The Most Inconvenient Truth and The Worlds Other Biggest Secret.

Page created by Jamie Griffith
The Most Inconvenient Truth and The Worlds Other Biggest Secret.
The Most Inconvenient Truth and
                       The Worlds Other Biggest Secret.

The biggest Secret and the most inconvenient truth is that a few very rich men intend to
survive the coming events with their choice of bunker mates. (Supply chain economics will
verify the accuracy of this statement and we'll get to that later.) These men through their money
have developed eavesdropping and control mechanisms for all of the worlds communications,
entertainment and computing hardware. They have also managed to convince a large group of others
to believe that they also can survive and take over the world from the dominating white Patriarchal
societies and give it back to the Neanderthal Matriarchal societies. Unfortunately for the people that
have been conned, this is incorrect and the people funding the whole show are just rich evil old
dudes that pretend to believe in God.

It is a shame that a few evil people have the ability to divert the lives of an entire planet. But that is
what appears to have happened.
Al Gore used the line an Uncomfortable Truth to spread the lie of Global Warming being caused by
mankinds' use of fossil fuels. Someone else made a movie called The Secret.
Words relating to upcoming events have all been used by Cass Sunstein as names for Rock Bands or
the names of Tunes.
Cass Sunstein? He is the chap hired by President Obama to be the Internet Czar. (Czar... the dude in
charge. ) What was Cass' PhD Thesis topic ? I forget exactly... but something like “Developing
Memes to Fool the World....”
So the New World Propaganda is in full swing. According to Youtube, aliens are coming, the Pole
shift is just around the corner, weather is real and not man made, the sun is all set to explode and
Venus is a planet all about love and beauty. Which of those statements have any truth to them ?

Since I emailed out Scout 56 my life has changed somewhat.
I regularly tell a few friends per telephone what is occurring to me; some accept my utterances,
others ignore them and some start ignoring me. Psychiatrists first told me I was delusional then
after fighting at a tribunal to keep me inside for 21 days, kicked me out four days later before all of
their staff resigned. (See Scout 60)
This document is being written because one of those friends told me that I needed to write it down
for the masses.
I have had nearly all of my computers operating system and hard disk data destroyed by the
Microsoft back door “trusted Installer”.
I've been chased by Apache Attack Helicopters, followed by Dornier Air Search Rescue planes, had
barium sprayed at me by Fulton Hogan road working crews,

In fact, I have been sport for a large number of individuals. Sometimes as many (my estimate) as 2­
300 persons involved in chasing me or driving vehicles down remote back roads.
In these circumstances there is aught else to do but continue for as long as possible.
I don't have any family any more. My siblings unfortunately like money more than family ties,
which unfortunately surprised me. I say unfortunately because my partner was quite cross that I
didn't get any.
The Most Inconvenient Truth and The Worlds Other Biggest Secret.
What is this world that we replace family ties with money. I guess it's slightly better than being hit
over the head with a mastodon femur for a larger piece of steak, but only slightly.
So why am I doing this and why don't I give up ? Because there are a lot of little people.
You know the ones, about a foot tall (if they could stand up) to the height where they can go on
rides. So this and all my work is for the kids that cant go on the rides by themselves and who need
someone's help to get through what's coming.

Most people tell me that they don't believe I have been shot with Microwaves. The Doctors told me
that I was delusional and then using drugs attempted to alter my ability to feel Microwaves, X­rays
and ionising radiation (or what I used to call in the earlier Scout files, Bremstrahlung.

I have learnt all about microwave weapons.
Actually, that's not quite correct. I've known about microwave weapons since 1975. However, I
always thought they would be used against my countries enemies. I never imagined any scenario
where my country (Australia is my adopted
country of residence, I was born in New
Zealand and proudly retain my NZ citizenship;)
would shoot microwaves at me for attempting
to save lives.

In fact I have been shot with them repeatedly
over the last few months. Most probably
resulting in my eventual demise from various
forms of cancer.
On the right is an example of what microwaves
trained on my mid section did to some chrome
electroplated cufflinks that were in my pocket.
The power of the rays was sufficient to totally
soften the electroplating so that it just rubbed
off the brass castings where­ever it touched
anything in my pocket.                                          Chrome @ Cufflinks

This file was written so that my friends and
those of your reading this who do not know me, will begin to realise that the world has some very
evil people in it. And it would appear that these evil people are prepared to go to great lengths to
protect their secrets. The previous scout file tells of my assessment by the Darwin Mental Health
division as being delusional. Unfortunately I am not aware of any delusions that can rip chrome off
cufflinks nor make the heart race sufficiently so the RN in a St. Johns Ambulance responds with –
we need to move the Ambulance... the ECG is right off the scale (three times before she gave up....).

The average person doesn't realise how easy it is to make a weapon from a microwave device. But
all you really need is the electronics card out of an old microwave, a focusing antenna and portable
240 volt power supply. Any amateur radio operator used to building his own antennas could coble
one together in a weekend. But beyond cooking peoples hearts and giving them heart attacks. What
good can come from a microwave gun ? None that I can think of so this file is not an instructable on
how to build your very own “people cooking device”.
But a brief insight into Microwaves is appropriate. In a previous Scout file we discussed
frequencies. I think it's worth repeating a couple of facts. Your Mobile Phone, Digital Television,
The Most Inconvenient Truth and The Worlds Other Biggest Secret.
Laptop, Tablet, Net­book, GPS all use Microwaves to obtain their data. In fact the WiFi frequency
used is exactly the same as your microwave oven, 2.4 Ghz or 2400 Mhz. What most people don't
know is that you can join frequencies together to access different functionality.
Whilst your phone uses 800­900 Mhz to utilise voice it needs 1.2­1.5 Ghz or 1200­1500 Mhz to
access GPS and it needs 1.7 to access digital TV and 2.4 Ghz [2400 Mhz] o access WiFi and 3.6
Ghz [3600 Mhz] to access Broadband. All of this can come from a single chip using a variable
tuning PLL Harmonic generating frequencies on demand depending on the consumer functional

