The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019

The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
The Fix Episode Guide
        Episodes 001–010
Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019

The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
c 2019             c 2019            c 2019

The summaries and recaps of all the The Fix episodes were downloaded from and http://www. and and processed through a perl program to transform them in a LATEX file,
for pretty printing. So, do not blame me for errors in the text !

This booklet was LATEXed on May 24, 2019 by footstep11 with create_eps_guide v0.61
The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019

Season 1                                                                                                                                                                                  1
  1    Pilot . . . . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    3
  2    Revenge . . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    7
  3    The Wire . . . . . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    9
  4    Scandal . . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   13
  5    Lie to Me . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   17
  6    The Fugitive . . . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   21
  7    Ghost Whisperer . .       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   25
  8    Queen for a Day . .       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   29
  9    Jeopardy! . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   33
  10   Making a Murderer         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   37

Actor Appearances                                                                                                                                                                        41
The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
The Fix Episode Guide

The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
Season One
The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
The Fix Episode Guide

                                          Season 1
                                     Episode Number: 1
                                     Season Episode: 1

   Originally aired:   Monday March 18, 2019
   Writer:             Marcia Clark, Elizabeth Craft, Sarah Fain
   Director:           Larysa Kondracki
   Show Stars:         Robin Tunney (Maya Travis), Adam Rayner (Matthew Collier), Merrin
                       Dungey (CJ Emerson), Breckin Meyer (Alan Wiest), Marc Blucas (River
                       ’Riv’ Allgood), Mouzam Makkar (Loni Kampoor), Alex Saxon (Gabriel
                       Johnson), Scott Cohen (Ezra Wolf), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Sev-
                       eren ’Sevvy’ Johnson)
   Guest Stars:        Daniella Alonso (Effy Collier), Christopher Curry (John Meyer), Robin
                       Givens (Julianne Johnson), Chasten Harmon (Star Johnson), Robbie
                       Jones (Detective Vincent North), Taylor Kalupa (Jessica Meyer), Ju-
                       lian Acosta (Detective Diego Ramon), Abraham Lim (Ares Ahn), Jor-
                       dan Calloway (Samuel Johnson), Mitchell Edwards (Severen Johnson
                       Jr.), Cinthya Carmona (Imelda), Jill Jacobson (Beth Meyer), Davis Noir
                       (Tuan), Alyssa Owens (Sunny Johnson), Rosemary Stevens (Clerk),
                       Laura Diaz (News Anchor 1), Victoria Recano (News Anchor 2), Julian
                       Dujarric (News Anchor 3), J.M. Longoria (Reporter 3), Kevin Tomlin-
                       son (Reporter 4), Helen Kennedy (Reporter 5), Jeff Ash (Protester #1),
                       Clyde Broom Jr. (Protester #2), J.E. Burton (Court Visitor), Raymond
                       Spaulding (Pedestrian)
   Summary:            High profile Sevvy Johnson is found not guilty of murdering two
                       women, and eight years later, he’s suspected in his new girlfriend’s
                       murder. The former county prosecutor who lost the first case returns
                       to try and convict Sevvy this time.

                                                        The episode begins with Maya Travis
                                                        stopping on the side of the road to take
                                                        a call, learning that the murder trial of
                                                        Sevvy Johnson if coming to an end af-
                                                        ter 8 grueling months. Ezra Wolf tried
                                                        to paint the story as a case of racism;
                                                        Maya Travis found back to find him the
                                                        movie star guilty of two murders, Maya
                                                        and Ezra meet in the elevator before be-
                                                        ing surrounded by an angry mob, rooting
                                                        for both sides. The verdict is read and the
                                                        jury finds Sevvy not guilty on all charges;
                                                        devastating Maya.
                                                            At home, Maya Travis reviews the pho-
                                                        tos of her victims and the murder scene,
frustrated at the loss. Her assistant, CJ tries to assure her that she did everything she could,
but she doesn’t feel that matters.
   8 Years Later — Monroe, Washington
   Maya is enjoying horseback riding when she finds Riv in the barn with the new cold that was
just born. She seems to be thoroughly enjoying farm life when she spots Matthew Collier on her
front porch, revealing, ”He has done it again!” asking her to come back and promising this time
they will get him.

The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
The Fix Episode Guide

    The media outlets are revealing that Jessica Meyer, the girlfriend of Sevvy Johnson was found
five days earlier bludgeoned to death. In the corner of the TV screen, Ezra recognizes Sevvy and
rushes out of the bar; just as Maya makes her way back to LAX. She is sure she is going to only
stay for a couple of days, confessing she cannot get his former victims out of her mind. She can’t
go any further than looking through old case files and says she will not go through this again.
    At the funeral home, both Star Johnson and her brother, Gabriel are sure he is innocent. He
doesn’t like how her family is looking at him. Matthew brings Maya back to her old place where
she immediately finds her gun. Ezra pulls Sevvy away from Jessica’s family; saying he is making
a scene and the best advice he could take is go home and stay low.
    Matthew and Maya review their case files when Matthew asks her to check out Loni Kampoor.
She refuses to go back into the DA office, she admits she is still a lawyer and knows the rules. He
admits it is great to see her as she notices that he got married to Effy, the reporter. She reveals
she is with a cowboy but they are not married.
    Sevvy watches the news but tells his baby girl, not to listen to the news as it is people just
talking, Matthew will with witnesses, but all he wants is for Maya to find him something; just
as she questions if he really thinks Sevvy is stupid enough to kill again. Just then he gets a call
from Sevvy who is at the precinct willing to answer any questions. He says he is there without
counsel as he doesn’t want them wasting time on him while the real killer is out there. He says
Gabe doesn’t believe he killed his mother, Jessica as he knows he loved his mother. Maya feels
they are getting nowhere in interrogation and having Matthew a piece of paper, saying it will
definitely shake things up.
    Questioning continues as they want to know if he ever hit Jessica, wondering if she cheated
on him. He tells the officer to ”piss off”. He starts to laugh and walks up to the one-way mirror,
asking if Maya is back there and she will never get him as he is an innocent man!
    Sevvy grabs Ezra, saying he cannot go back to jail; meanwhile, at home, Maya watches an
interview between Sevvy and Jessica. She calls Matthew saying she is coming back, shocked to
learn that Alan Wiest is the current DA. Many people are not thrilled she is there but Matthew
says he is the lead on the case. In their meeting, Maya reminds them that Sevvy had 8 years to
think of his mistakes and he definitely won’t make the same ones again. They are checking for
blood, DNA and surveillance. CJ says she came in to check Ben Mitchell story but so far things
are checking. Maya wants them to observe the googly eyes, which shows Jessica looking to see if
what she is saying is approved and desperately avoiding conflict. Maya says Jessica was simply
a decoration in his house, just like his wife before.
    Maya feels none of this feels good, but Matthew begs her for a few weeks to help him get
Sevvy into jail. Ezra meets with his law firm and says their life is completely his until they prove
Sevvy is innocent, and all the idiots on social media could either be for them or against them. He
introduces them all to Ares Ahn saying he is their guru; so they need to get the jury to like them;
making American fall back in love with Sevvy Johnson.
    Maya comes to see CJ, who is checking Jessica’s pings on her cellphone. There is no storage
unit, but Maya knows CJ is pissed off at her for leaving LA; they were supposed to be ”ride or
die” and she simply vanished on her. She wants to know if Sevvy took Jessica to Bora Bora as
that is always his first makeup gift after he gives his woman a severe beating.
    Mr Meye stops Maya in the streets, asking if she is there for his daughter. She offers her
condolences, but he knows she is there if Sevvy is the one who murdered his daughter. He
doesn’t want her anywhere near this case because had she won the last case, his daughter
would still be alive.
    Maya’s confrontation with Jessica’s father is all over the news, as Matthew doesn’t think
this will convince her to stay. He admits she has been through a lot, even though she ran. His
girlfriend feels he can’t be the fall guy if this all goes South.
    Maya goes to the ocean where she calls Riv, telling him she misses him. Ezra is confronted,
saying he can tell his bosses that his cash cow is coming in and the bosses will be paid in full.
Ezra is whacked with a crowbar, reminding him that next time won’t be so nice. Maya is able
to get through the paparazzi while Wiest is presented with a photo that proves Mitchell and
Jessica’s relationship was not all business. CJ is told to dig into it further and to show the photo
to Matthew and Maya, but she says she will only show it to Matthew. Wiest says that before
Johnson’s trial, Maya used to be fun.
    Cj watches the video and notes Star’s name. Maya is suddenly awakened by a loud noise, she

