Page created by John Kramer
W          H           A        T                 W          O           R          L         D

                                                              THE UPDATE
                                                              BLUE PRINT GROUP
                                                              ON GLOBAL MENTAL HEALTH
 News on global mental health advocacy, campaigning and messaging

                                                                                                       learn more. The issue was repeatedly in the
The Countdown is on                                                                                    spotlight, including at a panel session, press
                                                                                                       conference and event with Dixon Chibanda,
for Mental Health                                                                                      Founder of the Friendship Bench and
                                                                                                       United for Global Mental Health
The Lancet launches its Countdown to Global                                                            Ambassador.
Mental Health mechanism.
                                                                                                       There were long lines to get a seat at the
 On 21st February, the Lancet announced its                                                            high-profile ‘Mental Health Matters‘
creation of the Countdown Global Mental                                                                plenary session, where leaders made it clear
Health mechanism, a monitoring and                                                                     it’s #TimeToAct.
accountability mechanism that will
ultimately lead to the development of an                                                               The Duke of Cambridge movingly shared
index allowing for comparisons on mental                                                               his own emotional experiences as an air
health data between countries and across                                                               ambulance pilot, calling for more acceptance
time.                                                                                                  of mental health at workplaces, as did
                                                                                                       Bernard J. Tyson, CEO of Kaiser
The new mechanism will initially use the                                                               Permanente.
SDG timeframe as reference and will apply            Mental health problems costs exceeded 4%
to all countries. The Countdown will help                  of GDP across EU28 countries             HSBC CEO John Flint shared his vision of
the mental health community move beyond                                                             creating the “healthiest human system” in
measures that is currently used to                                                                  the banking industry. He is already moving
understand progress in mental health such        OECD developed its benchmarking                   to equip managers with mental health skills
as suicide rate, which is currently the only     framework with more than 40 mental health         and knowledge, enabling them to spot
indicator measured in the Sustainable            experts from 19 countries including experts-      warning signs and direct people to resources.
Development Goals. According to the              by-experience, carer & family                     New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda
Lancet, “given the huge disparities between      representatives, civil society organisations,     Ardern talked about how she had lost
and within countries, we expect the              mental health workforce, trade union and          friends to suicide and explained that her
Countdown to be a strong instrument for          country representatives. The OECD is now          government is prioritising mental health
accountability to decrease population-level      identifying ways to measure mental health         because it affects everyone. She vowed to do
disparities for mental health.” The              for the individual, in terms of care provision,   more and continue to make kindness a
Countdown will use countries, or states and      across sectors and the life course, in terms of   hallmark of her leadership, echoing the work
provinces in large federated countries for its   leadership and innovation. The new                of the Born This Way Foundation.
units of analysis.                               measurements will look at children’s and
The initiative has a number of primary           young people’s mental health. The final
partners including Global Mental Health at       report and benchmark is expected to be            Wellcome funding
Harvard University, the World Health             released in 2020 and used as a tool to deepen
Organisation, the Global Mental Health Peer      understanding, drive improvement, and             announcement
Network, the Lancet and United for Global        identify excellence in mental health practice
Mental Health.                                   in OECD countries.                                Speaking at a mental health press conference
                                                                                                   in Davos, Dr Jeremy Farrar announced that
The Countdown will work with partners to         In parallel, the OECD is establishing an          Wellcome would commit £200 million of
collect and validate data and disseminate its    ongoing Patient-Reported Indicators Survey        funding to mental health. Wellcome’s new
findings. In addition, the Countdown will        (PaRIS) initiative which will develop             five-year programme will focus on young
publish reports in the Lancet every two years    measurements on outcomes and experiences          people and learning more about depression
that track national, regional and global         reported by patients themselves, with mental      and anxiety to improve treatments.
progress from 2020 to 2030.                      health being one of the inaugural
                                                 areas that measures will be
OECD introduces                                  developed for.

