The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools

Page created by Raymond Oconnor
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
The Herald
Volume 29, Issue 4                      February 2020

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Maple
    Opinion          Teacher Profiles     Sports
    See Page 6           See Page 8       See Page 11
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
The Maple Heights
     Board Of Education
    Rosalind Moore, President   Jalen Brown
       Connie Rosemond       Pam Crews
                   Wendall Garth

    		           and Staff:

      Happy Valentine’s Day!
2                                 The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
The Maple Heights Herald
February 2020                                                                                              Vol. 29, Issue 4

 News                          5             Opinion                   6        Student Profiles 7
 Deca/BPA Contests                                  Kobe Bryant                             Ronald Wilson
                                                   Sex Trafficking                          Alexia Mincy

Entertainment 9                              Sports                    12               Sports                       13
Entertainment Update                              Boy’s Basketball                          Girl’s Basketball
                                                 Athlete of the Month                      Athlete of the Month

Editor-in-Chief                      Entertainment Editor       The Herald is a self-supporting newsmagazine produced
Cheyanne Turner                           Gabe Grant            every month by the Newspaper/Journalism class. It is a
                                                                forum for student expression.
 Feature Editor                           Sports Editor         The staff will follow proper press law in regards to libel,
 Jessalyn Carter                          Tonyae Mills          obscenity, privacy, and school distribution standards.
                                                                Members of the staff will determine the general content of
 News Editor                              Layout Editor         the paper. The editorial staff will determine the content of
 Malek Beecher                            Iyanna Weimer         all unsigned editorials; therefore, material may not reflect
                          Reporters:                            the policies of the Maple Heights High School faculty or
Jateya Donnell         Jailin Mathews        Latia Moon         administration.
Joe Gales              Aniyah McClinton      Lavon Robinson     Letters to the editor may be addressed to 1 Mustang Way,
Brittanie Hightower    Gabi McCorvey         Jayviana Sullins   Maple Heights, Ohio 44137. They may also be dropped
Madison Lewis          Ananda Mincy          Dalonte West       off at room 269 and should include the author’s name.
                                                                The editorial board reserves the right to edit letters.
                                                                The Herald is a self-supporting newsmagazine.
3                     Advisor: Ms. Wintergerst
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
    Career Technology Options
                   Cheyanne Turner                    Computer Networking/Cisco Academy - Stu-            The programs offers students preparation in pa-
                   Editor-in-Chief                 dents design, install, maintain, and troubleshoot      tient care, medical assistance and nursing.
                                                   complex computer networking systems. Projects
                   Madison Lewis                                                                             Digital Design - This program places cutting-
                                                   are based on realistic simulations to develop
                   Reporter                        decision making and team work skills. Students         edge technology in students hands and exposes
                                                   are eligible to take the Cisco Certified Networking    them to basic production and design techniques in
  For those students who are interested in         Associate Exam to receive CCNA certification.          the areas of television, digital animation, film, and
pursuing a career technology program, there are                                                           image generation. Students also learn interactive
many other programs offered throughout our                               Bedford                          application development and composition prin-
consortium for your junior/senior years.                                                                  ciples to use in student-designed games. Other
             Cleveland Heights                         Business Management - Students will learn the      areas in the curriculum are standard industry
                                                   core management principles of business while           program languages and constructs to create games.
   Audio Engineering - In this program, students completing tasks in an office-like environment.          Students will also design game elements such as
learn about using skills like music theory, piano, You will develop skills in project management,         animation, physics engines, and artificial intelli-
composition, digital audio, theory mixing,         business communication, entrepreneurship, and          gence.
recording technology etc. The skills will prepare operations management, all while learning the
students for certification, college or an en-      skills needed to start your own company. You will                      Warrensville
try-level position in audio, broadcasting, music also learn how to use real-world software appli-
education, media or video gaming.                  cations to develop technology skills. Microsoft           Graphic Imaging Technology - Students design
                                                   Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access will be used       and produce marketing and advertising projects-
   Engineering Technology - This course intro-     to complete business-related tasks and projects.       from concept to a completion while following job
duces students to the scope, rigor and discipline                                                         procedures, estimating, ordering tools, and deliv-
of engineering prior to entering college. The          Financial Management - This program helps          ering projects to clients on time with the use of
program offers opportunities to develop skills in students prepare for careers in business, financial     computer hardware and software like professional
collaboration, communication and critical think- management, banking, accounting, financial and           graphic designers.
ing which can lead to success. Students will learn investment planning, insurance, and real estate.
through an activity, project and problem-based Students will learn to study data and use the                 Culinary Arts - This program is partnered with
curriculum                                         data to make decisions as well as share forecast       Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C). It is a two-
                                                   information with management. The curriculum            year certification course providing students with
   Clinical Health Careers - Students will learn   includes marketing, management, investments,           basic culinary skills and food service management
what is required to be doctors, nurses, and other professional development, insurance, accounting,        tools involving customer relations, purchasing,
healthcare professionals. You will study such      money management, and banking. While in this           communications, inventory, team building, basic
topics as anatomy, physiology, infection control, program, students can put their analyzing skills to     accounting skills, and cost controls. These skills
therapeutic communication, medical law and         use, while learning to make their money grow.          are developed and polished in Tri-C’s Hospitality
ethics. You will gain real-world experience in                                                            and Restaurant Management School located at
healthcare working with doctors or nurses.             Biotechnology - This program is a series of four   the Eastern Campus. ProStart gives students the
                                                   semester courses in the field of biotechnology. It     chance to compete for employment opportunities
   Sports Medicine and Exercise Science - Students is offered as an elective to college prep students     and additional scholarships.
wull experience a fast-paced program and study interested in the ability to do advanced biological
the science of human movement while explor-        research and study. The biotechnology courses             Firefighting/EMT Academy - Students learn the
ing a wide range of sports medicine. You will      are used to mirror the content and lab skills of the   science of firefighting, safety hazards associated
practice in labs and have high-level academic      biotechnology field and college-level courses. This    with fires and fire prevention. They study the
coursework to develop what is necessary to         program helps prepare students to succeed in the       compartmentalization, suppression, behavior and
be an athletic trainer or physical/occupational    biotechnology industry on a collegiate level.          investigation of fire in related emergencies and
therapist.                                                                                                the training of an emergency medical technician.
                                                   Health Science - This program is designed to help      Students spend their senior year on campus of Tri-
   Pharmacy Technician - Students will explore     students enter the healthcare profession. Students     C’s Fire Academy earning college credits and the
pharmaceutical principles, career concepts and can enter the healthcare field after graduation or         chance to become certified firefighters and EMTs.
the skills needed to be a pharmacy technician.     continue their education in college. The program
Students can be eligible to become nationally      covers the topics of infection control, diseases and   All of these programs have suggested math read-
certified pharmacy technicians through the         disorders, technical reporting, ethical practices,     ing, writing, communication and physical skills.
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. Skills human structure and function, legal responsibil-          For more information, go to heightscareertech.
taught include assisting pharmacists with per-     ities, environmental safety, emergency protocols       com/programs.
scriptions, customer service, inventory manage- and procedures, and teamwork. Students must                  For those interested in any of these programs
ment, and compliance with privacy regulations. have a strong background in science and math.              see your guidance counselor .

