TheLifeboat ournal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Autumn 1982 25p - NET

Page created by Nicole Yang
TheLifeboat ournal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Autumn 1982 25p - NET
/olume XLVIII Number 481


ournal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution   Autumn 1982   25p
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A prototype self-righting lifeboat of new                                                The Trojan - an all-aluminium
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                                                   Autumn 1982

/""^ /"\ t"» f ^ fi f" o                           Notes of the Quarter                                                              Ill

                                                   Lifeboat Services                                                                113

Volume XLVIII                                      LongServiceAwards                                                                119
Number 481
                                                   Yes, I'd do it all again, by Rosemarie Ide                                       120

,,. .                                              Skegness Lifeboat Station, 1825 to 1982, by Joan Davies                          124
                                                   Poole Open Days, July 22-24                                                      128
Director and Secretary:
                                                   Around the Coast—and Inland                                                      130

                                                   Keep on running, by Heather Deane, Deputy Public Relations Officer
                                                     RNLI                                                                           131

                                                   Lifeboat People                                                                  132

Editor:                                            Shoreline                                                                        133

                                                   Some Ways of Raising Money                                                       134
Royal National Lifeboat Institution,
West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15                 Books                                                                            139
1HZ (Telephone Poole 671133).
Telex: 41328.                                      Lifeboat Services, March, April and May, 1982                                    142
London Office:
Royal National Lifeboat Institution,
202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW                   Index to Advertisers                                                             144
(Telephone 01-928 4236).
                                                   Editorial: All material submitted for        Advertisements:   All     advertising
                                                   consideration with a view to publica-        enquiries should be addressed to
                                                   tion in the journal should be addressed      Dyson Advertising Services, PO Box
                                                   to the editor, THE LIFEBOAT, Royal           9, Godalming, Surrey (Telephone
                                                   National Lifeboat Institution, West          Godalming (04868) 23675).
                                                   Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ
                                                   (Telephone Poole 671133). Photo-             Subscription: A year's subscription of
Fog . . . one of the worst hazards for the         graphs intended for return should be         four issues costs £1.40, including post-
seafarer. The prototype 47ft Tyne class life-      accompanied by a stamped and addres-         age, but those who are entitled to
boat City of London underwent her slipway          sed envelope.                                receive THE LIFEBOAT free of charge
trials at Selsey lifeboat station in Sussex, and                                                will continue to do so. Overseas sub-
Selsey lifeboathouse and slipway can be seen
looming in the background. On the day this
                                                                                                scriptions depend on the cost of postage
                                                   Next issue: the Winter issue of THE          to the country concerned. Write to
photograph was taken, by Joan Davies,
Selsey's own lifeboat, the 48ft din Oakley
                                                   LIFEBOAT will appear in January and          RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset
Charles Henry, launched on service to help         news items should be sent by the end of      BH15 1HZ.
first an angling boat and then a German            October. News items for the Spring
yacht, both of which had run aground in the        issue should be sent in by the end of        Printers: The Friary Press, Grove Trad-
dense fog.                                         January.                                     ing Estate, Dorchester, Dorset.

RNLI Symbol Sweater

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After declaring the new Bill Knott Building
                                                    open, Mrs Margaret Thatcher, the Prime
                                                    Minister, unveils a commemorative plaque
                                                    near the main entrance. With her is the Duke
                                                    of Atholl, chairman of the Institution.

                                                     (Below) A visit to HQ operations room
                                                     followed the opening ceremony. While Mrs
                                                     Thatcher looks through lifeboat photographs,
                                                     Mr Denis Thatcher signs the visitors' book.
                                                     With them are (I to r) Cdr George Cooper,
                                                     deputy chief of operations, Lt Alan Tale, staff
                                                     officer operations (2}, the Duke of Atholl,
                                                     Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, and
                                                     (hidden) Lt Cdr Brian Miles, deputy director.


