Thomas Putney Vale Caretaker

Page created by Gilbert Schroeder
Thomas Putney Vale Caretaker
                 SENIOR SCHOOL

       Putney Vale
  To submit an application please send the
completed application form, a copy of your CV
and a covering letter to John Haythornthwaite,
               Assistant Head
Thomas Putney Vale Caretaker
Ofsted Outstanding - March 2018
“Leadership is truly inspirational. Leaders’ and
governors’ visionary outlook creates a highly
effective education for all its pupils.”
Our website contains detailed information about
Thomas’s London Day Schools in general and Thomas’s Battersea in
particular.It will give an insight to our values, ethos, facilities, curriculum
and community.

Application Details
We are seeking a cheerful,                  To apply for this post please complete
enthusiastic and highly committed           the school’s application form and
Caretaker to work from 0730 to 1800,        forward it together with your CV to
Monday to Friday. The Caretaker will
be required to help with functions and
events in school during the evenings        Closing date:
and weekends, for which they will be        9am Friday 9th July 2021
remunerated. The role involves liaising
with the Assistant Head, to ensure that     Interviews to be held:
our pupils learn in a safe, clean and       Week commencing 12th July 2021
healthy environment. The successful
candidate will be an important              Start date:
member of our team and have a               Wednesday 1st September 2021
positive approach to this key role.
                                            We are committed to safeguarding
Applications will be considered             the welfare of children and young
upon receipt.                               people and expect all staff to
                                            share this commitment and work in
For further details go to the               accordance with our child protection
Thomas’s London Day Schools                 policies and procedures. All posts are
website:        subject to an enhanced DBS check.
join-our-team/ or email:

                                          Thomas’s Battersea Senior School - Putney Vale Caretaker   2
Thomas Putney Vale Caretaker
Job Description for                                                   Key areas of responsibility
        Thomas’s Putney Vale Caretaker
       Thomas’s Battersea Senior School,
                                                                                   • Strict adherence to the procedures contained in the Caretaker’s Mandatory
 Putney Vale Campus, Stroud Crescent SW15 3EQ                                        Maintenance and Fire Safety Tasks Schedule.
                                                                                   • Setting up furniture etc for school events, assemblies and showrounds as
                                                                                     necessary and clearing away after events.
To John Haythornthwaite, Assistant Head                                            • Manning the school gates and traffic marshalling at the end of the school
                                                                                     day and at other requested times.
Responsible                                                                        • Manning the school gates/Reception, if necessary, for any after-hours
The Caretaker will work proactively as part of the administration team to            school functions or events.
ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the school. They will uphold the      • The porterage of goods, furniture, equipment and other items including
school ethos and support the aims and values of Thomas’s Battersea Senior            errands on behalf of the school.
School, performing their duties to a high standard to ensure that the excep-       • Staff training where necessary, eg use of the fire alarm system.
tional school buildings are cared for and maintained to the level expected of
                                                                                   • Upkeep of the school gardens and school playground.
an outstanding independent school. The Caretaker will liaise at all levels, both
                                                                                   • Assisting during school functions as required.
within and outside the organisation, to protect the interests of the school and
to ensure that Thomas’s Battersea Senior School, Putney Vale Campus meets
its Health and Safety obligations in line with good practice.                      Maintenance
                                                                                   • The upkeep of heating, lighting, water, drainage and other services
Hours                                                                                including the reporting of failures or dangers to the Assistant Head.
0730 to 1800 Monday to Friday                                                      • Reporting any maintenance issues that need to be addressed via the
                                                                                     maintenance system.
Please note that the school also holds events and functions and the successful
                                                                                   • Regular tests of the fire alarm, emergency lighting and security systems
candidate may be required to work additional hours in the
evening or weekend. These will be paid as overtime.                                  and the recording thereof.
                                                                                   • Taking regular readings of all meters.
Holidays                                                                           • Maintaining all equipment, safety equipment, implements and tools
Six weeks holiday, plus bank holidays. Holidays may not be taken during term.      • in good, safe, working order, minor repairs, maintenance and other work.