Some of these same frequencies are generated by the sun and by magnetic forces off earth.
Therefore sometimes, the Television picture goes all funny. Like when it rains – except if it isnt
raining then you know there are extraneous (cosmic) microwaves crossing the path of the picture
beam to your antenna.
That's usually a good indication to head for the bunker. Or at least to get the kids in from outside
and keep them inside until the picture clears up.
On Melbourne cup day, the Television picture was scrambled for about three hours so we missed the
“race”. But when the picture came back I saw that many people did not have on hats or long sleeves.

Naked as a Jaybird
I'm not sure what it is about Australians. They watch their kids run around the back yard naked
while applying SPF+45 to their own arms, legs and noses.
Slip Slap Slop was/is designed/intended for children as well as big people.

The sun isn't that 1980's big yellow smiley face any more. It's an angry upset glaringly white atomic
reaction that is being prodded by a passing oort field, a planet or two and a neutron star that is
trying to muscle in on it's territory.

Remember if it's1 short and wants to run around outside it needs a hat, long sleeves and long
trousers. IF.... it insists on taking of it's clothes... place it inside.

Cosmic Dust
Most people don't realise
that on a daily basis earth
has over 1000 tons per day
of cosmic dust falling on
us. This is the
phenomenon that creates
blood red rain (Ferric and
cupric oxide dust
molecules from passing
cosmic objects (comets,
meteorites etc.).
In the past, larger objects
have also fallen to earth.
Meteorites that are now
mined for their Uranium,
Thorium, Copper, Iron Ore, Magnesium, Titanium, Molybdenum (etc.). In fact almost all of the
1 IT in this sentence is interchangeable with he/she and refers to small people (young children).
The Most Inconvenient Truth and The Worlds Other Biggest Secret.
noble and heavy metals come to us from outer space.
                                                 The Smooth round shape objects are almost
                                                      certainly a result of travelling through our
                                                 ionosphere at high speed.

                                                     The shiny objects have melted and reformed.
                                                     The Magnetic cube picked up approximately
                                                     thirty percent of the pebbles showing a high
                                                     Ferric Oxide content.

                                                     Our finding is that over 80% of these pebbles
                                                     appear to have come to us as debris from outer
   A handful of Australian Gravel from the           Disclaimer.
    Bush. Sampled near the Arnhem Hwy,               Please remember that I am an amateur and persons should
  Humpty Doo, N.T. Pebbles or Meteorites ?           satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the findings before
                                                     acting on anything in this document.

This finding agrees with the pyramid builders of old who left us a legacy of thousands of pyramids
spread out all over earth.

                                                     Pyramids Found and Dated

      Google Earth is finding Pyramids Everywhere.           Pyramid Building over the last 12,000 years.
                                                                           Right to left.

It would appear that more Meteorites are coming our way again.

Certain people whom have known of this recurring cosmic event have elected to hide it from you.

So, once you decide to build your own pyramid, with a few good friends and provision it with
Hydroponics, methane powered fuel cells, hydrogen/oxygen splitting fuel cells, hand powered Led's,
water recirculation and recycling technology, some rabbits, quail, Goats and crickets and as much
dried foodstuffs as you can (200 grams per day per adult), I suggest that you don't make it public.

Hint.... Books are more valuable than computers. And Smart­phones will not be of any benefit at
all. The electrical activity in our skies, from the incoming plasma that accompanies the exo­planets
currently upsetting our sun will increasingly play havoc with integrated technology.
Old Valve powered equipment will last longer. Hand cranked analogue equipment will be your
ultimate friend. Think Flinstones and you will fare batter in the long run. Should you want computer
equipment, wrap it up in Faraday cages and magnetic proof isolation boxes. Leave it unused until
the lightning stops. Hopefully your waste powered fuel cells will provide the power needed.

I'm not a prophet. I don't know when the plasma levels will rise to chipset high failure levels. Our
pre­history tells of lemon juice powered clay­pot batteries constructed by the Hittites in Lebanon.
Scientists tells us that it was for electro­plating.
It strikes me that electro­plating is a fairly advanced technique and I prefer to believe that our pre­
historical ancestors also had computers but that these have been hidden from us by the people with
the oldest calendars. Since Pope Gregory, that is the Moslem's and the Israeli's. (Both of whom
descended from the Hittites.)

Supply Chain Economics
The average human adult requires 1500 Kilojoules per day to remain alive. (Inactive and supine, but
alive). 2500 Kilojoules if you wish to walk for half an hour per day.
4500 if you intend to dig ditches or wells.
So food will be tricky.
An excellent example of maximum energy and minimal storage is dried fish and rice. Reconstitution
is achieved by adding an amount of water equal in weight or volume to the dried food and heating.

Therefore one kilo of Rice and 2 tins of sardines (in oil) is capable of providing sustenance for five
adults for one day. (And it will feed ten small people [children] for two days.)
Chop in five dried apricots and some dried shallots and you have sweet and sour.

OK... That's all for today.
Start building those pyramids and start drying your own vegetables and salting your own beef.

Good Luck

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