The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus

Page created by Esther Welch
The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
The Problem &
Promise of Pain
page 10

Your Marriage &
the Pandemic
page 7

The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus

Jeff Baker, 614.259.5323
                                            OUR MISSION IS TO DEVELOP COMMUNITIES OF
Monday – Friday: 10 am - 2 pm                DISCIPLES WHO EXPERIENCE GOD, LOVE ONE
Call 614-891-6440 when you are at the            ANOTHER, AND PARTNER WITH CHRIST
bookstore for payment and pick up.                         TO HEAL THE WORLD.
E-mail us with questions or product
detail at: meg.kuta@vineyardcolumbus.
org or
                                               THE FIVE M'S EXPRESS THE HEART OF OUR
                                                           MISSION STATEMENT:
Global Café
Closed until further notice                               MEMBERSHIP
Community Center
                                            WE ARE A COMMUNITY. WE LIVE OUT OUR FAITH IN
614-259-5500                                DEEP RELATIONSHIPS WITH OUR CHURCH FAMILY.

Counseling Center
Funerals                                    WE ARE DISCIPLES. WE ARE LIFE-LONG LEARNERS
                                                    GROWING TO BE MORE LIKE JESUS.
Care & Visitation
                                                         MEETING GOD
Phase III
                                          WE EXPERIENCE GOD. WE EXPECT TO ENCOUNTER GOD
                                           WHO POURS OUT HIS SPIRIT IN US AND THROUGH US.

Small Groups
                                                              MINISTRY             WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER. WE SERVE OUR FAITH
                                          COMMUNITY BY SACRIFICIALLY GIVING WHAT MATTERS.
Value Life

Volunteer                                                      MISSION
                                             WE PARTNER WITH CHRIST TO HEAL THE WORLD.
Weddings                                    WE JOIN GOD'S MISSION OF LOVE BY SHARING THE
614.259.5234                              GOSPEL, EXTENDING MERCY, AND RESTORING JUSTICE.

                                           MEMBERSHIP   MATURITY             MINISTRY   MISSION

2    T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0
The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
                                                             To contact anyone on staff, please call 614-890-0000
                                                             or email at

                                                             Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan
                                                             Associate Pastors, Eric and Julia Pickerill
                                                             Executive Pastor, Daniel Nathan

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S                                 Weekend Ministry Leader, Pastor Amanda Pershing

AU G U ST 2 0 2 0                                            Connect, Pastor Kerry Davis
                                                             Worship Arts, Pastor Craig Allen
 4    Global Impact                                             Assistant Pastor Paul Cullen
 6    Prayer Requests                                        VC Twenty, Pastor Shane Huey
                                                                Assistant Pastor Ellie Smith
 7    Your Marriage & the Pandemic
                                                             VC Student High School, Assistant Pastor Santos Chaparro
      by Ron Hitchcock
                                                             VC Student Middle School, Assistant Pastor Michael Doom
10    The Problem & Promise of Pain                          VineyardKids, Pastor April Murphy
      by Julia Pickerill                                        Assistant Pastor Pam White
14    Classifieds                                               Assistant Pastor Beth Best

                                                             Community Ministry Leader, Pastor Stephen Van Dop
                                                             Men, Pastor Stephen Van Dop
                                                             Women, Pastor Marlene Nathan
                                                             Leader Formation, Pastor Andy Saperstein
                                                             Small Groups, Pastor David Schermerhorn
 Our buildings are closed, but church is still
                                                                Assistant Pastor Adrienne Ash
 open during the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit our                   Assistant Pastor Kristen Selva Steinbeck
 website for updates.
                                                             Care Ministry Leader, Pastor Ron Hitchcock
 Join Us Online                                              Marriage & Family, Pastor Ron Hitchcock
 Find all our virtual connections at                            Assistant Pastor Kelli Messick
                                                                Assistant Pastor Jason Loehr
                                                             Visitation & Care, Pastor Anthony Cannon
 Weekend service times:                                      Life Support Mentoring, Pastor Lorie Kaufman-Rees
 Saturdays, 6 pm | Sundays, 9 & 10:30 am                     Stewardship, Pastor Kent Irwin

 via YouTube, Facebook, & Church Online
 La Viña Spanish service streams on Sundays:                 Vineyard Community Center Executive Director, Gina Watts
 9 am on YouTube                                                Assistant Pastor Jerome Smith
                                                             Mission Ministry Leaders, Pastor Daniel Nathan & Gina Watts
 11:30 am on Facebook
                                                             Volunteer & Value Life, Pastor Diane Bauman
 2 pm on Church Online
                                                             International Ministry, Pastor Bill Christensen
                                                                Assistant Pastor Ximena Lozada-Rosales
                                                             Community Outreach, Assistant Pastor Jenney Rice

 If you’ve contacted one of our ministries and did
                                                             Multisite Strategy, Pastor Paige Goslin
 not receive a response within a week, please reach out to   East Campus, Pastor Charles Montgomery
 our Ministry Response Team at 614.259.5371 or ministry.     Lane Avenue Campus, Interim Pastor Andy Saperstein Please include your          La Viña Campus, Pastor Irene Casale-Petrarca
 name, phone number with area code, and the ministry or      Online Campus, Interim Pastor Andrew Oswalt

 person that you contacted.                                  Sawmill Campus, Pastor Scott Engebretson
                                                                Assistant Pastor Laura Weiant

                                                                                           V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   3
The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
g l o b a l
                                      i m p a c t
                          The "Global Impact" section of the MIX is designed to share stories of how
                           God is expanding his kingdom. For more info on International Ministries,

                             A Visit to Three Villages
                   An update from Western Asia / Eastern Europe

          A few months ago, just before inter-city travel was banned due to the virus, we were able to visit three
          villages. This is the region where the people group live whom we feel God has called us to live among. Our visit
          equipped us to better pray for these villages in the time of self-isolation that has since followed. One thing
          we noticed was a sense of distrust and lack of being welcomed. We have since learned through research that
          these communities have every reason to distrust outsiders. In the past, others have entered in the name of
          friendship, but have in the end publicly spoken ill of these communities, due to lack of understanding their
          culture and traditions. We don’t want to repeat the past; instead we long to partner with Jesus and what He’s
          already doing, and allowing people’s needs to be met in ways that give honor and value.

              He Threatened to Hit me with his
                       Pickup Truck
                                       An update from East Africa

          Just last month I learned of the death of a ruthless government security officer in town. This news produced
          mixed feelings in me. For over twenty years this officer has been harassing and intimidating me. One time he
          even threatened to hit me with his pickup truck. He knew where I lived and would often barge in the door
          and start searching for evidence to use against me. At one point I asked him, "Why are you always after me?"
          He answered, "Because you are disloyal to the government and the president." When I got news that this
          security officer recently died of COVID-19, I rejoiced, thinking perhaps this man’s death could be seen as an
          answer to prayer for my safety. But as a pastor I’ve been convicted that I need to find the appropriate stance
          between vindication and vengeance. My response was leaning toward the latter. I am working through my
          feelings now in light of Christ’s call to "love your enemies."

