The Pointe - Krenek Printing

Page created by Ruth Malone
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
The Pointe
         Villages at Lakepointe Official Newsletter published by Krenek Printing Co.

                                                 Houston Livestock Show
                                                  & Rodeo: March 3-22

     Daylight Saving Time
      March 8th - 2 a.m.                               LOOK INSIDE FOR:
       Spring Forward                              GARAGE SALES, CRAFT
                                                       SHOWS, SUMMER
                                                  CAMPS, LOCAL EVENTS!
                                                    ROOFERS, REALTORS,
                                                    AND MORE! SUPPORT
                                                   YOUR NEIGHBORS AND
                                                     LOCAL BUSINESSES!
Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                    1
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
Vuk Vujasinovic is a founding partner of VB Attorneys, located in West Houston. He
is a Board Certified attorney helping Houston homeowners get compensation for
their losses. We represent businesses & property owners in all communities
impacted by reservoir waters after Harvey. We are still accepting new clients. Call
888-695-6993 or visit to get started today.

                 Call (888) 695-6993 or visit
2                                                                           March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
Specializing in Residential
                                              Home Improvement Projects                          LICENSED                                                      INSURED

    • Fences/Decks                                   • Bathroom/Kitchen Remodels
                                                                                                                    FREE 1st lb. Freon (R410 only)
    • Arbors/Patio Covers                            • Home Repairs Int/Ext                                       1/2 Priced Condenser Coil Cleaning
    • Painting Int/Ext                               • Pressure Washing                                              1 Yr. Warranty On Parts Changed

                             713-416-7981                                                                                  We Value Your Business
                                                                                                                            All Brands Serviced
                                                                                              Local Neighborhood Company
                                                                                                  HEAT                   Fast Personalized Service              COOL
         Serving your community for over 20 years!
                                                                                                                 We Will Heat & Cool Your Castle!

                          DIRECT ALL CALLS AND EMAILS TO GRAHAM MANAGEMENT: 713-334-8000
                                                        Leeanne Austin Email:
                                                            Address: 2825 Wilcrest Dr., Suite 600 • Houston, TX 77042
    Officer Glentzer 		            713-471-1882                                                            TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS LIST
    POOL COMPANY: Pools by Dallas		713-932-8803                                               If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teen-
                                                                                              age job seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our website (www.
                                                                                    , click submissions and choose Jobseekers)
    Brian Brown		                                      
                                                                                              with your name, birthdate (mo. & yr.), phone number, year you will
    Emily Pruiett                                         
                                                                                              graduate and the name of your newsletter/subdivision. Check the
    Laura Blount                                           
    Chuck Werninger                                           
                                                                                              list of jobs you want on your form. Please make sure your email is
    Priyanka Agarwal                                           correct, we send emails in the summer to make sure all the info is
                                                                                              still good and that you want to stay on the list. If we do not hear
    EMERGENCY: 		                                                                     911     back from you after 3 tries, we will remove you from the list until
    Cy-Fair Fire Dept. (non-emergency)                                       713-466-4073     we do. Must have parent(s) permission.
    Sheriff Dept. (non-emergency) 		                                         713-221-6000
    Non-emergencies include anything                                                          DISCLAIMER: Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is respon-
    suspicious, though non-life threatening.                                                  sible for those listed on the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for
    UTILITIES:                                                                                and check out references if you do not personally know those listed.
    Entex - Gas		                                                            713-659-2111     This is just a list of teenagers from the subdivision who wish to find
    Reliant Energy - Electricity		                                           713-207-7777     part time jobs. Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers
    TX Pride - Waste/Recycling		                                             281-342-8178     is between those seeking helpers and the teens and their parents.
    Jack Cagle •		                                              281-353-8424     CODE KEY: B - BABYSITTING, CPR - CPR CERT., FAC - FIRST AID CERT.,
                                                                                              RCC - RED CROSS CERT., SS - SAFE SITTER, SL - SWIM LESSONS, PP - PET/
    SCHOOLS:                                                           PLANT SITTER, P - PET CARE ONLY, H - HOUSE CARE, L - LAWN CARE,
    Lee Elementary		                                                        713-849-8281      C- CAR CARE/DETAILING, T - TUTORING
    Truitt Middle School		                                                  281-856-1100
    Cy-Ridge High School                                                    281-807-8000       TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE
            PUBLISHED COURTESY OF KRENEK PRINTING                                                      Business Ads:
              281-463-8649 •                                                 Non-Profit Articles:

                       Ask me about my good neighbor discount!
        Let my experience and knowledge help
          you get top dollar for your home.
                                      Call for a FREE Competitive Market Analysis.
                                           Selling homes like yours since 1984.

                                                       Your Neighborhood Specialist
     Each office is independently owned & operated
                                                                     Kay Wright

Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                                                                                      3
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
                                            Family Owned & Operated                         The VLP pool is open Tuesdays-Sundays, 5 AM-10 PM year round for your
                                               Hearthstone Resident                         enjoyment. It is CLOSED on Monday for chemical applications. Please
                                                                                            consider the following pool rules, while using the Pool:
                                              15+ Years’ Experience
                                                                                            • The pool closes at 10 PM daily. Please be considerate of our neighbors
                                                     832-906-6113                           and exit the pool at this time. Anyone inside the pool area after 10 PM will
                                                                                            be considered trespassing.
                                                  ✓ Residential & Commercial
                                                                                            • Two guests per resident household are allowed. No guests may enter
                                                 ✓ Service All Makes & Models
                                                                                            the pool without a resident present. Do not open the gate for strangers
                                                    ✓ Guarantee All Work
                                                                                            or prop gate open.
                                                 ✓ Certified, Licensed & Insured
                                                                                            • Pool parties are not allowed at the pool.
                                                                                            • Private swim lessons are not allowed at the community pool due to
                                                                                            vendor and insurance compliance.

        early bird special                                                                  • Keep the pool area and bathrooms clean.
                                                                                            • The life rings are not to be used as toys. In case of any eventuality at the
                                                                                            pool, they are critical for safety and rescue operation.

              A/C CHECK $37         MENTION THIS AD
                                                                                            • In addition, to these, a complete list of rules is posted at the pool.

                                                                                            The Pool Management Company is Pools by Dallas - 713-932-8803

                                                                                            Please contact Graham Management for issues with pool cards and/or
                  0% Interest                                                               gate issues.

              financing available                                                                             MONTHLY HOA MEETINGS:
                                           WAC                                              We encourage all residents to participate in the monthly HOA meetings.
                                                                                            It is your forum to ask questions, share suggestions and stay connected

                                                                                            with neighbors and planned activities.
                                                                                            When: The first Monday evening of each month (except on Holidays and
                                                          Rated #1 on
                                                                                            in December) at 6:30 PM.
                                                                                            Where: The Comfort Suites, 11440 Clay Road, Houston, 77041.                                                                         Please see the Graham Management website at
                                                                                      to verify meeting dates, to view
                                                                                                           previous meeting minutes and more.

