The Lord Loves Justice - St. Paul AME Church

Page created by Morris Dennis
  Lesson        9#                                                                         April 26,
                                                                                           Month  #, 2020

                              The Lord Loves Justice
  Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 61:8–62:12
  Focus Scripture: Isaiah 61:8-11; 62:2-4a (end with “Desolate”)

         Key Verses: For I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery and wrongdoing; I will faith-
        fully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.
                                        Isaiah 61:8 (NRSV)

   ISAIAH 61:8-11; 62:2-4A (END WITH                         ISAIAH 61:8-11; 62:2-4A (END WITH
         “DESOLATE”) (NRSV)                                         “DESOLATE”) (KJV)
                  Isaiah 61:8-11                                             Isaiah 61:8-11
  8 For I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery              8 For I the Lord love judgment, I hate robbery
and wrongdoing; I will faithfully give them their         for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in
recompense, and I will make an everlasting                truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant
covenant with them.                                       with them.
  9 Their descendants shall be known among                   9 And their seed shall be known among the
the nations, and their offspring among the                Gentiles, and their offspring among the people:
peoples; all who see them shall acknowledge               all that see them shall acknowledge them, that
that they are a people whom the Lord has                  they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.
blessed.                                                     10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul
  10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my whole         shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me
being shall exult in my God; for he has clothed           with the garments of salvation, he hath covered
me with the garments of salvation, he has                 me with the robe of righteousness, as a bride-
covered me with the robe of righteousness, as             groom decketh himself with ornaments, and as
a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and            a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.
as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.                   11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and
  11 For as the earth brings forth its shoots, and        as the garden causeth the things that are sown
as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring           in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause
up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness              righteousness and praise to spring forth before
and praise to spring up before all the nations.           all the nations.
         62:2-4a (end with “Desolate”)                              62:2-4a (end with “Desolate”)
  2 The nations shall see your vindication, and              2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteous-
all the kings your glory; and you shall be called         ness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be
by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will             called by a new name, which the mouth of the
give.                                                     Lord shall name.
  3 You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand               3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the
of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of            hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand
your God.                                                 of thy God.
  4 You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and                4 Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken;
your land shall no more be termed Desolate;…              neither shall thy land any more be termed Deso-

Lesson     9                                                                   April 26, 2020

            INTRODUCTION                                   TELLING THE BIBLE STORY
   The scripture, especially the Key                    In the scriptures we can see God’s
Verse, puts God’s position on justice                promise of abundant living to the Jews
beyond any doubt. But the passage goes               returning out of captivity. However, we
even further. It reinforces three factors            do not see these promises as ancient
about God’s view of justice. First, God              and exclusive to the Jewish nation. See
rewards people who stand for justice.                them also as extended to us through our
Second, when God punishes a nation                   relations with Jesus Christ. However, we
for injustice the punishment lasts only for          must note that to realize the promises,
a set time. And third,                                                 people must recognize
there is a strong link                                                 and      accept     the
between the practice of                                               character of God. The
justice and economic                                                  almighty is the Lord who
prosperity in a nation.                                               loves justice and hates

   But the association
                              When God’s blessings                    wrongdoing.      Further,
                                                                      God is a covenant God
between           justice,    are on a nation, that
                                                                      who rewards the faithful
the rule of law, and
                              nation stands out as                    and compensates them
economic prosperity is
not only shown in the            extraordinary.                       for their sufferings.
                                                                      When God’s blessings
Bible. The World Bank
                                                                      are on a nation, that
also recognizes it. So,
                                                                      nation stands out as
we don’t have to keep
                                                                      extraordinary. Through
the issue of justice in a
                                                                      the special prosperity
“religious and emotional
                                                     of blessed people, onlookers come to
goodness” box. When we consider the
                                                     recognize that God is a God of justice,
economic implication of the practice of
                                                     and they praise the Lord.
justice, we find more reason why we
should urge leaders to make the practice                Isaiah 62:1-4 shows God’s special
of justice a feature of their administration.        love for Israel (including us in spiritual
We explore aspects of the link between               Israel). They also highlighted the divine
justice and prosperity in our examples               desire to see justice practiced among
and case study below.                                the Lord’s people. The special prosperity

