    • Qualitative analysis: Done mostly by the Deloitte USI team. For example, evaluation of Elec-
      tric Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles regulation, operation of ridesharing companies.

14. See Scott Corwin, Joe Vitale, Eamonn Kelly, and Elizabeth Cathles, The future of mobility: How trans-
    portation technology and social trends are creating a new business ecosystem, Deloitte University
    Press, September 24, 2015; and Scott Corwin, Nick Jameson, Derek M. Pankratz, and Philipp Willig-
    mann, The future of mobility: What’s next?, Deloitte University Press, September 14, 2016.

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index

Simon Dixon is the global transportation leader for Deloitte and a partner in Deloitte’s Public Sector
practice. He specializes in the delivery and commercial management of large, complex business-critical
transformation programs and has a track record of putting government policy into practice. He is cur-
rently leading Deloitte’s global initiatives into the Future of Mobility and Smart Cities and his particular
focus is road pricing/congestion charging, following experience of delivering and supporting a number
of these programs around the world.

Haris Irshad is a senior manager of strategy and operations for Deloitte MCS Limited. An economist by
training, Irshad works with clients to help them instigate, manage, and take advantage of market disrup-
tion, particularly in the transport and urban development sectors. He has led a number of high-profile
projects examining the role of data, digital delivery, and new business models that enable countries and
cities to realize their vision of the future of mobility.

Derek M. Pankratz is a senior research manager with the Center for Integrated Research in Deloitte
Services LP. His research focuses on the confluence of emerging technological and social trends across
industries. Derek currently leads development of Deloitte’s perspectives around the future of mobility:
self-driving cars, shared transportation, and beyond.

Justine Bornstein is the UK Insight lead and program manager for the UK Future of Mobility practice
and a senior manager at Deloitte MCS Limited. Prior to that, she researched automotive and industrial
products, focusing on cross-industry trends affecting transportation and manufacturing and how they
impact corporate behavior.

Research and analysis team: Joanna Karlic, Amit Tzur, Kaustubh Dubey, Ashish Mishra, and Jae Park


Many colleagues offered invaluable insights throughout the development of this project, including
Scott Corwin, Mike Turley, Bill Eggers, Tiffany Dovey Fishman, Mark Gardner, Mark Price, and
John Skowron.

The authors would like to thank Warwick Goodall, Kim Metzger, Andy Tong, Andrew Nothstine,
Anant Aggarwal, Abhilash Kondapalli, Aarchit Jaiswal, Ankita Raghuvanshi, Vansh Kukreja,
Vaibhav Pandey, and Chaitanya Sandaka for their invaluable assistance in developing and
researching the Index. The authors would also like to thank the team at Deloitte Insights for their work
in seeing this project through to publication, in particular: Karen Edelman, Abrar Khan, Nikita Garia,
Preetha Devan, Joanie Pearson, Sonya Vasilieff, Alok Pepakayala, Anoop R, Tushar Barman, and
Mahima Nair.

The Deloitte City Mobility Index - Gauging global readiness for the future of mobility
The Deloitte City Mobility Index


Simon Dixon                                            Mark F. Gardner
Global Transportation leader                           Global Consulting Manufacturing leader
Partner                                                Managing partner
Deloitte MCS Limited                                   Deloitte Consulting LLP
Tel: +44 (0) 207 303 8707                              Tel: +1 313 324 1178                       

John Skowron                                           Marco Hecker
Global Public Sector Consulting leader                 Future of Mobility leader
Partner                                                Deloitte China
Deloitte Consulting LLP                                Tel: +852 2852 6588
Tel: +1 412 402 5228                         
                                                       Clare Ma
Mark Price                                             Smart City leader
US Public Sector leader                                Deloitte China
Vice chairman                                          Tel: +86 21 2312 7461
Deloitte Consulting LLP                      
Tel: +1 617 585 5984
                                                       Future of Mobility practice

The Deloitte City Mobility Index

About the Center for Integrated Research
Deloitte’s Center for Integrated Research focuses on developing fresh perspectives on critical busi-
ness issues that cut across industry and function, from the rapid change of emerging technologies
to the consistent factor of human behavior. We uncover deep, rigorously justified insights and
look at transformative topics in new ways, delivering new thinking in a variety of formats, such as
research articles, short videos, or in-person workshops.

