KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar

Page created by Judith Miller
KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar
KTJ Parent Handbook
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KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar
Introduction and Guiding Principles           4    Library                                 40
Academic Enrichment                           5    Lost Property                           41
Accreditations and Memberships                6    Make Up                                 41
After School Care                             6    Meals                                   41
Air Conditioning                              6    Medication                              42
Airports                                      7    Mobile Phones                           42
Assemblies: Primary                           7    Mufti Day                               43
Assemblies: Secondary                         8    Music Tuition                           43
Assessment                                    8    National Curriculum                     43
ATM                                           8    Notice Period                           44
Attendence and Absence                        9    Online Safety                           44
Behaviour and Sanctions                       10   Parent Portal                           44
Bicyclyes and Skateboards                     11   Parent Teacher Committee                45
Boarding                                      11   Parent Teacher Meetings                 45
Breakfast Club                                11   Parent Webinars                         45
Bring Your Own Device                         12   Passports & Visas                       46
Bus Service                                   12   Personal Data Protection                46
Cafe Diem                                     13   Personal Goals                          46
Calendar                                      13   Personal Possessions                    47
Careers Guidance                              13   Personal, Social and Health Education   48
Charitable Work                               15   Prep                                    48
Coffee Mornings                               15   Reading                                 48
Commuications, Concerns & Complaints          16   Religious Worship                       50
Counselling                                   17   Reports                                 50
Curriculum Overview                           17   Rewards                                 51
Daily Routine                                 19   Safeguarding & Protection               51
Departure Card & Permission Slips             19   Saturday Evening Entertainment          51
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Times                      20   Scholarships                            52
Drugs                                         21   School Calendar                         52
Electronic Devices                            21   School Closure                          52
English as an Additional Language             22   School Rules                            52
Entry Points & Exit Points                    22   Security                                53
E-Purse                                       23   Seesaw                                  53
Examinations                                  23   Senior Leadership Team                  54
Exeats                                        24   Smoking                                 54
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)            24   Snacks                                  55
Fees                                          25   Social Media                            55
Financial Aid                                 26   Sport                                   56
Google Classroom                              27   Strategic Plan                          56
Governors                                     27   Student Cards                           57
Hair                                          28   Student Portal                          57
Health & Safety                               28   Study Leave                             57
Health Centre                                 28   Sun Protection                          58
Holiday Homework                              29   Sustainability                          58
Home Language                                 29   Tattoos                                 58
Homework                                      30   Terms & Conditions                      59
House Bank                                    31   Term Dates                              59
House Night                                   31   Toilets                                 59
House System                                  31   Trips                                   59
ICT                                           33   Trustees                                60
Image of Students                             33   Tuck Shop                               61
Induction of New Students                     34   Uniform                                 61
Insurance                                     34   University Applications                 64
International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC)   35   Useful Contacts                         64
International Primary Curriculum (IPC)        35   Vaping                                  65
Jewellery and Acessories                      36   Vehicles                                65
Laundry                                       36   Visiting the Campus                     65
Leadership Opportunities                      37   Weekend Leave                           66
Learner Characteristics                       38   Wifi                                    66
Learning Support                              39   Work Experience                         66
Legal Guidelines                              39   Zoom                                    66
KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar
Introduction                                                                                          Academic Enrichment
Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar was founded in 1991, making us one of the most well-established                  Provision of a holistic education is fundamental to KTJ’s ethos. We believe that students
international schools in Malaysia. Our Founding Trustees are three members of the Negeri              should have access to a wealth of resources and opportunities to develop their interests,
Sembilan Royal Family, YAM Tunku Naquiyuddin, YAM Tunku Dara and YAM Tunku Imran. They                broaden their horizons and deepen their world perspective. Academic interests should not
were inspired by their own British boarding education and wanted to establish a school with           be compartmentalised and we encourage students to take an interdisciplinary approach to
similar values and the same high quality British education in Malaysia. The School is named in        their learning. For the most competitive global universities, sticking only to the confines of the
honour of their late father, who was King of Malaysia and a great supporter of the School in its      examination syllabuses is not enough. Students are expected to engage in a broad range of
early days.                                                                                           independent research and reading to support their academic interests.

