To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day

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To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
Winter 2018/19
                                                  Contact us for an open and honest
                                                  discussion on: 020 7650 1200
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The Newsletter for Product Safety & Consumer Law

                         To put it simply,
                         people want

                                                       It’s Safe
                                                       Expect                 proudly

                                                       It’s Fair
                                                                         supported by
To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
Welcome to the Product
  Expect It’s Safe, Expect it’s Fair
  is a campaign set up to protect
                                            Safety & Consumer
  consumers from defective
  products and unfair practices
  and make consumers aware
                                            Law newsletter
  of their rights. We hope our
  newsletter will show our                                      At Leigh Day, we work        the government in respect of food safety and
  unwavering commitment to                                      across all areas of          through our work on the ongoing Independent
  achieving justice for all those                               consumer protection; from    Medicines and Medical Device Safety Review.
  injured by defective products,                                inadequately labelled        The common theme that links this broad
  whether they be electrical                                    food products leading to     ranging work is that we seek to empower
  devices, edible products or                                   individual fatal incidents   individuals against the Goliaths of industry
  medical products.                         to falsely marketed cars affecting thousands.    whose products adversely impact the lives
     The department continues               Our work leads us to take on some of the most    of our clients. Whether they be patients
  to be recognised as the top law           powerful manufacturers and companies in the      or purchasers, consumers need first-class
  firm in the UK in the field of            world, from the giants of the pharmaceutical     protection more than ever before against the
  Product Liability and Consumer            industry, to household names like Pret-a-        growing power of multi-national corporations
  Law with individuals in the               Manger and VW. The scope of our work is both     – providing that protection is at the heart of
  department being ranked as                historic, as we seek justice for those injured   what we do at Leigh Day. I hope that you will
  leading practitioners. Chambers           by contaminated blood products previously        find this newsletter helpful in providing a small
  and Partners Legal Directory              provided through the NHS; but also forward       window into the Team’s current case-load.
  2019 have now ranked Jill                 looking, as we seek to use our experience as
  Paterson as a band 1 litigator,           a team to push for long-lasting regulatory       Bozena Michalowska Howells,
  making Leigh Day the firm                 changes, through our pro bono work, lobbying     Head of product safety & consumer law
  with the most “ranked” Product
  Liability practitioners in the UK.

  Contact us:
  T: +44 (0)20 7650 1200
  W: Twitter: @ExpectSafeFair

  Published by Leigh Day
  The views expressed in this
  Newsletter are those of the author
  and do not necessarily represent
  those of Leigh Day. Reproduction
  of the Leigh Day newsletter in
  whole or part without permission
  is strictly prohibited.