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The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
A Man Enamored with Jesus
                   An update from Southeast Asia

I’ve now been living in this country for two and a half years, and I’m grateful for the progress in
language. I can now engage in deep spiritual conversations with people, and I’m able to speak
using humor, which helps me in bonding with people! My primary focus here is to love and relate
with Muslims. At the same time, I’m building some friendships with people of other faiths. Over the
past several weeks a relationship has deepened with a local shop owner who is in his 30’s and has
a Buddhist background. Our conversations have grown into a weekly two-hour Friday lunch, the
majority of which is spent discussing various passages in the Bible. As is often the case, I am not
the only person whom God has used in his life. He has recounted several occasions when visiting
Christians have come into his shop and said things like, "I believe that God has told me that I’m
supposed to share this with you…" My friend is clearly impacted by the wisdom of Jesus and he is
attracted to the invitation of a genuinely personal relationship with God through Christ. He has come
to the point where he is seriously considering the cost and the implications of placing his trust in
Jesus. I have sensed God asking me to continue to lean into this holy space, giving my friend time to
process as he slowly begins to follow Jesus.

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The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
p r ay e r r e q u e s t s
C O V I D - 1 9 R e l a t e d P r ay e r                                      North Africa
Requests for all Workers                                                      • Pray for several of our friends who we have been able to meet more
• They are all in some stage of lock down, and yet they are still having        regularly with on Zoom, that we may have more of a directed purpose
  opportunities to share with people in the communities they live in.           to talk about the Bible.
  Pray that each person may hear God’s voice deeply and clearly during        • Pray for our family and adjustments each one of us is making – many
  this odd time.                                                                of the changes are due to the pandemic.
• Some of our workers are experiencing significant loneliness, especially     • A dear friend and a newer believer from a Muslim background is a
  our newer workers who are still establishing relationship networks.           widower and he is asking the Lord for a wife who loves the Lord and
• Physical health for all the workers, especially in the countries with         who can, together with him, raise his two children.
  limited medical facilities and care.
• Some of our workers have overstayed their visas due to COVID-19 and         Middle East | Caucasus
  airports being closed. They are currently planning trips outside their      • Pray that God will continue to lead us to those who have the most
  countries of work to renew visas. Pray for authorities to welcome them        need in our city, both physically and spiritually.
  back upon their return.                                                     • Pray that He’ll give us ideas and means to help emerging leaders start
• We currently have five of our workers who are prevented from                  simple businesses in their homes in order to support themselves and
  returning to their countries of work due to the pandemic. Pray for            to have authentic reasons to be in consistent contact with others.
  them as they feel on "pause" even as they continue to connect online
  with people they have relationships with.
                                                                              Middle East | Refugee Ministries
                                                                              • Pray for open opportunities to share Christ ,and pray for people while
Asia                                                                            on medical visits to refugee camps.
• Pray for the possibility for us to partner with a colleague who is          • Pray for physical and relational health among the team.
  considering coming to our country to do a church plant.
                                                                              • The whole country is in severe economic, social, and political difficulty
• Pray for the many students who are facing great uncertainty these             with the pandemic. Pray that this society holds together and does not
  days. Pray that many will surrender to Jesus.                                 descend into more chaos.

Brazil                                                                        Southeast Asia
• Pray for the Dolans and the Wilsons and all the Brazilian Vineyard          • Pray for several young Muslim men who are asking questions
  churches as they mourn the death of one of their first Vineyard               and discussing the wisdom of Jesus. Pray they will see Jesus and
  pastors to COVID-19.                                                          experience hope and purpose in life.
• Pray for our church, leadership, and congregation that we will help         • Pray for healing for my left eye which is clouded following a surgery I
  people draw close to God as we navigate this time of crisis in Brazil.        had last year.
                                                                              • Pray for sound and regular sleep, which has been uneven for several
Central Asia                                                                    weeks now.
• Pray for complete healing for my eyes; I have Graves Eye Disease.           • Working in ministry overseas looks very different from my regular
• Pray for "Julie" who has a group of over 60 people who meet weekly            professional hours I had in the U.S. Please pray that I engage in
  for online Bible study.                                                       the local rhythms of life, finding and taking each opportunity the
• Pray that God will send us believers (particularly men) who can serve         Lord gives.
  as trainers. We have people waiting to be trained; materials are ready,
  but we lack enough native speakers to do the training.                      Western Asia/Eastern Europe
                                                                              • Pray for my health; I’ve developed a lot of allergies recently.
East Africa                                                                   • We are lonely here, especially in light of pandemic restrictions. Pray
• Pray for this country, that there will be freedom from violence, torture,     for opportunities to both widen and deepen our circle of friends.
  harassment, persecution, as well as the increased desperation the           • For final preparations to become team leaders for a group of like-
  pandemic has brought on.                                                      minded people who want to see many come to Jesus here.
• Pray for health, safety, and Kingdom-breakthroughs for the refugees
  and migrants that are scattered around the country.
• Lock down continues and there is much hardship and hunger. Pray for
  change and that God will give hope in the face of sadness.

                                                • V C M I S S I O N S P R AY E R G R O U P •
                                            Join us as we pray for our international ministry work.
                           For more info, contact Tim Hart, 614.557.0395 or
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The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
                   Your M arriage
                        the P andemic
                                                 by Ron Hitchcock

Every time I hear the term, "new normal", it implies          A survivor is someone who has overcome great
that many of the things I enjoy about life are                adversity. To go from surviving to being a survivor
unavailable and may never return. The pandemic                you must recapture your identity and purpose. Your
has robbed so many people of peace, security, and             circumstances may not change, but your struggles will
purpose that it triggers a survival instinct. In a survival   no longer define who you are. Even in a pandemic, the
mindset, you can only think about what it takes to            truth is:
make it through the next day. When your immediate
circumstances become your truth, you may feel alone,              you are a dearly loved child of God; you are

abandoned, and judged—but this is not true.                       not lost or defeated, and you are not alone.

