THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett

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THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett

                        AUGUST 2019

           APRIL 2018
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
Australia has a longstanding           freedoms the people of Hong Kong
    commitment to the stability of the     have grown up enjoying under
    global rules based order which         British government.
    has prevented major conflict and
    underpinned prosperity through         China is a valued trading partner for
    trade and lifted millions out of       Australia but I share the concerns of
    poverty around the world.              many regarding potential threats to
                                           the basic freedoms of Hong Kong
    This commitment includes security      citizens that were intended to be
    of global trade routes which has       protected under the “one country -
    led Prime Minister Scott Morrison      two systems” framework.
    to announce that we will contribute
    to an International Maritime Force     In this edition of the Fawcett Flyer,
    providing security for merchant        I will update you on developments
    vessels in the Persian Gulf’s Strait   from Committees (page 5), share
    of Hormuz.                             how a new agreement between
                                           the SA and Federal governments
    Yet again, the men and women of        will result in a boost to state
    the Australian Defence Force are       infrastructure (page 2), summarise
    stepping up to serve our national      our ongoing relationship with region
    interests. They are well equipped      partner the Solomon Islands (page
    and highly trained and as they         6), and how our Government is
    deploy I wish them success in their    pushing to protect farmers from
    mission in the Strait of Hormuz in     criminal threats (page 4).
    the Persian Gulf and a safe return
    to family and friends.                 If you would like more information
                                           on any of these or another issue of
    In addition to the global rules        a Federal nature, please contact
    based order, Australia continues       my office.
    to support freedom. In this context
    I continue to take considerable           SENATOR
    interest in developments in Hong          DAVID
    Kong. The circumstances in Hong
    Kong began in opposition to
    proposed extradition legislation
    but have developed into a broader
    bid to preserve the democratic

                                    AUGUST 2019
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
SA AND FED AGREEMENT                                                     2

Within the next two years, ten         is the North-South Corridor,
significant transport infrastructure   which will allow commuters to
projects will commence across          travel 78km uninterrupted from
Adelaide as a result of a new          Gawler to Old Noarlunga.
agreement between the Federal
and State Liberal governments      The Federal Government is
creating jobs, improving freight   providing $708 million to the
connections and safety, and        Northern Connector and $534
helping South Australians get      million to the Darlington Upgrade
where they need to go faster.      sections of the Corridor, both
                                   of which are expected to be
This agreement builds on completed in the next 12 months.
the strong record of our two The final Torrens to Darlington
governments working together to stage of the project will receive
deliver infrastructure investment $2.711 billion in Federal funding.
across Adelaide and the regions.
                                   In addition to road infrastructure,
In the fifteen years between we are investing in Adelaide’s
2013 and 2028, South Australia railway system with $62.5
is benefitting from more than $8 million to the Flinders Rail Link,
billion in Federal infrastructure and $220 million for the Gawler
funding - $1.9 billion over the Rail Line Electrification project –
next four years alone.             expected to be completed in late
$361 million of this federal
funding will be delivered through For more information on this
the Urban Congestion Fund. This agreement, click here or use the
program will fund upgrades to QR Code below.
rail crossing and intersections to
improve road safety and reduce
travel time for road users.

The most significant ongoing
infrastructure project in Adelaide

                            THE FAWCETT FLYER
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
3                                                             IN THE
    Adelaide          manufacturer     global supply chain for heavy
    Supashock’s new headquarters       transport vehicles and military
    at Holden Hill were officially     armoured vehicles as well as
    opened this month.                 developing smart systems to
                                       support operations and logistics.
    I attended the official opening
    alongside    Premier     Steven    They’re an exemplar of the
    Marshall, Senator the Hon Simon    ongoing       development     of
    Birmingham, and former Defence     Australia’s sovereign defence
    Minister    Christopher    Pyne    industry, delivering world class
    among many other distinguished     capability for our Defence force
    guests and defence personnel.      as well as developing new and
                                       innovative technology that is
    Founded in 2005 creating high      winning contracts in the US and
    performance automotive racing      Europe.
    shock absorbers, Supashock
    have since expanded into For more information on the
    defence mobility and now are Holden Hill facility opening, click
    developing parts specifically here or use the QR Code below.
    produced    for   autonomous

    In partnership with Rheinmetall,
    Supashock is now part of the

                                AUGUST 2019
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
CHANGES NEEDED TO                                4