The Fix Episode Guide - Episodes 001-010 Last episode aired Monday May 20, 2019
The Fix Episode Guide

retrieves her gun and approaches the door; finding Riv, who was simply worried about her. He
admits to seeing the news, holding her as she reveals last time the media was so much worse.
   Sevvy meets with CJ, who talks about their first house and how they raised three kids in that
house. She says a detective came by her house and left her something, just like last time as they
always want to talk to the ex. He swears he didn’t do it but she feels he didn’t just like he loved,
her and Cassandra before her.
   Riv and Maya wake up together; he says they have a good 7 hours before their flight and she
could show him the Hollywood sign. She admits that they asked her to stay but this it, not the
world she wants to be in. The doorbell sounds and she thinks it is a reporter, planning to open
the door with a mean face. CJ reveals that Jessica did hide things but simply not under her
name. They find Star, who says Jessica had a storage locker in her name. Maya wants Sevvy to
be innocent, reminding her that she doesn’t need to do anything wrong to feel guilty.
   Ezra holds a press conference, while Star gives CJ and Maya access to her storage locker. Ezra
says hehe won 8 years earlier and this is simply a vendetta to get him back. The Mayor wants to
see Wiest, who tells his receptionist to tell him that he isn’t there. Maya and CJ open the storage
locker as Wiest says Ben Mitchell is the killer and the only reason he got off his because he was
a white man. May and CJ find evidence in the locker, including a video of Jessica with bruises all
of her face and her admitting he did it again. She says her dad tried to warn her as she reveals
the bruises all over her belly and back; Maya says that probably causes and Matthew says he is
getting a warrant.
   Maya returns home, telling Riv she can’t leave until this is over. He worries if she takes this
on again, he will lose her as this isn’t her fight. She feels she needs to do this for all of Sevvy’s
victims. He asks her why she never sold the house, believing she kept it because she is not done
there. He begs her to get done so she can get home to him. She kisses him as she promises she
   Cj comes to see Wiest, informing her that Maya is staying but she is the lead prosecutor and
everyone else is fully on board. CJ says she looks forward to working with her. Maya orders
everyone to tear the place down to the studs without making any mistakes. Ezra calls Sevvy,
ordering him to get rid of anything he doesn’t want them to find before they get there; Ezra
thanks CJ for everything, saying he owes her one. Sevvy gives Gabriel Johnson something to get
rid of before the police arrive, all too willing to let them in.
   Several people working for Sevvy get rid of various evidence in different places so they cannot
find it. Ezra stands with Sevvy as CJ, Matthew and Maya face him. Maya asks him, ”Miss me!”

The Fix Episode Guide

The Fix Episode Guide

                                           Season 1
                                      Episode Number: 2
                                      Season Episode: 2

   Originally aired:   Monday March 25, 2019
   Story:              Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain
   Teleplay:           Marcia Clark
   Director:           Michael Katleman
   Show Stars:         Robin Tunney (Maya Travis), Adam Rayner (Matthew Collier), Merrin
                       Dungey (CJ Emerson), Breckin Meyer (Alan Wiest), Marc Blucas (River
                       ’Riv’ Allgood), Mouzam Makkar (Loni Kampoor), Alex Saxon (Gabriel
                       Johnson), Scott Cohen (Ezra Wolf), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Sev-
                       eren ’Sevvy’ Johnson)
   Guest Stars:        Michael Gladis (Ben Mitchell), Chasten Harmon (Star Johnson), Rob-
                       bie Jones (Detective Vincent North), Vannessa Vasquez (Dia Briseño),
                       Abraham Lim (Ares Ahn), Edward Zo (Max Shen), Robert Wis-
                       dom (Buck Neal), Caroline Choi (Stacy Shen), Mitchell Edwards
                       (Severen Johnson Jr.), Kimberly Leemans (Lindsay Berg), Ludwig
                       Manukian (Rafi Nazarian), Alyssa Owens (Sunny Johnson), Michael
                       Minto (Waiter), Lisa Breckenridge (Female News Anchor), Stephanie
                       Maura Sanchez (Reporter Franks), Fernando Rodriguez-Vila (Reporter
                       Adams), Tom Zenner (Reporter Simms), Desi Williams (Field Reporter),
                       Melvin Robert (Male Field Reporter), Reggie Brown (Reporter 1), Heath
                       Gfeller (Reporter 2), Marin Austin (Reporter 3), Taylor Kalupa (Jessica
   Summary:            Maya and Matthew search Sevvy’s house for anything that might lead
                       to an arrest as they face mounting pressure from Wiest to build a case
                       quickly; Ezra tries to clean up Sevvy’s image.

                                                         The District Attorney’s office is in tur-
                                                         moil. Wolf’s tactics have their public im-
                                                         age look bad as he uses the media to his
                                                         advantage. Besides this, the lawyers ar-
                                                         gue among each other. Alan Wiest takes
                                                         notice of Matthew Collier’s tactics as he
                                                         brings Maya back to handle the case. To
                                                         Alan, Matthew is using Maya as insur-
                                                         ance if their case ends up like their previ-
                                                         ous one.
                                                            Meanwhile, Loni Kampoor clashes
                                                         with Maya, frankly revealing her dis-
                                                         agreement with Maya handling the mur-
                                                         der case as well as blatantly questioning
                                                         Maya’s abilities. On the other hand, CJ
Emerson finally confronts Maya for her eight-year sudden absence. A lot happened since their
last case, and this makes Maya’s not so smooth welcome into the office. Indeed, Maya’s return
not only causes the public eye to turn to them; it also caused her former colleagues to turn their
back on her seemingly.
    Wolf’s plan to make the public fall in love with Sevvy once again significantly shapes the fate
of the murder case. He and Ares Ahn, stage a brunch between Sevvy and his family at Jessica’s
favorite restaurant. Star Johnson took considerable convincing before she agreed to go to brunch