                                                                                       V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   7
The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
I can safely say, the best premarital curriculums do          As a couple you are a force sent into the world.
not include the topic: "Thriving During a Pandemic."          Matthew 11:12 uses this idea of being a force in a
But today, many couples are struggling to find God’s          unique way, "forceful (men and women) advance
presence and purpose due to the pandemic’s impact             the kingdom of God." To be a force means to have
on jobs, health, education, friendship, and family life.      a wholehearted enthusiasm to spread the news of
                                                              God’s reign, especially in circumstances that seem to
Couples have made major adjustments in the way they
                                                              be challenging the advancement of His kingdom. To
work, parent, shop, educate children, or connect with
                                                              some, the pandemic and social distancing restrictions
family and friends to protect their health. At first, these
                                                              appear to be winning the day; but they are not.
new challenges can create a sense of camaraderie
                                                              Forceful men and women are advancing the kingdom.
between spouses by working together to overcome
each new challenge. However, over an extended time,
                                                              Resilience in the Pandemic
a couple can become worn down and will struggle to
                                                              The very idea of a life-long marriage has come under
give their best to each other. Do not be dismayed if
                                                              scrutiny because of the frequency of divorce, abuse,
you are experiencing new levels of tension, conflict, or
                                                              and family struggles. But there is something very right
dissatisfaction. All couples and families are walking in
                                                              about marriage. Never let these truths fade from your
unfamiliar territory.
Vineyard Columbus believes that marriage has a
                                                                  You are married to the right person, in the
unique role in God’s mission to advance His kingdom.
                                                                  right state, at the right time, in the current
The nature of God is missional, and your marriage
                                                                  circumstances; and if parenting, you are
has a missional purpose as being a "sent one." As a
                                                                  parenting the right children.
couple your mission begins on your wedding day.
However, each couple must be willing to be sent out           For some, the pandemic has served as an escape
as ambassadors of hope. The mission of God becomes            clause for a struggling marriage. You may feel isolated
especially clear in this season of pandemic, as so many       due to the additional pressure on your relationship
families have experienced such devastating losses.            from a spouse being furloughed or working from
Your marriage covenant represents hope—no matter              home, managing your child’s education, or being
what is happening in the world. God chooses your              separated from friends or family. Before the pandemic,
relationship to represent the hope of Christ. This hope       couples may have neglected seeking help for their
can be found in your love for God and each other. A           relationship because conflicts seemed manageable
couple who has hope will also have a strong sense of          when they only had evenings and weekends together.
purpose.                                                      But with these added pressures they are exhausted
                                                              and realize that they have lost hope for a better life
    The purpose of a married couple is to glorify
                                                              and marriage. Take a deep breath and read the next
    God in everything they say, do or accomplish,
                                                              sentence. A struggling marriage does not disqualify
    and to be an expression of sacrificial love, grace,
                                                              you from walking out your purpose and mission. On
    mercy and justice to everyone--especially to
                                                              your wedding day, God joined you two together, and
    each other and their children.
                                                              all of the resources of heaven are available to you.

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The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
Resilience means to recover from physical, emotional,
or spiritual losses. The pandemic is a force that has
disrupted the connection with church services, small
groups, and quick access to pastors. But you are
a greater force than the pandemic. Being married
does not make you missional, nor does meeting in a
building qualify as going to church. The Scriptures
teach us that we are the temple of God and not a
building (1 Cor. 16:19-20). The pandemic, as awful
as it is, can help us to recapture our purpose as
God’s messengers. Currently we are not meeting
in a physical building to hear a sermon, receive
prayer or worship. However, we are the sermon. Your
relationship is a living testimony of a holy covenant
between God and His people. Church happens
between spouses, parents, and children and in small
groups that meet online or social distancing at a park.
The message of hope goes wherever you go!

If you and your spouse are struggling with your
purpose and identity, you can attend the online class,
Journey of Hope, starting August 1st and discover a
hope that does not disappoint. Vineyard Columbus
also has marriage coaches available to meet online
with premarital and married couples to help you
develop a missional marriage. The Care Team is
ready to engage you with individual needs as well as
supporting your marriage. Remember, we are in this
together. 

                                                          V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   9
The Problem & Promise of Pain Your Marriage & the Pandemic - Vineyard Columbus
The Problem &
                               Promise of Pain
                                                  by Julia Pickerill

I remember that it was in early high school that I first    But regardless, it was an offensive truth then—to all
read the following from CS Lewis’ The Problem of            of us! And it’s an offensive truth now, if we’re honest.
Pain:                                                       It offends our modern sensibilities that anything
                                                            good might be redeemed out of pain. We avoid pain,
     We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists          run away from it, bury it in addiction, ignore it, play
     upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our      through it…. Here in the US, we mostly believe that
     pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts        technology has allowed us to be freed from pain… We
     in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf      think we may just have found an escape hatch, yes
     world.                                                 please, and that Jesus whispers nice and gentle things
                                                            to us while we hole-up and watch the rest of the world
I had grown up as a Christian. Maybe you have too?
                                                            go by.
Or perhaps, like many others, you’ve more recently
come to Jesus.

10    T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0
My Dutch friends amazed me with trips to the dentist        get the win! Not that we’re not close to God at those
for fillings with no numbing Novocaine. I was amazed        moments to be sure. But that when we look at the
that they could stand the drill without painkiller! "It’s   scripture, we usually find Jesus nestled up at the lunch
just is a little pinch and pressure," they’d say, "and it   table with the brokenhearted, the losers, and those
just lasts a little while…"                                 left out.

A little while?! That’s way too long for me! Pinch and
pressure?! No thank you!
                                                                  We can meet with God in our pain.
Run away, Run away! Like Arthur shouting for the
                                                                  God himself stands with the weeping
knights to retreat in Monty Python! Distract from
                                                                  and the wounded. And when we find
pain! Escape from pain! Buy more stuff to insulate
                                                                  ourselves there, we find ourselves in
from pain!
                                                                  close proximity to Him.

And then, something interrupts my own inclinations
                                                            When we find ourselves at that table too, as Romans
toward pain avoidance.
                                                            8 so brilliantly and beautifully tells us, we can groan
It’s tall, with a crossbeam, splinters, rough edges. It’s   along with creation with groans that are so deep that
marked by thirst and suffering and exposure. It comes       their meaning is found only in the language of the
with its own accessories of spikes and thorns and           Spirit of God… and that their purposes are simply this:
                                                             • The redemption of the world from decay and
Here we are then, standing in the shadow of the cross.          bondage.