      It’s Safe
      Expect                      proudly

      It’s Fair
                             supported by

02 The Newsletter for Product Safety & Consumer Law
To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
“Things can only get better”
The consequences of fires to individuals,
families and our communities are far
reaching, traumatising, painful and
    Which? 1reports that over 6,000 house fires
were caused by faulty appliances between 1
April 2014 and 31 March 2016. The issues
that need to be addressed regarding defective
white goods that cause these devastating
fires are sadly numerous, but must be tackled
head-on by the Government’s new Office for
Product Safety and Standards (OPSS).
    The OPSS must adopt a “New Vision” to
ensure that manufacturers take responsibility
for the appliances they sell for use in our          needs whilst delivering the safety outcomes       as risk assessment and how a recall will be
homes, and to remove them from our homes             that every citizen expects. This can only be      communicated.
if they are unsafe. There must be no wriggle         achieved through determined action and                The guidance provided by the Code can
room if a manufacturer identifies a potentially      a shared commitment to doing the things           only be welcomed and, if followed, should
unsafe product. The EU Commission’s                  that matter, that drive change, and that          provide better protection for consumers. It is
Rapid Alert System Rapex lists recalls of            improve outcomes.” This is a laudable mission     a great start, but needs to be followed with
products that are of serious risk to the             statement that must be backed by action and       further action and at a faster pace.
consumer. However, take a look at the weekly         the OPSS has the opportunity to achieve this.         In the Autumn 2018 Budget, Philip
reports and you will struggle to find a recall           In March 2018, the OPSS published a           Hammond claimed that the “era of austerity
relating to white goods. Fire is indiscriminate      “Code of practice on consumer product safety      is finally coming to an end”3. So now let’s see
and can endanger the life of one or of many.         related recalls and other corrective actions”,    more funding for the enforcement agencies,
It is clearly a serious risk. The recalls relating   otherwise known as PAS7100:2018. The Code         for Trading Standards, as well as more powers,
to choking hazards, electric shock, toxic            was produced in conjunction with BSI. Part 1      so that they can ensure that unsafe products
chemicals in jewellery and personal wear,            of the Code provides guidance for businesses      do not reach our homes and are removed
novelty lighters, chargers and vehicles are          as to good practice in respect of product         rapidly when they are found to be the cause
numerous and are all serious. So why do              safety recalls. Part 2 provides guidance for      of fires.
white goods make such a rare appearance              regulators, including in respect of monitoring
given the numbers of fires that reportedly           incidents and supporting them in respect of
started with a defective white good?                 any necessary corrective action.
    How can things get better? It’s simple               Such guidance was long overdue and                                Jill Paterson, Partner and
- clarification and enforcement of product           was something highlighted as necessary by                             Andrew Vaughan-Davies,
safety laws; funding for law enforcers;              Consumer Champion, Lynn Faulds Wood, in                               Paralegal and former Fire
realistic and meaningful risk assessments by         her independent review titled “UK consumer                            Investigation Officer in
manufacturers when a product is implicated           product recall”, which was published in                               the London Fire Brigade
as the cause of fire; consideration of               February 2016. In her review, Ms Faulds Wood
reasonable worst case scenarios. Devastating         recommended step-by-step guidance for
fires in houses and tower blocks are not             businesses on product recall, including how to
scenarios. They are worst case and they are          conduct proper risk assessments and use of
reality.                                             clear language.
    The OPSS must focus on the products that             The Code encourages businesses to have a
seem to start these fires, to prevent the lives      product safety incident plan (PSIP) in place in
of consumers being destroyed both physically         advance of an incident and with commitment        1.
and mentally.                                        from senior management. In developing             revealed-the-brands-linked-to-the-most-
    In the foreword to the OPSS’s Strategy2, the     the PSIP, businesses are encouraged to            appliance-fires/
new Minister for Small Business, Consumers           get input from a number of relevant areas,
and Corporate Responsibility, Kelly Tolhurst,        and to consult with the relevant Market           2. Strengthening National Capacity for
highlights that “The safety of individuals,          Surveillance Authority. The Code suggests         Product Safety – Strategy 2018 - 2020
families and communities is a top priority           that a PSIP should include a number of
for Government….we must ensure that our              different elements, including a plan in respect   3.
approach to regulation responds to changing          of product and customer traceability, as well     politics-46010550

