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SCSU 'POD' RECAP            Page 14

                                               university chronicle
                                               Information wants to be free

January 2021 Edition           Publication 96 Vol. 4          St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN
                                                                                         @universitychronicle            universitychron              @UniversityChron

travel restriction lifted for 2021
By Tim Speier                          Malhotra went on to say
       Asst. Managing Editor that this trip will be limited
                                   to 16 students and that some
                                   aspects of the program have
     St. Cloud State University changed to reduce the risk of
received approval from the COVID-19 transmission.
Minnesota State systems office         This sentiment of safety
that allows for students in the and caution in preparing the
Education Abroad program program for approval was
to travel to Alnwick Castle for shared by SCSU President,
the Spring 2021 semester.          Robbyn Wacker.
     Alnwick Castle is a satellite     “Given the challenges of
campus for SCSU located in the COVID-19 environment,
the United Kingdom.                there will be measured
     The decision was passed adjustments to ensure the
down to SCSU in late October safety of our participants,”
after a travel ban was put in said Wacker. “This is a
place on Feb. 28 by Minnesota unique opportunity for our           Students will now be able to travel to Alnwick Castle with
State Chancellor, Devinder Huskies and I am thankful for           Education Abroad. Photo courtesy of SCSU Education Abroad
Malhotra, in response to the the faculty and staff who are
COVID-19 pandemic.                 working so hard to make that   Minnesota Department of            the Center for International       most of the classes to move
     “I am very pleased that St. happen.”                         Health and the CDC, along          Studies, said. “So they don’t      online in some form, students
Cloud State University is able         The changes taking place   with the rules and regulations     have to isolate or quarantine      will no longer be restricted to
to re-open the Alnwick study in the program will not be           set in place by the United         individually. But a whole          courses that are provided at
abroad program for Spring, much different than those              Kingdom. There will be some        group can be in a bubble …         Alnwick as they were in previ-
2021,” said Malhotra. “I am taking place at SCSU main             noticeable differences to this     where they are not interacting     ous years.
grateful to the leadership campus in St. Cloud, Minn.,            trip as those who travel for the   with the outside public due to          This now opens up the
at SCSU for their work as students will be assigned               program will be required to        the quarantine stage.”             program to more students,
with local officials and the to their own individual rooms,       group quarantine for the first           While students are in the    as the only limitations will be
National Health Service in the masks will be required in com-     14 days after arriving at the      bubble for the first 14 days,      SCSU's available courses.
United Kingdom to develop mon areas, and social distanc-          castle.                            Ahmad said that students will      Malhotra mentioned that he
a comprehensive health and ing will still be enforced.                 “There’s a big enough         still be attending their classes   wanted this new way of taking
safety plan.”                          Those that go on the       area [in the castle], in order     as they settle into their new      classes in Education Abroad
     The Spring semester in trip will be required to              for us to be able to provide       home. Those classes will be        to continue on, even after re-
Alnwick is scheduled to take follow SCSU’s rules and              what you can call a social         where the second big change        strictions are lifted, as it makes
place from Jan. 22 to April 26, regulations, based on the         bubble,” Shahzad Ahmad, the        is taking place.                   the program less restrictive to
2021.                              recommendations of the         Associate Vice President of              As COVID-19 has forced       a student’s field of study.

 E-Sports Lounge coming to Halenbeck Hall
By Matt Auvil                        Calvin Diggs, the Director   against other teams in other       compete in tournaments and              “We wanted to have a soft
    Editor-in-Chief              of Campus Recreation, shared     conferences at some point,”        give players the chance to be      introduction to make sure we
                                 that the goal of having an       said Diggs.                        king of the hill in the lounge     had everything and that the
    During the pandemic,         E-Sports lounge is for St.           As of right now the            so to speak,” said Diggs.          components were in order,”
finding some time to break       Cloud State to have a piece      Campus Recreation team is               The goal is to not limit      said Diggs.
away and relaxing is not         of the pie in E-sports and at    working more on creating           the tournaments to just sports          Diggs had mentioned
something you can do easily      some point try and get a team    the space for students, having     titles, Diggs said eventually      that other schools around St.
anymore; however, Halenbeck      together to play in certain      consoles, TVs, and furniture       they will branch out into          Cloud are gearing up to build
Hall is offering a new space     games.                           available for students to enjoy    other titles like “Fortnite”       up E-Sports teams as well,
for students to interact and         “We’d like to get some       playing games.                     and “Mortal Kombat 11”, but        but there is no set schedule
enjoy playing video games        e-gaming          components         “We want the [E-Sports         wanted to start the year off       of when any schools will be
with friends in the E-Sports     together to play on a national   Lounge] to be a safe for           small with only sports titles      competing in the near future
Lounge.                          level and compete                students to participate in and     like “FIFA” and “Madden”.          at this time.

                          !          ALSO                         SCSU Brothers                                             Anna's
                                                                                                          2                                                     4
           see page 12               INCLUDED:                     World Record                  Page                     Declassified                 Page

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university chronicle                                                                                                         Page 2 NEWS
January 2021 Edition                                                                                                         

