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label: Bakers trading up in
the flexible field.
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                                               WHY PRINT HAS TO
has been the editor of Print Business          BREAK AWAY TO
since its second issue in 2005. Five years
later he took control of the magazine in a
management buyout and fully achieved
his vision to create a unique publication
for printers. There are numerous industry
titles that report the announcements in
                                               Many in print face a grim few months
the news: the technology, the installations,
                                               as the economy struggles in the face of
the good or bad financial results of
                                               the continuing Covid pandemic. Print’s
the big corporates, people coming and
going, the events and exhibitions, often       member associations have called for some
concentrating on one aspect.                   kind of emergency relief for the worst
   What Print Business does is take all this   affected printers, especially those hit by
information – supplied via press releases,     local and regional lockdowns to snuff
announcements at events, word of mouth         out any hope that had emerged over the
or good old fashioned journalism – sorts       summer. This is the season in print when
the puffery from the facts, weaves it          traditionally the profits are made owing
together and puts it into context for those    to booming orders in the pre-Christmas
who run print businesses.                      period. It used to be about break even
   At the heart of everything that Print
                                               until September and then profits for the
Business publishes are the printers. Those
                                               remainder of the year. For some this year
whose businesses are no longer about
simply feeding paper into a giant lump of      the presses will be quiet.
highly engineered metal and selling the           By Christmas, according to feedback
sheet that comes out the other end. Those      from members of the BPIF, BAPC and
who face myriad decisions, some of which       IPIA, as many as 3,000 printers will
point in opposite directions, and need to      close with a further 3,000 will be in such
know more than how fast it prints, what        distress that they will be unlikely to       sectors that can drive orders to printers
the click charge is or how much it costs.      survive the following three months. If       to stay open.
   They need to know what affects them         allowed to happen, this will be simply          On the other hand however, UK
and how. Just as every print job is bespoke,   devastating for the UK printing industry.    print is a sector that has been marked
every print company is different. There is
                                               With a limited domestic capacity, future     by overcapacity, under investment
no one-size-fits-all in this industry.
                                               orders will flow overseas, let alone the     and declining demand for many years,
   Before Covid, Gareth Ward was out
                                               impact of jobs and tax revenues for the      extending for more than a decade. This
and about all the time. He went to print
factories and talked to printers in their      UK exchequer.                                is evident in the difficulties it has in
language. He has seen first hand the              However, print does not exist in a        recruiting new talent.
problems they face, the solutions they find,   vacuum. Outside of books, magazines             This is an industry of small businesses
their achievements and their innovation.       and newspapers, greetings cards and          with all the conservative attitudes that
He has finally been able to safely visit       business cards, printers are rarely          follow. Many companies have survived
some factories.                                delivering a finished product. Print is      for longer than perhaps they ought to
   Before Print Business, Gareth Ward          an industry which is a provider to other     have done because many are lifestyle
worked on the leading weekly magazine          parts of the economy. If retail is doing     businesses. In the good times there
Printing World for 22 years and was editor     well, there will be orders for graphics,     is plenty to go round and money to
for 15. It is this experience, and 360° view
                                               point of sale and product information; if    be made. Now a generation of print
of the industry, that gives him his sixth
                                               the travel industry is booming, printers     business owners is coming close to the
sense about printing. His ability to spot
                                               can expect orders for holiday brochures,     end of their working lives and their
trends, often years before they become
apparent in the mainstream, is legendary       posters, guide books and more; if            plans for retirement have been sunk
(search for Publishing In The Digital Age      entertainment is thriving, there is a need   as effectively as an iceberg striking the
on PrintBusiness.co.uk to see his 1998         for tickets, posters, programmers and so     Titanic. Many are going to decide that
prediction of what media consumption           on. While not decrying the need for some     to continue is not worth the hassle and
would be like in 2010, the year the iPad       kind of assistance for printers that might   will quietly sell to a former competitor.
was launched).                                 not otherwise survive, government funds      Much of this type of M&A activity will
This is Print Business, the magazine           might be more effective in helping the       pass beneath the radar. No amount         …
for forward thinking printing.

                                                                 www.printbusiness.co.uk           September/October 2020           3
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… of emergency relief will stop this          a single-source provider of print and         out these businesses will need more
happening.                                    marketing communication services. On          than a standard approach to marketing,
   Marian Stefani, managing director of       past experience this is unfortunately not     to delivering their message. Google is
the IPIA, one of the organisations that is    likely.                                       not great for local businesses, squeezing
now calling for a letter writing campaign        On the other hand printers are             out serendipity under the weight of
to bring print’s plight to the attention      becoming equipped to offer a broader          Adwords.
of MPs, has called this a Ctrl-Alt-Del        range of print services: digital                 Even if the consumer using Google
moment for print and the industry             supporting litho printing, large format       is astute at search, there is no guarantee
should seize this opportunity for a reset.    inkjet alongside perfect binding. If the      that the search words used will identify
She does not describe what the new            lack of critical mass means that most         any particular company. And she or he
normal for printing looks like.               will struggle to be as efficient as Paragon   will still need to get past the behemoth
   The merger between Precision, Proco        or Precision Proco Group, not every           businesses with seemingly unlimited
and Prime within this context is a highly     customer needs that firepower.                marketing budgets.
astute move. It has been two years in the        The new normal will increase the split        Banner advertising is increasingly in
making and is unlikely to be replicated       between the larger businesses that are        question as more and more research says
by another trio of businesses. But as a       highly efficient and are on the leading       that banners are ineffective and viewed
substantial business the new group is         edge of technology, and those businesses      for a fraction of a second and of course
very much in charge of its own destiny,       that have intimate knowledge of the           as the saying goes, you are more likely
not immune from, but less subject to          markets and geography they operate            to climb Everest than click on a banner
winter storms.                                in. For one thing that has become             ad. If anything email advertising is even
   The other model in recent years has        clear in recent months is that modern         more unwelcome.
been the roll up of often distressed          supply chains, in the search for lowest          It is up to printers to arm themselves
businesses by Paragon, which has been         cost, have become too fragile. The            with the data, with the reports that
quiet of late. Bigger is essential to         shipping of books from the Far East           show that digital channels are not always
acquire the financial strength to continue    has been disrupted by interruptions           effective. Just because you can target
to invest and to serve larger brands          to distribution of an already slow to         individuals with an email, with a video,
looking for the complete service from         respond supply chain. It may be in            with Facebook, does not always mean
fewer suppliers.                              the way that staff have been forced           that you should.
   This was the strategy employed by          to commute to city centre offices on             Printers also need the case studies
print management companies to good            crowded trains, trams and buses for           and proof that print works. Few
effect over the last generation. For almost   hours each day. Many workers are no           organisations are doing this, Print Power
30 years printers have had an ambivalent      longer willing to do so, causing a whole      being a worthy exception. We have seen
attitude to print management: hating          infrastructure of shops, bars and cafes       in recent months that print is successful
the prices they impose on printers but        that have lived on the spending power of      at helping social distancing and that
hooked on the volumes that they provide       office staff to suffer.                       printed signage in time of crisis is
and unable to break the habit. A reset           Print’s reset involves more                effective, delivering a clarity of message
of the industry might tilt the balance, or    localism, the opportunity being to            that is sometimes missing from political
might alert printers to the idea that they    forge relationships with similar sized        leaders.
can combine in some kind of alliance          businesses, the flourishing of artisan           Print’s reset needs the materials that
with others to present themselves as          breweries being a fine example. To stand      show not only that print works, but how