FOLLOWING the birth of a son to Their
Royal Highnesses The Prince and Prin-
cess of Wales a letter of congratulations
and good wishes was sent to Bucking-
ham Palace by Rear Admiral W. J.
Graham, the director, on behalf of
everybody connected with the RNLI.
The following reply was received:
      ' We were enormously touched to receive
   your very kind letter following the birth of
   our son and send you our warmest pos-
   sible thanks. The reaction to the news has           The new Bill Knott Building provides           life had given to them, displayed the
   been overwhelming and thoroughly heart-           office and storage space for many pub-            lovely virtue of generosity.
   warming and we are rapidlv discovering            licity and fund-raising aids, including              At an informal reception inside the
   what it is to be proud parents!—CHARLES           flag day supplies, souvenirs, the print-          new building, following the opening
   and DIANA.'                                       ing department and design studio.                 ceremony and the unveiling of a com-
   Barmouth lifeboat station, which re-              Southern District office is also now              memorative plaque, Mrs Thatcher was
cently received the new 37ft 6in Rother              housed in the new building.                       presented with a miniature brass fisher-
class lifeboat which is to be named                     On their arrival, Mrs Thatcher and             man's anchor made in the depot by
Princess of Wales, sent a separate tele-             her husband, Mr Denis Thatcher, were              Mike Randall, while Mr Knott was
gram of congratulations and received an              received by the Duke of Atholl, chair-            given a presentation line throwing pistol
equally warm reply from the Prince and               man of the Institution. They were                 and Mrs Knott a bouquet of flowers.
Princess.                                            shown over the prototype 47ft Tyne                   Following her visit. Mrs Thatcher
                                                     class lifeboat and a new relief 52ft              wrote to Admiral Graham:
Bill Knott Building                                  Arun, lying alongside the depot quay,                   'To be able to open the Bill Knott
   On July 16 the Prime Minister, Mrs                before inspecting the Bill Knott Build-              Building was a real privilege and to meet
Margaret Thatcher, visited the head-                 ing. Then came the opening ceremony.                 so many of the people involved in keeping
quarters of the RNLI in Poole to open                In her speech Mrs Thatcher thanked the               the lifeboat service operational was u real
the new fund-raising centre which was                RNLI for 158 years of selfless service,              pleasure. My admiration for your work is
provided entirely by Mr William Knott,               remembering both the lifeboat crews                  unbounded: YOU hold an unparalleled
a retired Poole businessman. Mr Knott                and the fund raisers, with their com-                place in the hearts of the people of our
had approached the Institution with the              plementary virtues of courage and
offer of constructing the building on the            generosity. The crews, she said, posses-
depot site to allow expansion of fund-               sed the lonely virtue of courage, which           Poole Open Days
raising activities and to enable staff               each man had to find for himself—no                  Thousands of people descended on
previously accommodated in outside                   one could give it to him; the fund raisers        RNLI headquarters in July to attend the
portable buildings to move into the                  and those who, like Mr and Mrs Knott,             first Open Days ever held at head office
main depot.                                          gave back to society something of what            and depot. Visitors were able to see
                                                                                                       around the offices and workshops, view
                                                                                                       special displays and watch demonstra-
                     ANNUAL MEETINGS 1983                                                              tions of the launch and recovery of an
                                                                                                       Atlantic 21 lifeboat. Joint lifeboat/heli-
                   South Bank, London, Tuesday May 17                                                  copter exercises were arranged between
                                                                                                       a Royal Navy helicopter and either
    Annual General Meeting of Governors: 11.30 am in the Queen                                         Poole's 44ft Waveney lifeboat or the
                   Elizabeth Hall, Royal Festival Hall.                                                Atlantic 21, and lying alongside the
    Annual Presentation of Awards: 3.00 pm in the main auditorium,                                     depot quay throughout the three days
                                                                                                       were a 52ft Arun lifeboat, the prototype
                           Royal Festival Hall.                                                        47ft Tyne and Poole's Waveney.
                                                                                                          The Institution is proud of its ability
             Further details will be circulated with the winter edition of THE LIFEBOAT.
                                                                                                       to run a modern litesaving organisation
                                                                                                       with minimal administrative overheads
While HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh were touring                    days later, when in Buckie, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh
Fife on July 1, Prince Philip went afloat in Anstruther lifeboat, the 37ft       visited Jones Shipyard, where they saw the 48ft 6in Solent relief lifeboat
Oakley The Doctors, taking great interest in the carriage launch                 The Royal British Legion Jubilee, which Her Majesty had named at
(above, left and right): in command of the boat was Coxswain Peter               Henley in 1972, ten years ago; the lifeboat was in the yard undergoing
Murray (photographs by courtesy of D. C. Thomson and Co). A few                  survey.
                                                                      The style, rank and title of        whose crew members, Stan Zalot, is
                                                                      Honorary        Burgess      of     also Mayor has recently been made an
                                                                      Beaumaris has recently been
                                                                      conferred upon Beaumaris            Honorary Burgess of the town; the
                                                                      lifeboat station. Councillor        honour has been given in recognition of
                                                                      Stan Zalot, Mayor of the            its services to the local community.
                                                                      town and also a lifeboatman,           In Yorkshire, two guild members
                                                                     presented the certificate and        from neighbouring lifeboat towns also
                                                                      a town crest to Sir Richard         held civic appointments in the past year.
                                                                      Williams-Bulkeley, president        In Scarborough, Councillor Mrs Liz
                                                                     and chairman of the station          Mackenzie, former treasurer of the
                                                                      branch, who then handed it to       ladies' guild and still a considerable
                                                                      Coxswain David Gallichan
                                                                     for safe keeping.                    supporter, became the first woman
                                                                          photograph by courtesy of       Mayor of Scarborough since local gov-
                                                                                Hywell W. Hughes          ernment reorganisation. In Filey, Mrs
                                                                                                           Wadsworth, the vice-chairman of the
and the Open Days provided an oppor-                 Launch the lifeboat, Mr Mayor!                        ladies' guild whose sons are also in-
tunity to show lifeboat supporters and                  Ken Holland, who is coxswain of                    volved with Filey lifeboat, was
the general public that head office and              Skegness lifeboat, bore another disting-              Mayoress.
depot play a vital part in keeping the               uished title as the town's Mayor for the                 Further north, Magnus Shearer, hon-
lifeboat service at peak efficiency. It is           past year and an article on his station               orary secretary of Lerwick lifeboat sta-
proposed that the next Open Days will                appears on page 124. Meanwhile,                       tion, has just been appointed Lord
be in 1984. For a full report of this                Beaumaris lifeboat station, one of                    Lieutenant of Shetland.
year's event, see page 128.
                                                     With her builders' trials completed, the prototype 47ft Tyne fast slipway lifeboat City of London
