CATALOG - East West College of the Healing Arts

Page created by Max Chandler
CATALOG - East West College of the Healing Arts
EST 1972
Effec$ve August 2019 – September 2020
Version 19.1

The policies and procedures outlined in this EWC Catalog supersede those in any previous EWC publica,on, including the Catalog, Academic Policies and Procedures,
Student Handbook and Course Materials
EWC Catalog v19.1
WELCOME TO EAST WEST COLLEGE                                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                                                    WELCOME TO EAST WEST COLLEGE 1
Welcome to East West College, an outstanding place to start your career as a                        OUR CAMPUS 2
massage therapist! We have grown a lot since our start in 1972, but we give our                     OUR CITY 3
students genuine personal care and educa6onal excellence. When you come to our                      OUR CLINIC 4
space in the heart of downtown Portland, you will immediately feel at home and                      OUR PEOPLE 4
                                                                                                      Management Team 4
experience the difference our facility offers. Our dedica6on to excellence is shown                     Administra,ve Staff 4
by its accredita6on by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accredita6on                                 Faculty 4

(COMTA). Welcome to a great place to learn and succeed!
                                                                                                    OUR PROGRAM 8
                                                                                                      Massage Courses 9
                            – David J. Slawson, East West College Owner and Director                  Science Courses 10
                                                                                                      Professional Development Courses 10
                                                                                                      Elec,ve Courses 11
                                                                                                      Program Schedule 12
                                                                                                    ADMISSIONS 15
                                                                                                      Applying For Admission 15
O U R MI S S I O N                               ACCR ED ITATIO N                                     Interna,onal Applicants 16
                                                                                                      Veterans Benefits 16
The mission of East West College is to           East West College's curriculum was approved
                                                                                                    ENROLLING AND REGISTERING 16
educate and enrich our community through         in 1997 by the Commission on Massage Therapy         Enrollment Status 16
the art and science of massage. To fulfill this   Accredita6on (COMTA), which was then a               Registra,on 16
                                                                                                      Orienta,on 17
mission, the college provides comprehensive      division of the American Massage Therapy           FINANCING YOUR EDUCATION 17
training in the arts and sciences required to    Associa6on (AMA). In 2002, COMTA was                 Tui,on, Fees & Addi,onal Expenses 17
pass massage board exams and begin               recognized by the U.S. Department of Educa6on        Payment Methods 19
                                                                                                      Late Payments & Interest 19
prac6cing massage.                               as an approved accredi6ng agency of massage          Federal Financial Aid 19
                                                 therapy schools and programs. With this              Free Applica,on for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 19
                                                                                                      Outside Scholarships 20
                                                 approval, East West became eligible to               Cancella,on and Refund Policies 20
In our interac6ons with all members of the       par6cipate in federal student aid programs.        STUDENT SERVICES 22
community, the staff and faculty of East West     As a COMTA-accredited school, the college has        Dean of Students 22
                                                                                                      Registrar 23
College strive to model a7ributes that are       been carefully examined by an organiza6on            Changes in Enrollment Status 24
essen6al to success for professional massage     that iden6fies and acknowledges educa6onal          ACADEMIC POLICIES & PROCEDURES 25
                                                                                                      A-endance 25
therapists. These include: communica6ng          ins6tu6ons and programs for achieving and            Assignments 26
clearly and respec5ully; engaging in cri6cal     maintaining a level of quality, performance, and     Tests 26
thinking; being crea6ve problem solvers;         integrity based on educa6onal and professional       Grades 26
                                                                                                      Course Evalua,ons 27
having clear and appropriate boundaries; and     standards. East West is one of only four massage     Clock Hours 27
being warm, open and nurturing.                  colleges on the West Coast accredited by COMTA.      Academic Credits 27
                                                                                                      Sa,sfactory Academic Progress 27
                                                                                                      Academic Proba,on and Dismissal 28
OU R HISTO RY                                    LICE NSIN G AN D APP ROVALS                          Academic Appeals 28
East West College was founded in 1972 as the     East West College’s program is licensed by the     NON-ACADEMIC POLICIES & PROCEDURES 29
                                                                                                      Professional Conduct 29
Midway School of Massage. In 1981, David         Oregon Higher Educa6on Coordina6ng                   Professional Ethics 29
Slawson bought and renamed that college as       Commission and is also approved by the               Sexual Harassment 29
                                                                                                      Non-Discrimina,on 29
a part of his commitment to healing the          following:                                           Conflict Resolu,on 29
environment. Under his direc6on, the college     • Oregon Board of Massage Therapists                 Non-Academic Warning, Proba,on and Dismissal 29
                                                                                                      Drug and Alcohol Abuse 30
thrived, expanding into ever larger facili6es    • Oregon Voca6onal Rehabilita6on Division            Complaint Procedure 30
throughout Portland. In July 2019 the school     • Oregon Commission for the Blind                  GRADUATION & LICENSING 31
                                                                                                      Gradua,on 31
moved to a newly remodeled space in              • US Department of Immigra6on and                    Licensing Requirements 31
downtown Portland. Our goal in our new              Naturaliza6on                                     Comple,on and Placement 31
home is to provide an accessible, beau6ful,      • US Department of Veterans Affairs                 ALUMNI SERVICES 31
                                                                                                      Placement Assistance 31
safe environment in which to nurture the         • Na6onal Cer6fica6on Board for                       Con,nuing Educa,on 31
healers of our future.                              Therapeu6c Massage and Bodywork                   Program Elec,ves 31
                                                                                                      Campus Store 31
                                                    (NCBTMB) – Assigned School
                                                                                                    ACADEMIC CALENDAR 32

                                                                                                                                          EWC Catalog v19.1   1
    East West College’s space was designed with         our carbon footprint by taking advantage of     footprint. We also employ natural cleaning
    your learning experience in mind. Classrooms        the plen6ful public transporta6on op6ons.       products, energy-saving ligh6ng, reusable air
    have modern, top quality tables and                                                                 filters, and low-flow plumbing fixtures.
    equipment. There are open areas with abundant       SUSTAI NAB ILITY                                   By making our campus as sustainable as
    natural light where students can gather on          East West College’s culture is one of           possible, we have created a culture that gives
    breaks. The library has reading, listening, and     mindfulness and connectedness. As you learn     students the peace of mind that comes with
    viewing materials, and there is a study area        about the human body, you will naturally        gaining an educa6on in a healthy
    with computers for student use. The Student         become more aware of the environment’s          environment.
    Clinic is a warm and suppor6ve environment          effects on health.
    where you can prac6ce the skills you’ve               To support this, the college is commi7ed to   C L A S S RO O MS
    learned in class. There is a full-service café in   sustainability and uses recycling, compos6ng    Small student-to-teacher ra6os allow for a
    the building, 24/7 security, covered bicycle        and post-consumer recycled products             more in6mate and hands-on educa6on while
    parking, and an ideal opportunity to reduce         whenever possible to minimize our carbon        large classrooms with plenty of natural light

2   EWC Catalog v19.1
provide ample learning space. The Student          Lounge that stretches along the perimeter of
Clinic is where you can gain prac6cal              the building bringing in plenty of natural light
knowledge by applying your skills to the           where students can study, relax, and socialize
public in a spacious and peaceful se8ng.           between classes. There is also a kitchen area
                                                   with a refrigerator, microwave oven, and sink
L I BR A RY                                        so students can prepare food.
East West College’s library contains a wide
selec6on of the books and materials needed         CAMPUS STORE
for all massage therapy training program           The store serves as a resource for students,
courses, as well as several computers for          alumni, and Portland massage professionals.
student use. It also has a variety of other        We carry massage tables and accessories,
massage and bodywork books, journals,              massage oils and lo6ons, massage tools,
magazines, videos and CDs for student use.         learning aids and posters. You can also find
Library holdings are updated each term to          the required and recommended textbooks
reflect the diversity of literature on massage      for all of our courses, in addi6on to books
therapy and bodywork.                              used in our CE classes. We are happy to
                                                   accommodate special orders, and offer a 10%
STUDENT LOUNGE                                     discount on massage-related items to EWC
East West College has a comfortable Student        alumni in good standing.

