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for the printing industry?
DRUPA What would have
happened in Düsseldorf.
COVID-19 How print
stepped up during the
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                                               AFTER THE VIRUS:
has been the editor of Print Business
since its second issue in 2005. Five years
                                               THE SHAPE OF
                                               PRINT TO COME
later he took control of the magazine in a
management buyout and fully achieved
his vision to create a unique publication
for printers. There are numerous industry
titles that report the announcements in
the news: the technology, the installations,   MACBETH SUMMED IT UP “I am
the good or bad financial results of
                                               in blood stepped in so far that to go
the big corporates, people coming and
going, the events and exhibitions, often       back were as tedious as to go o’er”.
concentrating on one aspect.                   In other words we are up to our knees
   What Print Business does is take all this   in it and have no choice but to keep
information – supplied via press releases,     going to the other side. Nobody
announcements at events, word of mouth
                                               knows what dry land will look like,
or good old fashioned journalism – sorts
the puffery from the facts, weaves it          only that it will be very different to
together and puts it into context for those    the land we left behind at the end of
who run print businesses.                      last year.
   At the heart of everything that Print         The pandemic is changing
Business publishes are the printers. Those
                                               behaviours across the whole economic
whose businesses are no longer about
simply feeding paper into a giant lump of      system, perhaps with changes to the
highly engineered metal and selling the        political system to come. People will
sheet that comes out the other end. Those      want to carry on working from home
who face myriad decisions, some of which       for at least some of the time; sales
point in opposite directions, and need to
                                               calls will not be welcome, ending the
know more than how fast it prints, what
the click charge is or how much it costs.      justification for company cars. Many
   They need to know what affects them         are sitting outside offices and homes
and how. Just as every print job is bespoke,   racking up monthly charges with          Factory and the sort of remote data
every print company is different. There is     nowhere to go. People want to do         connection that is necessary for
no one-size-fits-all in this industry.
                                               business online and printers need to     diagnostics, for spotting training
   Before Covid, Gareth Ward was out
and about all the time. He went to print       shape up fast.                           issues, for managing production
factories and talked to printers in their        Hospitality, entertainment, travel,    schedules, for set up of jobs almost
language. He has seen first hand the           tourism, retail – all have been big      instantly.
problems they face, the solutions they find,   customers for print in recent years.        In the new normal there will be no
their achievements and their innovation.
                                               All are currently buying minimal         place for makeready. Nobody will pay
He will be back on the frontline once it is
safe to do so. Try stopping him.               amounts of print just to keep the        you to produce waste. That can define
   People like reading about people, and       business ticking over until the world    waste in terms of sheets of paper and
especially those people like themselves.       returns to normal. Only there is no      consumables; it can be lost time; it
That is why Print Business has more case       business as usual.                       can be mistakes in job preparation.
studies about printers than any other
                                                 Some things, however, seem to be       These must be eliminated. One of
single source.
   Before Print Business, Gareth Ward          clear. The internet will become more     the factors driving the success of
worked on the leading weekly magazine          and more intrinsic to business life.     ESP in Swindon a decade ago was
Printing World for 22 years and was editor     Product demonstrations and sales         that it would make ready in less time
for 15. It is this experience, and 360° view   conversations will take place using      than customers had paid for. If there
of the industry, that gives him his sixth
sense about printing. His ability to spot
                                               conferencing technology. Once the        was a standing 15 minutes charge for
trends, often years before they become         machine is in place, training and        makeready, the printer going from
apparent in the mainstream, is legendary       then service will take place from a      one job to the next in five minutes
(search for Publishing In The Digital Age      distance.                                has gained ten minutes of production
on PrintBusiness.co.uk to see his 1998           Then the question arises about         time which can be sold to another
prediction of what media consumption
would be like in 2010, the year the iPad
                                               what will be the appropriate             customer. Nobody now is going to
was launched).                                 machinery. It will need to be as         pay that set up time any more than a
This is Print Business, the magazine           automated as possible, with remote       printer should pay the set up charges
for forward thinking printing.                 connectivity to lead to the Smart        required by trade finishers. It is   …

                                                                         www.printbusiness.co.uk       March/April 2020    3
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… simply anachronistic.
Likewise the age of the salesman
who wins work through amiability
and long term personal contacts
is passing. Few customers are
going to welcome a visit from
someone “popping in for a coffee
as they are just passing” any longer.
Communications will be using the
internet, presentations made by
Zoom. Orders will be placed via web
portals, with set pricing for all but
the most sophisticated projects. That
pricing might be agreed on some kind        B2? The format is not the question.
of contract, a subscription if you like,    The real question is where is B2 print       of financing this lifestyle. And of
or be an adhoc price. This has been         going? And there are decisions that          course print has a role to play, albeit
driven by the online printers and the       those in that sector need to make            a different role, in this world of
                                            that will push printers to the point of
amount of work that they are picking                                                     experience first. In conversations
                                            existentialism. It is not as cut and dried
up suggests that print specifiers are       as when B3 print went digital. As digital    for this issue, one company director
happy to buy in this way. In any            matures into a fully formed, grown up        recalled the lockdown party for his
case the buyers used to the old ways        technology, is it time for litho to make     18-year-old. The group of friends
(not necessarily those long retired         a dignified exit? page 40.                   had congregated on Zoom and there
print buyers who would distribute a                                                      were squeals of delight as gifts were
Christmas list each year to suppliers                                                    carefully taken from their boxes,
and prospective suppliers like a child     always connected to each other and to         even more when that gift turned
sending a letter to Santa) are retiring    the world at large. Their experiences,        out to have a personalised label and
fast. The Generation Z coming to           not their possessions, define them.           personalised letter addressed to
join the ranks of the employed do not      The rising cost of housing and                the birthday girl and signed by the
think like this.                           material possessions means that               director of the company responsible
   And these are both our immediate        renting furniture, clothing and more          for the bottle of shampoo. It was
customers and the customers of our         is a way to access quality products           not the product that provided the
customers. These are going to shape        that are otherwise unattainable. It’s         excitement but the packaging and
how print is used and how it is bought     not so new. When colour television            accoutrements around the product.
in the coming years. The printer that      first arrived companies like Radio               This generation too wants to tread
wants to be successful in that time        Rentals enjoyed great success renting         lightly upon the planet. The rise of
needs to understand this generation.       televisions which were relatively             veganism is driven by this mood,
They have grown up thinking that           expensive and just as unreliable.             likewise the protests about the
the internet and smart phones are             Online shopping with goods                 environment that has been subsumed
the natural order of things, not           returned as easily as they have been          by seemingly more pressing concerns.
something that is new. They are            ordered is supported by new ways              But do not think that concern for