                                                             • The liberation of God’s children from suffering and
The thing about pain isn’t that it’s a virtue in and
of itself. We’re not meant to run toward it for kicks.
However, the thing about pain is that when we do             • The promise of a glorious inheritance in the now
find ourselves in its shadow, it’s not just that God is         and the not yet of the kingdom of God.
shouting to us (or at us, as some may have felt before      What then, Romans 8:31 asks us, shall we say in
experiencing the grace and kindness of Jesus)… but          response to these things?
it’s that God is shouting with us. My God, My God…
Jesus cries out in His last words…                          We can say that in our pain, and in our suffering,
                                                            we are learning the way of Jesus. And that He is
We can meet with God in our pain. God himself stands        accompanying us in the midst of whatever it is we
with the weeping and the wounded. And when we find          are bearing.
ourselves there, we find ourselves in close proximity
to Him.                                                     We can say that God’s shout is not a shout at us, but a
                                                            shout alongside us! That we together — as we look at
The Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless       the world and all that is broken, all that is in bondage,
groans, says Romans 8:26.                                   all that is decaying right before our eyes — are called
                                                            to be more than conquerors.
So different, isn’t it, from what we mostly think? We
tend to think that we’re close to God when we get the       We can say that this Jesus whom we love, and who first
promotion! Or when we get the award! Or when we             loved us, has sent us to be His hands and feet to the

                                                                                      V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   11
world around us. To give water to the thirsty, to feed       CS Lewis watched the first great war unfold, and then
the hungry, to attend to the orphan, to consider the         the second. He had much joy in life and much loss. He
refugee, to love the lonely.                                 saw all around him reasons to run from pain, to curse
                                                             God for it, to lose all hope.
Christians are like everyone else in that we experience
pain as a problem. We want to alleviate pain and             And yet, instead, armed with a mindfull of stories that
suffering because Jesus wanted to. We have the no            reflect both the transcendence and imminence of
more tears, no more crying of Revelation to remind           God, Lewis reminded all of us (as well as Lucy… if you
us that the téleios—the fully-grown purposes of God—         haven’t read or watched The Chronicles of Narnia,
brings us full redemption from pain and suffering.           now’s the time!) that Aslan’s not a safe lion. But
                                                             he’s good.
But Christians are not like everyone else in that we
also trust God’s promise and presence in the midst of        And what he meant by that, is this: That God so loved
pain. We do not have to be pain-free to experience           the world, and that nothing can separate us from the
the withness of God. Sometimes, in the now of the            love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Kingdom, we do experience relief, healing, and
restoration. Sometimes, in the not yet of the Kingdom,       Can I ask you a question? When you have been in

we don’t. Even so: God is with us.                           pain, or scared, or suffering… have you ever wanted to
                                                             be comforted? Have you ever wished someone would
The promise we have in the midst of pain is that God         be near to you, give you strength, help you through?
is present to us, and that He’s not sitting idly by. He’s
at work! He’s drawing us into the deep redemptive            Well this is what we have in Jesus. And not only

experiences that come with a faith that is winsome           a comforter, but a companion. And not only a

and mature and that has become comfortable with              companion, but a savior. Someone who can, in the

questions as well as answers. He’s restoring creation as     midst of pain, transform us into people who look like

our own hearts are broken and compelled to kingdom           Him, for the sake of the world. Someone who can offer

action. He’s teaching us of His faithfulness even when       us a glorious inheritance.

our hope is in things unseen.
                                                             And this whispered truth is something you can share

NT Wright, in his recently released, brilliant little book   with those around you… as people are in pain, as they

God And The Pandemic says it this way:                       experience challenge or confusion, or worry about the
                                                             end of the world, or get angry with God, or wonder
     "There is a pattern here. Those who have long           what it all means….
     pondered the story of Jesus will recognize it. We
     expect God to be, as we might say, 'in charge'.         This whisper might sound like any one of these... as

     But the God we see in Jesus is the God who              you talk with your family, neighbor, roommate, friends,

     wept at the tomb of his friend. The God we see in       kids, parents…

     Jesus is the God-the-spirit who groans without
                                                              • Do you know that even when you’re angry, God is
     words. The God we see in Jesus is the one who,
                                                                 near to you?
     to demonstrate what his kind of 'being in charge'
     would look like, did the job of a slave and washed       • Have you ever wondered what it might be like

     his disciples’ feet."                                       to pray?

12    T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0
• I would love to pray for you. Could we pray for        And each of us, once we have learned to recognize
    God’s peace right now?                                Jesus with us in the midst of it no matter what, can
                                                          also learn to invite those around us to join with Jesus
 • Would you ever want to listen to a song of worship
                                                          as well.
    with me, to see if you might sense God in it?

 • Do you know that God is not afraid of your doubt?      We are good news people. In this world, we will have
                                                          trouble. No one should be shocked by that! It’s in the
 • I am sorry you are in pain. (Deep breath.)
                                                          book, written in black and white.
 • Have you ever heard the story of how much Jesus
    loves you?                                            But take heart, God shouts to us through His
                                                          proverbial megaphone!
The promise of pain is that God is with us, and that we
can learn to be with one another in a way that allows
                                                          I have overcome the world! 
Jesus to be lifted up. That the kingdom of God is on
the move, is near, is at hand!

                                                                                   V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   13
W E E K E N D M I N I ST R I E S                                  ZOOM Hangouts
                                                                  Middle School: Tuesdays | 6 pm on Zoom
Everything we feature during our weekend services –               High School: Wednesdays | 6 pm on Zoom
from excellent kids & students ministry, to welcoming             We invite all students to play games, hang out, and pray
hospitality online or at the front doors, to our worship          together. These hangouts will be separated by middle school
service itself – is meant to create space where people            and high school students.
can encounter the reality of God in a way that makes
                                                                  VC Students On- Air
sense. Read below to find out how you can get more
                                                                  When: Every Thursday | 6 pm
                                                                  We will host a Live VCMiddleSchool & VCHighSchool
                                                                  Instagram video for students to interact and ask questions of

VC Kids | Birth — 5th Grade                                       our leaders and staff about the Bible.

When: Saturdays, 6 pm | Sundays, 9 & 10:30 am                     VC High School | Student Core
Where: for Kids worship,      Application: Contact Santos
teachings and parent resources                                    Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or
VC Kids Contact: Pastor April Murphy 614.259.5442 or                                     Student Core is our leadership team where we partner with
Join us online every weekend during our regular weekend           Christ to heal the world. We have so much fun doing God’s work
service times for kids worship, teachings and parent resources.   together—join us!

VC Students                                                       VC Twenty
VC Students | Middle & High School                                VC Twenty Weekly Gatherings
When: During weekend services at all campuses                     When: Sundays | 6 pm
Middle School Contact: Michael Doom,614.259.5517 or               Where: online at                                 VC Twenty is a Spirit-filled, Jesus-centered, reconciling
High School Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or             community. Whether you’re a college student, young                              professional, or somewhere in between, we’d love for you to join
VC Students is our community of students from across the city     us online for our worship experience. Hang out with us afterwards
seeking to experience God and grow deeper in their faith. See     on Zoom to meet new people and even receive prayer.
you there!