PUBLISHING Print Business is published six times a year by Print Business Media Ltd
Haymakers, Swamp Road, Romney Marsh TN29 9SQ | 01580 236456 | general@printbusiness.co.uk

CONTRIBUTORS Printed by Manson Group | Paper supplied by Lumipaper |

EDITORIAL Editor/Publisher | Gareth Ward | gareth@printbusiness.co.uk | 01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to pressreleases@printbusiness.co.uk

COMMERCIAL Publisher | Debbie Ward | 01580 236500 | debbie@printbusiness.co.uk

ADMIN & SALES SUPPORT Publishing Assistant | Sarah Cross | 01580 236456 | sarah@printbusiness.co.uk

MEDIA INFORMATION The Media Pack is available under the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk

4   September/October 2020           www.printbusiness.co.uk
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                                                                                           spread of four-colour printing allowed
                                                                                           colour advertising to move from the
                                                                                           billboard to Sunday supplements and a
                                                                                           whole ecosystem of web offset printed
                                                                                           magazines and catalogues. These were
                                                                                           simply impossible before web offset litho
                                                                                           printing came along in the 1960s. Print
                                                                                           delivered colour to the Swinging Sixties
                                                                                           well before colour television arrived.
                                                                                              We cannot return to that prelapsarian
                                                                                           state, but must find a place where
                                                                                           print has that impact. The technology
                                                                                           available to printers today overcomes any
                                                                                           of the objection that buyers have had in
                                                                                           the past. It is a predictable measurable
                                                                                           process, regardless of technology. It
                                                                                           does not involve vast amounts of waste
                                                                                           nor require huge print runs to become
                                                                                           economic. It is not a long drawn out
                                               #BeyondA4 October marks the start           process with lots of production steps to
it works. That it continues to work when       of Print Business’s initiative to take      delay completion. It works on almost any
phones have been turned off, that ‘likes’      print out the commodity market. To          material.
                                               tear down any misconceptions, now
on social media are unlikely to be saying                                                     These attitudes persist because
                                               that print is not taught on marketing
anything meaningful.                           courses, that it is “old fashioned”.
                                                                                           printers have allowed them to and too
   This is why we are launching                Printers should be sending out their        few have not been active at marketing
#BeyondA4. It is a campaign to highlight       salesforce to shout about superlative       the benefits of print. We spend too much
examples of print that works, by going         advantages it has over screens.             time talking to each other. Too many
outside the standard CMYK A4 trifolded         page 40.                                    printers remain in thrall to their press
leaflet that an online trade printer can                                                   or binding line, not what can be done
produce at minimal cost. These have           of the senses than a flat screen ever can.   with it. They are unwilling to invest time
their place (in the drawer with the other     We will use the pages of this magazine,      and effort in trialing different papers,
takeaway menus) but are not where the         the new look Print Business website,         different inks and varnish effects (few
opportunity to make an impact with            Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. And we         have used the enforced slowdown to run
print lies.                                   want you to submit examples of print         this sort of testing).
   We want to highlight the jobs that         that goes #BeyondA4.                            Print’s reset needs to happen. Print
go beyond the default formats, that              Print’s reset should be about looking     can delight, it can surprise, it can be
use larger (or smaller) formats to good       at print in a different way, perhaps         more than marks on a piece of paper.
effect; that use striking colours and value   turning back the clock 60 years to the       That is what we should be striving for
add effects to make an impact; that by a      impact that the first colour advertising     and shouting about Print needs to go
careful choice of papers, engage more         pages had. Emerging from the 1950s the       #BeyondA4.

NEWS The Monday morning News ezine is a popular collection of a handful of the week’s news, always going
beyond the press release and often exclusive. GDPR by the letter and spirit. Sign up at printbusiness.co.uk/Register

SUBSCRIPTIONS Print Business is currently free to qualifying UK printers. Subscriptions for those who would
like to contribute to securing the future of Print Business are available under the Information menu at bit.ly/2IlJxSS

EVENTS Print Business is the organiser of Forward Thinking Printing, round tables and more. Gareth Ward is in
demand for hosting, chairing and generally being an accomplished ringmaster. Apply for details on 01580 236456.

CONTENT Content is copyright © Print Business Ltd 2005-2020. All rights reserved.

ARCHIVE Previous issues are available for a modest fee. See the Archive page under
the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk for downloadable and searchable PDFs.

