The Greerton Maarawaewae study - Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton - Tauranga City Council

Page created by Marilyn Lambert
The Greerton Maarawaewae study - Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton - Tauranga City Council
The Greerton Maarawaewae study
Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton

Issued for Public Feedback
December 2021
The Greerton Maarawaewae study - Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton - Tauranga City Council

                                                                                   Tauranga City Council is leading a study, in partnership with Kāinga
                                                                                   Ora – Homes and Communities, to look at the future use of Crown-
                                                                                   owned reserve land and identify opportunities that will support
                                                                                   wellbeing and liveability as the city continues to grow.

                                                                                   The total area of reserve land is 85ha (which is about the size of 100
                                                                                   rugby fields).

                                                                                   At the moment the bulk of the reserve land is leased by the
                                                                                   Tauranga Racing Club (34ha) and the Tauranga Golf Club (45ha).
                                                                                   The Golf Club has an additional lease outside the Crown reserve
                                                                                   land and adjoining Kopurererua Valley of approximately 6.7ha.

                                                                                   The Tauranga Equestrian Sports Association and a range of other
                                                                                   sporting and community organisations also have access to and use
                                                                                   the land and facilities at various times.

                                                                                   The Greerton Maarawaewae study began in October 2021 and
                                                                                   asked you to look ahead and imagine what this reserve land would
                                                                                   BEST be used for in the future.

                                                                                   The project team have been seeking ideas and input from mana
                                                                                   whenua, existing users of the reserve land and the wider community
                                                                                   on what they believe the best use of this land is over the next 10, 20,
                                                                                   30 and 50 years.

                                                                                   There has been no pre-determination for this process – the project
                                                                                   team has been completely open to all and any ideas and input.

                                                                                   To date (mid-December) the project team have heard from over
                                                                                   500 people and gathered a wide range of ideas and concepts for
                                                                                   consideration. We have now summarised these ideas and concepts
                                                                                   into seven options – so you can continue to provide input and
                                                                                   feedback over the coming months.

                                                                                   The options presented here cover many of the ideas we heard –
                                                                                   including those from the Bay of Plenty District Health Board who
                                                                                   asked the Study team to provide an option that considers potential
                                                                                   future health services on this site (see Option 7).

                                                                                   Whichever of the options, or mix of options, is selected, any
                                                                                   changes will be staged over time and there will continue to be
                                                                                   conversations with the community as they evolve.

     The Greerton Maarawaewae study
02   Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton
The Greerton Maarawaewae study - Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton - Tauranga City Council
The process from this point is that mana whenua, existing users
                                                                         and people of Tauranga and the wider Bay are being invited to think
                                                                         about these options and let us know what you think (please go to
                                                                         page 21 for more information on the process).

Some of the options in the Study would potentially require relocation    There is no need to get back to us until February 2022 but if you
of one or more existing uses such as racing, golf and/or equestrian.     wish to provide your thoughts before then you are welcome to do so
                                                                         via email or the website.
If the option selected by the commissioners in April does include
relocation of an existing user, further discussions will be undertaken   Email us at:
directly with those organisations and user groups.
It is important to note that:                                            You can email us with feedback or just to register your interest so
                                                                         we can remind you in the new year to get us feedback.
•   one of the main reasons for undertaking the Study was to
    ensure there would be certainty for the existing users one way or
                                                                         Go to the website
•   and that this includes clarity about any potential future location
    should this be necessary.                                            More information, including answers to some of the most common
                                                                         questions being asked, is available here.

                                                                                                                                               The significance of Maarawaewae

                                                                                                                                               Tauranga Moana hapū established vegetable
                                                                                                                                               gardens in Greerton that contributed to feeding
                                                                                                                                               their tupuna/ancestors during the Battles of
                                                                                                                                               Pukehinahina/Gate Pā and Te Ranga. They were
                                                                                                                                               also used to provide kai/food for the koroneihana -
                                                                                                                                               the annual celebration commemorating the Maōri
                                                                                                                                               King - in Ngāruawāhia.

                                                                                                                                               ‘Maara’ relates to the gardens that were established
                                                                                                                                               in and around Poike, Waimapu and Maungatapu
                                                                                                                                               and ‘waewae’ relates to the picking and digging of
                                                                                                                                               the food that grew here.

The Greerton Maarawaewae study - Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton - Tauranga City Council
Where the reserve
                                                                                   land sits relative to
                                                                                   our growing city

                                                                                   The Te Papa peninsula (where this reserve land sits) has been
                                                                                   identified by the Council and the wider SmartGrowth partnership
                                                                                   as one of the priority areas to support future growth needs of the
                                                                                   city and wider Western Bay. These growth needs require long
                                                                                   term planning to identify potential areas that can be used for
                                                                                   housing, recreation, sports, infrastructure and green spaces and for
                                                                                   community facilities and amenities.

                                                                                   Tauranga is looking ahead to the next 30 years to transform the city
                                                                                   •   more connected neighbourhoods with great public amenity
                                                                                   •   a more sustainable and greener urban footprint
                                                                                   •   people-friendly streets and more opportunities for walking and
                                                                                       cycling and public transport
                                                                                   •   a thriving economy
                                                                                   •   greater housing choices and more homes within our existing
                                                                                   •   opportunities to celebrate our unique culture and history
                                                                                   •   connection to a vibrant city centre.

                                                                                   Growth areas for the city are planned to the north, east, west and
                                                                                   south of this location and the Greerton Maarawaewae reserve
                                                                                   land has for some time been the subject of consideration about its
                                                                                   potential to support that growth. Getting clarity through this current
                                                                                   process will enable other aspects of city planning to progress as
                                                                                   well as providing certainty to existing users.

                                                                                   The Greerton Maarawaewae Study is
                                                                                   seeking your input into the future use
                                                                                   of this land so that it can benefit all the
                                                                                   people of Tauranga and the Western Bay.

     The Greerton Maarawaewae study
04   Securing a future for the racecourse and golf club reserve land in Greerton
0      1000      2000            4000m

Scale 1:100,000 (A3)


         Urban Limits (Regional
         Policy Statement 2014)                            OMOKOROA                                                                                                          Mount

         State Highways
         Cameron Road

         Walking/Cycling Tracks                                                                                                                                                               Omanu
         Travel distance zone
         Te Papa Peninsula                                                                                                              Bellevue                                                        Beach
                                                                                                                                                                                           Te Maunga

         Tauranga Urban Areas
         Planed Urban Growth Area                                         TE PUNA                                       BETHLEHEM                              Tauranga
                                                                                                                                                              City Centre
         - Highly Likely                                              2                                         Wairoa Pā

         Planed Urban Growth Area                                                                                                                 Judea
         - Likely
         Planed Urban Growth Area
         - Uncertain
                                                                                                                                             Gate Pā                                                                               Papamoa
                                            Z O N E

                                                                                             N E
                                                                                                                                                                             Maungatapu                                  Kairua
                                                                                                                                         TE PAPA

                                                                                         Z O
                                           D R I V I N G

                                                                                    D R I V I N G
                                                                                                                                                 Greerton     Hairini                             Ngapeke
                                                                                                                            Tauranga Golf Club
                                                                                                                              & Racecourse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PAPAMOA         2
                                            3 0 M I N

                                                                                                                                                                 WELCOME BAY
                                                                                             M I
                                                                                         1 0


                                                                                Lower Belk



Please note:
The spaces and places shown on
this map are illustrated for discussion
purposes and are only indicative at this
time 08/12/2021.

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