About Deloitte’s Smart Cities/Smart Nation practice
Deloitte’s Smart City | Smart Nation practice strives to bring the full breadth and depth of the
firm’s capabilities to help cities tackle their toughest challenges. The SC|SN practice has devel-
oped a Smart City framework and solutions that help cities improve the quality of life for citizens
and contribute to the sustainability of urban landscapes. The practice has delivered innovative
strategies and solutions in cities across the globe, earning Deloitte recognition as a worldwide
leader in Smart Cities strategy and execution.

About Deloitte’s Future of Mobility practice
The entire way we travel from point A to point B is changing. This transformation is creating a
new ecosystem of personal mobility, with implications affecting more than just the automotive
industry. Our Future of Mobility practice serves the entire ecosystem of companies working in and
around mobility to actively shape its emergence.

For the full interactive index, visit the Deloitte City Mobility Index at

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     Editorial: Karen Edelman, Abrar Khan, and Preetha Devan
     Creative: Joanie Pearson
     Promotion: Amy Bergstrom, Sandhya Davis, and Devon Mychal
     Cover artwork: Sonya Vasilieff

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Deloitte City Mobility Index                                                                                                       Analysis area

                                                                Analysis area: 16,410 km2 | Population: 21,700,000 (2017) | Population density: 1,323/km2
                                                                               Definition of analysis area: Beijing Municipality consisting of all 16 districts

                                                                           TO        GL
MOBILITY ANALYSIS                                                      CO
                                                                               P        O                         KEY MOBILITY STATISTICS
                                                                                 P        B
                                                        EM        AS       N ERF AL
                                                           ER        PI      T EN     O       L                      Public transport options*
                                                              GI        RI              RM EA
                                                                 N         N      D             D                    Metro, bus, commuter train
                                                                   G         G      ER      ER    ER

                                                Congestion                                                        Monthly public transport pass
                                Public transport reliability

 Performance                              Transport safety                                                                       GDP
                                                                                                                          US$391 billion (2016)
 and resilience           Integrated and shared mobility

                                                  Air quality                                                     Principal transport authorities
                                                                                                                   Beijing Municipal Commission
                                                                                                                            of Transport
                                       Vision and strategy
                                                                                                               *Planned, regulated, licensed, subsidized, and monitored by
                                                Investment                                                                                    principal transport authority.

                                                 Innovation                                                        JOURNEY MODAL SPLIT
   Vision and
                                 Regulatory environment                                                      PRIVATE CAR                  PUBLIC TRANSIT
                             Environmental sustainability                                                                      28%                             36%

                                      Public transit supply

                                   Transport affordability
                                                                                                               WALKING                          BICYCLE
                                                                                                                               27%                              9%
  Service and                       Customer satisfaction

                                                 FUTURE OF MOBILITY CAPABILITY
                                                                                                                                                FoM global
Significant             Passive environment,         Proactive environment,               Proactive environment,
work to do             a number of barriers             some barriers                         few barriers

 STRENGTHS                                                                          CHALLENGES
 • Strong government commitment to improving transport and                          • Very high levels of traffic gridlock and air pollution, despite high
   substantial backing for infrastructure investments                                 alternative transport use
 • Plans to upgrade the public transport infrastructure by                          • Low provision of real-time traffic information and restrictions
   deploying new signaling systems and driverless metros                              on data-sharing for foreign players
 • A balanced modal split and moves toward further promotion of                     • Fragmented policy and decision-making processes related to
   sustainable transport, such as electric vehicles (EVs), and bicycles               infrastructure involving urban, transport, and national
   and pedestrian walkways                                                            government agencies
Deloitte City Mobility Index                  Beijing

    Key focus areas to improve
                                                                Expansion of the                          Adoption of new                      Greater emphasis on
    city mobility and realize the                              metro network to                          technologies and                      the adoption of EVs,
    Future of Mobility:                                        cover suburbs and
                                                                 adjacent cities
                                                                                                           availability of
                                                                                                                                                  supported by
                                                                                                             open data                         policies and subsidy