Norwegian Naming Ceremony                            set out on a circumnavigation of the British Isles as part of her development trials; during these
   The RNLI acts as the secretariat to               trials lifeboatmen from a number of different stations are helping to man her. She is seen here
the International Lifeboat Conference                with St Peter Port lifeboat, the 52ft Arun Sir William Arnold.
and keeps in close touch with lifeboat                                                                        photograph by courtesy of Brian Green
organisations overseas. Several RNLI
stations have links with stations in
Europe, particularly in France, Ger-
many and The Netherlands, and on a
number of occasions overseas lifeboats
have come across the Channel or North
Sea to be present at the naming cere-
monies of our lifeboats. The Norwegian
lifeboat Skomvaer II was present at the
naming of Lerwick's 52ft Arun lifeboat
Soldian in 1978, and before an Arun
was stationed at Lerwick it was not at all
unusual to see a Norwegian cruising
lifeboat lying in the port's South Har-
bour with the RNLI lifeboat. It was
fitting, therefore, that Soldian, as part
of her extended passage back to station
for crew training after a recent survey,
should visit Stavanger in Norway for the
naming ceremony of a new Norwegian
lifeboat on August 23. The new lifeboat
was named Olav V after His Majesty
The King of Norway and the ceremony
was performed by his daughter, HRH
Crown Princess Sonja.
The assembly klaxon was sounded          a lifejacket and then the remaining
                                             and at 1635 the D class lifeboat was        three. Within a minute the lifeboat
                                             launched from the harbour into shel-        reported that all four were on board.
                                             tered waters; she was manned by             The water in the lifeboat was now level
                                             Helmsman Eric Ward and Crew Mem-            with the top of the sponsons, running
                                             bers William Thomas and Philip Allen.       over the transom as the lifeboat was
                                                Course was set for Hayle Bar and full    lifted by the heavy seas.
                                             speed maintained. The sea was on the            While trying to clear the casualty, the
                                             port quarter, and it was an uncomfort-      lifeboat's outboard engine propeller was
                                             able, wet passage. At first the mast of     fouled by a halyard from the dinghy.
                                             the dinghy could be seen occasionally       Crew Member Allen instantly entered the
                                             between the troughs. Then it dis-           water to try to hold the bow head to sea,
                                             appeared from sight and the Coastguard      while Crew Member Thomas also tried
                                             confirmed that the dinghy had capsized      to hold the bow up by means of an oar
                                             in the surf on the bar; her four crew,      shipped over the starboard side and
South West Division                          one without a lifejacket, were reported     Helmsman Ward tried to clear the
                                             to be clinging to the upturned dinghy.      propeller. The propeller was entangled
Four rescued                                    There was a heavy ground swell on        with four full turns of polypropylene
                                             the bar which, with the strong onshore      rope, the standing part of the rope still
ON THURSDAY April 8, the honorary            wind, was causing heavy breaking seas       made fast to the dinghy thus effectively
secretary of St Ives lifeboat station was    which extended 500 yards off shore.         anchoring the lifeboat by her stern. This
down at the boathouse in the late            Reaching these breaking seas at 1637,       made it impossible for Helmsman Ward
afternoon when, at 1628, he saw a 16ft       the urgency of the call dictated that       to gain enough slack on the rope to free
sailing dinghy leave harbour with two        Helmsman Ward should continue at full       it.
young men and two youths on board.           speed into the surf line. Once inside the       Meanwhile, Crew Member Allen,
After watching her for a little while,       surf line the upturned dinghy was quick-    stationed at the bow with water at chest
and seeing the distance decreasing be-       ly seen 50 yards off the port bow; her      height but frequently being lifted six
tween her and Hayle Bar, an area to the      four crew were clinging to her.             feet with the boat, realised he was
south east where the seas were likely to        Such were the conditions on the bar      fighting a losing battle trying to keep
be very dangerous, he became con-            that even at that distance the casualty     the boat head to sea. So, seeing the
cerned for the safety of those on board.     was frequently obscured by breaking         obvious difficulty Helmsman Ward was
At 1633 he telephoned St Ives Coast-         waves. Helmsman Ward continued his          experiencing in freeing the propeller, he
guard and agreed to launch the D class       approach at reduced speed, with the         decided to join him at the stern. He
inflatable lifeboat. By this time the        lifeboat now taking on more water than      made his way aft between lifeboat and
sailing dinghy was a mile clear of St Ives   the self bailers could clear. Neverthe-     dinghy.
Harbour entrance heading in the direc-       less, choosing his moment carefully             At 1640 the Coastguard lookout,
tion of Hayle Bar.                           between breaking waves. Helmsman            seeing the lifeboat to be in serious
   Although the day was fine and clear,      Ward made a sharp turn to port and          trouble, alerted RNAS Culdrose.
there was a fresh to strong breeze, force    successfully brought the lifeboat port          By now the lifeboat had slewed
5 to 6, blowing from the north, the sea      side to the upturned dinghy, which was      around on the halyard which was hold-
was rough with waves about seven to          held fast by her mast submerged in the      ing the propeller fast. Crew Member
eight feet high and there was a moder-       sand.                                       Thomas was still trying to hold her head
ate to heavy swell. It was about three          Working together the crew first pul-     up into the wind, but she was practically
hours before high water.                     led in the survivor who was not wearing     beam on to the sea and continually
                                                                                         shipping water. Helmsman Ward pas-
                                                                                         sed the boat's knife to Crew Member
   ANNUAL AWARDS                             ber 19, in a strong south-easterly gale,    Allen who cut the offending halyard,
                                             seven people were rescued from two          the helmsman was then able to disen-
        1980                                 sailboards, a cabin cruiser, a yacht and    tangle the rope, and with this sudden
                                             a catamaran; the Atlantic 21 lifeboat       release the lifeboat came back head to
                                             was also called to the help of a boy        sea. Crew Member Allen, who had
The Maud Smith Award for the most            clinging to a post 20 yards out on a        sustained a rib injury during his efforts
outstanding act of lifesaving during         groyne. It proved impossible to bring       in the water, was by this time extremely
1981 has been made to Coxswain               the lifeboat close enough to grab the       cold; he was unable to help himself, so
Michael Scales of St Peter Port for the      boy aboard, so Crew Member James            Crew Member Thomas seized him and
rescue on December 13 of 29 of the           swam to him and brought him safely          hauled him on board.
crew of the motor vessel Bonita, listing     ashore. For this service Helmsman               Restarting the engine first time.
to 45 degrees in the English Channel.        Dunster was awarded a bar to his            Helmsman Ward thought of making an
The winds were gusting to hurricane          bronze medal and Crew Member James          emergency landing on the beach 400
force, the seas were very high and           the silver medal; the thanks of the         yards away but, with the lifeboat so
visibility was poor due to driving snow      Institution inscribed on vellum were        heavily laden, there was no response to
and sea spray. In darkness and in            accorded to Crew Member Raines.             the helm and with a maximum speed of
extremely cold and hazardous condi-                                                      only 8 knots he was committed to going
tions, 50 approaches were made to take       The James Michael Bower Fund awards         in the direction he was heading, out to
off the survivors. For this service Cox-     for 1981 have been made to the late         sea.
swain Scales was awarded the gold            Coxswain Trevelyan Richards of Penlee           With his two crew throwing their
medal for gallantry.                         (to be received by his mother, Mrs          weight forward to combat the force of
                                             Mary Richards) and Coxswain Michael         the breaking waves, therefore. Helms-
The Ralph Glister Award for the most         Scales of St Peter Port, who each           man Ward set to the task of getting the
meritorious service carried out in 1981      received the gold medal; and to Cox-        lifeboat out beyond the surf line. He
by the crew of a lifeboat under 10           swain/Mechanic Alexander Gilchrist          successfully negotiated ten six-foot
metres in length has been made to            of Campbeltown, Coxswain/Mechanic           breaking waves before finally coming