fall 2020 town hall status updates
By Anna Panek                     for the holidays that they get      emergency executive order              will remain at Scenario 4 when     the state.
    Managing Editor               tested before returning home        20-99. This order is currently         campus reopens for the spring        COVID SAFETY LEVEL
                                  and limit gatherings to small       still in effect until Jan. 11.         semester, but President                       UPDATES
     SCSU held several town       groups.                                   The issue impacted dining        Wacker shared that she is          On Friday, Sept. 11, St. Cloud
halls in November and De-              SCSU hosted a communi-         inside options as well as other        hopeful we can reopen with         State started reporting weekly
cember.                           ty testing event in November        in person gatherings on                Scenario 3.                        COVID updates on Fridays
     Speakers at the town halls   and 622 people got tested.          campus. In person meetings                  At this time, campus will     with data from the previous
included Robbyn Wacker,           Aggregate data showed that          on campus will be moved                be open and some courses will      Wednesday through Tuesday.
SCSU President; Brent Niel-       just under 10% of those tested      online when possible and               be face to face.                       All of the current data can
sen, Medical Director; Jenn       were positive with COVID-19.        limited to less than 25 people              Safety measures such as       be found on the Dashboard
Furan-Super, Director of               Note: Not all of those cas-    when an online meeting is not          social distancing, wearing         section of the website, as well
Emergency        Preparedness;    es will be reflected on the dash-   possible.                              masks, and limiting gatherings     as an explanation of the color
Daniel Gregory, Daniel Greg-      board. Positive cases need to             All      extra      curricular   to small groups will still take    levels.
ory, Provost and Vice Presi-      identify themselves to the Uni-     activities are paused for the          place.                                 SCSU remained at a
dent for Academic Affairs; and    versity through the self-report-    time being. It is unknown                   Spring and Summer             “green” safety level (low
Clare Rahm, Student Life and      ing tool.                           if those activities will be            registration is now open.          transmission) from Sept. 11 to
Development Interim Vice               Additional saliva testing      rescheduled           after      the        The format of each            Oct. 15.
President.                        events were held on Dec. 7          executive order is lifted.             course should stay consistent          SCSU was at a “yellow”
        COVID Update              and 15.                                   Some intramural activities       throughout       the     spring    safety       level      (medium
     Dr. Nielsen shared that           The CDC is currently con-      will be allowed to continue            semester once they have been       transmission) from Oct. 16 to
“on campus transmission           sidering changing the quaran-       practicing and utilizing the           determined.                        Nov. 17.
continues to be LOW.” More        tine and isolation lengths. The     facilities on campus.                               Q&A                       SCSU was at an “orange”
than 90% of the reported          current length is 14 days, but            The executive order also              Provost Gregory answered      safety level (high transmission)
SCSU cases are from off-cam-      they are considering changing       moved the SCSU campus to               a question in the chat about the   from Nov. 17 to Nov. 20.
pus activities.                   it to 7-10 days depending on        Scenario 4. This new scenario          spring semester. At this time,         On Nov. 20, in accordance
     COVID-19 cases in Stea-      the situation.                      is a step between an orange            there will not be a general        with Governor Walz’ new
rns County and in Minnesota            Campus Operations              and a red safety level. Furan-         decision made for courses.         order, an additional level
have been increasing more              If a student decided           Super called this scenario             Each course format will be         was added to the campus
drastically than at SCSU.         to travel over break, the           a “pause” with some new                decided by the professor of        safety levels and SCSU
     Cases have continued to      University would like them          mitigation strategies. All             the course in communication        moved to a “Scenario 4”
grow in Minnesota. Dr. Brent      to “lay low” to protect the         information is on the Bring            with their dean.                   safety level (sustained level
Nielsen advised that students     campus community once               Huskies Home section of the                 Campus remained open          of high transmission in the
choose not to go home for the     returning to campus.                website.                               during the shutdown because        community).
holidays if possible. However,         On Wednesday, Nov. 18,                 Academic Affairs               the University was determined
if students choose to go home     Governor Walz issued                      It is likely that the campus     to be an essential business by

brothers break a world record
By Sarah Bunich                   and I started to look at the
  Staff Writer                    world record and found it was
                                  only a little over 1,000.”
     Everyone, at one point,           With them, watching
has wanted to break a record      and       supporting,        were
to make it into the Guinness      friends and family, as well as
Book of World Records and         photographers. Having a lot
on Oct. 30 in Halenbeck Hall,     of people isn’t only a nice
the Bzdok brothers set out to     thing for the brothers, they
accomplish their goal.            were needed. According to
     Ben Bzdok and his brother    Guinness World Records
Andy Bzdok started the whole      website, for a record to be
frisbee throwing competition      official there must be video
when they were waiting for an     and photo evidence, as well as
ultimate frisbee match where      a witness to verify.
they and a teammate started            Not only did they break
playing catch. They decided       the world record once, but the
to go after the most throws       Bzdok brothers broke it twice.
and catches, which they           Throwing 2,040 times and
decided was 1000, and they        then 2,944 times.
                                                                       Ben Bzdok (right) and brother Matt Bzdok (left) after breaking the world
accomplished it. Afterward,            Their four attempts took
                                                                       record for the frisbee pass. Photo Credit: Ben Bzdok
they continued working and        them over seven hours to
practicing.                       complete.                           We felt like we could have             Ben Bzdok.                         their world record again.
     “This July, my brothers           “It was incredible to set a    done more, and it was more                 This isn’t the end of              “We are aiming [for]
Matthew Bzdok, Rick Bzdok         new world record [and] spend        of a mental challenge to               breaking world records for the     5,000 to 10,000 in a row,”
and I hit 1,000,” said Ben        time with my brothers. . . . We     make sure we had enough                Bzdok family. The brothers         said Ben Bzdok.
Bzdok. “After that, Matthew       felt like we brothers. . . .        concentration,” said                   are set on breaking
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January 2021 Edition                                                                                                 

Healthy Huskies updates campaign
By Sarah Bunich                    created a five step process      because of the COVID-19                Step one of the program      departments have partnered
  Staff Writer                     that starts with having a        pandemic.                         is starting a conversation with   with Healthy Huskies to help
                                   conversation and ends by             “One of our student           the user. Asking about how        spread the positive message
     Mental health during          providing the user with more     educators brought up the          someone is doing and why you      of mental health education.
the COVID-19 pandemic              tools on how to reach out for    idea of reforming our ‘Hey,       are concerned about them.         By partnering with other
is the driving force behind        help.                            You Okay?’ [program] into         Previously done in-person,        organizations,        Healthy
Healthy      Huskies’       new         Before COVID-19, there      a more socially [distanced]       this application made that        Huskies has been able to reach
online campaign, “Hey,             was not really a need for        and COVID-19 practical            change to online possible.        more students, especially
You Okay?.” The campaign,          people to use cell phones or     campaign,” Erica Karger-               “Our original campaign       those who live off-campus.
now in its third year, was         computers to do any of the       Gatzow,      the      Assistant   had people doing in-person            Gatzow stated that the
changed to fit in more with the    steps. Since there is more       Director of Health Promotion      conversations and [meeting]       partnerships with other
current pandemic and social        distance between people now,     and Marketing for SCSU’s          the      person,”    Samantha     programs on campus while
distancing guidelines.             it is more likely you would      Medical Clinic, said.             Yang, a graduate assistant for    ramping up their virtual
     “Hey, You Okay?” is a         need to use a cellphone or a         By moving “Hey, You           Healthy Huskies, said. “But       presence has given other
program Healthy Huskies            computer to do some of these     Okay?” online, they have          now, it is saying that sending    groups more ways to share
started as a community             steps.                           changed the steps of the          a message or having virtual       information on multiple
initiative      for     deeper          Student peer educators      campaign to fit in more with      conversations works to reach      platforms. This strategy has
connections. The program           from Healthy Huskies wanted      the recommended COVID-19          people who need help. It also     helped to reach more people
makes it easier to reach out       to change the campaign to        guidelines. The original steps    gives people ideas on how to      who are not on campus
to someone or for someone          better align with the social     had a lot of in-person events     do this.”                         regularly.
to reach out when they need        distancing guidelines and        happening; this was an issue           During the pandemic,
help. In order to do this, they    move to an online format         that needed to be worked-out.     other programs and