             Performance and                                            Vision and leadership                                       Service and inclusion
    Struggling with high congestion and poor                   Beijing has plans to develop sustainable                    Public transport is affordable for most
    air quality, Beijing is looking toward                     transport, with government investments                      citizens, but requires technological
    innovative solutions, such as ride-hailing                 focused on expanding its public transport                   upgrades and expansion in suburban
    services, contactless payment, and                         infrastructure.                                             regions.
    low-emission zones.                                        • The city planners have assured investment                 • With swelling urban expansion, the public
    • The capital city now has the largest private               of more than US$62 billion through 2020                     transport supply needs to grow
      vehicle ownership and one of the longest                   to expand the metro network and to build                    substantially. Recognizing as much, Beijing
      commute times during rush hour in China;                   a one-hour commuting circle covering                        transportation authorities have set out
      in 2017, the average daily travel time for                 suburbs and adjacent cities.                                plans for the capital's transportation
      Beijing's workers was 52.9 minutes.                                                                                    development for the next five years, which
                                                               • Beijing has been pushing for years for a
                                                                                                                             involves expanding the bus lane network
    • The city is encouraging the use of new                     greater adoption of EVs, with
                                                                                                                             to 1,000 km.
      technologies, such as ride-hailing and                     comprehensive policies and subsidy
      contactless payment, integrated across                     schemes in place. The city also has the                   • The city’s public transit system is
      modes, to provide efficient and                            largest EV ownership in the country, with                   affordable due to large subsidies provided
      high-quality transport services.                           the highest car-per-charging pile ratio.                    by the government to ensure equitable
                                                                                                                             access for minimum wage earners.
    • Beijing launched a low-emission zone in                  • The city also plans to encourage cycling as
      September 2017, banning heavy-duty                         a greener way to commute, with 3,200 km                   • The metro network is popular and boasts
      freight vehicles with emissions above the                  of bike lanes and at least 100,000 bicycles                 intervals of only a minute between trains
      National IV Standards from entering the                    for rent.                                                   in the morning peak period.
      city. The move is expected to reduce public
      health hazards and save an estimated 43
      lives and more than US$31 million per
      year. While air quality has improved in
      recent years, it remains a key issue.

       Beijing has taken multiple measures to make itself a livable city. It has a forward-looking approach to its transport issues and has formulated
       strong development plans for the next five years. These plans involve expansion of public transport and sustainable modes of transport,
       evident in the 72 percent share occupied by public transport and active modes. It has also embraced testing of new mobility solutions, such
       as EVs and shared mobility models. A number of these initiatives are already bearing results.
       Nonetheless, the city faces some immediate challenges in terms of ongoing air pollution, traffic congestion, and the need for operational
       improvements in public transport and stronger coordination efforts among the various government agencies.

    Simon Dixon                                                Marco Hecker                                                Clare Jiong Lin Ma
    Global Transportation leader                               Future of Mobility leader                                   Smart City leader
    Partner                                                    Deloitte China                                              Deloitte China
    Deloitte MCS Limited                                       Tel: +852 2852 6588                                         Tel: +86 21 2312 7461
    Tel: +44 (0) 207 303 8707                                  Mobile: +86 185 1622 1169                                   Mobile: +86 137 0164 6437
    Email:                              Email:                              Email:

    About the Deloitte City Mobility Index                     About this publication                                      Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited
    The Deloitte City Mobility Index reviews major cities      This publication has been written in general terms          by guarantee (“DTTL”). DTTL and each of its
    on key aspects of mobility and the resulting               and we recommend that you obtain professional               member firms are legally separate and indepen-
    relationship to economic performance. Drawing on           advice before acting or refraining from action on           dent entities. DTTL and Deloitte NWE LLP do not
    publicly available data, client conversations, and         any of the contents of this publication. Deloitte MCS       provide services to clients. Please see
    bespoke Deloitte analyses, we assess each city’s           Limited accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to learn more about our
    ability to transport its citizens both now and in the      to any person acting or refraining from action as a         global network of member firms.
    future and therefore its potential to bring prosperity     result of any material in this publication.                 © 2018 Deloitte MCS Limited. All rights reserved
    to the city.
                                                               About Deloitte
    As we receive feedback, we will update and expand          Deloitte MCS Limited is registered in England and
    the analysis, which may mean the results shown in          Wales with registered number 03311052 and its
    this document may change.                                  registered office at Hill House, 1 Little New Street,
    For the full interactive index, visit the Deloitte City    London, EC4A 3TR, United Kingdom.
    Mobility Index at Deloitte MCS Limited is a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP,
    For Deloitte’s insights on the Future of Mobility, visit  which is the United Kingdom affiliate of Deloitte           NWE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche
Deloitte City Mobility Index                                                                                                   Analysis area

    Shanghai                                                   Analysis area: 6,341 km2 | Population: 24,100,000 (2017) | Population density: 3,814/km2
                                                                         Definition of analysis area: Shanghai municipality, consisting of all 16 districts

                                                                         TO        GL
MOBILITY ANALYSIS                                                    CO
                                                                             P        O                         KEY MOBILITY STATISTICS
                                                                               P        B
                                                      EM        AS       N ERF AL                              Public transport options*
                                                         ER        PI      T EN     O       L
                                                            GI        RI              RM EA             Metro, bus, commuter train, Maglev, ferry,
                                                               N         N      D             D
                                                                 G         G      ER      ER    ER
                                                                                                                        tram, taxi

                                                                                                                Monthly public transport pass
                              Public transport reliability                                                                US$33

 Performance                            Transport safety                                                                     GDP
 and resilience         Integrated and shared mobility
                                                                                                                      US$463 billion (2017)

                                               Air quality                                                    Principal transport authority
                                                                                                            Shanghai Municipal Transportation
                                     Vision and strategy
                                                                                                           *Regulated, licensed, subsidized, and monitored by principal
                                              Investment                                                                                          transport authorities.

                                              Innovation                                                        JOURNEY MODAL SPLIT
   Vision and                                                                                            PRIVATE CAR                  PUBLIC TRANSIT
                                Regulatory environment
                           Environmental sustainability                                                                    19%                             32%

                                    Public transit supply

                                  Transport affordability                                                   WALKING                          BICYCLE

                                                                                                                           25%                             16%
  Service and                     Customer satisfaction
                                                                                                                             OTHER: 8%

                                              FUTURE OF MOBILITY CAPABILITY
                                                                                                                                            FoM global
Significant            Passive environment,       Proactive environment,                Proactive environment,
work to do            a number of barriers           some barriers                          few barriers

 STRENGTHS                                                                        CHALLENGES
 • Advanced communications systems in place to ensure fast                        • Lacks real-time traffic information and data-sharing among
   resolution of transportation breakdowns                                          various transport modes
 • Transport infrastructure expansion plans include integrating the               • Needs more long-term financing channels, such as
   metro with other regions such as Kunshan and Suzhou                              public-private partnerships, for the construction and operation
                                                                                    of the metro system
 • Developed an underground pedestrian network in the central
   business district to take pedestrians off the busy roads and                   • Illegal bikesharing schemes and blockage of walkways due to
   improve safety                                                                   bicycles reduce usability for pedestrians
Deloitte City Mobility Index                 Shanghai

    Key focus areas to improve
                                                                   Continue to expand                           Roll out new                    Promote the use of
    city mobility and realize the                                 the metro network to                      technologies in the                electric vehicles (EVs)
    Future of Mobility:                                             cover suburbs and
                                                                      adjacent cities
                                                                                                            metro to avoid long
                                                                                                              security queues
                                                                                                                                                    more widely