Helmsman Frank Dunster (for the              Maurice Hutchens of Sennen Cove and         clear of the surf. At first the lifeboat
second consecutive year) and Crew            Crew Member Roderick James of Hayl-         simply drove through the oncoming
Members Roderick James and Graham            ing Island who each received the silver     waves with heavy water breaking over-
Raines of Hayling Island. On Septem-         medal.                                      all; as speed increased between the
waves, however, the water within the        together with a small coastal tanker MV
boat cleared through the self bailers,      Banwell. She was asked to stand by
allowing her enough power to take on        while Banwell placed a salvage pipe
the waves.                                  aboard Wheal Geavor. LE Aisling con-
   By 1643 the lifeboat was clear of the    tinued to tow the trawler towards
broken water and course was set for St      Waterford at about three knots.
Ives Harbour. The Coastguard now               At 1240 the tanker adjusted speed
cancelled the helicopter.                   alongside the trawler's port side and
   On the return passage, with the rough    passed a suction hose aboard. Attempts
seas on the starboard bow, speed was at     to pump, however, were not successful
first kept down to 12 knots. Crew           and at 1305 the lifeboat crew noted an
Member Thomas treated the four survi-       appreciable settlement of the casualty.
vors, who were suffering from               St Patrick moved in close and advised
hypothermia, but during the course of       'abandon ship'. By 1312 it was obvious
the passage he became particularly con-     that the trawler was sinking and she was
cerned about one of them who                listing to starboard. Six men jumped to
appeared to be concussed. At his re-        safety aboard Banwell but Cadet Foskin
quest, Helmsman Ward increased to           remained to let go the tow.                  Helmsman Frank Dunster of Hayling Island
                                                                                         was prevented by illness from attending the
full speed. Crew Member Allen, who             The trawler's list was increasing
                                                                                         RNLI's annual presentation of awards meet-
was operating the radio, did not realise    rapidly and Coxswain Whittle decided         ing in London last May to receive the bar to
there was to be a change of speed; his      to go in and rescue the cadet without        his bronze medal; it was awarded to him for
weakened state preventing him from          delay. With his crew ready on the            his part in the service on September 19 when
taking a proper hold meant that he fell     foredeck, and remaining there despite        seven people were rescued from two sail-
overboard. He was, however, promptly        the danger from the casualty's listing       boards, a cabin cruiser, a vacht and a
picked up and St Ives Harbour was           mast and gallows, the coxswain brought       catamaran as well as a boy clinging to a
reached at 1654. The four dinghy sailors    the lifeboat alongside the trawler's star-   breakwater. The presentation was made,
and Crew Member Allen were taken to         board side and held her bow hard             therefore, on June 18 by Lt-Cdr John Lunch,
hospital by waiting Police cars. The                                                     a member of the Committee of Management
                                            against the trawler while Assistant          and president of Hayling Island lifeboat
lifeboat, which had been damaged, was       Mechanic Sean Kearns and Crew Mem-           station, during a social evening at Hayling
rehoused at 1710 and taken off service      ber Patrick Glody snatched the cadet         Island Sailing Club. The service, for which
for repair; the next day, Friday April 9,   from the well deck and pulled him            the silver medal was also awarded to Crew
she was temporarily replaced with a         aboard. He then drove the lifeboat full      Member Roderick James and the thanks of
relief D class lifeboat.                    ahead clear of the trawler just before       the Institution inscribed on vellum accorded
   For this service the bronze medal was    she sank. At 1315 St Patrick went            to Crew Member Graham Raines and Shore
awarded to Helmsman Eric T. Ward            alongside Banwell and took off the           Helpers Trevor Pearce and Nigel Roper, was
and the thanks of the Institution in-       three fishermen. LE Aisling sent a           reported in the spring 1982 issue of THE
                                                                                         LIFEBOAT. The crew of the lifeboat also
scribed on vellum were accorded to          launch to collect her boarding party.        received the 1981 Ralph Glister award (see
Crew Members William J. Thomas and             St Patrick arrived at Dunmore at          page 113).
Philip Allen.                               1510, landed the three survivors and
                                            was refuelled, remoored and ready for           As the Atlantic approached the tug,
                                            service at 1600.                             at 1154, three men could be seen on
Ireland Division                               For this service framed letters of        deck wearing lifejackets. The heat
                                            thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl,         could be felt from the side of the tug
Sinking trawler                             chairman of the Institution, were pre-       and the men shouted that the fire was in
                                            sented to Coxswain/Mechanic Stephen          the engine room and it had been bat-
DUNMORE EAST PILOT STATION informed         Whittle, Assistant Mechanic Sean             tened in. As there was a risk of explo-
the deputy launching authority of Dun-      Kearns and Crew Member Patrick               sion, Helmsman Gilson immediately
more East lifeboat station at 1035 on       Glody.                                       took the Atlantic alongside the tug's
Monday October 12, 1981, that the                                                        starboard side, to leeward, and two men
trawler Wheal Geavor, with a crew of        South East Division                          were taken off, one a river pilot and one
three, was disabled and making water;                                                    a crew member. The master refused to
she was 19 miles south east of Hook         Tug on fire                                  leave and the Atlantic pulled clear to a
Head and in urgent need of help.                                                         safe distance.
Maroons were fired and the lifeboat         THAMES COASTGUARD informed South-               The tug was making considerable
crew collected a portable salvage pump      end-on-Sea lifeboat station at 1130 on       leeway, so the Atlantic approached
from the harbour before boarding. At        Saturday March 21, 1981. that the tug        again and a rope was put on to the
1050 Dunmore East 44ft Waveney life-        Laity Fwas on fire near No 3 Sea Reach       casualty's bow in an attempt to hold her
boat St Patrick slipped her moorings        Buoy. The crew assembled and took the        head up to weather. It proved impos-
and set out on service under the com-       transport down Southend Pier and at          sible for the Atlantic to hold her,
mand of Coxswain/Mechanic Stephen           1148 Southend's Atlantic 21 rigid inflat-    however, and the tow was slipped.
Whittle.                                    able lifeboat launched on service; she          The pilot was not a young man and,
   It was a fine morning with a fresh       was manned by Helmsman Paul Gilson           as he was getting very wet and being
breeze, force 5, blowing from the north     and Crew Members Glyn Gilson and             thrown about, the Atlantic asked the
west and a moderate sea running. High       Paul Manners.                                helicopter to lift him off; the lift was
water had been at 0520.                        It was an overcast morning but with       safely accomplished at 1206.
   On clearing harbour. Coxswain Whit-      good visibility. A force 8 gale was             Sheerness 44ft Waveney lifeboat,
tle headed towards the casualty at full     blowing from the south west. It was two      under the command of Coxswain/
speed and, with following seas, a good      hours before high water.                     Mechanic Charles Bowry arrived at
passage was made. At 1120 the Irish            The Atlantic's speed had to be kept       1210. She took the tug in tow and,
naval patrol boat LE Aisling reported       down to about three-quarters because         escorted by Southend's Atlantic 21,
that she had a sent a boarding party to     of short, rough seas and heavy spray,        made for Leigh River. At 1214 the fire
the trawler with a salvage pump and         and on her way she was informed that         was seen to have burnt itself out and at
that she was passing a tow. The position    the Sheerness 44ft Waveney lifeboat          1240, in the lee of Marsh End Sands,
of the casualty was 21 miles off Hook       Helen Turnbull had launched and an           the tow was passed to the tug Eugenia
Head.                                       RAF Wessex helicopter had been               and Laity's crew member was put back
   St Patrick arrived on scene at 1230      scrambled from Mansion.                      on board!.
hospital where they were treated for
                                                                                               hypothermia and later discharged.
                                                                                                 For this service the thanks of the
                                                                                               Institution inscribed on vellum were
                                                                                               accorded to Coxswain L. Derek Scott,