Over the years the School has grown and developed, but our state-of-the-art facilities still sit on   To facilitate this, the School offers a wide range of academic enrichment, including:
a lush and green, 80-acre campus surrounded by the beautiful countryside. As a charity, we have
no owners and any profits made by the School are reinvested in the quality of education which         •   The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ): A research-based A Level, which emulates the
we provide to your children. KTJ is a warm and caring community and it is driven by a strong set          academic skills required at university and culminates in a 5000-word academic essay.
of values and principles.                                                                             •   Subject-specialist ECAs which nurture academic engagement in a subject (e.g. Robotics
                                                                                                          Club, Tech Club, Economics Society) or support students in their preparations for university
We hope your connection with KTJ will be a long and fruitful one. Whether your family is new              admissions tests, such as the BMAT, LNAT and TSA.
to KTJ or you have been with us for some time, this handbook will prove a useful source of            •   A program of events organised with the support of the Oxford and Cambridge Society
information for you.                                                                                      Malaysia and to which students from other schools are invited. Currently, we offer a debate
                                                                                                          forum, an engineering workshop and a moot (for aspiring lawyers) annually.
                                                                                                      •   The opportunity to attend other events organised by the Oxford and Cambridge Society

Guiding Principles
                                                                                                      •   Opportunities every week to attend enrichment talks and presentations delivered by members
                                                                                                          of staff or invited guests who are experts in a particular field.
                                                                                                      •   Opportunities to enter national and international competitions in fields such as economics and
                                                                                                          finance, engineering and mathematics.
                                                                                                      •   Wider learning days, where the school timetable is suspended to enable interdisciplinary
At the heart of KTJ and its approach are our Guiding Principles.                                          learning.
                                                                                                      •   Access to the school subscription to JSTOR, an academic database used by universities.

    To be the school of choice in South East Asia, empowering students to become responsible          In addition, students have access to the KTJ Academic Enrichment Portal, which contains a wide
                            leaders of a sustainable, global community.                               range of learning and research opportunities, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS)
                                                                                                      delivered by leading global universities and suggested reading lists for subject specialisms. In
                                             Mission:                                                 addition to the school library, the Sixth Form Centre has a growing library of books focused on
                                                                                                      academic enrichment and preparation for highly-competitive university courses.
 To nurture and inspire our diverse learning community, providing a holistic, British-style day and
                        boarding school education in a Malaysian setting.


                              Integrity, empathy and mutual respect.

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KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar
Accreditations and Memberships                                                                         Airports
The School is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS). As part of its accreditation   Kuala Lumpur International Airport is the main airport of Malaysia. It has two terminals, KLIA and
to CIS, KTJ subscribes to the CIS Code of Ethics:                                                      KLIA2. It is located 45 minutes away from KTJ. KLIA 2 normally receives passengers travelling
• To fulfil the promises stated in our guiding statements, policies, contracts and promotional         with low cost airlines, such as Air Asia and Jetstar; whilst KLIA 1 handles other operators,
   materials;                                                                                          including national carriers. The School can organise for students to be taken to the airport, and to
• To strive for excellence;                                                                            be supervised checking in if necessary (fees may apply).
• To nurture a culture of care in which the education, safety and well-being of students and
   others are paramount;                                                                               Getting to KTJ
• To comply with applicable laws and regulations;                                                      At KLIA or KLIA2 there are airport taxis, limousines and minivans available for hire. Look for
• To respect the dignity and equality of all individuals, groups and cultures;                         the taxi and limousine counters, just after customs, prior to exiting the arrivals gates. Fixed
• To promote global citizenship.                                                                       fares according to destination zones are to be paid at the counters. Please be aware of touts
                                                                                                       approaching unwary visitors offering their services as you exit the arrival lounges. They operate
We are one of only two schools in Malaysia to be admitted into the prestigious UK-based                illegal taxis and often over-charge; safety levels for such touts are also a concern. On arrival at
Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC), which also includes amongst its                     the airport, it is recommended that students take an official metered taxi to the School - ‘Kolej
members well known and esteemed British boarding schools such as Eton College, Winchester              Tuanku Ja’afar, Mantin’ is the address to give at one of the official taxi booths.
College, Harrow School and Wycombe Abbey School.
                                                                                                       Getting to KLIA or KLIA2 from KTJ
In addition, KTJ is a member of several other organisations, including AIMS (the Association of        The School has a pool of regular licensed taxi drivers who have had security checks and who
International Malaysian Schools), COBIS (the Council of Overseas British International Schools),       service all of our transport requirements. Trips to the airport (and elsewhere) by taxi can be
FOBISIA (the Federation of British International Schools in Asia), BSA (the Boarding Schools’          arranged through the houseparent. The cost can either be paid directly to the driver or charged to
Association) and ISBA (Independent Schools’ Bursars Association).                                      parents via the school bill.