Located at the confluence of the Willame7e          SUR ROU NDE D BY N ATURA L B EAUTY
and mighty Columbia Rivers, in a valley            Venture just one hour outside of the city and
formed between the Coast Range and the             you can be skiing the year-round slopes on
spectacular Cascade Mountains, and only            Mt. Hood, windsurfing world-class waves in
sixty miles from the beaches of the Pacific,        the Columbia Gorge or hiking old-growth
Portland strikes a perfect balance between         forests in the region’s numerous state and
the ameni6es of city living and accessibility to   na6onal parks.
the pris6ne natural world that surrounds it.
                                                   SUSTAI NAB LE TR AN SPORTATION
A D I V E RS E U RB A N A R EA                     Want to explore the city’s many unique
East West College is located on the edge of        neighborhoods or need to get to class but
Portland’s University District, a vibrant and      don’t have a car? Aside from its renowned bike
diverse neighborhood that is also home to          infrastructure, Portland also has one of the
Portland State University. Within steps,           na6on’s top-rated public transporta6on systems,
students can find food trucks and a farmers’        and East West College is located in the center of
market, art galleries, museums, theaters and       downtown’s transit mall.
shops, including Powell’s Books. Just a few
blocks away is the Tom McCall Waterfront           Streetcar. Bordering East West College on
Park along the Willame7e River, which              Market Street is the Portland Streetcar. With
contains paths for walking and biking, and         stops in the Pearl District, on Northwest 21st,
hosts several cultural and music fes6vals          at Portland State University and in the inner-
throughout the year. Within a few miles, you       Southeast industrial district, the Streetcar
can visit Forest Park, one of the largest urban    offers an easy, relaxed ride to many of the
forests in the U.S. and Mill Ends Park, at two     city’s vibrant communi6es.
square feet, the smallest park in the world.

                                                                                                       EWC Catalog v19.1   3
Light Rail. TriMet’s MAX light rail system is    and clearly marked signage, naviga6ng the
                        an above ground light rail that connects the     city by bike can be as easy and efficient as
                        city’s outlying neighborhoods and suburbs        driving a car. Students have easy access to
                        through its five lines: Blue, Red, Green,         on-street bike routes and motor vehicle-
                        Yellow and Orange. The five lines currently       restricted bike paths that can safely connect
                        serve the ci6es of Gresham, Clackamas,           them to almost anywhere in the city, and to
                        Hillsboro, Beaverton and Milwaukie, with         secure bike parking in our building.
                        stops at many loca6ons throughout Portland.
                        The Green, Yellow and Orange lines stop          Bus. As close to East West College as both
                        virtually at our door; the Blue and Red lines    the MAX and the Streetcar, the region’s
                        stop several blocks to the north.                extensive public bus system, TriMet, has
                                                                         frequent service to prac6cally anywhere in
                        Bicycle. With hundreds of miles of               the Portland-Metro area, with buses stopping
                        designated bike routes, brightly painted lanes   within blocks of the school every 15 minutes.

                        OUR CLINIC
                        East West College operates a Student Clinic      gradua6on apply the techniques and skills
                        where clients can experience a variety of        they have learned in their East West
                        massage techniques at affordable prices from      program. Appointments are typically
                        current students.                                available in the day and evening and the cost
                          Experienced instructors supervise the          is minimal so clients are usually abundantly
                        Student Clinic where students close to           available for this excellent service.

                        OUR PEOPLE
                        M AN AG E ME NT TEAM                             Director of Financial Aid, Ana Dugan; Dean of
                        East West College is managed by a President      Students, Tina Smith, LMT, BS; and Registrar,
                        and an Oversight Commi7ee. The Oversight         Jan Sto7, BFA.
                        Commi7ee consists of the college’s Director
                        and President, David Slawson, BS; the            FACULTY
                        Director of Opera6ons, Edie Moll; and the        East West College’s excellent faculty supports
                        Director of Educa6on, Erika Baern, LMT, MA.      the college’s mission by providing expert and
                        The Management Team supports its mission         compassionate teaching skills in a learning
                        by carefully administering day-to-day East       environment that fosters each student’s
                        West opera6ons as well as performing             personal and professional growth. Instructors
                        strategic and long term planning.                are hired for their professional training and
                                                                         exper6se as well as their teaching ability.
                        AD MI NISTR ATIVE STAFF                          Bodywork instructors have a minimum of two
                        The college’s administra6ve staff supports its    years of educa6on and prac6ce in the subject
                        mission by offering highly competent and          they teach. Science instructors have a
                        compassionate services. It includes our          university degree in science or a health-
                        Assistant Director of Educa6on, Jamie Fields,    related field or appropriate undergraduate
                        ND; Dean of Admissions, Lori Johnson;            coursework.