                                                                                               South West Division

                                                                                               Fall from cliff
                                                                                                INFORMATION that a man had fallen over
                                                                                                the cliff near the Western Carricks was
                                                                                                given to St Ives station honorary secret-
                                                                                                ary by Land's End Coastguard at 1351
                                                                                                on Wednesday August 26, 1981, and he
                                                                                                was asked to launch the D class inflat-
Daniel Norman was accorded                                                                     able lifeboat. Knowing that a crew was
the thanks of the Institution                                                                  available within the immediate harbour
inscribed on vellum for the                                                                    area, the honorary secretary sounded
rescue of a girl swept into the
sea off Watchet on September
                                                                                               the klaxon at the boathouse.
12, 1981; the service was re-                                                                     St Ives D class inflatable lifeboat
ported in the spring 1982 issue                                                                launched at 1357, manned by Helms-
of THE LIFEBOAT. After the                                                                     man Philip Allen and Crew Members
presentation of the vellum last                                                                Ian Tanner and Ian Lowe, and set out
June,      Helmsman        Kevin                                                               for the casualty. It was a fine, sunny day
Escott took Daniel for a trip                                                                  with a light variable wind. With only
in Minehead's Atlantic 21                                                                      one hour to go before high tide. Helms-
rigid inflatable lifeboat.                                                                     man Allen was able to keep close
    photograph by courtesy of
           Bristol United Press
                                                                                               inshore, sometimes passing between the
                                                                                               land and the rockheads. The 3'/t miles
                                                 bay with his binoculars he saw two men        to the reported position of the casualty
                                                 clinging to an upturned tender about          was covered in the shortest possible
                                                 350 metres offshore; they had been            time, and the lifeboat arrived at 1409.
                                                 returning from their yacht in the tender         From radio reports received from the
                                                 when they had lost an oar and capsized        Coastguard, Helmsman Allen knew
                                                 trying to retrieve it.                        that a man walking along the Coastal
                                                    Coxswain Scott immediately tele-           Path had seen another man, in swim-
                                                 phoned Swansea Coastguard to tell             ming trunks, stumble down a steep,
                                                 them he was going to the aid of the two       grassy slope and then disappear from
                                                 men. With the help of Second Cox-             sight. The inflatable lifeboat searched
                                                 swain/Mechanic Alan Jones, who just           from east to west, then back eastwards,
                                                 happened to be at hand. Coxswain Scott        stopping once to consult a man on the
                                                 launched his own 10ft clinker built           shore, but he had seen nothing.
Derek Scott, BEM, coxswain of The Mumbles
lifeboat, has been accorded the thanks of the
                                                 dinghy from the promenade of South-              The lifeboat was again sweeping west
Institution inscribed on vellum for the rescue   end Beach. Because of the small size of       when a Wessex helicopter from RNAS
in his own dinghy of two men on December         the boat he thought it best to row out        Culdrose arrived overhead. Both life-
22, 1981. Coxswain Scott already holds three     alone and began with powerful strokes         boat and helicopter continued the
medals for gallantry, two silver and a bronze,   to cover the 350 metre distance.              search and then the helicopter asked the
and he has also received a Royal Humane             The afternoon was freezing with a          lifeboat to follow her into a cove. The
Society Award.       photograph by courtesy of   gentle breeze, force 3, blowing from the      man had fallen down a blow hole, at
                                Peter Hadfield   east. The slight to moderate sea was          Trevail Bottoms, into which water from
                                                 short and choppy and it was just after        a stream was flowing and the entrance
   Both lifeboats returned to their sta-         high water.                                   of which was obscured by large rocks.
tions. Southend's Atlantic 21 arrived at            Coxswain Scott reached the capsized        Only a helicopter could have seen the
1255 and was rehoused and ready for              tender at 1606. The two men, weighed          man, but although she hovered off the
service at 1310; Sheerness's Waveney             down by heavy clothing and suffering          entrance and lowered her winchman
arrived back at 1503.                            from the severe cold, were unable to          and stretcher, the blow hole was too
   For this service framed letters of            help themselves. By great physical            narrow to accommodate either, and
thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl,             effort and skilful rocking of his boat.       they had to be lowered outside.
chairman of the Institution, were pre-           Coxswain Scott managed to haul the               The lifeboat followed the helicopter
sented to Helmsman Paul D. Gilson                more seriously distressed of the survi-       into the rock-strewn cove. Helmsman
and Crew Members Glyn D. Gilson and              vors aboard. Despite several exhausting       Allen put Crew Members Tanner and
Paul W. Manners.                                 efforts it proved impossible, however,        Lowe ashore as close to the entrance of
                                                 to pull the other man into the boat, so       the blow hole as he could without
                                                 Coxswain Scott told him to cling on to        endangering the boat, and then waited
South West Division                              the stern while, as a precaution, he first    in the lee of a large rock.
                                                 passed a rope round him and secured it           Within the cove, a low ground swell
Capsized tender                                  and then rowed for the shore as quickly
                                                 as possible. With the ebb tide pushing
                                                                                               was creating four to five feet waves,
                                                                                               which demanded great care on the part
ON THE AFTERNOON of Tuesday Decem-               against him, the extreme cold, and the        of the two lifeboatmen and slowed
ber 22, 1981, Derek Scott, coxswain of           toll of his previous efforts, it was a very   down their progress. Seeing that the
The Mumbles lifeboat, was at his home            arduous row. but the shore was reached        winchman needed immediate help.
overlooking the seafront when, at 1555,          at 1621. The two survivors were landed        Helmsman Allen secured the inflatable
he heard cries for help. Scanning the            and taken by a waiting ambulance to           lifeboat in the lee of the large rock and
then swam to the entrance of the blow       sent to Crew Members Ian Lowe and            approaches to Courtmacsherry Har-
hole.                                       Ian J. Tanner. A letter signed by            bour. At about 1900, while heading
   The casualty, a heavy man, had           Admiral Graham was also sent to Cap-         south at slow speed, the lifeboat fell off
massive head injuries as he had fallen      tain R. C. Dimmock, commanding               a heavy wave on to her starboard
and tumbled a total of 80 feet, landing     officer of RNAS Culdrose, expressing         shoulder and heeled over almost 90
on rock. Winchman and helmsman              the Institution's appreciation to the        degrees. Except for a lookout, the crew
placed him in the stretcher and secured     helicopter pilot, Lt K. Wyman, and the       were either in the wheelhouse or cabin,
him carefully. Crew Members Tanner          winchman, Petty Officer Aircrewman           the lifeboat recovered and no one was
and Lowe, by a combination of climb-        M. Cockerill.                                hurt.
ing, scrambling and swimming, now                                                           By 2000 it was considered that there
arrived to help the winchman. so                                                         was no chance of recovering survivors
Helmsman Allen swam back out to the         Ireland Division                             alive and at 2010 Acting Coxswain
lifeboat to prepare, if necessary, for                                                   Madden was advised by the honorary
embarking the stretcher.                    Storm search                                 secretary to cease searching and seek
   The helicopter, meanwhile, returned                                                   shelter. Shortly afterwards the helicop-
to the entrance of the blow hole,           THE STATION    HONORARY    SECRETARY    of   ter abandoned the search.
hovering very close indeed to the rock      Courtmacsherry Harbour lifeboat sta-            Acting Coxswain Madden headed for
face. The winch wire was lowered, then      tion was informed at 1428 on Saturday        Broadstrand Bay and anchored close
manoeuvred so that it could be reached      December 19, 1981, that a fishing boat       north west of Quarry Point; he and
and hooked on to the stretcher. The two     had been seen to capsize and sink off        Acting Second          Coxswain/Assistant
lifeboat crew and the winchman guided       Barry's Point. Maroons were fired and        Mechanic Jeremiah O'Mahony took it
the stretcher some eight feet to seaward    at 1445 Courtmacsherry lifeboat, the         in turns to stay at the wheel and engines
and then winchman and stretcher were        47ft Watson Helen Wycherley slipped          were used to reduce the strain on the
lifted in one rapid movement. The           her moorings and set out on service          anchor cable. The wind gradually
helicopter set off immediately to Trel-     under the command of Second Cox-             veered south and by 2300 had dropped
lisk Hospital, Truro.                       swain/Mechanic Brendan Madden.               to a moderate southerly breeze, force 4.
   Helmsman Allen brought the lifeboat         A fresh to strong south-easterly          An hourly call was made to Ballycotton
towards the entrance of the blow hole       breeze, force 5 to 6, was blowing in the     Lighthouse.
and Crew Members Tanner and Lowe            river, with a moderate sea running.             Anchor was weighed at 0730 the next
loaded the helicopter strop, blanket and    Visibility was poor in the continuous        day, Sunday December 20, and the
first aid kit and climbed back on board.    heavy rain. High water was at 1130.          search resumed between Barry's Point
At 1425 the lifeboat cleared the cove.         Acting Coxswain/Mechanic Madden           and Courtmacsherry Harbour bar. The
She returned to station at 1445 and was     pressed on at full speed but had to          wind was now south westerly force 2 or