4                                                                                       The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
    DECA To Send 15 To States
                    Jayviana Sullins        regionally.                                  placed second and junior Deonte Abrams
                    Reporter                   Junior Riane Robertson placed third       placed fifth.
                                            and will compete in the Hospitality and          Junior Sam Lopez placed fifth and will
   Fifteen DECA students will be trav-      Tourism Sales Marketing Event.               compete in Marketing Communications/
eling to the State DECA competition on         In Automotive Services Marketing,         Public Relations.
March 13-14, 2020, in Columbus, Ohio.       senior Keshan Tulshi placed third and            Those who place at States will be eligi-
Students became eligible after compet-      junior Eric King placed fourth.              ble to compete at the National competi-
ing at the Regional competition in late        Junior Lanai’ Young (third place) and     tion in Orlando, Florida, April 29-May 2.
January.                                    senior Kameran Hawkins (fourth place)            DECA is a student organization that
   Senior Raven Golliday placed second      will compete in Food Marketing.              is associatied with Marketing classes on
and will compete in the Start-Up Busi-         Two will compete in Retail Marketing      the high school level.There are more than
ness Plan Event.                            including senior Teka Brown (second          228,000 members in all 50 US states,
   Juniors Jamal Bowman (placed sec-        place) and senior Rahkyia Williams           Canada, China, Germany, Guam, Mexico,
ond) and Shayla Jackson (placed third)      (fourth place).                              Puerto Rico, and Spain.
will compete in Professional Selling.          Junior Shayla Croff placed fifth and          DECA prepares emerging leaders and
   Competing in the Financial Con-          will compete in Restaurant Marketing.        entrepreneurs with skills in marketing,
sulting Sales Event will be junior Abijah      In the Quick Serve Restaurant Man-        finance, hospitality and management at
Cummings-Byrd who placed third              agement Event, senior Denisha Perry          both the high school and collegiate level.

 12 BPA Students Make States
                  Iyanna Weimer             Hightower placed first and will compete      ous Speech.
                                            in Interview.                                   In Presentation Management, seniors
                  Reporter                     According to Turner, “I am so happy       Jayviana Sullins, Ananda Mincy, and
    Twelve Business Professionals of        to be going in Advanced Interview. This      Madison Lewis placed second. Juniors
America students will be traveling          contest is really helping me prepare for     Delonte Hall, Tim Alonzo, and Roger
to Columbus, Ohio, March 12-13, to          my future so that I can be successful when   Smith placed third.
compete at the BPA State Leadership         applying for jobs.”                             In Graphic Design, senior Jailin
Conference/Competition. Students               Placing first in Graphic Design for the   Mathews placed second, junior William
were eligible after placing at the          second year in a row was senior Latia        Smith placed third, senior Lavon Rob-
regional level in late January.             Moon.                                        inson placed fourth, and junior Curtis
    Seniors Malek Conley-Beecher               Senior Jessalyn Carter placed first in    Granger placed fifth.
and Gabe Grant and junior Rachel            Prepared Speech.                                In Digital Media, senior Iyanna
Wagner will compete in the News                Juniors Nassir Boiner, Samone Stewart,    Weimer placed second and junior Heaven
Broadcast Video Event. They placed          G’Nia Lovett and Janiyah Rice placed first   Grimes placed fourth.
first regionally.                           and will advance in Presentation Manage-        In Video Production, Wagner, Gales
    According to Grant, “We are             ment Team.                                   and senior Aniyah McClinton placed sec-
excited to take our video to the State         According to Boiner, “We put so much      ond. Seniors Tonyae Mills and Gabrielle
competition. We put a lot of hard           work into this competition. We had some      McCorvey placed fourth.
work into it.”                              tough competition just from our teams           Students must place first in the group
    Placing first in Digital Media Pro-     here at Maple. We look forward to going      competitions or first or second in the
duction was senior Joe Gales.               as juniors!”                                 solo competitions to be eligible to go
    Senior Cheyanne Turner placed              Also competing but not eligible for       to Nationals. The National Leadership
first and will compete in Advanced          states included the following:               Conference/Competition will be held in
Interview, while senior Brittanie              Boiner placed second in Extemporane-      Washington, D.C. May 6-10.