                                                                                            Eblasts will not be sent as notification for Board meetings as this info is
                                                                                            now on the website. We look forward to seeing you at the next Board

                                                                                                                     VLP SAFETY TIPS
                                                                                            Officer Glentzer patrols VLP and shared the following valuable tips. Safety
                   Residential & Commercial                                                 and awareness are key, especially when approaching the holidays.
                                                                                            • If you SEE something, SAY something. Don’t be afraid to call in suspicious
                                                                                            activity and behavior. It gives our officers reason to investigate further

    • Panel Upgrade / Replacement            713-467-1125                                   and could deter criminal activity.
                                                                                            • DO NOT OPEN your DOOR for solicitors. As a community we should not
    • Additional Plugs and Outlets                                                          encourage them by opening our doors. If a solicitor refuses to leave your
                                                     w w w .w
                                                            w i re d es . c o m             property, please call 911 immediately to report them.
    • Troubleshooting                                                                       • Promply collect your packages when they are delivered, as thieves are
    • TV Mounting                                       24/7 Service                        more than ready to steal these parcels.
                                                 Family Owned & Operated                    • When shopping or stopping at the bank, be aware of your surroundings
    • Smoke Detectors
                                                                                            and ALWAYS lock your car.
    • Generators                                               Your Next                    • Remove valuables and lock your car at night. Unlocked vehicle doors
                                                 $20          Service Call!                 make for an easy target.
                                                              Not to be combined with any   • Activate your home alarm when leaving
                                                 OFF            other discount or offer.
                                                                                            • Lock all windows and doors before leaving
                                                                     Expires 4/1/20
            5 Year                                                                          • Place alarm company signs in visible places and keep a VLP sticker
           Warranty*                                                                        displayed on all vehicles.
            100% Customer
              Satisfaction                                                                  • Call 713-221-6000 with non-emergency issues and 911 with emergencies
              Guaranteed!                                                                   • Let our very own Deputy Glentzer (713-471-1882) know if you will be
                                                                                            away so he can keep an eye on your home
                                                                                                                  FENCE STAIN COLORS
                                                                                            Fences are required to be kept stained in the following colors:
                                                                                            Behr Exterior Wood Satin in Terra Cotta Solid (DP-396)
    Master #100394 TECL # 22809                                                             Behr Exterior Wood Stain in Cappuccino Solid (DP-529)
                                                                                            Behr Exterior Wood Stain in Valise Solid (SC-123)

4                                                                                                                          March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
The Pointe - Krenek Printing


                                                                                                    
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       MARCH 21ST IS COMMON COURTESY DAY                                           ▿▿▿▿
Queue jumpers, finger clicking… people that board the train carriage
before giving you the chance to get off. What about those people that
never say “please” or people that read your messages but don’t reply for
days? Common Courtesy Day gives people the opportunity to be more…                LOU'S PAINTING, Ltd.
well, ‘courteous’ - even if it’s just for one day out of the entire year.                              • Interior - Exterior
                                                                                 • Power Washing
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, courtesy is described as a: behavior
                                                                                 • Sheetrock & Texture
                                                                                                                  Your home is an expensive investment!
marked by polished manners or respect for others: courteous behavior
b: a courteous and respectful act or expression. Common courtesy can             • HardiPlank® Replacement                Painting beautifies &
be as simple as saying “please” and “thank you” when asking for and              • Minor Repairs                       preserves that investment!
receiving a service, gift or assistance. Kindness and courtesy do go a           Free Estimates
long way and are noticed by others even if you do not realize it. Letting
someone in front of you in traffic is easy. Hold open a door for someone                   O   281-492-2643                     C   281-844-4338
or give a person a hand with his groceries. Give up your seat on the bus                    "Doing business from the same location since 1978"
to someone who might need it. Introduce yourself to the new employee

                                                                                 DYNAMIC POWER WASHING & LAWN CARE
or kid at school and take the time to introduce her to the rest of the crew.
These are just a few examples of small things that make a difference to
someone else. They are momentary deeds of being courteous.

The aim of Common Courtesy Day is to practice common courtesy for                                          RESIDENTIAL                          Free
one day and encourage others to do the same. According to the Collins                                                                        Estimates
                                                                                                          •   Restore & Preserve Decks
English dictionary, Courtesy is defined as: politeness, respect and                                       •   Mold & Mildew Removal
consideration for others.                                                                                 •   Graffiti Removal
                                                                                                          •   Stone, Stucco, Brick, Siding
                                                                                                          •   Decks & Fences • Patios
How to Be More Courteous: If common courtesy is not a part of your daily

                                                                                                          •   Chimneys
routine, then this is the day to start implementing courtesy into your life.                              •   High & Low Pressure
Try it; not only will the other person appreciate it, but you will feel good
about it also. Practicing daily kindness will not only make others feel better   Ask for Kyle - Owner         “If It Has A Dirty Surface, We Can Clean It”
and reflect positively upon yourself, it can make you feel good too. Here
are some examples of how you can celebrate Common Courtesy Day:

• Greet people with “good morning” and “good afternoon.”
• Give up your seat for someone who may need it more.
• When you drink the last of the milk in the fridge, replace it.
• Hold the door.
                                                                                                              S P R I N K L E R S
• Place the cardboard tube from the toilet paper holder in the bin and
replace with fresh roll.
• Refill the printer with paper when it runs out.                                                      Save Money, Water Smart!
• Pay someone a compliment.
• When you ‘borrow’ a pen, actually give it back.
• Contact someone you’ve not spoken to in a while.                                                                281-450-1277
• Complain less.                                                                 License# LI0015123   
• Instead of getting mad, appreciate that the person that just barked at
you is probably just having a bad day.
• Feed the homeless.
• Do a spot of cleaning at home or at work.
• Leave someone a ‘thank you’ note.
• Respect the environment - don’t litter and maybe consider walking to
work instead of driving.

