THE LION'S ROAR - Lincoln, NE ...

THE LION'S ROAR - Lincoln, NE ...
                           Late Winter – Early Spring – 2021

    In mid-January, St. Mark’s
     welcomed Father Robert
   Magoola as our new rector,
along with his wife, Monica, and
   family. We at St. Mark’s are
  deeply grateful to Holy Trinity
for offering the apartment which
  Fr. Robert, Monica, and their
 youngest daughter, Suubi, are
 using as they transition to their
            new home.

From Fr. Robert
Monica, Suubi (pronounced like Sue-B, the soft B) and I are so glad to be here among you. We
have received such a warm welcome at St. Mark’s, to Lincoln, and the Diocese of Nebraska. We
are looking forward to learning much from you, getting to know each one of you personally, and
to working with you in your varied capacities and gift sets. Even without a rector for a short while
you functioned impressively. I am sure there is much we can do together to move us to the next
level of our common Christian experience and ministry. My initial efforts will be focused on four
different areas of our life together: Worship, In-reach, Outreach and spiritual Devotionals
(WIOD). As it turns out, the last of these has taken the first priority. I am proud of the small
team that has joined me in presenting to you our daily Lenten devotionals. Also during Lent we
will offer Lent Madness (back by popular demand) and the Finding Faith Forum study of Jesus’
letters to the seven churches in Asia.
As rector I have arrived in this parish during such unprecedented times. While we might be
tempted to despair, we are much better off looking to the numerous opportunities with which
God is now presenting us. Like those who lived during the great depression, we will come out on
the other side of this pandemic having been sharpened by the challenges we’ve faced and all the
better for a stronger church. Even as we ponder the uncertainty of our future, let’s look for new
insights God will lavish upon us through these profound experiences.
During Lent this year we will spend a sermon series examining what it means to be effective in
our ministry. I invite you to pay great attention to this series, and to pray expectantly as we
delve deep into the topic.

                                                      Blessings to you and yours,   Robert        +
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                        LATE WINTER – EARLY SPRING – 2021
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Lenten Activities ala 2021
Ash Wednesday: On Ash Wednesday, February 17, there will be a Prayer Service at Noon
via Facebook Live and Distribution of Ashes at 5:00 pm. Distribution will be rather different
this year – as so many things are! Fr. Robert will distribute “drive by” ashes from the UNL
parking lot just east of St. Mark’s. Please let Fr. Robert or the Office know if/when you plan to
drive by for ashes.
Lenten Daily Devotionals: Fr. Robert has assembled a team to write Daily Devotionals for Lent
– Steve Blum, Steve Shively, and Marceline Hutton. Peg Sheldrick is preparing videos from the
team’s written materials. The devotionals will be posted to YouTube with links from St. Mark’s
website and Facebook page. Printed versions will also be available from the Office upon request.
 Special Finding Faith Series: On
Thursdays at 4:00 pm during Lent, via Zoom,         Finding Faith Forum Schedule for Lent
Fr. Robert will lead a study of Jesus' letters to    Date Topic          Passage
the seven churches in Revelation 2, 3.              02/18 Ephesus        Revelation 2:1-7
Sessions will begin with Lectio Divina guided by    02/25 Smyrna         Revelation 2:8-11
Steve Blum, followed by Fr. Robert’s study /        03/04 Pergamum       Revelation 2:12-17
interpretation of the passage, then discussion,     03/11 Thyatira       Revelation 2:18-29
and ending with prayer. The sessions will be        03/18 Sardis         Revelation 3:1-6
recorded and posted to YouTube, with links          03/25 Philadelphia   Revelation 3:7-13
from our website and Facebook page. To              04/01 Laodicea       Revelation 3:14-22
receive a Zoom invitation, contact Steve Blum.
Plans for Holy Week: Watch the Weekly Minders for more details about Holy Week. At this
point, the tentative plan is for Facebook Live services 7:00 pm on Holy Thursday and Good
Friday, and at 10:30 am on Easter Sunday. If the pandemic situation changes, our plans may
change, so watch the Weekly Minders, Facebook, and our website for updates or changes.