  Far-right groups join ‘Stop the Steal
Saturdays’; Brings out counter protestors

Counter-protesters line up to create a shield wall. Photo credit: Tim Speier
By Tim Speier                      immediately followed having      SPPD that were present in-        protesters were heard telling     small number of counter-
      Asst. Managing Editor around           150 people. The        between the barricades and        others that leaving to fight      protesters, on Nov. 28 they
                                   counter-protest had between      patrolling the area.              another day would accomplish      came out in numbers to the
    Trump           supporters     100 to 150 people.                    Additional         officer   more than being arrested.         “Stop the Steal Saturdays”
gathered at the Governor’s              The    protesters     had   including the State Patrol            Multiple vehicles parked      protest organized by Hold
Mansion Dec. 5 for the             around 20 to 24 long guns and    arrived prior to the counter-     along South Chatsworth            The Line, MN.
planned protest of the state       multiple handguns in open        protest in multiple vehicles      Street had their tires slashed,       During the Nov. 28
shutdown that followed a           carry. There were at least two        The alt-right groups         windows spray-painted, and        protest, both sides used
“Stop the Steal” rally at the      visible open carry handguns      that were identified at the       had water poured into their       pepper spray on one another
State Capitol. An organized        seen within the counter-         protest were the Boogaloo         gas tanks. The protest outside    and multiple scuffles broke
counter-protest came out to        protest.                         Bois, Proud Boys, and Three       the Governor’s Mansion had        out. The State Patrol showed
show their frustration with alt-        Open carry is legal in      Percenters.                       been the norm the past few        up to gain control of the
right groups that had joined       Minnesota.                            The counter-protest, at      weeks, since the Governor’s       situation, on Nov. 28, and the
the protest. The STS rally at           St.     Paul       Police   South Chatsworth Street and       Executive Order 20-99 on          counter-protesters left the
the Capitol had around 250         Department        Commander      Summit Avenue, lasted a little    Nov. 18.                          scene vowing to return on that
people, with the protest at the    Joshua Lego said there were      over an hour before deciding          Though the first few          next Dec. 5.
Governor’s Mansion that            around 40 to 45 officers from    to leave. Multiple counter-       weekends brought out only a
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university chronicle                                                                                                    Page 4 OPINION
January 2021 Edition                                                                                                        

Anna’s declassified college survival
 guide; Tip #11 my biggest secret yet
By Anna Panek                      was a bit annoyed and wanted       sound contradictory for me          all of my classes so I could stay    hopes to receive money to
    Managing Editor                to just take a nap. This is just   to start by advising you to say     another year because I was           provide enrichment activities
                                   one story of countless times       “yes,” and now to advise you        fond of my school community          to the St. Cloud youth, and
     Everyone is motivated         my dad has subtly told me that     to say “no.” Don’t say “no”         and wanted to continue to            many, many more.
by something. For some,            I am capable of more.              to everything like high school      participate in the activities I           In order to say “yes” to all
becoming more fit is a                  Since I like all of my        sophomore Anna. Say “yes”           was involved in. However, I          of those opportunities above
motivation to work out every       readers so much, I will share      when a good opportunity             realized that at that point it was   has also required me to say
morning. Maybe for you, your       with you one of my biggest         arises. However, what I have        too late for me to do anything       “no” to others. I’ve had to
motivation to do well in school    “secrets.” Over the last few       learned in college is that there    but graduate. Looking back,          say “no” to a road trip with
is because you are paying          years, I have been building my     are SO MANY opportunities,          I have had so many better            my friends, being a part of the
for each credit yourself. My       resume full of qualifications      and unfortunately it is             opportunities in college than I      news in order for me to report
biggest motivator is my dad.       and experiences that I hope        impossible to take advantage        ever could have dreamed of as        on it, and many traditional
He motivates me to work            will make me a competent and       of all of them. It is necessary     a high school senior.                college gatherings in order
harder, be kinder to others,       caring community servant for       to say “no” to some                      This previous fall, I had       for me to study, volunteer,
and to do the dishes. In all       the rest of my life. The secret    opportunities in order to say       to leave probably my favorite        work at jobs I love, and of
seriousness though, my dad         to having a full resume and        “yes” to others.                    job thus far, leading a child        course be exposed to more
has been there to congratulate     long email signature like mine         For example, in order           care site in my hometown. I          opportunities.
me after every success and to      is … to say “yes.”                 for you to get your favorite        had led the site for over two             One of my old mentors
push me when the going gets             So     many      of     the   professor in English, you           years, and grown attached            shared this quote with me
tough. One thing about my          opportunities that have            might have to switch an             to the students for almost           once, “If you want something
dad though, he is never quite      literally changed my life were     elective you wanted to take         three. In my time there, I grew      done, ask a busy person.”
content. After every success       given to me. I am grateful for     because they are offered at the     tremendously as a person and         The quote is credited to
or accomplishment, he asks         someone asking me, “Anna,          same time. Or, maybe you are        as an educator. I also hope          Benjamin Franklin. While,
me, “What’s next?”.                would you be interested in [fill   looking for a new job, and got      that I made a positive impact        I’m not saying you should
     My senior year of high        in the blank]?”. No matter how     offered one that isn’t exactly      on my students. However, as          have every moment of your
school, I led a team of five       scary the opportunity sounded      what you wanted to do but           you grow, your life changes,         life packed with work, school,
students to organize a career      or how under-qualified I felt in   pays well, then the next day        and working there just didn’t        and fun activities, I’m sharing
fair for the 500 students at my    the moment, I have challenged      you get another job offer that      work in my life equation             this quote to point out that
high school. We spent four         myself to say “yes” every time.    aligns better with your future      anymore. While I was sad             opportunities are usually
months organizing; calling              The funny thing about         goals.                              to go, I was grateful for the        handed to people who take
businesses; writing emails;        opportunities is that one              Opportunities are also          opportunity and knew that me         advantage of opportunities.
meeting with administration;       usually leads to another. In my    like hair styles, they aren’t       leaving meant that someone           So, get out there. Take
and renting spaces, tables,        experience, an opportunity         meant to be worn forever.           else could then take advantage       advantage of an opportunity.
and chairs to host over 70         does not lead to a closed          There are opportunities that        of the opportunity that gave         Learn from it. Meet new
businesses in our community        door; honestly, it typically       are great for a while, that teach   me so much.                          people. Then, take advantage
center and a college panel         leads to many open doors.          you a lot, that expand your              Saying “yes” has given          of the next opportunity that
with a handful of alumni. The      The key is to figure out which     network, and likely lead you to     me the opportunity to serve          arises.
night after the career fair took   opportunities to say yes to.       new opportunities. However,         on the school board my senior             For those of you who
place I got home, proud of the     The old Anna Panek method          eventually it will be time for      year of high school, to travel       don’t have my dad to ask them
work that had finally paid off.    was to say “yes” to every          you to move on and give that        abroad after completing my           everyday, “What’s next?”.
     My dad listened to me         opportunity; however, I’m          opportunity to someone else.        freshman year of college, to
share all about it, then smiled,   starting to realize the value of       I started joking in April       become the Managing Editor
and said, “What’s next?”. To       saying “no” once in a while.       my senior year of high school       for the University Chronicle,
be honest, at the moment I              Now, hear me out. It may      that I was going to try to fail     to write a grant proposal in