                                        Thomas’s Battersea Senior School - Putney Vale Caretaker                                                                 3
Key areas of responsibility                                                        Cleaning
• Security of the school site, its building and facilities at all times.           • Ensuring the cleanliness of all buildings, facilities and their contents.
• Reporting breaches of security to the Assistant Head.                            • Liaising with the cleaning company (meet with cleaning supervisor daily).
• The unlocking and locking of buildings and facilities at times stipulated        • Cleaning up of any accidents that may occur during the school day
  and ensuring fire safety doors are closed.                                         eg accidents, illness etc
• The unlocking and locking of buildings and facilities for any necessary          • Maintaining stocks of cleaning materials and ordering supplies.
  works that may have to be carried out after hours or during weekends,            • Issuing cleaning stores to cleaners in an efficient and safe manner.
  as necessary.                                                                    • The upkeep of all waste storage areas and equipment and the disposal
• The upkeep of locks, keys and labelling of keys.                                   of waste.
• First point of contact (Key Holder) in the event that the fire or burglar        • Ensuring that the means of escape within the building are kept clear
  alarm is activated.                                                                at all times.

Health and Safety                                                                  N.B. If within the school grounds, the caretaker may be asked to deal
• Health and Safety Coordinator and Lead Fire Warden.                              with issues that have arisen during his/her break.
• Observance of and supervision of Health and Safety requirements.
• Developing and presenting suitable staff induction training, to include
  local fire action, emergency evacuation procedures, First Aid procedures.
• Carrying out fire drills with the Assistant Head at least once per term
  and recording the outcome.
• Ensuring all staff are kept up to date with any changes to systems
  and procedures.
• Carrying out any relevant in-house training e.g. operation of the fire alarm.
• Working with CLT, SLT, Subject Leaders and other members of staff to
                                                                                    This role falls within the category of regulated   The post holder’s responsibility for promoting
  ensure the assessment of risk to staff, pupils, parents and members of the        activity, therefore you will be required to        and safeguarding the welfare of children
  public are reviewed and recorded at least annually and in light of significant    have an enhanced DBS check and a barred            and young persons for whom he/she is
                                                                                    list check. Should you receive any cautions        responsible, or with whom he/she comes
  changes. Documentation to be distributed and also held centrally.                 or convictions whilst in our employment            into contact will be to adhere to and ensure
                                                                                    these must be reported immediately to              compliance with the school’s Child Protection
                                                                                    your line manager.                                 Policy Statement at all times. If in the course
                                                                                                                                       of carrying out the duties of the post, the
                                                                                    The School is committed to safeguarding            post-holder becomes aware of any actual
                                                                                    and promoting the welfare of children and          or potential risks to the safety or welfare of
                                                                                    young people and expects all staff and             children in the school, he/she must report
                                                                                    volunteers to share this commitment and            any concerns to the school’s Designated
                                                                                    work in accordance with our safeguarding/          Safeguarding Lead or to the Headmaster/
                                                                                    child protection policies and procedures.          Headmistress (if different).

                                        Thomas’s Battersea Senior School - Putney Vale Caretaker                                                                                         4
Person Specification for
        Thomas’s Putney Vale Caretaker
We are looking to recruit a friendly, cheerful, enthusiastic and highly          Safeguarding and Child Protection
committed Caretaker who will ensure that our children learn in a safe, clean     We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
and healthy environment. You will be an important member of our school team      and expect all staff to share this commitment and work in accordance with
and have a positive approach to this key role. A flexible approach and a can     our child protection policies and procedures. All posts are subject to an
do, will do attitude must be the driving intent of the successful candidate.     enhanced DBS check. The successful candidate will be expected to commit
                                                                                 to the following;
You will:
• Be dedicated, hardworking and take pride in your high standard of work.        Thomas’s London Day Schools is committed to safeguarding and promoting
• Be a team player who is friendly and professional, relating well to adults     the welfare of children, and applicants must be willing to undergo child
  and children.                                                                  protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past
• Be responsible, flexible, reliable with a good understanding of health         employers and the Disclosure and Barring check.
  and safety requirements.
In addition to the candidate’s ability to perform the duties of the post, the    A brief letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a completed and
interview will also explore the issues relating to safeguarding and promoting    signed application form, should be addressed to the Assistant Head,
the welfare of children including;                                               Mr John Haythornhwaite, as soon as possible.

• Motivation to work with children and young people.                             The Assistant Head would be delighted to talk on the phone to any
• The ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal        candidate who would like to know more about the post. He can be
  boundaries with children and young people.                                     contacted by email -

Salary and Support                                                               For further details go to the Thomas’s London Day Schools website:
Salary: £25,000 per annum. Please note this salary is per annum and not or you can email the
pro rata. Contributory pension scheme.                                           Assistant Head, Mr John Haythornwaite,

This post offers a very exciting opportunity to work in one of the outstanding
independent schools in the country.