To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
Food Safety                                            off site) and non- prepacked foods (made
                                                       on site).
                                                           The UK Food Information Regulations
                                                                                                            hygiene at the manufacturing, storage or during
                                                                                                            the preparation process.
                                                                                                                Following the consumption of contaminated
                                                       2014 (the Regulations) require 14 of the most        food, symptoms can either start to occur within
How safe is the food you’re eating?                    common allergens (comprising eggs, milk, fish,       a few hours or may present later. Depending
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) oversees               crustaceans, molluscs, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame    on the strain of the bacteria or virus the illness
standards of food hygiene and enforcement of           seeds, cereals containing gluten, soya, celery       can last for a few days to a few weeks. When an
such standards throughout England, Northern            and celeriac, mustard, lupin, sulphur dioxide,       individual’s own immunity is unable to battle
Ireland and Wales. The FSA issues food recalls and     and sulphates) to be identified to the consumer.     the illness, it can develop into more serious
allergy alerts distributing warnings of unsafe food.   Under the Regulations, food businesses are           conditions such as Salmonella or rare conditions
In addition, key networks such as the European         afforded significant discretion as to how they       such as Guillain–Barré syndrome.
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Rapid Alert       communicate such allergen information to
System for Food and Feed (RASFF) underpin              consumers. They can opt to provide allergen
food safety and standards by sending food risk         information orally, providing there is readily
notifications to EU Members.                           discernible signage, encouraging the customer to
    Nevertheless, there is a question as to            ask a member of staff for allergen details.
whether such protocols go far enough to protect            Leigh Day represents the family of 15
consumers and whether more needs to be done            year old Natasha Ednan-Laperouse who died
to regulate food safety.                               from anaphylaxis as a result of inadequate
    Which? recently investigated food safety           allergen labelling protocols. Natasha’s
in the UK’s top restaurants, takeaways, corner         Inquest highlighted the deficiencies of
                                                                                                            Philip Earlam and his son
shops and care homes. They uncovered that of           the Regulations and the Coroner, Dr Sean
the high-risk food businesses in the UK, over          Cummings, wrote to Michael Gove, Secretary               Leigh Day are instructed by Mr Earlam
a third of local authority areas failed to meet        of State for the Environment, Food and Rural         who has been diagnosed with Miller Fisher
even minimum standards of food hygiene                 Affairs requesting a review of the Regulations.      syndrome, a nerve disease characterised
in 2016/2017. In addition, local authorities               Leigh Day has called on Michael Gove to          by muscle weakness and abnormal muscle
responsible for enforcing food safety are              take immediate action in response to the             coordination, paralysis of the eye muscles,
increasingly under-resourced. Food safety is           Coroner’s report. The Regulations require urgent     absence of the tendon reflexes and respiratory
therefore a postcode lottery.                          amendment to compel food businesses to list all      failure caused by food poisoning following his
    The consequences of food safety breaches           ingredients including allergen information and       attendance at a work event.
which cause food poisoning / severe allergic           Leigh Day are supporting the Ednan-Laperouse             Unfortunately, Mr Earlam’s case is not rare and
reaction to individuals can be fatal and the           family in calling for ‘Natasha’s Law’ to be          incidents of food poisoning continue to be on the
effect on their families is devastating. Leigh         implemented. The Food Safety team are pleased        increase. As the consequences of food poisoning
Day represents Claimants who have suffered             to report that in response to Natasha’s case         vary, it is important for individuals and food
life threatening and fatal allergic / food             Michael Gove has confirmed the following:            establishments to be vigilant when it comes to
poisoning reactions.                                       “Since receiving the coroner’s report, we have   food hygiene. This would ensure that food is safe
                                                       been working at pace with the Food Standards         and fit for human consumption otherwise the
                                                       Agency and businesses to review the current          consequences of falling standards can be fatal.
                                                       allergen labelling rules. We are aiming to bring
                                                       forward concrete proposals to change the law         What needs to change:
                                                       around the turn of the year.                         Consumers must have confidence in the
                                                           “I also want to make clear that businesses       food they consume. How do we restore that
                                                       do not need to wait for the law to change to do      confidence?
Natasha Ednan-Laperouse
                                                       the right thing. They should be doing all they       • Increased Government funding for enforcement
Food Allergies                                         can now to make sure consumers have the                 agencies to police food safety laws; and
NHS digital reported that the number of children       information they need to stay safe.”                 • Punitive sanctions for those breaching food
taken to hospital with life threatening allergic           Leigh Day shall continue to lobby for               safety laws.
reactions has increased to 76% over the last 5         meaningful changes to the law in relation
years. With no known cure for food allergies, it       to the way in which allergen information is          We need positive change and the Government
is vital that food businesses adopt a responsible      communicated to allergy sufferers and for full       needs to take immediate steps to ensure that
and integrative approach to developing and             ingredient labelling.                                the food we eat is safe and properly labelled
implementing allergen protocols throughout                                                                  to prevent consumers suffering life changing
the food supply chain; from packaging, to              Food poisoning                                       injuries and to prevent further fatalities.
preparation, to retailing of food.                     The effects of food poisoning range from
    The European Food Information to                   nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, fevers and                                 Michelle Victor,
Consumers Regulation No 1169/2011 (FIC)                stomach cramps to serious illnesses affecting                              Partner
was intended to improve food safety for                the nervous system.
allergy sufferers when eating out. FIC draws              There are various causes of food poisoning, the
a distinction between information to be                most common of which is bacteria and viruses
provided relating to pre-packed foods (made            which can often occur as a result of poor food