                                                                                                                       University Chronicle was founded Sept. 19, 1924.
                                                           EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Matt Auvil
    UNIVERSITY                                                                                                         It has been published under various names. It
                                                                                                                       is written, edited, and published by St. Cloud
    CHRONICLE                                              MANAGING EDITOR: Anna Panek                                 State University students. The paper is published
    St Cloud State University                                                                                          monthly during school semesters. There are
                                                           ASST. MANAGING EDITOR: Tim Speier                           schedule exceptions during final periods and
                                                                                                                       academic breaks.
    ADDRESS 13 Stewart Hall St. Cloud,
            Minnesota 56301-4498                           STAFF WRITER: Sarah Bunich                                  University Chronicle holds meetings every Monday
                                                                                                                       and Thursday at 10 am in 13B Stewart Hall. If you
    WEB                            STAFF WRITER: Brevin Monroe                                 are interested in writing for us or have a story idea,
                                                                                                                       please come visit us.
    E-MAIL               GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Parker Buske
                                                                                                                       The newspaper is funded with student activity fees
                                                                                                                       through the Student Government Finance Com-
    PHONE (320)-308-4086                                   FACULTY ADVISER: Tim Hennagir                               mittee. Editorial, production, and office facilities
                                                                                                                       are in 13 Stewart Hall, SCSU.
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university chronicle                                                                                                 Page 5 OPINION
January 2021 Edition                                                                                                      

              Wonder Woman on HBO Max;
                Are theatres in danger?
By Myles Hoglund
    Contributing Writer

     I love going to the movie
theater. I mean who doesn’t?
You are with your friends or
family on opening night, going
to see the latest movie with
an audience just as excited
as you are with none of the
distractions from home. It’s
all really great, but suddenly,
2020 kicked in.
     Because of COVID-19,
movie theaters have been
struggling to stay in business
with everyone staying home
and the newest movies
getting delayed left and
right. However, some films
have either gone straight to
streaming services like “Trolls
World Tour” and “Scoob!,”            Wonder Woman was released on HBO Max. Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.
or had very limited theatrical       Entertainment Inc.
releases like “Tenet.” The
latest film to follow one of             Because of no major           until we can slow the spread,      ultimate price for it.”            understandable opinions, but
these trends is “Wonder             studio film like WW84, the         we will continue to do what is          Blockbuster in particular     gave insight that I initially
Woman 1984,” the sequel to          theater never had a test of        asked,” said Young.                tried their hand at on-demand      didn’t consider like the
the 2017 original.                  their restrictions early on.             Because of COVID-19          video and even had kiosks          financial side and how theaters
     It was announced in                 “It’s a fine edge sword,”     having many theaters shut          similar to Redbox, but both        need big blockbusters to gain
mid-November that the film          said Young. “I understand          down, many people -including       didn’t pan out well.               not only profits to stay in
would be released on HBO            the need for our industry to       myself- have gone towards               “Listen, you can drink        business, but to have a line of
Max, Warner Bros. streaming         have ‘WW84’ … financially          streaming services.                cheaper at home but there          trust with the customers.
service      this      Christmas.   the industry needs it because            “Streaming has not           are tons of bars in every town.        I also agree with him on
Unlike Disney’s live-action         most theaters have secured to      changed my theater at all,”        From a small farming town to       the customer experience,
“Mulan” which also debuted          the end of the year, the need of   said Young. “There are some        a major city … because bars        how you can’t really enjoy
on streaming, there will be         some sort of income will only      titles that need to be watched     are about experience and           the biggest blockbuster or
no extra cost to consumers          help keep more doors open.”        on the big screen and some         atmosphere,” said Young.           Oscar-worthy film without
who are already subscribed to            He also stated that           that can wait for streaming.”           The whole argument            the atmosphere of minimal
HBO Max. But there is a catch,      customer confidence is                   Because of streaming         between       theaters      and    distractions and a large
WW84 will still have a release      another factor to have WW84        services and COVID-19,             watching at home really boils      audience in a dark room. But
in theaters on the same day,        released.                          people have speculated             down to picking your poison.       I would be lying if I said movie
with international markets               “To date there hasn’t been    whether or not theaters will       Do you want something more         theaters are THE BEST WAY
having it in mid-December,          a major outbreak in our state,     be around after COVID-19 is        convenient or do you want a        to experience films. You can
according to CNN.                   traced back to theaters,” said     dealt with.                        better experience?                 have customers that are rude
     Now do I think what’s          Young. “We are a Cinemasafe              He then confessed that it         “Theaters can call on the     and distracting or the prices for
happening with WW84                 theater and with that our          is a troubling and scary feeling   video rental store business        tickets and concessions can be
is a good idea? Well, it’s          cleaning procedures, social        to have, especially during         failures by adding other           questionable. Not only do you
complicated. But to have            distancing, mask wearing,          COVID-19. The feeling of           entertainment           options,   have home theater setups that
more of an insight on this          etc. have been approved and        shutting down either because       customer experience, and           are basically mini theaters,
topic, I interviewed one of the     refined since we first opened      of a global pandemic or            dealing      with     shortened    but you do have genres like
managers of my local Emagine        in March.”                         just lack of interest from         theatrical windows,” said          comedies or dramas that don’t
theater, Jeremiah Young.                 If WW84 will be released      consumers struck a nerve,          Young. “The theater I work         usually take advantage of the
     “Towards the beginning         in Young’s theater, I’m            both with Young and me.            for added heated recliners,        large screen and sound system
of our second shutdown, we          confident it will be more                “Theaters     have     the   new cleaning procedures pre-       that theaters have (there are
started seeing an increase          successful compared to             chance to do something video       COVID-19, a bar, a kitchen …       some arguable exceptions but
and a steady flow of people         something like “Croods 2,”         stores didn’t, evolve,” said       , and axe throwing.”               they’re not the majority).
beginning to return,” said          even though it most likely         Young. “Video stores were               Now with taking all of
Young. “We were continuing          won’t be by much.                  so reluctant to change, with       this into consideration, is
to add showtimes or move                 “The other edge of the        subscriptions instead of late      WW84”being in theaters
[showings]        into     bigger   sword is in general all theater    fees, partnering with other        a good idea? It’s still
auditoriums         to    ensure    operators want to keep our         businesses’, or delivering         complicated. I agree with
we adhered to our social            guests as safe as possible and     their versions of streaming        Young on many of the points
distancing rules.”                  if that means shutting down        options and they paid the          he made; he not only gave          See WONDER on Page 10
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January 2021 Edition                                                                                                          