             Performance and                                                Vision and leadership                                   Service and inclusion
    Shanghai has an efficient and reliable                           The city has a clear long-term vision,                  Shanghai’s transportation system scores
    transportation network that caters to the                      backed by investment plans with greater                 highly in terms of versatility, yet
    different travel needs of commuters.                            emphasis on the adoption of new                         customer satisfaction and affordability
    However, air quality and congestion                            technologies.                                           remain key areas to improve.
    remain matters of serious concern.                             • Shanghai has increased its modal shares               • The city has an extensive range of
    • The city scores high on “Integration and                       for public transport by placing restrictions            transportation options, including buses,
      shared mobility” because it has started to                     on car license auctions and removing                    metro, commuter rail, Maglev, trams, and
      bring shared mobility services into the                        more than 160,000 cars that do not meet                 a large bikesharing network, making it one
      public transport system to fulfill                             emission standards.                                     of the most versatile transport systems.
      personalized and point-to-point travel
                                                                   • The city plans to extend its existing                 • While affordability is an area of concern
                                                                     subway network to 800 km by 2020. The                   for private car owners, overcrowding of
    • The government has imposed strict                              goal is to build a one-hour commuting                   the public transportation system has made
      security controls at passenger checkpoints                     circle, which would cover Zhejiang and                  it difficult for these individuals to shift their
      with 5,000 security staff and 30,000 CCTV                      Jiangsu provinces.                                      transportation modes. Further, overall
      cameras, reflected in the high                                                                                         customer satisfaction levels are low.
                                                                   • The city authority has also provided
      transportation safety score. It is also
                                                                     licenses and issued regulations to conduct            • Almost all the metro stations have
      harnessing big data and AI solutions to
                                                                     road tests of self-driving cars in designated           installed wheelchair ramps, sidewalks for
      improve traffic law enforcement.
                                                                     areas.                                                  the blind, barrier-free elevators,
    • To reduce traffic pollution and improve air                                                                            barrier-free toilets, broad passageways,
      quality, Shanghai is currently upgrading                                                                               signboards, and logos. However, only 10
      the electric bus fleet using super capacitor                                                                           percent of buses are completely
      technologies that can charge a bus in 10                                                                               accessible, decreasing the overall
      seconds for a 5-km distance.                                                                                           accessibility scores.

       Shanghai is recognized across the globe for its metro system, the longest, busiest, safest, and one of the most punctual on the planet. The city
       also has massive expansion plans for its transportation infrastructure, and has seen huge investments in infrastructure projects over the last
       five years. It is visible in the expansion of the Shanghai metro, where each kilometer of metro line costs between US$78 million and US$204
       million. In addition, the city has developed a strong pedigree of sustainable transport with a robust underground pedestrian network in the
       central business district. However, as with other Chinese cities, congestion levels are high and air quality has been low, despite government
       efforts, and this may require further stringent measures to bolster the already restrictive license plate system.

    Simon Dixon                                                   Marco Hecker                                             Clare Jiong Lin Ma
    Global Transportation leader                                  Future of Mobility leader                                Smart City leader
    Partner                                                       Deloitte China                                           Deloitte China
    Deloitte MCS Limited                                          Tel: +852 2852 6588                                      Tel: +86 21 2312 7461
    Tel: +44 (0) 207 303 8707                                     Mobile: +86 185 1622 1169                                Mobile: +86 137 0164 6437
    Email:                                 Email:                           Email:

    About the Deloitte City Mobility Index                         About this publication                                  Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited
    The Deloitte City Mobility Index reviews major cities          This publication has been written in general terms      by guarantee (“DTTL”). DTTL and each of its
    on key aspects of mobility and the resulting                   and we recommend that you obtain professional           member firms are legally separate and indepen-
    relationship to economic performance. Drawing on               advice before acting or refraining from action on       dent entities. DTTL and Deloitte NWE LLP do not
    publicly available data, client conversations, and             any of the contents of this publication. Deloitte MCS   provide services to clients. Please see
    bespoke Deloitte analyses, we assess each city’s               Limited accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to learn more about our
    ability to transport its citizens both now and in the          to any person acting or refraining from action as a     global network of member firms.
    future and therefore its potential to bring prosperity         result of any material in this publication.             © 2018 Deloitte MCS Limited. All rights reserved
    to the city.
                                                                   About Deloitte
    As we receive feedback, we will update and expand              Deloitte MCS Limited is registered in England and
    the analysis, which may mean the results shown in              Wales with registered number 03311052 and its
    this document may change.                                      registered office at Hill House, 1 Little New Street,
    For the full interactive index, visit the Deloitte City        London, EC4A 3TR, United Kingdom.
    Mobility Index at        Deloitte MCS Limited is a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP,
   For Deloitte’s insights on the Future of Mobility, visit        which is the United Kingdom affiliate of Deloitte             NWE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche
Deloitte City Mobility Index                                                                                                     Analysis area