Through AIMS, COBIS and FOBISIA, our students have access to a wide range of events and
competitions with other schools, including in the fields of sport, creative writing, art and film-
After School Care
                                                                                                       Primary School
                                                                                                       Weekly assemblies are held at 8.50am every Friday for Years 1-6. These gatherings are a chance
                                                                                                       for us to learn about common interests, to celebrate success, to reward achievement and to
                                                                                                       share and showcase talents. The assemblies are run by the Head of Primary, Deputy Head of
After school care is available for Primary School students between the end of ECAs and                 Primary or a class and their teacher.
5.00pm. There is an additional charge for this service. Please contact ktjprimary@ktj.edu.my.
Children must be collected by 5.00pm.                                                                  Sharing assemblies are held each year, where parents will get the opportunity to come into
                                                                                                       school and watch classes present on an aspect of their recent learning. Each class or year group
                                                                                                       will also lead an assembly about one of our school values or IPC personal goals. Dates for these
                                                                                                       assemblies are published on the school newsletter, WhatsApp communications and through your

Air Conditioning
                                                                                                       child’s class teacher on Seesaw and Google Classroom. For sharing assemblies, parents are
                                                                                                       encouraged to join us for refreshments from 8.25am in the Canteen.

                                                                                                       Each Key Stage (Years 1-2 and Years 3-6) will also hold a fortnightly ‘celebration assembly’ to
In order to create a comfortable and conducive environment for learning, teaching and living,          award certificates relating to school and other achievements of children. This will be led by Key
air conditioning is installed in most areas of the School. In the boarding houses it is operational    Stage Leaders, the Deputy Head of Primary or Head of Primary.
when required in several shared areas, and from 7.00pm to 7.00am in the student bedrooms. KTJ
is an eco-friendly school which champions sustainability, and so the use of air conditioning is

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KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar
Secondary School
Secondary School assemblies take place every Wednesday at 10.40am in the Auditorium. There
is often a theme or themes for each assembly or series of assemblies. Assemblies are used to          Attendance and Absence
explore the School’s values and ethos, current affairs and world issues, issues relevant to young
people (e.g. mental health awareness) and global perspectives.                                        Attendance
                                                                                                      Term dates are published on our website in order to give parents and students as much notice as
Many elements of assemblies are led by students, either in leadership roles or as members of          possible of when school is in session. Attendance is compulsory when the School is in session.
clubs and societies. Assemblies are also used to recognise the achievement of students.
Parents are not normally invited to assembly. Permission is required in advance from the Principal    It is important that day students arrive at school on time so that registers can be taken.
to attend.
                                                                                                      Parents are asked not to send their child to school if they are unwell. In the case of illness or other
                                                                                                      unforeseen absence, parents of day students should inform the School as early as possible of
                                                                                                      their child’s absence, and preferably by 8.00am. They can do this by emailing the Primary School

Assessment                                                                                            (ktjprimary@ktj.edu.my) or the Secondary School (attendance@ktj.edu.my).

                                                                                                      Unexplained Absence
                                                                                                      Where a student is registered absent without explanation, the School will contact parents to
The School has an Assessment Policy which is available on the Parent Portal. In the Primary           ascertain whether their child should be in school.
School this is supplemented by a Primary School Marking Policy, which is also available on the
portal.                                                                                               Unfit for PE/Games/ECAs
                                                                                                      It is the School’s general policy to ensure the fullest participation in physical education and
Most of the assessment that takes place during the academic year is ‘formative assessment’,           swimming lessons, and even if a student is unable to take part he/she should attend the lesson.
which can happen in many ways. Teachers use this type of assessment to consistently check             Students who are medically exempt may either take on a leadership role, for example officiating
on what their students know, understand, and can do, and then plan future lessons accordingly.        or coaching their peers, or carry out alternative exercise to help with their rehabilitation and to
More formal assessments in the form of ‘tests’ will also take place throughout the year, at           optimise their well-being. Students unfit for physical ECAs should either speak to or email the
different times, depending on the requirements of each subject. Tests are carried out during          teacher in charge with a copy of their medical slip prior to the session. Attendance at the session
lessons.                                                                                              is not required.

In the Primary School students in Year 6 sit the CAT4 test. This is a cognitive ability test which    Requests for Absence
assesses verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial ability skills. Results of this test are not    Requests for absence for matters such as dentist or doctor appointments can be directed to the
shared with parents. The test is used to help Secondary School teachers ensure that they can          class teacher in the Primary School or the houseparent in the Secondary School. f you need to
provide fully for the students’ needs as they move into Form 1.                                       pick up your child during the course of the school day for an appointment, you should meet him/
                                                                                                      her at the Main Reception Foyer in Secondary or the Primary School Foyer.
Students in Forms 1-4 sit internal examinations annually; while students in Forms 5 and 6 sit trial
examinations in preparation for external examinations. See the section below on ‘Examinations’.       In the Primary School, where an absence request is for more than one day, permission is required
                                                                                                      from the Head of Primary School. In the Secondary School, houseparents will deal with absence
Students in Form 3 sit the Cambridge Checkpoint in Mathematics.                                       requests of up to two days. Requests for absence of a longer period should be directed to the