Weekend Worship                                                   Special Needs
When: Every Saturday, 6 pm
We will be posting our weekend content for students with a
                                                                     Body Builders Class
                                                                  When: Sundays | 6 pm
mix of worship and encouraging content that is catered just
                                                                  Where: Zoom
for your students during this season. We will post this on the
                                                                  Contact: Amanda Fessehazion,
VCMiddleSchool & VCHighSchool Instagram pages and also
posting it onto YouTube on the Vineyard Columbus page.
                                                                  Adults who are VC members are needed for our Middle School
Vineyard Columbus Streaming Services                              or Teens/Adults classes with special needs. Can you be kind,
When: Every Saturday, 6 pm | Sun, 9 + 10:30 am                    laugh, sit at a table, color, listen, pray, and sing worship songs?
Where: YouTube, Facebook, & Church Online
We encourage you as a family to watch our main services
together. We will have youth leaders in the comments              Growth Classes
connecting with students and families, and we would love to       Membership 101
pray for you!                                                     When: Sunday, September 13 | 1 – 3 pm
                                                                  Where: online via Zoom
                                                                  Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan
                                                                  Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs
                                                                  of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership.
                                                                  Registration is required; visit

14   T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0                                 = Volunteer & Give
CO M M UN I T Y MI N I ST R IES                                     Vineyard Men
At Vineyard Columbus, we believe that we’re better                  VC Men’s Golf League
                                                                    When: August 4th - September 29th
together! Especially in a large church, it’s important
                                                                    Where: Royal American Links, just southwest of Galena
to get connected into smaller communities where you
                                                                    Cost: $23/week, non-refundable
can build relationships while you’re being encouraged
                                                                    Contact: John Wilcox at
in your faith walk. Read below to find out more about
our small groups opportunities as well as our men’s,                The VCC Men's Golf League is open to any man interested in
women’s, and singles events.                                        playing golf, regardless of skill level. We have a tee time window
                                                                    4:30 - 5:10 pm each Tuesday. Cost is a non-refundable $23/
                                                                    week for all remaining weeks in the season (spring season or
Join A Small Group
                                                                    summer season). This includes 9 holes of golf, use of a golf cart,
                                                                    and a drink ticket. Skill level is NOT important. The league exists
                                                                    to give guys a way to get to know other guys, and to have fun
Doing life in community is important. Small groups bring            doing it.
people together from different cultures, life stages, and
experiences for a rich community of worship, friendship,            Man Camp 6.0
growth, and service. Check out our website to see different         When: Friday, September 25 - Sunday, September 27
ways to stay connected!                                             **We are still assessing COVID-19 conditions and will confirm
                                                                    the date later on**.
                                                                    Cost: $70 general registration ends September 14
Vineyard Women                                                      Register: Click here
Mom's Refresh                                                       Contact:
When: August 21 (3rd Fridays), 10:00 - 11:30 am                     Take this opportunity to leave the hustle and distractions of
Location: Currently meeting online via Zoom                         everyday life for a couple of days of seeking God’s voice and a
Contact: Sierra Stephanoff,                 recharging of your spiritual batteries.
Mom's Refresh is a monthly time for moms to meet together           Man Camp has been a transforming retreat for those who
to build friendships and experience God. The group currently        have attended previousl y and we believe it may be for you, as
meets on Zoom for worship and a devotional/Bible study. For         well. This is a great time to laugh, compete, share stories, and
more information, please contact Sierra Stephanoff or check         connect with other men. Each camper will be part of a group
out our Facebook page: Vineyard Columbus Mom’s Refresh.             of 6-8 men who will be led by a Trip Captain. Worship will, once
                                                                    again, be led by recording artist Truslow.
VC Women Conversations
Where: Vineyard Columbus Women's Facebook page                      Stay Connected!
Introducing a NEW Facebook live online women’s event.               Check out and join our Facebook Group "Men's life at Vineyard
Come listen in as Vineyard women share their stories, wrestle       Columbus". Don’t forget to invite your friends too! Also, if you'd
through issues, and discuss the relevant topics of our day as       like to regularly receive Vineyard Men updates, events, and
followers of Jesus.                                                 newsletter, please take a moment and update your subscription
                                                                    settings here. Just fill in the form and select Vineyard Men
Stay Connected!                                                     Newsletter.
Follow us on Facebook to find out what’s happening in
Women’s Ministry!
Ladies, if you would like to receive a monthly newsletter with an
encouraging message from our women’s pastor, stories from                       Man Camp 6.0
women in our church, articles of interest, video and audio links                       September 25 - 27
to past teachings from women’s events, information about small
groups and happenings that are of interest during this season of
sheltering at home and social distancing, click here to sign up.

                                                                                                  V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   15
C A R E M I N I ST R I E S                                               Marriage & Family Relationship Coach Training
                                                                      Become a Dating, Premarital, or Marriage Coach
Our Care ministries are here to help you grow and be                  Contact: Mindy,
resourced in practical and Biblical ways. We have a
                                                                      In anticipation of added stress upon marriages during the
strong marriage & family ministry, a robust collection
                                                                      COVID-19 crisis we want to be prepared to offer marriage
of Life Support groups and individual mentors, a great
                                                                      coaching to support couples in our community. To become
financial discipleship ministry… and much more. Life
                                                                      relationship coaches you will receive training and resources
can be challenging, but you’re not alone! Read below to
                                                                      (including an online relationship inventory) to pass along
find out more about our resources.
                                                                      to other couples the grace God has given you in your own
                                                                      relationship. Relationship coaches meet 4-6 times with dating,
Singles                                                               engaged or married couples. Attend a one-day training (online
Devotionals for Single Parents                                        options available) and receive two personal coaching sessions
When: Sundays @ 7 pm                                                  with a staff member to help prepare you to coach other couples.
Where: Zoom                                                           Contact Mindy to learn more.

We realize that this is a trying time for most people, but singles
parents have a unique set of challenges during this social            Prayer Ministry
distancing. They have to work, look for work, teach, entertain
and maintain their household…and hopefully some self-care.            Open Prayer
This devotional time is for us to address the self-care that single   When: Every Saturday | 10 - 11:30 am
parents need in their lives. A time where we can come together        Where: Zoom, password: Prayer
as a community to encourage and pray for each other, and to hit       Contact: Kerry @
the reset button as we prepare for the upcoming week. Hope            Open Prayer is available to anyone with a need for physical,
you’ll be able to join!                                               emotional, or deliverance through healing prayer. No
                                                                      appointment is necessary. Sessions end promptly at 11:30 am,
                                                                      so please allow enough time for the prayer team to effectively
Marriage                                                              pray for you. We will continue to hold Open Prayer via Zoom
Journey to Oneness: Committed Dating &                                on Saturday mornings until the church is reopened and social
Engaged Couples                                                       distancing is no longer an issue.
Dates: Thursdays, September 17 – October 22 | 7:00 – 8:15 pm          Individuals needing prayer will join the Zoom meeting in the
Where: Online                                                         waiting room, and then each person will be forwarded to a
Cost: $20 per person (scholarships available)                         breakout room where two team members will be waiting to pray
Register:                                        for them. Please join if you would like personal, private prayer.
Contact: Mindy,
Join us weekly on Zoom for this online version of our premarital
classes! This class is open to all couples in committed dating
relationships, those considering engagement and engaged
couples! Come learn how to have the kind of marriage God
intended. Open to all, but required for those getting married
at Vineyard Columbus. Couples should allow additional time
outside of the online meetings for viewing weekly video
teachings and completing additional assignments.