TERMS Apply for terms & conditions to general@printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                 www.printbusiness.co.uk          September/October 2020           5
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Industry appeals for disaster
relief from Government
THE PRINTING INDUSTRY                to declare insolvency by the end         “The UK graphics and print        the need for interventions to
has likened itself to catering       of the year and a further 3,000       media industry is facing its         prevent the mass closure of
and hospitality in an appeal to      will only be capable of staying       greatest challenge. In particular,   print businesses in the next six
the Government and Chancellor        in business for a further six         the commercial and retail print      months. In the joint letter, the
Rishi Sunk for “a means tested       months. And it adds just 10%          sectors are facing a breakdown       GPMA calls for a ‘disaster relief’
‘disaster relief’ style grant” to    are eligible to claim government      of supply chain integrity and the    style grant for those business
avoid closures and redundan-         loans to remain solvent.              loss of thousands of businesses      able to demonstrate the scale of
cies caused by the imposition of        The problem it states is that      if they do not receive targeted      damage they face, comparing
Rule of Six restrictions.            printers, like hospitality busi-      assistance,” a joint statement       performance this year with 2019.
   The Graphic and Print Media       nesses, depend on a steady flow       from BPIF chief executive               “We would appreciate an
Alliance, the umbrella organi-       of small orders and that orders       Charles Jarrold, Picon CEO           understanding from your
sation representing the 15           not placed are orders lost, rather    Bettine Pellant, IPIA chairman       departments of the specific
trade associations in print, has     than orders delayed unlike the        Graeme Smith and BAPC chair-         challenges facing businesses
issued a statement describing        purchase of a new car, washing        man Brendan Perring.                 where demand for their prod-
the situation that many print        machine, or consumer elec-               Recent statements from            ucts is of the ‘little and often’
businesses find themselves in.       tronics, where purchasers are         the Chancellor and others in         type, and which are therefore
Without assistance round 3,000       likely to catch up once the crisis    Government have not changed          unlikely to enjoy a post-Covid
com­panies in the sector will need   passes.                               the situation, which reinforces      business bounce,” they say.

Curtis ups                           says managing director James
                                     Williams. “We installed a first
                                                                           a digital print site built around
                                                                           HP Indigo technology, the
                                                                                                                to meet the demands of new
                                                                                                                markets will deliver a major
foiling with                         Cylinder five years ago, and          second Amberley Labels site          step change in our operations,
Kama                                 then a second to keep up with         will extend the ethos into longer    which will see us shift from
                                     demand. Now we need some-             runs with the installation of two    a traditional large scale, high
CURTIS PACKAGING has                 thing that gives us more sheets.”     flexo presses. Both are coming       speed service model to a more
continued its post-move growth          The Kama has a top speed of        from MPS, one a SymJet hybrid        targeted, bespoke quality offer-
with investments to boost its        5,000 sheets an hour, offering        press with inkjet section from       ing across two sites.”
finishing capacity, including a      cut and crease, hole punching         Domino, the other as a flexo
Kama ProCut 76 Foil, arriving        and embossing as well as foiling.     press with an enhancement
from Germany last month.             The nature of Curtis’ work            section from Pantec, which           Flint offers dual
   The carton printer moved          means a throughput of 3,300sph        will be the first of its kind in     IV ink
from Wimbledon to a modern           is more usual, says Williams.         the UK. Pantec’s equipment
factory near Redhill, where it          The Kama installation is the       offers foiling and embossing to      FLINT INK HAS announced it
runs CX102 and XL75 Heidel-          third piece of finishing equip-       enhance the impact of a printed      has an ink that will work in either
berg Speedmasters, in 2016. At       ment to arrive at Curtis this year,   label.                               traditional mercury vapour
the time it had a single Heidel-     following an Autobond lamina-            The Amberley Labels name is       created UV light or under LED
berg Cylinder for foiling.           tor and Bobst Novacut. “It is         retained for this push within the    UV to allow printers to transi-
   “We have seen a big increase      early days for us with the Kama.      Coveris group. This will help        tion from the older to the newer
in demand for hot foil blocking      So far I’m very pleased,” he says.    distinguish the new approach         technology. The bad news is
over the last four or five years,”                                         for beverage, cosmetics and          that this is for narrow web label
                                                                           other luxury brands from the         printers, not for commercial or
                                     Covers expands                        food, healthcare and indus-          carton printers.
                                     Amberley brand                        trial labels focus that the main
                                                                           Coveris business has.
                                     COVERIS IS FOLLOWING up                  Dennis Patterson, business        Goebel acquires
                                     on the acquisition of Amberley        unit president for the Coveris       MM press
                                     Labels a year ago with a £3.5         graphics, labels and board divi-
                                     million investment to transform       sion, says: “We’re really excited    GOEBEL HAS TAKEN OVER
                                     a plant in Boston. The focus will     to finally be in a position to       the Muller Martini plant at
                                     be on luxury products under the       share our plans around our new       Maulberg in Germany, which
                                     same Amberley Labels brand.           combined Amberley Labels             produced printing presses until
                                        And while the original             brand. The investment and            production was suspended in
 Kama ProCut 76 Foil for Curtis.
                                     Amberley Labels in Blandford is       additional processes required        2014. Since then the plant …

6   September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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We print
   your world

       For over 200 years we have combined inks
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Landa shifts into
production gear
LANDA DIGITAL PRINTING                 Landa
                                                                                                                 A double feeder option is
is moving from a technology            Digital                                                                being developed, along with
focused company into a busi-           printing has                                                           options for special colours
ness that is customer centric,         12 machines                                                            and an increase in print speed,
                                       in operation,
says CEO Arik Gordon, and one          including                                                              currently at 6,500 B1 impres-
capable of supporting hundreds         this at                                                                sions an hour. The first of the
of installations.                      Edelmann in                                                            W10 web presses for flexible
   Gordon joined the company                                                                                  packaging will be shipped to
after an 18-year stint at PCB                                                                                 a pre Beta customer next year.
production equipment company                                                                                  Landa has had to come to terms
Orbotech, having started his                                                                                  with the requirements of flex-
career at Scitex. “When I                                                                                     ible packaging – materials that
arrived at Landa, I found a great                                                                             have to be laminated and can be
organisation with very dedi-          ture to support the hundreds           The UK is not among the          subject to high temperatures as
cated people. Some things need        of presses that we want to have      destination for the next bunch     well as needing to apply white
to be more focused than before.       very soon.”                          of machines being put together     for printing on clear films.
   “Previously the company               At this point, and despite the    and tested in one of three Landa      “It’s been a huge job develop-
was focused on development            interruption caused by Covid         plants in Israel. The upcoming     ing all that capability in a single
and technology, now it is in          around the world, there are          installations will again favour    press,” says Benny Landa. “The
transition from a technology          12 presses in operation with         the US and includes the first      W10 now does all that. It’s an
to a market oriented company.         a further two currently being        press with a double delivery for   amazing and fantastic product.
There has been a need for more        installed. A further four will be    continuous running of small        When this arrives flexible pack-
outbound communications and           delivered before the end of the      jobs, which can be segregated      aging will never be the same
a customer focused infrastruc-        year, conditions permitting.         on the fly.                        again.”

