THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...

THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
“Making disciples of Jesus Christ for
 the transformation of the world”                                     February 2021
Greetings Members and Friends of Salina First UMC!
    February! We are more than halfway through winter already! And, before the month is out,
    we will be entering into Lent. The word “lent” really just means spring and, in some contexts,
    has been the name for March. We have evidence that there has been a season of preparation
    for Easter in the church from our earliest days. Irenaeus, who died in 203, wrote about a fast
    of preparation and how this fast varied in different regions of the church. He noted that these
    variations and the practices of 40 days of preparation dated to the Apostles.
    There are two themes present in Lenten observance through the years. Usually, both are present,
    but one often enjoys a greater emphasis. One is giving up or emptying oneself in preparation
    for the resurrection. This practice of self-denial is a good one that often is trivialized into “I’m
    giving up chocolate for Lent.” I would encourage you to find something that will prick you a
    bit through the season but will be doable. It would be silly for me to give up drinking coffee
    since that wouldn’t sting me. Coffee, in my estimation, is noxious poison from the pits of hell!
    It would also be foolish for me to say I’m giving up air for Lent since that’s probably only doable
    for about 2 minutes before I would pass out and break my “air” fast. Maybe I should give up all
    television and video, Facebook, computer games, secular reading, or something related. These
    are all things that would prick some, but I could easily accomplish. What will you give up for
    The second theme is adding a spiritual practice. With this practice, a person chooses something
    to emphasize for Lent, which would be continued into the rest of life. I’m considering adding a

                                                              (message continued on next page)
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
Pastor Richard’s Message Continued:

    specific time of prayer daily, or most likely a monthly 24-hour time of complete silence and solitude.
    During this time, I would not speak to anyone. I would spend it entirely away from interaction
    with humans and animals (as much as possible). I find that I have difficulties hearing God speak
    because of the noise around and within me. If I practice extreme quiet regularly, then I ready myself
    to hear God more clearly in the rest of my life. What practice will you add? Maybe it would be an
    act of devotion like daily reading one chapter from the Bible. Or, perhaps you want to add an act
    of worship and commit to 52 in-person worship services this year. The practice might be an act of
    compassion when you volunteer at Love Salina once a week or month. Then again, you might feel
    called to an act of justice, like finding a way to work to bring an end to racial discrimination.
    It is vital that we not merely focus on giving things up as Christians. It is equally, and maybe more,
    essential to enter into new ways of living. This is the point of Lent. This year Lent will begin on
    Ash Wednesday, February 17. We will mark the day with the imposition of ashes at three services
    (6:00 am, 12:10 pm, and 5:45 pm) that day. All of these services will be in the sanctuary, with the
    evening service live-streamed. I will put ashes on you (that’s what “imposed” means) during these
    services, but I will not physically touch you. If you want prayer and ashes imposed outside one of
    these services, email me at, and we will work something out. By the way, I
    have rejected the suggestion that I put ashes on a dart gun and shoot you with them.

A special note from Marshall Stanton
  Thanks to everyone who expressed their care for my welfare by sending cards and by
  upholding me in prayer during my long hospitalization.I returned home on 12/4/20
  and have been progressing rapidly with the assistance of Janice’s constant care and the
  therapies guided by South Wind Physical Therapists. We celebrate new gains almost
  every week.

  A special treat during the Christmas season was a private violin concert of Christmas
  music in our home played by Denise Blehm.

  							                                                - Marshall Stanton
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
Souper Bowl of Hope:
Salina First UMC is proud to support Souper Bowl of Hope
again this year in 2021. Change the game and join the team
for those in need. . The Souper Bowl of Hope is an effort
of Salina Churches and businesses to gather cans of soup
or monetary donations ($25 equals 60 cans of soup).
Soup will be collected from January 17th through Super
Bowl Sunday, February 7th. The soup is donated to five
organizations that feed the hungry: Salina Emergency Aid
Food Bank, Salina Salvation Army, Salina Rescue Mission,
Ashby House, and Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas.
Cans of soup may be delivered to the sanctuary or church office. Monetary donations may be made
by texting to 84321 the amount of the donation and soup, by giving online at or
by leaving it at the church office (checks need soup written on the memo line).
The Hungry of Salina Thank You!!!!!

Salvation Army:
                                           During the month of February, Salina First will be serving
                                           supper at the Salvation Army, and we need volunteers
                                           to help serve! Two servers are needed Monday, Tuesday,
                                           Thursday and Friday from 4-5pm. As a server, you will not
                                           be in direct contact with those coming in to get meals. The
                                           meals are served to-go and servers are required to wear
                                           masks and follow proper social distancing guidelines.