The founder of Common Courtesy Day is a complete mystery, but we
can’t argue that this is an amazing opportunity for us to implement more
courtesy into our daily lives.
21st-march and

Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                                                                          5
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
Cy-Fair Independent
                                                                     School District
                                                                        IMPORTANT DATES
                                                                       March 9th-13th: Spring Break

                                                                      BOARD APPROVES 2020-2021
                                                                       INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR
                                                      The CFISD Board of Trustees approved the calendar committee’s
                                                      recommendations for the 2020-2021 instructional calendar during
                                                      its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, January 16th. State law
                                                      mandates that instruction for the school year may not begin before
                                                      the fourth Monday in August. For the 2020-2021 instructional year, the
                                                      earliest start date is August 24th, which will serve as the first day of school.

                                                      In the fall semester of 2019, a calendar committee was organized to
                                                      develop a calendar for the 2020-2021 school year. The committee was
                                                      made up of district-wide representation, including teachers, parents,
                                                      community members, campus administrators and support staff. The
                                                      committee worked to construct the calendar using the 75,600 minutes
                                                      needed to complete a school year required by law. The committee
                                                      recommended a calendar to the school Board that will conclude the
                                                      2020-2021 school year on May 27, 2021. In its meetings, the committee
                                                      discussed various components of developing the instructional calendars
                                                      before arriving at a consensus.

     Wrought Iron                                     The 2020-2021 calendar recommendation presented to the Board of
                                                      Trustees included: students begin school on Monday, August 24, 2020;
                                                      Labor Day, September 7, 2020, is a student/staff holiday; the calendar has

    & Steel Fences                                    a five-day Thanksgiving holiday (November 23-27, 2020); a 10-day winter
                                                      break is scheduled for students (December 21, 2020-January. 4, 2021); a
                                                      five-day spring break is scheduled for March 15-19, 2021; Good Friday,
    PAINTED, REPAIRED & WELDED                        April 2, 2021, is a student/staff holiday; the school year will end on May
                                                      27, 2021 for students and February 15 and May 28, 2021 are designated as
    Specializing in Lakeside & Golf Course Fences
                                                      inclement weather makeup days. To download a copy of the 2020-2021
                                                      school calendar, visit the CFISD website at

                                                                      CFISD POLICE K-9 SCOUT
                                                                  RECEIVES BODY ARMOR DONATION
                                                      Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Police Department K-9 Scout has received a bullet
                              Over 337 Fences         and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from non-profit
                            Welded, Primed and        organization Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. The vest was sponsored by
                          Repaired in Grand Lakes,    Angela Caffey of Leander, Texas and embroidered with the sentiment
                        Seven Meadows & Bella Terra   “Born to Love-Trained to Serve-Loyal Always.” Vested Interest in K9s, Inc.
                                                      is a 501c(3) charity located in East Taunton, Mass., whose mission is to
                             HOUSE PAINTING           provide bullet and stab protective vests and other assistance to dogs of
                             NOW AVAILABLE!           law enforcement and related agencies throughout the United States. The
                                                      non-profit was established in 2009 to assist law enforcement agencies
                                                      with this potentially lifesaving body armor for their four-legged K-9
                                                      officers. The program is open to dogs actively employed in the U.S. with
                                                      law enforcement or related agencies who are certified and at least 20
                                                      months of age. New K-9 graduates, as well as K-9s with expired vests, are
       John’s Fence Solutions                         eligible to participate. The donation to provide one protective vest for
                                                      a law enforcement K-9 is $950. Each vest has a value between $1,744-

       832-724-2353                                   $2,283 and a five-year warranty and is an average weight of 4-5 pounds.
                                                      There are an estimated 30,000 law enforcement K-9s throughout the
                                                      United States. Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. provides information, lists
        FREE ESTIMATES FOR HOMES                      events and accepts tax-deductible donations of any denomination at
                                             or mailed to: P.O. Box 9, East Taunton, MA 02718.

6                                                                                    March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
EIGHTEEN CFISD ART STUDENTS                                                                               Always there for you!
                EARN RODEO ART AWARDS
CFISD’s winners in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR) School
Art Program were announced last week after going through two district                                                                $30 off
rounds of judging. A total of 18 winners were selected from the High                     MPL#40815                                   any Job
School, Middle School and Elementary divisions and will be displayed in          Water Heaters • Drain Problems                     Over $9
the Hayloft Gallery at NRG Center during the HLSR, March 3rd-22nd.
                                                                                   Faucet Installation & Repair
                                                                               Gas Test • Water Leaks & Much More
The district used two rounds of judging for the third consecutive year. On             35+ Years Experience                   Low Price Guarantee
January 7th, CFISD art teachers narrowed the more than 500 pieces down                                                          Licensed & Insured
to the top 196 for the second round of judging. A total of 45 pieces were
                                                                                                 FREE ESTIMATES
selected out of the 196 to be judged by HLSR School Art Program judges.
CFISD’s art students and their work were praised by judges throughout
the judging process. The following CFISD students earned Rodeo Art

In the High School division:
• Cypress Ridge High School senior Thanh Le won Best of Show for his
artwork titled “Forty Acres of Thoughts;”
• Bridgeland High School senior Erika Noda won a gold medal for her            Helping Build
artwork titled “Vincent Van Goat;”                                              Businesses &
• Cypress Ridge High School sophomore Elizabeth Jung won a gold              Bring Communities                                        YOUR AD COULD
medal for her artwork titled “Words of Wisdom;”                              Together since 1979                                         BE HERE!

• Cypress Creek High School senior Clara Edward won Best of Show for
her artwork titled “The Forgotten Frontier;”
• Cypress Woods High School senior Julia Espino won Best of Show for her         Local Subdivision Newsletters reaching over 100,000 homes
artwork titled “Good Day to be a Cowboy;”                                        Visit our website for a full price list or call our office today!
• Cypress Ridge High School senior Katherine Bennett earned a gold
medal for her artwork titled “Landscape in the Wind;”
• Cy-Fair High School junior Catherine Liu won a gold medal for her
                                                                                                     Krenek Printing
                                                                                                     NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSLETTERS                 LLC
artwork titled “Wildflower;”
• Bridgeland High School junior Christen Lee won a special merit award                          281-463-8649
for her artwork titled “Sunset Season;”
• Cypress Ranch High School sophomore Sarah Harris won a special merit       
award for her artwork titled “On the Plains;”
• Cypress Ranch High School junior Argos Lara won a special merit award
for his artwork titled “Caminos de Michoacan;”
• Cypress Woods High School sophomore Alan Moon won a special merit
award for his artwork titled “Way Back Home;”
• Cypress Woods High School sophomore Meagan Livingston won a
special merit award for her artwork titled “Selcouth;”
• Cypress Woods High School junior Katie Kim won a special merit award
for her artwork titled “Adrenaline Chaser” and
• Cy-Fair High School junior Catherine Liu won a special merit award for
her artwork titled “Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner.”