                           PROTECT AUSTRALIAN FARMERS
Our Government is committed to             unwarranted. The Bill also covers
tackling the problem of activists          private agricultural businesses such
who illegally enter farms.                 as fishers and foresters- protecting
                                           our $60 billion agriculture industry.
Under the proposed Criminal Code
(Agricultural Protection) Bill 2019,       Exemptions have been included
activists who publish material via         in the proposed legislation for
a carriage service encouraging             whistle-blowers and journalists who
others to trespass or damage               expose instances of animal cruelty. I
property will be subject to heavier        support the protection of Australian
fines, and face up to 5 years’             farmers and agricultural workers,
imprisonment. The toughening of            and hope this amendment will draw
laws will protect Australian farming       a line in the sand to deter the illegal
families and agricultural businesses       behaviour of vigilante-activists.
from intimidation and harassment,
serious commercial damage and              Groups       who     incite  vigilante
other intrusions which inhibit             behaviour inviting their supporters
their ability to maintain an honest        to steal livestock from hardworking
livelihood.                                farmers, will now be liable for up to
                                           $2.1 million for breaches of privacy,
Farming and agriculture have long          should this legislation pass into law.
been an integral part of Australia’s
social, economic and environmental         This Bill is currently before the House
sustainability. Most farmers and           of Representatives and an inquiry
agricultural businesses are run by         on the impact of this legislation is
families, not giant multinationals,        being conducted by the Senate’s
and they simply aren’t able to             Legal and Constitutional Affairs
protect themselves adequately              Legislation Committee. To follow
against this threat to their livelihood.   the passage of this Bill, click here or
                                           use the QR code below.
Farmers are frontline contributors
to Australia’s food supply, and
trespassing on farming property
regardless of the motivation is

                               THE FAWCETT FLYER
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett

    In the August Parliamentary winter       national security bills which aim
    break, the work continues as there is    to strengthen Australia’s counter-
    more time to coordinate Committee        terrorism legislative framework, and
    hearings with the Members and            facilitate the secure, automated
    Senators.                                and accountable exchange of
                                             identity     information    between
    This month, the Parliamentary Joint      Commonwealth and state and
    Committee on Intelligence and            territory governments.
    Security (PJCIS) held its second
    public hearing for the inquiry into      The Senate Standing Committee on
    the Citizenship Revocation powers.       Environment and Communications
    This legislation is used to prevent      held two public hearings regarding
    terrorists who hold dual nationality     concerns over declining populations
    from returning to or remaining in        of threatened native animal species.
    Australia. The committee is required     This inquiry continues following
    by law to review the need for, use of    a reference initiated by Labor,
    and effectiveness of this legislation    the Greens and crossbench. The
    on a periodic basis.                     Federal Liberal Government has
                                             substantial conservation initiatives
    PJCIS also held a public hearing         such as Threatened Species
    for the inquiry into the impact of the   Strategy, Environment Restoration
    exercise of law enforcement and          Fund, Landcare, and Communities
    intelligence powers on the freedom       Environment Program investing
    of the press. Future inquiries for       many millions of dollars into proactive
    PJCIS include two reviews into three     environmental management.

                                     AUGUST 2019
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
SUPPORTING THE SOLOMON                              6

                          ISLANDS FOR LIFE AFTER RAMSI

Australia has a deep and long           treaty signed in 2017, we have
standing relationship with Solomon      committed to deeper cooperation
Islands. The Solomon Islands (SI)       on defence and security with SI.
have only recently emerged from
a decade and a half of political        Australia is providing technical
and social turmoil. Australia was       assistance to SI to help develop a
a partner in the 14 year Regional       border security strategy. Defence
Assistance Mission to Solomon           Minister, Senator the Hon Linda
Islands (RAMSI), and following its      Reynolds will visit SI to discuss
conclusion in June 17, SI have since    security cooperation later this
celebrated the success of their first   month.
democratic election since RAMSI.
                                        To support greater security and
Prime Minister Scott Morrison           stability in the region, $37.9 million
recently met with Prime Minister        in funding has been delivered
Manasseh Sogavare in the capital        to establish the Australia Pacific
city of Honoaria to discuss our         Security College, providing local
shared historical and geographical      senior executive and middle
ties (pictured, above).                 management security and law
                                        enforcement training to Pacific Island
In line with our bilateral security     nations so they are better equipped

                             THE FAWCETT FLYER
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
to face security challenges.            the region is another priority for the
                                            Government and DFAT. The “PACER
    The Seasonal Workers Program            Plus” agreement is a comprehensive
    is a mutually beneficial initiative     free trade agreement covering
    which helps fill labour shortages in    goods, services, and investment
    rural and regional Australia while      throughout the Pacific. The
    helping Pacific workers develop         agreement is an important part
    valuable skills and take up work        of Australia’s commitment to
    opportunities.                          help foster continued security
                                            and stability in the region and is
    Since 2012, the program has seen        expected to be ratified this year.
    over 18,000 pacific islanders travel
    to Australia for seasonal labour, and   As part of our ongoing commitment
    we’re providing $2.7 million over       to a sustainable climate, Prime
    three years to deliver additional       Minister Scott Morrison recently
    support for recruitment and             announced a $500 million dollar
    mobilisation of temporary workers.      renewable energy infrastructure
                                            and climate and disaster resilience
    As part of the new Australian           package at the Pacific Islands forum
    Infrastructure Financing Facility       in Tuvalu. This builds on the $300
    for the Pacific, announced by           million already given by the Federal
    Minister Payne in July, Australia       Liberal Government from 2016 to
    will provide up to $250 million         2020, highlighting our commitment
    to SI in grant financing over 10        to not just meet our emissions
    years to support key national and       reduction obligations at home, but
    economic      infrastructure such       to support our neighbours in the
    as telecommunications, energy,          Pacific too.
    transport, water amongst others.
                                            There is more that we are doing to
    Current trade ties with SI are          strengthen and engage with our
    fruitful with almost 900 Australian     neighbours in SI. Click here or use
    businesses benefiting from the          the QR code below to view.
    export of goods for a total of $317
    million worth of bilateral trade in