PUBLISHING Print Business is published six times a year by Print Business Media Ltd
Haymakers, Swamp Road, Romney Marsh TN29 9SQ | 01580 236456 | general@printbusiness.co.uk

CONTRIBUTORS Printed by Stephens & George | Paper supplied by Lumipaper |
www.storaenso.com/lumionline |

EDITORIAL Editor/Publsiher | Gareth Ward | gareth@printbusiness.co.uk | 01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to pressreleases@printbusiness.co.uk

COMMERCIAL Publisher | Debbie Ward | 01580 236500 | debbie@printbusiness.co.uk

ADMIN & SALES SUPPORT Publishing Assistant | Sarah Cross | 01580 236456 | sarah@printbusiness.co.uk

MEDIA INFORMATION The Media Pack is available under the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk

4 March/April 2020       www.printbusiness.co.uk
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                                                                                    health and safety, social distancing
                                                                                    and so on is crucial and will not be
                                                                                    disappearing soon – the floor sticker
                                                                                    is the print product of the pandemic.
                                                                                       Food and drink will continue to
                                                                                    be big users of print, helped by a
                                                                                    new wave to start up businesses
                                                                                    created by those made redundant
                                                                                    during this period. Retail whether
                                                                                    online or on the high street will need
                                                                                    print. Catalogues will be more of
                                                                                    a lifestyle statement than anything
                                                                                    that resembles a tome from Grattans
                                                                                    and will drive an online purchase
                                                                                    or perhaps be used to preselect the
                                          The concrete beneath our feet.            products that will be looked at in the
the environment, for the waste that       The demand for floor graphics has         store. No shop will want browsers
is produced, is going away. In the        increased exponentially in the last few   particularly if by law, or by social
immediate aftermath there may be          short months and it is unlikely to ever   pressure, the number of people per
a short lived return to the use of        go away. Like unseemly beneficiaries
                                                                                    metre is limited. They want people
                                          at a wake, marketers are eyeing up
plastic, but it will be short lived.                                                to make purchases and leave space for
                                          the rich real estate and planning how
   The new generation of customers        to make the most of this new revenue      the next set of wallets. It works for
are going to want to see you live the     stream once the mourning period is        Screwfix.
environmental labels that are too         over. page 31.                               Ultimately though the logic points
frequently simply badges to decorate                                                to shorter print runs, more targeted
the website. Possession of ISO 14001                                                and a greater use of digital printing
certification is not enough. What        will come to the fore, less just in time   as much because when a company
happens to the waste that is generated   and more just in case.                     has to tackle hundreds of jobs a day
by the print company? Can you              Orders will be for precise numbers,      it cannot have the resources to do this
explain the product lifecycle of your    followed by frequent top up orders if      with litho plates and carry the burden
purchase and the companies that you      needed. The days of print for storage      of makeready that is inevitable with
deal with. Nobody will pay you to        in a warehouse are numbered or for         the traditional process however much
produce waste, even indirectly.          shipping around the world. Again           refined. Digital printing carries the
   Those supply chains are going to      nobody is going to pay for the waste       promise of doing this, at quality,
be shorter. Many businesses have         inherent in this sort of supply chain.     at the right price and with the
discovered that supply chains that       Distributed production is coming.          consistency and reliability that has
stretch around the globe have too          Then there the question of which         not always been present in the past.
many linkages that can easily be         sectors of industry or the economy         With digital print waste can almost
broken. Shorter more robust supply       will prove to be the major users of        be eliminated. And that, in the new
chains that can be more responsive       print. Clearly anything to do with         normal, is what counts.               n

NEWS The Monday morning News ezine is a popular collection of a handful of the week’s news, always going
beyond the press release and often exclusive. GDPR by the letter and spirit. Sign up at printbusiness.co.uk/Register

SUBSCRIPTIONS Print Business is currently free to qualifying UK printers. Subscriptions for those who would
like to contribute to securing the future of Print Business are available under the Information menu at bit.ly/2IlJxSS

EVENTS Print Business is the organiser of Forward Thinking Printing, round tables and more. Gareth Ward is in
demand for hosting, chairing and generally being an accomplished ringmaster. Apply for details on 01580 236456.

CONTENT Content is copyright © Print Business Ltd 2005-2020. All rights reserved.

ARCHIVE Previous issues are available for a modest fee. See the Archive page under
the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk for downloadable and searchable PDFs.

TERMS Apply for terms & conditions to general@printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                      www.printbusiness.co.uk       March/April 2020     5
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Drupa to go online as a
preview for the 2021 show
MESSE DÜSSELDORF is                 Following the                        on its competence centres and         “numerous exhibitors to
planning a virtual Drupa to take    postponement of the                  online conversations. This will       present themselves online, to
                                    show, Drupa will stage
place in Q4 this year, several      an online preview to
                                                                         allow for deeper conversations,       prepare for the world’s leading
months before the doors open        highlight launches                   testing customer concepts,            trade fair for printing technolo-
on the rescheduled exhibition in    planned for this year.               reduced environmental impact,         gies,” the Messe company says.
April next year.                                                         digitised workflows and more.         Drupa itself has yet to make any
   That show will open with                                                 And as Bobst knows the             announcement.
fewer exhibitors after Xerox and                                         customers likely to invest in its        The announcement comes
Bobst declared that they would                                           technology in the mature econ-        in statements by Werner
be absent from the Messe.                                                omies, it is unlikely to engage       Dornscheidt, CEO of Messe
   Xerox has been hit by the                                             new customers at next year’s          Düsseldorf, who is retiring at
closure of offices across the       felt more keenly, particularly as    trade shows.                          the end of this month. “In addi-
globe and subsequent dip in         the Swiss company increased its         It has also cancelled participa-   tion to the further development
printing and has said that the      floor space by 30% for 2020,         tion at Interpack, which has also     of content we are continuing to
2021 event falls outside its        compared to the 2016 event.          been rescheduled for 2021, and        extend the digital presentation
cycle to bring new products to         As its focus is on packaging      next year’s Labelexpo. Messe          options for our customers,” he
market.                             print the company has not been       Düsseldorf will be hoping that        says.
   The company will also be         as badly hit by Covid-19, though     these do not set a damaging              “We are constantly further
regrouping after the end of its     many investment projects             trend, something that hit Ipex        developing these formats to
joint venture with Fujifilm a few   have been put on hold. It has        when it moved to London.              make our customers’ content
weeks beforehand.                   explained that skipping Drupa           The idea behind Drupa’s            even more attractive and user
   The absence of Bobst will be     is part of a new strategy to focus   digital preview is to allow           friendly.”