In the Middle School division:
• Labay Middle School seventh grade student Jessica Nguyen won Best of
Show for her artwork titled “Texas Sunflowers” and
• Campbell Middle School eighth grade student Kamila Yepez won a gold
medal for her artwork titled “Tined Sheep.”

In the Elementary division:
• Fiest Elementary School fifth grade student Vanessa Nguyen won Best
of Show for her artwork titled “Fly Away Rodeo Clown” and
• Metcalf Elementary School second grade student Luna Martinez won a
gold medal for her artwork titled “Blue Sunset.”

                2020 BBQ COOK OFF
                      SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH
Benefiting LCFFA Booster Club Scholarship Fund. $15 Adults/$12
Students with School ID.
Rooter to Tooter Raffle •Silent Auction • Live Music featuring Shay
Domann. Open to the public. Cypress VFW Post 8905 - 21902 NW
Freeway, Cypress, TX 77429. For more information or to enter a team,
email or visit our Facebook page @

Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                                                                   7
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
          What's Happening                                                       Peace Community Church (located at 5151 Addicks Satsuma Rd, Houston
                                                                                 TX 77084) is holding a Rummage Sale on Saturday, March 21, 2020, to
                                                                                 help our youth group attend a mission trip this summer! Please contact

            Around the                                                           us with any questions, 281-859-6843

                                                                                    ABERDEEN GREEN NEIGHBORHOOD WIDE GARAGE SALE
            Community                                                                           SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH
                                                                                 Aberdeen Green is located on Telge Road at West Road, south of Hwy. 290.

                                                                                   BEAR CREEK VILLAGES SPRING COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE
                                                                                 Bear Creek Villages (Hunter’s Park Community Association) will be having
                                                                                 their SPRING Community Garage Sale, Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 8 AM
                                                                                 to 1 PM. Hwy 6 and Clay Road area.
                           GARAGE SALES
                                                                                         COPPER LAKES GARAGE SALE - SATURDAY APRIL 4TH
         DON’T MISS THE 12TH ANNUAL REMODELERS C                                           Between West Rd and Longenbaugh at Barker Cypress.
           THE BERRY CENTER, MARCH 21-22, 2020                                                EASTON COMMONS SPRING GARAGE SALE
Homeowners wanting to renovate have a unique opportunity to find                 The Easton Commons Spring Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April
what they need at a price they can afford at the 12th Annual GHBA                11th from 7 AM until 3 PM. Residents will be set up in their respective
Remodelers Council Charity Garage Sale taking place at the Cy-Fair Home          driveways. Located in Copperfield between Longenbaugh and West Rd.
and Garden Show on Saturday & Sunday, March 21st and 22nd at the Berry
Center. Parking is free!                                                                   STONE GATE SPRING COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE
                                                                                               SATURDAY, APRIL 18TH, 7 AM-12 NOON
The Charity Garage Sale will feature excess inventory donated by
                                                                                 Located off Queenston between Barker Cypress and West Road.
members of the Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA) as well as
donations made by Remodelers Council suppliers and local businesses,
all available to consumers at deeply discounted prices. Items will include
                                                                                         NORTHMEAD VILLAGE SPRING COMMUNITY GARAGE
                                                                                 The Northmead Village Spring Community Garage Sale will be held
a great variety ranging from flooring, tile and granite, windows, doors,
                                                                                 Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 7 AM until 3 PM. Residents will be set-up
light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, trim material, cabinets, a variety of sinks
                                                                                 in their respective driveways. Located in Copperfield off of West Road.
and more. Shoppers are encouraged to arrive early in order to get the
best selection of products.
                                                                                          SOUTHDOWN VILLAGE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE
Professional remodeler members of the GHBA Remodelers Council will                                       APRIL 25TH
be on hand to answer questions. All proceeds go towards renovating                         Located in Copperfield off of Longenbaugh near Hwy. 6.
local GHBA and HomeAid Houston designated charities such as Casa
de Esperanza, Family Time, Crossroads, Santa Maria Hostel, Lydia’s                       COPPERFIELD PLACE VILLAGE SPRING GARAGE SALE
Place and Wellsprings Village. For additional information, visit www.                                 APRIL 25TH, 7 AM-5 PM                                                                 Located near Hwy 6 between Cherry Park and Glen Chase Dr.

                                                                                           STEVE TOUCHY
                                                                                         Attorney At Law
                                                                                      Serving Businesses and Families Since 1983
                                                                                     •    Wills • Trusts • Probate
                                                                                     •    Divorce         • Employment
                                                                                     •    Adoption        • Consumer Law
                                                                                     •    Incorporation   • Collections
                                                                                     •    Partnership     • Liens
                                                                                     •    Real Estate     • Commercial Law

                                                                                                 15840 FM 529, Suite 280
                                                                                                  Houston, Texas 77095
                                                                                          Located in the Chase Bank Building on FM 529

8                                                                                                              March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
CRAFT SHOWS                                                    vendor booths and food trucks while also enjoying live performances
                                                                                                      by student groups as well as a play zone. For information regarding
                   CY-FAIR HIGH SCHOOL BAND &                                                         sponsorship or vendor booth pricing, contact Bevin Gordon, director of
                 COLORGUARD SPRING CRAFT SHOW                                                         marketing and business relations, at 281-894-3950 or bevin.gordon@
Enjoy one or both days of family fun, food, entertainment, and shopping                      For more information, access the Superintendent’s Fun Run
at the Third Annual Spring Craft Show, sponsored by the Cy-Fair High                                  block from the district website or visit
School Band Boosters. Saturday, March 28th (9 AM-5 PM) and Sunday,
March 29th (11 AM-4 PM) at CFISD Exhibit Center. One of a kind offerings                                               SHIELD BEARER RUNNING FOR HEARTS
from a wide range of unique craft and specialty vendors. Music and                                                  5K FAMILY FUN RUN AND WALK, APRIL 18, 2020
entertainment throughout both days provided by area schools and                                       The Shield Bearer Running for Hearts 5K Family Fun Run and Walk will take
groups. Come hungry, as there will be concessions and food vendors. A                                 place on April 18, 2020, from 7 AM to 11 AM, at Windwood Church at 10555
Silent Auction features theme baskets, collectibles and gift cards from                               Spring Cypress Road in Houston, Texas. This family friendly event will
generous local merchants and restaurants. A cakewalk, bunny photos and                                feature a 5K trail style run, a 1-mile family walk, games for the kids, t-shirts,
face painters are available for the kids! The event concludes on Sunday                               food, prizes and lots of fun for all ages. Race registration is $25 for adults
with a raffle featuring a Grand Prize of four (4!) Houston Texans 2020                                (ages 14 and up) and $10 for children (ages 13 and under). Registration,
season tickets. Covered exhibit space means it’s on, rain or shine! Plentiful                         sponsorship, vendor, fundraising and volunteer information is available
free parking at the CFISD Exhibit Center (FFA) on Telge, two blocks north                             at Register early for special swag! Proceeds for the
of SH-290, across the street from Arnold Middle School. Proceeds benefit                              event will fund services and programs at Shield Bearer, a Houston based
the award-winning Cy-Fair High School Band & Colorguard. Follow our                                   501c3 nonprofit counseling and community resource center that provides
event on Facebook (@CyFairBand) for news, vendor announcements and                                    services on a sliding scale. Shield Bearer has eight locations in Houston and
more at: and on Twitter -                                     serves individuals, couples and families including those recovering from
@CyFairBand or our website                                                            the trauma of human trafficking, domestic violence, crime, abuse, war and
                                                                                                      natural disasters. Additional information about services and programs can
                                       WALKS/RUNS                                                     be found online at or by calling 281-894-7222.

