TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions

Page created by Victor Goodman
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives
at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions

                   A toolkit created by Mount Royal University
                   Fall 2020
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Mental health is an increasing concern for
Alberta’s learners. Post-Secondary Institutions
(PSIs) can increase their capacity to respond
to this concern and create learning and living
environments that encourage students to
flourish. To support these efforts, the Next
Steps to Improve Post-Secondary Student
Mental Health resulted in direct funding to all
publicly funded PSIs in Alberta. Through this
funding, institutions have been tasked to take a
systemic approach to support student mental
health across seven dimensions, including
components such as overall institution
structure, policies, processes, programming,
outreach, direct care for students, and crisis
management. Evidence and the context of the
campus community can inform and support
these initiatives.

Navigating the complex array of evidence-
informed initiatives and developing strategies
that are appropriate for the specific context,
resources, and capacity of various campus
communities can be challenging. This toolkit
was designed to further facilitate knowledge
sharing and capacity building among Alberta
PSIs to help achieve the outcomes of the Next
Steps program.

This toolkit is made possible by funding under
the Government of Alberta’s Next Steps to
Improve Post-Secondary Student Mental Health.

Tools for Success // Introduction                  2
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
This toolkit was developed by Mount Royal             The 11 case studies and the toolkit reflect the
University to understand post-secondary               unique context, priorities, and demographics
student mental health priority areas within           of Alberta campuses, and facilitate the
Alberta and identify exemplary mental health          implementation of promising practices
and wellness initiatives at Alberta PSIs. The         across the province. Aligned with the seven
information within the case studies is compiled       dimensions of the CACUSS & CMHA Post
by MRU as described by the participating              Secondary Student Mental Health: Guide to
institutions. Ultimately, the case studies            a Systemic Approach1, the case studies are a
presented are meant to assist Alberta PSIs in         resource for a variety of audiences within a
the planning and implementation of effective          post-secondary environment in the planning
mental health initiatives at their institutions.      and implementation of effective initiatives.

   Figure 1. The dimensions within the CACUSS & CMHA Post Secondary Student Mental Health Guide: Guide
   to a Systemic Approach (2013).

Tools for Success // Introduction                                                                        3
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Who this toolkit is intended for:
                                                             GUIDING THEMES
•   Senior leadership at Alberta PSIs interested             An integral part of the toolkit was the
    in expanding mental health and well-being                development of guiding themes. These
    offerings                                                themes constitute “guiding criteria” to which
•   Health, Counselling, and Wellness Services               the promising practices are aligned. To
    at Alberta PSIs involved in the planning of              identify such themes, a grey literature scan
    mental health initiatives                                was conducted and included a search for
                                                             Canadian toolkits and reports which provided
•   Mental health professionals and service                  recommendations for best practices for mental
    providers who work with post-secondary                   health initiatives, several of which focused
    students                                                 specifically on post-secondary settings. Four
•   Student leaders involved in student                      key documents identified were:
    government or student organizations.
                                                             1. Healthy Campus Alberta. (2015). Alberta
Purposes of the toolkit:                                        Post-Secondary Mental Health and
                                                                Addiction Framework.
•   To act as a knowledge mobilization tool to
    share exemplary mental health and well-                  2. Alberta Mental Health Review Committee.
    being initiatives at Alberta PSIs                           (2015). Valuing Mental Health: Letter to
•   To represent institutions of various
    contexts with initiatives across the seven               3. Canadian Association of College &
    dimensions of a systemic approach to                        University Students Services and
    student mental health                                       Canadian Mental Health Association.
                                                                (2013). Post Secondary Student Mental
•   To support PSIs to develop and implement                    Health: Guide to a Systemic Approach.
    policies, systems, programs, and initiatives
    that facilitate mental health promoting                  4. Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental
    organizational environments, mental health                  Health. (2015). Environmental Scan
    promoting communities, mental health care,                  of Promising Practices and Indicators
    and system leadership and co-ordination.                    Relevant to Campus Mental Health.


1 Canadian Association of College & University Students Services, & Canadian Mental Health Association. (2013). Post-
secondary student mental health: Guide to a systemic approach.

Tools for Success // Introduction                                                                                   4
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
The cross-referencing of these foundational documents led to the development of six themes for
post-secondary mental health promising practices. These themes are as follows:

   There is “buy-in” and alignment
    with institutional values from
multiple levels of leadership for
  this initiative. This initiative
  lends itself to informing and
     contributing to meaningful
health policy development and/or                  EQUITY, DIVERSITY, & INCLUSION
      change within the institution.                           The initiative is developed in
                                                                 consideration of various cultural,
                                                                   social, and socioeconomic
                                                                    groups. It promotes equitable
                                                                    opportunity to be involved; the
                                                                  initiative is used as a means to
       MOBILIZING LOCAL COMMUNITY                               help reduce stigma and prejudice
        There is an effort to engage                          on campus among those who may be
 students, staff, faculty members,                          experiencing additional challenges that
 and all stakeholders at various                            negatively affect their mental health.
  developmental stages in this

                                                  SHARED RESPONSIBILITY & COLLABORATION
                                                               The mental health initiative
                                                                fosters sustained responsibility
                                                                  and connections between

  The initiative accommodates the
    needs of diverse groups. This
 may include initiatives that are
customizable at varying levels.

                                                  EVIDENCE-INFORMED PRACTICE
                                                               The mental health initiative
                                                                is created in consideration
                                                                   of evidence such as needs
                                                                    assessments, research, and
                                                                    student feedback.