The Fix Episode Guide

with them. Once the Johnsons reach the restaurant, Wolf and Ares monitor the events taking
    Star, unable to hide from her remorse, decides to leave, speeding past the media. Sevvy then
diverts the press to him to let Star go peacefully. With the media surrounding him, Sevvy is
obliged to leave a statement. To Wolf and Ares’ surprise, Sevvy saves face by telling the media
that he and his family are there to grieve the loss of Jessica and that the police have his full
cooperation if they deem it necessary to solving Jessica’s murder.
    Wolf’s tactics did not stop at the Johnson Family image alone. Ben Mitchell, Jessica’s Fitness
Training client, experiences what he fears the most as Wolf releases a video of him throwing
Jessica’s necklace in a dumpster. While the police had previously declared him irrelevant to the
case, the new video changes everything.
    Maya and their team find something suspicious in Sevvy’s mansion during their search: a
burner phone, a considerable amount of money, and keys to a car. While the evidence they
found is inconclusive to the case, it lands them closer to formulating their lawsuit. Because of
this, Maya and CJ decide to head out to the crime scene, hoping to find a different lead. Luckily,
Maya’s skills led her to a bonfire possibly put out hours after Ben finds Jessica’s body.
    Wolf’s media stint prompted Maya and CJ to visit Ben, knowing that the media is after him.
In his residence, Ben insists on his innocence and tells the truth about the necklace. Jessica
dropped the jewelry during a party they attended, and he meant to give it to her the morning he
discovered her body. With that said, Maya reassures Ben that things will go back to normal so
long as he tells them the truth and that he has the patience to wait for public scrutiny to fade.
    Using her connections, CJ manages to set up a meeting between a potential witness to the
crime. Also, CJ’s traces the car keys they found in Sevvy’s mansion registered to a car owned by
Ben. First, Maya and CJ have a word with Ben and his lawyer, stressing the fact that he lied to
them. Ben was helping Jessica escape from Sevvy, but she still chose to stay. Frustrated, Ben
and his lawyer leave the interview room. Maya does not wish to convict Ben, but if the evidence
continues to point to him, they have no choice.
    Their interview with the witness, Edward Zo, clears Ben’s name. Edward reveals that he saw
Ben panicking when he found Jessica’s body. However, it was too late for Ben. He broadcasted
live, insisting on his innocence before taking his own life.
    Now that the other suspect to the case is dead, Maya decides to use Wolf’s tactics against
him. Using the footage found in Jessica’s locker, Maya shifts public focus to Wolf instead, declar-
ing him Ben Mitchell’s killer. Taken aback, the media ask questions almost simultaneously, all
equally surprised with the beat they have.
    Sevvy, on the other hand, has Buck Neal, a longtime friend and Wolf’s fixer, drive him to
an undisclosed location. Masking his identity, Sevvy walks down an alley heading straight to a
residential area. Dia Briseño, opens her door to find Sevvy there. She welcomes him happily, but
Sevvy grabs her by the arms, demanding to know if she killed Jessica.

The Fix Episode Guide

                                         The Wire
                                          Season 1
                                     Episode Number: 3
                                     Season Episode: 3

   Originally aired:   Monday April 01, 2019
   Writer:             Jerome Schwartz, Denise Hahn
   Director:           Steve Robin
   Show Stars:         Robin Tunney (Maya Travis), Adam Rayner (Matthew Collier), Merrin
                       Dungey (CJ Emerson), Breckin Meyer (Alan Wiest), Marc Blucas (River
                       ’Riv’ Allgood), Mouzam Makkar (Loni Kampoor), Alex Saxon (Gabriel
                       Johnson), Scott Cohen (Ezra Wolf), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Sev-
                       eren ’Sevvy’ Johnson)
   Guest Stars:        Daniella Alonso (Effy Collier), Daniel Buran (Pockmark), Lynn Collins
                       (Dr. Carys Daly), Robin Givens (Julianne Johnson), Vannessa Vasquez
                       (Dia Briseño), Angela Lin (Laura Wu), Kj Smith (Charlie), Robert Wis-
                       dom (Buck Neal), Gabriel Sousa (Valet), Taylor Kalupa (Jessica Meyer)
   Summary:            Maya convinces an asset to wear a wire during a rendezvous with
                       Sevvy; Ezra works to create an alibi for Sevvy and he sends his hench-
                       man, Buck, to pay a visit to Riv at his ranch.

                                                         The episode begins with Sevvy Johnson
                                                         squeezing his girlfriend, Dia’s arms de-
                                                         manding to know if she killed Jessica
                                                         Meyer; but she is able to prove she was
                                                         out of town and forgives him for hurting
                                                         her. Meanwhile, Maya Travis talks to Riv
                                                         who is at their ranch, as she wishes she
                                                         was there to feed the horses and both
                                                         are tired of being alone. Riv encourages
                                                         her, feeling she may win this case quicker
                                                         than she thinks; a noise distracts her and
                                                         she hangs up the phone to investigate.
                                                         With a gun in hands, she finds a jewelry
box with a note that says, ”Welcome Back!” she stores it with dozens of others/
    Ezra Wolf has a live interview, saying he hasn’t been able to verify the video and the press
conference only proves that Maya has a vendetta against Sevvy. He smirks when asked if he is
responsible for Ben Mitchell’s death, but he claims his suicide is a travesty and should not be
used as a publicity stunt, but it seems like Maya will do anything to win. After the interview, Ezra
is told he has a problem controlling his client, revealing where Sevvy went the previous night.
    In the morning, Sevvy is confronted by his son, Gabriel who demands to know where he was
and shows him the press conference showing Jessica’s bruises; he shouts that he was only trying
to be a good son and that Sevvy knew Gabe would run the extra mile to prove he is a good and
loyal son. He rushes out, saying he doesn’t have to believe his dad at all.
    Maya learns she is a meme on social media as CJ reminds her of the old rumors of Maya and
Matthew Collier having a secret love child. Maya reveals she got a present from her stalker/biggest
fan, but they need to drop this discussion as she needs to focus on the case. Matthew calls her
into his office, saying they are not a team and he is the one who handles the media. She doesn’t
think they have enough to arrest Sevvy, but they are hoping to get someone from his outer circle
to talk.
    Ezra is on the phone with Loni Kampoor who defends her lack of knowledge on the press
conference, but he orders her to figure it out. Sevvy is getting his IV infusion when Ezra arrives