5                                                                          The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
The Death Of A Legend         Herald Staff        numerous tributes, moments of silence,             off to tomorrow what you can do today!
                                                  and memorials to honor the death of this           Make a difference! Check off items on
     Kobe Bryant . . . . a husband, a fa-         basketball legend. From fans gathering             your bucket list. Don’t regret anything.
ther, a Laker, a star basketball player, an       outside of Staples Center leaving memen-           There is no guarantee that tomorrow will
icon, and an idol to many. Kobe Bryant            tos, to various NBA teams takng eight sec-         come.
. . . dead at 41.                                 ond or 24-second shot clock violations, to              Third, let the people that matter know
     This startling headline hit the news         moments of silence held at the Super Bowl          you love them. Tell them. Don’t let pass
Sunday afternoon on January 26, 2020.             and other sporting events . . . It appears         grievances effect your relationships. Try to
      Disbelief, horror, and grief swept          Kobe will not be forgotten.                        make amends. Don’t regret the words that
the nation as details of the fatal helicop-          But as the days move on, what should            you never spoke after it is too late.
ter crash filled the media. For some of           we have learned from this senseless trag-              Many people die each day from illness,
us, this is the first time an icon of such        edy?                                               accidents, suicide . . . But Kobe’s death
magnitude perished at such a young                   First, let’s remember that life can end         really struck a chord within each of us.
age. For the older folks, memories of             abruptly at any time. It doesn’t matter how        He is just a basketball player . . . but one
the deaths of Princess Diana, John F.             much money you have or how popular                 who is beloved by most and who can send
Kennedy Jr., Michael Jackson . . . filled         you are, you can’t control what is in God’s        the message to us that life is short. Make
their minds.                                      hands.                                             changes while you can, and appreciate the
     In the days since, there have been              Second, live life to it’s fullest. Don’t put    life you have now before it’s too late.

Be Aware: Human Trafficking
                         Jessalyn Carter          case, alert someone immediately.                   advice if you get offers that are too good to be
                         Feature Editor               It is also wise that you avoid walking         true. Do searches or background checks on
    Lately, human trafficking has been all        alone. Many people have been kidnapped just        the people wanting you to meet with them.
over the media. Human trafficking is the          walking down the street.                           Say no and see how they react.
action or practice of illegally transporting          Try to avoid quiet and darks areas as well.       Look for signs of abusive or possessive
people from one country or area to another,       If you think that you are being followed, go to    behaviors. Is the person trying to isolate or
typically for the purposes of forced labor        the nearest building and wait for the person       turn you against family and friends? If so,
or sexual exploitation. It’s is everywhere        or car to leave. Let someone in the building       avoid that person.
and there are many ways that people can be        know that you are being followed; and, if             Make sure you are using your phone
victims.                                          needed, call someone to pick you up.               wisely. Allow three close friends or family
   A human trafficker can be anyone. It               Be aware of certain opportunities. Some        member to have access to your location. Meet
could be someone on the street, your boss,        people who are trafficked are approached by        strangers in public places.
your friend, even someone you’re dating.          strangers offering them a job or some kind            Don’t give out your address to someone
So it is important that you are careful and       of opportunity (like a modeling or singing         you don’t know, and don’t go to their house
aware.                                            career). These people can approach you             either. If you’re going out on a date, meet that
   Since 2007, the National Human Traf-           through social media, at the mall, or maybe        person in a public place the first few times
ficking Hotline has received 22,191 sex traf-     outside of your house.                             until you get to know the person and feel
ficking cases in the US. There are nearly 21          Some traffickers might try to befriend         comfortable. Also, stay in contact with friends
million victims of human trafficking around       you or form a relationship with you so that        and family if you’re out with someone you
the world. Seventy percent are trapped in         you trust them enough. Women can also be           don’t know very well.
forced labor, 26% are children, and 55% are       traffickers and are often used to lure victims        Finally, be ready for anything. Carry
girls and women.                                  because they seem more trusting than men.          pepper spray with you on your keychain. You
   There are ways to prevent being a victim           Also, be careful on social media, make         also need to mentally prepare yourself to fight
of human trafficking. First, you want to be       sure your location services are turned off, and    off the abductor. If you begin to get attacked,
aware of your surroundings. Don’t get too         also avoid tagging places you are while you        make a scene, yell for help, and fight back like
distracted by your phone or anything else         are still at that place.                           your life depends on it (since it does).
when walking. Be aware of what’s going on             It’s wise to trust your instincts in these         I hope that you remember these tips when
around you because there could be a person        situations. Listen to the intuitive voice inside   you’re out and about alone or just trying to
or even a car following you; and, if that’s the   your head. Check with family and friends for       help a friend.