Tools for Success // Introduction                                                                     5
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
DIMENSION 1 // Institutional structure:               Healthy University Strategic Plan
Organization, planning, and policy
                                                 7    University of Alberta

DIMENSION 2 // Supportive, inclusive                  Well-Being Lounge
campus climate and environment
                                                 11   Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

                                                      Upstanders Program
                                                 15   University of Calgary

                                                      Leadership to Build a More Inclusive
                                                 19   LGBTQ2S+ Environment
                                                      Lakeland College

DIMENSION 3 // Mental health awareness                Communitea
                                                 24   Red Deer College

                                                      Outreach Wellness Leaders Program
                                                 29   Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

                                                      Peer Health Education Team
                                                 33   MacEwan University

DIMENSION 4 // Community capacity to                  At-Risk Gatekeeper Training
respond to early indicators of student concern
                                                 38   Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

DIMENSION 5 // Self-management                        ACCESS Open Minds
competencies and coping skills
                                                 43   University of Alberta

                                                      LGBTQ2S+ Student Consultation
DIMENSION 6 // Accessible mental health
                                                 49   and Service Response
                                                      Mount Royal University

DIMENSION 7 // Crisis management                      Stepped Care Model
                                                 53   Medicine Hat College


REFERENCES                                       63

                                                      Additional Case Studies
APPENDIX                                         64   Various Post-Secondary Institutions

Tools for Success // Introduction                                                                6
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Dimension 1 // Institutional structure: Organization, planning, and policy

      University of Alberta

                                & COLLABORATION

                MOBILIZING LOCAL

The Healthy University Strategic Plan
(HUSP) addresses one of three strategies
laid out under objective 19 in the University
of Alberta’s institutional strategic plan.
Specifically, the HUSP was created to help
“develop an integrated, institution-wide health
and wellness strategy, which increases the
reach and effectiveness of existing health
and wellness resources, programs, and
services and promotes resilience and work-
life balance.”2 By informing priorities of the
institution and key policies and procedures       Figure 2. Promotion for HUSP Consultation at the
on campus, the HUSP has helped to shape           University of Alberta.

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                    7
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Dimension 1 // Institutional structure: Organization, planning, and policy

the rollout of initiatives such as campus sexual       disconnect between traditional mental health
violence policies and the University of Alberta        supports and other areas of student support.
suicide prevention framework. The plan is              Simultaneously, senior university leadership
comprised of the following four goals, under           articulated a need for better efficiency among
which there are a series of objectives:                services. Therefore, the HUSP working group
                                                       was struck to engage the community, conduct
1. Fostering a healthy working and learning            a scan of existing programming, and eventually
   environment for faculty, staff, and students.       co-ordinate service provision more efficiently.

2. Acknowledgment of the integration
   of health and wellness into academic
   programming.                                        Falling under objective 19 of the institutional
                                                       strategic plan, the Healthy University Strategic
3. Changes to technology that would                    Plan (HUSP) has aided in informing the
   reinforce health and wellness.                      development of multiple activities on campus.
4. Evaluation of the success of each of the            With a specific focus on engaging communities,
   prior goals.                                        the HUSP has informed initiatives such as
                                                       crisis support training, campus social space
To date, the HUSP steering committee has               renovations, a Suicide Prevention Framework,
focused only on the first goal, as per a directive     and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures.
from senior leadership. The development
of the HUSP is overseen by a steering
committee of three members of university
senior leadership: the Vice-Provost & Dean
of Students, Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-
President (Human Resources) and the Dean
of Kinesiology. A working group sits under
the steering committee and comprises two
representatives from each area of university
leadership reflected in the committee, as
well as undergraduate and graduate student
representatives. The working group later
included a Project Manager from Human
Resources and a Communications Specialist.

Prior to the development of the HUSP,
the Office of the Dean of Students was
acutely aware of there being a prominent               Figure 3. Front page of the final iteration of HUSP.

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                             8
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Dimension 1 // Institutional structure: Organization, planning, and policy

                                                       was created. This consultation with service
                                                       providers and other key governance members
GOALS                                                  happened over the course of three days in
                                                       January 2016 and was followed by a second

     To foster a healthy working and                   round of consultations a few weeks later, with
     learning environment for faculty,                 students, staff, and faculty between February
     staff, and students.                              and March 2016. These consultations were
                                                       intentionally timed to be weeks apart so that

     To introduce a level of accountability            the data from the service provider consultation
     for ensuring that the University of               could be analyzed and used to inform the
     Alberta is collectively working on                consultations with the larger University
     health and wellness issues that are               of Alberta community. The team worked
     relevant to all community members.                closely with the campus’ communication
                                                       representatives to promote this community

3    To create connections among various
     groups, and the role they play in the
                                                       consultation. Information was shared by
                                                       means of email updates for faculty, staff, and
     wellbeing of themselves and the                   students, as well as through lawn signs, social
     immediate community.                              media, and promotions on electronic screens
                                                       on campus. Additionally, the working group

4    To acknowledge the need for
     services and supports that uniquely
                                                       relied heavily on word-of-mouth promotion
                                                       through specific group channels such as the
     meet the needs of various groups,                 University of Alberta Students’ Union and
     while ensuring their voices are heard             Graduate Students’ Association. This second
     when shaping programs and services.               round of consultations included hour-and-
                                                       a-half-long sessions that were facilitated as
                                                       guided conversations. Guiding questions were
                                                       created in consideration of the principles of
                                                       “Health Promoting Universities.”3 Once all
IMPLEMENTATION                                         consultations were complete, key learnings
The development of the HUSP took one and               were extracted, synthesized, and used to
a half years to complete. The goals presented          create the first iteration of the HUSP.
in the HUSP were the result of a year-long
community consultation with various groups             The drafting of the first iteration of the
on campus. The first round was conducted as            HUSP was followed by a second round of
an in-person consultation on the North, French,        consultations with both service providers
and Augustana campuses, solely with service            and the larger community between October
providers. In advance of these consultations,          and November 2016. Again, service providers
a definition of service provider was drafted           were contacted first and given the opportunity
and an inventory of service provider contacts          to participate in a gallery walk of the HUSP