Mental health during the pandemic
By Sydney Wolf                      being seen in 2020 are related       anxiety, struggles with social      for the success of all students          “By      having       those
                                    to dealing with uncertainty          isolation, financial strain,        so we take this topic quite         conversations and by breaking
    Contributing Writer             and having to manage the             relationship issues, and fear of    seriously,” Zachary Mangas,         that stigma you can prevent
                                    effects of isolation.                one’s own safety.”                  the Director of the Veterans        some of that suffering and save
     The COVID-19 pandemic               “People are looking for             Both       Theisen       and    Resource       Center,     said.    lives,” said Schreiber.
has been hard on everyone.          answers where there’s not            Schreiber talked of the             “Having places of support                There are lots of resources
No matter what your opinions        necessarily any to be found,”        struggles of having to go virtual   available for our students is       for students to participate in.
are on how we handle the            said Schreiber. “People don’t        during a year as complex and        especially important during              There is a new virtual
containment of the disease,         thrive in a state of uncertainty.”   demanding as 2020. They said        this time and helps them            program titled “Finding
this global pandemic has                 Many college students           that being virtual for things       remain resilient throughout         Your Calm” which focuses
caused stress on everyone from      are struggling because their         like therapy can definitely be      their academic pursuit.”            on       calming      strategies,
all walks of life. Whether you      expectation of their ideal           a barrier for those who aren’t           “It’s    important      for    meditation, and relaxation.
already have a mental illness       college experience and the           comfortable with programs           students to know that they’re       There is also a bi-weekly
or not, the pandemic has made       actual reality has been so           like Zoom, but they can also        not along in how they’re            Active Minds podcast, “Mental
many anxious or depressed           different. Along with that,          be a positive for those who         feeling,” said Samantha Yang,       Health Mondays”, that can be
due to job situations, isolation,   students are living away from        wouldn’t feel comfortable           a graduate co-advisor for           found on their social media
and worries of safety.              home for the first time and are      meeting in-person.                  Active Minds.                       platforms and on YouTube.
     The CDC reported in June       trying to make new friends,              A good example of this               The Active Minds club on            There is also Peer
that around 40% of Americans        but having to be completely          is that Schreiber said the          campus is going into its tenth      Wellness coaching available.
reported struggling with their      virtual has really impacted          Veterans Resource Center            year here on campus and is               “It’s completely free,” said
mental health. Along with this,     both of those things.                has said that less students have    trying to decrease the stigma       Yang. “And a great resource
13% had started or increased             Charlene            Hanisch     been coming in person to talk       around the conversation             for students who might not
their abuse of substances. One      Theisen, a licensed social           about resources available, but      surrounding mental health.          be ready for counseling yet
of the groups hit hardest with      worker who works as a                that those who are coming in        Schreiber added that everyone       or those who might not know
anxiety and depression during       therapist at SCSU, said that         are in dire need of help. Since     has mental health and that          what they want to talk about.”
the pandemic is young adults,       it’s a huge concern for not only     Fall semester began the VRC         everybody will have moments              2020 has been a very
specifically college age adults.    herself, but her coworkers on        has reported 294 students           in their life where they will       isolating year but many
     Alexis Schreiber, the Co-      how to keep up with the needs        contact them virtually via          experience suffering, so even       students are connecting
President of the Active Minds       of their students at this time.      phone/email/text/etc, and           if you personally don’t have        virtually more than ever.
club on campus, has said that       She said that she’s seen “a lot      282 in-person visits.               a mental illness, you know          Although we may be alone for
most of the struggles that are      of increased depression and              “Mental health is critical      someone who does.                   now, we are alone together.

        Karen Night immerses students in a
              cultural experience
By Ben Beckers                      association, Jesse Phenow the
     Contributing Writer
                                    founder of the urban village,
                                    and two St. Cloud State
     Karen night was a fun          alumni.
celebration that expressed               The night began with the
the culture and what it means       United States national anthem
to be a part of it. It was the      followed by the Karen national
first cultural night of the         anthem, which signaled the
school year due to COVID-19         coming together of both
restrictions.                       cultures at the event.
     The evening took place in           Jesse Phenow talked to the
early November in the Atwood        audience about what the urban
ballroom. The event was             village is and its mission in
hosted by the Karen Student         relation to those with a Karen
United and included paintings,      background. The Urban
guest speakers, food, singing,      Village is located in St. Paul
and poems.                          and serves as “a launch pad
     The      ballroom     was      for Karen students, artists,
full, everyone was socially         leaders,         entrepreneurs,
distanced and wearing masks.        dreams,             businesses,       St. Cloud State alumni and former KSAU members, Nina Johnny and Mu Ker Pho Soe
Paintings done by Karen             movements, and community              talk about their experiences before and after graduating. Photo credit: Ben Beckers
artists were put on display         projects.”
and brought in by the Urban              Kyle Johnson had also           former members of the KSAU,         to many impressive singing,             The night was wrapped
Village.                            spoken about the Karen               Nina Johnny and Mu Ker              and poem performances by            up with a game of Kahoot
     Many      special   guest      Football Association and how         Pho Soe spoke about their           KSAU members. Members of            and food served on the main
speakers were in attendance         it provides an opportunity for       experiences and their plans for     the audience were also able to      level of the Atwood Memorial
including Kyle Johnson the          Karen athletes to play soccer        the future.                         join in on the fun during a fast-   center.
founder of the Karen football       at a competitive level. Two              The night also gave light       paced drawing contest.
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January 2021 Edition                                                                                                      