benchmarking project                             Mental Health high
The OCED benchmarking mental health across
entire countries
                                                 on Davos agenda
                                                 Mental health was high on the
Continuing on the theme of measuring and
                                                 agenda at this years World Economic
data collection, the OECD shared its work on
                                                 Forum annual meeting in Davos,
benchmarking mental health performance
                                                 fuelling media coverage and many
across its 36 member countries with the Blue
                                                 visits to the Friendship Bench to
Print Group at its Geneva meeting. The
W     H    A    T        W    O     R    L      D

                                                                                                   The global campaign will launch at this
                                           Planning begins for                                     year’s World Health Assembly in Geneva in
                                                                                                   May, bringing messages directly to health
         FROM       THE                    global campaign                                         ministers. The campaign also has plans for
      F A C I L I TAT O R                                                                          global activities to take place during the UN
                                           Global mental health campaigners convene to             General Assembly in New York in
   Measuring Mental                        create a new citizen-led campaign.                      September and around the world on World
       Health                                                                                      Mental Health on 10 October – with
                                           This January, lived experience advocates,               national teams also due to organise their
   This newsletter highlights a            NGO representatives, creatives and                      own in-country activities.
  range of activities now taking           strategic partners from around the world
 place to improve measurement              met in Johannesburg, South Africa to co-
  of progress on mental health.            create a citizen-led campaign calling for
                                           greater action on mental health
The discussions and information            worldwide.
 shared at the most recent Blue
Print Group meeting includes the           The meeting brought together 80
   issue of measurement. The               participants from 15 countries, alongside
meeting also highlighted the key           creatives and partners. Representatives
      political processes and              came from different regions and a range
 opportunities to advance action           of national income levels, making it a
   on mental health across the             very diverse gathering.
world. The group agreed to work
jointly on messaging and events            “I think it’s an important event that is going to       UHC Consultations to
in the run up to and at the World
  Health Assembly, UNGA, the
                                           set the ground on what collaboration for mental
                                           health should look like and hopefully make as
                                                                                                   Take Place in New
Dutch Summit and World Mental              much impact as what we want it to.” –                   York
             Health Day.
                                           Victor Ugo, Nigeria
As always, we are keen to hear                                                                     UN to hold multi-stakeholder consultations in
                                           Equipped with nationally specific strategic             the lead-up to the UNGA High-Level Event on
from you with news, up-dates,
                                           partners and backed by collectively agreed              UHC.
 new reports, campaigns and
                                           global themes and objectives participants
other relevant information you
                                           gained confidence to take action at a                   The UN will hold a day of consultations in
  would like to share with the
                                           national and global level.                              April in preparation for its High-Level
Blue Print Group. Please email
                                                                                                   event on UHC on the 23rd September at
   us at the address below.
                                                                                                   UNGA in New York.
In the meantime, we hope you
                                                                                                   The consultation is part of the preparatory
  enjoy this edition of the up-
                                                                                                   process whereby the UNGA President is
  date and please feel free to
                                                                                                   mandated to organise the hearing with
 send through comments and
                                                                                                   support from the WHO and partners. The
    suggestions for the next
                                                                                                   hearing will involve senior-level
                                                                                                   representatives from NGOs (in consultative
             Thanks                                                                                status), foundations, invited civil society,
                                                                                                   parliamentarians, local government
 Blue Print Group Facilitators                                                                     representatives, private sector, medical
                                                                                                   associations academics and UN entities.
         Sarah Kline                       Two new funds for mental health were                    announced (one to provide funding for                   The hearing is requested to ensure “the
                                           national civil society groups planning to               participation and voices of women,
        Anna Watkins                                                                               children, youth and indigenous
                                           participate in the campaign and a second                                                                            leadership.” The Permanent
                                           fund for civil society groups who wish to
                                           deliver more services on the ground). A                 Representatives of Hungary and Thailand
                                           global team of communication specialists                are leading the consultations on the political
                                           came together to build a strategy,                      declaration to be adopted at the high-level
                                           incorporating a number of exciting                      meeting in September. The President of the
                                           activation ideas. Participants agreed roles,            Assembly will provide a summary of the
                                           partnerships, principles and a structure for            29th April consultation prior to the high-
                                           how to collaborate going forward.                       level meeting.

