Together Stronger - Royce Rangers

Page created by William Hanson
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
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                         ROYCE RANGERS FC                           SEAS 20

               Together Stronger
        The Showground, Burley Park Way, Oakham LE15 6US

Royce Rangers FC is your volunteer based Community Football Club founded
   in 1974 to promote football for all, football skills, fair play and friendship
    • F.A. Charter Status awarded 2005 • F.A. Youth Status awarded 2017
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
x1 A2 A-board double sided


The club’s main source of income is Player Registration Fees,
which raised £21,600. Additional funds were raised in the form of
sponsorship, fundraising and donations.

This year, due to the Covid-19 situation and the bad weather
throughout the winter, income has been lost from the RR Café,
fundraising/events and match fees, and pitch hire costs have

increased in order to provide wet weather training.

The club has managed to secure 2 grants totalling £15,000, which
will help secure its ongoing financial viability, until things can
return to normal.
                                                                             Stay Safe and Healthy
Any surplus made is fed back into the club for future
developments, contingencies and fluctuations in expenditure.                   Symptoms             How to Prevent
                                                                     • Fever (High Temperature)
Detailed accounts are drawn up after the Club’s financial year end
(30th June), and are available for viewing.

Funds were spent on:                                       2020      • A New Continuous Cough       Stop
                                                                                                    shaking hands
                                                                                                                          yourself at least
                                                                                                    or hugging when       1 metre +

                                                                     • Shortness of Breath
                                                                                                    saying hello or       away from other
Pitch maintenance                                        £6,800                                     greeting other        people, especially
                                                                                                    people                those who might
                                                                                                                          be unwell
(marking out, cutting, fertilising, maintaining)
Kit & Equipment                                          £4,575      • Breathing Difficulties
Pitch hire (astroturf/hall hire for winter use)          £4,230
General maintenance/ running costs                       £1,220      If you have any                Wash
                                                                                                    your hands well
                                                                                                                          and disinfect
(cleaning, electricity, repairs etc)		                                                              and often to avoid    frequently touched
                                                                     of these symptoms,             contamination         objects and surfaces

Ground rental to Rutland Agricultural Society            £3,000
League/tournament entries                                  £460
                                                                     self-isolate to
Coaching/training costs                                    £605      protect others and
                                                                                                    Cover                 Avoid
Other (accountancy fees, legal, rates etc)                 £875      contact your GP                your mouth and
                                                                                                    nose with a tissue
                                                                                                                          touching eyes, nose,
                                                                                                                          or mouth with
                                                                                                    or sleeve when        unwashed hands
Coaches and committee members                                £0!
                                                                     if your health deteriorates.   coughing or
                                                                                                    sneezing and
                                                                                                    discard used tissue
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
Chairman’s update 2020
Dear Members, Players, Family, Coaches and Volunteers,