                                                                                                      We would ask that parents make such requests before making any bookings, purchasing tickets,

ATM                                                                                                   etc. Please note that it is unlikely that the School will authorise requests for absence due to family
                                                                                                      holidays during term time. The School will not usually authorise absence to attend concerts, plays
                                                                                                      or sporting events as a spectator. We will usually authorise absence to take part in competitions,
                                                                                                      to compete in sport at a high level, or to participate in other pursuits, such as music at a high
There is an ATM on campus, run by the Arab-Malaysian Bank (Ambank). All local and foreign
                                                                                                      level. Such authorisation is, however, subject to a student’s academic commitments and progress
cards are accepted. The ATM is located at the Arc.
                                                                                                      and we would expect the frequency of requests to be kept to a minimum.

                                                                                                      Poor Attendance
                                                                                                      The School monitors and reviews attendance records of students. Where a student has a poor
                                                                                                      attendance record, the School will invite parents to a meeting to discuss the matter.
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Behaviour and Sanctions                                                                               Bicycles and Skateboards
The School expects high levels of behaviour from its students. In line with these expectations and    Boarders are permitted to bring bicycles and skateboards to school and safety helmets need
to ensure that everyone in the community is treated fairly and with respect, there are school rules   to be worn at all times when either of these are being used. Cyclists are permitted to use
and sanctions in place.                                                                               school roads (including the red track) but must obey the road rules around the campus. Those
                                                                                                      skateboarding are only permitted to do so in the Waterfront area and also the Waterfront car park
Primary School                                                                                        (after school hours). Students will not be permitted to cycle or skate outside of the KTJ campus.
Every classroom has a poster displaying the Golden Rules (developed by Jenny Mosley, a leading
author and educational consultant in the area of behaviour management). The teachers and
children review the rules at regular intervals and these form the basis of our expectations of how

we treat each other and the choices we make.

                                                                                                      KTJ was initially established as a boarding school and boarding remains central to our culture.
                                                                                                      Around three-quarters of our Secondary students board and the School believes that a boarding
                                          We are gentle                                               environment has a number of advantages in its pursuit of its Mission of ‘providing a holistic,
                                            (we don’t                                                 British-style day and boarding school education’. Both boarding students and day students
                                           hurt others)                                               (called ‘day boarders’ in the Secondary School) benefit from this.
                We look after                                      We are kind
                  property                                         and helpful                        We accept boarders from the final year of Primary School (Year 6) and throughout all years of the
                                                                                                      Secondary School. Our youngest boarders have a separate boarding house, Naquiah House,
               (we don’t waste                                    (we don’t hurt
                                                                                                      which caters for their needs. It is compulsory for all Sixth Form students to board.
                 or damage                                        other people’s
                  property)                                          feelings)                        Most of our boarding students board seven days a week, but weekly and flexi options are
                                            Golden                                                    available. Depending on space, we can offer short-term boarding for day students whose parents
                                            Rules                                                     need to be away from home.

               We work hard                                                                           Enquiries about boarding places should be directed to our Admissions Team on registrar@ktj.edu.
                                                                     We listen                        my. More general enquiries about boarding can be directed to your child’s houseparent or to Mr.
                  (we don’t                                          (we don’t
               waste our own                                                                          Gary Slade, the Acting Director of Boarding (garyslade@ktj.edu.my).
                                         We are honest               interrupt)
               or other’s time)           (we don’t
                                           cover up
                                           the truth)
                                                                                                      Breakfast Club
                                                                                                      The Primary School offers families the opportunity to drop their child off at Breakfast Club from
Secondary School                                                                                      6.45 / 7.00 am before school begins each day (at an additional cost). Breakfast Club includes a
School Rules and sanctions for the Secondary School are outlined in KTJ Rules and Sanctions           balanced morning food option as well as structured opportunities for play and activities before
and Secondary School Rewards and Discipline Policy, which are both available on the Parent            school begins. This option is particularly useful for working parents who need to drop their child
Portal.                                                                                               off at school earlier before travelling to work in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor or other destinations that
                                                                                                      require lengthy periods of travel.
The School’s Exclusions Policy is also available on the Parent Portal.
                                                                                                      For more information about the Primary School Breakfast Club, please contact the Primary
                                                                                                      School Office (ktjprimary@ktj.edu.my).