                                        Thomas’s Battersea Senior School - Putney Vale Caretaker                                                             5
Our Values

Kindness           Courtesy             Honesty              Respect            Perseverance     Independence         Confidence             Leadership            Humility               Givers,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Not Takers

  KINDNESS                                        As our pupils become old enough to                reading around subjects that interest            to be wrong; to risk making an unpopular
  We expect pupils at Thomas’s to be kind;        understand the characteristics protected          them, carrying out their own research            decision, if they believe it to be for the
  to be good friends to those around them,        by law, we look to them to challenge              and making full use of the many                  greater good; to earn the trust and
  always on the lookout for and ready             discrimination in all its forms and               excellent resources available to them.           respect of others. We hope that our
  to support those in need of a word of           to foster healthy, positive relationships            As a result, we would like our pupils         pupils will experience at an early age
  encouragement or a listening ear.               grounded in mutual respect.                       to gain a growing sense of enquiry and           the opportunities and challenges
                                                                                                    wonder about the world around them;              of leadership.
  COURTESY                                        PERSEVERANCE                                      about the vast body of knowledge and
                                                  We would like our pupils to appreciate            skills that has brought mankind to where         HUMILITY
  We expect our pupils to be unfailingly
                                                  the importance of, and to show,                   we are today – and about how much                Notwithstanding their confidence, our
  courteous and polite; to have regard for
                                                  perseverance; to acquire a ‘growth                there is still to learn.                         pupils are expected to retain a sense of
  the needs of others; to be responsible for
                                                  mindset’ by understanding that                                                                     humility; to be without arrogance; to be
  the impact of their behaviour on those
  around them; to stand back, holding the
                                                  intelligence can be developed; to                 CONFIDENCE                                       conscious of the advantages they enjoy
                                                  embrace challenges; to persist in the             We expect our pupils to acquire self-            and to show gratitude for them by putting
  door open, to allow adults through; to be
                                                  face of setbacks; to see effort as the path       knowledge by encountering both success           them to best use by helping others. We
  particularly aware of the very young and
                                                  to mastery; to learn from criticism; to find      and failure in an environment of support         hope that all our pupils will acquire a
  the very old; not to ‘hog the pavement’ on
                                                  lessons and inspiration in the success of         and encouragement, both at school and            sense of the eternal and that this will
  school trips; to say “please” and “thank
                                                  others and, as a result, to reach ever-           at home. Consequently, they should be            inform their perspective of their place
  you” without prompting.
                                                  higher levels of achievement and a                ‘comfortable in their own skin’, full of self-   in the world.
  HONESTY                                         greater sense of free will.                       confidence, yet always free of arrogance,
  We expect our pupils to be honest, to                                                             and able to make sound judgements.               GIVERS, NOT TAKERS
  act with integrity at all times and to          INDEPENDENCE                                      We would like our pupils to become their         Above all, we would like our pupils to be
  understand and uphold the rule of law.          We would like our pupils to become                best selves, not a second-hand version of        givers, not takers; to show generosity of
                                                  independent learners; to work hard;               someone else.                                    spirit; to use their skills and talents first
  RESPECT                                         to be responsible, organised and to                                                                for the benefit of others. We hope that
  We encourage all members of the                 manage their belongings effectively. In           LEADERSHIP                                       our students will leave their school with
  community to respect themselves, each           the classroom, we would like them not             We aim to equip our pupils to lead by            a strong sense of social responsibility,
  other, their learning environment and           only to make valid contributions, but also        example and to recognise service as              set on a path to become net contributors
  the wider community. We expect our              to be good listeners, who respect and             a powerful form of leadership; to be             to society and to flourish as successful,
  pupils not just to tolerate but to celebrate    encourage the efforts of their peers.             prepared to stand out from the crowd;            conscientious and caring citizens of
  difference, to respect the right of others        We hope that, as a result of their lessons      to be the first to respond to someone in         the world.
  to hold differing beliefs or views and to       at school, our pupils will begin to take          need; to stand up for what they believe
  develop an awareness of individual liberty.     responsibility for their personal learning,       to be right; to challenge what they know

                                                 Thomas’s Battersea Senior School - Putney Vale Caretaker                                                                                            6
Be Kind
Be Thomas’s
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