              ANNUAL SUPERINTENDENT’S FUN RUN                                                                                  GOLF TOURNAMENTS
Filled with exciting live performances, two course layouts for running                                                     14TH ANNUAL CWABC GOLF CLASSIC
or walking, children’s activities and other family-friendly entertainment,                                                          APRIL 18, 2020
the seventh annual CFISD Superintendent’s Fun Run and Festival is                                     The Cy-Woods Athletic Booster Club will be hosting its 14th Annual
scheduled for March 21st from 8 to 11 AM at the Berry Center (8877 Barker                             CWABC Golf Classic on April 18, 2020 at Cypress Lakes Golf Club. We invite
Cypress Road) and Towne Lake community. Underwritten by Memorial                                      everyone in the Cypress and surrounding communities to join us. This is
Hermann Cypress Hospital, the community event will again include a                                    the largest fundraiser of the year for the Cy-Woods Athletic Booster Club
5K run through Towne Lake and Lone Star College-CyFair and a 1-mile                                   and ALL proceeds are used to support the student-athletes at Cy-Woods
family-friendly walk/run through Cy-Fair FCU Stadium. The fun run will                                High School. In addition to the golf scramble, there will be a putting
also include vendor booths, food trucks, live entertainment and activities                            contest, silent auction and dinner. We are also seeking sponsors for the
for children. Proceeds from the Superintendent’s Fun Run and Festival                                 event and there are several sponsorship levels available. Go to www.
benefit the Cy-Fair Educational Foundation (CFEF), which awards student                      for more information and to register as a player
scholarships and staff development grants. The festival is open to the                                or sponsor... or both! We also offer Dinner Only tickets. Come out and
public and free of charge throughout the duration. Patrons can browse                                 support our Cy-Woods student-athletes and athletic programs!

                                                    Luis Martinez Quality                                                      We Create Beautiful Smiles!
                                                       Paint & Repair
                                                                                                                                  USE YOURANCE
                                                                                                                                2020 IENNEFITS!

                                                                                                 !                                S. M. Shirazi, D.D.S.
                                                                                       A dva                                                 27+ Years Experience
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                       YOUR AD COULD
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  Helping Build Businesses & Bring                                         FRE                                                              For Adults & Children
  Communities Together since 1979                                                                                                     IMPLANT SURGERY IN OFFICE
                                               Interior & Exterior Painting                                                              EVENINGS AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                                   IN-OFFICE 1 HOUR BLEACHING
                                              •              Installation                   • Wallpaper Removal                                                  $
                                                                                                                                                                  295 ($699 Value)
    Krenek Printing                           • Sheetrock Repair & Texture                  • Pressure Washing
                                                                                                                                 $125 EXAM - X-RAYS/CLEANING ($325 VALUE)
                                              • Refinish or Replace Doors                   • Gutter Installation
     Visit our website for a full             • Paint Kitchen Cabinets                      • Epoxy Garage Floors                   SPECIAL FINANCING AVAILABLE
 price list or call our office today!         • Wood & Siding Replacement                                                       Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 4/10/20.
      281-463-8649                                Bonded & Insured • References Available • Serving your area since 1984
                                                                                                                                            5630 North Eldridge                                             281-660-1763                                                               713-466-3700

Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                                                                                                         9
The Pointe - Krenek Printing
                            For all of your plumbing needs, call...

                                         ‘                                                                                 2ND ANNUAL LANGHAM CREEK FFA COOK OFF
                                                                                                                                    SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH
                                                                                                                • Benefitting LCFFA Booster Club Scholarship Fund
   FREE                                                Sewer Camera Inspection and Drain Cleaning
                                                   Garbage Disposal and Faucet • Water Heater • Repipe          • Rooter to Tooter Raffle
 ESTIMATES                                    *        Sewer Repair • Pipe Repair • Toilet Installation         • Silent Auction
 Low Price Guarantee                Any job
    Licensed and Insured           over $95                ONE CALL DOES IT ALL!                                • Live Music – Shay Domann
                                                                                                                $15 Adults, $12 studnets with school ID
  Follow me on Angie’s List
We take all major Credit Cards                     Sewer Camera Inspections $120                                Held at Cypress VFW Post 8905, 21902 Northwest Freeway, Cypress, TX
                                                                    *Cannot be combined with any other offers
                                                                                                                77429. Email or visit our Facebook
                                                                                                                page @Loboffabbq.