The Fix Episode Guide

giving Sevvy a guilt trip as he is making it hard to make it appear like he is a grieving boyfriend if
he is out getting a booty call from another girl. He warns him that this isn’t 8 years ago, and Maya
just took a knife to their jury pool and any fans he had left. Ezra gives him a new phone with
only his number on it. Ezra learns there is a way in and out of Sevvy’s place that no one knows
about; realizing they are screwed because the only thing they had going for them is the security
cameras didn’t catch him leaving the house the morning of Jessica’s murder. Sevvy wants him
to figure it out.
    Loni says Maya’s press conference took a lot of balls and is offering a white flag. She encour-
ages Maya to use her team as CJ comes in with information about his Sevvy’s newest side piece.
The kitchen manager gave her a receipt, asking if she is ready to meet Sevvy’s other woman
and they head off to Dia’s house. Maya immediately gets into her face, saying Sevvy did this on
purpose to use her as an excuse and she really isn’t anyone special. Maya tells her she is under
arrest for a DUI from earlier, taking the name ”bitch” as a compliment from Sevvy and Dia.
    Sevvy is furious as he loses his career, fans and family; begging Jules Johnson to talk some
sense into Gabe, even though she feels he won’t listen to her because she isn’t his mother. He
denies that he is hiding anything from her, but if she wants to keep everything they built together,
she will help him.
    Dia insists that Sevvy is innocent, while Maya questions whether Sevvy ever hit her and if he
hasn’t done it, its only because she hasn’t been around long enough. She calls Maya a ”white
bred bitch” and Loni says she is like a raptor in heels. CJ feels Loni is selling it in interrogation,
as Maya can’t believe what is being said about her. Loni plays the victim card and becoming
nothing to the men in their lives. She asks if Dia wishes there was a way she could take her
power back.
    Charlie escorts Dr. Lisa Abboud to his office, wanting to talk to his ex about Sevvy. He suggests
that she help them and maybe she used the private entrance the morning of Jessica’s murder.
She feels he is desperate but he reminds her that he always wins; she smugly tells him that he
will have to win this one without her.
    Maya greets Effy at the door when Matthew comes outside as she reveals they flipped Sevvy’s
mistress who has agreed to wear a wire, but she needs his approval before moving ahead.
Matthew is concerned that they believe he already killed three women, Maya doesn’t think they
will get a confession but he could say something incriminating. She taunts him about running
behind his nice, safe desk; so he either trusts her or he doesn’t. He signs the papers, saying he
always trusted her and she needs to keep her safe.
    Ezra finds Lisa, after she discovers the CD of Connor Zane, reminding her he was the rising
rockstar she used to treat but died from an overdose; only being saved by Ezra and now she owes
him, threatening to make the case reappear if he has too. She knows he is ruthless, wondering
if he would actually destroy her in order to get what he wants; he immediately says yes.
    Dia is prepped for her meeting with Sevvy, saying they need him to talk about anything about
Jessica and his ego is what will get him talking. She reminds Dia that she can sell this and
they send her out for her rendezvous with Sevvy. CJ reassures Maya that they have taken every
precaution to make sure Dia is protected. Matthew wakes up, quietly crawling out of bed to
call Maya; she reminds him this is below his pay grade now. He says he wants her to know he
supports her as she knows he misses all of it; he wishes her good luck as Effy confronts him,
saying she knows he is tempted to fall back into bad habits. She reminds him that she didn’t
give up her career so they could play the runner up to Alan Wiest; he promises it is all going to
happen for them. She claims to trust him.
    Dia sets up the room for Sevvy’s arrival, nervously waiting on the bed. Gabriel sits at the bar,
asking for them to change the channel as he doesn’t want to see Ezra’s interview on his father
anymore. He is told the TV is for everyone and if he doesn’t like it, he can drink in his own living
room. The drunk recognizes him as Sevvy Johnson’s son and wants to know how he lives with
himself, taking his Daddy’s money especially since everyone knows Sevvy killed his mom. A fight
breaks out and Jules rescues Gabe.
    Sevvy has a drink while waiting for Ezra. He shows him paperwork from his doctor, saying that
he was knocked out from the medications she gave him that morning. He says Lisa’s reputation
is sterling and he can make this stick. Ezra reminds him that being innocent and proving it are
two very different things. He wants Sevvy to memorize the words and tomorrow they will use it
like the Bible and preach.

The Fix Episode Guide

    At the hotel room, Dia takes off the bracelet Sevvy got her as she looks at a photo on her
phone. She quickly writes down that she is writing a wire and loves him. The door opens and it
is Buck Neal, Ezra’s fixer. Maya wants to see what he has to say; Dia is shocked to learn that
Sevvy sent him to break up with her. He pulls out $50 grand out of his pocket, encouraging her
to be a good girl and take the money.
    Dia storms out, saying she will sell this and steals keys from the valet; Maya ordering them to
follow her. She is heard on the wire saying that she was going to save his ass. As they give chase
they lose audio when she gets out of range. She bangs at the gate, demanding Sevvy Johnson to
open the gate in front of the press.
    Sevvy lets her in as she angrily confronts him about trying to pay her off like some whore. He
is able to prove that Ezra took his phone and even though Wolf broke up with her, it was done
with the right intentions. He suggests they lay low until things cool off. She is able to bring up
Jessica’s tapes and how they only show one side of him, and she wants the world to see the side
he sees. Maya, Loni and CJ are thrilled that she is back on script.
    Sevvy says he did not put those bruises on Jessica, but as soon as he is out of this mess he
will be with her for real. Sevvy confesses that Ezra has it all figured out and has made a fake
alibi with his doctor. He suggests she take the private way out to avoid paparazzi.
    Jules tells Gabe she is glad she got to the bar when she did and that his dad isn’t the only
one worried about him. He admits nothing is okay and doesn’t know what to do as he feels really
alone. She touches his face and leg, promising to help him through this. Meanwhile, Maya meets
with Ezra discreetly as she plays the recording of Sevvy confessing to Dia. He realizes she ran a
wire on Dia as they bicker about who can take the high road; Maya says this is about ending the
road for him, as she plans to get him disbarred. She also knows about Sevvy’s secret entrance
now and it will drive a massive hole in his case. She taunts him that Sevvy is going down for
murder and Ezra is going with him!
    Matthew brings her a reward for pulling an all-nighter; reminiscing about their first wire and
the treats they had. Maya feels he should have been there as she never saw him happier than
being in the trenches. She doesn’t judge him for his career choice while she was away but she
has to wonder if this is really him? He leans in and gently touches her hands, admitting he didn’t
know how hard this was going to be having her back. Before it can get overly emotional, he tells
her to enjoy the treats and leaves.
    Loni finds Ezra in the parking garage, angry that they ran a wire on Dia. She says she wasn’t
part of the plan and he is furious that she is lying. He threatens her with ”We’ll see!” as she
steps into the car terrified. Jules returns to the bar and meets up with the patron who fought
with Gabe. She hands him an envelope of cash, as he says it was a pleasure doing business. She
reminds him this was a one-time thing.
    Sevvy rushes into Ezra’s office, showing him the paparazzi’s video of Dia at his gate. Ezra
reveals they no longer have an alibi, revealing that during his meeting with Dia she was wearing
a wire and Maya has this all on tape. Sevvy feels he is better off without Ezra, firing him. He says
if he does fire him, he will crush him; Sevvy stands up to him and will do it back. Ezra says he
needs another million dollars to get them out of this mess.
    Sevvy throws a chair out of office window but Ezra suggests he focus on the long game and
focus who has thrown him in prison — Maya Travis!! Ezra swears he is going to destroy Maya as
Buck arrives at the ranch, with Riv unwittingly giving him a tour of the ranch as he claims to be
looking for a new horse.

The Fix Episode Guide

The Fix Episode Guide

                                          Season 1
                                     Episode Number: 4
                                     Season Episode: 4

   Originally aired:   Monday April 08, 2019
   Writer:             Wendy Mericle, Catherine LePard
   Director:           Edward Ornelas
   Show Stars:         Robin Tunney (Maya Travis), Adam Rayner (Matthew Collier), Merrin
                       Dungey (CJ Emerson), Breckin Meyer (Alan Wiest), Marc Blucas (River
                       ’Riv’ Allgood), Mouzam Makkar (Loni Kampoor), Alex Saxon (Gabriel
                       Johnson), Scott Cohen (Ezra Wolf), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Sev-
                       eren ’Sevvy’ Johnson)
   Guest Stars:        Daniella Alonso (Effy Collier), Robin Givens (Julianne Johnson),
                       Chasten Harmon (Star Johnson), Constance Marie (Mayor Stephanie
                       Russo), Rick Holmes (Ken Sanders), Taylor Kalupa (Jessica Meyer),
                       Abraham Lim (Ares Ahn), Kj Smith (Charlie), Robert Wisdom (Buck
                       Neal), Isiah Adams (Luke), Elia Cantu (Makeup Artist), Natasha Curry
                       (Morning Host), Eileen Gonzales (Female Reporter), Mark Kelly (Pho-
                       tographer), Link Ruiz (Janitor), Christopher Wolfe (Male Reporter)
   Summary:            Maya obtains surveillance footage of Jessica and Julianne the night
                       before Jessica’s death. Elsewhere, Maya finds out that there’s a mole
                       leaking information to Ezra.