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                    9
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Models for Exemplary Student Mental Health Initiatives at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions
Dimension 1 // Institutional structure: Organization, planning, and policy

and provide feedback. This informed how the            that resonate well with the entire campus
consultation with the greater community was            community. The HUSP has done an excellent
shaped. Overall, the working group saw that            job at opening the doors for community
the majority of participants found the HUSP            conversations that previously were not being
to be agreeable. Once final refinements had            had. There are now ongoing conversations
been made, the HUSP was shared with the                about service provision with students, faculty,
steering committee, who provided further               and staff.
recommendations. At that point, the working
group was prepared to take the HUSP through            NOTED CHALLENGES
the governance process beginning in January            The major challenge of the HUSP is the current
2017. Key governance players were contacted            capacity to evaluate it and what it has done
and a presentation of the HUSP was conducted           for the campus community. As mentioned,
for various levels of institutional governance.        the University of Alberta looks forward to
Dissemination of the final HUSP took place             implementing a strategy for the evaluation of
via the website and was marketed at a larger           the HUSP in the future.
health and wellness breakfast event on the
University of Alberta’s North Campus.                  FUTURE DEVELOPMENT
EVALUATION                                             The University of Alberta is very interested in
                                                       eventually creating a full-time position and/
One of the four main goals in the HUSP is              or unit for whom their primary responsibility
evaluation of the plan. To date, there has not         would be to meaningfully drive the HUSP
been sufficient capacity to follow up on this          forward. Specifically, it would be beneficial to
goal, however, various activities that support         have one person dedicated to evaluation of the
the objectives of HUSP are regularly evaluated,        HUSP outcomes thus far, and have this person
such as mental health-related training and             develop a roadmap for working towards the
the provision of health and wellness services          remaining three goals.
for students, faculty, and staff. Intentionally
connecting more activities back to HUSP in the
future would allow the University of Alberta to        References
look across the HUSP objectives and assess the
                                                       2 University of Alberta. (2016). For the public good:
progress of the originally identified goals.           Institutional strategic plan.

SUCCESSES                                              3 Canadian Health Promoting Campuses. (2015).
                                                       Okanagan Charter: An international charter for
The University of Alberta sees the HUSP                health promoting universities and colleges. https://
as a stimulus for change within the campus   
community by representing the multitude of             charter
voices from students, faculty, and staff. This
has resulted in clear objectives and directives

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                               10
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

      Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

Figure 4. The outside of NAIT’s Well-being Lounge emphasizes the privacy of the space.

THEMES                                                     THE PROMISING PRACTICE
                                                           The Well-being Lounge is an on-campus space
                MOBILIZING LOCAL
                 COMMUNITIES                               in which students can unplug and take a break
                                                           from the hectic nature of their day-to-day
                                                           life. The space is open during regular building
                                    ACCESS                 hours and is arranged to maximize individual
                                                           space for any student who wishes to use
                                                           the lounge. There are multiple lounge chairs
                                                           and couches spread throughout the lounge,
                                                           separated by dividers to facilitate individual
                                                           space. Additionally, there is dim lighting inside
                                                           the lounge, and minimal noises from the
                                                           outside hallway can be heard. When in the

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                        11
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

room, students are asked to remain unplugged
from technology and to avoid socializing or
using the room for studying. Near the entrance,         GOALS
there are wellness resources that students

are welcome to take. This lounge began as a                  To provide a visible space for
pilot program, before permanently becoming a                 students to relax or rest, directly
space on campus.                                             related to a need expressed through
                                                             NCHA data.
The Well-being Lounge was the direct result                  To offer a self-directed space that
of observations of student habits on campus,                 students can visit to find wellness
data from Students’ Association surveys                      resources.
conducted in 2016 and 2018, as well as the
National College Health Assessment (NCHA).               3   To create a safe space that better
                                                             accommodates the well-being needs
Prior to the opening of the lounge, staff noticed
the sheer number of students that had little                 of a commuter campus.
other choice than to take naps in poor sleeping
conditions — namely on furniture in high-
traffic, noisy areas on campus.
In the 2016 Students’ Association survey,
                                                    Prior to the lounge being created, the Campus
a nap room was identified as one of the top
                                                    Recreation team was already mindful of the
three requested services on campus. In the
                                                    need for a wellness lounge for students. In
2018 version of the survey, 79.4 per cent of
                                                    June 2018, an official conversation occurred
students agreed that a nap room was needed
                                                    around the creation of a lounge, and a proposal
on campus. More recently, sleep was the third
                                                    was assembled for a three-week pilot, set to
largest concern impacting academics for NAIT
                                                    run from November to December of 2018. In
students. This data corroborated the need for
                                                    August 2018, Campus Recreation collaborated
the pilot and eventual permanency of the Well-
                                                    with a marketing team to begin work on
being Lounge. Although the concept of a nap
                                                    promotion materials, while also reaching out
room showed potential for risk, it was decided
                                                    to NAIT’s pre-approved furniture vendors to
that it would be beneficial to create a space in
                                                    potentially support the space. At the time,
which students could relax and be unplugged.
                                                    NAIT was hoping to spend no money on

                                                    furniture and was able to negotiate borrowing
                                                    furniture from one of the vendors for the pilot.
The purpose of the Well-being Lounge is to          Conversations around the Well-being Lounge
present students with a highly accessible space     progressed throughout the semester, and 10
in which they can rest and relax.                   additional stakeholders were recruited: library

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                  12
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