                                                                                                                    THE KATY TEXAS EXES SCHOLARSHIP DINNER & SILENT
                                                                                                                          AUCTION - THURSDAY, APRIL 16TH, 6-9 PM
                                                                                                                Willow Fork Country Club - 21055 Westheimer Pkwy, Katy, TX 77450
                                                                                                                Join fellow Longhorns, family, friends and fans for a fun evening with
                                                                                                                dinner, special guest speaker Quan Cosby and a silent auction! All proceeds
                                                                                                                will provide scholarships for local Katy students who will be attending
                                                                                                                The University of Texas. This event is for adults only and a cash bar will
                                                                                                                be available. Attire is Business Casual with a Longhorn Flair! Contact
                                                                                                       with any questions or if you have item(s) to
                                                                                                                donate for the silent auction! You can also find us on Facebook, LinkedIn
                                                                                                                and Instagram as “texasexeskaty.” Tickets on sale at
                                        Free Estimates
                                                                                                                  ST. CUTHBERT SCHOOL 19TH ANNUAL DINNER AND SILENT/
             Law Offices Of                                                                                            LIVE AUCTION, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020, 6-10 PM
                                                                                                                We invite you to join all of our family and friends in the Northwest Houston
     candace L. Kunz-freed, PLLc                                                                                area for this very special “adult night out” evening. The Auction is our
        9545 Katy Freeway, Ste. 400 • Houston, TX 77024                                                         most popular attraction and we will be offering a great many memorable
               713.467.1060 FAX: 713.467.9191
                                                                                                                and exciting items. Dinner will be served from 6:30-8 PM Admission &
                                                                                                                Dinner tickets are $25 each. All proceeds will benefit St. Cuthbert School.
                  Do You Have An Estate Plan?                                                                   Please secure your babysitter and enjoy an evening out with dinner, fun
          A well-designed and up to date estate plan can
          provide peace of mind for you and your family.                                                        filled activities and a silent and live auction. St. Cuthbert is located at
                                                                                                                17020 West Road, Houston, TX 77095. For more information please call
            CALL FOR A CONSULTATION TODAY!                                                                      281-463-1912. St. Cuthbert School is a NAEYC (National Association for
                                 ESTATE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION                                             the Education of Young Children) accredited school with the mission of
 WILLS, TRUSTS, PROBATE, TRUST ADMINISTRATION, GUARDIANSHIP, ASSET PROTECTION, ESTATE & GIFT TAX PLANNING,      providing a loving, Christ centered environment where children ages
                                                                                                                18-months through Kindergarten can learn and grow.

                                                                                                                           SPRING BRANCH AFRICAN VIOLET CLUB
                                                                                                                       ANNUAL PLANT SHOW AND SALE, MARCH 7-8, 2020
                                                                                                                The Spring Branch African Violet Club will hold their Annual Plant Show
                                                                                                                and Sale at the Judson Robinson Jr. Community Center, 2020 Hermann
                                                                                                                Drive, Houston, TX 77004. Violets of all types such as standards, miniatures,
                                                                                                                semi-miniatures and trailers will be available. Other Gesneriads such as
                                                                                                                Episcias and Streps and supplies such as potting soil, pots and fertilizers
                                                                                                                will also be featured. Club members will be available to answer general
                                                                                                                questions on growing African Violets.

                                                                                                                Saturday, March 7, 2020        Sunday, March 8, 2020
                                                                                                                Sale: 9 AM-5 PM		              Sale: 10 AM-3 PM
                                                                                                                Show: 1-5 PM

  • FAMILY OWNED • REFERENCES • INSURED & BONDED             Call or Text   281-345-9800                        Admission is free and the public is invited to attend. Free parking is
               • 21 YEARS EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                available at Judson Robinson Jr. Community Center. The Spring Branch
                                                                                   African Violet Club meets the second Saturday of each month, January
                                                                                                                through November. Please email prior to attending
                                                                                                                to confirm meeting date and time and place.
                                                                            Estimates                                         SPRING BREAK/SUMMER CAMPS

  INTERIOR & EXTERIOR                                                                                              CAMP CORNERSTONE IS THE PLACE TO BE THIS SUMMER
   Carpentry • Sheetrock - Texture • Pressure Washing • HardiPlank                                       ®           FOR AGES 2 THROUGH COMPLETION OF 4TH GRADE!
                                                                                                                Camp Cornerstone is a week-long camp sponsored by Cornerstone United
    Refinish-Staining • Shower Remodel • Granite • Crown Molding
                                                                                                                Methodist Church and is for children ages 2 through the completion of 4th

10                                                                                                                                            March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
grade. Children must be 2 by June 1, 2020. Camp hours are 9:30 AM-1 PM. There
are 3 sessions throughout the summer and you are invited to participate in
any or all! Registration opens up March 23rd. Session I - “Safari” is June 15-19,   AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SPECIALISTS
2020; Session II - “Christmas in July” is July 13-17, 2020; Session III - “Summer
Olympics” is August 3-7, 2020. The cost per camp per child is $125 and is
due at the time of registration. To download a form from the Cornerstone
website, go to and click on “Ministries” and then
select “Preschool.” You will see a tab for Camp Cornerstone. Print the form
and have it filled out before you arrive, saving yourself time! Before each

camp session begins, you will hear from your child’s teacher so you can learn                                       Excellent Online Reviews
more about the camp and they will answer questions about the week-long
fun. Each day your child will bring a backpack and a lunch as they enjoy each                                     • Efficient Timing
other and the special things they will do during the week. We look forward                                        • Friendly Professionals
to having your child at camp this summer! It’s a great time for everyone and                                      • Reasonable Prices
you don’t want to miss any of it! Registration will continue through May 1,
2020 or until camp classes are full. Once camp classes are full, a waiting list
will be started. Please call the preschool office at 281-859-1612 if you have       Sales, Service & Installation • Residential/Commercial
any questions. The preschool office hours are: Monday-Friday, 9 AM-1 PM.
                                                                                      Neighborhood references available upon request
            • Week 1 July 6-10, 2020
            • Week 3 July 20-24, 2020
                                          • Week 2 July 13-17, 2020
                                          Time: 9:30 AM-3:30 PM
                                                                                                               FREE ESTIMATES &
Camp Hope is our three week day camp for children ages 5 years-old through                                     SECOND OPINIONS
6th grade. It is an adult-mentored, student-led ministry. Each day children will
hear a new bible story, learn what it means to their life by eating a snack,
playing a game and experiencing the story through the arts, STEM and
                                                                                                              0% Financing
worship. Camp Hope is a day camp that is passionate about growing leaders.
This is one of the reasons that Camp Hope is one of the BEST ways to develop
                                                                                                                for up to
youth leaders. It’s a vital part of what Camp Hope is all about! Parents are
invited to register their children online at
                                                                                                               72 months
For more information, call 281-890-3013. Messiah Lutheran Church is a
congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Messiah
is located at 11522 Telge Road, ½ mile north of Highway 290.                                                  Insured * Lic# TACLA26986E
                                                                                                                Family Owned & Operated
                           THEATRE SUBURBIA
       4106 Way Out West Dr. Houston, Texas 77092, 713-682-3525
                                                                                    o. 713-467-4822 • c. 281-733-9860
       Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 PM, Sunday matinees at 3 PM
Reservations are strongly encouraged. Tickets: $18 Adults, $15 Students
& Seniors and $16 Sunday Matinees. Cash, Check and all Major Credit
Cards are accepted in payment. For reservations, call 713-682-3525 or
reserve seats online at Theatre Suburbia is
Northwest Houston’s longest running all volunteer playhouse. We are
currently celebrating our 58th season and have now produced nearly 400
shows. Throughout the years, we have endeavored to provide quality,
live theatre to the Houston area. Theatre Suburbia is funded in part by
the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance.