… has focused on service and          packaging and security printing,     a host of other airlines that      only, the company expanded the
support for the 1,000 vari-           where Goebel has a strong herit-     have switched from the paper       event to include presentations
able cut off blanket to steel         age and reputation with intaglio,    product. The official explana-     in English after printers from
web offset presses that Muller        offset and hybrid presses.           tion relates to the fuel cost of   the US and UK registered to
Martini has in operation around          Both Muller Martini and           carrying a copy per passenger      participate.
the world.                            Goebel are Swiss owned               per flight with concern about         Most focus was inevitably
   Muller Martini will continue       companies, building presses in       microbes lurking among heavily     on the new, highly automated
to supply spares for, and support,    Germany. Goebel’s press factory      thumbed pages. In reality the      perfect binder, which is the
these machines over the coming        is in Darmstadt. According to        paper product belonged to          company’s most automated to
years, provided through the MM        Muller Martini, Goebel was the       the days when inflight enter-      date and continues the shift
service network. However, the         preferred candidate to take over     tainment was limited and the       to book of one production at
parts, retrofits, extensions and      the business.                        publication was considered a       volume.
new machines coming from the             “The agreement with Muller        prestige product.                     It is the first new machine to
Maulberg factory will be built        Martini allows us to provide                                            have connectivity to Horizon’s
by Goebel MMD employees.              services and spare parts to exist-                                      IceLink cloud based work-
   As part of the deal, Muller        ing printing press customers         Horizon puts                       flow as standard. Local job
Martini will act as Goebel’s sales    over the long term, while also       automation to                      set up is via a 12.1-inch touch
agents for the sale of machines for   enabling them to invest in the                                          screen, with automated set up
                                      latest Goebel technology,” says      the fore                           of 21 steps triggered by a job
                   Goebel can
                                      Goebel COO Felix Berg.                                                  number. It will deliver up to 800
                   build Muller
                   presses.                                                HORIZON HAS PUT THE                books per hour, with details of
                                                                           new BQ500 four-clamp binder        progress fed back to the produc-
                                      BA grounds                           through its paces during an        tion workflow, to a smart phone,
                                      Highlife                             online demonstration from          desktop or MIS via IceLink.
                                                                           Horizon’s European showroom           The demonstrations included
                                      BRITISH AIRWAYS HAS                  near Hamburg.                      a robot to feed the BQ270
                                      officially grounded its High-          Originally planned for a         single-clamp binder with a
                                      life inflight magazine, joining      German speaking audience           book block. The new HT300 …

8   September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Your future in finishing.

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                  Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7SS
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Magazine ABCs track Covid
circulation and closure pain
COVID-19 HAS accelerated                                                     In food, upmarket maga-           for our products remained
declines in magazine circula-                                             zine Olive grew sales 35% to         strong, even increased in some
tions, according to ABC figures                                           34,114 in the audit issue. Also      markets,” says Chris Duncan,
for the first six months of the                                           in this sector Easy Cook moved       chief executive UK Publishing
year.                                                                     up 14% to 24,258. In contrast,       for Bauer.
   Some publishers are hoping                                             Delicious noted an 8% fall in           The belief is that in the
for a bounce back as lockdown                                             sales to 52,486. It remains the      second half the circulation
restrictions end and consum-                                              largest title in this space.         losses will, for the most part, be
ers are able to buy publications                                             In the listings and lifestyle     recouped. This will increasingly
from newsagents as part of their                                          segment TV Choice remains the        include digital subscriptions
daily ritual, but others are less                                         largest magazine with a 7% fall      as well as print sales. Maga-
sure.                                                                     to 1,039,288, while Radio Times      zine publishers are hoping that
   The last few months have                                               fell back 10% to 468,608. In         as distribution patterns settle,
been marked by high profile                                               London, ES Magazine, given           there will be a robust recovery.
closures on both sides of the                                             away with the Evening Stand-            Other notable changes
Atlantic: for example Q in the       tions are in food and gardening,     ard, produced 307,975 copies a       include a 23% fall to 97,376
UK and O, the Oprah Winfrey          perhaps a reflection of activities   week, down 15% and reflecting        for National Geographic maga-
magazine, in the US.                 that have been possible during       what is happening on the streets     zine, a 33% decline for Heat to
   Magazines across the board        lockdown. BBC’s Garden-              of the capital.                      78,290 and 27% down for Closer
have lost readers, from television   ers’ World increased sales 8%           “While our traditional supply     at 119,931. Bestseller Slimming
listing titles to women’s interest   to 221,422 copies and Garden         experienced massive disruption       World is itself slimmer in read-
and lifestyle. The only excep-       Answers rose 7% to 50,888.           during lockdown, the demand          ership, down 23% to 434,105.