George Peek Memorial Award
As part of a farewell Zoom on New Year’s Eve, Bob Kuzelka drove to Kearney to present Fr.
Chuck and Nancy with the George Peek Memorial Award. Many of us watched on Zoom as it
was presented. Here is a note from Fr. Chuck in response to the award and the Farewell.

Nancy and I were overwhelmed with the Good-bye
Zoom on New Year's Eve! Pippa had organized it so
well, the sentiments expressed were so heartfelt,
Fr. Don's (and Nan's) opening comments were so
apt, Robbi Lowe's archival trip down memory lane
was such fun -- we will cherish the memory of
these things always. You may not have been able
to tell it on the Zoom, but Nancy, Bob Kuzelka, and
I were all in tears here, for your most wonderful
award, his whole trip to be here during the Zoom and present it, and the mutual love and
ministry that prompted the award. Pooh was right - we are very lucky, indeed, when we all care
enough for each other that parting is bitter-sweet. Many thanks and many blessings for the new
year, the new Rector, and the new lease on life that the vaccine may bring!

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Annual Meeting Highlights
Our 2021 Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, January 24th, via Zoom. Here are some highlights
of the meeting.
2021 Parish Officers and Council Delegates: Our wardens for 2021 are Todd Sneller and
Charlie Lowe. Sara LeRoy-Toren will be the Warden-in-Waiting. New Vestry members, Steve
Blum and Nita Sipple, will join current members, Jennifer Cejda, Richard Toren, Andrea Nelson,
and Larry Reznicek. Jennifer Cejda agreed to continue serving as Vestry Clerk. Julianna Bukoski
continues to serve as Parish Treasurer, with Richard Toren as Assistant Treasurer. Annual
Convention delegates (October 21-23) are Beth Hemmer, Opal Doerr, and Steve Shively, with
John Flint as an alternate.
By-Law Changes: Amendments to SMOC'S Bylaws were approved by those present. The
amendments had earlier been approved by the Vestry. The amendments do three things.
    1. Affirm our new leadership structure of two Co-Wardens (rather than a Senior Warden
       and Junior Warden) and the option of having a Warden-in-Training.
    2. Decrease the size of the Vestry from nine members to six elected members, with one or
       two student members appointed by the Rector.
    3. Confirm that the Vestry may meet by telephone or other electronic means when an in-
       person meeting would be unsafe or impractical. (The Vestry has been meeting via Zoom
        throughout the Covid19 pandemic.)
Annual Service Award: The Annual Service Award was presented to Pippa Lawson for her
extensive, enduring service to St. Mark’s. Her leadership during transition and pandemic is deeply
appreciated, as well as her dedication to making our facility visually welcoming.

Our Digital Community in COVID-19 Times
   Sunday Worship: Until conditions allow in person worship, we continue to share a
    Sunday online prayer service at 10:30 am via Facebook Live. Later that same day,
    the video can be viewed on our YouTube channel (search for SMOClincoln) and
    linked from our website.

   Finding Faith Forum: We share directed, scripture-based meditation called Lectio
    Divina, followed by guided discussion on Thursdays at 4:00 pm via Zoom. To take
    part, please contact Fr. Robert, the Church Office (402-474-1979) or Steve Blum.
   Zoom Meetings: The Vestry meets via Zoom monthly. Vestry invitations/notices
    are organized by Robbi Lowe. Communications Committee meets Tuesdays at
    3:00 pm. Contact Natalie Shepard for a Zoom invitation.
   The Big Red Door: Produced in 2020, this video teaching series features brief
    discussions of subjects ranging from how we Episcopalians practice our faith to what
    you might expect to experience in our services. All episodes are posted on Y ouTube;
    search for SMOCLincoln. They are also linked from our website.

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Building on Faith
The construction phase of the Building on Faith
(BOF) Project began on February 1. Our roofing
contractor, Weathercraft, started with removal
of the old slate shingles on the south end of the
sanctuary roof. The work is being coordinated
with UNL so that the contractor can have access
to the east side of the building. UNL parking on
that side complicates the process. Weathercraft
is monitoring how much dust and grime filter
through to the interior of the sanctuary. If
necessary, the organ and piano will have
protective coverings to avoid any dust problems.
Other exterior work, including the expansion
joint and tuck point work, will also be
coordinated by Weathercraft. The exterior work
is all highly dependent on the weather situation,
so at this point, a completion date is not clear.
Interior repair work will not begin until the
exterior work is finished.