services, mental health co-ordinators, student     during the pilot, as well as other recommended
counselling, health services, health and safety    furniture. The following month, marketing
services, Edmonton fire prevention specialists,    was asked to update promotional materials
protective services, human resources, and          to let students know about the permanency
separate unions for students and staff.            of the Well-being Lounge, and in April 2019,
                                                   the wellness lounge officially opened as a
In September 2018, promotional materials           permanent drop-in space.
were finalized, printed, and posted. The
subsequent month, furniture was delivered and      EVALUATION
set up in the acquired space. Before the space     The Well-being Lounge is now tracked
could officially open in late November, there      primarily in terms of usage. Due to the lack
was training for all stakeholders who would        of a scanner in the lounge’s entryway, it
take part in the monitoring and evaluation         is the responsibility of a staff member to
processes for the room. Specifically, training     regularly visit the room and take a head
focused primarily on the risk and safety of the    count of everyone utilizing the space at that
space, as well as how to collect information       time. There are nine time slots a day during
on participants’ experiences in the lounge.        which an employee is meant to visit the room.
Stakeholders also had to be trained in customer    Understanding that an employee is not always
service, since health services and counsellors     available every hour to check on the room, all
were optimistic about using the lounge as a        data collected is transformed into a weighted
referral space.                                    average and plotted to see growth in traffic
                                                   over time. The academic year is divided into
Reception of the room was incredibly positive      quarters, for which a weighted average is
during the pilot, leading to the development of    calculated. For the first half of the 2019/2020
a permanent space. Certain items and furniture     academic year, the Well-being Lounge was
were either added or removed from the room         visited by 1,349 students. It was discerned that
based on user feedback during the pilot. The       lunch hours (from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.) see
space used for the pilot lounge was only booked    the most traffic, but there is a steady flow of
for the semester during which the pilot ran,       students throughout the rest of the day, until
however, a discussion with facilities and NAIT’s   the final head count at 4:30 p.m.
primary space planner resulted in the space
becoming permanent for the Well-being Lounge.      During the piloting of the space there was an
After a hazard assessment, Campus Recreation       informal collection of feedback, which included
was free to design the lounge and determine        asking students to rank their emotional well-
the hours of operation, with a tentative re-       being before and after using the lounge, the
opening of the lounge set for April 2019.          extent to which they liked the furniture, and
                                                   the reasons students were using the room. The
In January 2019, the team began to acquire         pilot revealed that the emotional well-being
quotes for purchasing the furniture used

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                               13
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

of students generally improved after using the
room. Likewise, 41 per cent of students were
using the room to unplug and relax, while 16
per cent were accessing the room as a quiet
space. Qualitative feedback collected reveals
that students accessed the room for meditation
purposes and as a means to lower anxiety.
Additionally, 41 per cent of students used the
room for 30 to 60 minutes, and data shows
that 50 per cent of students opted to visit the
lounge between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A total of 148
students were consulted during the pilot phase.     Figure 5. A lounge chair and barrier set up in the Well-
                                                    being Lounge.
NAIT is proud of the fact that students have        regarding the safety of students in the space.
been given an opportunity to take care of           The space has always been unmonitored. There
themselves. The room is often used as a quiet,      is no swipe entry, nor are there cameras in
separate space by students who see the              the room. This is mitigated by having Campus
benefits of unplugging and taking a break from      Recreation staff check in on the room once an
the busy campus environment. Likewise, this         hour during the weekdays.
promising practice is successful largely because
it was driven by an identified student need.        FUTURE DEVELOPMENT
                                                    NAIT has many ideas of how to expand the
NOTED CHALLENGES                                    Well-being Lounge to meet the diverse needs
NAIT overcame more than one challenge in            of their students. In consideration of a growing
order to create a successful lounge. The largest    campus, NAIT hopes to create a second Well-
challenge was related to the cost of furnishing     being Lounge in another building. There is
the room. Representatives from NAIT                 an understanding that many programs tend
recognize that they were very fortunate that        to have classes clustered in one building, so
the pilot space was available for permanent         multiple locations would be beneficial. As
use but know this could present a challenge         well, implementing a scanner at the lounge’s
for other institutions where there is a lack of     entry to collect traffic information is currently
available space. Additionally, engaging with        under consideration. To further improve the
10 different stakeholders can be challenging,       experience in the current lounge, staff are also
but in this case, resulted in an offering that is   exploring the idea to separate the space into
cross-utilized and has had rigorous oversight       sections in which students can try different
to ensure that nothing was overlooked during        sensory experiences, such as an ambient or soft
development. A final challenge manifested           light room.

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                        14
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

      University of Calgary

Figure 6. A postcard used to promote the Upstanders Program.

THEMES                                                   THE PROMISING PRACTICE
                                                         Upstanders is a multi-workshop program
                 & COLLABORATION                         designed to help increase students’ confidence
                                                         in their ability to help others on campus.
                                                         The program centralizes harm reduction
                                    ACCESS               training offerings so that students may gain
                                                         a comprehensive skill set. These trainings
                                                         provide mental health education for students
                                                         while emphasizing the importance of social
                                                         justice using an anti-oppression approach.
                                                         When a student decides to be part of

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                   15
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

Upstanders, the process of enrolling and            this is flexible. As they complete sessions,
completing training is tracked through an           students are expected to complete a required
enrollment portfolio which is managed by            introductory reflection component on
two student staff. Completion of Upstanders         Desire2Learn (D2L). This promotes online peer
requires of 20 hours of training, 16 of which are   engagement within the Upstanders program.
core harm reduction training, with an added         Those who complete the requirements receive
four hours of optional training. The training       the recognition of Upstanders on their co-
sessions are organized as follows:                  curricular record, a digital badge that can be
                                                    showcased on employment platforms such as
Core trainings/activities:                          LinkedIn, as well as an Upstanders sweater.
 •   Safer Substance Use: Harm Reduction
                                                                      Figure 7. The Upstanders
 •   Bystander Intervention Training                                  LinkedIn badge that students
                                                                      receive upon fulfillment of all
 •   QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)                                  Upstanders requirements.
 •   The Inquiring Mind

 •   Naloxone Kit Training

 •   The Helping Skill and the Ethics of Helping
 •   The Comments Section: Addressing
     Harassment Online                              Mental health, suicide prevention, sexual
                                                    violence prevention, substance-use
 •   Introduce Yourself on the Upstanders           education, and harm reduction are priority
     D2L Site                                       areas for UCalgary. The rationale behind the
                                                    development of Upstanders was to centralize
Optional trainings/activities:                      training offerings within these areas in a way
 •   Inclusive Event Planning                       that would be relevant and meaningful to
 •   Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory         students. This would allow for comprehensive
                                                    wellness education and skill development,
 •   Conflict Management
                                                    while aiming to increase student engagement.
 •   ASIST