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Bring Your Own Device                                                                                  Café Diem
The Secondary School operates a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy. This means all students
                                                                                                       The School has its own cafe, known as Cafe Diem, which serves snacks, hot and cold drinks and
are expected to bring a laptop or tablet to their lessons and to use it in their schoolwork.
                                                                                                       ice creams. It is open from 10.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Saturday and 1.00pm to 6.00pm on
                                                                                                       Sundays. Hours will vary on exeats and public holidays. Secondary students may visit the cafe
We do not specify a particular type of laptop or tablet and we are happy for students to use
                                                                                                       during break, lunch and after school; Sixth Form students can also visit the cafe during study
Windows-based, Android-based or iOS systems. We want to ensure students choose a laptop
                                                                                                       periods. No food is sold during lunch time until 1.30pm.
or tablet with which they are happy. The minimum specifications for devices can be found on the
Parent Portal.
                                                                                                       Students can pay either with cash or with a student card, provided there is money in the student’s
There are secure charging stations in the library in the Secondary School, where students may
charge their devices during the school day.
                                                                                                       The cafe is only open to parents and visitors when accompanied by a member of staff or
                                                                                                       attending a school event at the cafe.
Students have a responsibility for taking care of their devices and keeping them secure.
Responsibility for insuring the item rests with the parents.

Bus Service                                                                                            Calendar
                                                                                                       A calendar of school events can be found on the Parent Portal under ‘School Life’, ‘School
The School operates several bus routes. All buses are KTJ vehicles and driven by members of the
School’s Fleet Team. Most buses also have a bus monitor on board.

The School’s website lists the routes on which the buses operate, timings and costs. A booking

                                                                                                       Careers Guidance
form can be requested from the Primary School (ktjprimary@ktj.edu.my) or the Secondary School

Please note that only some routes offer a second return service after Secondary ECAs finish on
Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays; and not all routes operate on a Saturday.                     The School understands that effective career guidance encourages students to reflect on
                                                                                                       who they are and what they want to become, and to think critically about the relationships
It is expected that parents will ensure that they wait at the KTJ bus stop in the morning until        between their educational choices and future lives. Careers guidance can challenge students to
their child is collected by the bus. Please note that the bus cannot wait for latecomers. It is also   understand what it means to be personally effective and to grasp what employers are looking for.
expected that parents will ensure that they are at the KTJ bus stop in the evening when their child
is dropped off.                                                                                        At KTJ we have a comprehensive program designed to help every student to make informed
                                                                                                       decisions about his/her future. Career-related learning forms part of the PSHE program. It is an
In the case of an emergency, parents can make contact with their child’s bus by telephoning:           essential part of self-reflection and target setting in students’ work on the Purposeful Learning
019 418 3362.                                                                                          Plan and is part of the individualised guidance we give to students at key stages in their school

                                                                                                       An overview of key elements of the program in Forms 3-5 is outlined on the next page. For Sixth
                                                                                                       Form, please see the section on University Applications.

                                                                                                       The School has employed a full time Higher Education & Careers Guidance Counsellor, who is
                                                                                                       available for both parents and students for advice and support at any time. He can be contacted
                                                                                                       on dartaniantaylor@ktj.edu.my.

                                                                                                       In addition to the support offered by staff, students have access to the KTJ Careers portal, which
                                                                                                       gives a wealth of information on different careers and pathways.
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Form 3
     Term 1: Careers testing          •
                                          Morrisby pre-aptitude test (interests)
                                          Individual meetings with Mentor to discuss the results of the   Charitable Work & Community
                                          Morrisby Test
                                      •   Opportunity to speak with the Higher Education and Careers
                                      •   Students complete goals and plans in Purposeful Learning
     Term 2: IGCSE options support •      Individual meetings with Mentor
                                                                                                          The School works with a number of charities. In particular, we have strong ties with the En Xin
                                   •      Information and guidance on options and pathways for parents    Charity, based on the nearby town of Mantin. The En Xin Charity supports people in need in the
                                          and students through webinars, presentations and assemblies     local community in a number of ways, including running a daily ‘soup kitchen’. It also works
                                      •   Taster Day for students to sample IGCSE subjects and speak      with Myanmar refugees housed in Seremban. Many KTJ students volunteer to help with En Xin’s
                                          to subject specialists                                          education program, as well as leading donation drives on behalf of the charity.

     Term 3: Career learning in the   •   Wider learning day                                              The Leo Club and Interact Club in the Secondary School are linked to the international Lions Club
     curriculum                                                                                           and Rotary Club respectively. They work on a variety of charitable projects each year with the
     Form 4                                                                                               support of Lions and Rotary.
     Term 1: Careers testing          •   Full interest and aptitude Morrisby Test
                                                                                                          Any queries or enquiries about our charitable work can be directed to our Outreach &
                                      •   Individual meetings with Mentor to discuss the results of the
                                          Morrisby Test and academic progress in relation to career       Sustainability Officers:
                                      •   Opportunity to speak with the Higher Education and Careers      Primary School: TBC
                                          Counsellor                                                      Secondary School: Mr. Lance Gerow (lancegerow@ktj.edu.my).
                                      •   Students complete goals and plans in Purposeful Learning
     Term 2: Work experience          •   Work experience