                                                        The episode begins with Maya Travis
                                                        waking up to an expose about to be re-
                                                        vealed on the news; reminding everyone
                                                        that 8 years prior when she worked the
                                                        case, she had plenty of controversies then
                                                        too. Maya immediately calls Riv, who is
                                                        still dealing with Buck Neal; a random
                                                        stranger claiming the desire to buy some
                                                        horses. Buck gets a chance to explore the
                                                        office, his eye catches a video recorder on
                                                        the desk.
                                                            Sevvy Johnson visits Jessica Meyer’s
                                                        grave, expressing how much he misses
                                                        her; but is rudely interrupted by pa-
                                                        parazzi. He hands Sevvy a tracker that
they use to track famous people.
    Maya arrives at the office, asking CJ what she found. CJ believes she is able to fill on part
of the gap missing in Jessica’s timeline, possible witness to her state of mind the night before
the murder. Matthew Collier learns the expose is probably Ezra Wolf making noise because she
busted his alibi.
    Meanwhile, Loni Kampoor is secretly taking photos of Ezra and some men leaving a ware-
house; she pays the janitor money to learn how often Ezra goes there. Ezra returns to his office
and when Area Ahn is unable to find a current photo of Maya; Ezra calls Buck, who tells him he
is working on it.
    Maya is called into Alan Wiest office, where he introduces her to Ken Sanders, the PR consul-
tant. She is not interested in the help as she feels she is one piece of evidence away from nailing
Sevvy Johnson.
    Sevvy goes to see his son, Gabriel Johnson after learning he got into a fight. He lets Gabe
know he can come home anytime as they are now living in the city; Gabe says there is no way he

The Fix Episode Guide

is moving home. Julianne ”Jules” Johnson reminds Sevvy he needs to give his son some space
but he gets frustrated that Gabe won’t talk to him. She tells him the more he holds on, the harder
than will break free as no one wants to be controlled. Sevvy leaves, knowing he placed a tracker
on his son.
    Maya and CJ walk to The House of Pies, where they see footage of Jessica meet with Julianne
    Buck shakes hands with Riv, still talking about buying a thoroughbred; he walks back
through the barn when Riv holds a gun to his head. Riv learns he is really Buck Neal, who
says footage on his ”girl” is worth a lot right now. CJ issues her a warning when Riv sends her
the photo, as things are going to get much rougher. They knock on Jules’ door, who slams it in
their face; Maya tells CJ it is time to do some digging.
    While looking at the footage Buck obtained, Ezra feels Maya should have just started on the
farm; but has no second thoughts on what they are doing.
    Jules calls Sevvy demanding to know why Maya Travis was just knocking at her door. He
promises to find out, but hangs up when he sees that Gabe went to Star Johnson’s place; not
even taking Sevvy’s call.
    The legal team is in the middle of a meeting when Wiest walks in, wanting to know if Maya
and Matthew are lovers, showing them the expose on the news. Both adamantly deny have any
involvement with each other, but Loni shows the link and there is no denying the people in bed
look extremely similar to Maya and Michael. Maya calls Riv, who said he didn’t watch the video
because whatever she did is in her past. He reminds her that he loves her and has her back no
matter what. Michael says Effy is fine. The tech team calls it a ”deep fake” and are becoming
more and more common. He has to go prepare a statement over the scandalous news.
    Gabe wants Star to tell him the truth about their dad, Sevvy. She reveals that he used to hit
her mom but Gabe isn’t sure if he did with his mom as he was very young; both feel guilty about
introducing Jessica to Sevvy. A very drunk Gabe says he couldn’t have known but he helped
him; that is all Star gets out of him before he passes out.
    Mayor Stephanie Russo walks into Wiest’s office, saying they need to talk about Maya Travis’
tape which is everywhere. She feels Maya’s credibility is shot and he has to fire her. He insists
Maya hasn’t done anything wrong but she wants to make one up and let her go. She casually
mentions that she thinks Matthew Collier is planning to put his hat in the ring for elections,
causing Wiest to pause.
    Sevvy meets with Ezra, informing him that Maya showed up at Jules’ house. He tries to
reassure him that things are about to get better. Together they sit down with Matthew holding a
press conference about the deep fake video that has popped up in the media. In the midst of the
conference, a message is sent to the tabloids, making it seem like Matthew and Maya met at a
hotel approximately a year earlier. The mixed tape is completely fake but the photos are real. At
this point, Ezra tells Sevvy if they are able to cast reasonable doubt there really is no case.
    Maya insists she was there for a horse conference but she didn’t see Matthew. West admits he
was 100% on her coming back but he was a bit naive. She has more baggage than LAX and the
office cannot handle it. Matthew barges in, saying Maya Travis is the only one who can take down
Sevvy Johnson; Wiest tell Matthew the decision has been made and they could quit in solidarity
if they choose.
    Maya and Matthew were apparently in Seattle at the same time, or at least he thought he saw
her. She wishes she had said goodbye, but Matthew thinks he can convince them to keep Maya
on; if she is willing to stay.
    Ezra runs into Loni, who feels he is disgusting. When pressed, Loni blurts out that they have
footage of Julianne meeting with Jessica the night before she was murdered. They don’t know
what the meeting was about as Julianne stone-walled them. Ezra leaves, pleased with what he
    Star confronts Gabe about what he said in his drunkard stupor and he reveals the night they
learned the cops were coming, he took a bag for their dad and buried; he has no idea what is in
the bag but Star says they need to go find out.
    Sevvy sits in his home theater when his phone vibrates, informing him that Gabe is on the
move. Ezra has drinks with Jules; where she admits Maya was there but she has no idea until
he mentions the House of Pies. She admits that she met with Jessica there a few times on how
to co-parent the children and didn’t reveal it because she didn’t want to be involved in the trial.

The Fix Episode Guide

He advises her to make sure her alibi holds up when the cops discover this new evidence and
she was the last one to see Jessica alive.
    Maya is all set for her interview on the Southland morning show; hosted by Effy Collier. Effy
jumping right in it about being busy being a prosecutor but also sleeping with her husband.
Maya thanks her for allowing her to set the record straight and all this stuff is from a cheap
Lifetime movie. She admits had they ran into each other it would have been great to catch up as
when they were doing the first trial; her and Matthew were in the trenches together and people
love to assume when a man and woman work together they automatically are having an affair.
Maya brings out how these rumors are so sexist. The trial is a battle and she is coming out
swinging. She will smile when they arrest Sevvy and it will be a real smile.
    Ezra is not impressed with how Maya was able to turn it around and fires his IT guy. Riv
comes off the elevator and sucker punches Ezra in the face before quickly leaving. His staff tells
Ezra he had that one coming. After the interview, Effy tells Maya that she knows her and Matthew
spent the night together and it will never happen again.
    Madam Mayor calls Wiest saying they should not fire Maya, so he calls to get Maya on the
phone. Star and Gabe arrive at the campground where they used to go as kids and he shows her
the spot. He digs into the ground and is able to retrieve that bag. The siblings look at each other
as inside the bag are photos of Jessica, men’s running shoes covered in sand; they feel they need
to take it to the police but Sevvy shows up and asks them not to.
    Sevvy insists this is not what they think, as the family is not a lie and their love for each other
is not a lie. Gabe feels he can’t trust his memories any more than he can trust his dad. Sevvy
threatens him that if he doesn’t give him the bag he will regret it. He attacks Gabe, but Star
steals the bag as Gabe whacks him over the head with a shovel. Gabe is devastated that Star
poured fuel on the bag and burned all the evidence; saying that is her dad and couldn’t do it.
    Maya returns home and finds Jules at her doorstep while Loni mocks Ezra about his black
eye, feeling he deserved it. Loni reveals that she knows about his gambling addiction and his law
firm is on the brink of bankruptcy. What will Sevvy do when he learns it is his money that is only
keeping the doors open? Loni tells him that this is over and she is out!!
    Jules wants everything she said off the record; if she is put on the stand she will deny speaking
to her. Julianne and Jessica have been meeting for months, and Sevvy would never change as he
abused both of them. She says Jessica was all set to move out, until the night before her murder
because she believed Sevvy changed. She accuses Jules of being jealous and wanting to get rid
of her. She is not saying Sevvy killed her and never will.
    When Maya demands the real reason, Jules reveals that Ezra came to see her about her last
meal with Jessica and now she knows they are looking for a fall guy and she has no intention
of it being her. She quickly leaves the house as Maya smiles, seeing Riv getting dropped off
at her place. He reminds her that she never needs to explain and he stopped by Ezra’s house
and punched him. Maya rushes over Julianne’s car, learning that Ezra knew about the dinner
meeting because Maya had it on tape.
    Maya returns to her office, telling Matthew they have a mole in their office and until they find
out who it is; they are to remain on lock down causing Loni to fret.

