Page created by Bill Mendoza

AUSTRALIA ON THE MAP                       INSIDE:
                                   SOLAR & BATTERY
                                     MEMBERS PLAN
                                   AN EYE ON SOLAR
                                   AVOIDING FUTURE
                                       DEATH TRAPS
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Power up with us!

Power up with us!


        An ambitious new factory in
        Tomago, NSW aims to put Australia
        on the map for manufacturing hot
        weather optimised batteries. Anna
        Hayes found out more.


                                                16 A WINNING FORMULA FOR                  30 SWITCHING IT UP
                                                   REMOTE COMMUNITIES                          ‘Going green’ is a big priority
                                                   Aurecon’s breakthrough water                for companies and Schneider
                                                   security innovation for remote              Electric has taken a big step

                                                   communities wins global                     towards reducing greenhouse
                                                   engineering award.                          gases with its new digital

                                                20 GET YOUR HANDS ON THE VPP
                                                   Sunbank Solar and Members              REGULARS
                                                   Energy has built the largest
                                                   virtual power plant (VPP), giving      06   Editorial
                                                   users the cheapest and greenest        08   Industry news
                                                   form of energy. Sean Carroll
                                                                                          42   Solar smarts
                                                                                          46   Estimating

                                                24 AVOIDING FUTURE DEATH TRAPS            50   Apprentice corner
                                                   Peter Vandenheuvel recounts a
                                                   tragic story where not one, but
                                                                                          52   NECA news
                                                   two fatal deaths occurred by           81   Trade stuff
                                                   electrocution, and explores ways
                                                   to ensure minimal chances of
                                                   similar occurring in the future.

                                                28 I’LL FOLLOW THE SUN
                                                   A Queensland solar farm has
                                                   installed a Nextracker solution
                                                   which, just like the Beatles song               66 HEALTH

                                                   title implies, follows the sun. Sean
                                                   Carroll finds out more.                          70 BUSINESS

                                                                                                   74 TRANSPORT

4   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021

    NEW YEAR                                                                                        www.electricalconnection.com.au

            hings are really beginning to        sources. While some may feel a sense         GENERAL MANAGER
                                                                                              Jeremy Sweet
            look up as I sit to write this and   of uneasiness because of the fear of         jeremysweet@build.com.au
            take a moment to reflect on the       the unknown, I think it’s important
    year that was 2020.                          to understand that a lot of these            Justin Felix
       At the time of writing I have just        developments and mindset shifts are          03 9542 9024
    returned from a weekend away in              actually cause for celebration.
    Victoria’s Apollo Bay. While that in            New government targets and                EDITORIAL CONSULTANT
                                                                                              Jeff Patchell
    itself is fairly insignificant, it’s the      objectives into the renewable sector         jeff patchell@build.com.au
    first time I’d been able to escape            will create many jobs for electrical
                                                                                              STAFF WRITERS
    Melbourne and the big smoke, in              contractors, and whether you are             Anna Hayes, Sean Carroll
    search of ocean breezes and a change         currently working in the space or not,       GRAPHIC DESIGNER
    of scenery.                                  your skill sets will be critical to ensure   Sam Elliott
       Upon approaching the picturesque          the adoption and implementation of           ADVERTISING TRAFFIC MANAGER
    coastal town, we were greeted by a           such initiatives become a reality.           Tracey Glanville
    sign emblazoned with the following              As you’ll see in this issue, we’ve        SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER
    words: ‘Welcome back Melbourne.              covered a number of exciting                 Brigitta Novosell
                                                                                              03 9542 9005
    Good job, well done’. And we couldn’t        renewable projects on the
    all help but turn to one another and         horizon, around the country, and             CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                              Phil Kreveld, James Tinslay, Brian Seymour,
    feel a touch emotional, and of course        in each instance highlighted the             Peter Vandenheuvel, Dr Kieran Kennedy
    thankful that – fingers crossed – the         opportunities that abound for
    worst of it is behind us now.                contractors and small businesses.            Jeremy Sweet                           0408 525 675
       With that in mind, I think we can                                                      jeremysweet@build.com.au

    all breathe a collective sigh of relief      NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNINGS                     TO SUBSCRIBE                     1800 623 214
                                                                                              Australia                        03 9542 9000
    that the building and construction           If 2020 taught me anything, it was
                                                                                              New Zealand                    +61 3 9542 9000
    industry is, and always will be,             the importance of spending more              Fax (with credit card details)   03 9542 9090
    considered an essential service.             time outdoors and enjoying Mother
    While many unfortunately lost their          Nature and as a result, I’m leaving
    jobs and the likes of apprenticeship         my post as editor at Lanella Media
    numbers dropped, we’re looking on            and jumping back into the fishing and
    course to bounce back rather quickly         outdoor industry.
    when compared to other industries.              With that being said, I’d like to                 www.linkedin.com/in/electrical-connection/
       To those small businesses that            introduce your new editor, Sean
    weathered the storm of uncertainty           Carroll. Sean’s been with us for a                   www.twitter.com/ElectricCXNMag

    and adapted on the go, we salute your        couple of years now and has proven
    tenacity and resilience and think it’s       to be abit of a young gun, so the            By mail, please write to the address below
    something to be extremely proud of.          publication will be left in good hands       PUBLISHED BY:
    And to those who didn’t fare as well,        and a fresh perspective.                     Lanella Media Pty Ltd
                                                                                              2/18-22 Lexia Place,
    or lost their jobs and businesses, our          If you’d like to get in touch
                                                                                              Mulgrave, VIC 3170
    hearts go out to you and we wish you         with Sean, he can be reached at              AUSTRALIA
                                                                                              ISSN 1839-2288
    the very best this year and into the         seancarroll@build.com.au.
    future. Stay brave, remain focussed
                                                                                              Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this magazine do
    and don’t be afraid to reach out and                                                      not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Although
    ask for help!                                                                             all materials are checked for accuracy, no liability is
                                                                                              assumed by the publisher for any losses due to the use
       From our industry’s perspective,          Enjoy the read                               of material in this magazine. Copyright 2021 by Lanella
                                                                                              Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
    one can’t help but be bombarded                                                           may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
    by terms such as renewable,                                                               transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
                                                                                              mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise)
    sustainability and alternative energy                                     Justin Felix    without the prior permission of Lanella Media.