Encoredelivers                    soft touch and textured finishes.
                                      “We have also been testing
                                                                                                               the pandemic, with Ebitda for
                                                                                                               this year expected to be short
envelopeimpact                     our new inline embossing unit,                                             of the €266 million it reported
                                    which allows us to either emboss                                           for 2019.
ENCORE ENVELOPES has                images in register or to create                                               The sale may result in division
brought an 18-month project         an all over embossed pattern                                               for a business that spans inks
to an end with the launch of an     which, when printed, makes                                                 and consumables for commer-
inline embossing offer for enve-    the envelope much more eye                                                 cial printing and packaging and
lopes, along with the ability to    catching.”                             Flint is the world’s second         which also owns Xeikon. The
print with a range of LED cured       The company has run tests for        largest ink maker.                  current business was formed
varnish effects.                    customers and has received what                                            when Flint’s owner, CVC, led
   The investment in the            Croisdale calls “positive inter-     agreeing a deal to amend and          the merger of Flint with BASF
embossing unit means that           est” from transactional mailers      extend loans totalling €1.7           and Akzo Nobel to form a group
Encore is the only envelope         that like the concept of emboss-     billion. This would push the          that was sold in 2014 to Goldman
printer in the UK able to offer     ing the envelope with a company      maturity date out by two years        Sachs and Koch at a valuation of
this, it says.                      logo or brand name to increase       on slightly changed terms.            more than €2.2 billion.
   Russel Croisdale, managing       awareness.                              This is considered a precur-
director of the group, says: “We                                         sor to the eventual sale of what
have always had a reputation
for being innovative with our
                                    FlintGroup                         is the world’s second largest ink
                                                                         maker, after Dainippon Ink &          becomes
production methods, and we          nearssale                           Chemicals, owner of Sun. It
are known worldwide for our                                              reports that Flint was put up for
printing process for direct mail    FLINT GROUP IS CLOSE to              sale at the end of last year.         AB GRAPHICS HAS become
envelopes.                          completing a change of owner-           Since then the company has         an OEM partner to Actega
   “Now, to enhance the high        ship according to reports from       been affected by supply chain         Metal Print and will deploy
quality of print, we have been      the financial world.                 disruption caused by the Covid-       that company’s EcoLeaf foiling
running successful tests of UV         The group is in the hands of      19 disruption and the trade           system as part of its finishing
LED technology to offer clients     private equity owners Goldman        dispute between the US and            lines.
a variety of new coatings,          Sachs, and Koch Industries is        China.                                   It will be part of the Digicon
including spot high gloss, matt,    said by Reuters to be close to          Sales have also been hit by        3 lines, both as supplied as …

6 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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We print
   your world

       For over 200 years we have combined inks
       and substrates enabling creation of a
       boundless variety of printed products.
       Because printing is our world.

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Heidelberg strides towards
new operating base
HEIDELBERG HAS reached               from sales, administrative and                                            cycle packages start with the
agreement with employees             R&D staff.                                                                Smart module which covers
                                                                           Heidelberg Assistant is
over the number of job losses           The need for the reorganisa-                                           services and consumables only.
                                                                           one of the tools that is
required for the restructuring       tion has been underlined by year                                          Lifecycle Plus includes a Prinect
                                                                           part of the new offering.
plan led by CEO Rainer Hunds-        end results for the 12 months                                             subscription. The Subscription
dørfer. It is losing 1,600 jobs,     until the end of March. Sales fell                                        Smart package adds consultancy
400 fewer than first announced.      6% to €2.3 billion, while incom-                                          and training with Subscription
   The Wiesloch factory will         ing orders have dived as a result                                         Plus as the full version includ-
bear the brunt of the job losses     of the pandemic sweeping from                                             ing equipment in the monthly
with 1,000 positions to go, A        China across Europe and into                                              payment.
further 250 will be cut from         North and South America.                                                     Heidelberg can point to
the 4,000 employees outside             “Our financial year was           feedback from the first round        customers signing up to these
Germany. The agreement means         shaped by a significant down-        of subscription contracts under      deals from around the world,
that there will be no compulsory     turn in the global economic          which printers pay for the           though none have yet been
redundancies. There are already      climate, and that affected our       number of sheets printed using       announced in the UK. “The
600 partial retirement contracts     customers and Heidelberg             Heidelberg presses, its portfolio    company has had some learn-
with others signed up to trans-      itself, too,” says Hundsörfer.       of consumables and consultancy       ing in terms of the modules that
fer companies that will organise     “Through our package of meas-        intended to increase the produc-     are offered and what’s easier for
retraining and finding alterna-      ures which we have announced         tivity of the user. This has         customers,” says UK managing
tive employment.                     in March, we have paved the          called on the mountain of data       director Ryan Miles. “What we
   The job losses are an essential   way for Heidelberg to achieve        that is accumulated by constant      can see from across the business
part of the restructuring plan. It   stability, improve our liquidity     communication and feedback           is that demand is highest for the
has already led to the announced     and increase profitability step      from Heidelberg’s presses.           Subscription Smart version.
closure of the Primefire 106         by step for the long term.”             The changed models includes       Printers can transfer to that
project and production of VLF           One of these changes is a         four contract types, Lifecy-         module with existing or recently
sheetfed presses.                    simplification and extension         cle Smart and Lifecycle Plus,        purchased machinery. It’s pay as
   The job losses come from          of its subscription offers. The      and Subscription Smart and           you use whether there’s capital
these production areas but also      modified approach builds on          Subscription Plus. The Life-         equipment involved or not.”