Lesson    9                                                            April 26, 2020
which God releases on his people makes shared prosperity. Empirical studies
them the envy of the world. God’s faithful demonstrate the critical role of justice for
people will not be put in situations where fostering a healthy business environment,
onlookers will see them as forsaken or enhancing growth, improving access to
forgotten by God. Also, the blessings do public services (particularly for the poor),
not stop at one generation. They extend to curbing corruption and restraining the
all the descendants of the blessed people abuse of power. Justice underpins the
(verse 5). In verses 6-10, God promised political process by protecting individuals’
the nation security and protection. Then rights, facilitating collective action and
God renewed the prediction that the enabling credible commitment.”
nation would be the
                                                                 As a result of this
“pride of the earth.”
                                                              recognition, the World
Because they would              “Justice institutions Bank                  committed
be secured, they would
                                  are vital to the            resources            and
enjoy the fruits of their
                                                              personnel to help many
labors. No one will rob        achievement of the
                                                              countries       improve
them. Then in verses
                           World Bank’s twin goals the quality of justice
10-12, the message
                                                              institutions. In Kenya,
points to the coming to end extreme poverty
                                                              for example, one of the
of the special one,           and promote shared World Bank’s projects
the Messiah, who will
usher in the promised
                                     prosperity.”             helped the judiciary to
                                                              put in place a system
new era.
                                                              to track legal cases.
        SANKOFA                                               This has enhanced the
    Through a series of special projects, administration of justice in that country.
the World Bank shows that it recognizes Similarly, in Nigeria, a Bank project
the close link between the practice of helped to create legal aid centers.
justice and the prosperity of nations. In The Central African Republic people got
one of its publication (see endnote) we assistance in promoting compliance with
noted, “Justice institutions are vital to the the Extractive Industries Transparency
achievement of the World Bank’s twin Initiative. For Cambodia, it was support
goals to end extreme poverty and promote for the Arbitration Council to resolve labor

Lesson      9                                                              April 26, 2020
disputes. For Sierra Leone, the Bank               and this was reflected in his work. His
offered help to paralegals to address              vision of a society which treated all
administrative law issues and improve the          people with respect and dignity led him
delivery of health services. These were            to join the AME Church in 1854. In 1880
all projects to strengthen the practice of         he became a bishop in the church. He
justice in these countries. As the benefits        spearheaded the growth of the AME
of these projects flow through societies,          Church in Georgia. His pioneering work
we should see in these countries some              went as far as ordaining a woman as a
of the prosperity conditions which Isaiah          deacon. This was very controversial and
saw in a liberated Israel.                         divisive at that time.

   (The full World Bank                                                While many people
report on the association                                          talk glowingly about
                                   For in every                    seeing better for the
between justice and
prosperity:         http://      nation, we find                   people, few dare to
                                                                   devote their lives to              people who hold
en/topic/governance/                                               make that better life a
                              progressive dreams                   reality. Bishop Turner
public-safety)                  for their people,                  both spoke it and
                                                                   worked tirelessly to
     CASE STUDY               especially the poor                  see it happen. In the
   Isaiah painted a           and disadvantaged.                   latter part of the 1800s
glowing image of what                                              he was among the
God had planned for                                                pioneers who cut paths
the liberated Jewish                                              to better prospects for
people. And although some parts of the             Negroes. Because of Bishop Turner’s
vision were spiritual, we also see in it           achievements, many African Americans
many earthly aspects. For in every nation,         now sit high in the American society.
we find people who hold progressive                Let us look briefly at some of those
dreams for their people, especially the            achievements.
poor and disadvantaged. In America one
                                                     Bishop Turner became the publication
such person was Henry McNeal Turner.
                                                   manager for the AME The Christian
Mr. Turner saw himself as an educator
Lesson     9                                                             April 26, 2020
Recorder. He used that platform to inspire       For some, Bishop Turner is
and educate his people towards the same remembered for his “God is a Negro”
better life vision that was driving him. remarks. He defended the remarks by
As a community leader in Washington, noting that a people needed to see their
D.C., he drew many into his dream of reflection in their deity. To say that those
taking their place in society. Towards remarks were considered inflammatory
that end, he did his part. For example, and divisive would be an understatement.
he scored another first when he became Many people could not see (or refused to
the U.S. Postmaster in Macon, Georgia: see) the greater point Turner was trying
the first black person to hold that office. to make. Also noteworthy is his time as
Outside the church,                                            chairman of the board of
as a member of the                                             Morris Brown College.
Republican party he                                            Bishop Turner left for
helped to motivate and          Bishop Turner left for us a shining example of
organize black voters in
                            us a shining example of what we can do to help
Georgia. We must also                                          bring about the better
note his contribution as what we can do to help life we often daydream
one of the first black bring about the better about. And we must
state representatives in                                       never forget the times
the Georgia legislature.     life we    often  daydream        in which he made his
He represented his                        about.               mark: a time that was
people there until he                                          bitterly hostile to people
and other “colored”                                            of his race. What a
representatives were                                           display of humility!
kicked out in a vote that highlighted the               LIFE APPLICATION
racial hostilities of his day. As part of his
                                                 Notwithstanding racism and injustices
vision of seeing black people participate
                                              in the world today, we must admit, as a
in all levels of society, he was part of
                                              race, people of African descent have
the lobby for President Lincoln to allow
                                              come a long way. Of course we have not
Negroes into the military. He himself was
                                              yet reached the Promised Land. Still, we
one of the first African American chaplains
                                              can see its shores from where we are
in the U.S. military.
                                              now. This thought should prompt in us