16    T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0                                   = Volunteer & Give
Support for Life                                                 Hearts Restored Support Group: Recovery
                                                                 from Sexual Betrayal
Women's Support Groups                                           When: Tuesdays | 7–9 pm
Divorce Care for Women                                           Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)
When: Wednesdays, May 6 - August 12 | 7 pm                       Contact:
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                               Hearts Restored Support Group is a faith-based outreach
Cost: $15 for workbook                                           where you will find a safe, confidential place to share with other
Contact: Amy at                          women who understand the devastating effects of sexual
DivorceCare is a friendly and caring group of women who          betrayal. We are engaged, married, separated and divorced
will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult     women who do not judge each other but rather embrace that
experiences. This 13-week support group is for women who are     we are all on a similar journey with a common goal. Support is a
separated and/or divorced and it can be joined at any time.      huge part of our recovery. We have seen God do amazing thing
                                                                 in our lives, bringing healing and restoration. We are here to
Free for Women: Finding Freedom and                              help you as others have helped us. This group is for and about
Healing from Your Past                                           YOU, not your spouse or partner. Sexual betrayal, whether it be
When: Contact leader for next session date                       pornography, emotional or extramarital affair(s), is traumatic
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                               and disorienting. Come let us reassure you that it is not your
Cost: $15 for materials (The Invisible Bond by Barbara Wilson,   fault, that you will make it through this and that there is hope.
required reading prior to the study)                             We will share/discuss topics on some of the core areas for
Contact/Register: Brenda Bixler at          healing such as anger, identity, disclosure, setting boundaries,
This study provides forgiveness, freedom, healing and hope       detachment, triggers, self-care, his repentance, forgiveness,
to those who've been wounded by their sexual past, whether       and trust.
through choices of their own or choices others have forced
upon them. Discover the truth about sexual bonding, how it
impacts us and can continue to impact our current and future
relationships. Learn to reverse the lies we've ingrained and
replace them with God's truth.

 Now open for
 Curb-Side Service

 Monday - Friday
 10 am – 2 pm

 See page 2 for details.

                                       Whether in a school building or at home,
                                        make reading a part of your kids’ day!

                                                                                              V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   17
Sister Sister                                                      Co-Ed Support Groups
When: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 7–9 pm                                  Celebrate Recovery
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                                 When: Fridays | 6:30 pm
Contact: Elizabeth, 614.397.7764, or            Where: Open share groups online (Cooper Road Campus)
We are a group of women who have all survived multiple tragic      Childcare: not available
events and can help other women as we share as sisters in          Contact: or
Christ. We focus on outreach and discipleship, studying God’s      Dave Kuta,
Word, worshiping, and prayer.                                      Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery
                                                                   fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive,
Unequally Yoked: Healing the Loneliness in                         compulsive, or destructive behavior —"hurts (like abuse
your Marriage                                                      or divorce), habits (like addictions to drugs, alcohol, or
When: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month | 6:30-8:30 pm
                                                                   pornography), or hang-ups (like anger, co-dependency, or
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)
                                                                   pride)." Here you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles,
Contact: Laurel at or 614-886-1749, or
                                                                   victories, and hope with others focused on Christ-centered
Gladys at
                                                                   recovery. Meetings include worship, teaching, sharing, and
We are a group of married women who feel alone in our              fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power to transform!
Christian walk with our husbands. Please come and join us as
we support one another, pray for our husbands, fellowship, and     Circle of Grace Group
become Sisters together in our Journey as we walk together         When: 3rd Tuesdays | 7-9 pm
with Christ as our 'First Love'.                                   Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)
                                                                   Contact: Dave Kuta at
Men's Support Groups                                               Circle of Grace is a discussion group seeking to explore how the
180 Men’s Recovery Group                                           church can be a safe place for people with same-sex attraction
When: Mondays | 7-9 pm                                             to explore their relationship with Christ in a loving, biblically-
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                                 faithful environment. Discussions are focused around books,
Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or             videos, and other resources. We also seek to be in dialogue with
180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness,        church leadership to this end.
including pornography, lust, and sex addiction. This ministry
is open to all men. We emphasize both the healing power of         Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Materials
God and the personal responsibility of men to pursue purity.       Community Life groups may sign up to borrow the DVD sets at
We include worship, teaching, small group accountability,          any time for their groups.
mentoring, and healing prayer.                                     Cost: $30 for EHS course materials (book, workbook &
Roots for Men                                                      Contact/Register:
When: Thursdays | 7:30-9 pm                                        Do you yearn to be emotionally alive? Support for Life invites
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                                 you to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a plan for discipleship
Contact: Tom, or Support for Life,                which can deeply change your relationship with God. The
614.259.5289 or                Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course directly addresses
This is a recovery group for those that struggle with life-        the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity are
controlling addictions such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex,      inseparable. It is not possible to be spiritually mature while
work, or anything else that keeps you from experiencing the        remaining emotionally immature. Learn through eight powerful
abundant life God wants for you. Come join us as we share our      life changing sessions how incorporate daily life rhythms that
experiences, lift each other up, and find hope and healing as we   lead us to a healthier relationship with Jesus and with others.
walk with Jesus one day at a time. Although we are a Biblically
based group, you do not need to be a Christian to attend. We
are here to walk through recovery with you!