                                           Each country coalition will drive their own             The meeting is seen by many as an
                                           national campaigns, while uniting globally              opportunity for the mental health
                                           behind a shared vision. Groups will join                community to present recommendations on
                                           together in solidarity during global                    mental health and universal health
                                           moments, which will be used to mobilise                 coverage. All groups interested in
                                           societies to amplify and accelerate advocacy            participating are encouraged to register
                                           on mental health.                                       before the 3rd March deadline.

! Blue Print Group Up-date February 2019
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                                                 promote human rights and the
International Epilepsy                           recovery approach.
Day 2019                                         The WHO is looking for input from
                                                                                                          NEW MEMBERS
                                                 mental health experts to help identify           New members that have joined the
The world comes together to recognise epilepsy   people-centred services that involve             Blue Print Group since our last
on the 8th February.                             people with lived experience at all              newsletter include;
                                                 levels of decision-making, respond to
                                                                                                  Jimi Huyata, Hippolyte Manirakiza,
The second Monday in February is World           people’s needs by promoting
                                                                                                  Martin De Porres: Fracarita
Epilepsy Day. According to the WHO,              autonomy and operate without
more than 50 million people have the             coercion.
condition and three quarters of those                                                             Ben Miller: Wellbeing Trust
                                                 The initiative have put together a
affected in low- and middle-income                                                                Ginger Smith-Swintosky: Johnson &
                                                 questionnaire which also includes the
countries do not get treated.                                                                     Johnson
                                                 opportunity to put forward up to five
The WHO helped raise awareness of                local mental health services to be               Ingrid Daniels: World Federation for
epilepsy on the 8th February as part of its      considered for inclusion in the                  Mental Health
work tackling the disease. The WHO has           guidance document. The first phase of
                                                                                                  Shane Green: Grand Challenges
identified three epilepsy focus areas            the consultation involves the Western
including: supporting health workers to          Pacific Region and closes on the 22nd
diagnose epilepsy; the availability of           March 2019 and the overall                       Gaia Montauti d’Harcourt & Sara
medicines; and research into the health          consultation of all countries will close         Pedersini: d’Harcourt Foundation
and social care response to the condition.       on the 30th June 2019.
                                                                                                  Michael Feigelson, Patrin Watanatada,
                                                                                                  Elvira Thissen: Bernard Van Leer
For more information please see https://                                Blue Print Group                                 Foundation

                                                 holds 3rd Meeting                                Seema Uplekar: International Alliance
                                                                                                  of Women
                                                                                                  Dr Elizabeth Carll: International
Good Practice to                                 The 3rd meeting of the Blue Print Group
                                                 tool place in Geneva on the 11th February.       Member Council of Women
Ensure Rights                                    Hosted by the World Health
                                                                                                  Kelly O’Donnell and Michelle Lewis
                                                                                                  O’Donnell: MemberCare
                                                 Organisation, the meeting took place in
The WHO is working to develop a good             a room high on the hill over looking             Pieter Ventevogel: UNHCR
practice guidance document for mental health     Lake Leman. Over 70 mental health
and rights.                                      specialists convened to share
                                                 information and up-dates, strategise
People affected by mental health often           and plan for events in 2019.                     and Global Mental Health Summit
experience severe restrictions to their
                                                                                                  scheduled for October in the Netherlands.
human rights. The WHO QualityRights              The WHO’s new head of Mental Health              CSO campaigners gave an update on the
initiative aims to improve the access to         and substance abuse, Devora Kestel,              new campaign in development (see story
quality mental health services globally          provided an overview of the current and          above) for launch at WHA.
and promote the rights of people with            planned work of the organisation.
mental health conditions.                        Representatives from the OCED, the               In the afternoon working groups tackled
                                                 Alliance of Champion for Mental Health           how to accelerate action on the ground;
The WHO is looking to develop a good             and Well-Being, a number of other                the latest initiatives in combatting stigma;
practice guidance document to provide            governments and institutions provided            the follow up to Davos and work among
information and toolkit on community             updates on the recent events at Davos and        the private sector; and humanitarian
based mental health services and the             the forthcoming World Health Assembly            initiatives this year. A group of
                                                                                                  communications experts discussed key
                                                                                                  moments for joint action and the
                                                                                                  appropriate messaging.The group
                                                                                                  concluded it would work together to raise
                                                                                                  the political profile of mental health and
                                                                                                  to encourage greater financial
                                                                                                  commitments at the World Health
                                                                                                  Assembly, UN General Assembly, World
                                                                                                  Mental Health Day and the Dutch
                                                                                                  Summit. In addition some of the group
                                                                                                  will collaborate on action in the run up to,
                                                                                                  and at, the International Conference of the
                                                                                                  Red Cross and Red Crescent that takes
                                                                                                  place in December 2019 and will likely
                                                                                                  include agreement of the first movement
                                                                                                  wide mental health policy.