once again ready for service at 1500.       reduce speed at the bar where condi-         3 but a heavy sea was still running and
   The hospital staff needed to identify    tions were exceptional, with a heavy         visibility was poor.
the casualty so that next of kin could be   onshore sea running against the ebb             At 0830 the Irish warship LE Emer
asked whether there were any medical        tide. The lifeboat pounded heavily           arrived and began to search, and at
characteristics or allergies about which    several times and shipped heavy water        0855      Acting     Coxswain    Madden
they should know. A cliff rescue team       aboard. With storm force 10 south-           streamed the drogue, crossed the bar
had searched the cliff path for anything    easterly winds clear of the land, the seas   and returned to station, securing along-
belonging to the man, but nothing could     in Courtmacsherry Bay were violent.          side the Town Pier at 0900. The lifeboat
be found. As it was a matter of vital       Acting Coxswain Madden set a course          was refuelled and back on her mooring,
importance, at 1646 St Ives was asked to    for Barry's Point at half speed, but he      ready for service, at 1130.
launch the D class lifeboat again.          used full power at times to maintain            For this service a framed letter of
Helmsman Allen was in command as            course. Visibility was severely affected     thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl,
before but this time with Anthony           by spray and heavy rain.                     chairman of the Institution, was pre-
Carter and James Stevens as crew.              The lifeboat arrived off Barry's Point    sented to Second Coxswain/Mechanic J.
   At 1700 the three men landed at          at 1520 and began searching for survi-       Brendan Madden. A letter of apprecia-
Trevail Bottoms and searched exten-         vors; such were the conditions that it       tion signed by Rear Admiral W. J.
sively both in the gully and along the      was not possible to distinguish the          Graham, director, was sent to Noble
surrounding shoreline. Then, after esti-    dangerous low reef around Horse Rock         Ruddock.
mating the set and drift of the tidal       3'/2 cables off the point. Weak RT
stream since the man fell over the cliff,   communications were established with
the lifeboat started a sweeping search      Milford Haven Coastguard at 1525, and        East Division
seawards. Despite the chop which had        they reported that a helicopter had been
now developed on the sea, the lifeboat-     requested.                                   Two calls
men found a shirt and a camera case            The search was continued north of
awash some six or seven cables north of     Barry's Point and the lifeboat estab-        NEWTON AUXILIARY COASTGUARD in-
Trevail Bottoms. A tiny tube of oint-       lished good RT communications with           formed the honorary secretary of Cras-
ment bearing a dispenser's label was        Ballycotton Lighthouse from 1605 on-         ter lifeboat station at 1100 on Saturday
found in the camera case from which         wards. Meanwhile, a shore search was         May 1 that three men had moored their
the Police were able to gain a full         organised by Noble Ruddock, a former         fishing boat at Newton Haven, a few
identification of the casualty.             RNLI Irish district engineer, and the        miles to the north of Craster, and,
   The D class lifeboat returned to St      lifeboat was directed towards wreckage       trying to row ashore, had been blown
Ives at 1820 and was rehoused by 1830.      sighted on the surface. At 1620 a            on to rocks. Maroons were fired and the
   It had been a rescue which neither the   sleeping bag was recovered about three       D class inflatable lifeboat was launched
helicopter nor the lifeboat could have      cables north of Barry's Point and the        on service at 1110.
achieved alone, but working together        lifeboat checked flotsam and oil, but           It was an overcast, gusty, morning
they had been able to bring a difficult     found no sign of survivors.                  with sleet showers and a near gale,
task to a successful conclusion.               At 1701 Ballycotton Lighthouse re-        force 7, blowing from north west. It was
   For this service a framed letter of      layed confirmation of the position           one hour after high water.
thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl,        where the casualty was seen to sink, and        The inflatable lifeboat left harbour
chairman of the Institution, was pre-       at 1720 a Sea King helicopter from RAF       and headed north with Crew Member
sented to Helmsman Philip Allen and         Brawdy arrived on scene and began a          Keith Williams on the helm. Once
letters of appreciation signed by Rear      search. The lifeboat continued to search     Castle Point had been cleared the full
Admiral W. J Graham, director, were         the area between Barry's Point and the       weight of the wind was felt and in seas
which were rough, short and broken          way; the dinghy had just left the 30ft      Forrest and Alan Currie and all mem-
speed had to be reduced to half. As the     motor vessel Sea Witch which was            bers of the team who had helped in the
lifeboat approached Newton Haven,           moored about 150 metres from the            search.
Crew Member Neil Robson, the more           shore. It was a squally afternoon with a       The next day, Thursday October 8,
senior man with greater local know-         fresh to strong breeze, force 5 to 6,       the Atlantic 21 launched again at 0800
ledge of the outlying rocks, took over      blowing from north west. The sea was        manned by Helmsman Henry Crawford
the helm. The three fishermen were          rough.                                      and Crew Members Colin Grant and
sighted, stranded on the rocks, and by         The skippers of the two fishing ves-     William Anderson; they took out Crew
1120 the lifeboat was being taken in        sels immediately put to sea while John      Members John Strachan and Stewart
towards them.                               Strachan and another lifeboatman,           Smith, both of whom are qualified
   Just at that time an RAF Sea King        Henry Crawford, ran to Largs lifeboat-      divers, with their diving equipment.
helicopter arrived overhead and the         house and fired the maroons. The            The body of the missing man was found
lifeboat held off while a winchman was      station honorary secretary arrived and      and recovered. The lifeboat returned to
put down to check the situation; it was     within minutes the Atlantic 21 rigid        station at 0910 and was rehoused at
decided that the lifeboat should take off   inflatable lifeboat was launched man-       0915.
the fishermen. So, unlocking the out-       ned by Helmsman Henry Crawford and
board engine and holding it in position     Crew Members John Strachan, Ronald          East Division
to reduce the danger of damage among        Forrest and Alan Currie.
the rocks, Helmsman Neil Robson
approached from the lee side and, by
                                               The Atlantic 21 had reached the area
                                            by 1802 and one man was rescued
                                                                                        RSPCA award
1140, the three fishermen had been          almost immediately with help from           ON WEDNESDAY AugUSt 12, 1981,       Hlin-
safely taken aboard the lifeboat. The       Mhari Bhan. Another man was clinging        stanton's D class inflatable lifeboat was
seas at this time were five to six feet     to the rudder of a moored boat; the         called to a speedboat which, unoccu-
high.                                       lifeboat could not get close enough to      pied except for a dog, was spinning
   The survivors were landed in Newton      grab him, so Crew Member Strachan,          round and round out of control off
Haven Bay and the lifeboat returned to      seeing that the man was exhausted,          South Beach. The man who had been
station, arriving at 1230. She was re-      immediately jumped into the water with      driving it had fallen over the stern after
housed, refuelled and ready for service     a lifeline and supported him until they     the water skier he had been towing had
by 1240.                                    were both picked up by the lifeboat.        also fallen; both had been recovered
   A quarter of an hour later Newton        The two survivors were landed on the        from the water before the lifeboat
Auxiliary Coastguard reported to Cras-      beach, but John Strachan, although wet      arrived. With great difficulty. Crew
ter honorary secretary that a dinghy had    and cold, remained aboard the lifeboat      Member Arthur Osborne was put
capsized off Newton Haven after hitting     until the end of the service.               aboard the speedboat, brought it under
a submerged rock and a man had been            A third survivor was picked up by Sea    control and landed both the boat and
thrown into the water. Manned by the        Nymph and the Atlantic 21 took this         the dog, a spaniel, safely on the beach.
same crew as before, Craster's D class      man aboard and landed him on the               For this service, which was reported
inflatable lifeboat was launched on ser-    beach. A doctor and ambulance were          in the spring 1982 issue of the THE
vice again within minutes.                  standing by and all three survivors were    LIFEBOAT, the Royal Society for the
   With the wind still north west force 7   taken to hospital.                          Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has
and the seas rough, the lifeboat once          There had been a fourth man in the       awarded a certificate of merit to Helms-
again made the passage to Newton            capsized dinghy but nothing had been        man Alan J. Clarke and Crew Members
Haven, arriving at 1310. She started a      seen of him. The Atlantic 21 returned to    Arthur E. Osborne and John Connors.
search of the area but, finding no one,     the area to search together with MFVS
beached at 1330 for further informa-        Mhari Bhan, Sea Nymph and Girl Jean
tion. A woman who had seen the              and pilot cutter Ganstock. A helicopter,    Scotland South Division
incident told the lifeboatmen that the      scrambled from HMS Gannett at 1829,
man from the dinghy had managed to          arrived overhead at 1856; Ardrossan         In rock cleft
get ashore.                                 Coastguard mobile arrived at 1843 and
   By 1400 the inflatable lifeboat was      organised shore parties; the fire service   WHILE ON PASSAGE from Carrick Fergus
back at station and by 1430 she was         arrived at 1915 and set up lights on the    to Portpatrick on Monday August 3,
rehoused. As, on the return passage,        beach; Largs Pier staff and many others     1981, the 32ft motor sailer Maureen II
loss of engine power had been experi-       were helping. Despite a thorough            suffered engine failure. She continued
enced, the boat was put off service until   search from sea, air and land, however,     under sail but, trying to enter harbour,
repairs could be made. She was back on      no sign could be found of the missing       she ran into difficulties and was carried
service again by 1600 the following day.    man and at 2022 all services were stood     on to rocks a quarter of a mile to the
   For this service framed letters of       down and the search called off.             north.
thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl,           The Atlantic 21 returned to station at      Clyde Coastguard informed the dep-
chairman of the Institution, were pre-      2025. Throughout the service Helms-         uty launching authority of Portpatrick
sented to Helmsman A. Neil Robson           man Crawford had had some difficulty        lifeboat station of the situation at 0615.
and Crew Member J. Keith Williams.          in manoeuvring in the rough weather as      Maroons were fired and Portpatrick's
                                            the port engine of the lifeboat had         47ft Watson lifeboat The Jeanie slipped
                                            seized on launching because of gearbox      her moorings at 0632 under the com-
Scotland South Division                     failure. On the lifeboat's return, Fleet    mand of Staff Coxswain Tom Beattie. A
                                            Mechanic George Miller fitted a new         cliff rescue team was also called out and
Dinghy capsize                              gearbox and tested it. The lifeboat was
                                            then refuelled, washed down and
                                                                                        approached the casualty from the cliff
A LIFEBOATMAN, John Strachan, who is        rehoused.                                      There was a gentle breeze, force 3.