6    ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
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    HOW TO ‘SCAVENGE’ POWER FROM                 H2U EYRE PENINSULA GATEWAY                 region to power the electrolyser which
    OUR SURROUNDINGS                             HYDROGEN PROJECT: THE WORLD’S              splits water into hydrogen and oxygen
    Researchers at Flinders University,          LARGEST GREEN AMMONIA PLANT                gas. A further process using nitrogen
    South Australia are looking at ways          The H2U Eyre Peninsula Gateway             is used to make green ammonia.
    to scavenge invisible power from             Hydrogen Project has received a               It will also boast two 16MW open
    low-frequency vibrations in the              boost from the South Australian            cycle gas turbines operating 100%
    surrounding environments, including          government, helping it become the          on hydrogen at the site to provide
    wind, air or static electricity.             world’s largest green ammonia plant.       electricity generation to the grid
       It aims to create an energy                 It will include the installation of a    during periods of low wind or solar
    source that doesn’t need a wireless          75MW electrolyser near the regional        output.
    or mains power source with                   city of Whyalla which is capable of           “[The project] offers the opportunity
    applications like a pacemaker that can       producing enough hydrogen to create        to export South Australia’s abundant
    work with inbuilt organic sources in         40,000 tonnes of ammonia yearly.           solar and wind resources to support
    the human body.                                With the recent round of funding         deep decarbonisation in the global
       “These so-called triboelectric            collecting $37 million, the project will   energy, industrial and shipping
    nanogenerators (or ‘TENGs’) can              upgrade the nearby Port Bonython           sectors,” H2U chief executive Dr Attilio
    be made at low cost in different              jetty as part of the plan to become        Pigneri says.
    configurations, making them suitable          and exporter of green energy to world         “In the energy sector, Japan is
    for driving small electronics such           markets. It comes just a week after        leading the way with their plan to
    as personal electronics like mobile          the state launched the SA Hydrogen         introduce green ammonia as a
    phones, biomechanics devices in              Action Plan, which identified Port          substitute fuel, to help meet its
    pacemakers, sensors (temperature/            Bonython as a key hub.                     decarbonisation targets.”
    pressure/chemical) and more,”                  The H2U plant will use 100% wind            The project is targeting completion
    Flinders University college of science       and solar power generated in the           by late 2022.
    and engineering professor Youhong
    Tang says.
       Further research aims to further          ACMA OFFERS UPSKILLING FOR                   If you are working with structured
    develop this renewable form of               CABLERS                                    cabling, coaxial cable or fibre
    energy harvesting by designing               Following an update to the cabling         optics, these specialised cabling
    simple fabrication from cheap and            requirements and requests from the         competencies will need to be
    sustainable materials, with high             industry, cablers who hold an open         completed to upskill your registration.
    efficiency.                                    registration now have the optional to        These competencies form the basis
       “They can use non-invasive                extend their skills and knowledge with     for training programs developed by
    materials, so could one day be used          educational courses.                       industry skills councils and delivered
    for implantable and wearable energy            The Australian and Communications        by recognised training organisations.
    harvesting aims,” Nano Energy                and Media Authority implemented a            If you wish to complete any relevant
    co-lead author and PhD candidate             number of changes to the competency        competencies, please contact your
    Mohammad Khorsand says.                      requirements for registered cabling        NECA training centre who will offer you
       The latest paper uses AI-enhanced         providers in 2012, addressing              expert advice in selecting the relevant
    mathematical modelling to compare            concerns within the cabling industry       course that suits your needs or visit
    the function of the number of                that some may not have the                 the ACMA website for a full list of RTO’s
    segments, rotational speed and tribo-        appropriate skills required to perform     Australia wide.
    surface spacing of an advanced TENG          specialised cabling work for the             Once a cabler completes
    prototype to optimise the storage and        current and emerging environment.          competency training, they can
    performance.                                   Much of these changes were driven        upgrade their registration simply
                                                 by the introduction of the NBN,            by completing an ‘Upgrade of
                                                 where customer telecommunications          Registration’ form. Complete the
                                                 systems are increasingly becoming IP/      form and submit it along with a new
                                                 Ethernet-based and therefore must          Statement of Results to ACRS via
                                                 function over higher data rate capable     email or post. A new updated card and
                                                 customer cabling.                          a certificate will then be posted.
                                                   Following a two-year transitional          The cost for a new card is $25,
                                                 period, the ACRS has been receiving        unless upgrading registration at the
                                                 many enquiries regarding the changes       same time as renewing, when there is
                                                 and possibility of upskilling.             no additional fee for the upgrade.