Lesson    9                                                           April 26, 2020
great appreciation for the forerunners or her corner of influence can contribute
who built the foundation on which we to the practice of justice in our society.
now stand. Therefore, we should stop Take time to consider how you will make
occasionally to reflect on those pioneers. your contribution. Again, as hinted in the
In this regard, ask yourself how much you Introduction, there is a link between
know about the work and achievements the practice of justice in a country and
of people like Bishop Henry M. Turner the nation’s economic health. The more
and Frederick Douglass. What can we do widespread the practice of justice, the
to ensure that the work and sacrifices of more prosperous the nation will be. Even
such people are never forgotten? Where the secular experts at the World Bank
necessary,       research                                    and United Nations
the contributions they                                       recognize this. Think
made to secure some                                          about what you can
of the privileges and                                        do to enhance justice
opportunities we now            Whatever    we   seek        and prosperity in your
enjoy.                         to do, we must be             community. Put the
    As noted in the certain that we seek the emphasis on actions
Introduction,      it   is                                   rather than words.
so easy to talk about approval and guidance                  Finally, we will state
having a better life for           of God.                the obvious. Consider
our people. Anyone                                        for a moment Psalm
can do that, and many                                     127:1. It gives this
do. But after wishing                                     warning: unless God
and        complaining,                                   is at the center of our
nothing happens. The better life comes efforts to do something, we are wasting
when people create it through work, time, effort, and money. Whatever we
commitment, and sacrifice. Therefore, seek to do, we must be certain that we
each person must think about what he seek the approval and guidance of God.
or she is doing or can do to make life We said that this is obvious, and yes, it is.
better for our people. We do not have Nevertheless, many people step out on
to be famous or have prestigious titles projects and programs without consulting
to make a contribution. Everyone in his the Lord and asking for God’s help. Insure

Lesson       9                                                                       April 26, 2020
you do not do that. And, if at this time you            organizations like the World Bank to
are involved in any program for which you               make the call for more justice in our
have not sought God’s clearance, stop                   countries?
and correct that now in a time of prayer              4. What more do you know of Bishop’s
and meditation.                                          Henry Turner’s fight for justice for
QUESTIONS                                                African Americans?
1. What evidence do you see to support                        CLOSING DEVOTIONS
   the idea that the practice of justice              Psalm 23 gives an impressive imaginary
   brings prosperity to a nation?                     picture of God’s protection and provision
2. The writer in 62:1 says, “For Zion’s               for those who trust the Lord. This is
   sake, I will not keep silent, and for              the same picture projected by the set
   Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest.” What            scriptures. A corporate recital of Psalm
   cause or issue will make you “not keep             23 is a fitting way to end this session.
   silent” or cause you not to rest?                  Prayer: Dear God, we thank you for your
3. How can we use reports from secular                protection and provisions. Amen.

                          HOME DAILY BIBLE READINGS
                                         April 20-April 26

   Monday           1 Kings 3:16-28 (Solomon Makes a Just Decision)

   Tuesday          Luke 4:14-21 (Jesus Issues His Platform for Justice)

   Wednesday        Leviticus 25:8-17 (The Year of Jubilee Established)

   Thursday         Isaiah 49:1-7 (A Light to the Nations)

   Friday           Isaiah 61:1-7 (A New Vision for the People)

   Saturday         Isaiah 62:5-12 (Zion Welcomes the Redeemed Home)

   Sunday           Isaiah 61:8-11; 62:2-4a (end with “desolate”) (The Lord Brings the People Justice)

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