18   T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0
Families of Addicted Loved Ones                                     Loving Someone with Mental Illness
When: 2nd and 4th Mondays | 6:30-8:30 pm.                           When: 1st & 3rd Thursdays | 7–9 pm
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                                  Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)
Cost: $10 for workbook                                              Contact: Karen Twinem at or
Contact: Melinda, Larry, or Alicia @         614.439.8475
This group is designed to bring education, hope, support,           This is a support group for families and friends of people
and prayer to friends and family members of those who are           with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major
addicted. If someone you love is suffering from any type of         depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting
addiction, please join us. It’s okay to get the help YOU need       includes a short teaching, discussion, and prayer.
while we pray they are willing to get the help that THEY need!
                                                                    One Minded in Christ
Foster and Adoptive Parents' Interest and                           When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays | 7-9 pm
Support Group                                                       Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)
When: 3rd Thursdays | 6:30-8:15 pm                                  Contact: Angela Fontanini, 614.943.4588 or
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                        
Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1-12)         Modeled after Philippians 2:1-2, this is a co-ed support group
Contact:                             for those affected with mental health (brain based) issues,
This monthly support group is for anyone who: has, is, or wants     other than addiction. The meeting format consists of relevant
to foster or adopt. And for all who want to learn more or support   resources or teachings, and share and prayer time.
those who are fostering or adopting! Please join us for a time of
education, support and prayer as you do this special ministry in    Progress Not Perfection
your home!                                                          When: Tuesdays, 7:00 pm.
                                                                    Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)
H.O.P.E -Infertility Support Group                                  Contact: or
When: Start date to be determined                         
Contact: Krista & TJ Tillman.,            Progress Not Perfection is an open 12-Step recovery meeting
614.288.5851                                                        for men and women looking for a safe place to deal with any
H.O.P.E (Healing with Others through Purpose and                    struggle you are having, or just to learn more about how the
Expectation) is a monthly co-ed hope and support group              12 Steps work. We are committed to sharing our experience,
for primary or secondary infertility. We invite you with open       strength, and hope with each other. Our purpose is to grow
arms for a time of sharing food, socializing, education, open       spiritually and in our relationship with God. In our discussions we
discussion, and prayer together. This group will be structured      use the Bible, the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions and the Recovery
to support couples as well as breaking out in women and men         Slogans to help us along our journey. Our desire is to improve
only groups. We additionally plan for women only and men only       the quality of our lives as we apply what we learn from listening to
once a month social gathering.                                      and sharing with each other. Our hope is in the belief that, with
                                                                    God's guidance, we can succeed today in situations where we
Life Support Mentoring                                              failed previously. All are welcome to attend, share and converse.
Application: Click here
Contact:                  Professional Counseling Center
Register: If you're a member or regular attender and would like     Contact: 614.259.5409; Counselors are able to meet online or
to meet with a mentor, please fill out an online application or     by phone! Contact for details .
contact Support for Life.                                           The Vineyard Counseling Center’s clinically–trained counselors
The Support for Life Ministry has a trained team of volunteer       offer a biblical approach to help people achieve wholeness in all
"mentor" counselors who come alongside people in difficult          aspects of their lives. We sometimes also have male and female
seasons or situations to minister insight, healing, and spiritual   Graduate Candidate Interns who can offer $20/sessions, with
growth in a one–on–one, non–clinical environment. Life              experience in seeing children, teens, adults, and married couples.
Support Mentoring is not professional counseling, nor is it
"free" counseling. Life Support Mentors meet with individuals
on a short term basis and are trained to provide a listening ear,
supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical
Interested in BECOMING a life support mentor? Please

                                                                                                  V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   19
Redefining Christ                                                       Life Support Mentoring 2020-21 Training
Begins: Contact Gina for next session dates,                          Cohort
Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus)                                    When: 2nd Saturdays, September-May, 9 am-3 pm,
Contact: Gina Harding at                   Offsite near Cooper Rd. Campus
This closed, cyclical co-ed support group is for women and men        Contact: or
who have come from a high control or cult background and now          614.259.5353
desire a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is not   Application: Click here
a theological debate group. Our purpose is to support these           Registration: required for class. Application and 3 references
men and women and come along side of them. Our goal is to             must be submitted to be considered.
springboard into a praying small group for further discipleship.      Do people naturally come to when they need to talk? You might
No participants may join after the first class has begun, and         want to consider becoming a Life Support Mentor! This unique
preregistration is required. Each meeting will include worship        cohort training experience, taught by Pastor and professional
and teaching, but the main focus will be on sharing and prayer.       counselor Lorie Kaufman Rees, meets once/month and will
                                                                      combine lecture, video, experiential activities, discussion, role
Still Waters: Peace for Caregivers                                    plays, self-reflection, and reading. Participants will finish the
When: 1st and 3rd Mondays | 6:30-8:30 pm                              nine months with the skills, knowledge, and hands on tools
Where: Online (East Campus event)                                     necessary to understand how God heals through the power of
Contact: Dixie Vargo, or                 the Gospel, know how to handle crises and basic emotional/
614.531.6663                                                          spiritual health situations, and be able to facilitate growth and
Reflect ~ Refresh ~ Replenish ~ Revitalize ~ Revive ~ Renew           healing in others. Don’t feel qualified? Don’t worry—that’s what
The life of a person caring for a loved one who is old, sick, dying   the training’s for!
or in need of continuous, regular care is often stressful and
sometimes chaotic. We can often feel alone and inept to the task         Become a Support for Life Group Leader Keep
put upon us. We may struggle to find time for God, ourselves,         Contact/Register: or
and meaningful relationships. Come away, weary one, and find          614.259.5472
light, hope, peace and loving companionship. The 2nd and 4th          Application: available at
Monday of each month will feature an online meeting format for        We are looking to train leaders who can create groups that offer
those who may struggle to get away from their caregiving duties.      a safe environment for those who are struggling to experience
                                                                      the love of Jesus and the care of his community. If you've
     Become a Life Support Mentor                                     benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season
Contact:                    or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may
Application: Click here                                               wish to help others by leading a support or recovery group
Are you someone people naturally come to when they need               related to the same issue.
to talk? Consider becoming a Life Support Mentor! We're               We are currently looking for leaders for the following subjects:
looking to train leaders to meet one on one with individuals          • Victims of domestic violence
on a short term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive          • DivorceCare for Men
encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If            • GriefShare
you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult life
season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom,
you may wish to help others by providing similar one on one           Stewardship Ministry
support. Training cohort happens once/year and begins
                                                                      Designing Your Legacy: Estate Planning
annually in September.
                                                                      When: Thursday, August 20 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm
                                                                      Where: Online
                                                                      Register: at
                                                                      Learn how to pass on your estate at death. Understand how to
                                                                      obtain a good estate plan and get documents done at no cost
                                                                      to you. Free seminar is informational, with one-on-one private
                                                                      meetings scheduled later with estate planners, via telephone or
                                                                      video conferencing during the COVID-19 restrictions.

20    T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0                                    = Volunteer & Give
                                                                    Both locally and globally, Vineyard is committed to
                                                                    being a church that builds bridges between cultures
                                                                    and continents! We have a strong community of
                                                                    international members here at Vineyard Columbus,
                                                                    we’re committed to missional outreach in our own
                                                                    city, and we’ve got a lot of engagement around the
                                                                    world in multiple fields. Read below to find some great
                                                                    opportunities for connection and service.