                                                                                                          Coffee Mornings
     and career learning in the       •   Wider learning day
     Term 3: Throughout the year      •   KTJ Careers Fair and presentations by KTJ alumni
     (exploring university and career •   KTJ Medics Fair
     options)                         •   University presentations and engagement events                  The Primary School holds regular coffee mornings for parents. These involve a presentation or
                                      •   Oxbridge Outreach
                                                                                                          workshop on an aspect of the School or education, followed by refreshments. Details are sent to
     Form 5                                                                                               parents via the Primary School Newsletter.
     Term 1: Careers testing          •   Full interest and aptitude Morrisby Test, if not completed in
                                          Form 4
                                      •   Individual meetings with Mentor to discuss academic progress
                                          in relation to career ideas and post-Form 5 options
                                      •   Students complete goals and plans in Purposeful Learning
     Term 2: Post Form 5 pathways     •   Scheduled meeting with the Higher Education and Careers
                                          Counsellor and completion of ‘Considering my options after
                                          Form 5’
                                      •   Individual meeting with Mentor following IGCSE trial results
                                          and forecast grades
                                      •   Follow-up meetings with other school staff, as necessary
                                      •   Year group assembly on pathways available after Form 5
                                      •   Webinars and presentations for parents and students
                                      •   Taster Day for students to sample A Level subjects and speak
                                          to subject specialists
     Term 3: Throughout the year      •   KTJ Careers Fair and presentations by KTJ alumni
     (exploring university and career •   KTJ Medics Fair
     options)                         •   University presentations and engagement events
                                      •   Oxbridge Outreach
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Communication, Concerns &                                                                               Counselling
Complaints                                                                                              The School has two well-qualified counsellors who offer counselling services to students on both
                                                                                                        a voluntary and a referral basis. Counselling helps students understand themselves and their
                                                                                                        situations better, providing them with new ways to cope with problems or issues that cause them
The first port-of-call for parents in communicating with the School about their child will usually be
                                                                                                        concern, thereby ameliorating their self-esteem and wellbeing. Confidentiality is essential to the
the class teacher in the Primary School or the houseparent in the Secondary School. However,
                                                                                                        formal counselling process. Children who are considered ‘Gillick-competent’ can have access to
there are separate arrangements in place for reporting absence - see the entry on ‘Attendance
                                                                                                        counselling without their parents’ permission and against their parents’ wishes. An individual’s
and Absence’ above.
                                                                                                        wishes about confidentiality may be overridden by a paramount duty to protect a child’s welfare.
The best way to communicate with staff is by telephoning the School or sending an email to the
                                                                                                        The School’s Counselling Policy is available on the Parent Portal.
member of staff. Urgent matters should always be addressed via telephone. Staff endeavour to
reply to all emails within one working day.

The School primarily uses email to communicate messages to the parent body. It is therefore
important that we have an up-to-date email address for all parents. In addition, some messages
are sent to Primary School parents via a WhatsApp broadcast group.                                      Curriculum Overview
The School would prefer that parents raise any concerns or worries with us as soon as possible.         Primary School
In most cases we can address these quickly and put your mind at ease. Again, the first port-of-         In our Early Years phase, we follow the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) which
call will usually be the class teacher in the Primary School or the houseparent in the Secondary        incorporates all of the learning goals outlined within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
School. There is also the option to contact the relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team -         Framework and ‘Development Matters’ guidance for early years providers in the United Kingdom.
see the ‘Senior Leadership Team’ entry below for areas of responsibility and contact details.
                                                                                                        In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the English National Curriculum for English, mathematics
Where a concern is more serious, the School has a Complaints Policy which is available in the           and science. The National Curriculum is designed to give teachers, students, parents, and
Policies and Handbooks section of our website.                                                          the community a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge that young people will gain
                                                                                                        at school. This is a rigorous and challenging curriculum which prepares the children well for
                                                                                                        secondary school and which integrates fully with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC),
                                                                                                        which we use for the other primary subjects.

