The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL

Page created by Nicholas Diaz
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
The world is a stage.
We support the act.
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
About GVL

The world is a stage. We support the act.     vielfältigungsrechte; Society for musical      range of singers, musicians, actors or pro-
We want more than 145,000 GVL mem-            performing and mechanical reproduction         ducers on the other hand. GVL is a point
bers to be able to focus on their passion     rights) looks after the interests of authors   of contact for both stakeholder groups.
– that is why GVL works in the background     and composers, GVL represents the rights       It is, therefore, straightforward for rights
to ensure that an adequate remuneration       of performing artists and producers who        users to use creative works, while rights
is collected when our members’ creative       bring works to life on stage.                  holders receive an adequate remuneration
performances are being used.                                                                 each year. As a consequence, we unite
                                              We collect money from users, such as radio     different groups under one roof. The fact
We believe that every performer or the        and TV stations, and for the public perfor-    that we represent both performing artists
party providing an economic basis for         mance (e.g. in restaurants or cafés) on a      and producers gives us greater bargaining      Mathias Donderer
crea­tive performances must be rewarded       fiduciary basis and forward these funds        power to realise the combined interests of     Orchestra musician
for relevant usage. As a consequence, it      directly to our members. We form a link        our members – thus we yield more for each      Trusting GVL since 1980
has been our aim since 1959 to provide        between rights holders and rights users: It    individual member.
                                                                                                                                            Mathias Donderer has been
performing artists, producers of sound re-    is hardly possible for these two stakeholder                                                  a member of the German
cordings, event organisers and music video    groups to negotiate the use of productions                                                    Symphony Orchestra Berlin
                                                                                                                                            since 1982. For more than
clip producers with their due remuneration.   on an individual basis – there are just too
                                                                                                                                            15 years he has taken an
While GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalis-       many radio stations, pubs, clubs, hotels or                                                   active role as an ensemble
che Aufführungs- und mechanische Ver-         private users on the one hand, and a broad                                                    representative at GVL.
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
Klaus Pelizaeus
                                           Our members
Producer and owner of the
label ‘à la tête records’
Trusting GVL since 1988

Dana Pelizaeus
Trusting GVL since 2010

Dana and her father, Klaus Pelizaeus,
represent the variety and diversity of
GVL members. Dana enthuses her
audience as a singer, while one of
Klaus’ many roles is that of an artistic
producer. He also registered his label
‘à la tête records’ with GVL in 2000
with label code 11062.

                                           More than 135,000 performing artists,        make sure our members will repeatedly          actors and dubbing actors and dancers,
                                           over 10,000 producers, plus a range of       receive remuneration for such use.             as well as literary and dubbing directors.
                                           event organisers and music video clip                                                       Furthermore, producers of sound record-
                                           producers have placed their trust in GVL.    It does not matter what nationality our        ings and labels, event organisers and music
                                           That makes us one of the biggest global      members are or where their registered of-      video clip producers entrust us with the
                                           collective management organisations for      fice is located – art knows no boundaries.     management or their neighbouring rights.
                                           neighbouring rights.                         Therefore, we can – if desired – expand our
                                                                                        neighbouring rights administration service     This level of variety requires democracy.
                                           We are proud of that, but we are even        beyond Germany and manage our mem-             The GVL Board, therefore, consists of
                                           more proud of our members’ performanc-       bers’ rights globally. If productions by our   representatives with seats for each mem-
                                           es. Every day, they accomplish something     members are performed abroad, we look          bership group that is part of GVL. This
                                           that’s new, artistic and creative – and we   after the collection and forwarding of for-    helps us to guarantee that all interests are
                                           proudly support them. We accompany our       eign remuneration.                             safeguarded in a fair and equitable manner
                                           members as a partner and a trustee for the                                                  and that remuneration is distributed based
                                           entire lifespan of the neighbouring rights   We are especially enthusiastic about our       on well-balanced rules.
                                           of their productions. Our members benefit    members’ variety, regardless whether film
                                           from our usage-based distribution system     or music, classical or pop. We represent       Our members take centre stage. We sup-
                                           time after time. If a production that our    conductors, instrumentalists, artistic pro-    port them with competence, commitment
                                           members contributed to is used on radio      ducers, narrators and raconteurs, music        and accountability. Day in, day out – with
                                           or TV stations for a number of years, we     video directors, soloists and choir singers,   a passion.
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
Our artists