                                                                    Community Outreach
                                                                    The following outreach opportunities are a bridge between our
Financial Coaching                                                  church and the people of Columbus.
Contact: Kent at
                                                                    Food Pantry Opportunities
Coaching sessions are available to give financial and spiritual
                                                                    Our We have two food pantry locations. At this time they
direction, whether in crisis, struggling, or doing well, and
                                                                    continue to operate but with limited service delivery systems.
want to be wise and follow God is this important area of life.
One-on-one coaching provides an opportunity for you                 5th Avenue Pantry
to receive personal and confidential guidance, in a grace           Where: 181 East 5th Avenue
filled environment. Coaching will be via telephone or video         When: Saturday mornings, 8:00 – 11:30 am
conferencing during the COVID-19 restrictions.                      Contact: Rhodie at
                                                                    This pantry serves zip code area 43201. During the health crisis
Career Assistance Coaching
                                                                    the building is closed to guests; registration and food orders will
Where: Online
                                                                    be handed out in the parking lot. During the month of August,
                                                                    we will serve all zip code areas one time.
Are you looking to take a step forward with your current job,
to obtain a new role, or to accelerate your career? Our career      Northside Food Pantry
assistance team offers one-on-one coaching and classes              Where: 4664 Cleveland Avenue
to make your next career journey a success! Contact us for          When: Saturdays Only
more information. Coaching will be via telephone or video           This pantry serves zip code areas 43229, 43224 and 43231 for
conferencing during the COVID-19 restrictions.                      a one time monthly order. During the health crisis the building
                                                                    is closed to guests. Drive-up only registration for orders and
                                                                    pick up is from 8-11:30 am, and all orders are put in the trunk of
Visitation & Care Team                                              the car. If we are very busy with cars backed up, we stop taking
Visitation Care Team                                                orders at 11:15 am.
Contact: Visitation Care Team at 614.259.5239
                                                                    Not in these zip code areas?
We want to come alongside our church and their families who
are hospitalized, in nursing homes, in long–term care, or home      If you do not live in theses zip codes, we can serve you one time.
bound. If you or a family member would like to be visited, please   Please bring a picture ID showing your current address or some
contact us.                                                         proof of address like a utility bill with your name on it. You can
                                                                    find a list of pantries on the MidOhio Foodbank Collective site
Funeral Needs                                                       and/or call Hands On Central Ohio at 211 or check their website.
Contact: 614.259.5372
                                                                       Pantry Volunteer Opportunities
If you are a member of Vineyard Columbus and need funeral
and pastoral care services, please call us.                         If you would like to be on our "on-call list" for Northside or serve
                                                                    at 5th Avenue on Saturdays, please email Rhodie for more

                                                                                                  V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G   21
Local Ministries                                                           ESL Classes
                                                                           When: September 14, 2020 – May 14, 2021
Lower Lights Christian Health Center                                       Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | 10:00 - 11:30 am
Where: Cooper Road Campus, Wed – Friday (appt only) and                    Tuesday evenings | 7:00 – 9:00 pm
171 E. 5th Ave Mon – Fri (appt only)                                       Where: Online
Appointments: No Walk-Ins; must have an appointment. Call                  Cost: Free
Lower Lights to schedule appointment; 614.274.1455 (Option 1).             Contact: International Ministries at
LLCHC is a faith–based, non–profit community health              
provider. They see patients of all ages with Medicaid, Medicare,           Online Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced classes will
CareSource, Molina, and private insurance as well as the                   be offered in the morning and in the evening. Contact
uninsured. Whole family services are offered on a sliding                  International Ministries for more information.
fee scale based upon income. However, all patients are seen
regardless of ability to pay. Services offered include well-                  ESL Volunteers Needed
child checkups, physicals, routine care, and chronic disease               When: Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 10 - 11:30 am and
management. Prenatal care and immunizations are offered at                 Tuesday | 7:00 – 9:00 pm
select locations.                                                          Where: Zoom
                                                                           Contact: International Ministries, at 614-259-5369, or
Vineyard Free Health Clinics                                     
Free Medical, Chiropractic, Dental, and Vision Clinics
                                                                           If you have a heart for our international friends, International
Where: 6000 Cooper Road, Westerville
                                                                           Ministries would benefit greatly from your help with online
Contact: 614.259.5428
                                                                           Beginner and Intermediate ESL classes for adult learners of all
We provide free medical, chiropractic, dental, and vision care for         nationalities. Please contact us for more information on how you
patients (ages 18 and up) who are uninsured OR have Medicaid               can help!
or are Medicaid–eligible with incomes below 200 percent of
the Federal Poverty level. (No Medicare or other government–                  Donate a Bike
issued health care programs are eligible for services.) For more           Contact: International Ministries, International.ministries@
info, call 614.259.5428. Si usted sólo habla español, puede      , or 614-259-5369
comunicarse con la clínica latina al 614.293.9906.
                                                                           International Friendships (IFI) is starting a program to teach
• Medical Clinic                                                           women immigrants and refugees how to ride bikes. If you
     Cooper Road: Every Tuesday evening                                    have a bike and/or a helmet in good condition, please contact
     Walk in, first come, first served. Sign-in begins at 4 pm. Patient    International Ministries and we will help make arrangements.
     visits begin at 6 pm. We provide diagnosis and treatment of
     illness. Basic work physicals available by calling 614.259.5428
     (option 6) prior to coming to the clinic. No lab tests, injections,   Vineyard Community Center
     or X-rays.                                                            Check out what's happening in our Community
• Dental Clinic: Closed until futher notice due to COVID-19                Center online.
• Vision Clinic: Closed until futher notice due to COVID-19                Immigration Counseling Services (ICS)
• Chiropractic Clinic: Closed until futher notice due to                   Walk-in Clinics
  COVID-19                                                                 Contact: Jeanine at
                                                                           or 614.259.5299
                                                                           Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ICS twice monthly walk-in
Global International Ministries                                            consultation clinics are suspended until further notice. The ICS
Alpha                                                                      team continues to diligently serve our current clients for whom
When: Tuesday at 7;30 pm | September 15th – October 20th                   we are providing direct representation. Members of the church
or Wednesdays at 7 pm | September 16th – October 21st                      or the public-at-large seeking immigration legal assistance may
Where: Zoom; contact Jerome for link                                       call ICS for further information about referrals to our community
Contact: Jerome at                       partner attorneys.

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. We
are offering two six-week sessions. Each talk looks at a different
question around faith and is designed to create conversation.
Everyone is welcome.

22       T H E M I X | AU G U ST 2 0 2 0                                      = Volunteer & Give
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