 6                                                                                       The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
Student Profiles
  Wilson Offers Advice
                  Jailin Mathews
                                                                                              Wilson’s favorite food is ice cream. He
                  Reporter                                                                 loves the color neon green.
   Senior Ronald Wilson is the February                                                        Beatboxing is one of his talents.
student profile.                                                                              If Wilson could have one wish in the
   He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and                                                     world, he would wish for $9 billion.
grew up in Maple Heights.                                                                     Wilson says his favorite season is sum-
    The elementary school he attended                                                      mer and his favorite month is September.
was Barack Obama Elementary School.                                                           He also has a favorite holiday, which is
In elementary school, he played football.                                                  Christmas.
   Wilson then attended Milkovich Mid-                                                        If he had to choose a place to vacation it
dle School and was involved in track and                                                   would be Cedar Point Shores.
                                               Ronald Wilson                                  Wilson’s favorite quote is “no fear, no
   Here at the high school, he has been                                                    pain”.
                                                 Outside of school, he works at McDon-
involved in cross country, indoor track,      ald’s and plays his PS4 in his spare time.
and outdoor track.
   Wilson’s favorite class is gym, and his
                                                 His plans for the future include a ca-    “Your friends now, won’t
                                              reer in Computer Science and singing.
least favorite class is math.                    The advice Wilson would give to fresh-    be your friends your senior
   One aspect of school that he doesn’t
like is when teachers lecture.
                                              men is “your friends now, won’t be your      year.”
                                              friends your senior year.”
   When Wilson graduates, he is going to         His favorite movie is the Karate Kid         -Senior Ronald Wilson
miss the track team the most.                 and his favorite TV show is Drake and

  Mincy Enjoys The Experience
               Ananda Mincy                                                                cation skills”.
                                                                                              Her favorite artist is Instinct.
                                                                                               Mincy likes to eat rice and potatoes,
   The senior female student profile for                                                   and her favorite color is red.
the month of February is Alexia Mincy.                                                        Her talents are drawing and painting.
   She was born in Cleveland, Ohio, at                                                         Mincy’s favorite season is winter, and
University Hospital.                                                                       her favorite month is October.
   She grew up in in Kingwood, Atlanta,                                                       Her best memory is living in Atlanta
and then she moved to Maple Heights.                                                       with her family.
   The elementary school Mincy attend-                                                        If Mincy could travel anywhere, it
ed was Bill Arp Elementary School.                                                         would have to be Paris.
   The middle school she attended was
                                              Alexia Mincy
Milkovich Middle School.
   Her favorite classes are art or history.      When asked what she likes the most        “Stay focused on the work
Her least favorite class is Algebra.
   Mincy does not work at this time,
                                              about the high school, she replied, “I       and gain communication
                                              don’t like anything about this school.”
but her spare time activities outside of         Upon graduation, the thing she will       skills.”
school are writing and drawing.
   Mincy has a plan for the future in-
                                              miss the most is “the experience”.                  -Senior Alexia Mincy
                                                 Her advice for freshmen is to “stay
cluding being a pharmacy technician.          focused on the work and gain communi-

 7                                                                           The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
Teacher Profiles
       Heuer Values Kindness                                                                      coming to Maple. She also worked at the
                 Jateya Donnell                                                                   Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental
                 Reporter                                                                         Disabilities as a paraprofessional.
                                                                                                     Heuer currently teaches computers and
   The first teacher profile for the month                                                        science to students with disabilities.
of February is Intervention Specialist Mary                                                          In her spare time, she likes to read books,
Frances Heuer.                                                                                    hang out with family, and watch Netflix.
   She was born in Plainfield, New Jersey,                                                           What she enjoy most about her job and
and grew up in Brookpark, Ohio.                                                                   what she finds most challenging is her
   She went to St. John Bosco Elementary                                                          students.
School where she played volleyball and                                                               Her future plan is to retire.
basketball.                                     Mrs. Mary Frances Heuer                              Some of her favorites include the movie
   Heuer went to Midpark High School                                                              10 Things I Hate about You, all songs by Rod
where she was involved with Key Club; and       Education. From CSU, she has a Master’s           Stewart, all foods but liver and onions, the
she played volleyball, basketball, and track.   degree in Curriculum & Instruction.               color blue, fall, the month of May, Christmas,
   From there, she went to Case Western            While in college, Heuer played basketball      and Disney World.
Reserve University and Cleveland State          and intramural sports.                               One wish Heuer has is for world peace
University.                                        She taught Special Education at Midpark        and her best memory is the birth of her
   From Case, Heuer has a Bachelor of Arts      High School and John Dewey Elementa-              children.
                                                ry School in Warrensville Heights before           Heuer’s favorite quote is “Be kind”.