skipper of a ferry running from Largs          For this service a letter of apprecia-   blowing from the south west but the sea
Pier to Cumbrae, and Matthew Ramsay         tion signed by Rear Admiral W. J.           was moderate with a fair swell running.
and Donald McMillan, skippers of            Graham, director of the Institution, was    The tide was on the ebb.
fishing vessels Sea Nymph and Mhari         sent to Crew Member John Strachan. In          When the lifeboat reached the scene,
Bhan, who were mooring their boats at       another letter, addressed to Mr J. Duf-     at 0650, she found that Maureen II was
Largs Pier, heard shouts at about 1755      field, Largs honorary secretary. Admir-     in a rocky cleft, being thrown on the
on Wednesday October 7, 1981, and           al Graham expressed the Institution's       rocks either side by the sea, and it
saw that an 8ft dinghy had capsized         appreciation to Helmsman Henry              would be impossible for The Jeanie to
between the pier and the lifeboat slip-     Crawford and Crew Members Ronald            approach her. Rocket lines were tried
but failed, so Robert Tyson, who had
gone out with the lifeboat crew, volun-
teered to take a line across. He swam
the 100 yards to the yacht with a line
and passed it to a member of the cliff
rescue team who was already on board;
he himself was helped ashore and up the
cliff by the CRE team. The line was
made fast, the yacht pulled off the rocks
to safety and then taken in tow by the
lifeboat back to Portpatrick. The two
boats arrived at 0710 and the three
adults and two children on board were
taken ashore. The lifeboat was back on
her moorings, ready for service, at
   For this service a letter signed by Cdr
Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, ex-
pressing the Institution's appreciation
to Robert Tyson was sent to Portpatrick
station honorary secretary. Mr D. P.
Brookes.                                     Padstow: On the morning of January 26 the local fishing vessel Lamorna ran into difficulties
                                             when a rope got wrapped round her propeller about three quarters of a mile off Newquay Head.
                                             She put out an anchor to await help from another fishing vessel. The weather was deteriorating,
West Division                                however, and a north-westerlv gale was forecast, so Padstow lifeboat, the 48ft 6in Oakley James
                                             and Catherine Macfarlane was launched to her aid at 1129 under the command of Coxswain
Yacht aground                                Trevor England and with a diver on board. Lamorna was taken in tow to Newquay where the
                                             diver, Mr A. Bradlev, went overboard and cleared the fouled rope, freeing the fishing boat's
                                             propeller.                                               photograph by courtesy of B. S. White
HEARING, just after 1700 on Sunday
September 13, 1981. that a yacht had
grounded on the training bank off Buoy       of operations, was sent to Captain J. A.          T section of the post in about 30 feet of
C6. Helmsman Edward Brown tele-              Billington, New Brighton station honor-           water and about 60 yards from the
phoned the honorary secretary of New         ary secretary, expressing the Institu-            shore. The tide was extremely fast
Brighton lifeboat station. Almost im-        tion's appreciation to Helmsman                   running and the nearest the lifeboat
mediately, as preparation was being          Edward B. Brown and Crew Members                  could be brought to the post was 10 to
made to fire the maroons, a request          Anthony G. Clare and Robert F.                    12 feet; by this time the man was also
came from Liverpool Coastguard to            Robertson.                                        suffering from the effects of exposure.
launch to the aid of the 28ft steel hulled                                                        Crew Member Litt climbed along the
yacht Blue Tango.                                                                              top rope of the salmon net through a
   At 1712 New Brighton's Atlantic 21                                                          current described as ferocious and
rigid inflatable lifeboat was' launched      Scotland South Division                           brought the man safely to the lifeboat;
manned by Helmsman Brown and Crew                                                              during the passage to Annan, where he
Members Anthony Clare and Robert             Rising tide                                       was transferred to an ambulance, the
Robertson. It was a fine, clear evening                                                        wildfowler was treated for exposure and
but with a fresh to strong breeze, force 5   RAMSEY COASTGUARD informed the hon-               hypothermia. The lifeboat was back on
to 6, blowing from west south west and       orary secretary of Silloth lifeboat station       station at 1442.
gusting to near gale, force 7. The sea       at 1255 on Thursday February 11 that a               For this service a letter of apprecia-
was moderate to rough and there was a        man was stuck in the salmon nets at               tion signed by Commander Bruce
moderate west-south-westerly swell.          Dornock, two miles east of the River              Cairns, chief of operations, was sent to
The forecast was that the weather            Annan, on the north side of the Solway            Crew Member Ashley Litt. In a letter to
would deteriorate.                           Firth. At 1310 Silloth's Atlantic 21 rigid        George G. Egdell. Silloth honorary
   Blue Tango was hard aground on the        inflatable lifeboat launched on service           secretary, which was accompanied by a
west training bank, seven miles north        manned by Helmsman Colin Akitt and                donation to the Institution, the survivor
north west of the lifeboat station. On       Crew Members Ashley Litt and Philip               wrote;
arrival, the Atlantic 21 ran the yacht's     Satterthwaite.                                          T suppose it was a routine job for the
kedge anchor out into deeper water to           The weather was fair with a moderate              crew, but I can assure you for myself it
the west to prevent her drifting further     to fresh breeze, force 4 to 5, blowing               was the opposite. I will not forget sighting
ashore as the tide rose, and shipping        from west south west. The sea was                    the boat on the horizon and landing in the
was asked to ease speed in passing.          choppy with a heavy swell. It was two                bottom of the lifeboat freezing with cold
   At 1900. after a good deal of bumping                                                          . . . Once again will you express my
                                             hours before high water.                             sincere thanks to all your lads at Silloth
and surfing in the heavy sea and swell in       The casualty was one of the three                 and throughout the RNLI.'
the making tide, the yacht came afloat.      wildfowlers who had walked out to
The anchor held at first but then started    examine the terrain. The tide was rising
to drag and the yacht knocked across         and the man and his pointer dog were
the training bank to the east. The           stranded when a gully filled with water.          West Division
Atlantic 21 lifeboat went round the end      His friends advised him to go to the T
of the bank to meet her and escort her       section of a salmon net while one of              Running into danger
into the channel. In view of the de-         them went to dial 999. At this time it
teriorating weather, however, and the        was estimated that there was about six            ON THE AFTERNOON of Friday September
yacht's slow progress, the lifeboat          feet of water below him. As the sea               11, 1981, the 26ft yacht Kerry left Doug-
towed her to Alfred Basin. The lifeboat      gradually deepened he climbed towards             las, Isle of Man, bound for Glasson
returned to station at 2100 and was          the top of the post, eventually having to         Dock, Lancaster, crewed by two men.
rehoused and once again ready for            release his dog. which swam ashore. He            Although the weather and visibility
service by 2130.                             clung to the post for almost an hour.             were good, there was a fresh to strong
  For this service a letter signed by           When the lifeboat arrived, at 1336 the         breeze, force 5 to 6, blowing from the
Commander Bruce Cairns. RNLI chief           wildfowler was clinging to the top of the         south west and the sea was rough and
one of the crew became badly affected         South West Division                         placed on either the boat or the crew.
by sea sickness. The yacht's owner tried                                                     While searching off the Ranie, the
to start the boat's engine but could not
do so.
                                              Fishing boat capsized                       lifeboat was told by the Coastguard that
                                                                                          Bowqueen was alongside the casualty.
   At 1927 Kerry called Ramsey Coast-                                                     The sand dredger was sighted about two
guard on VHP Channel 16 and was given         A TELEPHONE CALL was received by the        miles to the south west; course was set
a course to sail for Douglas, but as she      honorary secretary of Penarth lifeboat      for her and despite the moderate to
approached land it became clear that          station at 1311 on Friday September 18,     rough short, steep head seas, up to five
her single-handed skipper would be            1981, from The Mumbles Coastguard           feet high, full speed was maintained
running into difficulties and would need      requesting the launch of the lifeboat: a    throughout the passage.
help. At 2015, when the yacht was some        message had come on VHP Channel 16             When the lifeboat arrived at the
three or four miles off Douglas, Ramsey       from the sand dredger Bowqueen re-          casualty she found that there had in fact
Coastguard telephoned the honorary            porting the sighting of two people cling-   been three men aboard the fishing boat.
secretary of Douglas lifeboat station,        ing to an upturned boat (later found to     Bowqueen had recovered one of them
and at 2034 the 46ft 9in Watson R. A.         be an 18ft GRP fishing boat) half a mile    but the other two men, too cold to help
Colby Cubbin No. 1 launched on ser-           west of Ranie Buoy off Lavernock            themselves, were clinging on, head and
vice under the command of Coxswain            Point. Maroons were fired and at 1321       shoulders above water, to a safety net
Robert J. Corran.                             Penarth's D class inflatable lifeboat was   which had been hung down over Bow-
   The lifeboat came up with Kerry, still     launched manned by Helmsman Callum          queen's port side.
under sail, at 2130 and with some diffi-      Couper and Crew Members Robert                 Bowqueen was stopped in the water
culty because of the considerable move-       Ryan and Michael Hill.                      heading east north east so that, as the
ment of the two boats in the swell, Crew         It was an overcast afternoon, but        lifeboat came alongside the safety net,
Member Steven Unsworth boarded the            clear, and a fresh breeze, force 5, was     she was in the sand dredger's lee. The
yacht to help. He lowered the sails, a        blowing from the south west. It was         two survivors were extricated from the
tow line was passed and the yacht was         nearly three hours after high water.        net, not without difficulty, and taken on
taken to Laxey, where a doctor was               The passage south to Ranie Buoy, in      board the lifeboat. Each was helped
waiting. The lifeboat returned to Doug-       sheltered waters, was made at full          into a survivor's lifejacket, positioned
las and was once again housed and             speed. At the Ranie, however, the sea       low in the boat and covered with an
ready for service at 2300.                    state was more severe, with wind            exposure sheet to prevent further heat
   For this service a letter of apprecia-     against tide causing a rough, confused      loss.
tion signed by Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief        sea. Speed was reduced to enable a             Helmsman Couper was intending to
of operations, was sent to Crew Mem-          proper lookout to be maintained and to
ber Steven Unsworth.                          ensure that no unnecessary stress was                            continued on page 141