                 5420 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77056
                   The Spitfire Grill - April 24th-May 10th
                  Preview Performances April 22nd & 23rd
                        Box Office: 713-526-2721
                                                                                                                                • Landscaping
                   Hours: 10 AM-6 PM, Monday-Friday
                                                                                                                                • Maintenance
                         STAGEWORKS THEATRE                                                                                     • Irrigation
                  10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070                                                                           • Lighting
       Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM • Sunday matinees at 3 PM                                                               • Drainage
                                                                                                                                • Artificial Turf
                                                                                     Commercial & Residential                   • Putting Greens
                                                                                                                                • Clean-ups
Chelsea Market Theater, 4617 Montrose Blvd. #100, Houston, TX 77006                 281-345-7700                                • Stone Borders
MORE INFO/RESERVATIONS:, info@ or 832-463-0409.
Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                                                             11
Balsamic Grilled Chicken Kabobs
You could make this on National Something on a Stick Day March 28th!

2.5 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1” cubes
2 red peppers, cut into cubes
1 yellow pepper, cut into cubes
1 red onion, cut into cubes
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 squash, ½” slices
2 zucchini, ½” slices

Balsamic Marinade:
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup canola oil
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon dry basil
salt & pepper

DIRECTIONS: Preheat grill to medium high heat (375-400 degrees F). In
a small bowl add balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, honey, dry basil, salt    Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and start to assemble the
and pepper. Whisk together and slowly add in the canola oil whisking        kabobs. Alternate veggies with chicken on a skewer until everything is
the entire time.                                                            used up. Place kabobs on the grill and grill each side for 3-4 minutes, until
                                                                            charred. Brush the remaining marinade on the kabobs for one last flavor
To a large bowl, add chicken cubes and half the balsamic mixture, reserve   burst. Grill for 2 more minutes. Remove from grill and serve.
the rest. Stir to make sure all the chicken is coated. Cover with plastic   Source:
wrap and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to marinade.              kabobs/print/21688/

         Tree Services                                                                                  GEYER ROOFING
         & Landscaping
           925 South Mason Rd. P.M.B. 239                                                                       Specializing in
                   Katy, TX 77450
     •   Tree Removal                                15% OFF
                                                    Any Service                “We work as unto                    Ron Geyer
         Tree Trimming
         Palm Tree Trimming
                                                     With this ad.
                                                                                 the Lord”                   713-462-3898
     •   Stump Removal                           Fence
     •   Lots Cleaned Up                      Installation                     RESIDENTIAL &
                                                Special                        COMMERCIAL
     •   Landscaping Designs
                             •   Flagstone & Paver Patios
                             •   Sod Replacement                                                                  REMODELING
                             •   Sprinklers Repair                            • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Windows / Doors • Floors • Hardi Siding
                             •   Fence Installation & Repair                      • Rooms Additions • Complete Renovations • Patio Covers
                             •   Mulch                                                                    Rob Geyer

                             •   Monthly Packages
                             •   Drainage System

12                                                                                                        March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
                                      You could make this on National Chip and Dip Day
                                      March 23rd!

                                      1 pound bacon
                                      1 cup mayonnaise
                                      1 cup sour cream
                                      1 tomato - peeled, seeded and diced

                                      Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook over
                                      medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain on
                                      paper towels.

                                      In a medium bowl, combine mayonnaise and sour
                                      cream. Crumble bacon into the sour cream and
                                      mayonnaise mixture. Mix in tomatoes just before
                                      serving with chips or crackers.

                                                                      Any Age
                                                                   In Home Fitness Training
                                                                     for seniors to increase
                                                                 balance, strength, eye/hand
                                                                 coordination, focus, memory
                                                                  and weight loss. Available
                                                                      to teach residents in
                                                                   wheelchairs, chair yoga.
                                                                   Regular Weight Training
                                                                         also available.
                                                              Silver Sneakers and Yoga Instructor Certified
                                                                  by the American Council on Exercise.