8    ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021

    AGL UNVEILS PLANS FOR GRID-SCALE                                                     when our customers and communities
    BATTERY IN SA                                                                        need it.”
    AGL has announced it will develop a                                                     He adds that the announcement
    grid-scale battery in South Australia                                                is another example of AGL delivering
    as part of its plans to roll-out 850MW                                               against its own climate statement
    of energy storage across the NEM by                                                  commitments, aiming to achieve net
    2024.                                                                                zero emissions by 2050.
       Built in stages, the battery will be                                                 “We know in order to achieve
    located on the site of the Torrens                                                   this target, investment in large
    Island Power Station, with a capacity                                                scale energy storage like grid-scale
    up to 250MW and a duration of up to                                                  batteries is critical,” he says.
    four hours.                                                                             South Australian energy minister
       AGL chief executive officer and                                                     Dan van Holst Pellekaan welcomes
    managing director Brett Redman says          “Wind generation is a major source      the announcement and said the state
    AGL was getting on with the business       of energy in South Australia and to       is fast-tracking this huge battery by
    of energy transition and this new          ensure its reliability AGL is committed   granting a planning exemption to AGL
    battery, to be located at Torrens Island   to delivering more firming capacity,       at the existing Torrens Island site:
    Power Station will play a leading role     last year opening the AGL Barker Inlet    “The battery will help in our efforts
    in South Australia’s energy generation:    Power Station.”                           to restore the South Australian grid
    “With more renewable generation              “This battery is another step in the    to strength as it is located at a key
    than any other state, South Australia      state’s energy transition while at the    location in our grid and will help SA
    has been a leading contributor to          same time allowing a rapid response       meet our aspiration of net-100%
    Australia’s low-emissions future.          to changes in renewable generation        renewable energy.

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                                                             BATTERY POWER

                     LEADING THE

        ustainability is the ‘mot du jour’       aff ordable batteries that are, crucially,        Brian explains that lithium ion batteries
        these days, with renewable               optimised to perform in hot climates         are optimised for temperatures up to 25
        energy technologies becoming             and will kick-start a new export market      degrees and that, for most of the world,
more and more prevalent in a landscape           for the country.                             this isn’t an issue. However, in countries
of ever-diminishing reliance on fossil              Brian Craighead is a director at          like Australia, India, and most of Asia, 25
fuels.                                           Energy Renaissance and he explains           degrees is almost considered chilly by
   We are starting to see, if you will, a        that the aim is to open Australia’s first     comparison to the usual temperatures.
rebirth of how we consume energy and,            lithium ion battery manufacturing                “The problem with that,” Brian says,
more importantly, where it’s coming              facility by next September.                  “is that you have to add extra cooling,
from.                                               “It’s an advanced manufacturing           both when you buy it and to operate
   The Hunter region of NSW is one               facility so it will be heavily automated     it in hotter climates. That’s a price
location to benefi t directly from                and these facilities, they start small and   penalty you cannot avoid so it becomes
this, with a $28 million battery                 grow big quickly. I think we will be the     expensive to deploy batteries in these
manufacturing facility set to be built in        first battery manufacturing initiative        places. Lithium ion batteries have a
Tomago in early 2021.                            in Australia but we hope there will be       tendency to catch fire and it’s not just a
   Renaissance One is the brainchild of          others.”                                     normal fire – the battery creates oxygen
Energy Renaissance, Australia’s first                The challenge facing Energy               as it burns so it basically keeps going.”
lithium-ion battery manufacturer.                Renaissance was that of making lithium           He points out that in Australia where
With an initial production capacity of           ion batteries safe for use in hotter         bigger batteries could often go to very
66MWh per annum, the 4,000 sqm                   climates, without diminishing on cost        remote places, constant maintenance
purpose-built factory will produce safe,         eff ectiveness.                               would be a challenge.

10   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
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                                                              BATTERY POWER

Energy Renaissance aims to open Australia’s first lithium ion battery manufacturing facility by September 2021 The initial
production capacity is anticipated to be 66MWh per annum.

   “So we had to completely remove the           it is clearly outstripping our capable             “There’s a bit of a cultural scar in
fire risk because when you put these              supply.”                                        Australia, from failed attempts to
closer to where people live, it becomes             That element of home-grown                   manufacture cars and things in the
an issue more than when they’re in the           manufacturing is very important to the          1980s. Many are convinced we can’t
middle of nowhere where folks are used           team at Energy Renaissance, not just            manufacture here because it’s cheaper
to managing the risk.”                           because of the availability of all source       in other parts of the world. It’s often
   It’s expected that more than half of          materials locally but also as a sign            viewed as something we don’t do very
the factory’s output will be exported            of belief in Australian manufacturing           well and that is incorrect. The whole
through the Port of Newcastle and Brian          which, Brian says, suff ers something of         world of manufacturing has moved
is adamant that this industry is one that        a sceptical view.                               on and it’s all very automated and
can create jobs and a niche market for              “A big part of it was not to get             computer driven now.”
Australia, pointing out that it is, in fact,       distracted by the temptation to build            So what does this new development
the only country in the world that                          and manufacture overseas             mean for the average sparkie going
has all the materials required                                        and it probably added      about their day-to-day work?
to build the batteries.                                                     a bit of time           Brian believes there are opportunities
   “Australia has                                                           to the project       galore stating that, even though
a trust mark of                                                             because it’s not     there may be an element of mystery
quality when it                                                            easy, it requires a   surrounding batteries and what is
comes to products                                                         lot more planning.     required for installation, the Energy
that do come out                                                         It’s much easier to     Renaissance batteries will be simple
of here and our                                                          say ‘let’s just do it   jobs for qualified sparkies.
view is that we will                                                    somewhere else’.            “We design our batteries so the
export more than                                                                                 standard electrician can maintain them.
we sell domestically.                                                                            I think the opportunity for electricians
Although, we are really                                         The Renaissance One              is enormous because they’re suddenly
surprised by the demand,                                      Super Cube.                        going to be unlocked to do these things.