Musician or singer, actor or narrator, lit-   artists search the relevant productions in     who supported the band in the background.
erary or dubbing director, dancer, artistic   our database and register whether they         Furthermore, the intensity of usage mainly
producer or conductor? We‘re here to          contributed to a music production as a         depends on how often a production or a
manage neighbouring rights for a range        band member or studio musician, or to a        song has been used on specific stations:
of very different artists.                    TV production in a main or supporting role.    more plays equal more pay.
                                                                                                                                          Raúl Richter
If performing artists have contributed to     We then calculate the remuneration based                                                    Actor and dubbing actor
music productions, literary productions or    on the registered contributions in produc-                                                  Trusting GVL since 2001
film and TV productions, they can become      tions and their usage on radio or on TV.
                                                                                                                                          Raúl Richter has been working in film
GVL members. Once they have joined            The contribution differs depending on the                                                   and TV for more than 15 years. He came
us by signing our rights administration       scope of an artist’s individual contribution                                                well-known as an actor in the German
                                              to a production: leading actors in a film or                                                TV series ‘Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten’.
agreement – free of charge – they can
                                                                                                                                          Currently, he also works as a presenter
register their contributions to productions   lead singers in a music production receive                                                  and regularly lends his voice to interna-
via our artists’ portal. In order to do so,   more than a supporting actor or a musician                                                  tional actors as a dubbing actor.
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
Our producers

Nadine Hübler
Label ‘Embassy of Music’
Her label has been trusting GVL
since 2001
                                            About 10,000 producers with more than      GVL is here for producers – it‘s really      pilations, and then broadcast. Via the so-
Nadine Hübler is the Senior Royalty
and Licensing Manager for the label         50,000 labels have entrusted us with the   simple. When producers sign a rights         called ‘claiming’ process, labels can claim
Embassy of Music. In this position, she     management of their neighbouring rights    administration agreement with us, they       the accumulated broadcasts minutes of
has been monitoring the exploitation        on a global scale. We are your partner –   receive a labelcode. Our producers can       such tracks with very little effort and re-
of the entire music catalogue by third
parties in the national and international   whether you‘re a major or an indie label   subsequently manage the rights for the       ceive remuneration for them, too.
licensing arena for more than ten years.    – and we deal with genres from classical   tracks they released via our online portal
                                            music via pop to jazz and many more.       for producers. Once we have registered the   We provide our producers with a detailed
                                                                                       broadcasts (broadcast minutes) for a label   statement so that they do not lose track of
                                                                                       and/or several tracks via the labelcode,     their played recordings. These statements
                                                                                       we pay out the remuneration during our       contain information relating to the broad-
                                                                                       annual distribution. This means that every   cast time per label or title, or an overview
                                                                                       time radio or TV stations use productions,   of the stations that have used the relevant
                                                                                       we capture these usages and pay the pro-     repertoire.
                                                                                       ducers based on them.

                                                                                       This also applies in cases where such
                                                                                       tracks are used by other labels on com-
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
                                                                                                                                                Alexander ‘Ali’ Zuckowski
                                                                                                                                                Trusting GVL since 1996

                                                                                                                                                Ali Zuckowski shows that it makes sense to be a member in the
                                                                                                                                                two big German music collective management organisations.
                                                                                                                                                Ali receives remuneration from GVL for his work as a studio
                                                                                                                                                musician and artistic producer, while he is active as a songwriter
                                                                                                                                                member of GEMA, e.g. author of the Eurovision Song Contest’s
                                                                                                                                                winning song ‘Rise like a Phoenix’.

We distribute the revenue we collected        bers’ productions by radio and TV stations,     criteria such as market share, coverage or
at least once a year to our members, only     the higher their remuneration entitlement.      variety of repertoire are particularly pivotal.
deducting our administration costs; the       In the case of performing artists, additional
rest goes directly to our artists and pro-    parameters are significant, such as which       Furthermore, our members do not just
ducers. Thus, we are able to pay more than    role a performer held when contributing         receive remuneration for usages of their
EUR 120m per year for the use of their        to a production.                                productions in Germany. If they have as-
productions.                                                                                  signed their rights to us for other countries,
                                              Once a year, the GVL Board determines           and if their productions were used abroad,
Each year, we capture more than 30 million    the exact parameters to calculate the in-       we make sure that they also receive their
broadcast minutes in order to know exactly    dividual distributable amounts in our dis-      remuneration from abroad.
who has been played, and where and when       tribution regulations. This kind of regular
they have been performed. Based on the        update is intended to allow for possible
relevant usage, our members receive their     developments within artistic professions.
remuneration. For labels, each broadcast      Our distribution regulations also specify
minute attracts the same value. This means    which radio and TV stations are analysed
that the higher the rate of use of our mem-   for the relevant usage year. In this context,
The world is a stage. We support the act - GVL
Our rights