 •   Standard First Aid
                                                    Offered as a co-curricular program, Upstanders
 •   Harm Reduction Volunteering on the Last
                                                    consists of mental health awareness, pro-
     Day of Classes
                                                    social concepts, and harm reduction-focused
 •   D2L Action/Reflection Activities               bundled training. The bundling of the training
                                                    turns the collective offerings into a leadership
Students are given a suggested timeline of a
                                                    pathway, along which students are able to see
year and a half to complete all training, but

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                       16
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

intentional connections between various harm       stigma reduction, bystander education, safer
reduction topics, while building connections       substance use, and sexual violence. Currently,
with staff and peers.                              there is no bundled training for sexual violence,
                                                   which is a potential next phase. At that point,
                                                   other stakeholders who oversaw training
                                                   sessions were consulted about Upstanders and
GOALS                                              potential benefits of bundling training in such
                                                   a way that no substantial extra work would
     To create a program that connects             be involved for the facilitators. A proposal for
     values of social action, connection,          the program was drafted and submitted in
     and efficiency between existing               November 2018 to senior directors of both
     training opportunities.                       Wellness and Student Services.

     To help students develop practical            Upon the approval of the proposal, two
     skills related to harm reduction.             student staff were redirected to assist in
                                                   administrative work for Upstanders, including
     To enable students to clarify personal
3    values and ethics.
                                                   engaging students at intake, creating their
                                                   enrollment portfolio, and tracking students’
                                                   progress through the program. Marketing and
     To encourage students to reflect on
                                                   advertising was done by professors and through
     concepts of stigma, group dynamics,           Upstanders postcards. A D2L site for the
     and leadership.                               program was created as a space for connection
                                                   and reflection (as well as sharing up-to-date
     To exhibit and promote behaviours
5    to students that advance healthy
                                                   information about upcoming sessions and
                                                   events). Upstanders was piloted in the winter
     communities.                                  semester of 2019, followed by a post-survey.

                                                   Most of the Upstanders training sessions had
IMPLEMENTATION                                     existed independently in the past and were
Conversations for creating Upstanders              already well-established and appreciated. There
began in the summer of 2018 among Student          has been a noted increase in attendance at
Wellness Services and the Student Conduct          training sessions since launching the program, as
Office. Together, they decided which training      one student participating in Upstanders results
sessions would be bundled and included in          in eight training registrations. For example,
Upstanders, and which would be core training.      in the term prior to the start of Upstanders,
For core training, the team determined what        Bystander Intervention Training was delivered
subjects could be classified as harm reduction:    to 16 students; after implementation of

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                17
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

Upstanders the following semester, that number       the depth and breadth of their learning, and
of participants rose to 45. In the semester after,   in facilitating connections with one another.
another 49 students participated in the training.    Connecting students and staff in a new way on
Instead of re-creating individual evaluations, the   campus has been fruitful, as demonstrated by
development team conducted a post-survey for         increased registration for training, compared
all participants after the end of the pilot year.    to when the onus was on students to register
Qualitative and quantitative data were collected     themselves. This program has been a successful
using a program called Qualtrics. Anecdotal          way to make connections between the various
feedback from a facilitator of multiple wellness     areas of harm reduction.
workshops had the following to say:
                                                     NOTED CHALLENGES
   What a great group of students! Many of           The main challenge in implementing
   the students in the session knew each other       Upstanders was the promotional aspect.
   from previous sessions. It’s really cool to see   Ultimately, postcards were created to promote
   the student connections and Upstanders            Upstanders, while each of the trainings
   community that is being built. I feel this also   were able to keep their existing individual
   led to a deeper level of discussion in the        promotional pieces. Additionally, the team
   workshop. Also — it is very rare for me to have   is still working on how to verify the program
   a workshop this late in the semester that does    hours that students report in the post-survey.
   not have 50 per cent no-show rate. It was         Certain elements of the program involve
   amazing to see that every single person who       students self-reporting, so it is important
   signed up attended. I think these things really   to put trust in students. The team is open to
   speak to the value of this program! And to        exploring other ways of tracking completion as
   think it’s only just beginning — so excited to    the badges earned become of higher value, for
   see how the program will grow over time!          example, in the workplace.

As of March 2020, there were 60 students             FUTURE DEVELOPMENT
enrolled in the program, which is an increase
                                                     The team responsible for Upstanders hopes
from 15 that had enrolled by the end of the
                                                     to continue the development of learning
pilot year. Since the program began, a total of
                                                     outcomes for the training, as well as increased
14 students have finished all the requirements
                                                     co-ordination between involved stakeholders.
for Upstanders. Another year-end post-survey
                                                     Specifically, there are talks of streamlining
is being developed for the end of the 2020
                                                     tracking and putting more standardized
academic year.
                                                     processes in place. This is in anticipation that

SUCCESSES                                            there will be more stakeholders who will be
                                                     interested in being included in the Upstanders
Upstanders has been incredibly successful at         program as it becomes more popular.
harnessing the interest of students to increase

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                  18
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

      Lakeland College

                EQUITY, DIVERSITY, &

                                    MOBILIZING LOCAL


Lakeland College has worked tirelessly
to develop an inclusive community for
LGBTQ2S+ students. Through the work of
a cross-functional committee dedicated to
promoting inclusivity on campus, there
have been multiple points of engagement
with the student population through
surveys, collaboration on the Safe Space               Figure 8. LGBTQ2S+ student champion, William Yap,
sticker, and the development of a Pride                and a Safe Spaces training sticker.