Corporal Punishment                                                                                     The IEYC and IPC are used throughout the Primary School allowing for a smooth transition
                                                                                                        between Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Years 1-2). The IEYC and IPC are used by schools in
                                                                                                        over 90 different countries and are comprehensive, enquiry-based, creative curricula with clear
KTJ does not allow any form of corporal punishment. This prohibition includes the administration        processes of learning and specific learning goals for every subject.
of corporal punishment to a student during any activity, whether or not within the school
premises, and applies to all members of staff, including volunteers and contract staff.                 At KTJ, we believe that learning is more successful when students are actively involved in
                                                                                                        gathering and processing information, interacting and co-operating with others. The IEYC and
We do not believe that corporal punishment has a place in today’s society and we encourage              IPC programs have been designed for innovation, and to engage and inspire children of all
families not to use it at home. Where we believe such punishment at home is having an impact on         abilities through stimulating, child-centered, cross-curricular units of work.
a child, the School will engage with parents.
                                                                                                        The curriculum is a thematic one, teaching science, history, art, geography, society and
Physical Restraint                                                                                      international concepts through a wide range of themes such as ‘The Earth and Beyond’, ‘The
We hope that the use of any physical force will not become necessary. However, should this ever         Circus’ and ‘Earth-Movers!’.
be required then the School’s Physical Restraint and Safe Touching Policy will be followed. This
policy is available on the Parent Portal.                                                               Secondary School
                                                                                                        In Forms 1-3 students study a broad range of subjects: English, mathematics, science, art,
                                                                                                        design technology, drama, geography, history, music and information & communication
                                                                                                        technology. In addition, they choose two languages from Malay, Chinese and French. All
                                                                                                        Malaysians are required to choose Malay as one of their languages. Students for whom English
16   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                      KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22         17
KTJ Parent Handbook - Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar
Daily Routine
is not their first language may have EAL substituted for one of their language options. In addition,
all students have lessons in swimming, physical education and PSHE.

In Forms 4-5 students all students are required to pursue courses in IGCSE English (first or
second language) and mathematics. In addition, they select seven other IGCSE subjects,
                                                                                                         Primary                                            The daily routines for Secondary students can
including at least one modern language and one science. All students are required to tak non-
                                                                                                         8:25                 Registration
                                                                                                                                                            be found on our website.
examined courses in PE and PSHE. Optional subjects are:
• Accounting
                                                                                                         8.30 - 8.50          Lesson 1 (guided reading)
• Additional mathematics (by invitation)
• Art and design
• Biology                                                                                                8.50 - 9.40          Lesson 2
• Business studies
• Chemistry                                                                                              9.40 - 10.30         Lesson 3
• Chinese (first, second or foreign language)
                                                                                                         10.30 - 10.50        Break time and snack
• Computer science
• Design technology (resistant materials)
                                                                                                         10.50 - 11.40        Lesson 4
• Drama
• Economics                                                                                              11.40 - 12.15        Lesson 5 (KS1)
• English literature
• Food and nutrition                                                                                     11.40 - 12.30        Lesson 5 (KS2)
• French
• Geography                                                                                              12.15 - 1.15         Lunch (KS1)
• History
• Malay (first or foreign language)                                                                      12.30 - 1.30         Lunch (KS2)
• Music
• Physical education                                                                                     1.15 - 2.15          Lesson 6 (KS1)
• Physics.
                                                                                                         1.30 - 2.30          Lesson 6 (KS2)
Some students are asked to substitute EAL or a course in transferable skills for an IGCSE option.
                                                                                                         2.15 - 2.30          Story time (KS1)
In the Sixth Form, students select three or four subjects to study at A Level from the following list:
• Accounting                                                                                             2.40 - 3.40          ECAs
• Art and design
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Computer science
• Design technology
• Drama and theatre                                                                                      Departure Cards &
                                                                                                         Permission Slips
• Economics
• English literature
• Geography
• History
• Physics.                                                                                               When leaving the School, boarding students are given an official departure card (for overnight)
In addition, students can choose to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), as well as            or an official permission slip (for the day), signed by a member of house staff. The student has to
courses to prepare them for IELTS and SATs.                                                              hand the card or slip in at the guardhouse to be allowed to leave.

Further details of the Secondary School curriculum can be found in the curriculum overview
booklets on our website.

18   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                       KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22        19
Drop Off & Pick Up Times                                                                                Drugs
Students can be dropped off and picked up at the points and within the times below. Except              The School has a zero-tolerance policy on the use of legal and illegal drugs for recreational
where special arrangements have been made, you should not drop off your child earlier than the          purposes by staff and students. Our Abuse of Drugs and Illegal Substances Policy can be found
stated times or pick up your child later than the stated times, as the School cannot guarantee          on our Parent Portal.
your child will be supervised.
                                                                                                        Students who are caught taking drugs at school or who supply drugs to others can expect to be
If you are late for a pick up due to unforeseen circumstances, please notify either the staff in your   permanently excluded (expelled) from the School. The School will also take action where images
child’s house (Secondary) or the Primary School Office.                                                 are posted online of a KTJ student taking drugs outside of school.