4   EWC Catalog v19.1

All East West College instructors con6nually      aromatherapy and stone massage. Sarah has          since 2001. Her approach to massage
strive to inspire excellence and provide an       worked in a variety of massage se8ngs,             integrates both subtle, more sensi6ve
environment that encourages student               including her own prac6ce focusing on injury       therapies like craniosacral and lympha6c
success. They are warm, caring,                   recovery, chronic illness management, on-site      drainage and more physical Swedish-style and
compassionate, well trained and experienced.      and outcall massage, spa therapies and             deep 6ssue techniques. Mary became a
                                                  geriatric massage. She is inspired by the          massage educator in 2004 and has been a
Dusty Bodeen, LMT, LAc Dusty grew up in           dynamic power of massage to facilitate             part of East West College’s faculty since 2007,
Springfield, Oregon and was a three-sport          healing of the body, mind, heart and spirit. A     teaching courses ranging from introductory
athlete whose sports career was cut short by      perpetual student of the human body and of         science and techniques to advanced
a devasta6ng collarbone injury playing varsity    human rela6onships, Sarah hopes to inspire         modali6es. She feels that teaching at East
football. A&er gradua6on from the University      in her students the same passion for learning,     West College is a unique and wonderful
of Oregon, Dusty le& for an adventure in New      discovery and service.                             opportunity to share with students both the
Zealand, living and working at a retreat center                                                      science and the art of this amazing field.
where he began medita6ng, doing yoga and          Danielle Engles, ND Danielle is a board-
receiving massage therapy for his old injury.     cer6fied primary care physician who earned          Kevin Hilbert, BS, MS Kevin is a graduate
A&er years of pain, Dusty finally found relief     her medical degree from Na6onal College of         of Indiana University in Bloomington. He
and a new dream was born – living a life          Natural Medicine. She believes in trea6ng the      earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
dedicated to the healing of oneself and           whole person and focuses on the root causes        Kinesiology and also holds a minor in
others.                                           of illness. Dr. Engles is trained in conven6onal   psychology. He can be found on most
   Today, Dusty is owner of Epiphany              diagnos6c methods and specializes in natural       weekends riding his road bike, hiking or
Acupuncture, LLC. He graduated from East          therapeu6c modali6es such as nutri6on,             backpacking, rock climbing, gardening, and
West College and from the Oregon College of       botanical medicine, essen6al oils and              talking to local farmers at the market. He has
Oriental Medicine. Dusty uses his enthusiasm      Biotherapeu6c drainage. To help pa6ents            experienced the posi6ve benefits of
for personal growth, massage and Eastern          iden6fy their unique strengths and ac6vate         consistent bodywork and encourages the
Philosophy to inspire and guide his students.     their self-mo6va6on, she counsels with the         monthly prac6ce to all. He loves the
                                                  Mo6va6onal Interviewing approach. She              challenge of making science fun, and enjoys
Crystal Calanca, LMT Crystal is a 2008            enjoys working with women on hormone               watching people learn and appreciate how
graduate of East West College. Her mission is     balancing and skin care, and has a special         complicated and amazing the body truly is.
to increase the health of her community           affinity for trea6ng mental health in the teen
through massage therapy and encourage the         popula6on. When she is not working, she            Samuel Hobbs, BS, LMT Samuel has been
presence of compassionate touch in our            enjoys cooking, yoga, and being outdoors           an instructor of movement and athle6cs since
culture. In her private prac6ce in NE Portland,   with her family.                                   2007, working with professional dancers,
she tailors her massage treatments to each                                                           athletes, and children, and is the current
unique client, blending Swedish, deep 6ssue,      Jamie Fields, ND Jamie received her B.S. in        Ar6s6c Director of the Portland based dance
and sports-focused massage, Tui Na (Chinese       kinesiology and exercise science from Indiana      company push/FOLD. U6lizing the
Massage), Thai massage and aromatherapy.          University. She completed her Doctor of            osteopathic methods of Visceral, Neural, and
She enjoys working with clients during their      Naturopathic Medicine degree from Na6onal          Vascular Manipula6on, Samuel's bodywork
reproduc6ve journeys, including infer6lity        College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland.      prac6ce specializes in working with deep-
support. “I love massage so much that I want      Jamie is a primary care physician at Oregon        seated condi6ons affec6ng the structure,
to tell everyone about it. It nourishes me just   City Medical where she prac6ces family             movement, balance, and pelvic health of his
as much as it nourishes my clients.”              medicine. She teaches Anatomy, Physiology          clients. Outside of the clinic, Samuel enjoys
                                                  & Pathology at East West College. Aside from       sharing his passion for the human body as a
Sarah Davis, BA, LMT Sarah earned her BA          medicine and teaching, Jamie spends her            teaching assistant with the Barral Ins6tute,
with honors from Bard College and received        6me with her husband Kevin and their two           and as an instructor of massage and
her massage therapy educa6on at Lane              baby girls.                                        bodywork with East West College,
Community College. Her professional                                                                  endeavoring to inspire the next genera6ons
bodywork studies include geriatric massage,       Mary Gunter, LMT Mary is a graduate of             of manual therapists.
Thai massage, and Spa therapies such as           East West College and has been prac6cing

                                                                                                                                        EWC Catalog v19.1   5
Linda Hunt, LMT Linda graduated from East            Imuya McDaniel, LMT Imuya received a              husband and cat, and heading out to the
    West College in 1990 and has been a Licensed         Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alaska    Oregon coast whenever possible.
    Massage Therapist since 1991. A&er gradua6on         Fairbanks, where she studied music and
    she held the posi6ons of Director of Admissions      business. A&er gradua6ng from East West           Carly Samish, LMT, LAc Carly is an
    and Dean of Students before joining the faculty      College, Imuya received her massage licenses      acupuncturist, massage therapist, and
    in 1993. Over the years she has taught intro-        in both Oregon and Washington. She has            educator based in Olympia, WA. She
    ductory massage techniques and Polarity              worked in a variety of massage businesses as      graduated from East West College in 2003,
    Therapy; she currently teaches Student Clinic.       an employee and an independent contractor,        and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
    She took her advanced training in Polarity Therapy   and has opened her own business, Rooted           in 2016. In addi6on to clinical prac6ce, she
    and earned her cer6fica6on of Associate Polarity      Spruce Massage and Bodywork. She enjoys           teaches workshops on gua sha and cupping,
    Prac66oner through the American Polarity             working with all clients, but has had extra       writes about Chinese medicine, and provides
    Therapy Associa6on in 1997. Linda has an eclec6c     6me and training working with MVAs, injuries,     acupuncture and advocacy for hospice care.
    prac6ce in SW Portland specializing in Polarity,     chronic illness, athletes and prenatal massage.   When not working, she is playing drums in
    craniosacral therapy and shamanic prac6ces.          Imuya believes that teaching the next massage     various projects, exploring Olympia, and
    She also mentors students in their journey           therapists how to build the life they want        spending 6me with friends and family.
    toward understanding the subtle nuances of           through massage is an incredible blessing.
    being a bodyworker. Linda blends technique,          Beyond her prac6ce and teaching, Imuya            Renee Stenbjorn, BS, LMT Renee
    knowledge, intui6on and a sense of fun to            enjoys kayaking, hiking, dancing, reading and     graduated from East West College in 2000 and
    create a very posi6ve learning experience for        listening to all people’s thoughts and ideas.     has been prac6cing, teaching and researching
    her students.                                                                                          in the field since then. She teaches all aspects
                                                         Stephanie O’Donnell-Peters, LTM, RYT              of massage therapy science, crea6ng a fun
    Marta Lange, BA, LMT Marta is a 1993                 Stephanie is a 2010 graduate of East West         and interac6ve learning environment focused
    graduate of the Evergreen State College and a        College. She holds a degree in Psychology and     on the marvels and adapta6ons of the human
    2007 graduate of East West College. Marta’s          has been a licensed massage therapist since       body. She is a classically trained anatomist
    approach to bodywork is rooted in her study          2011 and a Yoga Teacher since 2014. Her           through her studies of Anatomy &
    and prac6ce of hatha yoga, medita6on, and            prac6ce includes Craniosacral Therapy, Deep       Neurobiology at the Medical College of
    ecsta6c dance. She offers therapeu6c                  Tissue, Relaxa6on and Swedish massage, as         Virginia and presented research at two
    massage in her private prac6ce, specializing in      well as spa-like add-ons. Stephanie loves to      na6onal conferences. She also co-founded the
    deep 6ssue and myofascial release. Marta             bring humor and curiosity for students to         Albuquerque School of Massage Therapy.
    teaches a variety of courses from introductory       explore and laugh in her classes whether          Renee con6nues to prac6ce massage therapy,
    to advanced techniques.                              those classes are in the Yoga studio or in the    focusing on integrated Western modali6es
                                                         massage classroom.                                with a focus on pain reduc6on and recovery.
    Kim Magraw, MS, LMT Kim is a graduate
    of the Potomac Massage Training Ins6tute in          Samantha Paque1e, LMT Samantha                    Pamela Sundin-Hart, MA, LMT Pamela is
    Silver Spring, Maryland. He also holds a             graduated from East West College in 2016.         a 2003 graduate of East West College and
    bachelor’s degree in biology from Colorado           Since then, she has been prac6cing bodywork       holds a Master’s Degree in Educa6on from
    College and a master’s degree in Ecology from        full-6me in spa, clinical and home office se8ngs.   the University of California at Santa Barbara
    Colorado State University. He is the owner of        She con6nues to be fascinated by the human        where she also worked in Student Services.
    Concordia Wellness, a massage therapy studio         body and the myriad of ways we can be healed      Combining a passion for learning with
    in northeast Portland. In addi6on to his             through touch. She prac6ces a blend of Eastern    experience both in busy clinics and private
    private prac6ce, Kim volunteers with several         and Western modali6es, including neuro-           prac6ce as an LMT, Pamela’s courses are focused
    Portland- based organiza6ons. He has                 muscular techniques, myofascial release, tui      on her students ge8ng the most informa6on
    advanced training in oncology massage and            na, acupressure, cupping/gua sha, and Swedish     and guidance possible while having fun. She
    end-of-life caring touch. He believes that           massage. She has also studied aromatherapy        feels privileged to work with students along
    ardor, devo6on, and achievement find root             for the past nine years and enjoys incorpora6ng   every step of their program at East West College,
    and flourish when we live and work from our           essen6al oils into her prac6ce when called for.   teaching courses at every level from introductory
    core values. Kim teaches Business for                In her free 6me, Samantha enjoys listening to     science and massage techniques through
    Massage Therapists at EWC.                           spooky podcasts, spending 6me with her            advanced techniques in the final terms.