         Do It Like Drago
in Psychology with a minor in Physical

                  Aniyah McClinton                                                                spend time with her family.
                                                                                                      Her favorite movie is Almost Famous and
                  Reporter                                                                        her favorite song is “Sittin’ on the Dock of the
                                                                                                  Bay” by Otis Redding. Her favorite musical
     The second teacher profile for the
                                                                                                  group is the Counting Crows.
 month of February is Intervention Spe-
                                                                                                      Drago enjoys eating cheese, and her least
 cialist Kristy Drago.
                                                                                                  favorite food is pickles.
    Drago was born in Illinois but grew up
                                                                                                      The color purple is her favorite and her
 in Branson, Missouri.
                                                                                                  talents include “decluttering and organizing”.
    She attended Branson Elementary and
                                                                                                      If Drago had one wish, she would wish for
 was involved in swimming and bell choir.
                                                Mrs. Kristy Drago                                 good health.
    The middle school she attended was
                                                                                                      Her favorite season is summer and her
 Branson Middle School. The activities she        Maple Heights is her first teaching job and
                                                                                                  favorite month is July. Halloween is her
 was involved in were swimming, basket-         she has been here since 2002.
                                                                                                  favorite holiday.
 ball, vollyeyball and youth life.                 Drago currently teaches History Inclusion
                                                                                                      Drago’s best memories include becoming
    Drago attended Branson High School          and all courses in the MD unit.
                                                                                                  an All-American, her wedding, and giving
 and she was involved in many activities           In Drago’s spare time, she spends time
                                                                                                  birth to her children.
 including swimming, track, youth life,         with her family. She also reads and does arts
                                                                                                      Her favorite vacation destination is the
 National Honor Society, Fellowship of          and crafts.
                                                                                                  beach, and her idol is swimmer Amy Van
 Christian Athletes, and Camp Barnabas.            What she enjoys most about teaching is
    The college she attended was Louisiana      the unique personalities of her students and
                                                                                                       A quote by Helen Keller is Drago’s favor-
 State University, and then she transferred     her coworkers.
                                                                                                  ite. “Character cannot be developed in ease
 to the University of Toledo where she             What she finds most challenging about
                                                                                                  and quiet. Only through experience of trial
 received her Bachelor of Arts in Spe-          teaching is students that have difficult behav-
                                                                                                  and suffering can the soul be strengthened,
 cial Education. During college she was         iors.
                                                                                                  vision cleared, ambition inspired and success
 involved in swimming.                             In the future, Drago plans to travel and

 8                                                                                 The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
What’s New In Entertainment
                Joe Gales                   told by Harley played by Margot Robbie.                   -Rihanna with R9 - TBA
                Reporter                    When Gotham’s most narcissistic villain,                  -Mac Miller with Circles - Just
                                            Roman Sionis, and his right-hand, Zsasz,       released
   Happy New Year’s everyone! It’s          puts a target on a young girl named Cass,                 -Lil Wayne with Funeral - Just
finally a new decade. There continues       the city is turned upside down looking for     released
to be lots of things to do around you       her. Harley, Huntress, Black Canary and                 -Lil Baby with My Turn - Soon
right now! Don’t shy away from what         Renee Montoya’s paths collide, and the                  -Roddy Rich with Please Excuse
2020 offers you: from what comes out        foursome have no choice but to team up to      me for being Antisocial - Just released
in theaters, who performs at the next       take Roman down. The film was released                  -The Weeknd with Chapter 6 -
concert to the latest attractions.          on February 7.                                 TBA

    Movies - New Releases:                             The Invisible Man                                  Activities:
                                               The Invisible Man is a story about
          The Grudge                        Cecilia Kass who escapes from an abusive          What kind of person are you if you miss
   Bringing someone with you to the         ex-lover and disappears into hiding. She       out on spectacular artists’ performance at a
movies to see The Grudge (released          is helped by her sister, their childhood       concert? That’s a once in a lifetime occur-
in January) seems like a good idea.         friend, and his teenage daughter. When         rence. Be sure to check in on artists such as
The plot centers on Muldoon, a single       Cecilia’s abusive ex commits suicide and       Trippie Red, Young Dolph, Rakim, NF, Tori
mother and detective. She and her           leaves her a generous portion of his vast      Kelly, Erykah Badu, Ledisi, and Lauryn Hill.
child are on the run from evil spirits      fortune, she suspects his death is a lie. As      Concert dates and locations are avail-
that are attached to their home. If you     a series of eerie coincidences turns lethal,   able online at
like horror films, this is one to see!      Cecilia’s sanity begins to unravel as she         Valentine’s Day is here for all you lovers
                                            tries to prove that she is being hunted by     out there. Don’t forget or your other half
         A Fall from Grace                  someone no one can see. This movie will        will for sure beat you up about it!
    Don’t miss out on Tyler Perry’s new     be released on February 28.                       If you are tired of watching movies
flick. If you have a craving for suspense                                                  or going to restaurants, try visiting the
and plot twists, get ready for A Fall                    Games:                            Rollhouse of Solon. They offer 26 lanes
from Grace (released in January). This                                                     of bowling, restaurant food, arcade, and
movie is the story of Grace Waters.            This is for the gamers. This year expect    laser tag. It is open from 9:00 a.m. until
Broken-hearted after her ex-husbands        new installments from the following            midnight.
affair, she feels whole again by a new      franchises:                                       Top Golf just recently opened here in
flame. When the truth comes out in                    -Street Fighter V: Champion          Independence, Ohio. If you are unfamil-
the light, everything goes sideways.                   Edition - February 14               iar with the concept, you score points by
                                                      -Monster Hunter World -              hitting micro-chipped golf balls at giant
         Bad Boys for Life                             Recently released                   dartboard-like targets in the outfield. The
   This is a hit fans have been wait-                 -Final Fantasy - April 10            closer you get your ball to the center, with
ing on for a long time. Bad Boys for                  -DOOM Eternal - March 20             distance also a factor, the more points
Life (released in January) stars Will                 -Resident Evil - April 3             earned. Top Golf is open 9:00 a.m. until
Smith and Martin Lawrence. This time                                                       midnight on weekdays and closes at 1:00
the duo faces a new threat in Miami                                                        a.m. on Friday and Saturday.
amidst a modern, highly specialized                        Music:                               As we continue to mourn the losses of
police force.                                                                              cultural icons such as Nipsley Hussle, Juice
                                               Did anyone listen to Eminem’s new           WRLD, XXXTENTACION, Kobe Bryant,
Birds of Prey: The Emancipation of          album? Straight heat! For all music fans,      Paul Walker, and Mac Miller, it is our
           Harley Quinn                     expect album releases from the following:      destiny that we as individuals live our life
   Warner Brother’s new flick is a story             -J Cole with The Fall Off - Late      with purpose and to the fullest. Exploring
about a cop, a songbird, a psycho and                2020                                  new movies, new music, new video game
a mafia princess. Birds of Prey is a tale            -BTS with Map of the Soul -           offerings and new destinations is the way
                                                     February 21                           to go.