To volunteer, go to , email
Rhonda (, or call the church office (785-825-0228). Thank you in advance for
your service to the community of Salina.
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
Sunday                      Monday                             Tuesday
                                                                                        1                                 26:00 am Morning Prayer

                   Salina First United Methodist Church
                                                                                        12:00pm Blood Drive
                                                                                                                          1pm Tuesday Bible Study
                                                                                                                             (Conference room)
February 2021 Calendar

                                                          78:25am Traditional Worship   8                                 96:00 am Morning Prayer
                                                          9:40am Sunday School          5:15pm Finance Meeting
                                                          11:00am Modern Worship        5:30pm Missional Outreach         1pm Tuesday Bible Study
                                                                                                               (Rm 111)      (Conference room)
                                                                                        5:30pm Spiritual Growth/CCM
                                                          5:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)                                (Rm 105)
                                                                                        5:30pm Children’s Discipleship

                                                          14                            15                                16
                                                          8:25am Traditional Worship                                      6:00 am Morning Prayer
                                                          9:40am Sunday School
                                                          11:00am Modern Worship                                          1pm Tuesday Bible Study
                                                                                                                             (Conference room)
                                                          5:00pm SHINE
                                                          5:00pm Yoga
                                                          6:00pm High School Youth

                                                          21                            22                                23
                                                          8:25am Traditional Worship                                      6:00 am Morning Prayer
                                                          9:40am Sunday School
                                                          11:00am Modern Worship                                          1pm Tuesday Bible Study
                                                                                                                             (Conference room)

                                                          5:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)
                                                          6:00pm High School Youth

                                                          8:25am Traditional Worship
                                                          9:40am Sunday School
                                                          11:00am Modern Worship

                                                          5:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)
                                                          6:00pm High School Youth

                                                               Children’s Sunday School                     Youth Sunday School
                                                                    (K–5th Grade)                              (6th-12th Grade)
                                                                      Every week                                  Every week
                                                                    9:40–10:40am                                9:40–10:40am
                                                                Check in at Room 200.                Check in at the Youth Room (1st floor).
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
Wednesday                            Thursday                   Friday                Saturday
3                                  4                       5                        6
12:10 pm Midday Prayer
5:30pm Midweek Manna Meal
5:45pm Midweek Manna
       Interactive Worship
6:00pm First Kid’s GROW            6:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)
6:00pm Middle School Youth Group
6:30pm Core Faith Training

10                                 11                      12                       13
12:10 pm Midday Prayer
5:30pm Midweek Manna Meal
5:45pm Midweek Manna
       Interactive Worship
6:00pm First Kid’s GROW            6:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)    6:00pm Crafty Friends
6:00pm Middle School Youth Group
6:30pm Core Faith Training

17                                 18                      19                       20
12:10 pm Midday Prayer
5:30pm Midweek Manna Meal
5:45pm Midweek Manna
       Interactive Worship
6:00pm First Kid’s GROW            6:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)
6:00pm Middle School Youth Group
6:30pm Core Faith Training

24                                 25                      26                       27
12:10 pm Midday Prayer
5:30pm Midweek Manna Meal
5:45pm Midweek Manna
       Interactive Worship         5:30pm Church Council
6:00pm First Kid’s GROW            6:00pm Yoga (Rm 200)    6:00pm Crafty Friends
6:00pm Middle School Youth Group
6:30pm Core Faith Training

Stay connected with us online! There’s always more happening in the life of the church. Visit to stay up to date on upcoming event s and explore the ways you can get involved!
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...

                  Scholarship Application for the 2021-22 Academic Year
                  The Application to request scholarship funds from Salina First
                  has been updated and is ready to go!
                  I have application is included as an attachment to this email
                  or you can go to our website and click on the link to download
                  the application, email or call me to request an application be
                  emailed to you, or stop by the office to pick one up.
                  The deadline to submit your application is Monday, March 1st.