                        The BOF Project is in good financial shape. As of January 31st, the total
                        sum raised (including payments received, pledges, and insurance
                        proceeds) was $343,886. The amount received to that date was
                        It will be important for pledges to the BOF Fund Drive to be paid in a
                        timely manner so that the church does not need to borrow any more
                        than absolutely necessary to pay construction bills as they come due.

Goodbye, Chelsea!
Hello, Ross!
Sunday, February 21st, will be Chelsea Vaught’s last day as St. Mark’s organist and music
director. Happily for her and sadly for us, she is leaving for her dream job in her home town of
Henderson. Blessings on your new endeavors, Chelsea!
Happily for us, we will not be without an organist / music director for long. On February 22nd we
will welcome Ross Mosier, who will lead us in music the first time on Sunday, February 28th.
Ross hails from Aurora, NE and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Glenn Korff School
of Music. He has a Bachelors in Piano Performance. Ross has practiced at St. Mark’s many times,
so he is familiar with the organ and facility. Ross, welcome to St. Mark’s on the Campus!

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Lent Madness is Back!
In a time that already feels crazy enough, Lent Madness
is back! Once again, St. Mark’s on the Campus will join
in Lent Madness, a seriously fun Lenten devotion that
gives you the chance to get to know 32 amazing saints
and vote on which holy person will win the coveted
Golden Halo.

As the Lent Madness website states, “32 saints are
placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket.
Each pairing remains open for a set period of time
and people vote for their favorite saint. Sixteen saints
make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight
advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to
the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the
winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo. The first
round consists of basic biographical information about
each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting
in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks,
explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly

You can take part by going to the Lent Madness web
site,, then:
       Click on the bracket tab and download the
        fillable version of the PDF bracket form.
       Type in your predictions for the winner of each
        saintly match-up leading up to the final Golden
        Halo round.
     Email your completed form to our self-
      appointed scorekeeper, Peg Sheldrick, at, by February 17 – yes,
      that’s really soon!
       Visit the Lent Madness site each weekday to
        read about the day’s match-up and vote your
        saint into the next round.
If you correctly predict the Golden Halo winner (or
guess the most daily match-up winners), you will win a
yet-to-be-disclosed St. Mark’s on the Campus prize.
Last year Natalie Shepard correctly predicted Harriet
Tubman would take the halo. Due to COVID 19
shutdowns, Natalie had to abide in patience for her
prize, but she assures us it was well worth the guessing and the waiting. Everyone who took part
gained a greater knowledge of the saints and a deeper appreciation of the holy people of past and

Watch the Minders and Announcements for details and updates. Visit to get on
the daily mailing list for a link to write-ups and voting.

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You! Yes, YOU! You CAN Zoom!
Though we are not meeting in person, St.
Mark’s is using Zoom to get together — sort of
like a 21st Century party line -- and it’s free!
You don’t have to be a computer expert. In
fact, you don’t have to have a computer to
take part as long as you have a phone and are
willing to participate solely through audio. We
hope these instructions will help you to
connect and take part.
   Connecting with a Computer, Tablet or Smart Phone: Each Zoom event has a host
    who sets up the event for a particular date and time. To take part, you request an
    invitation from the host. If it is a whole church activity, you may automatically receive an
    invitation. This is generally an e-mail, but it can also be a piece of paper with the meeting
    ID number and pass code (if there is one). An email invitation will have a link (it starts with
    https). Click on this link. The first time you click on the link, Zoom will download the
    program. This happens quickly and it is free.