12   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
                                                                                                BATTERY POWER

     And it’ll be both design and installation,                                                                                                        Brian points to electric cars as
     which is going to get a lot simpler, and                                                                                                        an example, pointing out that many
     also the preparation. I think there’s                                                                                                           countries have moved to ban petrol and
     probably 20 years of work for sparkies                                                                                                          diesel cars by a certain year. He says
     in fi tting in charging stations for EVs in                                                                                                      such announcements tend to accelerate
     every apartment and place, there’s so                                                                                                           movement, with people turning to
     much infrastructure to build.”                                                                                                                  electric vehicles quicker than they might
        From an environmentalism point                                                                                                               have in the past.
     of view, Brian points out that these                                                                                                              “Every EV needs a lot of batteries. So
     technologies are becoming cheaper                                                                                                               they’re chewing up all the capacity and
     and easier to deploy to the extent that                                 Charging stations will provide plenty of                                more. You can’t build enough factories
     sustainability doesn’t have to be the                                   work for sparkies now and in the future.                                quick enough just to feed this emerging
     main selling point anymore.                                                                                                                     EV market. So demand is outstripping
        “We don’t really talk about the whole                                                                                                        supply and will for a long time. And I
     mission that we’re on to take big chunks                                  The Federal Government provided a                                     don’t know many markets in Australia
     out of the carbon footprint. The reality                                co-funded grant of $246,625 through                                     where demand is going to outstrip
     is that if we build batteries that are                                  the Advanced Manufacturing Growth                                       supply for a long time.”
     safer and cheaper and work better, then                                 Centre to Energy Renaissance for                                          He adds that the COVID-19 crisis
     everyone’s happy. We get jobs, we make                                  the project. It was used to accelerate                                  helped to focus many minds when it
     things and it just so happens that we’re                                research and development.                                               came to sustainable employment.
     doing good things at the same time. The                                   Brian hopes that this support                                           “You’re looking for jobs, you’re looking
     market has moved our way.”                                              continues, stressing that theirs was one                                for growth, you’re looking to export,
        What is vital now, Brian believes is                                 of the few industries where Australia                                   and you’re looking for new money in the
     that Australian governments get behind                                  could have a massive export impact,                                     economy. Sometimes, you don’t have to
     emerging new businesses.                                                particularly as the demand is so great.                                 over think these things.”

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McCain’s Foods has installed a renewable energy system at its Ballarat, Victoria site but it’s a bit different
to the status quo. Sean Carroll finds out more.

           cCain’s Foods has installed
           the largest power-behind-
           the-meter solar system in
Australia at its Ballarat factory and
when combined with a 1.2MW biomass
project, is a huge step in the renewable
direction for renewable energy at the
   The entire system has 8.6MW of
power generation with around ten
hectares of solar panels which also use
a solar tracking system and a panel
that uses reflected light off the ground
around it, increasing yields by around
7%.                                              This is the largest power-behind-the-meter solar system in Australia and boasts
   It’s the largest of its kind for a reason     17,000 solar panels.
and boasts 17,000 solar panels, a
100kW architecturally-designed truck
fl y over and much more.                            “There has never been a behind-the-         around capital and performance and
   “It is really a culmination of years          meter system this dynamic in Australia,       lowers the cost of energy to the business
of experience in both the physical and           and we believe it will set a precedent        during the day. At the end of the project
financial services that we have been              for large-scale projects for other major      we give the system to the client.”
developing to help our clients. But              processing businesses,” he says.                 Huon adds that when it comes to
really, it wouldn’t matter if this was just        What’s diff erent about is its power-        the solar industry for electricians, it’s
a small project, we take pride in them           behind-the-meter system. Huon                 changing very fast and it’s no longer
all,” Smart Commercial Solar managing            explains that while it’s not a particularly   about hardware. It’s more of a financial
director Huon Hoogester says.                    new concept, it’ll be the answer to           product than the physical one.
   The installation is one of many               people’s power problems in the future            “And so, electricians, what they knew
initiatives from McCain’s Foods’ mission         and PPA’s or pay-as-you-go solar.             last year about solar or in former years
to reduce its emissions and become                 “It’s the best way for commercial and       about solar is basically out of date. We’re
a more eco-friendly business. McCain             industrial clients, for sure, to get their    a specialist in the field and what we’re
Foods regional president Australia, New          energy bills lowered,” Huon says.             hoping is that when they come into a
Zealand, South Africa, India and China             “And with the solar farm industry           commercial industrial situation, or a,
Louis Wolthers says the project makes a          pretty much over, at least for the time       or an unusual application for solar, that
significant contribution towards its goal         being, it’s the biggest way for people to     they would reach out to us,” Huon says.
of being 100% powered by renewables              save the most money and be insulated             He adds that this power-behind-the-
in 2030.                                         from the energy market is to be putting       meter model is only going to increase
                                                 power-behind-the-meter.”                      in the next few years even with the cost
                                                   How it works is that Huon and               of wholesale energy coming down; the
                                                 his company will pay for the solar            model will still be cheaper.
                                                 installation, he owns and operates it,           “Liddell Power Station is going to shut
                                                 generating power for the customer             down some time in 2021, which will then
                                                 which is then fed into the building and       force the price back up,” he adds.
                                                 he sells it to the customer.                     “All the while, solar is improving in
                                                   “Our product simplifies the decision         value, it’s already cheaper and getting
                                                 making for the customer. Do they want         cheaper. And once we can use batteries
                                                 to pay less for their energy? Of course.      more eff ectively on the market, not
                                                 Do they want to pay more for solar? No        simply as ‘behind-the-meter’ supplies,
Smart Commercial Solar managing                  they don’t,” he says.                         we can provide storage as a financial
director Huon Hoogester.                           “Our program removes all the risks          product as well.”