                                              The Lizard-Cadgwith                         Portrush
      LONG SERVICE                            Coxswain/Mechanic P. R. C. Mitchell         Coxswain J. Stewart
        AWARDS                                Head Launcher I. A. Hill                    Second Coxswain R. McMullan
                                              Winchman S. C. Watkins                      Port St Mary
                                              Lytham-St Anne's                            Coxswain/Mechanic A. N. Quillin, BEM
THE LONG SERVICE BADGE, introduced            Coxswain A. Wignall                         Pwllheli
                                              Second Coxswain B. Gill                     Coxswain W. D. McGill
from January 1 this year for crew             Crew Member H. Bamber
members and shore helpers who have                                                        Second Coxswain/Mechanic O. Roberts
                                              Tractor Driver A. Broxup
given active service for 20 years or                                                      Ramsey
more, has been awarded to:                    Margate                                     Motor Mechanic J. H. Kneale
                                              Second Coxswain/Assistant Mechanic
                                                                                          St Helier
                                                D. E. G. Lacey
                                                                                          Motor Mechanic R. L. Berezai
Coxswain W. V. Burrell. BEM                   The Mumbles                                 StIves
                                              Coxswain L. D. Scott. BEM                   Coxswain T. Cocking (Snr)
Second Coxswain S. Strowger
Motor Mechanic N. A. Saint                    Second Coxswain/Mechanic A. R. Jones        Second Coxswain J. N. Perkin
                                              Assistant Mechanic B. J. Jeffery            Assistant Mechanic D. L. Smith
Crew Member F. S. Sharland
                                              Crew Member A. D. Lewis                     Crew Member J. L. Tanner
Tractor Driver M. H. Smith
Shore Helper E. A. Strowger                   Newcastle (Co Down)                         Crew Member J. B. Thomas
Shore Helper R. W. Wood                       Coxswain M. Leneghan                        Head Launcher J. Benney
                                              Second Coxswain W. S. McCullough            Shore Helper F. Cocking
Amble                                                                                     Shore Helper J. G. Uren
Second Coxswain R. Stewart                    Motor Mechanic G. Murphy
                                              Assistant Mechanic J. Smith                 St Mary's
Barmouth                                      Tractor Driver M. McKibben                  Coxswain M. Lethbridge, BEM
Coxswain/Assistant Mechanic G. K. Jeffs                                                   Second Coxswain E. R. Guy
Motor Mechanic D. W. Davies                   New Quay (Dyfed)
                                                                                          Motor Mechanic W. Burrow
Second Assistant Mechanic E. E. K. Griffith   Coxswain D. W. Evans
                                                                                          Assistant Mechanic W. H. Lethbridge
Crew Member D. L. Griffith                    Second Coxswain E. I. Evans
Clacton-on-Sea                                Padstow
                                                                                          Coxswain R. H. West, BEM
Coxswain A. C. Harman                         Coxswain T. R. England
                                                                                          Bowman J. W. West
Motor Mechanic E. C. Cobb                     Motor Mechanic H. E. Murt
                                                                                          Motor Mechanic B. J. Pegg
                                              Crew Member A. J. May
Exmouth                                                                                   Assistant Mechanic B. Middleton
Coxswain B. L. Rowsell                        Plymouth
Motor Mechanic B. Bradford                    Coxswain J. Dare
                                                                                          Coxswain W. Carter
Crew Member P. N. Rowsell                     Motor Mechanic C. Alcock
                                                                                          Motor Mechanic D. Robinson
                                              Crew Member J. W. H. Sheldon
Flamborough                                                                               Torbay
Coxswain J. R. Major                          Port Erin                                   Coxswain A. L. V. Curnow
Second Coxswain R. W. Emmerson                Coxswain P. Woodworth
Crew Member D. R. Emmerson                    Second Coxswain E. N. Sansbury              Walmer
Crew Member J. Major                                                                      Crew Member L. G. Coe
Fowey                                         Coxswain G. J. Jones                          Further recommendations for the
Coxswain B. Willis                            Assistant Mechanic I. H. Griffiths          long service badge are under
Motor Mechanic F. G. Webber                   Crew Member J. P. Bentlev                   consideration.
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