9                                                                          The Herald February 2020
The Herald - Happy Valentine's Day, Maple Sports - Maple Heights City Schools
 Fun Facts For February
                Brittanie Hightower         households leave milk and cookies for            -Mosquitos are more likely to bite you if
                Reporter                    Santa Claus.                                     you have just eaten a banana.

-A whip makes a cracking sound because      -Americans send an estimated 900 million         -A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.
it’s tip moves faster than the speed of     Valentine’s Day cards each year.
sound.                                                                                       -An aglet is the plastic tip of a shoelace.
                                            -In Pennsylvania, ministers are forbidden
-A hippo can open it’s mouth wide           to perform marriages if either the groom         -Earthworms have five hearts.
enough to fit in a four-foot tall child.    or the bride is drunk.
                                                                                             -There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf
-A pencil is made in two parts, each with   -A starving person can get nourishment by        ball.
a long groove. The graphite goes into       chewing on his shoes. Leather has enough
the groove, and the two pieces are glued    nutritional value to sustain life for a short    -George Washington’s false teeth were
together.                                   time.                                            made of hippopotamus ivory.

-The linen bandages that were used to       -A quarter has 119 grooves on its circum-        -Cats have two sets of vocal cords: one for
wrap Egyptian mummies averaged 1,000        ference. A dime has one less.                    purring and one for meowing.
yards in length.
                                            -A bubble is round because the air within        -Until 1796, the state of Tennessee was
-The king of hearts is the only king in a   presses equally on all it’s parts, thus caus-    known as Franklin.
deck of cards without a moustache.          ing all surfaces to be equal from it’s center.
                                                                                             -Pirates thought wearing an earring in a
-Grover Cleveland was the only US pres-     -A quart-size pail holds eight million           pierced ear improved their eyesight.
ident to be married in the White House.     grains of sand.
                                                                                             -Every day Americans eat an estimated 18
-The Pony Express lasted for about 18       -A car with a manual transmission gets           acres of pizza.
months, from 1860 to 1861.                  two miles more per gallon of gas than a car
                                            with an automatic transmission.                  -The oldest known goldfish lived to 41
-There are approximately 100,000 gla-                                                        years of age and was named Fred.
ciers in Alaska.                            -A funambulist is a tightrope walker.
                                                                                             -A teaspoon holds 120 drops of water.
-The first successful parachute jump        -A giraffe can kill a lion with one kick.
from a moving airplane was made by                                                           -There are over 200 taste buds on each of
Captain Berry in St. Louis, Missouri, in    -Super Bowl Sunday ranks as the third            the small bumps on your tongue.
1912.                                       largest occasion, next to Christmas and
                                            Thanksgiving, for Americans to consume           -There are 44 million ways to make bingo
-New freckles generally stop appearing      food.                                            on a single bingo card.
after the age of 19 or 20.
                                            -Thirty three percent of dog owners admit        -The Pilgrims dismantled the Mayflower
-The original Lassie starred in his first   they talk to their dogs on the phone or          and used its lumber to build a barn
film after being abandoned by his owners    leave them messages.                             because they did not intend to return to
for chasing moving vehicles.                                                                 England.
                                            -There are 450 types of cheese in the world,
-There are no clocks in Las Vegas casi-     and 240 come from France.                        -A high quality, fully-faceted, round, bril-
nos.                                                                                         liant diamond has at least 58 facets with
                                            -It’s against the law to stare at the mayor of   maximum sparkle and brilliance.
-At Christmas, only 10% of American         Paris.

10                                                                           The Herald February 2020
       Undefeated Mustangs Dominate
              Gabe Grant                        junior Curtis Jenkins; sophomores Khaleal           Jenkins, at 160 lbs., was 25-5.
                                                Rasheed, Jameel Smith, Daniel Eggleton, and         At 113 lbs., Rasheed was 25-3.
              Entertainment Editor                                                                  Smith was 18-3 at the 126 lb. weight class.
                                                Christian Edge; and freshman Kaden Pulley.
    The Maple Heights varsity wrestling             Two-time State qualifier Howard wrestles        Eggleton competes at the 138 lb. weight
team is dominating their competition and,       at the 120 lb. weight class and was unde-        class and was 23-8.
at press time, was undefeated with a 20-0       feated at 26-0 at press time. He won both           Edge wrestles at the 145 lb. weight class
record.                                         the Hudson and Maple Heights Holiday             and was 21-5.
    The team defeated West Geauga, Paines-      Tournaments.                                        Pulley, at 152 lbs., was 22-6.
ville Harvey, Valley Forge, Normandy, John          At 132 lbs., Bencie was 22-3. He is the         Areas of team strength this year include
F. Kennedy, John Marshall, Holy Name,           returning Lake Erie League MVP from the          “depth throughout the lineup”, said Coach
Fairview, Lakewood, and Madison in dual         2019-2020 season.                                Jamie Milkovich.
meets.                                              Gibson was 25-4 at the 170 lb. weight           A weakness is that many of the younger
    In tournament play, they placed first at    class.                                           wrestlers lack experience at the District level.
the Hudson Tournament, the Maple Heights            Flynn, at 182 lbs., was 26-2 and placed         According to Milkovich, “We expect to
Holiday Tournament, the Brush Duals, the        first at the Maple Heights Holiday Tourna-       win a ninth LEL championship and place in
Maple Heights Maroon and White Duals,           ment.                                            the top ten at States.”
and the Villa Angela St. Joseph Invitational.       Returning State qualifier Merritt wrestles      Key meets left this season include the LEL
    Key wrestlers this season include seniors   at the 220 lb. weight class. He was 27-1 and     Tournament on February 15, Sectionals on
Kolin Howard, Justin Bencie, Richard            placed first at the Maple Holiday Tourna-        February 29, Districts on March 6-7, and
Gibson, Billy Flynn, and Chrisean Merritt;      ment.                                            States on March 13-15.