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                      19
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

Week. With these events and meaningful             LGBTQ2S+ Pride mattered. This resulted in
engagement opportunities in place, the             the decision to implement additional inclusive
community further recognized there                 events and collaborate with the Northern
needed to be a broader understanding of            Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) to
how to engage with LGBTQ2S+ students.              adapt their approach to Safe Spaces training.
Appreciating that building an inclusive
campus environment is a shared responsibility      PURPOSE
of staff and faculty, Safe Spaces training         The cross-functional committee was struck
was implemented as a means to increase             in recognition of the need to build a more
awareness related to LGBTQ2S+ inclusive            inclusive campus. The committee engaged
practices, to gain an understanding of the         students through the implementation of
LGBTQ2S+ world experience and appropriate          various Pride events on campus. Safe Spaces
verbiage, and how to respond when someone          Training was adapted for staff and faculty, and
is disclosing sensitive information.4 Lakeland     designed to promote LGBTQ2S+ safety on
College is proud that there is intention to        campus.
build an inclusive environment with the
holistic perspective of staff, faculty, and

RATIONALE                                               GOALS
In 2016, there was encouragement from
                                                             To create institutional commitment
senior college leadership to ensure that
                                                             to ensure that campus providers
campuses were being inclusive and safe
                                                             are facilitating safe spaces for the
spaces for all students. The college was seeing
                                                             LGBTQ2S+ populations.
an increase in demand for inclusive college
policies, such as a noted increase in name
                                                             To orient staff and faculty with
changes at the time. Policies were being
                                                             appropriate language and training
drafted and events like Pride Week were
                                                             needed to be inclusive of the
being spearheaded by students, however, a
                                                             LGBTQ2S+ community in their
persisting challenge was communication of
                                                             service delivery.
these efforts and the need for more inclusive
services to internal and external stakeholders.
                                                             To create safety around having
                                                         3   conversations about and with diverse
Lakeland College realized that education
was key in the transition to an overall more
inclusive campus. At the time, one of the
challenges LGBTQ2S+ students were facing
was trying to explain to staff and students why

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                20
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

                                                    spaces with internal and external stakeholders.
IMPLEMENTATION                                      It was decided that education would become
In 2016, Lakeland’s Counselling Psychologist        the primary focus of the committee. Research
was approached by the President of the college      led to Tim Ira from NAIT who was conducting
with a request to make strides in ensuring          Safe Spaces training at the NAIT campus.
that the campuses were inclusive and safe           He graciously connected with the Lakeland
spaces for all students. That year, a cross-        committee, sharing information and training
functional committee was created, including         with them.
a number of campus stakeholders such as
college leadership, students, faculty, staff, and   Meanwhile, the committee was in the midst
administration. The committee spent 2016 and        of planning and implementing Lakeland
2017 reviewing college policies and procedures      College’s first annual Pride Week in April of
in order to implement more gender-neutral           2018. Numerous events were held throughout
language and signage, establish gender-neutral      the week that engaged over 200 students
washrooms, and propose other changes. For           on campus. An example of a particularly
example, a document was created detailing           successful event was the engagement of over
how to request a legal name change with the         60 campus and community members in a
school. Additionally, Lakeland’s Counselling        coming out event hosted in collaboration with
Psychologist facilitated Teaching Talks on both     the LGBTQ+ Society of Lloydminster. In the
campuses during the 2016 and 2017 academic          following school year, the committee’s student
years to provide updates to interested staff        liaison spearheaded the implementation of
on the work of the committee and to elicit          an event entitled The Prom You Never Had
feedback on the committee’s next steps. Staff       on campus, which catered to the LGBTQ2S+
were also provided with a newsletter detailing      campus community.
myths, stereotypes, and using purposeful
language with the LGBTQ2S+ community. At            In May 2019, the first Safe Spaces training was
this time, it was determined that more formal       delivered to faculty and staff at Lakeland, co-
training would be appropriate for the upcoming      facilitated by Ira and a LGBTQ2S+ champion
school year.                                        on campus — a student named William Yap.
                                                    Both Ira and Yap worked together to shorten
In changing these policies and procedures,          and contextualize the training to the Lakeland
the committee began to explore how they             culture, which was a benefit of involving
could create safe spaces on campus with             Yap. Completion of the training results in
knowledgeable people. There were still many         the obtainment of a sticker, which Lakeland
changes the campus was hoping to implement          asks the Safe Space training participants to
at the time, such as “coming out” presentations     place on their office doors to identify who
for the college and surrounding community,          has taken the training. The training was
but the committee grappled with how to              hosted twice again in March 2020 for senior
communicate these changes, events, and safe         leadership, faculty, and staff, and was delivered

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                  21
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

to approximately 50 people total. In 2019,
Lakeland College also took the initiative to
host training events called Creating Inclusive
Environments for LGBTQ2S+ Individuals and
Families for Lakeland College students, staff,
and the surrounding community. That year,
the committee also organized the second
coming out event in Vermillion with over 100
individuals in attendance.

The committee has continued to branch out
and build relationships with champions in
the community. In March 2020 Dr. James
Makois and Anthony Johnson were invited to
the campus to speak about their journeys of
coming out and the challenges they faced in
post-secondary as intersectional students who
identified as First Nations and as part of the      Figure 9. William Yap receiving the Leadership
LGBTQ2S+ communities.                               Excellence Award for Students for strides to make
                                                    Lakeland College a more inclusive space.

There have been various points of evaluation        The facilitators also receive informal,
for the multiple events and training held on        anecdotal feedback post-training. Currently,
Lakeland’s campuses. The success of most            this anecdotal feedback is used to improve
events organized by the committee is measured       training for future participants. For example,
through attendance and the participation            a facilitator recalled the inclusion of the
of attendees. Examples of this include high         “trans umbrella” in the training in response to
attendance rates at the “coming out” events         questions from participants about appropriate
and inviting students to vote on the Safe Spaces    language. Since then, the training has adopted
training logo for Lakeland College. Following       a more intersectional approach. In the future,
Safe Spaces training, facilitators provide advice   they hope to supplement the anecdotal
to participants on how to be more outwardly         feedback with a structured evaluation.
inclusive. This includes faculty or staff members
prominently displaying Safe Space stickers          SUCCESSES
in their classroom or office, and publicly          Lakeland is thrilled they have been able to
listing their pronouns. Lakeland uses these         embody their value of “leading and learning
initiatives as a way of informally measuring        and putting students in lead.” Significant
the uptake of values presented in the training.     relationship building has happened as the