What we did                                             difficult playing conditions.
                                                                 Then, unexpectedly, the awful
                                                                news of COVID 19 started                                                                 with the Landlords and following success
In trying to summarise the last
                                                                  circulating and very quickly,                                                          with some very sizeable grant applications,
12 months, I must first start
                                                                   the UK, FA and all sports were                                                        we believe that we are very close to
with a thank you. During a
                                                                   placed in lockdown. It put                                                            delivering. It will be a monumental moment
pre-season in 2019 that saw
                                                                   an end to another season of                                                           in the history of the club and the ambition
coaches giving up yet more
                                                                   football and has meant that                                                           is to deliver it between now and the start of
of their personal time, families
                                                                 we have not played or trained                                                           the 2021 season (but the sooner the better).
supporting tournaments and
                                                                at the ground since March. We                                                            More to follow as we progress through
players getting match fit for
                                                             also recognise that this horrific                                                           procedure and planning applications but
the glorious game, I also saw the
                                                        virus has touched many across our                                                                we are indebted to the tenacity, energy,
volunteer committee working tirelessly in
                                                  community and for those affected we offer                                                              enthusiasm and focus displayed by many
the background to enable club sponsorship,
                                                  sincere thoughts and condolences.                                                                      members of the committee in finally
membership, pre-season administration,
                                                                                                                                                         delivering this to you all. Most importantly,
the opening day and many hours of pitch
                                                                                                                                                         it will belong to all of you (the members
preparation and goalpost work.
    Royce of course, is built on foundations of
                                                  What we are                                       pleased to apply for (and receive) a grant
                                                                                                    that has enabled us to cover that lost income
                                                                                                                                                         of Royce Rangers FC) and without you
                                                                                                                                                         all and our fabulous players, it would be
volunteering and the immense contribution
by our fabulous Café helpers, those who set
                                                  doing now                                         and continue to pay overheads which
                                                                                                    remained an obligation for the balance of
up the ground each weekend for training           In every dark cloud however, there are            the season. Beyond that, we also know that
and games and those who contribute quietly
in the background to enable cleaning,
                                                  glimmers of hope and opportunities for a          our Landlords (Rutland Agricultural Society)         Our glorious
                                                  brighter future. The next few paragraphs will     have taken the opportunity to complete some
grounds maintenance and utility repairs all
added to a pre-season success that was
                                                  describe these and hopefully demonstrate
                                                  the activity that has carried on while most
                                                                                                    much needed maintenance to the entire
                                                                                                    pitch area, including verti-draining, fertilising,
unmatched from previous years. Then, as           of us have been hunkered down at home             clover eradication and over-seeding. That            Looking to the immediate future therefore,
we got into the season as a Club, it became       or joining our coaches (Soccer School and         work along with our own considerable annual          we want to make sure that training and
increasingly difficult to manage opportunity      others) on You-Tube….                             investment (many thousands) each year,               games are safe and available at the earliest
as horrendous weather and water-logged                Firstly, we had good news regarding the       should put us in a much better place for             opportunity. When we are certain that is the
pitches had many of us juggling home and          Business Rates that the Club pay each year        when we return. Additionally, we had positive        case, we’ll let you all know and look forward
away games amidst training on astro-turf          to the County Council. These have been            news from Tesco on the bags of help scheme           to a substantial Royce family celebration with
and playing on soaked pitches across              waived this for this year and that means          and other local charities are also looking to        you all, back at the ground. Over the next 12
Leicestershire. It was the most difficult of      a small amount of cash straight back into         support the club as we try our hardest to            months and beyond then, I am certain that
playing seasons.                                  the game and more opportunity for our             bring the game back to our young members             the Club will continue to flourish and provide
    However, in the true spirit of the Club       children. Secondly, we became aware that          and you (the Royce family) in good shape.            grassroots football for all. Our (your) success
we dug deep and through some very                 central government were offering sports                                                                is down to a very simple ethos.
much appreciated contacts, managed to
secure astro-training and other local playing
                                                  and leisure clubs the opportunity to bid for
                                                  grants that would seek to cover lost income       What we will do                                      Royce Rangers – together stronger
surfaces to carry on. It wasn’t perfect or        during the period of the Pandemic. Our                                                                 Thank you all
                                                                                                    Finally, we have had a small dedicated team
easy and our very limited financial reserves
took a hammering as we sought to carry
                                                  losses were significant (we rely heavily on
                                                  the café and the end of season presentation
                                                                                                    working away in the background on the long           Ian Razzell
                                                                                                    awaited Royce Rangers FC Clubhouse. It
on through relentless rain and increasingly       evening to raise funds) so we were very           has been a very long road but in discussions         Chairman
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
SOCCER SCHOOL                                                                                                   U7s

This was my first season as a coach and for        to see their growth over many years to come.                                                   U8s
many of the players their first season playing         None of the season would be possible
football and I cannot thank them enough for        without my coaching support and of course
their dedication, attitudes and willingness        the parents who have been simply fantastic
to learn week in week out. It made the             in their efforts this season and made my entry
experience really enjoyable for me. My best        to coaching as seamless as possible so thank
friend this season though it has to be said        you all.
was my whistle and the children responded              To the older ones in Soccer School who will
fantastically to my new buddy’s presence           graduate to U8’s for next season I wish you all
also. It goes without saying the season itself     the best for many years to come and to those
was difficult with weather disruptions however     remaining with me for another year I really look
we were immensely lucky to have found new          forward to seeing you all again for another
venues and remarkably only cancelled two           season of football fun & games.
training sessions all season until the Covid-19
brought the year to a premature close.                Many Thanks,
    I have been so fortunate to have been
able to coach such a talented group of
individuals this season who are also capable
of playing well in groups and seeing individual
                                                     James Beanland & Rob B
development in every single player has been
a particular highlight. I see some really great                                                        Photographsby
potential in this mix of players and cannot wait
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
U9s    U10s

                                           U10s   U11s
Photographs by
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
U12s   U13s

                                           U12s   U14s
Photographs by
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
                                                  2019/20 Season Report

                                    P      W        D      L       F       A
                                    14     9        2      3       70      37

       The 2019/20 season saw a couple of boys             the league again until a top of the table clash
       move elsewhere but we welcomed Owen,                in late February. Their only other defeat saw
       Oliver and Thom to the squad. The season            them miss out on the quarter finals of the cup
       got off to an auspicious start, with a restricted   to sudden death penalties! Across the season
       amount of pre-season training really showing        all 16 boys found the back of the net at least
       in the opening game as the boys found               once, with Tom finding it 31 times! The boys
       themselves 4-0 down in the first 10 minutes!        were firmly in the fight for the league title and
       Although they steadied the ship and were            were sat 3rd with games in hand when the
       the better team in the 2nd half they couldn’t       season was brought to a premature end by
       claw back such a big deficit. Lessons learnt        Covid 19.
U14s   they bounced back well and despite rain and
       floods heavily disrupting training and matches      Dave N, Wayne, Dave S-S
       they stayed focused and didn’t see defeat in

Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
UNDER 13s                                                                                    UNDER 14s
                                          2019/20 Season Report                                                                        2019/20 Season Report

Well what a strange season that was, from the      for us to promote.
off, jumping off a plane from Cyprus in late           After promotion this is where life changed,
August on the Thursday, straight into a training   with harder games, and weather conditions
session, and then right into the season that       going against us resulting in not actually being
Sunday.... so not much time to get to know         able to play regularly and then the dreaded
the boys before hand, but to be fair I hadn’t      COVID pandemic.
been too far away from the updates of the last         We never really got going after Christmas,
few seasons.                                       and the boys were unable to find a rhythm. We
     Chris and James did a great job in the last   ended up finishing in the middle of the league,
few years I was away, I wasn’t expecting to        which was a fair reflection on our results when
have so many boys, I suppose it’s a good           we did actually play... so at present another
thing, but it can be a hard one and it was at      season In the Current league.
times. I have tried to please everyone, but            In both training and games, I see the
at the same time trying to keep a slightly         determination and grit from the boys, that
competitive edge to games, I won’t lie there       showed me why I do this week in week out.
have been occasions not everyone has felt I             It was an absolute pleasure being given
made the correct selection or a varied rotation,   the opportunity to take over this group of boys
but I have had to make the decisions based         again, and each and every one of them should
on the level of the teams we played and once       be proud of there achievements this year. I
I made that I had to stick with it. (No one said   know we have an eager bunch that want to
being a volunteer would be easy)                   play as when I sent out a message recently
     We got off to a great start and if I am       as to who is keen to go again next season,
honest it was too good, the level of teams         the response I had was overwhelming, I just
were at a similar level or below , and with the    hope we can get some time on the field again       What a season! Who could have            really started to compete with 2 good
weather being on our side ,we were able to         soon……                                             predicted where the world would be       wins and a couple of draws we should
play a lot of games and managed to play a lot          I just wanted to finish by saying thank you    now when we turned up at pre- season     have won, before first the horrendous
of the boys in matches, be it in friendlies or     to chris for the help this season, also to all     training last August. After running 2    weather and then the Covid pandemic
the league matches.                                the parents that have been willing to lend a       teams in the age group for the last 3    curtailed the season.
     We had hoped that introducing a second        helping hand throughout the season, from           seasons, squad numbers meant that           Thanks to all the parents & family
team, again like previous seasons would be         collecting subs on a match day , helping set       we reverted to one 11 aside team with    members for your support. Continue
the answer to the playing time solution , but      up and collapse , also the onus task that          a squad of 24 boys as U14s. It took      to stay safe and we look forward to
with so many teams pitch sharing one pitch ,       everyone likes to hide away from of running        a few weeks for the old Hawks and        seeing you all next season!
it just would not be viable, as we see the wear    the line. I think Tim wins the title for most      Ospreys squads to get used to playing
on the pitches after just one game this year….     games as linesman , with a close second            in the same team and being put in
also the numbers unfortunately don’t work          from Darren, again thank you . Without the         the strongly competitive Div 3 meant
out to give us 2 fully manned teams. I can only    commitment from all of you , the boys would        we really had to fight to compete with

                                                                                                                                               Dave. Andrew and Neil
apologise for this….so we will carry on as we      not have the opportunity to enjoy the games…       the other teams. Despite a few good
did this year.                                     I can only hope this level of help continues….     results and being competitive in most
     The end of the first part of the season           Thank you see you all again next season.       games we were relegated to Div 4 in
and Christmas soon came about, and the
successful start to the season had seen us in
                                                   Steve Bryl                                         December, but for us that is the right
                                                                                                      division to be in. After Christmas we
3rd place which to our surprise was enough
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
                                     2019/20 Season Report