            Gibson Never Gives Up
                          Dalonte West                                                           mind and his weakness is mental capacity.
                          Reporter                                                                   One thing that he enjoys about the
    The wrestling Athlete of the Month is                                                        sport is seeing bonds that grow.
senior Richard Gibson.                                                                               When asked for his expectations for the
   Gibson was born on March 3, 2002, in                                                          rest of the season, he replied, “I expect to
Cleveland, Ohio.                                                                                 make it out of Sectionals and make it to
   He attended Miles Elementary where                                                            Districts. I also hope to make it out of Dis-
he played muni-league football for the                                                           tricts and place at States.
Cowboys.                                                                                             In his spare time, he likes to work out
   He then attended Milkovich Middle                                                             and research things.
School and played football there.                                                                    Gibson works at DiBella’s in Solon.
   When high school started, he began-                                                               His favorite subject is English and his
wrestling, and continued playing football                                                        least favorite is math.
                                                Senior Richard Gibson conquers his                   His favorite college is Clemson Univer-
for two years. Gibson also plans on
running track this year.                        Kenston opponent.                                sity.
   He started wrestling at the age of 16.          This year he finished second place at the         After high school, he plans on becom-
Coach Jamie Milkovich motivated him             Hudson tournament which is one of his            ing a fire fighter.
to wrestle after he happened to walk into       favorite tournaments.                                His advice to future athletes is to work
practice one day. “I started wrestling to          He prepares for his matches by prepar-        hard and keep going.
get in shape for football,” said Gibson.        ing alone and focusing on his match.                  One thing he’ll miss is “all the jokes and
   He wrestles at the 170 lb. weight class         When asked what his most memorable            playing as a team”.
and has a current record of 24-3. He is         moment has been in wrestling, he re-                 The quotes he likes the best are “The
also a Lake Erie League champion from           sponded, “winning the LEL Championship           first time you quit its hard; the rest just
his junior season. As a junior, he wrestled     my junior season.”                               become easy” and “you can’t fall short
in the 160 lb. weight class.                       His main strength in wrestling is his         working hard; you only get better”.

  11                                                                             The Herald February 2020
   ‘Stangs Struggle With Size
               Malek Conley-Beecher                  Losses came to St. Ignatius, Cleveland             According to Varsity Coach Sean
               News Editor                        Heights, Lorain, Warren Harding, Canton            Weatherspoon, We expect to finish the
                                                  McKinley, John Marshall, Warrensville,             season strong and prepare for the playoffs.”
   The Maple Heights varsity boys basket-         Garfield, Cleveland Heights twice, and                He recognized team strengths as their
ball team had a 6-11 record at press time.        Shaw.                                              quickness, athleticism, and defense.
   The boys defeated Beachwood, 62-55;                Key players this season include seniors           The Mustangs need to work on commu-
Bedford, 65-54; Euclid, 70-64; Highland           Larry Reynolds, Perry Fullum, Che John-            nication and lack size, said Weatherspoon.
63-56; Glenville and JFK.                         son, and Antone Baker.
                                                     Reynolds plays at the guard and forward
                                                  positions and, at press time, was averaging
                                                  11.9 points and 3.7 rebounds per game.
                                                     At guard, Fullum, was averaging 8.7
                                                  points per game and 3.4 assists.
                                                     Johnson, at guard, averaged nine points
                                                  and 2.2 assists per game.
                                                     Averaging ten points and 5.6 rebounds
                                                  per game was Baker at the forward and
                                                  center positions.
                                                     Key games left this season include
                                                  Warrensville on February 14, Garfield on           Senior Antone Baker and junior
The team talks strategy during a                  February 20, and Shaw on February 18.              Dalonte Hall play strong defense.