 … new or as a retrofit to exist-
ing machines. Matt Burton,
                                       The technology made its
                                     debut at Drupa in 2016 as part
                                                                          site for EcoLeaf in Germany
                                                                          and had planned the commercial
sales director of AB Graphic         of the Landa stand. Landa            launch for Drupa.                    withKMlabel
International, says: “We regard
EcoLeaf as a new category of
                                     subsequently sold this to
                                     Altana where it became part
                                                                             A trigger image in printed by
                                                                          flexo, screen or shorty inkjet,
metallisation, that will enable      of the Actega division, which        which is then cured and becomes      LABELTEC SCOTLAND has
our customers to differentiate       has turned the concept into a        the bed for the nano sized flakes    become the first in the UK with
themselves with new and excit-       commercial proposition. The          of metal. As the substrate passes    the Konica Minolta Accurio
ing print embellishments.”           company announced a first beta       through the tiny flakes of metal,    Label 230, continuing a long
                                                                          they adhere in contact with the      standing relationship with the
                                                                          glue to create a fine image with     supplier. Managing direc- …
                                                                          none of the waste associated
                                                                          with conventional hot or cold
                                                                             Burton adds: “We think
                                                                          that the drive to become more
                                                                          sustainable will begin to drive
                                                       Jan Franz
                                                      Allerkamp           business decisions more and
                                                       of Actega          more and that as quality of
                                                       and Matt           sustainable, more eco friendly
                                                       Burton of
                                                                          solutions such as EcoLeaf,            Paul Dunne with the latest
                                                      AB Graphic
                                                     shake on the         improves they will become more        Konica Minolta label press
                                                         deal.            and more viable. That sustain-        for LabelTec.
                                                                          ability is the key driver for us.”

8 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Delga starts label business
to retain work
DELGA GROUP IS launching                                                                                           the label printing will be driven
Delga Labels, its first diversifi-                                                                                 through the existing Fuji XMF
                                        Ian Conetta in
cation into label printing, based                                                                                  workflow into the Indigo’s DFE.
                                        Rochester with the
around investment in an HP                                                                                            Delga Group comprises Delga
                                        new Indigo.
Indigo 6900 label press.                                                                                           Press in Rochester, which is the
   This is the sixth Indigo in                                                                                     country’s largest manufacturer
the group which, according to                                                                                      of entertainment packaging, for
managing director Ian Conetta,                                                                                     luxury goods and vaping prod-
makes the Kent printer the only                                                                                    ucts; CSP, which counts NHS
UK company with Indigos in                                                                                         Trusts among its customers; and
three different business areas:                                                                                    commercial print through Scar-
entertainment packaging,              bring external work in-house,          tion into foil fed label printing     butts and T&T Litho, its most
commercial print and now labels.      but with such a significant press      relatively straightforward. “It       recent acquisition. Delga Labels
   The new press is installed         we will be looking to grow new         was clear we needed expertise,        will meet a need for labels from
in the Rochester plant and is         revenue streams.”                      and bringing in an operations         across these operations where
hooked up to a Series 2 Digicon         The company has recruited            manager with substantial knowl-       the company has previously
and SR3300 rewind unit, also          an operations manager and              edge in this field has meant the      bought in labels as needed.
supplied by AB Graphics. This         quality manager, both with             transition has been relatively           Says Conetta: “Delga Labels
gives the business the capacity       experience in labels. It has also      easy,” Conetta explains.              will offer new and exist-
to print for existing and new         recruited a business manager              The relationship with HP           ing customers the ability to
clients. “The group has had a         who, says Conetta, will focus on       made the choice of production         be creative with their label
need for label manufacturing for      developing demand for labels.          platform relatively straightfor-      manufacturing, utilising our
some time,” says Conetta.             “An operator from our Indigo           ward. The Digicon enables the         personalisation and variable data
   “We explored the route of          12000HD has retrained on the           company to laminate, die cut,         capabilities, while also remain-
acquisition for 18 months but         6900 and finishing staff have          spot and flood varnish, apply         ing proactive, responsive and
didn’t find the right deal. There     received training on the ABG           cold foil and print with two flexo    flexible to their needs. This is
was a business case to set up         machines,” he adds.                    units and strip out before slitting   a very exciting addition to the
our own label division just to          It has made the diversifica-         and rewinding. At the front end,      Delga Group.”

… tor Paul Dunne says that the        £7.7 million, compared to £70.1        the national economy begins to
new machine “has everything           million in revenue and Ebitda of       recover”.
we wanted: web guides, higher         £6.7 million last year.
speed and even the ability to slit.
   “And the toner works incred-
                                         None the less there will be
                                      significant disruption because
ibly well with our foiling, which     if the lockdown, eased by being        directtodinner
has been a nice added bonus, so
it was an easy choice to make the
                                      appointed a Covid-19 Critical
investment”.                             It has taken advantage of           KELLY HARRIS IS LOOKING
                                      the furlough scheme, though is         for printers or print manage-

GoInspireshows                     pressing ahead with investment
                                      at Eclipse in Kettering with Pace
                                                                             ment operations with customers
                                                                             in the restaurant or pub trades
strengthinits                      guillotine systems, folders and        to take on an online ordering
                                                                                                                    Kelly Harris sees an opportunity
                                                                                                                    to exploit his print experience to

numbers                               stitching to follow print invest-
                                      ment last year.
                                                                                But this initiative is not for
                                                                                                                    help the restaurant trade.