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                       22
Dimension 2 // Supportive, inclusive campus climate and environment

campus has become a more inclusive space;          the progress made over the past few years.
students have presented on the benefits of         Lakeland students also look forward to
inclusivity at other campuses and at local         strengthening the presence of LGBTQ2S+ clubs
high schools. On campus, it is observed that       on campus. Holding meetings every month
the campus community is becoming more              would facilitate consistency, so that students
open to having conversations about their           can approach the club for support, according
identities and expressing their diversity. There   to their own schedule and on their own terms.
is an increase of support for the campus’ Gay      Lakeland College recognizes the significance
Straight Alliance. Local media is also praised     of the Post-Secondary Mental Health Grant
by the campus for covering all Pride events        in supporting training for staff, as well as
and efforts, and increasing awareness in the       acting as a catalyst for LGBTQ2S+ efforts on
Lloydminster community.                            campus. However, the college looks forward to
                                                   continuing to promote a self-sustaining student
NOTED CHALLENGES                                   committee supported by the student body.
A noted challenge at Lakeland was overcoming
the initial collective mindset of students,        References
faculty, and staff regarding the need for a
                                                   4 Gacita, A., Gargus, E., Uchida, T., Garcia, P., Macken,
more inclusive campus. Those that planned          M., Seul, L., Brucker, J., & Wayne, D. B. (2017). Introduction
Safe Spaces training and Pride Week found          to safe space training: Interactive module for promoting a
themselves in the position of first having to      safe space learning environment for LGBT medical students.
                                                   MedEdPORTAL, 13(1).
explain why these inclusive measures were in       mep_2374-8265.10597
fact necessary. This is a sensitive conversation
that was softened by including the voices of
those with lived experiences. Another major
challenge facing Lakeland is the question of
how to measure sustained impact of training
and events on a campus with a high turnover
rate of graduating students.

Moving forward, the college is in the process
of creating a mental health framework which
is anticipated to be heavily influenced by the
continued interest in meeting LGBTQ2S+
population needs. There will be collaboration
between the mental health framework
committee and the Lakeland LGBTQ2S+
committee to keep momentum going on

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                               23
Dimension 3 // Mental health awareness

      Red Deer College


                 & COLLABORATION

                                    INFORMED              cAN MAKE ALL THE

                MOBILIZING LOCAL
               COMMUNITIES                                  Communitea provides opportunities
                                                            for these conversations to happen.
                                                            Drop in, chat & drink tea.

                                                                                            Main Campus
Based on the premise that one conversation                                                  Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
                                                                                            11 am - 1 pm
can make a difference in the lives of students,                                             Room 1205
Communitea is a peer support program that                                                   *First Communitea date of each
                                                                                            semester takes place in the Forum.

facilitates building connections between                                                    September 10, 2019 & January 14, 2020

students and Campus Wellness Advocates.
It is a designated two hour drop-in tea time                                                 For specific dates, visit:
that occurs once a week on campus, where
students can connect, engage in pre-planned
activities, grab a free cup of coffee or tea,
and access mental health resources. Held in
the Student Association Lounge and at the                                                                           Brought to RDC by the Alberta Health Services
                                                                                                                                   Community Helpers Program.

Donald School of Business (DSB), students
attend Communitea on a drop-in basis and                                                 In partnership with Campus
                                                                                                Connections and the

can choose the extent to which they engage
                                                                                                Students’ Association

with others and the activities. Although the
                                                  Figure 10. Poster promotion for Communitea.
program is focused on building connections

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                                               24
Dimension 3 // Mental health awareness

and thereby facilitating positive mental            aligned with two goals related to building
health, there are no constraints around             community.
how students spend the two hours. Sensory
items and activities such as colouring are          PURPOSE
provided, but students are welcome to finish        Communitea is a peer-support group that is
homework or simply socialize with their peers.      based on the premise that one conversation
Communitea is adapted from the University           can make a difference. It is meant to be a time
of Alberta’s Unitea and was developed by Red        when students can connect with one another,
Deer College’s Mental Health Promotion &            and Campus Wellness Advocates, thereby
Education Coordinator.                              contributing to positive mental health and
                                                    decreased feelings of loneliness on campus.
Prior to the development of Communitea,
staff noticed an increase in students reporting
they were feeling lonely or isolated on
campus. Despite already having mental

health programming on campus, there was                       Provide access for Red Deer College
an urgent need for an offering that would                     students with mental health needs to
address loneliness. The college’s Mental                      find a path to help them meet their
Health Promotion & Educator Coordinator                       social, health, and educational goals.
was responsible for spearheading this project,
                                                              Increase engagement of Red Deer
and through research, discovered the benefits
of utilizing a peer support model to connect                  College students with mental health
peers in meaningful ways. A shared social                     services through awareness and
environment can contribute to a sense of                      support.
belonging, purpose, and self-efficacy, which

contributes to positive mental health. Likewise,              Strive to create a sense of
peer support programs can show students the                   community for Red Deer College
power of knowing they are not alone in their                  students.
academic journey. Looking to other campuses
for inspiration, Red Deer College connected                   Connect Red Deer College students
with the University of Alberta, which facilitates        4    to resources and supports on
a program called Unitea. Information sharing                  campus.
and the previously conducted research laid the
groundwork for Communitea. A particularly                     Help Red Deer College students find
important aspect of Communitea is that it was            5    different ways to get involved on
created in consideration of the institution’s                 campus.
strategic plan. Specifically, the program is

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                 25
Dimension 3 // Mental health awareness