14   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
ADC3 becomes ADC9

More of
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Aurecon’s breakthrough water security innovation for remote communities wins global engineering award.

         n Indigenous community in
         the Northern Territory now
         has access to affordable and
continuous potable water thanks to
an innovative off-grid, modular water
treatment plant that has won the 2020
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Chris
Binnie Award for Sustainable Water
   Project Gilghi was developed by
international engineering, design and
advisory company Aurecon and Hunter
based electrical engineering company
Ampcontrol. It is a breakthrough solar
powered water treatment plant that
aims to provide safe drinking water to
Indigenous and remote communities
across Australia.
   The Chris Binnie Award recognises
and celebrates outstanding civil
engineering achievement in the field
of sustainable water management and
how it has benefited society. Aurecon
Chief Design Officer John McGuire
says he was thrilled to see the project
receiving this prestigious international
   “Project Gilghi addresses a national
priority – water security for remote
Indigenous communities. The solution
not only meets the challenge by utilising
innovative technology, it also provides          Since the installation of Gilghi, the Gillen Bore community has had access to
affordable potable water to a remote              permanent, safe and clean drinking water.
community in an environmentally
sustainable way,” John says.
   “It’s a highly innovative evolution           a novel technological approach; the         and low pH levels found in existing bore
of technologies that can significantly            integration of the work of water process    water.
contribute to reaching the United                engineering and electrical engineering        The project was enabled by the
Nations Sustainable Development                  and solar panels was particularly           Northern Territory Department of Local
Goal number six, which aims to ensure            pleasing. The solution provides a           Government, Housing and Community
access to clean water and sanitation for         reliable and potable supply of water in     Development with a $70,000 Municipal
all by 2030.”                                    a sustainable manner that does not          and Essential Services Special Purposes
   ICE Water Panel member and Exeter             increase CO2 emission,” Chris says.         Grant and supported by the client
University visiting Professor Chris                Gilghi was deployed in the community      Ingkerreke Outstations Resource
Binnie was highly impressed by Gilghi’s          of Gillen Bore, which until 2019 relied     Services.
value creation and its applicability to a        on the continued transport (150km             Gilghi can take feed water from
bigger sustainability picture.                   round trip from Alice Springs) of potable   a variety of sources, including
   “Gilghi is a genuinely new project with       water due to the high salinity, hardness    groundwater, rivers, lakes and

16   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
oceans and turns it into drinkable                                                        or modified to meet larger supply
water, compliant with Australian                                                          requirements in the future with the
Drinking Water Guidelines. For remote                                                     same efficiency and cost eff ectiveness.
communities such as Gillen Bore, Gilghi                                                      “With the success of Gilghi, there
is designed to off er a complete solution                                                  are opportunities to support other
that is operated and maintained by the                                                    remote communities in Australia and a
community.                                                                                range of developing nations around the
   Ordinarily, water treatment systems                                                    globe where access to the grid or water
run continuously, but Gilghi makes smart                                                  sanitation is limited or non-existent,”
use of available solar power to run the                                                   Julian says.
plant and charge the batteries during                                                        “As we observe impacts of climate
the day. This includes the development                                                    change around the world, Gilghi
of a specialist electrical control                                                        off ers communities a transition to an
system using multiple power sources                                                       alternative water source where local
to reliably purify the water in batches,                                                  dams or water tanks have been or are at
before feeding the clean water into the                                                   risk of being exhausted.”
community’s reticulation system.               Gilghi’s electrical control system.           Gilghi recently won a Good Design
   Aurecon design director for water                                                      Australia Award for Social Impact and
and wastewater treatment Julian                                                           the Infrastructure Project Innovation
Briggs says,“We wanted to challenge            sustainable power source to challenge      category at the 2020 Australian Water
traditional engineering design. Typically,     the concept of needing to go to the grid   Association NSW Awards. The project
we design the treatment process                or rely on diesel-generated power.”        is also a 2020 Australian Engineering
first and then think about the energy             Given the modular design and rapid       Excellence Awards (AEEA) Newcastle
design, but for Gilghi, we came at it          plug-and-play capability of the Gilghi     Division winner and will compete for the
from both angles so that we could use a        solution, the unit can be extended         national Sir William Hudson Award.

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Energy Industry Tender Competitiveness is heating up and Tsaks Consulting founder Jason Cooney
explains how businesses can improve their bids and proposals to match.