GO INSPIRE HAS published                 It is also starting to field more   the pub’s management team             with customers during the
figures that show a small revenue     calls and the order books are          to order marketing materials          enforced lockdown period, with
increases for 2019/2020, with         growing, even if loadings will         via a web portal, but a means         the idea coming when Harris
CEO Patrick Headley saying            not return to normal until the         for the hospitality establish-        experienced the difficulties
that the strength of the balance      end of the year, it says.              ment to sell takeaways in what        firsthand.
sheet will be protection against         Headley adds that the               Harris has dubbed “web to                “I really fancied a treat, but
the uncertainty of the times.         company is “in a strong position       dinner plate”.                        didn’t want the usual Chinese or
   Turnover in 2020 reached           to weather the current storm              He explains that it should         Indian takeaway.
£71.9 million with Ebitda of          and come out even stronger as          help these businesses connect            “As my local pub had …

10 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Lockdown move is a bit of an
opportunity for Peter Scott
PETER SCOTT PRINTERS                                                                                          Regional Development Fund
has completed a £200,000 move                                                                                 provided some of the funding
into a £1 million factory during                                                                              needed for the project.
the height of the Covid-19                                                                                       At the same time the company
pandemic.                                                                                                     has replaced an Agfa plateset-
   The five-mile move across                                                                                  ter with the latest version with
Burnley began on 24 March, the                                                                                Azura chemistry-free plates.
day after the UK’s lockdown was                                                                               This feeds its five- and six-
announced, and was complete                                                                                   colour B1 Speedmaster and
by 13 April. The company had                                                                                  its Speedmaster 74-6. The
                                      Joanne Hindley says the
to split its team into shifts to                                                                              company has a full service offer-
                                      move will make the company
minimise unnecessary contact                                                                                  ing, backing the litho capacity
                                      far more efficient.
and to make it easier to practise                                                                             with digital print, stitching and
social distancing.                  are spending more time in the        factory was inefficient. This new    perfect binding and die cutting
   Now the company is up and        kitchen.”                            one is open plan and work flow       platen with foil blocking.
running and is enjoying an             The single-level open plan        is far better. This will certainly      Hindley adds: “I would
unexpected boost in demand.         factory is 25% larger than its old   save us valuable time and            encourage all businesses to look
Commercial director Joanne          premises, which was arranged         increase capacity. We will have      at opportunities rather than
Hindley says: “We expected          over several levels. It had been     capacity for an extra £1 million     feel defeated. In these difficult
challenging times, planned to       an asset for some 15 years, being    of sales a year.”                    times we have managed to not
close up shop and then there        leased to a tenant until recently.      The company engaged with          turn down a single job and have
was a cry for help. We have         It offers the opportunity for the    consultants at AMRC North            done everything we can to keep
seen demand for items such as       business to operate with greater     West, part of the University of      our workforce. We want to play
essential signposting for local     efficiency, something that will      Sheffield, to help with the new      a part in getting Britain moving
authorities, social distancing      be compounded by adopting            strategy, devising the stream-       again after this crisis is over. Part
signs for supermarkets, prod-       lean management techniques.          lined workflows and time saving      of our role in that is remaining
ucts for food chains and labels        “We started eight months ago      measures that will enable the        open and functioning. Those
for manufacturers, mainly           to streamline production and         business to remain ahead of          who work at Peter Scott Print-
bakeware products as people         processes,” she says. “The old       competitors. The European            ers are hidden heroes.”

… been pushing their takeaway       to print applications. But the       of a machine in situ rather than     understood to be Severn which
service on Facebook I decided to    collapse in this type of work        in the showroom.                     already has an i300 cutsheet
give it go,” he says.               during the lockdown stymied             “This was arranged and, after     machine and a Canon Color-
   “Eventually, after numerous      the beta testing phase.              seeing the machine in action, we     stream 3900. It will be getting
engaged calls I got through,                                             were persuaded with what we          the iX2100 entry level version.
placed my order and gave my
credit card details.
                                    Print4UKbrings                     saw.”
                                                                            The single-clamp binder is
                                                                                                                 The first named customer for
                                                                                                              the iX3000 is Kampert-Nauta, a
   From that moment onwards         bindinginhouse                     expected to generate a strong        Dutch printer with large online
the transaction was as you’d                                             return over four years, based        presence.
expect, but it did leave me         ENFIELD DIGITAL printer              on current volumes, with
wondering how many people
didn’t persevere with the calls,
                                    Print4UK has installed a
                                    Horizon BQ270 to bring
                                                                         Attard saying that “we hope
                                                                         this will increase as we spread
that I’d given out my credit card   perfect binding jobs in house        the word”.                           impressions
details and that a person was       and so provide the flexibility
constantly on the phone dealing
with orders.
                                    to deliver a book of one, up to
                                    runs of several hundred copies
                                                                         Canonbegins                       NORTHERN FLAGS HAS
                                                                                                              been swift to capture the work
   “All in all, perfect for a       or more.                             iXseriessales                      from home zeitgeist, promot-
Web2DinnerPlate solution.”             “After some research and                                               ing its ability to print pull up
   His company, New Element         conversations with other SME         CANON HAS ANNOUNCED                  banners that hide all manner
Solutions, was established with     printers,” says John Attard,         the first orders for its new         of domestic untidiness as back-
another former colleague from       director of corporate services,      iX3000 and iX2100 cutsheet           grounds for online conference
Cimpress, intending to develop      “We approached IFS and asked         inkjet presses.                      calls and virtual meetings.
a cloud application for web         if we could see a demonstration        The first UK customer is                                             …

12 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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NP Design & Print reveals
healthy coating
NP DESIGN AND PRINT                   seals were developed for print       explicit protection against          of reassurance to householders
is delivering all print with a        a decade ago, but most have          Covid-19 because of its              receiving the communication.
seal that includes a proven anti      been discontinued for lack of        newness, the coating has been        Other clients cover market-
microbial compound.                   demand. Outside of special-          thoroughly tested and shown          ing collateral across the board
   The Wallingford company            ist jobs for healthcare there has    to remove bacteria and other         printed on its B2 Speedmaster,
began looking for a suitable          been no need to protect print        infectious agents, ecoli included.   digital or large format printers.
additive when the Covid-19            despite tests showing how infec-     A laboratory test involving             The product that NP Design
crisis broke and, says business       tions can build up on inflight       samples through the print run        & Print is using comes in
development director Jon Nye,         magazines and material in public     can be organised for £250.           concentrated form and has to
found it after searching the          spaces. This is now chang-           “Some customers may want this        be combined as instructed with
internet. “We add it into our         ing. One job that NP Design &        for their own benefit,” he adds.     the standard coating that the
current aqueous seal and it is        Print produces has always been       “The option is there.                company applies on press. This
being used on all our print. I        encapsulated to offer this sort of      “We are totally transparent       requires some face mask protec-
took the opportunity to speak         protection through a wipe clean      about what we are doing and are      tion at the point of mixing, with
to a few of the doctors that          surface.                             absolutely open if people want       full guidance provided by the
created it in Germany and now            This sparked Nye’s quest to       to ask us questions.”                Germany supplier.
we are happy to offer it to all our   find an alternative to encap-           The coating has been used            “Nobody asked us to do this,”
clients.” There is no additional      sulation that would protect          on a 60,000 run direct mail          says Nye. “It was something
cost to them.                         the reader against unwanted          piece about healthcare prod-         that we felt would be useful to
   A number of anti microbial         diseases. While there is no          ucts and provides an extra level     clients.”