It was all change this
season with Steve Sennett
moving aside after 7 years
in charge. I certainly had
doubts about stepping
into Steve’s shoes – I think
the boys probably did
too – but it has been an
enjoyable experience that
has exceeded expectations,
despite one of the wettest
years on record playing
havoc with the fixture list
and of course Covid-19
bringing the season to an
abrupt end.
    We went into the season
expecting to rely on a core
of 4-5 regular players and                    but also in their attitudes. We have all
rotating others to give game time. As the     embraced the RESPECT ethos and this
weeks went by it soon became clear that       has shone through in their team spirit and
the core was growing, with more and more      sportsmanship.
boys impressing at training and in matches,       When the season came was stopped
making it difficult to leave them off the     in March we sat joint top of the Leicester
team sheet. A nice problem to have and        & District Sunday Juniors League Division
we can be proud that a total of 22 boys       D, after a convincing 5-2 win against the
represented Royce Rangers in competitive      fellow leaders Castle Donington. Who
fixtures this season.                         knows where we would have finished if the
    The team has played some delightful       season had played out…There’s certainly
football this season which has been a         some unfinished business as we look
pleasure to watch. Several players deserve    ahead to next season!
a particular mention: Ben Martin has              No season review is complete without
continued to develop into a very capable      a few thank yous: our sponsors, Oakham
goalkeeper; in defence, the contribution      Osteopathic & Sports Injury Clinic and
Samuel Brittain makes with his pace           Wisteria Hotel; Chris Inwood and John
and confidence with the ball might go         Shipley for their help with the team; and all
unnoticed; and Benji Wright has reinvented    the parents who have helped running the
himself as midfield dynamo covering every     line, washing the kit, collecting match fees,
blade of grass. Also worthy of a mention      taxiing boys to away games as well as
are Elliot Razzell and Jack Entwistle who     cheering on the team.
have all really come on this season. What’s       Looking forward to the new season.
been really apparent this season is the way
the boys have matured, not only physically    James Tradewell & Chris Lemon
Together Stronger - Royce Rangers
A huge thank you to all our...

                     Big          David Ashley
                  Osteopath      AntiQues

                                                                     PLAY YOUR PART...
                                                                        YOUR CLUB
                                                                        NEEDS YOU
                                                 YOUR TIME – Could you donate a few hours a month to help out at the Café. Maybe run
                                                 the line during a game or help at a club event. Maybe you fancy coaching your own team?
                                                 YOUR EXPERTISE – You may have a practical trade or skill which the club could use,
                                                 rather than paying services for externally.
                                                 YOUR COMMITTEE – Perhaps you would like to get involved with helping to run the
                                                 club by bringing specific knowledge or skills to the committee
                                                 YOUR GIFTS - Can be used for giveaways in raffles and prizes.
                                                 YOUR SPONSORSHIPS – Maybe ask your employer, or people you know who run local
                                                 businesses, if they would consider sponsorships or donations?
                                                 YOUR FUNDRAISING – If you have any specific fundraising ideas, the committee would
 Traditional                       Hybrid        love to hear them. – Just by signing up to this website, you can

 Restoration                     connections     earn money for the club through purchases you make on-line. It really couldn’t be simpler.
                                                 MONEY – Cash donations are always welcome.

                                                 GO ON YOU’RE AMAZING! - YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU!
                                                          Just tell somebody in a red Royce shirt or ask at the cafe
President:                                     Paul Dear
Chairman:                                      Ian Razzell
Vice-Chairman:                                 Chris Lemon
Welfare Officer:                               Alison McKay
Club Doctor:                                   Dr Leon Roberts MBE
Club Secretary:                                COULD THIS BE YOU?
Treasurer:                                     Caroline Tradewell
Coach Coord                                    Steve Sennett
Membership:                                    Sam Corbett
Kit & Equipment:                               Dave Ashley
Corporate Sponsorships:                        Rob Baxter
Health and Safety:                             Chris Inwood
Facilities:                                    Ian Bradford
Communications:                                Chris Strickland
Cafe and Fundraising:                          Michelle Bradford and Mel Castle

Royce Rangers rent 14 acres of pitches        and unfortunately many games were
and facilities, which are used for football   cancelled.
September – April, and then by Rutland           We hope that the works completed will
Agricultural Society (RAS) for shows and      aid drainage and increase the robustness
events in the summer.                         of the grass, enabling our members to
   We are jointly responsible for the         play more football.
upkeep of the ground, with a percentage          Pitches have also been re jigged, to
of membership fees being invested every       add an additional 11 aside pitch, as we
year into the ground/playing surface.         now have more older players in the club,
   A lot of work takes place in the           with 3 age groups playing 11 aside.
background by a small number of people           The ‘RR’ Café continues to provide hot
to ensure pitches are mown, marked            refreshments, keeping spectators warm
out, goals are in place , and the Café        on the side line, and generate additional
is stocked, ready for both training and       funds for the club. Thank you to the
games.                                        many volunteers who helped behind the
   As you returned to the ground at           counter last season, and we look forward
the start of the season, we hope you          to further help this season.
noticed the improved playing surface and         The Portacabins that we use for the
new pitch layout, following significant       Café and changing rooms are getting a
groundworks funded by both RAS and            bit tired and funding has been secured to
ourselves over the summer period.             build a new clubhouse for our members.
   The 2019-2020 season was very                 A small group is working with suppliers
challenging, due to the excessive             and our landlord, to secure plans for this
rainfall, leading to waterlogged pitches,     exciting development. We will continue
and risk of permanent damage. Many            to keep you informed as details and
youth football clubs in the Leicester         timescales are confirmed.
leagues faced similar challenges,
Have a great

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