      If you don’t have an email link, you can still get into a Zoom meeting using your browser.
      Type in in the search field. Select the Zoom website from the search results. At
      the Zoom website, select “Join a Meeting” and type in the meeting ID number from the
      invitation. If there is a pass code, it will ask for that next. When Zoom is ready and
      connects you to the meeting, you will go to a waiting room. There might be a message
      about the status of the meeting. While waiting for the host to let you in, you can click a
      button to test your sound levels. If you have a camera, you can also click to see what you
      look like on screen. The host admits people to the meeting. It might take a little time, but
      you will get in. Once you have been admitted to the event, if you are using a device with a
      screen, you will need to find the mute button and the camera button. These may be at the
      top or bottom of the screen. If you see a red slash through either one, it is turned off. Click
      it to turn it on. After that, if you need to mute your sound or turn off your camera, just
      click the button again. (The host can mute everyone.) When you are ready to leave the
      call, look for the red “leave” button and click. You might get a prompt box that confirms
      you want to leave. Click it.

   Connecting by Phone: If you prefer, you can dial into a Zoom meeting using a landline
    or cell phone. You will need an email invitation or a paper copy of the invitation. It is best
    to have the invitation at hand when you get ready to dial in – you will need to punch in
    some fairly long numbers. The invitation contains a list of telephone numbers and cities –
    dial in using any one of those. Once you’ve dialed in, the phone system will request the
    meeting ID number and (if used) the passcode. Just follow the verbal prompts. During the
    meeting, you will be able to hear everything and others will hear you. Meeting attendees
    with screens will see a phone icon instead of your face. When the meeting is over, simply
    hang up.
   Still have questions? Contact Natalie Shepard or Peg Sheldrick for amateur tech
    assistance and moral support. The Zoom web site also has helpful articles and guidance.

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                        LATE WINTER – EARLY SPRING – 2021
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Computer Buddies/Computer Pals?
Our congregation has a wide range of computer skills – from those who are adept at all things
computer to those who are NOT! With so many of our activities being online and via Zoom, the
computer-challenged are more isolated than the computer-skilled. To decrease that isolation, the
Communications Committee would like to try something new – Zoom Buddies and Pals.

Several of our parishioners would benefit from
having a Zoom Buddy. A Zoom Buddy
(computer-skilled parishioner) would be
partnered with a Zoom Pal (computer-
challenged parishioner). For St. Mark’s special
occasions on Zoom, the Zoom Buddy would
share a computer screen in their home with the
Zoom Pal. In some situations, a Zoom Buddy
might need to provide transportation to their
Zoom Pal or go to them with a laptop or tablet –
arrangements will vary from team to team. If
Zoom Buddy and Pal agree, the sharing could
extend to Facebook Live activities as well.
If you would be willing to be a Zoom Buddy or
would like to be a Zoom Pal, please contact
Opal Doerr, 402-440-2350 or

 Mark Your Calendar!
      Fr. Robert’s Installation as Rector of St. Mark’s on the Campus by
         Bishop Barker is scheduled for Friday, August 6th.

      St. Mark’s 100th Anniversary celebration is being planned for this
         coming autumn. Want to help? Contact Opal.

           Check out the new Online Donation Option

    The Lion’s Roar is the quarterly newsletter of St. Mark’s on the Campus Episcopal Church at 1309 R
   Street, Lincoln, NE 68508. This is the February-March-April 2021 issue. For information about items in
  the newsletter or to include an item in the next newsletter, contact the editor,, or
                             the church office,

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                          LATE WINTER – EARLY SPRING – 2021
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SMOC Centennial Stories – Part 1
An Episcopal Church for
University Students:
After months of negotiation with
the Wardens and Vestry of St.
Luke’s, The Diocese of Nebraska
leased the property at 13th and R
Street for a three-year period and
Fr. Linn McMillin signed a three-
year commitment with Bishop
Ernest Shayler to serve as the
“priest-in-charge” for the same
period. Rev. McMillin was the first
student priest for the University

The converted St. Mark’s Church
was repainted inside and outside;
new appointments were also
provided. The converted University
Church was opened with Bishop
Shayler present for the two
morning services on September 18,
1921.1, 2
The experiment with a student
pastor and a student-run
administration body was quite

Rev. McMillin, often referred to as
“Fr. Mac” was to remain at
University Church until his
retirement in September 1948.

Robbi Lowe
(402) 630-1777

        Lincoln Journal Star Sep 9, 1921, Pg. 13, Col 2.
        The Episcopal Church in Nebraska, Copyright 1969, Omaha, NE. Published under the
        Sponsorship of the Diocese of Nebraska of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Wm. J.
        Barnds, M. A.

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