The Fix Episode Guide

The Fix Episode Guide

                                          Lie to Me
                                            Season 1
                                       Episode Number: 5
                                       Season Episode: 5

   Originally aired:   Monday April 15, 2019
   Writer:             Ola Shokunbi
   Director:           Wendey Stanzler
   Show Stars:         Robin Tunney (Maya Travis), Adam Rayner (Matthew Collier), Merrin
                       Dungey (CJ Emerson), Breckin Meyer (Alan Wiest), Marc Blucas (River
                       ’Riv’ Allgood), Mouzam Makkar (Loni Kampoor), Alex Saxon (Gabriel
                       Johnson), Scott Cohen (Ezra Wolf), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Sev-
                       eren ’Sevvy’ Johnson)
   Guest Stars:        Lynn Collins (Dr. Carys Daly), Chasten Harmon (Star Johnson), Rob-
                       bie Jones (Detective Vincent North), Erik Palladino (Leo Foster), Rey
                       Herrera (Polygraph Tech Evan), Kj Smith (Charlie), Robert Wisdom
                       (Buck Neal), Bianca Lopez (Flight Attendant Marie), Heather McPhaul
                       (Joan), Lissa Pallo (Elaine Paxon), Lauren Ellen Thompson (Deputy
                       Sussman), Taylor Kalupa (Jessica Meyer)
   Summary:            The district attorney’s office makes everyone take a lie detector test in
                       an effort to find the mole feeding information to Ezra Wolf. Meanwhile,
                       Maya receives an unexpected visit from Sevvy’s son Gabe at work.

                                                            Maya places a call, then calls CJ ask-
                                                            ing about a Calvin Taylor, who has priors
                                                            for assault, burglary, and possession. His
                                                            prints were found in Jessica’s car and on
                                                            her computer. They don’t have any more
                                                            information until they receive a hard copy
                                                            from the lab. CJ is at the campsite, saying
                                                            so far Gabe’s story is checking out, but it
                                                            looks like someone cleaned up. She spots
                                                            blood on a tree trunk, but Maya needs to
                                                            find out from him if someone got hurt.
                                                                Maya returns to Gabe, asking if he
                                                            knew the name Calvin Taylor but he
                                                            doesn’t recognize the name. He admits
                                                            immediately that he hit Sevvy with a
shovel after he tried to grab the bag. Maya learns that Sevvy was conscious when Gabe left
the scene. Matthew questions Loni about her whereabouts and she lies that she was with Maya
looking at lab results; he brings her in for the lie detector test. Maya retrieves the folder from Leo,
the deputy at the door. She unlocks the bag and reviews the file on Calvin Taylor. She urgently
asks for a search warrant and a special master once she sees what is inside.
    Sevvy wakes up, kicking Ezra out of his chair, learning there is no word on Gabe. He wonders
when it is ever going to end worried that Gabe goes to the police and tells them about the bag.
Ezra says there isn’t a bag as Star took care of it. Loni takes the test, denying any contact with
Ezra Wolf, Matthew sees the results and she is cleared to pick up her phone. She rushes to the
bathroom and vomits but when she comes out of the stall Matthew is standing there and says,
”I know it’s you!”
    Loni is brought back into Matthew’s office who reveals that her right eyebrow goes up every
time she lies. He demands to know what she told Wolf and she admits that she told Ezra about
the tape of Julianne and Jessica at the diner. She also told them about the search warrant

The Fix Episode Guide

because she was angry, feeling betrayed when Matthew made Maya lead on the case. She hates
what she did and regretted it ever since and it’s over between her and Ezra. Matthew orders her
to sit down when she attempts to leave. He tells her he wants to fire her but he can’t because if
it gets out that one of the prosecutors on the case was Ezra’s mole it would destroy everything.
This is between the two of them but if Maya finds out, she is gone and she needs to turn over
her passwords for all her devices as he will be watching her like a hawk.
    CJ finds Buck in the park, asking if he prefers to be called ”Calvin Taylor.” CJ says she saw
him in action 8 years earlier and she is there as a professional courtesy, revealing they found his
prints in Jessica’s car and on her computer. He won’t reveal the name of his clients, even though
CJ believes Ezra and Sevvy hired him to kill Jessica. He says if he did kill Jessica, they wouldn’t
have found his prints anywhere. He stops her, knowing that she is raiding his office right now
and tells her that it was ”well played.”
    Maya arrives at Buck’s office while Ezra attempts to stop her, using client/attorney privilege.
She reminds him that back then, Buck was working for Sevvy and Sevvy isn’t a lawyer. The
Special Master returns from the office and gives Maya the zip drive. She tells Wolf that she
remembers how things work, complimenting him on his shiner and wishing she had given it to
    In the car, Maya sees all the photos of Jessica as Ezra returns to Sevvy, saying the surveil-
lance footage is going to screw them, but Sevyy disagrees as Jessica was a quiet girl who wasn’t
cheating. Ezra reminds him those papers will make him look like an insanely jealous boyfriend
and it makes it worse that Sevvy tried to get rid of them. Ezra tells him that as long as Gabe
stays gone and there is no bag, so no worries. Star walks in the room, saying no one has seen
nor heard from Gabe. A knock at the door returns Sevvy’s phone, but he is shocked to learn that
Gabe is at the DA’s office and talking to Maya.
    Maya returns to the office shocked to see everyone leaving. Matthew says they found the mole
who was a janitor and they would never make a case against a contract worker. Maya still wants
to talk to him but Matthew says he already did. He tells her that he confessed since he would fail
the polygraph. Maya knows the truth about the search warrant and that Johnson was trying to
get rid of evidence; she reveals they have a visitor and it’s time for Matthew to meet him.
    Ezra sits outside with Star, Sevvy walking behind him as Wolf tells her he wants to help her.
She doesn’t need his help as Ezra explains that Gabe is talking to Maya right now, including
the fact that she burned a critical piece of evidence. She can’t control what Gabe does, but Ezra
pushes saying she could go to jail for being an accessory after the fact. Sevvy stops her from
walking away, promising that Wolf will protect her but they need her to help them first. She
shrugs her dad’s hands off, knowing that the point is this plan is to protect him and he believes
his own BS. She tells Sevvy to reveal which part of her soul she is about to sell.
    Maya and CJ tell Matthew that Gabe is telling the truth and there is evidence that Johnson
had a clear consciousness of guilt. They cannot make the arrest but Gabe’s testimony would
really resonate with jurors. He agrees to testify but Maya and Matthew warn him that this will
get a whole lot worse. He doesn’t care as long as Sevvy ends up where he belongs. Maya says
they are going to take him somewhere safe, where Sevvy can’t find him; but before they are able
to escort him out of the building Gabe is arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, thanks to
Star. CJ says this is Ezra Wolf’s game, even though Maya says this is her witness. Gabe begs for
them not to take him as Maya says they are playing right into Wolf’s hand.
    Maya, Loni, and CJ sit in the office as Maya feels this is on her because Gabe came to her and
she let him down. Maya reveals that Gabe is broken after she told him how his mother died and
doesn’t think he can come back from. CJ says they will make Sevvy pay and that is how they
will help Gabe heal. The photos only show how jealous Sevvy was; Maya throws a ball at Loni for
her to wake up. Matthew walks in revealing someone placed a tracker on Gabe’s car and that is
how Wolf found him there, but that is also how Sevvy found where Gabe buried the bag. Matthew
calls Loni out of the room, saying she forgot to sign some evidence; Maya finds it suspicious.
    Matthew shows Loni a bug they found in her wallet, wondering if Ezra has been listening to
every word they say. Loni acts defensive, swearing she had nothing to do with it. He is furious
she betrayed everyone in this office and demands to know if she didn’t do this; who did?
    Riv wakes up on the couch, finding dozens of boxes with dates on them sitting on the coffee
table. He calls Maya, wondering if she is coming home soon. He says he is okay but wants to
stay with her until this over; she says that would make her very happy. There is a bug planted