America, we have a problem; Borat 2 Review
By Brevin Monroe                                                                                                                                  “Borat 2” is a reminder
    Staff Writer                                                                                                                             that even though in these times
                                                                                                                                             we are as divided as we have
    “Borat 2 The Subsequent                                                                                                                  ever been, and there is more
Movie Film” has the good,                                                                                                                    hate than ever, it is possible
the bad, and the downright                                                                                                                   to find kindness. This film
ugly of the United States on                                                                                                                 shows that in a personal way
full display throughout this                                                                                                                 with the babysitter, Jeansie
96-minute investigative report                                                                                                               Jones, caring for Tutar. This
masked as a comedy film.                                                                                                                     scene was not staged, and
The film is directed by Jason                                                                                                                the things Jones was saying
Woliner and is the sequel                                                                                                                    were so inspiring to hear and
to the 2006 original. Borat                                                                                                                  that scene alone is a must
Sagdiyev, the fictional Kazakh                                                                                                               watch. The Giuliani interview
journalist is released from                                                                                                                  caused a lot of questions to be
prison and sent to the United                                                                                                                raised about the people in our
States to bring his 15-year-old                                                                                                              government and makes for a
daughter, Tutar, as a bribe to                                                                                                               very uncomfortable watch.
the American Vice President         Borat comes back to America for a second time. Photo                                                          “Borat 2” delivers on
Mike Pence to improve               courtesy of Amazon Studios                                                                               being a comedy film however
Kazakhstan’s        relationship                                                                                                             fails to live up to the original.
with the US. During their          the sequel and brings the same     for an Oscar, then that’s a         lot of problems in the US, but     However, the outstanding
journey Borat and Tutar have       ignorance and clumsiness to        travesty.”                          I think it could’ve been done      performance from Bakalova
many crazy adventures, from        his character, but also shows          The misadventures of            without the use of as much         is reason enough to give this
crashing Mike Pence’s speech       a more appealing softer side       Borat and Tutar take them all       bathroom humor.                    movie a watch.
to going to a right-wing           in this movie particularly with    over the United States. The              “Borat 2” is rated R               I give this movie a 3.5/5
militia rally, to interviewing     Tutar. Tutar is played by Maria    pair crash a debutante ball,        and more than lives up to          Huskies.
Rudy Giuliani. Despite the         Bakalova in her film debut and     learn about women’s rights,         that rating with extensive
                                   she steals the show. This was      and Borat crashes a speech          swearing, anti-Semitism, and
misadventures and disgusting
                                   her first film as a lead actor,    Mike Pence was giving. The          nudity throughout the entirety
parts of America on display
during this movie there is a lot   and she had roughly equal          interview scene with President      of the film. This movie is not
of positivity to be taken away     screen time to Baron Cohen         Trump’s        lawyer,     Rudy     family-friendly at all with a
and there is optimism for the      and she made the most of it.       Giuliani, is the talk of the film   lot of graphic and obscene
future.                            Baron Cohen himself told           after the film caught him in a      things being said in almost
    Sacha Baron Cohen              Good Morning America that          compromising position. The          every scene; this movie is not
reprises his role as Borat in      “If she doesn’t get nominated      film does its job by showing a      appropriate for children.

 SCSU artist uncovers white supremacy and
             American fascism
By Ely Leslie
                                   years ago, but it was delayed
    Contributing Writer
                                   by construction. During this
     Brooks Turner hosted an       delay, he took the time to do
art exhibit featuring sensitive    research on the history of
subject matters such as white      fascism.
supremacy and American                  Turner was inspired by
fascism. More than just a          his research delving into
mere art gallery, he described     cardboard boxes in the
the exhibit as an “immersive       archives of the Minnesota
installation,” which is an         Historical Society. He visually
environment turned into an         demonstrated what it was like
art piece.                         for him to explore the history
     Everywhere one could          of fascism.
                                                                       A sculpture by Brooks Turner depicting a man lying naked in the shambles of a
look within the exhibit,                Many hand-written notes
                                                                       broken environment around him. Photo credit: Ely Leslie
the observer would find            were on the cardboard cut outs
themselves surrounded by           on the walls; he added them        in response to white suprema-           Not an organizer or an         with historical facts. Using
art as a fully 360 degree          specifically to symbolize how      cy and race hatred globally and     activist, Turner only wanted to    these facts, he brought to the
experience. The walls were         he would read hand-written         in St. Cloud. He said his art       take a stand against the rise of   viewer’s attention that much
covered in cardboard, upon         notes from primary sources.        was a call to attention that the    fascism in America. He said he     of the rise of fascism in Europe
which art depicting the rising     These sources suffered great       language used by Trump sup-         wanted to identify fascism as      was inspired by the Manifest
presence of race hatred was        prejudice from American            porters is “incredibly similar if   an American event, not purely      Destiny.
placed.                            Nazis in the 1930s.                not identical to” the language      European.
     Turner was invited to be           Turner said that he wanted    used by American Nazis in the           All of his art, through his
a part of the exhibit about two    to bring the viewer into history   1930s.                              research, is connected             See ARTIST on Page 9
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January 2021 Edition                                                                                                 

 ‘Room’ brings readers beauty from a nightmare
                                                                                                     Traveler’s Wife.”                  her past to her son. Jack
                                                                                                          “Room” is from the            doesn’t believe her and
                                                                                                     perspective of a five-year-        seems to get scared. Since
                                                                                                     old boy, Jack, who has been        the room is all he knows, he
                                                                                                     exposed to only a small            is very hesitant to believe
                                                                                                     fraction of the world from a       that anything else outside of
                                                                                                     shed in a backyard, or as Jack     the room is real. Ma tries to
                                                                                                     would call it “Room.” He and       explain to him that much of
                                                                                                     his mother, whom he calls          what he sees on TV is in fact
                                                                                                     “Ma,” live entirely from this      real.
                                                                                                     one small 11-foot square room.         I won’t spoil the story,
                                                                                                     It includes a kitchen, a bath,     but they plan to act as though
                                                                                                     a bed, a tv, a wardrobe, and a     Jack is very sick to try and get
                                                                                                     skylight. Since Jack was born      him to some sort of hospital
                                                                                                     in this room and has never         where Jack can then try to
                                                                                                     left, much of what he knows is     communicate to someone
                                                                                                     through his mother or the TV.      that Old Nick is holding them
                                                                                                     He believes most things on         hostage.
                                                                                                     the TV are fake and refers to          If you’re interested in the
                                                                                                     them as “just TV.”                 story but not so interested in
                                                                                                          What Jack does not know       reading, give the movie a try.
                                                                                                     is that his mother was taken by    I watched it after having read
                                                                                                     a man who they both refer to       the book and the storyline is
                                                                                                     as “Old Nick” when she was         very similar but of course I
                                                                                                     19 years old. We find out later,   think the book is much better.
                                                                                                     that she is now 26. This means         I would rate this book 4/5
                                                                                                     Old Nick has been keeping          Huskies. It was an amazing
                                                                                                     the mother hostage in a shed       book, but I am giving it this
                                                                                                     in his backyard for seven          rating to keep in mind that it
                                                                                                     years. As you can imagine,         may be triggering for some
                                                                                                     Jack is a product of one of the    readers.
                                                                                                     many cases of sexual assault
                                                                                                     to his mother. Every time Old               RATING:
                                                                                                     Nick comes to visit at night,
                                                                                                     she puts Jack in the wardrobe
 Emma Donoghue engages readers in “Room.” Photo credit:                                              to prevent them from seeing
 Anna Panek                                                                                          each other and any harm to her
                                                                                                     beloved son.
By Jessica Krull                  right book. I was able to find   book very well. “‘Room’ is a           Once      Ma      discovers
    Contributing Writer           a book that I literally could    book to read in one sitting.      that Old Nick has been
                                  not put down. One of the             When it’s over you look       unemployed and could lose his
    Since winter continues        best books I’ve ever read is     up; the world looks the same,     home, she comes up with an
and the pandemic is still here,   “Room” by Emma Donoghue.         but you are somehow different     escape plan. She believes that
why not read an interesting           I found a great quote        and that feeling lingers for      if he were to lose his home, he
book? It can be therapeutic       that I think represents the      days.” – Audrey Niffenegger,      would simply kill them.
and relaxing if you find the      experience of reading this       author of “The Time                    She starts by explaining