                                                                Analysis area: 1,997 km2 | Population: 12,530,000 (2017) | Population density: 6,274/km2
                                                                         Definition of analysis area: Shenzhen Municipality, consisting of all 10 districts

                                                                          TO        GL
MOBILITY ANALYSIS                                                             P        O                         KEY MOBILITY STATISTICS
                                                                      CO        P        B
                                                       EM        AS       N ERF AL                                 Public transport options*
                                                          ER        PI      T EN     O       L
                                                             GI        RI              RM EA                     Metro, tram, bus, commuter rail,
                                                                N         N      D             D
                                                                  G         G      ER      ER    ER                        bicycle, ferry

                                                                                                                 Monthly public transport pass
                               Public transport reliability                                                                US$23

 Performance                              Transport safety                                                                     GDP
 and resilience                                                                                                         US$338 billion (2017)
                         Integrated and shared mobility

                                                 Air quality                                                   Principal transport authority
                                                                                                             Transport Commission of Shenzhen
                                       Vision and strategy
                                                                                                             *Planned, regulated, licensed, subsidized, and monitored by
                                               Investment                                                                                   principal transport authority.

                                                Innovation                                                       JOURNEY MODAL SPLIT
   Vision and                                                                                             PRIVATE CAR                   PUBLIC TRANSIT
                                 Regulatory environment
                            Environmental sustainability                                                                     22%                             22%

                                     Public transit supply

                                   Transport affordability                                                   WALKING                           BICYCLE

                                                                                                                             47%                             5%
  Service and                      Customer satisfaction
                                                                                                                               OTHER: 4%

                                                FUTURE OF MOBILITY CAPABILITY
                                                                                                                                              FoM global
Significant             Passive environment,        Proactive environment,               Proactive environment,
work to do             a number of barriers            some barriers                         few barriers

 STRENGTHS                                                                         CHALLENGES
 • Provision of city-wide pedestrian-friendly infrastructure                       • Curbing high congestion given the high motor vehicle density
                                                                                     and limited road infrastructure
 • Parking management schemes to improve road capacity
                                                                                   • Reducing real estate–related market risks in suburban regions
 • Collaboration with the private sector to use technologies such as
                                                                                     when expanding “Rail+Property” models (a type of land value
   AI and big data for traffic law enforcement
                                                                                   • Maintaining quality and coverage of road infrastructure, as the
                                                                                     urban population and car ownership rise
Deloitte City Mobility Index                 Shenzhen

    Key focus areas to improve
                                                                   Implement revised                       Encourage the use                    Reduce financial
    city mobility and realize the                                  land use policies to                    of public and active                 dependence on
    Future of Mobility:                                           accommodate rising
                                                                     car ownership
                                                                                                           modes of transport
                                                                                                               to mitigate
                                                                                                                                             government capital for
                                                                                                                                               maintaining public
                                                                                                           congestion-related                    transportation
                                                                                                                  issues                            networks