6   EWC Catalog v19.1
Lisa Ann VanAls0ne, BA, LMT Lisa Ann              as the best model for op6mal wellness and       College. She has been a licensed massage
graduated from East West College in 1998,         pa6ent care. She loves teaching Anatomy,        therapist since 2007 and, in her private
and earned a BA in Spanish from Portland          Physiology and Pathology to massage therapy     prac6ce, she specializes in Thai massage. She
State University in 2003. In addi6on to being a   students and empowering them to work            teaches Eastern and Energe6c Massage &
prac6cing massage therapist, Lisa Ann is also     collabora6vely with other licensed natural      Bodywork at EWC and is excited to share her
a Sto7 Pilates Cer6fied Instructor and a           medicine providers. Her favorite ac6vi6es are   passion for massage with others. When she’s
personal trainer. Her passion for healing and     spending 6me with friends and family, nature    not teaching or prac6cing massage, she loves
helping others translates into a crea6ve,         walks, singing and herbal medicine making.      traveling, reading, cooking, ea6ng, and
hands-on classroom environment. Lisa Ann          Krista has been a faculty member at East West   spending 6me with her family and friends.
joined the EWC faculty in 2006 and has taught     College since 2015.
Kinesiology and all levels of massage                                                             Cyr Zeeberg-Foote, BA, LMT Cyr is a
technique classes.                                Tony Wittinger LAc Tony received his            graduate of Eckerd College in St. Petersburg,
                                                  Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology         Florida and the Suncoast School of Massage.
Krista Weikel Delaplane, ND Krista                from the University of Oregon. He completed     They hold a degree in social work and have
received her Bachelor of Science from Millikin    his Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental         been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1991.
University where she studied biology and          Medicine from Oregon College of Oriental        Their prac6ce encompasses many modali6es
psychology. She completed her Doctor of           Medicine. He teaches Kinesiology, Anatomy,      including craniosacral therapy, myofascial
Naturopathic Medicine at Na6onal University       Physiology, and Pathology at East West          release, pregnancy massage, aromatherapy and
of Natural Medicine. A&er several years of        College. In his free 6me he enjoys bicycle      reflexology. They have teaching experience in
prac6cing naturopathic family medicine in         touring, running and spending 6me with          kinesiology, massage technique and
New Hampshire and Oregon, she is taking a         family and friends.                             craniosacral therapy. Cyr feels the opportunity
sabba6cal from clinical prac6ce to focus on                                                       to teach is a gi&, and through it strives to give
teaching and research. Krista is a strong         Erin Wright, LMT Erin is a graduate of          back and share their endless sense of awe
advocate for integra6ve and natural medicine      Arizona State University and East West          and fascina6on with the human body.

                                                                                                                                      EWC Catalog v19.1   7
                        P H I LO S O P H Y                               small class sizes reflect this commitment and
                        At East West College, students gain deep         allow our teachers to give personal a7en6on
                        knowledge of human anatomy, physiology           to all students. This means that the ra6o of
                        and pathology, and learn several massage         students to teacher in our massage classes
                        modali6es. This technical knowledge is           averages about 14 to one and in lecture classes
                        supported by educa6on in ethical prac6ces,       averages about 20 to one. This comprehensive
                        effec6ve communica6on skills, individualized      approach prepares students to become
                        treatment planning approaches and                successful members of the community of
                        professional prac6ce strategies to meet the      professional massage therapists and to bring
                        students’ personal goals. Students’              their healing touch to the world.
                        experience in hands-on sessions in the East
                        West College Student Clinic helps them develop   A B RIE F OVERVIE W
                        confidence in their ability to bring nurturing,   East West College offers a comprehensive
                        respec5ul touch to those around them.            program whose graduates are in high
                           Throughout the program students are           demand – and for good reason. Our 800-
                        encouraged, challenged and inspired to           hour program is designed to help you
                        integrate their abili6es to engage in cri6cal    gradually develop the skills needed to be an
                        thinking and to follow their intui6on. Our       effec6ve massage therapist, able to work