       he energy market in Australia is            to help you secure the tender. One
       becoming increasingly complex,              example is Victoria. Victoria has a
       with renewable energy emerging              strong buy local policy and generally
as a political issue, and the challenge            a preference for Victorian-based
of addressing each state’s individual              companies. Developing a JV with
energy needs becoming increasingly                 a Victorian-based company can
apparent.                                          increase your prospects of success
   The market is heating up with multiple          and help you put forward a bid that
competitive contracts being released               better conforms to the Victorian buy-
in the renewable energy market as well             local criteria.
as the traditional energy markets and            ∫ Engage an Australian (or state-based)
a number of multinational companies                major sub-contractor. Let’s take the
vying for a piece of the pie.                      example of a major solar photovoltaic
   As usual, price is a key factor for             project. You may be committed to take
securing major contracts and industry              the project on as a whole and should
contacts and reputation are always                 explore engaging a qualified sub-
helpful. But with all government                   contractor. Throughout the tender
contracts going out to tender, what                preparation period, leverage on the
about the other key factors? Let’s look            experience of your sub-contractor
at how companies are introducing these             and include this experience in the bid.
into their tender responses in order to            Be sure to talk about the systems         Renewable energy initiatives present a
write more winning bids, tenders and               and processes you have in place to        great opportunity to win tenders.
proposals to secure more government                ensure you project manage your own
and private contracts.                             performance and that of the sub-
                                                   contractor effectively. When you             regulatory framework to Australia.
A TRACK RECORD OPERATING WITHIN                    are preparing the tender response,          If the contract terms of the project
THE AUSTRALIAN REGULATORY                          work closely with your proposed             were governed under international
ENVIRONMENT                                        sub-contractor (for example a               law, it’s also a good idea to reference
Demonstrating a solid, comprehensive               photovoltaic installation provider) to      this in your response.
track record in Australia is generally             introduce their skills and experience
critical to secure a major Australian              throughout the tender response.           WHOLE OF LIFE COST OF PROJECT
government contract or operational               ∫ Talk about the similarities of            Innovation and a long-term approach
licence. However, sometimes                        your previous projects. If your           are key to securing contracts in the
international companies have a track               previous projects were based              energy industry.
record of delivering similar projects in           in the Australia-Pacific region,             Government and the private sector
the Asia Pacific Region (such as New                it’s important to talk about the          want to be certain they are being
Zealand). Strategies that can help you             similarities of your previous projects    provided with a long-term solution that
overcome this issue include:                       to the project you are bidding for.       will stand the test of time. It is critical
∫ Develop a joint venture with a local             This shouldn’t be restricted to the       that you educate the reader and the
   Australian-based company or                     technical side of the project, but also   buyer when writing your bid or tender
   even a company in the state you                 the way it was managed. For example,      about the whole of life cost of the
   are tendering for. This should be a             if the project was completed under        project including future maintenance
   company with the right track record             incentives from the New Zealand           costs. For example:
   for similar projects, but one that              Government and you were required to       ∫ Does your photovoltaic project use an
   may not have the size or capacity to            provide progress reports and updates        inverter with an expected life span of
   complete the project on their own. It           for the appropriate NZ funding              12 rather than 10 years?
   generally provides the opportunity to           requirements, be sure to reference        ∫ Does your proposed solution require
   bid for the project and present your            this so that you can demonstrate your       less maintenance over the longer
   experience and expertise combined               track record in completing projects         term of say 70 years, but a higher up-
   with those of the local JV partner              in countries that have a similar            front cost?

18   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
Where you are proposing a solution       They want to know that the project           ∫ Provide an orgnisational chart and
that has a lower whole of life cost, but    will be managed by the very best and           show where your proposed team
a higher initial cost, it’s important to    the installation and other contractor          fit into the organisational chart.
explain this in detail and incorporate      personnel are experts in their fields.          Demonstrate that they are getting
the advantages of a lower whole of            So what can you do to convince them          your A-team by talking about the team
life cost throughout the tender. That       of this, aside from providing their CV?        members and where they sit. For
means having them as a key win theme                                                       example, has one of your best project
and incorporating the benefits of your       SOME OPTIONS ARE TO:                           managers and site managers recently
solution across the technical response,     ∫ Include CVs that are detailed and            completed a major project, and if so,
program, previous experience sections         talk about the previous projects the         are they going to be available if you
and executive summary.                        personnel have delivered and the             are successful with the bid? Present
   This is often best presented               similarities between those projects          it as though the timing is right and you
graphically or as an infographic. What is     and the project or contract you are          have a team that has worked together
critical here is that you don’t shy away      looking to secure.                           in the past on a number of successful
from putting forward a higher price,        ∫ In all areas of the response,                projects ready to go.
but rather justify the reasons for that       include quotes from different team
higher price and clearly articulate the       members that are personalised and               Lastly, good luck.
advantages of your project and solution,      demonstrate their commitment to
particularly over the long-term.              the project. For example, include
                                              safety as part of your response. This         Jason Cooney is the founder
YOUR PROPOSED TEAM                            can be in the form of a quote from            of Tsaks Consulting (www.
                                                                                            tsaks.com) – a global tender
In order to secure a contract and write       your safety officer identifying the             and bid writing consultancy
a winning bid, tender or proposal, it’s       different areas of concern and what            with offices in Australia,
                                                                                            Athens, England and New
important to convince the reader that         safety management system will be              Zealand.
you are putting forward your A-team.          implemented as part of the project.

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Sunbank Solar and Members Energy has built the largest virtual power plant (VPP), giving users the
cheapest and greenest form of energy. Sean Carroll writes.

        unbank Solar has announced the
        Solar + Battery Members Plan                                      MEMBERS PLAN MODELLING
        through Members Energy which
gives Australians the ability to access
their own trading platform for solar
energy, selling their surplus energy while
also powering their own households.
   Solar Service Group chairman Rod
Woolley says the new platform is a game
changer for the solar battery market
and it addresses the key issue of return
of investment (ROI).
   “Our modelling indicated that
electricians will see, as a result, many
more solar homeowners opting to have
a solar battery system installed over the
coming years,” he says.
   The new plan will give users 100%
of the profi ts. Evergen, in conjunction
with the CSIRO, has built software that
observes the energy market in real time,
letting users pick the optimal time to
sell any access energy they may have
generated with their solar system.
   Or on the other side of the coin, they
can also pick the best time to draw
energy from the market, when it’s at its
   On days when it’s exceptionally hot, a
lot of people will be using electricity to
power their air conditioning which would
in turn drive up the price of electricity.
When these peak events happen, the
battery system will sell any additional
power your battery may have at a
premium (not cutting into the amount
that your customers will need) and
make money.
   Sunbank Solar likens it to the stock             “It needs to be appreciated that the     like Queensland and Victoria, the FiT
market, except your client is always             various feed-in tariff s (FiT) introduced    incentive was comparatively generous.
winning: “In summary, it’s like playing          in various jurisdictions around Australia   But over time, the incentive was going
the stock market with your energy, but           were eff ectively first-mover incentives      to disappear as more sustainable
always winning as we trade when the              that were always intended to be             technology applications, like the
market price is higher, and you have a           removed, either in whole or in part, once   Members Energy Solar + Battery Plan,
minimum feed-in tariff guarantee,” they           this nascent industry began to mature       entered the market.”
write on their website.                          commercially,” Rod explains.                   All this can be activated through the
   Also, in light of the Victorian rebate,          “At inception around 10-15 years ago,    Members Energy app, available on iOS
home owners can get a rebate of up               some energy regulators, like the one in     or Android. The list of eligible batteries
to $1,888 when purchasing the new                NSW, were vigorously opposed to the         includes Eveready, Tesla, Hive and Alpha
system.                                          concept; in some other jurisdictions,       among others.