             Performance and                                               Vision and leadership                                   Service and inclusion
    Shenzhen is using AI and big data                             The government has recently reformed                    Shenzhen has a highly accessible public
    techniques to improve road safety. It is                      land policy to finance transportation                    transportation system overall; however,
    also using trading mechanisms and                             programs and is subsidizing charging                    the bus infrastructure needs
    parking policies to deal with greenhouse                      infrastructure to push electric vehicle (EV)            improvement.
    gas (GHG) emissions and congestion.                           adoption.                                               • The city has a robust public transportation
    • The city is collaborating with private                      • While using “Rail+Property” models to                   system, with good geographic coverage
      companies to use AI and big data to                           finance infrastructure projects helps                   and accessibility. Around 80 percent of bus
      improve road safety, communications, and                      attract private investors, reduces land fees,           stops in the city are available within a
      peer efficiency. The Shenzhen Traffic                         and decreases dependency on                             walking distance of 500m.
      Police Bureau uses these technologies to                      government capital by almost 50 percent,
                                                                                                                          • The city is extending the metro network as
      identify images of traffic violations, with 95                it also introduces market risks.
                                                                                                                            well as a road construction program to
      percent accuracy.
                                                                  • To accelerate the EV adoption, the city is              further develop and strengthen public and
    • In order to deal with the GHG emissions,                      primarily focused on subsidizing the                    private transport in expanding exo-urban
      Shenzhen has included the public                              construction of charging infrastructure. By             regions of the city.
      transportation department in its carbon                       2018, the city’s electric bus fleet will have
                                                                                                                          • All metro stations in Shenzhen are
      trading program, Shenzhen ETS.                                more than 16,000 battery-powered buses
                                                                                                                            equipped with barrier-free lifts; however,
                                                                    in operation.
    • Shenzhen is piloting a parking                                                                                        the city bus system is not accessible to
      management policy to address congestion                     • Shenzhen is a hub of the Greater Bay Area,              disabled people.
      challenges. The policy is aiming to take                      part of the national strategy to create an
      330,000 vehicles off the road each day.                       integrated economic zone by connecting
                                                                    Hong Kong, Macao, and other districts.
                                                                    Once infrastructure projects are
                                                                    completed, the city needs to work on
                                                                    developing intercity transportation.

       With its consistent focus and investments in the electrification of transport modes, Shenzhen has marked its presence on the global map by
       switching on the world’s largest electric bus fleet. The city has very strong carsharing and bikesharing systems, which helps make the
       transportation system sustainable and provides first- and last-mile solutions.
       The transport authority of Shenzhen is currently focusing on tackling the high congestion levels in the city by using technologies and effective
       parking management. If Shenzhen is able to keep its transit system growing at the same pace as its economy, it can potentially become the
       leading global city for public transportation.

    Simon Dixon                                                   Marco Hecker                                            Clare Jiong Lin Ma
    Global Transportation leader                                  Future of Mobility leader                               Smart City leader
    Partner                                                       Deloitte China                                          Deloitte China
    Deloitte MCS Limited                                          Tel: +852 2852 6588                                     Tel: +86 21 2312 7461
    Tel: +44 (0) 207 303 8707                                     Mobile: +86 185 1622 1169                               Mobile: +86 137 0164 6437
    Email:                                 Email:                          Email:

    About the Deloitte City Mobility Index                        About this publication                                  Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited
    The Deloitte City Mobility Index reviews major cities         This publication has been written in general terms      by guarantee (“DTTL”). DTTL and each of its
    on key aspects of mobility and the resulting                  and we recommend that you obtain professional           member firms are legally separate and indepen-
    relationship to economic performance. Drawing on              advice before acting or refraining from action on       dent entities. DTTL and Deloitte NWE LLP do not
    publicly available data, client conversations, and            any of the contents of this publication. Deloitte MCS   provide services to clients. Please see
    bespoke Deloitte analyses, we assess each city’s              Limited accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to learn more about our
    ability to transport its citizens both now and in the         to any person acting or refraining from action as a     global network of member firms.
    future and therefore its potential to bring prosperity        result of any material in this publication.             © 2018 Deloitte MCS Limited. All rights reserved
    to the city.
                                                                  About Deloitte
    As we receive feedback, we will update and expand             Deloitte MCS Limited is registered in England and
    the analysis, which may mean the results shown in             Wales with registered number 03311052 and its
    this document may change.                                     registered office at Hill House, 1 Little New Street,
    For the full interactive index, visit the Deloitte City       London, EC4A 3TR, United Kingdom.
    Mobility Index at       Deloitte MCS Limited is a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP,
   For Deloitte’s insights on the Future of Mobility, visit       which is the United Kingdom affiliate of Deloitte            NWE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche
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