8   EWC Catalog v19.1

with individuals who are seeking relaxa6on         East West College graduates who pass their            Founda0ons of Massage
massage or massage that addresses pain,            licensing exams is consistently higher than the       103 clock hours; 5 academic credits
stress and injury. In your first quarter, you’ll    na6onal and state average pass rates.                 Founda6ons of Massage provides an
begin developing basic skills in massage                                                                 introduc6on to the massage profession,
techniques, start learning the loca6on and         P ROG R AM OB JEC TIVES
                                                                                                         including a history of massage, an overview of
ac6ons of major muscles, and discuss and           Learning massage therapy and its related
                                                                                                         massage regula6on, a brief summary of various
prac6ce crea6ng a therapeu6c rela6onship           sciences requires a lot of study and prac6ce,
                                                                                                         bodywork modali6es, and a focus on the
with clients. In the second quarter, you’ll        so the East West College program allows 6me
                                                                                                         development of massage skills used for general
con6nue learning the loca6ons and ac6ons of        for you to integrate and absorb the material.
                                                                                                         wellness and relaxa6on massage. A&er an
major muscles, and begin exploring the             Our 800-hour Massage Therapy Program
                                                                                                         introduc6on to sanita6on and hygiene, students
workings of the body in health and disease.        covers anatomy, physiology, kinesiology,
                                                                                                         explore the basic strokes and varia6ons of
You’ll also start integra6ng your knowledge of     pathology, massage techniques, therapeu6c
                                                                                                         Swedish massage, compression and myofascial
the muscles and how they work with your            rela6onships, professional development and
                                                                                                         techniques, including their use, effects and
knowledge of massage as you learn a variety        business prac6ces. It will prepare you to:
                                                                                                         precau6ons. They learn to assess client needs,
of Western massage and bodywork                    • Describe your philosophy of the role of massage
                                                                                                         select and apply appropriate techniques, and
modali6es.                                            and bodywork in client health and healing.
                                                                                                         provide a personalized full body massage.
   When you reach the third quarter, you’ll be     • Create, implement and document
                                                                                                         Students develop skills in proper draping,
finishing your explora6on of the body in               personalized treatment plans through the
                                                                                                         lubrica6on, bolster use and turning procedures,
health and disease as you begin to consider           integra6on of client goals, assessment
                                                                                                         as well as appropriate uses of pressure,
how to work with common client condi6ons              findings, knowledge of the human body,
                                                                                                         rhythm, movement and hot hydrotherapy to
(such as whiplash, scia6ca, or fibromyalgia).          understanding of the effects of massage
                                                                                                         enhance the massage’s effects. Students also
You’ll also learn how a variety of Eastern and        and bodywork, and intui6on.
                                                                                                         learn self-care skills such as centering,
energe6c modali6es approach working with           • Perform massage and bodywork safely,
                                                                                                         grounding, and efficient body mechanics.
clients. You’ll develop skills for working with       effec6vely, compassionately and in
clients in a clinical se8ng – everything from         response to client needs.                          PREREQUISITES: none
interviews to documenta6on to 6ming a              • Establish and maintain professional,                COREQUISITE: Therapeu6c Rela6onships
session. Your final term of the program is an          therapeu6c rela6onships with clients.
integra6on of previous learning, and               • Develop and implement strategies for a7aining       Western Massage & Bodywork
prepara6on for working as a massage                   a sa6sfying, successful and ethical professional   99 clock hours; 5 academic credits
therapist. In addi6on to learning business            prac6ce or employment situa6on.                    The overall focus of the Western Massage &
skills, and considering how to work with           • Develop and implement strategies for                Bodywork course is on developing the
members of various specific popula6ons (such           suppor6ng a life-long prac6ce, through             assessment, planning and treatment skills
as athletes or individuals with chronic               self-care, self-reflec6on, professional             necessary to provide safe and effec6ve massage
disease), you’ll have the opportunity to              development, and professional support              and bodywork for a wide variety of client
prac6ce with members of the general public            and referral networks.                             needs. Students learn the general principles
in the Student Clinic. In your final term, you’ll   Because of our comprehensive approach, you            of deep 6ssue massage, including how to work
also have the opportunity to choose from a         will have an excellent opportunity to succeed         deeply without causing pain, apply a variety
variety of elec6ves, to enhance your               in the exci6ng and growing field of massage            of advanced strokes, and use fingers, knuckles,
knowledge in specific massage & bodywork            and bodywork.                                         fists, forearms and elbows as massage tools.
modali6es.                                                                                               Students also learn basic techniques for a
   The program is the same number of total         M ASSAG E COU RSE S                                   selec6on of Western bodywork modali6es,
hours for everyone, but it is offered in both       The required massage courses emphasize                including myofascial techniques, neuromuscular
12-month and 15-month formats. The longer          developing the knowledge and skills required          therapy/trigger point therapy, and muscle
format is designed for those who want to go        to give a high-quality massage therapy                energy techniques. Throughout the course,
through it a bit more slowly. This is a very       treatment for the purpose of enhancing                students develop the ability to conduct intake
thorough training program and it will allow you    wellness, reducing stress, relieving muscle           interviews, perform postural analysis and pain
to emerge from the college feeling confident        tension and improving overall flexibility,             assessments, and analyze joint range of
about star6ng your new profession. As evidence     movement and fitness.                                  mo6on to iden6fy areas of tension and
of the program’s quality, the percentage of                                                              limita6on. Using this informa6on, students

                                                                                                                                              EWC Catalog v19.1   9
plan and implement treatment sessions            Massage for Specific Popula0ons                      Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology I
     blending deep 6ssue massage, movement            33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                33 clock hours; 3 academic credits
     therapy, hydrotherapy and other Western          Massage for Specific Popula6ons provides an          In Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology I, students
     bodywork modali6es to address client needs.      introduc6on to adjus6ng treatment plans to          study the structure, func6on and dysfunc6on
     PREREQUISITES: Founda6ons of Massage;            address the needs of clients based on their         of the human body. They explore the structural
     Kinesiology I; Kinesiology II (may be taken      goals, age, abili6es, ac6vity level, se8ng or       organiza6on and physiological processes of
     concurrently); Anatomy, Physiology &             medical condi6ons. Students consider the            the body, from the molecular and cellular level
     Pathology I (may be taken concurrently)          adjustments to make for a variety of specific        through the 6ssue, organ and system levels,
                                                      popula6ons, such as: seated clients, athletes,      focusing in this course on the integumentary
     Massage for Common Condi0ons                     infants and children, clients with disabili6es,     and nervous systems. Students learn how to
     66 clock hours; 3 academic credits               clients with obesity, individuals with chronic      iden6fy common diseases and disorders
     In Massage for Common Condi6ons, students        medical condi6ons, individuals who are dying        involving these systems, and develop cri6cal
     combine their knowledge of Anatomy,              and others.                                         decision making skills as they determine
     Physiology and Pathology with their newly        PREREQUISITES: Massage for Common                   appropriate uses of and contraindica6ons to
     acquired bodywork skills to address the          Condi6ons; Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology II       massage, movement and hydrotherapy for
     disorders and condi6ons typically encountered                                                        clients with those condi6ons.
     in a massage prac6ce. Students learn uses of,    SCIENCE COURSES                                     PREREQUISITES: none
     modifica6ons for and contraindica6ons to          Learning the sciences that relate to massage
     massage, movement therapy and hydrotherapy       therapy is essen6al for students who wish to        Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology II
     for clients with a variety of joint, muscular,   become successful and well-rounded                  66 clock hours; 6 academic credits
     connec6ve 6ssue, and neurological condi6ons,     prac66oners.                                        In Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology II, students
     as well as inflamma6on, stress and pain.                                                              con6nue their study of the structure, func6on
     PREREQUISITES: Kinesiology II; Western
                                                      Kinesiology I
                                                                                                          and dysfunc6on of the human body. In this
                                                      66 clock hours; 3 academic credits
     Massage & Bodywork; Anatomy, Physiology &                                                            course, they explore the skeletal, muscular,
     Pathology I; Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology     Kinesiology I introduces students to the skeletal   cardiovascular, endocrine, reproduc6ve,
     II (may be taken concurrently)                   and muscular systems. They learn the names          lympha6c/immune, respiratory, diges6ve and
                                                      and basic landmarks of the bones and joints         urinary systems. Students learn how to iden6fy
     Eastern and Energetic Massage &                  of the head, neck, face, shoulder, arm, forearm     common diseases and disorders involving these
     Bodywork                                         and hand, as well as the origins, inser6ons and     systems, and develop cri6cal decision making
     33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits             ac6ons of the major muscles of these regions.       skills as they determine appropriate uses of and
     This course is an introduc6on to tradi6onal      For each of the muscles studied, students learn     contraindica6ons to massage, movement and
     and modern theories of energy, health and        how to palpate, shorten and lengthen the            hydrotherapy for clients with those condi6ons.
     healing, including Tradi6onal Chinese            muscle. In addi6on, students explore learning       Students also study scien6fic research in the
     Medicine and Ayurveda. Students receive a        styles, studying and test taking strategies.        field of massage and bodywork.
     brief overview of a variety of Eastern and       PREREQUISITES: none                                 PREREQUISITES: Anatomy, Physiology &
     energe6c bodywork modali6es, including Tui                                                           Pathology I
     Na, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Polarity Therapy      Kinesiology II
                                                      66 clock hours; 3 academic credits
     and Reflexology. They also learn basic                                                                PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES
     bodywork techniques and energe6c self-care       Kinesiology II con6nues the study of the skeletal   In these exci6ng courses, you will prac6ce
     strategies which they can incorporate into       and muscular systems. Students learn the            applying the skills you have learned in class to
     their daily prac6ce. Students are prepared to    names and basic landmarks of the bones and          real clients in a clinical se8ng.
     make informed choices of elec6ves, take          joints of the spine, thorax, pelvis, thigh, leg
     massage licensing exams, choose con6nuing        and foot as well as the origins, inser6ons and      Therapeu0c Rela0onships
     educa6on workshops a&er gradua6on and            ac6ons of the major muscles of these regions.       33 clock hours; 3 academic credits
     make appropriate client referrals.               For each of the muscles studied, students will      Therapeu6c Rela6onships provides an intro-
     PREREQUISITES: Founda6ons of Massage             learn how to how to palpate, shorten and            duc6on to the knowledge and skills needed to
     Prac6ce                                          lengthen the muscle.                                develop successful client-therapist rela6onships.
                                                      PREREQUISITES: Kinesiology I                        Students begin by examining of the role and