… It will also produce cushions,      have increased, as firing rates         “With higher resolutions,         last year, and this is before any
bunting and window stickers in        have grown and as the number         press speeds pushing to 300m/        measurable impact from the
order to “professionalise home        of nozzles that need to be           minute, additional print bars        Covid-19 pandemic.
working”.                             controlled has exploded. Each        to extend the gamut and wider           The company reported
                                      requires an exponential increase     arrays, data rate becomes a tech-    sales of $264 million ($297

GlobalGraphics                      in the data generated.
                                         Moving from 600dpi to
                                                                           nical barrier,” says Worrall.
                                                                              “We need to provide our
                                                                                                                million) with decline in tradi-
                                                                                                                tional printing to $154 million
providesspeedy                      1200dpi means a four fold            OEMs with a complete software        ($166 million), digital print-

solution                              increase in the amount of data;
                                      add in wider print widths,
                                                                           engine rather than a separate
                                                                           components that they have to
                                                                                                                ing to $65 million ($72 million)
                                                                                                                and advanced materials to £42
GLOBAL GRAPHICS HAS                   additional colours in packaging      integrate.”                          million ($48 million). Within
addressed one of the key barri-       applications and faster print-                                            this, volumes of the Sonora
ers potentially holding back the
adoption of inkjet printing.
                                      heads and the data handling
                                      needed explodes.
                                                                           Kodakdips                         process-free plate increased
   The UK company has                    “This is the first fully inte-    inQ1                                   Executive chairman Jim
announced Direct, a new style         grated product line that removes                                          Continenza believes that thanks
of software intended to drive         the need to Rip ahead of print-      KODAKS’ REVENUES FOR                 to action taken last year to
high speed, high resolution,          ing,” says Eric Worrall, VP          the first three months of 2020       stem outgoing cashflows, the
high productivity inkjet print-       product management at Global         were down over the same period       company is in a strong position
ers that are currently being          Graphics Software.                                                        to come through the current
announced and are reaching the           It combines the technol-                                               crisis. “Kodak started the
market.                               ogy in Streamline to optimise                                             quarter on a positive trajectory
   This combines Ripping,             a PDF ahead of the Harlequin                                              and the actions we took last year
screening and the ability to drive    PDF Rip and the screening of                                              to strengthen our balance sheet
a print head without having to        ScreenPro and PrintFlat where                                             are helping us manage through
write processed files to disk for     applicable.                                                               the slowdown.
the press to retrieve them at the        These will then drive the                                                 “Kodak employees have
point of printing.                    printhead electronic directly,                                            risen to the challenge of the
   The date flow rates to and         an example being the Meteor                                               pandemic, continuing to serve
from the disk, either a hard                                                Jim Continenza praises the          our customers and redirecting
                                      NozzleFix technology that
                                                                            efforts of Kodak employees in
drive or SSD, has become a            resides in a sister company in        responding to the pandemic.         resources to produce isopropyl
barrier as printhead resolutions      the group.                                                                alcohol for hand sanitiser …

14 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk

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Two Sides fights against
infection misconception
TWO SIDES MANAGING                                                       how they send catalogues to         the risk of catching the virus
director Jonathan Tame has                                               customers through the post.         that causes Covid-19 from a
condemned Amex for telling                                               Since Blue Planet, many have        package that has been moved,
holders of its American Express                                          switched from polywrap to           travelled, and exposed to differ-
charge cards to switch to online                                         naked mailing. Now concerns         ent conditions and temperature
billing because of the risk                                              about the infection potential of    is also low.”
of catching Covid-19 from a                                              unprotected paper sent through         Tame is concerned that the

printed statement.                                                       the post are causing a rethink.     crisis will be exploited as an
   Having fought against the          Jonathan Tame highlights           According to one mailing house:     excuse to cut back on the use
use of greenwash statements to        that Amex is trying to use         “Many have moved from naked         of print. “In the last recession
                                      the pandemic to save money
push consumers towards online                                            mailings because they think this    sustainability quickly became
                                      on printed statements.
statements, Two Sides now faces                                          will be a virus carrier.”           less important and use of print
a battle against infection-wash-        “We are very worried that           At the start of the lockdown     fell. The importance of CSR
ing, the use of erroneous fears      an organisation can write to its    there were concerns that pack-      policies reduced significantly.
that an infection can be caught      customers using Covid-19 as an      aging from online purchases and     Companies were not interested
from printed paper.                  excuse to push them to online       deliveries might carry the virus,   in the environment,. They were
   Where print is handled            statements,” says Tame. “They       but this has been dismissed by      only interested in commercial
frequently or in a sensitive         have done this without asking a     scientists who have previously      issues.
location, a restaurant menu or       customer’s permission and it’s a    tested the ability of infections       “The question is now whether
poster in a hospital for example,    real worry because the consumer     to survive on different surfaces.   the importance of sustain-
an antimicrobial coating may be      should have the choice to receive      The World Health Organisa-       ability has become embedded
useful, but there is no scientific   paper.”                             tion was pushed into issuing a      in companies and will still be
evidence that a virus or bacteria       The concern is not restricted    statement: “The likelihood of       important as we come out of
can survive on paper or board        to the finance provider. Retail-    an infected person contaminat-      Covid-19, if that is followed by
for any length of time.              ers have started to reconsider      ing commercial goods is low and     a recession.”