04 The Newsletter for Product Safety & Consumer Law
To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
Infected Blood Inquiry
Opening statements in the Infected Blood
Inquiry finally commenced in September
2018 with a number of impassioned
statements being made by individuals
infected and affected by this disaster.
    Statements were also made by Sir
Brian Langstaff (the Inquiry chair), legal
representatives for various groups of core
participants from all over the country and
representatives of various organisations
including the Department of Health and Social
Care and NHS Blood and Transplant.
    It is hoped that the Inquiry will provide
individuals, and family members, with
answers to questions they have waited
decades for and that the extent of any cover
up by the Government comes to light.
    Leigh Day are representing over 300
individuals at the Inquiry. Gene Matthews,
partner in the consumer law and product
safety department, will also be bringing
a group negligence claim against the
Government on behalf of individuals who
became infected with the Hepatitis C Virus
from NHS supplied blood.
    Hepatitis C virus is a serious condition
and can cause physical and mental fatigue,
cognitive symptoms (often described as “brain
fog”), depression, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer
and can ultimately be fatal.
    There have been a series of legal cases
in which victims have sought compensation.
However, with the exception of one case (a
claim brought under the Consumer Protection
Act) no legal case has ever been brought to
trial. The result is that the Government has
never been held liable in negligence for the
injuries caused to those who suffered as a
result of receiving infected blood and/or blood
    We believe crucial documents will finally
be made available during the course of the
Inquiry. We agree with our clients that fair
compensation should be paid to victims.               campaign, which started in the mid-1990s,
The Government has been trying to make                was far from adequate and many individuals,            Gene Matthews, Partner
amends for the scandal by making piecemeal            sadly: do not yet know they carry the virus;           and Ruth Roberts,
payments under various “no-fault” schemes.            have only just found out; or, indeed, have             Solicitor
Massive strains have been placed on our               found out too late. We are hopeful that the
clients’ lives, and the lives of their family, as a   Inquiry will provide answers and that it will
result of becoming infected by blood or blood         assist us to obtain full and fair compensation,
products received through the NHS. These              which truly reflects the substantial losses
payments do not begin to cover the pain,              the infected and affected individuals have
suffering and loss of quality of life caused to       suffered.
the victims of this tragedy.
    The situation has been compounded by
the fact that the Government’s “Look- back”

To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
The Cumberlege Review and Sodium
Valproate: 40 years is long enough
In February 2018, Jeremy Hunt, then Secretary
of State for Health, announced that there would
be a Government ordered Review focused upon
the extent to which manufacturers, regulators
and clinicians responded robustly and
meaningfully to concerns raised by patients
injured by medical products. The Review,
chaired by Baroness Cumberlege, and formally
known as the Independent Medicines and
Medical Device Safety Review (IMMDS), is
now underway.