                             ‘Bond. James Bond.’ -- Dr. No
By Todd Fowler                    Scotland. In his formative            The film was an instant      games, toys, and books, the        adored by millions of fans
     Contributing Writer          years, he enlisted in the        success in Western countries      series has proven to have          all over the globe including
                                  Royal Navy. After a few years    such as the United Kingdom        staying power.                     myself. Now Connery has
    The name is Connery,          in the Navy and stints in        and the United States. From           In 2020, there have            been in other critically
Sean Connery. The name of         bodybuilding and modeling,       this film, Connery established    been seven actors who have         acclaimed films such as “The
man, the name of a performer,     Connery decided to get into      the action secret spy hero        portrayed the character within     Man Who Would Be King”
the name of an actor who          acting. His acting career        of cinema and the spy film        24 films since “Dr. No” in         (1975), “The Untouchables”
impacted cinema history.          started in 1954 in the film      genre itself all while playing    November 1962. Since Sean          (1987), “Indiana Jones And
Sadly, Mr. Connery passed         “Lilacs” in the spring. Over     the character of James Bond       Connery was the first actor        The Last Crusade” (1989),
away in his sleep on Oct. 31 in   the next few years he was in a   with a suaveness, gentry          to play the character, the         and “Finding Forrester”
the Bahamas. He was 90 years      string of films, but his break   sophisticated, but manly          success of the franchise was       (2000), but it was his portray
old. Even though Connery is       didn’t come until he was cast    approach. He would go on to       built mainly on his back. If       as a secret agent in “Dr. No”
gone, the impact that he made     in 1962 in “Dr. No”, a film      play the character in five more   Sean Connery wasn’t on his         that kick started an franchise
on cinema will run the test of    about a British secret agent     films from 1963 to 1976. The      A-Game in “Dr. No”, it’s           while also making him an
time.                             spy named James Bond/007         James Bond franchise today is     possible that the franchise        eternal icon in cinema history.
    Sean Connery was born on      based on a book series by        one of the biggest franchises     would have never grown to be
Aug. 25, 1930 in Edinburgh,       acclaimed writer, Ian Fleming.   in media. From films, video       the entertainment giant that is
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January 2021 Edition                                                                                                      

                Visiting filmmaker series at SCSU
                      presents Sofia Banzhaf
By Matt Auvil                                                                                                                                    Banzhaf still advocates
     Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                         for writing and continues to
                                                                                                                                             write poems and fiction, but
     The film department at                                                                                                                  believes a major component
SCSU invited Sofia Banzhaf,                                                                                                                  to filmmaking is the writing
via Zoom, for a film showing                                                                                                                 aspect.
followed by a Q&A session.                                                                                                                       After her time in France,
     Sofia Banzhaf showed                                                                                                                    Banzhaf moved to Toronto
her short film, “I Am In The                                                                                                                 where she originally was an
World As Free And Slender                                                                                                                    actress working in smaller
As a Deer On a Plain,” a                                                                                                                     roles before the decision
film about a young woman                                                                                                                     to direct her own short
who is exploring her sexual                                                                                                                  films. Banzhaf noted that
autonomy and does this                                                                                                                       those experiences were still
through different experiences                                                                                                                important to her to her and
in the film.                                                                                                                                 they still brought connections
     Before making its way to                                                                                                                to the film world in Toronto
St. Cloud, the film premiered                                                                                                                and helped her make friends
at the Toronto International                                                                                                                 that she still knows today.
Film Festival for a large scale                                                                                                                  At the end of the Q&A,
                                    The poster for the film ‘I Am In The World As Free And Slender As a Deer On a
audience where the film also                                                                                                                 Banzhaf told the audience
                                    Plain.’ Photo courtesy of the SCSU Film Department
made it to the short films top                                                                                                               advice she has stuck with
ten list.                          wanted to play with these              The shooting of the short      helping her make something          throughout her career in film.
     This film was Banzhaf’s       dynamics because oftentimes        film was in the matter of two      she is passionate about. It was         “You have to trust in
second solo directed film and      in on screen relationships we      days on a limited budget           something even the cast and         yourself, it’s okay if some
called it a passion project that   don’t know who is winning          and on limited set design.         crew could also feel proud of.      people don’t understand what
draws on experiences she had       or who is in control of            Banzhaf told the audience that           However, Sofia Banzhaf        you’re trying to say and that’s
while dating.                      power,” said Banzhaf. “So,         while the film was shot with       did not originate in the world      okay,” said Banzhaf. “Trust in
     Although the film’s           playing with the audience’s        a $12,000 budget and that          of film, she first wanted to        your taste and what you like
overall theme is a woman           expectations was something I       many scenes of the film were       be a writer, but after moving       about movies and what you
finding her sexual autonomy,       wanted to work into this film      shot in one apartment.             to France, her vision had           want to see, make your voice
Banzhaf wanted to challenge        as well.”                              The team that Banzhaf          changed.                            heard.”
the power dynamics in dating            It was important for Ban-     worked with were colleagues              “After moving to France           Banzhaf did mention
and relationships. Banzhaf         zhaf to not sexualize the ac-      she had worked with in the past    I started to fall in love with      she was working on another
puts the woman in a situation      tress in the film, but rather      or others by word of mouth in      cinema, The Cinémathèque            project, but did not mention
where the power is unclear         switch the roles and make          the Toronto film community.        Française and the French New        much more other than it is in
and we may fear for the woman      the men more sexualized and        Many of the people working         Wave it inspired me to film         the works.
or her safety.                     show the actress as the sub-       on the film did not get paid       school where I began studying
     “For me, in this film I       ject, not an object in the film.   and were simply                    film studies,” said Banzhaf.