20   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
In recent years, the electrical industry,
strong off the push from solar energy
has seen another revenue stream open
with the need for batteries. The Solar
+ Battery Members Plan only serves to
bolster this side of the industry.
   Widespread energy storage will
also benefi t far-sighted electricity
companies by reducing demand during
peak power usage periods and giving
them the potential to buy home-stored
energy as a ‘virtual’ on-demand power
source rather than relying on fossil fuel-     Solar energy and the installation of batteries will only serve to bolster the
driven peaking gas generators.                 renewable side of the electrical industry.
   Nationally, widespread energy
storage, both at the consumer level and
the grid scale, will help Australia achieve    about the returned value of solar batteries       It’s getting to a point where
its international carbon reduction             that connect to the NEM: “We wanted to          homeowners would not only be daft
commitments by time-shifting                   build a new system where Australians            for not up taking solar power, they
renewable energy so it can be used             were the winners when it comes to the           might even be making a mistake by
24/7, not just when the wind is blowing        use of the solar they generate.                 not. As people see the attraction in
or when the sun is shining.                      “For too long, the big energy                 this Solar + Battery Members Plan
   Rod explains that customers can see         companies have reaped the benefits               solution and want to install batteries in
prices drop from as high as $0.60 per kWh      of the investment of everyday                   their residence, they’ll be right on their
to $0.06, helping remove the scepticism        homeowners.”                                    phones to the local sparkie for the job.

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Safety measures and personal protective equipment exists for a reason. Dale West shares John’s story to
further emphasise the point and encourage .

        he last time I cleaned the shed
        out was over fi ve years ago. It’s
        incredible how fast gear seems to
pile up.
   Rummaging through one box, I found
something I had not seen for a long
time. It was surprising how it aff ected
me. I felt I had to take a seat on an old
20L drum just behind me before I would
end up on the floor.
   It was an old, dried up, blackened pair
of leather gloves. As I sat there, alone in
the shed, everything seemed to go quiet
and the walls felt like they were opening
up and left me sitting in a huge open
   As I cradled the gloves in my hand,
they softened, the colours opened up,
the crusty blackness faded as my mind
went back to the time I first pulled them
   I was very unpopular that day. All
my working life I had worked on high             Regardless of the task at hand, it always pays to equip yourself with the correct
voltage equipment, and this day was no           PPE, especially HV gloves, as highlighted by John’s story.
diff erent. In fact, it was exceptionally
easy; all I had to do for my first job of the
day was a single point isolation to allow          The trainer however, seemed to know       to cause a delay, that was the wrong
contractors to access a HV motor.                his stuff so, I asked Tony if he would       time to do it.
   All the usual steps were followed;            grab the gauntlets out of the bag for          My job and the working relationships
the switching program was written;               me. He had a quick dig around in the bag    I had on site were important to me and
the permit was prepared, and everyone            and came back and said there weren’t        it was true, I had done this a thousand
was notified. Yours truly drew the short          any. This was not surprising as we never    times and nothing has ever happened
straw on a 43 degree day to climb into           worried much about them before.             but, the gloves are there for a reason.
the 40 Cal suit.                                   “Don’t ever get dragged into                 Much to everyone’s relief, but with
   Tony, my switching assistant for the          wearing HV Gloves without the leather       palatable annoyance, I found a pair of
day, made sure everything was ship-              gauntlets!” kept coming back to me.         leather outers and informed them the
shape and all the gear was checked. I              To meet the deadline for the start up     job would go ahead.
climbed into the arc flash suit and pulled        at the beginning of the next shift, the        Julie, my wife, answered a call from
my HV gloves on. For some reason, I              job had to go ahead as planned. You         my mobile, thinking it was me calling her;
recalled what the HV trainer said in my          can imagine the kickback I received         it was Tony. He told her I had an accident
latest HV course I did just the week             when I got out of the suit and started      at work and was taken to the hospital
before.                                          looking for a HV kit with a complete set    with burns to most of my body. On her
   “Don’t ever get dragged into wearing          of gloves and told them I would not be      way to the hospital, Julie picked up
HV gloves without the leather gauntlets!”        switching the motor until I found some.     Sarah, our daughter, from high school.
   None of us had ever been too                    The project manager was doing his         Two hours later, they were still waiting at
concerned with the leather gloves that           nut, the contractors were threatening       the hospital reception trying to find out
go over the top of the HV rubber gloves;         to call the job off, even my senior          what happened and how I was.
it was not as if they are written into the       electrical supervisor tore shreds off me        I was conscious, in pain, some kind of
site HV procedures so, they can’t be too         because I had never been too concerned      mask over my mouth and nose, a neck
important.                                       about the gloves before and of all times    brace preventing me from moving and