                                              What would radio stations, discotheques or       On behalf of our 145,000 members, we            age areas; during this process, we ensure
                                              smart phones be without music? Thanks            license the usage of their performances to      we also consider any potential cultural, so-
                                              to GVL, our members don’t even have to           achieve this. Based on tariff agreements,       cial or religious interests of rights users.
                                              think about such a scenario, as we make it       we receive income for various usage cat-        The rule of thumb: if usage is non-com-
                                              possible for music and audio-visual produc-      egories: broadcast remuneration, remu-          mercial, users pay less. It is our intention
                                              tions to be played. This is not limited to the   neration for public performance, copying        to make our performers’ and producers’
                                              three examples mentioned above, but also         and reproduction rights, rental and lending,    performances accessible to as large an
                                              for TV stations, internet radios, restaurants,   and cable retransmission of artistic per-       audience as possible.
Uwe Nehlsen
                                              pubs, hotels, shopping centres, video shops      formances.
Web radio operator                            and many more. They all benefit from the
Trusting GVL since 2015                       recordings of our artists and producers. Us-     The level of payments by each rights user
                                              ers of smartphones, tablets, USB sticks or       for their licence to GVL depends on the
Uwe Nehlsen, aka ‘DJ Magic’, has been
operating the non-commercial web radio        other technical copying devices also pay a       usage intensity and usage context of the
‘Magic Radiokobolde’ since 2015. As his       licence fee. The use of music or videos leads    music or audio-visual productions. Togeth-
web radio is registered with GVL, his team    to benefits for our rights users, e.g. higher    er with our managing directors, GVL’s tariff
may access the entire global repertoire and
play everything their heart desires – from    turnover. Thus, it is only fair that our mem-    committee is in charge of developing the
beat music to dance, from pop to rock.        bers participate and receive their due share.    relevant tariff agreements for individual us-
Our grants

Accountability means much more than              Federal German Jazz Orchestra. We have           their children. As we know that life also has
just managing finances to us. Our actions        also supported awards such as the German         its undertones, we provide social grants as
extend well beyond our actual function as        Actors’ Awards, the German Conductors’           well. Quite often we can help in cases where
mediator between rights users and rights         Awards or the Albert-Mangelsdorff-Prize          members suffer from a loss of income due
holders. Up to five per cent of our annual       for jazz musicians. In this context, we make     to temporary incapacity to work, or if par-
distribution volume is made available for        sure that projects contribute to strength-       ticular events lead to a state of emergency     Johanna Iser
our grants, i.e. cultural promotion and social   ening young talents and expand the gen-          and need for members through no fault of        Singer
                                                                                                                                                  Trusting GVL since 2014
benefits.                                        eral conditions for artists and producers in     their own. Our GVL grants for the elderly
                                                 Germany – entirely in the interest of our        help support our members well beyond their      The graduate jazz/pop singer
GVL’s Board decides on the promotion of          members.                                         active professional lives.                      Johanna ‘Hanna’ Iser is
                                                                                                                                                  involved in various jazz and
politico-cultural projects each year. Apart
                                                                                                                                                  hip soul projects. In 2013,
from big organisations such as the ‘Initiative   This aspect also plays an important role with                                                    she participated in the ‘Voice
Musik’ or the ‘Deutscher Musikrat’ (German       regards to cultural grants. Our members can                                                      of Germany’. In 2015, her
                                                                                                                                                  participation in the ‘Popkurs
Music Council), we also support individual       apply for financial support for further pro-
                                                                                                                                                  Hamburg’ was supported by
projects such as classical music in clinics,     fessional education, participation in artistic                                                   GVL within the scope of grants
the children’s musical theatre Berlin or the     competitions or an artistic education for                                                        management.
For more than 50 years, we have
                     been representing the interests of
                     performing artists and producers.
                     Every day – with a passion.

Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von
Leistungsschutzrechten mbH (GVL)
Podbielskiallee 64
14195 Berlin | Germany
P.O. Box 330361
14173 Berlin | Germany
Phone    +49 30 48483-600
Fax      +49 30 48483-700
Producers: +49 30 48483-750 |
Artists: 		 +49 30 48483-760 |
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