    Further economic development in

                                    AUGUST 2019
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
US AND NATO DELEGATIONS                                                 8


This month, I met with the           defence training and air patrols
Northern       Atlantic     Treaty   across the globe.
Organisation (NATO) Secretary-
General, Jens Stolenberg, to       Australia is one of five countries
discuss Australia’s ongoing        which        have       enhanced
commitment         to     NATO’s   opportunities for dialogue and
objectives as one of its largest   cooperation with the NATO
non-member contributors to the     Allies, and diplomatic relations
International Security Assistance  with member states have
Force and related operations.      been positive for Australian
                                   representation in the Assembly’s
We      shared      a  productive biannual summit-level meetings.
discussion regarding Australia’s
role in global security and As part of my role as Chair of
stability. I look forward to the Joint Standing Committee
representing the Government at for Foreign Affairs, Defence and
the 65th Annual Session of the Trade (JSCFADT), I met with a
NATO Parliamentary Assembly in US Congressional Delegation
London, in October this year.      to discuss regional security
                                   and trade and to explore new
NATO is currently leading measures we could back to
missions in Afghanistan with further enhance the ongoing
Australian support and engages close relationship between the
in air defence support activities, US and Australia.
disaster     relief   operations,

                           THE FAWCETT FLYER
THE FAWCETT FLYER AUGUST 2019 - Senator David Fawcett
9                                            AUSTRALIA’S JOBS
                                           AND TRADE GROWTH
    Despite the global economic        on improving the strength of
    caution and fear, Australians      our export sector by promoting
    were given a number of reasons     growth of Australian industries
    this month to be optimistic        into overseas markets.
    about the economic future of our
    nation.                            We have signed Free Trade
                                       Agreements with Hong Kong,
    In July, more than 41,000 new      Indonesia, Peru, and Pacific
    jobs were created throughout       Island nations, and are in the
    Australia, of which 34,500 were    process of negotiating an
    full time. More than 1.4 million   agreement with the EU. An FTA
    new jobs have been created         with the EU has the potential
    across our economy since a         to open up a market of 500
    Federal Liberal Government was     million people and a GDP of
    elected in 2013. The percentage    $25.1 trillion, underpinning the
    of working age Australians on      Government’s commitment to
    welfare has fallen to 14.3%        ensuring open trade, a key part
    – the lowest rate of welfare       of the plan to keep our economy
    dependency in over 30 years –      strong. It will advance our
    and our labour force participation election commitment to ensure
    rate is now 66.1% - a record high. around 90% of Australia’s trade
    Australia’s employment growth      is covered by FTAs by 2022.
    rate hit 2.6% for the year, above
    the 1.8% long term average.         In addition to FTA’s, the 2019/20
                                        Federal Budget included $61
    Domestic job creation is million over the next three
    positively influenced by healthy years to support Australian
    international trade and Australia businesses looking to break into
    is reaping the reward of a record new international markets and
    trade surplus of $49.89 billion for sell their products overseas,
    the 2018/19 financial year. An as part of the Export Market
    increase of more than $66 billion Development Grants (EMDG)
    on 2017/18, we’re focussed scheme.

                                 AUGUST 2019
OUT                                                                             10


On the anniversary of the Battle        Parliamentary Joint Committee on
of Long Tan, I joined with others
                                        Intelligence and Security public
to remember the service and
                                        hearings allow Senators and
sacrifice of South Australians in a
                                        Members to question witnesses in
commemorative service for Vietnam
Veterans.                               relation to the continued efficacy of
Of the 521 Australian servicemen        a Bill passed by Parliament.
killed in the Vietnam War, 58 of them   This month, we held a further
were from South Australia.              hearing to inquire of the Citizenship
                                        Revocation powers.

                                               For more, like
                                            @senatorfawcett on

At    the    official  opening     of
Supashock’s new Holden Hill facility,
I took the opportunity to speak with
many of the distinguished guests,
including former Defence Minister
the Hon Christopher Pyne, and ADF

                            THE FAWCETT FLYER

     Senator for South Australia
     Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

     Suite 4 13/100 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
     8205 1040

                               SUITE 4, LEVEL 13, 100 KING     2018
                                                           WILLIAM STREET ADELAIDE SA 5000
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