10   EWC Catalog v19.1
effects of touch, cultural differences regarding      need a basic understanding of the principles      Craniosacral Therapy
touch, personal touch history, strategies for       and prac6ces of business. This course provides    33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits
establishing trust and emo6onal responses to        the basic skills and knowledge students will      Craniosacral therapy is a gentle yet powerful
touch. They learn about the legal and ethical       need to make an informed choice about their       type of bodywork that is used to ease pain
requirements for massage therapists, including      career op6ons, obtain employment, launch          and improve health by directly affec6ng the
licensing regula6ons, standards of prac6ce, scope   and manage a successful prac6ce, maintain         central nervous system. A craniosacral
of prac6ce and professionalism. In addi6on,         financial records, a7ract and retain clients,      therapist evaluates the mo6on of
students explore the issues that contribute to      and engage in self-care prac6ces that lead to     cerebrospinal fluid by monitoring the
effec6ve communica6on with clients, including        success. By the end of this course, students      craniosacral rhythm at various loca6ons in the
se8ng boundaries, ac6ve listening, asser6ve         will have a plan for crea6ng a massage career     body. Using very light touch, restric6ons in
communica6on, managing transference and             that meets their individual goals.                the craniosacral rhythm are released,
countertransference. Throughout the course,         PREREQUISITES: None                               s6mula6ng the body’s own healing
students work on developing professionalism,                                                          mechanisms. Its techniques are safe and
therapeu6c presence and self-care skills.           Clinic                                            effec6ve for almost any popula6on. In this
PREREQUISITES: None                                 70 clock hours; 2.5 academic credits              course, students will enhance their palpa6on
COREQUISITE: Founda6ons of Massage                  Clinic gives students the opportunity to          skills and deepen their intui6ve percep6on as
                                                    provide massage to the general public under       they learn to palpate the craniosacral rhythm
Introduc0on to Clinic                               the supervision of an experienced instructor.     and assess and release restric6ons in the
33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                Students handle all aspects of a massage          craniosacral system. By the end of the course,
Introduc6on to Clinic prepares students for         treatment, including giving intake and exit       students will be able to perform a full
working in a clinical se8ng. Students begin by      interviews, performing appropriate physical
learning effec6ve interview and documenta6on         assessments, developing a treatment plan,
prac6ces, including confiden6ality and HIPAA         preparing a hygienic and comfortable massage
requirements. They prac6ce handling all aspects     area, performing massage and movement
of a massage session, including preparing a         therapies, and applying suitable hydrotherapy
hygienic and comfortable treatment space,           treatments to their clients. Students also
interviewing the client, performing appropriate     create and maintain client charts to record
physical assessments, developing a treatment        the specifics and results of all treatments, and
plan, applying suitable hydrotherapy treatments,    they receive evalua6ons from both their
performing massage and movement therapies,          clients and the instructor. Throughout the
and conduc6ng exit interviews. In these             course, students present client cases for
prac6ce sessions, students focus on connec6ng       classroom discussion and learning.
with the clients as individuals and employing          The Student Clinic is the highlight and
a holis6c approach to treatment for pregnant        culmina6on of the East West College
clients, elderly clients, and for relaxa6on and     curriculum and prepares students to start
treatment oriented sessions. At the end of          their prac6ce as professional massage
the course, students perform two massage            therapists. This course includes a four-hour
sessions on members of the EWC community.           weekend class on preparing for licensure.
PREREQUISITES: Western Massage &                    PREREQUISITES: Introduc6on to Clinic;
Bodywork; Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology           Massage for Common Condi6ons; Massage
I; Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology II (may be       for Specific Popula6ons (may be taken
taken concurrently)                                 concurrently)

Business for Massage Therapists                     ELECTIVE COURSES
33 clock hours; 3 academic credits                  East West College’s elec6ve courses are
All massage therapists, whether they choose         designed to enhance your ability to perform
to work as an employee, be an independent           massage therapy at a high level. Not all
contractor or open their own massage prac6ce,       elec6ves are offered every term.