… three-sided trimmer inline
with the BQ500. This can be fed
                                                                                                               Flexo predicted
in a number of ways: by hand,                                                                                  for growth
from a gathering line or from
a digital press to create a book                                                                               FLEXO PRINTING IS ON
block. There will be sections                                                                                  course to become a market
on the IceLink system, which is                                                                                worth $181.1 billion worldwide
being rolled out across the range                                                                              by 2025, according to research
of Horizon products.                                                                                           from Smithers, previously
   “The finishing area needs                                                                                   Smithers Pira.
to catch up with prepress and                                                                                     The growth, from $167.7
the press areas,” says IFS tech-                                                                               billion in 2020, is attributed to
nical director Jason Seaber.                                                                                   the dynamism in the packag-
“IceLink is very important for        Durst business development manager Peter Jones with Keith                ing sector where technology is
Horizon. Everything is going to       Forster, managing director of Colorscan.                                 enabling greater diversification
be compatible and first with the                                                                               and higher value print appli-
digital communication, 5G and           The press arrived at the point    “Obviously our business took         cations. This is helping flexo
the Internet of Things.”             that the company was experi-         a hit during lockdown, but our       capture work that has previously
                                     encing a boost in demand for         label printing business actually     only been suited to gravure
                                     labels. Brewers, who had lost        increased during this period.        printing and therefore longer
Make mine                            public house output for their        We certainly see a huge scope        runs.
a Durst says                         products, had redirected output      for expansion in the labels side        The growth is the equivalent
                                     from kegs to bottles and cans        of our business.”                    of moving from 6.73 trillion A4
Colorscan                            to meet soaring demand from             The company has previously        pages to 7.45 trillion A4s in the
COLORSCAN, A specialist              super­markets and off premises       installed a brace of EFI Jetrion     five years. And the impact of
supplier to the brewing industry     sales.                               inkjet label presses, the first in   the pandemic will have only a
in Burton on Trent, has installed       “We have bought the machine       2012, to handle digital label        temporary effect on the packag-
a Durst Tau 330 RSC E inkjet         at the right time,” says manag-      printing. These remain in place,     ing sector. It will bounce back
label press mid way through          ing director and owner of            but production is shifting to the    faster than commercial and
lockdown.                            the company, Keith Forster.          Durst press.                         publication printing, where …

10    September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk

16           NEW GIFT        FESTIVE

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Demand leaps for printed
photo merchandise
DEMAND FOR PRINTED                                                                                             cards, typified by Moonpig’s
                                                        There has been a boost to photobook
photobooks and similar products                                                                                reporting of a triple digit
                                                        orders during lockdown.
increased during 2019 – ahead                                                                                  growth for photo upload cards
of the acceleration caused by                                                                                  during April. Overall, Future-
the Covid-19 pandemic.                                                                                         source expects a 10% increase
   According to Futuresource,                                                                                  in volumes of photo merchan-
the consulting company that                                                                                    dise over the whole of 2020,
specialises in consumer elec-                                                                                  led by the UK, Benelux and
tronics, the value of the market                                                                               Germany, the three largest
for photo print, photo books and                                                                               markets for photo merchandise,
photo merchandise, increased                                                                                   as consumers were deprived of
3% to €3.1 billion across the six                                                                              the opportunity to buy from
largest European markets. Until                                                                                traditional retailers.
2019, the market had been static     increased by the closure of high        Photobook volumes will               The report says that millenni-
for a number of years.               street photo processing outlets,     grow 8% this year, though price      als and subsequent generations
   And the size of the market is     some fearing that this business      competition means that value         have grown up with digital
likely to have increased during      will not return with the easing      is not growing as quickly. The       imaging, but thanks to instant
the lockdown period. Print-          of lockdowns. Once consumers         market is dividing between high      print cameras and self service
ers printing these products          have switched online they are        value high quality layflat prod-     kiosks, are exploring higher
have noted that volumes have         less likely to return to previous    ucts with an increasing number       value printed versions.
increased to levels equivalent to    habits.                              of pages selected by return-            Smartphone apps have helped
the busy pre Christmas period.          Futuresource predicts a 10%       ing customers, perhaps even          popularise this, leading to some
Some resellers reported a 30%        increase in value across the         printed on silver halide papers,     being acquired by the estab-
increase in new customers            sector in the years to 2024, led     and quick to create, social          lished online players.
during the first half of 2020 due    by a 4.5% annual growth in           media led photobooks which are          There is a concern, says
to consumers having time on          photo merchandise. Photobooks        gaining traction at the lower cost   Futuresource, that consumers
their hands at home.                 are growing at 2.0% CAGR             end of the market.                   do not want these occasional use
   Futuresource notes that the       with a slight year on year decline      There was a huge upswing          apps clogging up their smart-
drive to online ordering was         in photo prints.                     in online ordering of greetings      phones though.

 … the severe drop in demand         limited impact to date, though
will only accelerate longer term     this may have changed at the end
declines in demand.                  of the five-year period.
   It is not a consistent growth
across the world, however. The
report suggests that Asia and        Screen labels
Eastern European countries will      for PeterLynn
lead the demand for packaging
as a result of growing econo-        PETERLYNN HAS installed a
mies, rising affluence and the       Screen Truepress Jet L350UV+
requirement for packaging to         inkjet press to run alongside         PeterLynn MD James Lindsay (left) says the company will achieve
take on a marketing role.            the Xeikon CX3 digital press          greater impact for personal care labels with Screen inkjet.
   And unlike litho, there will be   installed three years ago.
an increase in demand for flexo         The new press has been              Another is demand for labels          Managing director James
presses, albeit at 0.4% a year.      pressed into immediate service       on bottles of hand sanitisers.       Lindsay says: “In the main
This equates to 1,362 units in       to meet “unprecedented               With a production speed up to        this was driven by the brewery
2025. The scope of flexo print-      demand” for labels driven by         60m/min, the new press repre-        industry, who had to move to
ing, from label presses using        the pandemic’s effect on its         sents a big leap in digital print    cans and bottles for consumers
variable cut off and unit designs    customer base. One of these          capacity as the toner press runs     to enjoy at home. Additionally,
to wide web central impression       is the brewing sector where          at only half this rate. Both         we saw a surge in requirements
machines, also affects the mix of    the absence of pubs has meant        sectors have triggered a growth      for cleaning product and hand
press sales.                         a switch from kegged beer to         in orders, albeit in smaller         sanitiser labels too, and we were
   Digital printing has had only     drink at home bottles and cans.      volumes.                             keen to prioritise these essen- …

12    September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
                                                                          WEEK 2020
                                                                           19 TO 23 OCTOBER