… and manufacture face masks         production faces the great-         ing responsibilities over sales.    buying Spicers Ireland, among
using our film base materials.”      est challenges of recent times      The new role includes “group        the largest office supplies
   The new products, includ-         because of the pandemic.            wide coordination of the digital    wholesalers in the country. The
ing new versions of the Sonora          Prior to joining Koenig &        transformation” in the business.    strategy is to build Paragon into
process free plate, Prinergy and     Bauer, Ulverich worked for             This includes the roll out of    a broad based service provider
digital print products, would        Krauss Maffei Wegmann, the          a company wide SAP system to        for business in Ireland, the UK
have been launched next month        company that produces the           track everything in the business.   and across Europe.
at Drupa.                            Leopard tank and railway            This project is expected to be
   The company announced
these in the same time frame,
                                     engines, where he was manag-
                                     ing director and chief operating
                                                                         complete in 2021.
                                                                            The company has issued
though without the fanfare           officer.                            statements to reassure people       isanotherBobst
opportunity that an exhibition          Dr Stephen Kimmich joins         that using banknotes is safe,
provides.                            the management board as as          responding to ‘fake news’ asso-     SIMPLY CARTONS HAS
                                     chief finance officer. He joins     ciated with Covid-19.               installed a Bobst ExpertCut

Koenig&Bauer                      the press manufacture from
                                     Joyson Safety Systems where
                                                                            The European Bank, it says,
                                                                         has stated “that there is no
                                                                                                             106PER die cutting platen at its
                                                                                                             Nottingham factory, part of an
buildsboard                         he was CFO for the company’s        evidence of coronavirus trans-      ongoing investment strategy.
                                     EMEA operations.                    mission via banknotes”.                The 9,000cph machine will
KOENIG & BAUER HAS                      Kimmich replaces Dr                                                  increase throughput and push
brought in two new directors,
one as a replacement and the
                                     Mathias Dähn who is leaving the
                                     company after six years, having
                                                                         Paragongrows                      the boundaries of what is possi-
                                                                                                             ble for customers, director Paul
other to oversee its production      been in control as Koenig &         inofficesupplies                  Elston says.
sites in Radebeul, Würzburg          Bauer recovered from the finan-                                            The cutter includes Bobst’s
and Frankenthal.                     cial crisis.                        PARAGON HAS BEEN swift              Smart Feeder technology for
   Michael Ulverich is joining          At the same time Ralf            to follow on from its acquisition   non stop feeder and Power
the company in the chief oper-       Sammeck is adding the role of       of office stationery businesses     Register 3 for precise alignment
ating officer role at a time when    chief digital officer to exist-     OfficeTeam and ZenOffice, by        to the printed image.         …

16 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Duplo delivers with entry
level multifinisher
DUPLO INTERNATIONAL                     Operation is through a
                                                                              Duplo is offering far more
is launching an entry light          touch panel with a PC used
                                                                              with the DC618 for entry level
production level multi finisher      for setting up a job using a
which will replace its successful    graphical interface that will
DC616, which was introduced          be familiar to anyone with
six years ago.                       Windows experience.
   In response to customer              Duplo says the unit will
feedback, the DC618 is faster,       process sheets at a maximum
more powerful and more versa-        rate of 23 sheets a minute,
tile than the previous model.        dependent on the complexity          Ricoh Pro C5300 entry level          of 80ppm and the ability to cope
When delivering business cards       of the job. The range of work        production printer for ‘while        with substrates to 360gsm, non
from ten printed sheets with 15      spans the typical profile of         you wait’ production of short        carbon papers, textured media
cards on each, the old unit took     commercial print, particularly       run jobs with a single operator      and envelopes.
three and a half minutes. The        digital work: business cards,        handling both devices.                  To increase the appeal to
same job on the DC618 takes 90       invitations, greetings cards,           The new press has replaced        printers, there is a new paper
seconds. It will deliver 190 busi-   brochures, book covers, direct       the C5200, which found its           pass control system improving
ness cards from a 21-up sheet in     mailers and more.                    place in inplants and small          front to back registration and a
one minute.                             There is a greater range of       copy shops, but lacked some          gloss control unit to match the
   The DC618 will process jobs       possibilities over the DC616         of the finesse that provides the     reflectance of the media. “These
with up to six slits, 30 cuts and    thanks to optional modules           appeal to commercial print-          are features that make this Pro
20 creases in the same pass, with    for perforating and for cross        ers. This made the Ricoh Pro         C5300 much more suitable for
set up dictated from information     scoring. And there is a digital      C7200 series machines the entry      commercial print market,” says
accessed via a printed bar code      controller to link the DC618 into    point for print for pay markets,     a Ricoh spokesman.
to identify the job. A scanner       a production network. In theory,     leaving a gap that Ricoh now            The paper is fed from a
will pick up a printed register      operation can be via a mobile        hopes to fill.                       large capacity feeder holding
mark. The PC controller will         phone in the middle of the night.       The toner press has a             2,500 sheets and optional trays
hold 50 jobs in memory. It will         A more likely modus operandi      2400x4800dpi VCSEL diode             to reach a maximum of 8,550
handle sheets from 110-400gsm.       is as part of a socially distanced   for imaging, a duty cycle of         sheets in all. It will cope with
An optional tray will enable long    production cell, matching the        450,000, monthly volume of           a banner length sheet with an
sheets to be fed.                    multi finisher with the new          150,000, maximum throughput          additional sheet guide tray.

… Combined, these reduce                                                                                       so enabling one man opera-
unplanned stoppages by 75%                                                                                     tion of a guillotine. This has
and so increase throughput of                                                                                  been installed in niche opera-
the machine.                                                                                                   tions including label printers
                                                                                                               and online trade printers, but

Baumann                                                                                                       has proved too much for more
                                                                                                               typical commercial printers to
cutscostof                                                                                                  justify. The Evolution aims to

automation                                                                                                     change this as a cut down starter
                                                                                The BASA Evolution             version that can be extended
FRIEDHEIM International                                                         is aimed at easing             with additional modules and
is marketing an entry level                                                     bottlenecks.                   functionality into the fully
automated jogging system for                                                                                   specced version.
Baumann’s guillotines that can                                                                                    The technology was devel-
help ease bottlenecks around                                                                                   oped and is manufactured
the cutting process and ease the                                                                               at Baumann’s Solms site in
back strain of lifting and moving    remove air before delivering the     Evolution unit can be config-        Germany, where the company
several tonnes of paper a day.       stack to the rear table of a high    ured to feed two guillotines.        has also developed BASA as a
   The BASA Evolution is the         speed guillotine. It has a smaller     The full BASA system               fully automated cutting line,
new entry level system which         footprint thanks to a redesign of    includes robot arms to lift          developed for operation in label
jogs a pile of paper, aligning the   some components from the first       paper into a jogging table and to    printers where the same sheet
sheets and pressing the stack to     generation system. One BASA          shift the pile to the back table,    needs cutting time after time. …

18 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
JUNE 24, 2020

    When the future catches us by surprise, we need to react
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    the present offers us. This is the theme, today more then ever.
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    printing industry could not give up.