                                                                                                                                        EWC Catalog v19.1   11
craniosacral therapy bodywork session and            Shiatsu                                                shortened or otherwise distorted. Then they
     blend craniosacral techniques with other             33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                   manipulate the fascial system of the body to
     bodywork modali6es.                                  Shiatsu is an Asian bodywork modality                  achieve a more balanced orienta6on in the
     PREREQUISITES: Western Massage &                     developed in Japan to help clients increase            gravita6onal field. Body mechanics and
     Bodywork or LMT                                      their energy and well-being. It is based on            communica6on will also be emphasized.
                                                          TCM (Tradi6onal Chinese Medicine) and is               PREREQUISITES: Western Massage & Bodywork
     Chinese Massage (Tui Na)                             increasingly popular in the West. The course           or LMT
     33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                 begins with a review of the func6ons of the
     Tradi6onal Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses               meridians and the theory of Kyo and Jitsu.             Thai Massage
     massage, acupuncture, and herbs to                   Students learn how to use finger pressure on            33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits
     encourage healing. The massage aspect of             specific points as well as stretching and               Rooted in tradi6onal Thai medicine, Thai massage
     this healing approach is called Tui Na, which        movement exercises to move energy through              uses a variety of therapeu6c bodywork
     means “push, grasp.” In this course, students        the meridians. By the end of the course,               techniques such as compression, passive
     will learn how to use so& 6ssue manipula6on,         students will be able to give a basic full-body        stretching, and joint mobiliza6on to support
     joint mobiliza6on techniques and acupressure         Shiatsu session.                                       the natural flow of energy throughout the body.
     point treatment to enhance energy flow and            PREREQUISITES: Eastern and Energe6c Massage            Tradi6onally prac6ced on a mat with the client
     increase client health and well being. In this       & Bodywork or LMT                                      fully clothed, Thai massage therapists use their
     process, they will apply the TCM concepts of                                                                palms, thumbs, elbows, knees and feet to
     Qi, the Five Element cycle, the fourteen             Spa Therapies                                          massage, stretch and release the whole body.
     meridians, and the Qi points. By the end of          33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                   Tradi6onal Thai massage also incorporates the
     the course, students will be able to perform a       In this course, students study the therapeu6c          Buddhist philosophies of mindfulness and
     basic full-body Tui Na rou6ne that can be easily     uses of essen6al oils, mud, clay, seaweed, sugar,      loving kindness. This course provides an
     integrated into a general massage prac6ce.           salts and stones. The historical roots of spa          introduc6on to the theory and prac6ce of Thai
     PREREQUISITES: Eastern and Energe6c Massage          techniques are traced forward to their modern          massage. Students learn Thai massage
     & Bodywork; or LMT                                   applica6ons. Students learn basic techniques           techniques that can be applied on their own or
                                                          in aromatherapy, exfolia6on, body wraps, foot          in combina6on with other forms of massage.
     Neuromuscular Therapy                                treatments, fangotherapy, thalassotherapy,             By the end of the course, students will be able
     33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                 Ayurvedic-inspired techniques and stone                to give basic full-body Thai massage sessions.
     Neuromuscular Therapy is a powerful tool that        massage.                                               PREREQUISITES: Eastern and Energe6c Massage
     focuses on pain relief, performance enhance-         PREREQUISITES: Founda6ons of Massage                   & Bodywork; or LMT
     ment and rehabilita6on using a variety of            Prac6ce or LMT
     techniques to bring the body’s central nervous                                                              PROGRAM SCHEDULE
     system and musculoskeletal system into balance.      Structural Bodywork                                    East West College’s massage training programs
     A primary component of neuromuscular therapy         33 clock hours; 1.5 academic credits                   begin four 6mes each year, in January, April,
     is deac6va6ng trigger points in muscles or fascia,                                                          July and October. Academic quarters are
                                                          Based on the pioneering work of Ida Rolf, PhD,         twelve weeks in length with a one-week
     which can cause pain and tension as well as          Structural Bodywork introduces structural
     decrease sports, recrea6onal and occupa6onal                                                                break between quarters. Most courses meet
                                                          integra6on. Its basic premise is two-fold. First,      either one or two 6mes per week for three
     performance. Trigger points can also refer pain      if the body is balanced well in gravity, it func6ons
     sensa6ons to other areas of the body, crea6ng                                                               hours per class session. The Founda6ons of
                                                          more smoothly, has be7er ease of mo6on and             Massage and the Western Massage &
     problems that are difficult to analyze and treat.      o&en feels more spacious. Second, fascia
     This course teaches students how trigger points                                                             Bodywork courses meet three days per week.
                                                          func6ons in the body as an organizing force. A         Classes start at 8:00am, 11:30 am, 3:00 pm
     develop and persist, how to assess for them,         structural bodyworker iden6fies where the
     how to map and track their pain referral                                                                    and 6:30 pm.
                                                          bony segments of the body have distorted                  Learning massage therapy and its related
     pa7erns, and how to relieve them with safe,          rela6onships and works with the fascia to
     effec6ve and comfortable techniques.                                                                         sciences requires intensive study and prac6ce.
                                                          bring segments into a be7er rela6onship.               Because of this, the East West College
     PREREQUISITES: Western Massage &                     During this course students assess posture to          program is designed to allow 6me to integrate
     Bodywork or LMT                                      discern where the fascia has become shi&ed,            and absorb the material. The program is

12   EWC Catalog v19.1

offered in 12-month and 15-month formats.        studying and performing course assignments      program includes two elec6ve courses that
Students with academic difficul6es or those       for every hour you spend in class.              provide skills and knowledge to enhance a
who are working while a7ending college should                                                   student’s ability to succeed as a professional
consider enrolling in the 15-month schedule,    800-HOUR MASSAGE THERAPY PROGRAM                massage therapist.
taking fewer courses at a 6me and comple6ng     The 800-hour (44 academic credit) Massage         The program can be completed in 12
their studies over a longer period of 6me.      Therapy Program meets all of the Commission     months or in 15 months by following one of
  The program can be completed in ways          on Massage Therapy Accredita6on (COMTA)         the course progressions described below. It
other than those published as long as all       accredita6on requirements and is designed to    can also be completed in ways other than
course prerequisites are met. An East West      give students an excellent educa6on in the      those published in this catalog as long as all
College Admissions Representa6ve can help       fundamentals of therapeu6c massage and          course prerequisites are met. Applicants
you determine which pace is best for you. To    bodywork, preparing them to take the state      should consult an Admissions Representa6ve
help plan for success, you should expect to     board exams for which they qualify, obtain a    to discuss scheduling op6ons. Current
spend at least one to two hours out of class    massage license, and start prac6ce. The         students should consult with the Registrar.

                                                                       Academic                Hours per                Total
                                                                        Credits                 Week                 Clock Hours
    1st Academic Quarter
         Founda6ons of Massage*                                              5                     9                     103
         Kinesiology I                                                       3                     6                      66
         Therapeu6c Rela6onships                                             3                     3                      33
             1st Quarter total                                              11                    18                     202
    2nd Academic Quarter
         Western Massage & Bodywork                                          5                     9                      99
         Kinesiology II                                                      3                     6                      66
         Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology I                                   3                     3                      33
             2nd Quarter total                                              11                    18                     198
    3rd Academic Quarter
         Massage for Common Condi6ons                                        3                     6                      66
         Eastern and Energe6c Massage & Bodywork                           1.5                     3                      33
         Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology II                                  6                     6                      66
         Introduc6on to Clinic                                             1.5                     3                      33
              3rd Quarter total                                            12                     18                     198
    4th Academic Quarter
         Clinic*                                                           2.5                     6                      70
         Massage for Specific Popula6ons                                    1.5                     3                      33
         Business for Massage Therapists                                     3                     3                      33
         Elec6ve 1                                                         1.5                     3                      33
         Elec6ve 2                                                         1.5                     3                      33
              4th Quarter total                                            10                     18                     202

         TOTAL                                                              44                                           800

    * Includes one 4-hour Saturday class.

                                                                                                                                   EWC Catalog v19.1   13
                                                             Academic   Hours per      Total
                                                              Credits    Week       Clock Hours
            1st Academic Quarter
                   Founda6ons of Massage*                       5          9           103
                   Kinesiology I                                3          6           66
                   Therapeu6c Rela6onships                      3          3           33
                       1st Quarter total                        11         18          202

            2nd Academic Quarter
                   Western Massage & Bodywork                   5          9           99
                   Kinesiology II                               3          6           66
                   Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology I            3          3           33
                       2nd Quarter total                        11         18          198

            3rd Academic Quarter
                   Massage for Common Condi6ons                 3          6           66
                   Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology II           6          6           66
                       3rd Quarter total                        9          12          132

            4th Academic Quarter
                   Eastern and Energe6c Massage & Bodywork     1.5         3           33
                   Introduc6on to Clinic                       1.5         3           33
                   Massage for Specific Popula6ons              1.5         3           33
                   Business for Massage Therapists              3          3           33
                        4th Quarter total                      7.5         12          132

            5th Academic Quarter
                   Clinic*                                     2.5         6            70
                   Elec6ve 1                                   1.5         3            33
                   Elec6ve 2                                   1.5         3            33
                        5th Quarter total                      5.5         12          136

                   TOTAL                                        44                     800

            * Includes one 4-hour Saturday class.