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Browns Print moves up to
XL106 for extra capacity
BROWNS PRINT HOPES TO                                                                                           ous plate changing and automated
start printing on a five-colour                                                                                 start up which brings the press
XL106 that has been shipped                                                                                     into flat line colour on the Impress
to the company’s Manches-                                                                                       Control without operator inter-
ter factory from what has                                                                                       vention, tabbing the stack at the
been Cimpress in Brazil. The                                                                                    point this happens.
commissioning date was set for                                                                                     There will be vast drop in run
mid September.                                                                                                  up waste, down from “perhaps
   The 2018 press is fitted with                                                                                300” sheets to fewer than 50.
simultaneous plate changer and                                                                                  “Over the course of a year, the
all the factory fitted features that                                                                            potential saving is vast,” says
Heidelberg produces for its Push        The XL106 was sourced from Brazil by White Horse Machinery.             Baldwin.
to Stop generation of machines.                                                                                    The press that White Horse
It also comes with LED UV, but         closed,” says managing director     sioned, a five-colour XL105          Machinery sales manager David
this has been removed because          Danny Baldwin “But when we          will be sold on, leaving the busi-   Watson found was to the speci-
the profile of work that Browns        ran the figures and then applied    ness with a ten-colour XL75 and      fication that Browns had been
handles does not suit the instant      for a CBils loan it quickly         the XL106. Both are fitted with      looking at, says Baldwin. “Not
dry ink technology.                    became a no brainer.”               CutStar reel sheeting.               seeing it first hand was not a
   “White Horse Machinery                 The company is taking out a         The new machine will more         worry. We had correspondence
came up with this press during         five-colour XL75 with the B1        than cover the capacity being        with Heidelberg and it has such
the lockdown, when we were             press sitting on this base. Once    removed. Makeready times will        a low impression count it’s not
working from home, the factory         the new machine is commis-          come down thanks to simultane-       even broken in yet.”

… tial supplies to play our part                                           Strong says: “This acquisition       the time. Its demise has sparked
during the crisis.                                                         represents a major step in our       damp eyed reminiscences from
   “Our customers have always                                              journey as we expand our offer-      middle aged personalities.
needed a fast turnaround,                                                  ing within customer experience
coupled with reliable service and                                          management services.
a quality label product. In order                                             “As we have worked with the       Folder for
to meet this, we knew we needed                                            DocCentrics team for several         Ipswich
to make a significant investment                                           years, we know that their inno-
in additional digital capacity.”                                           vative customer management           IFS HAS DELIVERED A
                                                                           platform is in high demand           Horizon PF40L folder to PJ
                                                                           among the SME and enterprise         Print, Ipswich. While the
Opus continues                                                             markets. More importantly, we        company has a Komori 29S
M&A growth                                                                 also know this technology and        HUV, the new folder will work
                                                                           the team are a perfect fit with      with its Ricoh mono and colour
OPUS TRUST Communica-                     DocCentrics has been owned       our own customer experience          digital presses. “We decided a
tions has dipped into its war          by Simon Howells and Melanie        aspirations.”                        small dedicated folder would
chest to acquire DocCentrics,          Sowerby. It has a hybrid mail                                            be perfect to manage the work-
a digital customer commu-              solution, a CommsBuilder                                                 load in a streamlined way,” says
nications specialist for an            mission control tool to manage      Argos                                managing director Ben Perkins.
undisclosed sum.                       communications and responses,       no more
   The two businesses have             and DigiComms tool to deliver a
collaborated on a number               digital message across different    THE ARGOS CATALOGUE                  Report
of projects in the past. Now           channels with personalisation if    has reached the end of the
the digital capabilities of            required.                           road, condemned by the Covid-
Doc­Centrics will combine with            The idea is to integrate these   19 pandemic and the fear of          digital power
data composition, print and            tools together with the inhouse     contracting the virus from its
postal expertise from Opus as          tools that Opus Trust has to        encapsulated pages. The door         ADVERTISERS NEED TO
the Leicester business contin-         accelerate its evolution into a     stopper book was frequently          reconsider the use of traditional
ues to evolve into a customer          “digital centric customer expe-     an indicator of which was the        media such as newspapers, maga-
communications specialist.             rience business”. CEO Tony          cheapest printer in Europe at        zines or cinema, rather than …

14    September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk

Robot lends an arm at
Hobbs the Printers
HOBBS THE PRINTERS has                                                                                         robot assistant fits the current
                                                                         A year after MBO first showed
become the first UK company                                                 the CoBo stack, Hobbs has          regulations around social
to install the MBO CoBo Stack                                             become the first in the UK to        distancing.
robotic pallet loader. The unit                                                       invest in robotics.         Hobbs has continued to work
has been fitted to the company’s                                                                               through the lockdown and has
MBO K8 high speed folder,                                                                                      implemented a full sweep of
which it installed last year.                                                                                  safety measures in its Ports-
   MBO launched the CoBo                                                                                       mouth factory, including screens
Stack a year ago. It is a collabo-                                                                             around the business and imple-
rative type robot that works                                                                                   mented one-way traffic as much
alongside a human operator                                                                                     as possible. It has been working
outside of a cage and without the                                                                              three shifts since the middle of
need for a laser safety curtain.                                                                               May.
   Its task is to pick up folded     with a video on LinkedIn,             “Our K8 folding machine                MBO is now a fully owned
sections and then load these in      saying: “This collaborative         runs faster with dramatically         subsidiary of Komori and will
the optimal pattern on a pallet      robot works safely alongside our    reduced downtime for pallet           be part of its Connected Auto-
for further finishing.               operators. It removes repeti-       changes as a result of the CoBo       mation concept of the smart
   One robot arm can be posi-        tive tasks from their daily         Stack installation.”                  factory.
tioned between two pallets to        work, enabling them to be more        Sections from the folder are           But this has not stopped
allow for continuous opera-          productive, with an absolute        collected in an A500 stacker and      MBO joining the Postpress Alli-
tion, allowing one pallet to be      focus on quality but with much      fed along a conveyor belt for the     ance, a joint venture between a
replaced while the next is being     less physical effort, and there-    robot arm to pick up the pile and     number of German and Swiss
loaded.                              fore fatigue, over the course of    positions them on the pallet.         manufacturers to promote data
   Hobbs related the news along      the working day.                      A second benefit is that the        exchange and automation.