The Review has chosen 3 specific products
through which to look at the problems faced
by patients in this area, including:
• Primodos – a hormone based pregnancy
   test used widely in the UK between
   1953-1975 which campaigners allege has
   caused birth defects in their children
• Sodium Valproate – a drug to control
   epilepsy, marketed in the UK since the
   1970s and still available, that is alleged to
   have caused physical and cognitive birth
   defects in children born to mothers using
   the drug at the time of conception
• Vaginal mesh – a medical device, which
   was recently suspended from use in the
   UK, allegedly associated with extreme pain
   and damage to internal organs of patients
   who undergo implantation

Leigh Day have been working with
campaigners affected by Sodium Valproate,
also known as the drug Epilim. In April
2018, Leigh Day, working with 2 of the
main support groups, OACS Charity and
FACS-aware, and other experts, submitted              Epilim usage, particularly in circumstances      and many continue to struggle with the fact
a 200page document to the IMMDS Review                where it is alleged that the government’s        of their own health condition, as women with
setting out the moral and legal case for              drugs regulator and the manufacturer             epilepsy, in addition to caring for children
a full Public Inquiry to be ordered, with             knew that the drug could cause harm to           who are often severely disabled as a result of
the intention of ensuring that individuals            unborn children, and yet they chose not          Epilim induced FVS.
and families affected by Epilim exposure              to communicate this information to the
in utero, are finally given answers to                women affected.                                  For further details about the IMMDS
long overdue questions, including ‘why                    In some cases the use of Epilim by           Review please see here: IMMDS Review,
Epilim was prescribed for pregnant                    pregnant women resulted in their children        visit:
women, with epilepsy, without ensuring                suffering from Foetal Valproate Syndrome,
that the teratogenic affects of the drug              also known as FVS, which includes a range
on the child were fully communicated’.                of neurological and physical injuries,                              Sarah Moore,
Many families have waited more than 40                associated with in utero exposure to Epilim.                        Associate Solicitor
years for that question to be answered.                   In France, the Government has already
The Leigh Day submission also argues                  set up a scheme to compensate individuals
that compensation should be paid to the               affected, and yet in the UK, to date, families
individuals and families injured through              affected have received no compensation

06 The Newsletter for Product Safety & Consumer Law
To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
Volkswagen NOx Emissions
Group Litigation

We have been appointed joint lead solicitors in        The claimants are claiming damages and/or      investing in properties in the US. The
the largest group action to ever go through the   a discount for fraud, breach of contract, breach    investments were arranged and recommended
English courts. Well over 100,000 claimants       of EU statutory duties, and under the Consumer      by an English property investment company.
have joined the action to claim compensation      Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations          The claim was for fraud and breach of fiduciary
from the Volkswagen Group in relation to the      2008. The losses claimed include reduction          duty against the company and its director/
pollution emissions test cheating scandal.        in resale values, reduced fuel economy and          owner. The company’s insurer denied cover
In September 2015, it emerged that the            performance following the cheating software         and defendants claimed they had insufficient
Volkswagen Group, including VW, Audi, SEAT        being fixed, and for distress/upset. The deadline   assets to pay the claims in full, but after very
and Skoda, had sold millions of vehicles          to express interest in joining the group action     lengthy three-way negotiations our clients
worldwide that had nitrogen oxide emissions       expired on 26 October. Currently, the claimants     reached a settlement under which they will
test cheating software installed in them.         are preparing to issue and serve proceedings        recover a substantial proportion of their losses.
The software detected when a vehicle was          by 19 December and preparing individual
being tested for emissions and then reduced       schedules of information setting out the details
nitrogen oxide emissions during testing           of their claim by 15 February, in advance of the                         Chris Haan,
to allow it to pass regulatory emissions.         first CMC to be listed in March 2019.                                    Associate Solicitor
Real world emissions were far higher than
regulatory requirements, with adverse             US property investment fraud group action
consequences for the environment and              We have been acting for 36 people who in
human health.                                     many cases lost their retirement savings

To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
  It’s Safe
  Expect                   proudly

  It’s Fair
                      supported by

Contact us for
a confidential
   +44(0)20 7650 1200

Leigh Day is a specialist
law firm with some of the
country’s leading personal
injury, product liability, clinical
negligence, employment and
discrimination, international
and human rights teams.

Unlike other law firms,
we act exclusively for
claimants who’ve been injured
or treated unlawfully by others.
We are based in London,
Manchester and Liverpool.

Published by Leigh Day
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To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day To put it simply, people want answers - Leigh Day
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