                                                                  Cynthia Ruhlig
Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                      13
The YMBL South Texas State Fair & Rodeo brings thousands of visitors to
                                                                               Beaumont each spring to experience food, entertainment and carnival
                                                                               rides. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) showcases
                                                                               the country’s top cowboys and cowgirls at the YMBL Championship
                                                                               Rodeo while locals present their masterpieces at the School Art, Quilt and
                                                                               Photo Show. Visit for directions and times.
                                                                               Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park - March 27-29, 2020. As the
                                                                               nation’s premier outdoor fine art event, the three-day festival will provide
                                                                               patrons with the opportunity to personally meet artists, view original
                                                                               works and purchase world-class art. The festival benefits local nonprofit
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo - March 3-22, 2020.                             partners and features live music, local food vendors and food trucks,
Houston Fishing Show - March 4-8, 2020, George R Brown Center Hall A           beverages, entertainment, a Children’s Creative Zone and so much more.
downtown come check out the 2020 Houston Fishing Show! Drop by the             WineFair Cy-Fair 2020 - March 28, 2020. Cypress Village Station will be
Texas Boys Outdoors Booth to see all of the brand new apparel, stars from      packed with fun as 3,000 guests enjoy Wine Fair! There will be 35 wine
Texas Boys Outdoors TV, top Captains/Guides and more special guests            tasting tables, craft beer tastings at the Beer Garden, 30+ food tasting
and Giveaways all week! The show features products from all of the top
                                                                               stations with food provided by Cypress restaurants and music on the
companies in the fishing and outdoor world, along with numerous elite
                                                                               Bridgeland Live Music Stage. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit local
guides charter companies and everything fishing related. Something fun
                                                                               Cy-Fair businesses and artisan vendors.
for the entire family!
                                                                               2020 Heights Kids’ Day Of Music - March 28, 2020, 10 AM-2 PM, Love
85th Annual Azalea Trail - March 6-8, 2020, 11 AM-5 PM. One of the
                                                                               Park, 1000 W. 12th St. Admission: Free. A music festival all about showcasing
surest signs of spring in Houston is the annual Azalea Trail. Houstonians
                                                                               local musicians and arts organizations to our Houston families. Our
and visitors view the spectacular gardens at Bayou Bend and Rienzi and
                                                                               mission is to inspire kids to have a lifelong engagement in music and
visit River Oaks’ exquisite private homes and admire their breathtaking
                                                                               the arts. Festival activities include two stages with performances by local
gardens. Per person ticket for all properties: $30; single site admission:
                                                                               bands and local organizations that bring music to our community; an
$10. Website:
                                                                               instrument “petting zoo” allows kids to get an up-close look at band and
Buffalo Bayou Regatta - March 7, 2020, 7:30 AM-2:00 PM, Allen’s
                                                                               orchestra instruments; and a “singing station” has opera singers on hand
Landing Park, 1005 Commerce St, Houston, TX. The Buffalo Bayou
                                                                               so festival goers can hear the different singing voices and learn about
Regatta is the largest canoe and kayak race in Texas. Over 200 vessels are
                                                                               what singing in an opera group is all about.
expected to hit the waters in west Houston, racing and enjoying the day,
                                                                               Houston Endometriosis Rally 2020 - March 28, 2020, 1-3 PM, Walking
ending in Sesquicentennial Park in Downtown Houston.
                                                                               Stick Brewery, 956 Judiway St. The Houston Endometriosis Rally 2020
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade & Concert - March 14, 2020, 12-1:30 PM,
                                                                               will take its place as part of the largest international campaign for
Market Square Park, 301 Milam, Downtown Houston. Admission: Free.
Celebrate the luck of the Irish at the 61st Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade,   endometriosis awareness month, one of dozens of planned marches and
now with a new route in Historic Market Square. Continue the fun at            rallies throughout the world. Come enjoy outstanding speakers, music by
Market Square Park with food, games and live music. Then head out in           Houston’s very own DJ MZ Rico, chants and be a part of this event which
your green attire to the neighborhood’s eclectic bars and restaurants for      has ignited a global endometriosis & menstrual health uprising that’s
drink specials on all your Irish favorites.                                    helping to improve the lives of the 1 in 10 women, girls and transgender
Tour de Houston - March 15, 2020. The annual bike ride offers                  individuals whose urgent health needs have been ignored for decades.
Houstonians and visitors a unique way to view the city with routes             This rally is free, family-friendly and open to all. To learn more the rally,
winding through Houston’s historic neighborhoods, scenic districts and         featured speakers, schedule of events, sponsorship opportunities, hotel
parks while raising funds for the city’s Reforest Houston program. For         accommodations, please visit
pricing and ticket info,                      3rd Annual Kolache Factory 5K/10K/1K - March 28, 2020, 8:30-10:30
The Lindyfest by the Houston Swing Dance Society - March 19-22,                AM, Addicks Park and Ride, 14230 Katy Freeway. Admission: $20-$50. In
2020, 7-11:55 PM, Houston Marriott Westchase, 2900 Briarpark Dr. Lone          a food obsessed city like Houston, an event which pays tribute to one
Star Championships at Lindyfest is the largest and most dynamic Lindy          of the state’s defining pastries, the Kolache, seems only natural. If you
event of its kind. Jam-packed with workshops, competitions for all dance       haven’t had a Kolache before, you’ve come to the right place. We’re
levels, superb performances and tons of social dancing! In addition to         excited to officially put “on the run” to the test! Charitable Partner -
the dances and watching competitions, this pass allows you the option          Memorial Assistance Ministries.
to purchase classes and/or compete. For a schedule and pricing go to           Hermann Park Conservancy’s 7th Annual Kite Festival - March 29,                                  2020, 10 AM-5 PM. During Hermann Park Conservancy’s Kite Festival,
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory’s Brew On The Bayou - March 21, 2020,              Houstonians from every part of the city converge on Miller Hill to fly kites
5-9 PM, 229 Hwy 332 West, Lake Jackson. Admission: $25 at the door. Join       of all shapes and colors. This FREE festival will offer entertainment from
the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory for our third annual Brew on the Bayou         local performers and cultural and community organizations, interactive
here in Lake Jackson. Come sample and enjoy specialty brews from local         activities and crafts, kite flying, face painting, food trucks, roaming
breweries as well as wines. Listen to live music, watch a live raptor show,    characters and much more!
grab a bite to eat from local food trucks and check out some hot items at      Chef Fest 2020 - March 29, 2020, 12-4 PM, Harvest Green Village Farm,
our silent auction. Our beautiful wooded grounds will be lit by torchlight     8939 Harlem Rd. Admission: $100 adults, $30 kids. Advocates for local
making it a perfect spot to enjoy the brews, the food and the music!           living, local eating rejoice! The Fourth Annual Chef Fest event returns to
The Makeup Show Houston - March 21-22, 2020, 9 AM-5 PM, Hilton                 the Harvest Green Village Farm to kick off the spring season with a hot new
Houston Post Oak, 2001 Post Oak Blvd. Admission: $45-$62. Get ready            lineup of chefs. TEN(10) of Houston’s best will match seasonal produce
Houston, we’re coming back! The Makeup Show is bringing you some of            straight from our farm with local farm-raised meats to create sensational
the most influential artists and brands in today’s beauty industry. Join us    dishes that celebrate the diverse terroir of our Houston region. Attendees
for a fun and unforgettable two-day experience with loads of educational       will eat their fill of dishes, sip on signature cocktails, Texas beer and wine,
and shopping opportunities in an intimate setting. Follow the celebrity        enjoy hands-on experiences presented by our event partners, bid on
makeup artists and industry experts on our Seminar and Demo stages             our silent auction, listen to live music and stroll through the rows of a
as they show you the latest trends, techniques and share their business        working farm. Proceeds from the day’s festivities will benefit Houston
expertise to help guide you to a successful career. Shop for the must-have     Food System Collaborative (HFSC) - an effort to educate, advocate and
products in makeup, skincare and hair care brands at pro discount prices.      grow our regional food system through its focus areas of sustainability,
Southeast Texas State Fair in Beaumont - March 26-April 5, 2020.               food access and food enterprise development.

14                                                                                                            March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
Early detection starts with your


 Advanced Breast Care Close to Home
 At Houston Methodist Breast Care Center at West, our specialists
 review your mammogram history and track results over time — detecting                                                  PARK ROW DR.
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                                                                Visit or call
                                                                832.522.7465 to schedule your mammogram.

Villages at Lakepointe | March 2020                                                                                                                                                      15
Insurance companies are replacing roofs in your neighborhood due to storm damage.
                                                     You still have time to file a claim!

                                                                                                                                                       Roaches • Fire Ants • Spiders • Rodents • Flea & Ticks
                                                                                                                                                          Animal Trappings •Wasps & Hornets • Bedbugs

                                                           Give us a call to set up your FREE roof inspection.                                                   (281) 256-2600
                                                                                                                                                          Text us at 281-373-4886


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 Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   Greater Houston

                                               Your Villages at Lakepointe Realtor
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 Each Office Independently Owned & Operated.         Email:                                                             713-678-0509
16                                                                                                                           March 2020 | Villages at Lakepointe
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