  Reynolds Lives For Basketball
                      Lavon Robinson                                                                 letting past mistakes go.
                                                                                                         Reynolds enjoys everything about bas-
                      Reporter                                                                       ketball because he loves the game. “Many
    The boys basketball Athlete of the Month is                                                      people say they love basketball and don’t
senior Larry Reynolds.                                                                               mean it. This particular sport is my passion
    Reynolds was born June 3, 2002, in Mans-                                                         and hobby, and it gives me a rush once I get
field, Ohio.                                                                                         on the court.”
    He attended Rockside Elementary and                                                                  He doesn’t enjoy coaches that hold play-
was involved in soccer, baseball, football and                                                       ers back with potential or ones that don’t
basketball. He received All Ohio in boxing,                                                          give them a chance to play.
soccer, and basketball during those years.                                                               Working out is a spare time activity. He
    At Milkovich Middle School, he was again                                                         also works at DiBella’s to “take stress off of
rewarded with All Ohio in boxing. He also                                                            my mother”.
continued playing baseball, track, football,                                                             His favorite and least favorite subjects in
and basketball.                                                                                      school are math and history.
    Here at the high school, he played football   Senior Larry Reynolds prepares for                     His favorite college is Ohio State, his
his first two years as a receiver and defensive   a free-throw.                                      favorite team is the Lakers, and his favorite
end and has played basketball all four.                                                              player is Laker LeBron James.
                                                     Reynolds primarily plays at the small for-          Reynolds’ future plans after high school
    He was four years of age when he started      ward position.
playing basketball. His motvation to play                                                            are to attend college on a full scholarship,
                                                     To prepare for games, he wakes up at 6:00       major in Sports Management, and then go
came from his grandfather who made him            a.m. and hits the gym to work out. After that
play up in the first grade with sixth and sev-                                                       overseas to play professional basketball.
                                                  he gets in as many shots as possible and listens       Advice to future athletes is to “stay on
enth graders to attain more skills.               to music for one to two hours before games.
    Over the years, he has played for AAU                                                            your grind, stay humble, and, no matter
                                                     His main strengths in basketball are being a    what anyone says, believe in yourself and
teams such as TNBA, OBC, SMAC, King               mental team leader, scoring, and rebounding.
James, and Hardwork. He won the MVP                                                                  push through adversity. Also, stay close to
                                                     His weaknesses are mental mistakes and          God.”
award for King James.

  12                                                                                The Herald February 2020
Mustangs Look To Improve
                     Gabi McCorvey                                                            Alston, at point guard, averaged 11.2
                     News Editor                                                           points, 3.4 rebounds and 5.4 assists per
                                                                                           game. She scored 112 points so far for the
The Mustang girls’ varsity basketball                                                      season.
team had a 6-11 overall record and a 4-6                                                      At guard, McCorvey played the first
LEL league record at press time.                                                           eight games and went out for the rest of the
   The team defeated Andrews Osborne                                                       season with an ACL injury. She averaged
Academy (58-54), Glenville (72-39),                                                        four points and 5.9 rebounds per game.
Bedford (54-32), Shaw (64-35), Garfield                                                    She scored 32 points for the Mustangs this
Heights (70-61), and Bedford (65-38).                                                      season.
   The team was defeated by North                                                             According to Coach Kenisha Coward,
Ridgeville, Chardon, Cleveland Central                                                     areas of team strength include rebounding,
Catholic, Cleveland Heights, Lorain,                                                       chemistry and speed.
Kenston, Warrensville, and Trinity.           Junior Dajanae Kopkins and senior
                                                                                              Weaknesses are the amount of turn-
   Key players this year include seniors      Aaliyah King-Cole go for a rebound.          overs, not executing during offensive play
Dajanae Hopkins, Tamera Maple, Cam-                                                        and defense.
ryn Alston, and Gabrielle McCorvey.           She had 151 points for the season.              According to Coward, “We expect to
   Hopkins plays at the forward position.       At shooting guard, Maple averaged 13.7     finish strong, execute and play with 120%
At press time, she averaged 15.1 points       points and 6.3 rebounds per game. She        effort.”
per game and 15.9 rebounds per game.          had 137 points so far this season.

   Hopkins Gets In Game Mode
                   Tonyae Mills                                                            about the sport, she replied “everything, I
                   Sports Editor                                                           love my teammates and coaches”.
                                                                                               Hopkins expects “to do her best, to cheer
   The varsity girls basketball Athlete of                                                 on her team, and to just be there for them
the Month is junior Dajanae Hopkins.                                                       when they need me.”
   She was born on January 4, 2003, in                                                         In her spare time, she enjoys watching
Cleveland, Ohio.                                                                           movies and listening to music. Hopkins
   Hopkins attended Barack Obama                                                           is currently trying to get a job at Panera in
Elementary School and Milkovich Middle                                                     Solon.
School.                                                                                        Hopkins’ favorite subject is math and her
   While in middle school, she was in-                                                     least favorite subject is English.
volved in a dance program for one year.                                                        Her favorite college is The Ohio State
    Here at the high school, she travels to                                                University.
Cleveland Heights High School for their                                                        When asked who her idol is, she replied,
two-year Exercise and Sports Medicine                                                      “My mom because she pushes me to push
Career Technology program.                    Junior Dajanae Hopkins plays defense         harder. She is a nurse and she has been
    She is also involved in basketball.                                                    working at that profession for 16 years. She
                                              against her Bedford opponent.                is a good person to look up to because she is
   She started playing basketball at the
age of 15. She has been playing for the           Hopkins mainly plays at the forward      not a quitter. She also played basketball in
lady Mustangs since her sophomore year.       position.                                    high school.”
where she played for both the JV and              To prepare herself before games, she         Her future plans after high school are
varsity teams. This year she is a varsity     listens to music to “get in game mode”.      to attend The Ohio State University to be a
starter.                                          Her main strength in basketball is re-   physical trainer.
   Last season, she won the Most Im-          bounding and she doesn’t have a weakness.        The advice she would give to future ath-
proved award at the end of the season.            When asked what she enjoys the most      letes is to practice and just “ball out”.

 13                                                                          The Herald February 2020
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