                                                                                                  See the notes from the last meeting here.

! Blue Print Group Up-date February 2019
W    H   A    T       W    O   R    L   D

                                         B L U E P R I N T G R O U P I N F O R M AT I O N

 The Survey                                     Blue Print Group                              Links Referred to in
 At the last face-to-face Blue Print Group      Resources                                     Articles:
 (BGP) meeting we agreed to put together
 a Survey Monkey for the group to assess        Blue Print Group Google Drive:                WHO Quality Rights:
 the utility of the meetings of the group,
 gather suggestions and comments on how         13YNt-IwRl2n9TtOlpNuOHqml4l8itqik?            policy/quality_rights/en/
 to make the meetings (in-person and on
 the calls) as useful as possible for the       The BGP Google Drive contains the Grid        Lancet Countdown:
 group. The survey will be sent out in early    calendar, meeting documents and     
 March for completion by the end of the         presentations; background information;        lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)30424-6/
 month. If you have any suggestions for         and articles and reports shared by            fulltext
 some of the questions for the survey,          members.
                                                                                              UHC Consultations:
 please send them through to Anna
                                                Initial proposals for 2019 Policy, Advocacy
 ( and keep an eye
                                                and Financing Priorities and Activities       uhc2030-news/un-high-level-meeting-on-
 out in your inbox (or spam folder) for the
                                                (here). Also the Funding Goals and Policy     uhc-uhc2030-supports-multi-stakeholder-
 link to the survey.
                                                Targets for Global Mental Health.             engagement-531665/

                                                Please see the slides from the last meeting OECD PaRIS
 Forthcoming                                    here, which includes the WHO and OECD
                                                presentations, as well as key dates for
                                                                                            Global Mental Health Campaign Meeting
 Meetings                                       2019.
                                                If you, or a colleague would like to be     2019/02/18/nationally-driven-globally-
 4th Meeting: The 4th meeting of the Blue       included in the google group and receive    united-campaign-takes-shape-in-
 Print Group will take place in New York        updates from the Blue Print Group then      johannesburg/
 City, kindly hosted by Thrive NYC. The         please email
 dates are still being decided after the BPG                                                International Epilepsy Day
 in Geneva agreed a date in late April or                                         
 early May was the best timing.


March                                          World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings                 World Health Assembly
International Women’s Day                      12th - 14th April                              20th - 28th May
 8th March                                     Washington DC, USA                             Geneva, Switzerland
                                               UNGA Multi-stakeholder Hearing for High-       June
63rd UN Commission on the Status of
                                               Level Meeting on UHC
Women                                                                                         G20 Finance and Health Ministers joint
                                                29th April
 11th to 22nd March                                                                           meeting on health finance
                                                New York, USA
 New York, USA                                                                                 June 28th
                                               May                                             Osaka, Japan
                                               G7 Gender Equality Ministerial                 September
World Autism Day
2nd April                                      9th & 10th May                                 UNGA
Global                                         Paris, France
                                                                                               September 17th-30th
                                               G7 Health Ministerial
World Health Day                                                                               New York, USA
                                               16th & 17th May
7th April
                                               Paris, France

 !4 Blue Print Group Up-date
  February 2019
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