The Fix Episode Guide

in Maya’s place. CJ mocks Maya about having a gorgeous cowboy who comes to the city, cooks
for her and doesn’t care if she stays out all night.
    Maya stops her on one of the photos, asking about the yoga mat. If it was new, what was
Sevvy’s DNA doing on it. Maya looks through the evidence, showing CJ everything they found in
the trash can; both shocked to learn that Jessica took out the yoga mat the morning she was
murdered and Sevvy was there! Matthew is about to leave as Maya hugs him saying, ”We’ve got
    Gabe is brought into lockup as Ezra drives Star home, saying she did the right thing. She tells
him she spent years defending her father and what people thought of him; that no matter what
anyone thought she knew the truth. She is angry as Ezra tries to tell her the truth is complicated.
She says it is not complicated and he is a murderer and Ezra is worse. She storms inside where
she calls out for her father but finds her house empty. Sevvy arrives at the airport where he
greets the airline attendant; saying he is on a little getaway. She follows him into the plane.

The Fix Episode Guide

The Fix Episode Guide

                                     The Fugitive
                                           Season 1
                                      Episode Number: 6
                                      Season Episode: 6

   Originally aired:   Monday April 22, 2019
   Writer:             Denise Hahn
   Director:           Stacey K. Black
   Show Stars:         Robin Tunney (Maya Travis), Adam Rayner (Matthew Collier), Merrin
                       Dungey (CJ Emerson), Breckin Meyer (Alan Wiest), Marc Blucas (River
                       ’Riv’ Allgood), Mouzam Makkar (Loni Kampoor), Alex Saxon (Gabriel
                       Johnson), Scott Cohen (Ezra Wolf), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Sev-
                       eren ’Sevvy’ Johnson)
   Guest Stars:        Derek Fisher (Vick Marshall), Robin Givens (Julianne Johnson), Rob-
                       bie Jones (Detective Vincent North), Skye P. Marshall (Angela Ash-
                       ley), Erik Palladino (Leo Foster), Freda Foh Shen (Judge Sandra Song),
                       Kevin Michael Brown (Pilot), Mitchell Edwards (Severen Johnson Jr.),
                       Molly C. Quinn (Lindsay Meyer), Kj Smith (Charlie), Robert Wisdom
                       (Buck Neal), Bianca Lopez (Flight Attendant Marie), Victoria Recaño
                       (News Anchor), Stephanie Maura Sanchez (Reporter Franks), Ian Stan-
                       ley (Bailiff), David Terrell (Arresting Officer), Christopher Wolfe (Re-
                       porter 2)
   Summary:            Sevvy is nowhere to be found before he is due to appear in court. Jes-
                       sica Meyer’s sister Lindsay meets with Maya and wants Sevvy behind
                       bars, while the police receive a report that Maya is being stalked.

                                                        The episode begins with LAPD at Sevvy
                                                        Johnson’s with an arrest warrant. Maya
                                                        Travis is on the phone confirming he isn’t
                                                        at the Malibu house as CJ finds out he
                                                        isn’t at the Desert estate too. Maya tells
                                                        LAPD to look at all his favorite spots, but
                                                        they bet that he ran as the last known
                                                        location of Sevvy’s car was at the airport;
                                                        Maya decides to call Ezra Wolf.
                                                            Meanwhile, Ezra is getting his black
                                                        eye covered, when Maya reveals she has
                                                        a warrant for his client and his car is at
                                                        the airport; something Wolf feels is a mis-
understanding as innocent men don’t run. He tells Maya that Sevvy had said something about
going to Napa for a wine tasting while she orders him to produce his client; Ezra hangs up and
informs his assistant that Sevvy is on the run!
   Sevvy is given champagne by Marie while they are in flight; he certainly believes he is free
until Wolf calls him on his phone but he rejects the call. He looks at a website about Dubai,
   Alan Wiest holds a press conference, praising the prosecution team for having Sevvy Johnson
charged for the murder of Jessica Meyer. They are actively searching for him, revealing which
airport he left from but cannot comment on the specifics of the investigation but are obtaining
the flight plans. Maya stands in front of the microphones and tells Sevvy he should turn himself
in because wherever he is; they will find him and anyone assisting him will be charged as being
an accessory. Marie sees the press conference as Sevvy begs the pilot to land as fast as he can.
   Matthew Collier walks with Wiest, Maya, and CJ while they review their plan. CJ offers to
call her ex to see if he can gather any info. Matthew is called into Wiest’s office, questioning his