14   EWC Catalog v19.1
AP PLYIN G FOR AD MI SSIO N                          your choice, so a&er you have filled out the          Enrollment Agreement. If you elect to
You can apply for admission to East West             applica6on form, call us at (503) 233-6500           cancel your enrollment within five days of
College throughout the year by following the         to set up a friendly, no-pressure, informal          the date of enrollment, and before the
easy steps below.                                    mee6ng with one of our Admissions staff to            commencement of classes, this registra6on
                                                     answer ques6ons and show you around the              fee is refunded.
Determine Your Eligibility. You must be              en6re campus. For applicants who reside           3. Complete any Missing Documenta0on:
at least 18 years of age before the start date       outside of the Portland metropolitan area,           The Admissions staff will let you know if
of your program and have a GED or a diploma          a telephone interview may be arranged                there are any missing applica6on materials.
from an accredited US high school (or its            with an Admissions Representa6ve.                    You will have to submit these before the
equivalent as determined by the College). You     4. Take an Entrance Test: We will give you a            first day of classes.
must also physically be able to perform and          standard entrance test called the Wonderlic       4. Financial Arrangements: Students who are
receive regular massage safely. East West            Scholas6c Level Exam to make sure                    not able to pay their tui6on in full are
College welcomes students of any gender,             massage college is right for you. There are          required to meet with a Financial Aid
sexual orienta6on, marital status, race, color,      50 ques6ons on the test and the minimum              Representa6ve prior to star6ng school to
na6onal or ethnic origin, and/or religion.           passing score is 15. The Admissions staff             solidify their tui6on payment plan.
                                                     member will give this to you during your visit.   5. Cancella0ons: If all of the above steps in
The Application Process.                                                                                  the enrollment process are not complete
1. Fill out the Applica0on Form: Filling out      Acceptance and Enrollment. We will let                  within seven days of the start of the term,
   this form is easy. Click on the “Apply         you know if you are accepted as an East West            your enrollment could be canceled.
   Online” bu7on on the Admissions page of        College student within fourteen days of the          6. Reapplica0on: Applicants who are denied If you have           Admissions interview. A&er you are accepted,            admission may reapply a&er a minimum of
   ques6ons, you can either call (503) 233-       here’s what you do to enroll in the college:            three months. They must complete the
   6500 or make an appointment with one of        1. Enrollment Agreement: The Admissions                 admissions procedures in this catalog as
   our friendly and helpful Admissions staff.         staff will prepare this agreement. It outlines        well as submit an essay outlining how they
2. Fees and Documents: The non-refundable            the program you will be taking, what it              have addressed the issues that caused their
   applica6on fee is $25. You’ll need to             costs, how you will pay for it, and other            previous denial of admission. They are also
   provide proof of educa6on (your official            terms and condi6ons of enrollment. You               required to meet with the Dean of
   high school transcript or GED transcript)         will be responsible for all financial,                Admissions for their personal interview.
   and a valid ID as part of the admissions          academic and other policies in effect at the          The Dean of Admissions will then consult
   process.                                          6me you sign this agreement.                         with the Director of Educa6on to determine
3. Meet with the Admissions Staff: We want         2. Registra0on Fee: You will pay a $100                 whether acceptance into East West College
   you to feel completely comfortable with           registra6on fee when you sign the                    is appropriate.

                                                                                                                                         EWC Catalog v19.1   15
IN TER NATION AL APP LIC AN TS                    Our Admissions office can help you through             Any individual who is en6tled to
     East West College is approved by the              this process.                                     educa6onal assistance under chapter 31,
     United States Department of Immigra6on                                                              Voca6onal Rehabilita6on and Employment, or
     and Naturaliza6on to issue an I-20 form and       V E T E R A N S B E N E F I TS                    chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits, may
     to enroll qualified non-immigrant students         The 800-hour Massage Therapy Program at           a7end the program a&er having provided
     from other countries. Here are the                East West College is approved by the Oregon       East West College a Cer6ficate of Eligibility, a
     requirements:                                     State Approving Agency for the use of GI Bill®    Statement of Benefits obtained from the VA
     • You must have the financial resources to         benefits as a non-college degree program.          website, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter
        pay for school and living expenses during         Informa6on about veterans benefits              31 authoriza6on purposes). EWC will not
        your stay.                                     is available online at         impose any penalty, including the assessment
     • If you cannot speak, read and understand        Veterans and other eligible individuals may       of late fees, the denial of access to classes,
        English fluently, you must get a score of at    apply for GI Bill® benefits on this website. The   libraries, or other ins6tu6onal facili6es, or the
        least 80 on the Test of English as a Foreign   Department of Veterans Affairs will determine      requirement that a covered individual borrow
        Language (TOEFL). Informa6on on this test      general eligibility for benefits, as well as the   addi6onal funds due to the delayed
        is available from                 specific benefits paid to veterans a7ending         disbursement funding from VA under chapter
     • If you can’t provide a transcript showing       East West College.                                31 or 33.
        you have graduated from an accredited US          Once enrolled in the program, veterans            For the purposes of GI Bill® benefits, the
        high school, college or university or its      should contact the Registrar regarding            12-month program at East West is considered
        equivalent, or provide a wri7en report         cer6fica6on of enrollment. Veterans receiving      to be full-6me enrollment (18 hours of classes
        showing you have passed a GED exam, you        GI Bill® benefits while a7ending East West         per week) and the 15 month program is
        may be required to submit evidence that        College are required by the Department            considered to be full-6me enrollment (18
        you graduated from a school that provides      of Veterans Affairs to submit transcripts from     hours of classes per week) for the first two
        an educa6on equivalent to that of an           any previous educa6on or training for             academic quarters, and 3/4-6me enrollment
        accredited US high school.                     evalua6on, gran6ng of prior credit, and           (12 hours of classes per week) for the final
                                                       shortening the length of the program.             three academic quarters.

     EN ROLLM EN T STATU S                               as long as the terms and condi6ons of their     process.
     Students who have signed an Enrollment              Enrollment Agreement are met.
     Agreement with East West College and a7end        • A Non-Diploma Student is enrolled in            Continuing Students. Course registra6on
                                                         individual East West College courses rather     for the upcoming academic quarter begins in
     classes are considered to be enrolled in the
                                                         than in the en6re program. Non-Diploma          week 7 of the previous academic quarter.
                                                         Students sign new Enrollment Agreements         Students are registered for courses based
     Student Classification. There are two               each quarter for the course(s) they wish to     on course prerequisites, course size and 6me
     types of student at East West College:              take and pay the Non-Diploma Student            of registra6on submission. Complete
     Program and Non-Diploma.                            tui6on rate in effect at the 6me of signing      registra6on instruc6ons, as well as the course
     • A Program Student is enrolled in the East         the Enrollment Agreement. Non-Diploma           schedule, are available from the Registrar
       West College 800-hour Massage Therapy             students receive neither a diploma nor a        during week 6.
       program, and has commi7ed to comple6ng            cer6ficate of comple6on for individual           • Course Schedules. Course schedules,
       the program within the maximum 6me                courses. Transcripts of coursework                 showing the courses for which a student
       frame permi7ed by the Sa6sfactory                 completed are available upon request.              is registered as well as any wait list status,
       Academic Progress Policy outlined in this                                                            are placed in student mail folders during
       catalog. Program Students have priority in      R EG ISTR ATION                                      week 9.
                                                                                                         • Sec0on Changes. Students who need to
       course registra6on and are not affected by       New Students. Registra6on for new                    a7end class at a different 6me may,
       tui6on increases a&er their enrollment date     students is completed during the enrollment

16   EWC Catalog v19.1
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