                                                                                  ARTIST from Page 7
                                                                          “I don’t know, I’m             that she has not seen the           movement.”
                                                                      tempted to say that I’m a          exhibit from the inside, but is          The young artist said she
                                                                      conceptual artist,” answered       quite interested by what she’s      feels others may “shrug off”
                                                                      Turner when asked what             seen from the outside and           this sort of issue. She believed
                                                                      type of an artist he would call    what she’s heard.                   that others may not know how
                                                                      himself.                               “It’s kind of hard not to       to help, so they’ll merely keep
                                                                          Turner went to liberal         notice that it’s there, because     their head down.
                                                                      art school to study a variety      the window where you would               Their lowered heads are
                                                                      of subjects and feels his art      be able to see the gallery          what made Kelsey feel that
                                                                      portrays that mentality; it        space is completely covered         this art was so important
                                                                      takes a variety of forms.          in cardboard,” said Kelsey.         because it refused to be
                                                                          Inspired by one of his         “There’s      very      sensitive   silenced and stood tall amidst
                                                                      friends, Turner said that he       material that’s part of that        the rise of fascism. Inspired
                                                                      found his wide variety of skills   gallery.”                           by the powerful works inside,
                                                                      to make him an “expert at              Kelsey understood what          from hearsay alone, she hopes
                                                                      being an amateur.”                 the art was meant to do for         to express her own messages
                                                                          Alyssa Kelsey is a third       society, and said it was very       and get her art in a gallery on-
                                                                      year student at SCSU who is        good to see it right now. She       campus.
                                                                      interested in the art exhibit      also said that it’s “very topical
                                                                      Turner is hosting. She said        with the Black Lives Matter
university chronicle                                                                                                    Page 10                  OPINION/
January 2021 Edition                                                                                                           

         WONDER from                                                      Super Mario Bros.
           Page 5
    Home theaters on the             platforms like Netflix and
                                                                        Game & Watch releases
other hand, aren’t exactly           HBO Max. That means films
ideal either. If you have highly
active children or pets, that
could often get in the way if
                                     will possibly become neutered
                                     in how they take advantage of
                                     home televisions and theaters
                                                                           as part of 35th
you’re trying to focus on the        will possibly wither out like a
film, I know that especially         flame on a candle. Potentially
from personal experience. Do         leaving thousands out of a job.
I get impressed and envious               If by any chance that
of the people who have these         happens, I will be very sad.
mini theaters in their homes?        I’ve had many memories from
Absolutely, but I wish that          going to the theater, from the
was the majority and not             audience hype of “Avengers
the exception. I believe that        Endgame” and “The Force
the average household most           Awakens” to the shared
likely can’t replicate a theater     frustration with “Jurassic
atmosphere without spending          World: Fallen Kingdom.” I
a pretty penny.                      sincerely hope that theaters
    I      personally      think     will find some form of staying
releasing WW84 on HBO                alive, even if that means less
Max is a good idea because           of them being around and
superhero fans would not be          I hope the next generation
missing out and you would            can experience the magic of
have a title that will probably      theaters as I did.
give HBO Max a much-needed                In early December,
boost in subscribers, given          Warner Bros. announced
their impressive catalog. I do       that their 2021 film lineup
understand the argument of           will also have an HBO Max
big blockbusters like WW84           and theatrical premiere like
not being specifically suited        WW84, including but not
for home television streaming,       limited to: “Godzilla vs.
but I’d like to argue that it is a   Kong”, “Dune”, “Mortal
necessary compromise for our         Kombat” and “Matrix 4”.
current situation.                        According to Warner            The Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch in action. Photo credit:
    There       are     350,862      Media, these films will have        Matt Auvil
COVID-19 cases in Minnesota          a one-month exclusivity in
alone,      with     14,462,527      the US and then will expand        By Matt Auvil                        Mario game, who ever survives             This new Game & Watch
COVID-19 cases in the                to the international markets                                            the longest out of 35 other          comes in a sleek gold and
United States, as of Dec. 6.         afterwards. Like with WW84              Editor-in-Chief                 players is the winner.               red color, a clear reference
I believe with numbers like          releasing, I think releasing           This year, Nintendo                   The latest release came in      to the Famicom game
these, streaming services and        these films on HBO Max is          announced it is their famous         mid-November with the Super          system’s controller colors.
watching movies from home            a safe bet. But I however, am      character’s 35th anniversary,        Mario Bros. Game & Watch, a          The Nintendo Entertainment
must be necessary.                   extremely cautious at this         that character being their           homage to the original Game          System was the western
    I do miss going to the           idea. If Warner Bros releases      princess saving plumber,             & Watch system that came out         version of the Famicom.
theater and I had many movies        all its 2021 films on HBO          Mario.                               in 1980. It is very similar to the        The Super Mario Bros.
in mind to watch there, but in       Max and it proves to be more           Even though the actual           original Game & Watch with           Game & Watch runs on
a way, I am willing to protect       profitable, who knows what         anniversary date was Sep.            its layout, two buttons and a        an ion battery with eight
the art form I love so much          kind of impression that can        13, Nintendo wanted to               d-pad; however, the Super            hours of battery life and a
by potentially killing one of        leave on other studios?            continue the celebration all         Mario Bros. Game & Watch             charging time, if completely
the major ways to enjoy it.               The state of theaters is      year long with fun promotions        includes a built-in clock,           depleted, will take three to
Do I think theaters will still       arguably now in more danger        with Amazon, Cold Stone              pause and time set button,           five hours to recharge. The
be viable after COVID-19? I          than ever before, and I can ei-    Creamery, and even Puma              and a game selection button          system is extremely small and
honestly have no idea. Cases         ther hope that they will be able   shoes.                               as well.                             lightweight at .15 pounds. The
and deaths could still rise, and     to stay afloat or wait for the         Things did not end with               The system includes three       Twitter account for the Super
studios could just release their     inevitable and see them fade       just promotions, Nintendo            different games, the original        Mario Bros. 35th anniversary
films on more readily available      away like a distant memory.        has had exclusive releases for       “Super Mario Bros.”, “Super          tweeted out this morning it is
                                                                        the year including “Super            Mario Bros. 2” (known as             so small in fact you can put it
                                                                        Mario 3D All-Stars”, a               “Super Mario Bros: The               in a shirt pocket.
                                                                        mashup of “Super Mario 64”,          Lost Levels” in the west),                The Super Mario Bros.
                                                                        “Super Mario Sunshine”               and “Ball” now starring              Game & Watch retails at
                                                                        and “Super Mario Galaxy”             Mario. In the same vein of an        $49.99 at all retail locations;
                                                                        all on one cartridge for the         original Game & Watch, the           however, Nintendo notes
                                                                        Nintendo Switch. There was           system only comes with these         this will be a limited release
                                                                        also the limited release digital     three games built in with no         and will be only shipped to
                                                                        game “Super Mario Bros. 35”,         cartridge slot or access for         retailers until March 31, 2021.
                                                                        a battle Royale style of the first   outside games.
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