The Fix Episode Guide

reasoning behind putting the entire staff through lie detector tests; he reminds Matthew whose
photo is sitting in the lobby, and this is his house; something Matthew keeps forgetting. Wiest
demands to have a report of what was discovered as soon as Sevvy Johnson is in custody.
    CJ lets Maya know that if Sevvy is heading to a place without extradition, he would have to
stop in the East to refuel; she is certain someone will report him because he is a famous guy.
In the plane, Sevvy asks Marie to get him another drink but when she leaves she takes a photo
of him as Wolf is desperately trying to get a hold of Sevvy. Julianne ”Jules” Johnson barges into
Ezra’s office demanding to know where Sevvy is. He openly admits that she is the only one Sevvy
will listen to but she insists that she has no idea where he is. He holds her arms, saying Sevvy
is a fugitive and he is going to need her to stay; she agrees.
    Matthew rushes into the room with the photo the flight attendant took of Sevvy, saying they
are landing in Atlanta so Maya wants US Marshalls and Atlanta PD to meet the plane when it
lands. Wiest is calling the local DA to bring him up to speed; they have 25 minutes to get it done.
The news comes on revealing that Sevvy is landing in Atlanta; something he has no idea about
as he asks Marie about the refueling, she tells him the pilot needs to know his next destination
so they can file a flight plan. They all watch the news which shows Sevvy’s plane descending at
the airport and police are on the ground.
    He is furious when he sees the plane surrounded by squad cars. Sevvy pleads with the pilot
to not open the door when he takes a call from Jules. She instructs him to put his hands on top
of his head and walk out like a man because their beautiful children are not going to lose their
father today. He apologizes and hangs up. The plane door opens as Sevvy comes out with his
hands in front of him and surrenders to the police.
    Angela Ashley walks up to the tarmac, saying Sevvy Johnson is her client and she would like
a moment alone with him. They board the plane as Maya asks, ”Who the hell is that?” Ezra asks
the same question to Charlie, who tells him that Sevvy didn’t hire her, but Jules likes her. Ezra
receives a call from Sevvy where Angela explains she can get Sevvy out of this, saying he flew
to Atlanta to pick up the newest member of his defense team — her! She’s spent 6 years in the
Innocent Project and she reminds him that he has no choice as it looks right now that Sevvy is a
flight risk. Ezra welcomes her to the team.
    Angela answers the questions of the press, but Maya can’t believe the press is buying into
it. She now worries if a Judge will buy what he is saying because if the Judge does, they are
completely screwed. They are encouraged to get some sleep and deal with the arraignment in the
    Ezra walks Jules outside the building when Buck Neal arrives. Buck reveals that Jules wasn’t
having any income until Jessica died and suddenly she is back on the payroll. Ezra believes that
is a motive, telling Buck to dig deeper with the neighbors. Ezra reminds Buck if Sevvy knew what
was good for him, none of them would be there.
    River ”Riv” Allgood reviews all the footage of the house and spots the stalker walk up but
covers the camera with his glove. He is about to snoop through the boxes but Maya walks in,
kissing and missing him. She’s a bit nervous about being back in court and goes to bed; Riv says
he will join her in a minute.
    The next morning, Maya tries to convince CJ that she is okay and could do an arraignment
in her sleep. Lindsay Meyer arrives, telling Maya that her parents are not coming, apologizing
for her father’s words. Maya knows it won’t be easy to see Sevvy in court, but they are going to
make him pay for what he did. Sevvy’s handcuffs are removed as Ezra says Mr. Johnson is ready
to give the court’s his plea. Maya informs Sevvy of what he is being charged with first-degree
murder. He says he is absolutely NOT guilty!
    The Prosecution sits in a room, where they learn the bail hearing is set for tomorrow. Wiest
cautions them because his Angela Ashley story is gaining traction. CJ is going to check if Sevvy
made another flight plan. Maya says they have Gabriel ”Gabe” Johnson who is released and in a
safe house; Matthew feels having the defendant’s son sitting on their side makes a big statement.
Maya asks Matthew to walk her out, telling him the bail hearing is everything because if Sevvy
walks tomorrow it sends a message to a potential jury that their case is weak. She wants him
sitting at the counsel table with her; which he quickly agrees to.
    Ezra welcomes Angela to his office but she wants to get right to work, saying the devil is in
the details. He gives her a desk in the lobby as that is her stature. He makes it very clear that
he is Sevvy Johnson’s lawyer and she can have her 15 minutes of fame but he runs the show as

The Fix Episode Guide

he is the show! She feels he is ”all show” asking again for the files, something Charlie gives her,
    Jules visits Sevvy in jail, ordering him not to lie to her. He admits he was scared when he
abandoned a 9-year-old child. He needs a favor, needing her to ask Vic, who is an NBA star to
post bail. He insists he didn’t kill Jessica; she produces Power of Attorney paperwork, telling him
if he signs those she will talk to Vic. She says she needs to protect the family because no one
knows what is going to happen to him and he needs to do this for her, then she will help him.
    Buck returns to Ezra’s office, saying he had a productive day, showing him a video of Jules;
Ezra points his finger at the screen calling her a very, very bad girl. Ezra comes to see Angela,
calling her ”Georgia”. She questions his good mood and he informs her that he has the silver
bullet that he needs to win the hearing, confident that it might not even make it to trial. He won’t
reveal the information, asking her how her babysitting skills are?
    Sevvy continues to protest his innocence when he meets with Vic; saying it would mean a lot
to the judge if he posted bail; promising not to run. He talks about his kids but Vic tells him not
to use the kids to manipulate him. Vic says he will think about it as Sevvy thanks him. Angela
explains that Wolf is shutting her out as he plays ”Master of the Universe.” Sevvy tells her that
Ezra saved his life and knows what he is doing.
    Maya and Matthew talk about their strategy in the hearing when Wiest walks in, asking to
speak to Matthew in private. Maya receives a call, letting her know that Riv called the LAPD,
reporting she has a stalker. She figures out that CJ told him but she doesn’t have time to deal
with it right now. Wiest confronts Matthew about the janitor being fired and wants to know why
there was no polygraph test, even though he confessed. He questions why there wasn’t an officer
present when Matthew questioned him, but he felt the man would be more honest with him
alone. Wiest calls him on his lies as the man had been transferred and gives him 5 seconds, to
tell the truth. Matthew stands up, is persistent that it was the janitor who made one mistake but
if Wiest wants to overrule his decision and ruin the man’s life; go ahead!
    Maya is sitting at home when Riv comes in, she is upset that he filed a police report without
telling her. He knows how dangerous the situation is, to the point that CJ put up cameras outside
the house. Maya feels it is just some poor sap; Riv informs her that LAPD disagrees, saying he
is obsessive. She doesn’t want Riv to protect her, saying she isn’t a woman who needs saving
as she can do it herself. Maya reiterates how important tomorrow is to her so Riv says she is as
obsessive as her stalker. He gathers all the gifts this sicko has left her and wants to bring them to
the police station. He opens the desk but everything is gone; Maya terrified, tells him the stalker
was there in the house!
    The following morning, Maya doesn’t want to hear any news about Sevvy Johnson’s case;
admitting to Riv that he was right to bring the cops in. She just wants him to put it away until
after the hearing. Her ride arrives, she squeezes Riv’s hand when he offers her good luck. She
gets into Matthew’s car, both ready to do this.
    They walk into the courtroom, reassuring Lindsey that Sevvy won’t get out; Gabe is sitting
directly behind her. Sevvy walks in and meets Angela and Ezra, nodding to Vic and Jules, but
angry when he spots his son, Gabe there. The Judge arrives, wanting to hear from the people
first. Maya says they have it all, including motive when a video of Jessica telling them Sevvy
beats her and she was planning on going to the police. His opportunity was when he had a secret
entranceway to his property. His consciousness of guilt was him trying to destroy evidence as
soon as he knew a search warrant was imminent. They have evidence from the crime scene
and DNA evidence that proves he was there in the morning of the murder. Matthew takes over,
claiming he is a flight risk which is what half the nation already knows.
    The defense stands up as Ezra doesn’t feel like fighting them on every point, but he can
provide an affidavit from the pilot of Sevvy’s plane who was making the flight plane to come back
to LA. He has trust and support of the community as Vic Marshall, 5 times NBA champion agreed
to post his bail. Judge Song reminds him that he was going to keep it short. He says he did his
homework and has evidence the prosecution would have found if they didn’t have such tunnel
vision; evidence that proves in fact that Julianne Johnson is the murderer.
    Sevvy is shocked as Ezra shows them a video of Jules driving down the highway away from the
crime scene; Jules and Vic leave the courtroom. Maya stands up saying there is DNA evidence
that Sevvy was at the crime scene, not Julianne’s. Sevvy encourages Angela to take over so she
stands and addresses the court, revealing that 22% of the DNA evidence that was taken by the

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