                  Crafty Friends - This month: February 12th & 26thd!
                  Do you like making things? Do you like to sit and chat over snacks
                  and refreshments? Come, connect, and create in fellowship with
                  other creatives. Crafty Friends meets every other Friday at 6pm
                  in Fellowship Hall. Feel free to drop in, say hello, and check it out.
                  Bring a project along!
                  Christ Centered Yoga is a community for sharing, supporting,
                  and encouraging one another in growing our ability to love God
                  fully through heart, mind, body, and spirit. Join us on Sundays
                  (5pm) or Thursdays (6pm) throughout the week. Everyone is
                  welcome, young and old, male and female. You don’t need to
                  be worried about your skill level just come, enjoy, and worship
                  through yoga! Drop-ins are always welcome, but please try to
                  let us know in advance so we can be sure someone is at the door
                  to let you in. Please bring a yoga mat!
                  Shine! - Sunday January 14th from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
                  SHINE is a youth fellowship geared toward 4th and 5th graders
                  as a transition path into middle school youth group. We gather
                  once a month throughout the school year for fun, games, and a
                  Bible Study. All 4th & 5th graders are encouraged to join us!
                  @First Youth Fellowship - Youth Group is up and running!
                  Bring a camping chair or blanket to sit on and water bottle since
                  we will be meeting outside (in fellowship hall on rainy days).
                  Currently we are studying “How to Read Your Bible.” No matter
                  who you are or where you come from, if you are in 6th-12th
                  grade you are welcome! @First Youth is a fun and exciting place
                  centered around community and the exploration of faith.
                  Middle School: Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm
                  High School: Sundays from 6-7:30pm
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
Grow’s theme in February will be Challenge Accepted
 Great sports moments tend to involve people who accepted
 a big challenge, one that required courage and an ability to
 keep going. This month, kids will have fun using sports to
 learn about the many ways they can say yes to challenges
 bravely. Jesus accepted many challenges. Through the
 stories we know about Him, we learn a bunch of things
 that help kids walk through whatever they are facing. Let’s
 cheer on every kid to be able to say, Jesus takes care of
 me, Jesus shows me the truth, Jesus helps me when I’m
 tempted, and Jesus understands my challenges.
 Join us on Wednesday Night for Grow. Supper is at 5:30                During Grow on Wednesday
 followed by games, Bible stories and activities.                      Night we have been talking
                                                                       about God’s gifts. And how
                                                                         we use our gifts to store
                                                                        treasures in heaven. Here,
                                                                       Maggie is dissolving her ice
                                                                         cube to find the treasure.

                                  The Lenten Tree: A special devotional book
                                   The Lenten Tree, a devotional book for children and their
                                   families will be given to First Kids. Lent is a time that children
                                   can learn how much Jesus loves them and the sacrifice he
                                   made for them. This book of devotions that is to begin
                                   on Ash Wednesday will show them how Jesus lived and
                                   the example of how we should follow as Christians. The
                                   books are provided by the Children’s Discipleship team in
In Sunday School we learned
                                   partnership with United Methodist Women. They will be
about Jesus’ Baptism. While
talking about the baptism font     distributed In Sunday School and GROW (MWM) or you
we did a blessing of the hands.    may contact Rhonda at the church office to get your copy.
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
February Birthdays & Anniversaries
2/1  Timothy Hicks | Delma & Jeffry Hart                 2/22   Eden Arb
2/2  Niklas Bohnan                                       2/16   Joyce & Leon Marrs
2/4  Steve Robinson, Scott Mitchell, Mallorie Pearson    2/24   Joyce Gorton
     Mark & Marylyn Matthei                              2/25   Addilyn Jagodzinske
2/5 Sharon Romberger                                     2/26   Samuel Reed
2/7 Lisa Toews                                           2/27   Randy Hassler | Richard & Songie McCall
2/8 Georgie Kepple
2/9 Pamela Meehan, Todd SMith, Jack Gordon,
     Davanee Storer | Joan Sams (Anniv)                  If we missed your birthday/anniversary, please email
2/10 Terry Fellers, Amelia Burchfield                    Denise in the church office (
2/11 Connie Jones, Conner Anderson
2/12 Marian Larson, James Jarvis, Melinda Eitel
2/14 Sharon Vince (Anniv), Lynn & Sharon Romberger,
     Ann & Douglas Longbine
2/15 Debra Sellers, Ruby Hassler
2/16 Everett Burns (Anniv)                               Reminder: If you have information or news to share
2/17 Janene & Marshall Woodbury                          with our church family. Newsletter articles can be
2/18 Steven Kraus                                        submitted by paper to the church office or via email.
2/19 Dorothy Carmichael, Conee Brown, Tessa Snyder,      The deadline to submit an article is the 15th of the
     Thomas Swiercinsky                                  month prior to publication. Send emails to either
2/21 Grant Byquist

                                               | 785-825-0228
                                                        Salina, Kansas 67401
  Return Service Requested                              122 North Eighth Street

    Salina,KS 67401
     Permit No. 319
    Non-Profit Org.
THE PILLAR - Salina First United Methodist Church | Salina ...
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