       Printing the future now. Streaming.

                  Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                and International Cooperation

Xaar changes course under
direction of new CEO
XAAR CEO JOHN MILLS                                                              This has meant a change                This leads to an approach
anticipates that 2020 will be “a                                              in strategy to working only            where Xaar will have a portfolio
year of transition, setting the                                               through OEMs rather than a             of printheads that are differenti-
foundations for future growth                                                 dual approach of OEMs and              ated from more straightforward
and a return to profitability”                                                distributors.                          printheads. Mills hopes this will
after the extent of the losses                                                   The perception had spread           enable Xaar to build its presence
associated with thin film print-                                              that Xaar had failed to keep           in areas where it is currently
head development became clear                                                 these bulk inkjet heads up to          under represented, such as large
in the annual results.                                                        date. In discussions, says Mills,      format graphics, labels, packag-
   The UK’s leading inkjet                                                    there has been a willingness on        ing and textiles. The latter two
p r i n t h e a d m a nu f a c t u re r                                       the part of OEMs to reengage           sectors require the ability to fire
                                           John Mills says Xaar will
reported a pretax loss of £9.8             focus on its strengths in
                                                                              with Xaar over its next genera-        aqueous inks, which the 5601
million on continuing activities           jetting high viscosity fluids.     tion of products.                      had, but is not addressed with
and a £71.5 million overall loss                                                 The clearing out of the thin        other Xaar printheads.
with £56.1 million of this attrib-        company. Its other thin film        film cupboard has allowed Mills           Part of the problem Mills has
uted to the aborted project to            printhead, the 1201, suffered       to see what else the company has       identified is a lack of under-
develop the next generation of            quality control and integration     in stock. “I have been surprised       standing about the advantages
thin film piezo printheads.               issues and is now in its end of     and excited to discover a range        that Xaar’s technology has,
   The company pulled the                 life phase.                         of technology products that are        partly down to the dual distri-
plug on this development at                  The company is left with a       at varying stages of the R&D           bution approach, partly to a
the end of last year, leading to          cash pile of £25 million and a      lifecycle… a real opportunity          sales process which is chang-
the departure, after five years,          portfolio of piezo printheads,      to build on the current product        ing to emphasise the benefits
of Doug Edwards as CEO and                some with unique attributes,        portfolio,” he says.                   of working closely with Xaar,
the appointment of Mills in               direct to product operations           The first of these will be avail-   a clearer pricing policy and the
his stead on 11 October. While            and 3D printing. Printheads         able to OEMs for testing towards       technical advantages of using
the 5601 printhead was highly             remain the core of the business     the end of the year with a             its heads. As an example, he
regarded as a product, volume             and Mills has instigated a new      commercial launch in 2021. “We         says the advantages of the
sales of the 5601 were still a            strategy, aiming to return Xaar     have received positive feedback        2001+ head are not properly
number of years away, says the            to profitable growth.               on the new roadmap,” he says.          understood.

Remote                                   imposition of further restric-
                                          tions because of the Covid-19
                                                                              print marks was solved by
                                                                              increasing the density of those
                                                                                                                     graphic on the country’s Millen-
                                                                                                                     nium Stadium to deliver a thank
installation                            pandemic. “We were supposed         marks, resulting in an operating       you message to the NHS. Sema-
fromIIJ                                  to be out there to handle the
                                          installation and demonstra-
                                                                              demonstration that was the flag-
                                                                              ship line at the event.
                                                                                                                     phore came up with the idea and
                                                                                                                     approached the stadium author-
INDUSTRIAL INK JET has                    tion,” says marketing manager                                              ities as one of its long standing
installed a four colour inkjet
array on a Sakurai screen press
                                          Sarah Collard. “In the end we
                                          had to provide remote support
                                                                              Premieron                           clients.
                                                                                                                        With no events possible at
in Japan without leaving its              from both the UK and the US         showinWales                          the Cardiff venue, the deal was
Cambridgeshire headquarters.              office. And the installation has                                           agreed. Premier Paper provided
  Although the inkjet technol-            been almost faultless,” she says.   PREMIER PAPER HAS                      Rijet 100 in gloss to be printed
ogy took a month to travel to                The installation was further     combined with Semaphore                on Sempahore’s Roland VG640
Japan thanks to cancelled and             complicated because the IIJ         Display to print and install a vast    printer.                        n
rerouted flights, the unit was            delivery arrived just four days
up and running in time for                before the start of the open
Sakurai’s annual open house               house. “We ended up with eight
demonstrating its latest technol-         engineers and two cameramen
ogy. This included a hybrid press         at both ends talking to each
combining Sakurai’s screen and            other via Skype,” says manag-
precision register technology             ing director John Corrall. A
and IIJ’s inkjet module.                  problem with registration due
  This was demonstrated at                to the inability of the CCD
the open house, ahead of the              cameras to pick out the tiny

20 May/June 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
                                                                                                   THREE KNIFE TRIMMER
        designed, engineered and assembled in Italy
        by specialist manufacturers for the global graphic arts sector                       for off-line or in-line operation

     finished books
     from A6 to A3

       cycle speed
    up to 2,000 /hour

                                                                                        off-line or in-line
                                                                                     ROUND CORNER CUTTER
                                                                                       for soft cover books
                                                                                            card books
                                                                                         and book blocks
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      heavy-duty 3 knife trimmer
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• cutting table and press clamp set by hand – average job changeovers of 5 minutes
• compatibility with central waste vacuum systems and/or conveyors
• ability to trim books, or piles of books, up to 60 mm
                                                                                                     A L L    T H I N G S   B O O K
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  or in-line with Risetec and most other professional binding lines
• downstream compatibility with Risetec CT60 Round Corner Cutter                       Tel: 01993 840077 | Email: steve@binderysolutions.co.uk
                                                                                                   Web: www.binderysolutions.co.uk
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