22   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
seeing what was going on around me.                     head collapsed into the pillow as I felt                I only received second degree burns
 Voices echoing everywhere, buzzing                      that everything would be okay.                       thanks to the arc flash suit.
 noises and beeping and warning signal                      I assured them I was fine. I told them                If I lost the use of my hands, I would
 sounds flooded the air. I lay there,                     how I saw an incredibly bright flash of               have lost my job, lost the house, and
 just staring at the ceiling. For some                   light and came to moments later unable               made life exceedingly difficult for my
 reason focusing on the prism design                     to hear anything, feel anything or even              family. My hands are fine because
 on the fluorescent light diff user above                  see. My eyes were open, but I could not              I heeded the words, ‘Don’t ever get
 me made me feel calmer and slightly                     see anything. This incredible fear came              dragged into wearing HV gloves without
 detached to the situation I was in.                     over me as I knew something was wrong,               the leather gauntlets!”.
    Out of all the chaos and monsoon of                  I could feel being jostled and pushed
 sounds abusing me, a voice, one word                    around by Tony and others at the scene,
 broke through and drew my focus away                    and then the pain started to creep in. I               ABOUT DALE WEST
 from the light: “Dad? Dad?” It was very                 started to hear what was going on and my                               Dale West is a pioneer in
 shaky and was clearly an upset person                   eyes first stated to see huge bright spots                              electrical training since
 looking for someone, but that was                       and then settle down to normal vision.                                 working in the HV field since
 unmistakably my daughter Sarah.                            While talking to Julie and Sarah, I                                 the mid-eighties and opening
                                                                                                                                a training school in 2013
    I struggled to look down toward the                  suddenly brought my hands up so I                                      that also trained electrical
 end of the cubicle I was in to see if she               could see them. I started laughing. They               apprentices. The level of success was
 walked past. I tried to call out, but no                thought I was plain stupid and broke into              nothing short of extraordinary, prompting
                                                                                                                the expansion from local training of only
 matter how hard I tried, I could not say a              a nervous laugh; at least they stopped                 135 apprentices to nation-wide training and
 word. And then, the most beautiful sight                crying; they figured I can’t be too injured             coaching for everyone from the largest city,
 of my life; I saw Sarah emerge from the                 if I’m laughing.                                       to the farthest remote location via Zoom
                                                                                                                video sessions. He is a High Voltage Access
 side of the curtain and Julie following                    A week later I walked out of the
                                                                                                                Auditor and Trainer with customers in
 right behind her, she spotted me, and                   hospital and three weeks later I was                   Australia and halfway around the world.
 she looked straight into my eyes. My                    back at work.

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Peter Vandenheuvel recounts a tragic story where not one, but two fatal deaths occurred by
electrocution, and explores ways to ensure minimal chances of similar occurring in the future.

           as it an epiphany?
             Well not quite. But it was
           definitely a light-bulb moment
on how unexpected consequences
from minor incidents can have a most-
profound eff ect some time ‘down the
  It came across my desk as an article
entitled “Dead but still alive” from the
September 2020 Australian Police
Journal, written by New South Wales
Police Detective Superintendent Paul
  It is a most detailed and very well
written account of how a number of
totally unexpected and seemingly
unrelated minor failures can have a
consequence far greater than normally
                                                 Electrocution and the electrical industry inadvertantly go hand in hand; however,
THE INCIDENT                                     there are things you can do to ensure you avoid it.
Detective Inspector Devaney was called
in during a routine ‘house call’ by police
patrol to check on an elderly lady for           bathroom. Both were first floor units on       it created un-fortuitous paths to earth
her ‘out of character’ failure to attend a       a common floor slab.                          through the respective conductive
function. She was consequently found                                                          shower hoses.
deceased in her shower still holding a           THE FINDINGS                                     In conclusion, it was deemed as an
flexible shower hose.                             From a detailed and in-depth                 extremely unlucky set of circumstances.
   On attempting to move her body, it            investigation, it was found:                 The Deputy State Coroner determined
was realised she was electrically ‘live’. An     ∫ A nail (then rusty and possibly from a     both were accidentally electrocuted with
electricity distributor technician called          powder-actuated tool) unknowingly          a number of recommendations, one of
to make safe confirmed their suspicions.            driven into the floor slab penetrated       which included the installing of ‘safety
He also found the general area live, so            a plastic conduit and its wiring, likely   switches’ on lighting circuits.
instructed all to leave the apartment.             during construction. It contacted a            It goes without saying my most sincere
   Coincidentally, while waiting outside           conductor that was live, but only with a   condolences go out to the families of the
for the technician, they became aware              two-way switch in a certain position.      lost loved ones whose active lives were
of loud music from an adjoining unit,            ∫ A leaky inlet water hose-connection        so tragically cut short in these heart
unusual given it was late. So, the                 at the back of a washing machine           wrenching circumstances. In addition,
technician was asked to also conduct               wetting the floor. It made the floor         I feel sure that most (if not all) tradies
some testing on the area surrounding               highly conductive under the two            would feel and do likewise; horrified their
the adjoining parts of that unit.                  adjacent bathrooms and live via the        innocent involvement in such a situation
   It was also found to be live and                nail touching the conductor when it        led to a dual and catastrophic conclusion.
as the resident (another lady) had                 was live.                                      In addition, it should be clearly
not responded to earlier contact                                                              understood there is no suggestion the
attempts. This adjoining was then also             The above combination caused both          installation was in any way at fault. But
investigated. On entry, the resident lady        deaths from electrocution. By standing       it illustrates where and how wiring is
was found similarly deceased in her              on their respective ‘live’ shower floors      installed can have a major impact on the

24   ELEC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION   Autumn 2021
You can also read