IMPLEMENTATION                                      Services, and the Addiction and Mental
                                                    Health Promotion Facilitator. Together, this
In response to the noted increase in students       team discussed the logistics of Communitea,
feeling lonely on campus, the Mental Health         including timing and location. Representation
Promotion & Education Coordinator took the          from Alberta Health Services was included
initiative to find a way to fill this identified    because Communitea is funded by Alberta
need. A scan of the literature revealed that        Health Services through the Community
a peer support program would be the most            Helpers Program. The eventual date and time
successful type of programming to offer. In         was selected based on data obtained from
addition to reviewing the theory and successes      the Office of the Registrar, to learn when
of peer education programs, research was done       most students were not in classes during the
to understand best practices for implementing       day, and therefore, were more likely to be
peer programs. McGill University’s “Peer            on campus. Each department contributed
Program Toolkit” was sourced to gain a              considerably to the creation of Communitea –
preliminary understanding of how to start,          staffing the sessions, helping with promotion,
co-ordinate, and evaluate peer programs.5           and splitting the costs of required materials.
Hoping to learn from the successes of other         More recently, the Students’ Association
campuses, the coordinator learned about             donated hot water dispensers and cold
Unitea at the University of Alberta. The Mental     milk for each session. In return, the Mental
Health Promotion & Education Coordinator            Health Promotion & Education Coordinator
reached out to a contact at the University of       is mindful of other service schedules when
Alberta, who shared information regarding the       scheduling Communitea, so as not to compete
implementation of Unitea at their institution       for students’ attention. The Marketing and
and offered insight into the development of         Communication department was also sought
Communitea at RDC. For example, Unitea
gifted first-time participants with a travel mug,
and Communitea adopted this idea. Equipped
with the knowledge of what would work, it
was then important to create a program that
catered to the specific needs of the Red Deer
College community.

From the beginning, it was important to
garner insight and build relationships with
representatives from other areas of the
college, who would become stakeholders in
Communitea. This included representation
from Residence, the Student Life department,
                                                    Figure 11. Tea and other supplies laid out in
the Students’ Association, Alberta Health           anticipation of a Communitea session.

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                   26
Dimension 3 // Mental health awareness

out to develop promotional materials and
a specific brand. Currently, Communitea is
promoted through a Students’ Association         The success of Communitea is primarily
agenda, screens around campus, and               evaluated through attendance numbers and
through posters and postcards. Additionally,     the informal collection of anecdotal feedback.
Communitea was shared with staff and             However, Communitea is supported by
faculty through an institutional newsletter.     literature that relays the benefit of using
Fostering relationships with faculty on campus   peer support programs to engage students in
has resulted in the creation of a PowerPoint     meaningful ways. Peer educators tend to be
presentation that interested faculty can share   very valuable for an institution because they
with their classes. Social media (Facebook and   can relate to the experiences of their peers.6
Instagram) is also heavily used as a marketing   Moreover, peer education programs often
tool through partnerships with Counselling       contribute to perpetuating a sense of well-
Services and the Students’ Association. The      being, belonging, purpose, and self-efficacy
diversity in the marketing approaches was        for both peer educators and their peers.7 Self-
devised intentionally to reach staff, faculty,   determination theory suggests that meeting
and students through different methods.          one’s needs to build competence, relatedness,
                                                 and autonomy can also predict psychological
Communitea officially launched in September      well-being.8 Communitea is facilitated on the
2017 and is held over the lunch hour every       main campus approximately twelve times per
Tuesday. In preparation for the first day,       semester, with an average attendance of 10
the team purchased a kettle, tea, cups, a        students per session. Most of the anecdotal
table cloth, and sensory items. As is the case   feedback comes from trained students that
with each subsequent session, there was an       run the room, as well as students themselves
abundance of promotion before the session,       who choose to share feedback during the
as well as promotional signs leading students    Communitea hour. Students appear to be very
to the Communitea room. Feedback to the          appreciative of the quiet space away from the
team regarding the openness of the space         chaos of academics, and find the time spent at
later resulted in moving Communitea to the       Communitea to be “rejuvenating.”
new Students’ Association Lounge upon its
opening and extending the drop-in time to        SUCCESSES
two hours. Communitea has since branched         Communitea has overall been a very successful
out into doing promotion alongside other         endeavor for Red Deer College. This success
mental health programming. For example,          is largely attributable to the co-ordination
a table to hand out promotional materials        and collaboration of other stakeholders,
and free coffee and tea was recently set up      including various departments, the Students’
in collaboration with an Eating Disorder         Association, and the Community Helpers
Awareness Week event.                            Program at Red Deer College. Likewise, the

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                             27
Dimension 3 // Mental health awareness

partnership between the University of Alberta        However, being able to connect with students
and Red Deer College demonstrates the                on their own campuses is the main priority
benefit of knowledge-sharing practices and           at this moment in time. On the main campus,
inter-institutional collaboration.                   Communitea looks forward to facilitating
                                                     partnerships with the Indigenous Student
NOTED CHALLENGES                                     Services department. The two departments
The largest challenge Red Deer College has           are currently discussing potentially hosting a
faced is maintenance of consistent student           secondary Communitea in a newly acquired
attendance. Increasing the drop-in hours to          space in the Indigenous Students’ Centre.
more than once a week would be ideal, but
staff capacity is limited. To circumvent this, Red
Deer College created a student peer support
volunteer opportunity within counselling             5, 7 Malz, J., Dougan, M., & Lin, G. (2017). Peer program
                                                     toolkit: Starting, coordinating and evaluating peer programs
services. These individuals have mental health       at McGill University. Peer Programs Network, 3-17. https://
and Community Helpers training, and are now
able to run Communitea sessions. Hosting             toolkit_3.pdf

Communitea at the Donald School of Business          6 Newton, F. B., & Ender, S.C. (2010). Students helping
has also resulted in challenges with attendance.     students: A guide for peer education on college campuses (2nd
                                                     ed.). Jossey-Bass.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT                                   8 Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self-determination
                                                     theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development
In consideration of their satellite campuses,        & health. Canadian Psychology, 49(3), 182-185. https://doi.
Communitea facilitators hope to transition
the program to an online platform using
Blackboard Ultra, in addition to continuing
to facilitate the in-person sessions. They
envision this would be offered on a recurring
basis in the evenings and led by a staff
facilitator. There would be an anonymous
process, with the understanding that
students experiencing distress or in immediate
need of medical assistance, would have their
information shared with the facilitator. The
team responsible for Communitea on campus is
currently in the process of holding focus groups
about this idea. Similarly, they would like to
redesign Communitea offered on the DSB
campus, or increase accessibility for students
to attend Communitea on the main campus.

Tools for Success // Case Studies                                                                              28
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