… chase the short turn metrics of        “In marketing, attention        attention is given to ads in news-    ing the needs of a commercial
social media and online ‘shares’,    grabbing strategies negatively      papers, magazines and cinema,         print sector that is shifting into
‘likes’ and ‘clicks’.                impact the consumer’s ability       for example.                          high speed digital printing.
   A report commissioned from        to attain their own goals,” she        This is because when consum-          The Rip includes Global
Bournemouth University and           says. “Some forms of atten-         ing these media, consumers are        Graphics’ Advanced Inkjet
PHD Media, by Magnetic,              tion actively distract from the     in a more responsive state of         Screens to minimise artefacts
concludes that advertisers and       desired outcome.”                   mind. Context is therefore as         when printing large format
agencies must reappraise the             For example, Coca-Cola          much about the consumer’s state       inkjet. The PrintFlat and
value of legacy media and            amassed millions of social media    of mind as it is about the selected   ScreenPro modules to improve
should not be distracted by the      reactions on Facebook, but          media, ­Denegri-Knott explains.       the output of inkjet print have
metrics that online generates.       these did not push the associ-                                            been joined by Opal. This is
Algorithms used by the adver-        ated website into the top 10,000                                          designed to minimise unwanted
tising industry to assess the        websites worldwide.                 Harlequin Rip                         artefacts when printing on
impact and value of ad spend             Research using eye tracking     reaches V13                           absorbent substrates at high
have been skewed towards the         technology found only 12% of                                              speeds, so allowing companies
instant gratification of online      people look at online advertising   GLOBAL GRAPHICS HAS                   to use lower cost papers and to
and away from the traditional        and of these, only 9% dwell on      announced V13 of its Harle-           cope with the demands of print-
print led media.                     the ad for more than one second.    quin Rip, now described as the        ing to corrugated.
   Advertisers need to differ-           The attention that results      Harlequin Host Renderer, as              There is support for print-
entiate between quality and          from online banners and similar     the purpose of the software has       ing directly from a PNG file,
interruptive attention. Inter-       ads detract from the reader’s       expanded.                             recognition that in some of the
viewed in the latest issue of the    experience.                            Originally conceived to            new sectors, commercial print
Print Power magazine, Janice             And, Denegri-Knott points       process PostScript and then PDF       formats such as PDF, Jpg, EPS
Denegri-Knott, lead academic         out, that algorithms have           files, the latest version of the      and Tiff are not dominant.
in consumer culture and behav-       promised precise targeting and      Rip takes functionality into ultra    This is particularly the case in
iour at Bournemouth University,      the ability to deliver so called    grand format inkjet printing,         some large format applications,
says that this attention should be   ­relevant messages to consumers.    corrugated packaging, decor and       product decoration, textiles and
earned to be effective.                  In contrast, more quality       textile sectors as well as address-   so on. The company reports …

16    September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Delga finds carton answer
with Highcon Euclid
DELGA PRESS HAS become                                                   needs an extra 500 cartons for          The Euclid installation will
just the third UK company with                                           next day delivery. That would        become a platform to attract
a Highcon Euclid digital cutting                    Ian Conetta          mean others have to go back on       new customers thanks to the
and creasing system, installing                     with the latest      the platen with all the waste of     extra service the business is able
the latest Euclid III at its Roch-                  investment,          time and material involved. It is    to offer.
ester factory.                                      a Highcon            going to help with the flexibility      “Our customer base is
   The digital finishing device is                  Euclid III.          of demands that we have from         continuing to transition,” says
a partner to its HP Indigo 12000,                                        customers.”                          Conetta. “For 50 years Delga
configured for carton printing,                                             The Euclid was delivered          has been a go to provider for
helping the business shift away                                          at the start of the lockdown,        the music industry, so did not
from being purely a producer                                             slowing the commission-              require a high profile. Now we
for the music and entertainment                                          ing process. Fortunately the         are developing our brand and
industry. Led by group manag-                                            company had, by this time, been      the Euclid is part of that.
ing director Ian Conetta, Delga                                          to see installations in mainland        “I’m really excited by it and
“has found a nice spot among                                             Europe to check on the support       what it can do in combina-
multi sku short run high quality                                         from Highcon and to substanti-       tion with the HP press. We can
cartons.”                            press. “With the Highcom,           ate the claims made for it. Delga    work with start ups, produc-
   The company has a B1 Bobst        what is a three- or four-hour       has struck a deal that Conetta is    ing marketing collateral and
and Heidelberg Cylinders for its     makeready on the Bobst becomes      happy with.                          cartons, we can produce proto-
litho printed carton work, but       30 minutes – and there are no          “It’s up to Highcon to make       types and longer run samples
lacked something for the shorter     extra die costs,” he says.          this work and we are confident       faster than by using a cutting
runs and faster turnarounds that       “And it’s going to help when a    that they understand our busi-       table. We can really start to push
are possible with the B2 digital     customer changes his mind and       ness model,” he says.                the boundaries.”

… a growing interest from these                                                                               Leigh Foster, managing direc-
industrial sectors in digital                                                                                 tor. “Before we bought the
printing.                                                                                                     machine we went to see it in
   And it will automatically split                                                                            action. The quality was excep-
the job into tiles for simultane-                                                                             tional. We have been able to
ous processing by a number                                                                                    bring back work that had to be
of Rips for increased speed of                                                                                outsourced. It will also print on
handling to drive the printer                                                                                 silk and matt. In the first month
to produce an output which                                                                                    we had it before lockdown
can comfortably stretch to 200                                                                                we printed 300,000 impres-
metres long. It begins to send                                                                                sions and have been running at
the file to the printer before the                                                                            100,000 a month, even during
last part of the job is Ripped to                                                                             the lockdown.
increase productivity further.                                                                                   “Our key objective was to
“A 200-metre long by 1200dpi                                                                                  increase our variable data print-
output for a building wrap or for           Leigh Foster says TasKalfa has exceptional quality.               ing volumes to broaden our
decor printing is challenging to a                                                                            offering and drive growth in
Rip,” says Martin Bailey, Global                                                                              the direct mail and fulfilment
Graphics Software’s CTO.             handled on its Kyocera TasKalfa     with the image more closely          areas of the business. We had
                                     15000C cutsheet inkjet press,       resembling litho printing than       been outsourcing colour litho
                                     the first of this machine in the    fused toner, is enabling the         print jobs, which then had to
First TasKalfa                       UK.                                 company to replace the need to       be overprinted for personalisa-

lands in
                                        The TasKalfa is a four-colour    send out artwork for letterhead      tion. This was a time consuming
                                     press printing on SRA3 sheets       printing and then over printing      process that we were looking to
Basingstoke                          at 150ppm, replacing a conven-      of variable content.                 streamline.”
                                     tional toner press, and extending     “We looked at other options           The new technology is also
BASINGSTOKE MAILING                  the range of work that Docu-        and found that even the best         more energy efficient than the
house Document Despatch is           ment Despatch can handle. The       of them was three times as           end of lease press that is being
increasing the volumes of pages      quality of four-colour printing,    expensive as the Kyocera,” says      replaced. This amounts …

18    September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Canon upgrades toner
flagship IP C10010VP
CANON HAS UPGRADED                                                            This is the maximum length          specification to the next model.
its flagship digital toner press                                           available for duplex printing,            The development, however,
with the introduction of the                                               while the maximum sheet that           demonstrates Canon’s commit-
ImagePress C10010VP, sharing                                               can be printed is 1300mm long          ment to digital printing with
the same core specifications as                                            using a BDT VX 370 feeder.             toner technology. Joseph Courts,
the C10000VP which is now          The new machine is an upgrade           Registration is at 0.5mm,              head of product market-
phased out, but with improve-      of the press launched in 2015.          with the exception of reverse          ing, Canon UK says: “The
ments to enhance productivity                                              printing the longest sheets.           C10010VP is a new milestone
and versatility.                   fusing unit that is being being         Automated duplexing is possible        in the evolution of the digital
   The new machine is a four-      used to expand the range of             on 762mm long sheets.                  colour production press, setting
colour only 100ppm toner press,    substrates that can be printed             It will operate through either a    new standards in productiv-
just as the the previous machine   at speed. Inline spectrophotom-         PrismaSync front end or an EFI         ity, application diversity and
was when introduced five years     eter, back to back registration         Fiery FS400 Pro controller. A full     quality.”
ago. It includes features to run   systems and slew controlling            range of inline finishing options is      Positioning maintains the gap
a broader range of materials, up   side lays and multi sheet detec-        offered along with high capacity       between the toner machines and
to 400gsm rather than 350gsm,      tors at the feeder are intended         stacker and DFD Bridge.                the increasingly popular inkjet
to deliver greater consistency     to maximise up time and allow              Price will be broadly in line       presses. Canon’s VarioPrint
and with a higher level of auto-   the press to run without super-         with that of the machine that is       iX3200 is attracting increasing
mated set up. The minimum          vision. The feed bins can hold          now replaced. The technology           attention, as a litho replacement
paper weight is now 60gsm          up to 10,000 sheets with 1,000          needed to handle the broader           digital press, which offers higher
compared to 70gsm previously.      sheets to 762mm long with the           paper range means it is not            productivity, quality and flexi-
   The press contains a dual       long sheet input module.                possible to upgrade from one           bility than dry toner technology.

… to a 30% reduction in            configured to be able to print             The 70-year-old business is in
consumption of energy, with a      with both solvent and water             the day to day hands of Michael,
consequent improvement in the      based inks, meeting growing             Richard and Matthew Podd
company’s carbon footprint.        requirement for more sustain-           with David Podd as manag-
                                   ability in plastic packaging. This      ing director of the business his
                                   will complement the Ultigreen           father founded.
Ultimate takes                     films and AdaptMAP systems                 And it has continued to
fifth Bobst                        for shelf life enhancement.             thrive, thanks to working for an
                                      Operations director Jon              established customer base and
ULTIMATE PACKAGING                 McCarthy says “this latest GPS          offering what these businesses
has taken delivery of a new        press adds even more capacity           want.
Bobst Expert CI press, its         and flexibility to our production          This has led the company to
fifth flexo press from the Swiss   facilities. It will fit seamlessly in   add foiling, die cutting, lamina-
manufacturer.                      with the other presses, enabling        tion and wire binding to fold,
   The investment comes as         us to ramp up production very           stitch and trim and digital print
the company enjoys an uplift in    quickly and with the added              to litho. Now with demand
business, supplying food pack-     benefit of also being able to           increasing for perfect binding,
aging during the pandemic. The     print water based inks it further       it has installed the single-clamp
Grimsby company, the largest       enhances Ultimate’s sustainabil-        binder.
independent provider of flex-      ity journey.”                              Prior to its purchase the            Ultimate’s
                                                                                                                   fifth Bobst means
ible packaging for food in the                                             company had to put perfect              it has six flexo presses.
UK, has also taken a lease of a                                            binding out to the trade, paying
new warehouse to increase its      Podds adds                              for transportation and yielding        delivered we received an inquiry
agility and flexibitity.           perfect binding                         some control in terms of offer-        about perfect binding.
   The round of investment is                                              ing a fast turnaround.                    The company is running
completed with an order for        Podds Print has expanded the               “It was the cost of that trans-     Planamelt as the adhesive for
two Bimec slitters, which will     services it offers from its Whyte-      port and the time scale,” says         both litho and digitally printed
increase the company’s ability     leafe factory with the installation     Podd. “And we are now getting          work. “Since we put it in we
to respond rapidly.                of a Horizon BQ270V perfect             work that we didn’t get before.        have had a steady flow of
   The eight-colour Bobst is       binder.                                 On the very day the binder was         ­inquiries,” he adds.        n

20   September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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                                                           Steve Baker with
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22   September/October 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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