Drop off and pick up locations
Primary                            Drop off and pick up       In front of the hardcourt

                                                                                                        Electronic Devices
Secondary                          Drop off                   At the Main Entrance

Secondary                          Pick up                    Auditorium car park

                                                                                                        Primary School students are able to use the School’s wide range of ICT resources, including
Primary drop off and pick up times                                                                      laptops and iPads, to support their learning. Students are not permitted to bring their own
                                                                                                        personal mobile devices to school, unless under exceptional circumstances and where prior
Mon, Wed and Fri                   Drop off                   7.45 - 8.25am                             permission has been given to their parents by the Head of Primary. In these circumstances, the
                                                                                                        mobile device should be given to the child’s class teacher upon arrival at school at the beginning
Tues and Thurs                     Drop off                   8.00 - 8.25am
                                                                                                        of the day. The class teacher will register and record this device and return it to the child at the
No ECA                             Pick up                    2.30pm                                    end of the day.

ECA                                Pick up                    3.40pm                                    Any students who bring a mobile device to school without prior permission will have this
                                                                                                        confiscated. The device will be returned and sent home at the end of the day. The class teacher
After school care                  Pick up                    By 5.00pm                                 will also record this on the School’s management information system and notify parents to remind
                                                                                                        them of the School’s policy and guidelines.

                                                                                                        Day students should only bring to school electronic devices which they will require in their
Secondary drop off and pick up times
                                                                                                        learning or which will allow them to contact their parents for pick-up arrangements.
Mon, Wed and Fri                   Drop off                   7.30 - 7.55am
                                                                                                        Secondary school students are expected to have a laptop or tablet which they can use in their
Tues, Thurs and Sat                Drop off                   7.45 - 8.25am
                                                                                                        lessons. Please see the ‘Bring Your Own Device’ section above. The Primary School holds class
Mon - Fri                          Pick up                    3.30 - 6.15pm                             sets of tablets and laptops.

Sat                                Pick up                    1.00 - 1.30pm                             Boarding students are permitted to bring devices that will be used for entertainment and social
                                                                                                        purposes. They are expected to comply with School Rules and with laws within Malaysia in all of
                                                                                                        their online activities on their devices. Where students use their devices in contravention of the
                                                                                                        School Rules, they can expect them to be confiscated for a period of time.

                                                                                                        The School reserves the right to confiscate device chargers and batteries which are dangerous or
                                                                                                        do not comply with statutory requirements.

20    KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                      KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22        21
English as an Additional                                                                               E-Purse
Language                                                                                               Parents of students in the Secondary School can pre-load their student cards with money, which
                                                                                                       students can then spend in the Tuck Shop, Cafe Diem or the School Shop. This is a great way to
The School offers specialist English as an Additional Language (EAL) support to students whose         help your child to manage his/her spending. Details of how to put money on your child’s card can
first language is not English. We have dedicated EAL teachers based in both the Primary and            be found on the Parent Portal.
Secondary Schools.

Further information can be found in our EAL Policy, available on the Parent Portal. Where a
student requires intensive EAL support, the School may make an additional charge, but this will
be agreed with parents in advance and usually forms part of an admissions offer.                       Examinations
                                                                                                       There are no examinations set in the Primary School.

Entry & Exit Points                                                                                    Secondary School students sit internal, end-of-year examinations in Forms 1-4 as part of their
                                                                                                       preparation for IGCSE and A Level examinations. These examinations take place in June and
                                                                                                       results are reported to parents.
All units of IEYC and IPC in the Primary School have a strong international theme and incorporate
                                                                                                       Students in Forms 5 and 6 have trial examinations administered by the School in Term 2 of the
modern technology throughout. Each theme starts with a ‘WOW’ day (Entry Point) in order
                                                                                                       academic year. Results are reported to parents.
to introduce the theme to children and to create a sense of enquiry and excitement before
starting their studies. At the end of the unit we celebrate student progress with an Exit Point that
                                                                                                       The School offers IGCSE, AS and A Level examinations to its students. Most of these
showcases the different areas of learning within each topic. Parents are encouraged to join us for
                                                                                                       examinations are through the CAIE (Cambridge Assessment International Examinations), however,
both the Entry and Exit Points to share in their children’s learning. Dates for these are published
                                                                                                       a few subjects opt for the Pearson Edexcel board. The main sitting is in May and June each
on the school newsletter, WhatsApp communications and through your child’s class teacher on
                                                                                                       year, however, students on the 18-month A Level program will sit examinations in November and
Seesaw and Google Classroom.
                                                                                                       January of their Upper Sixth year, and these slots are also available to other students who wish to
                                                                                                       retake AS examinations in individual subjects.

                                                                                                       Any student wishing to retake an AS examination is required to seek approval from the relevant
                                                                                                       Head of Department and the Head of Sixth Form.

                                                                                                       Entry costs for external examinations are added to parents’ bills.

                                                                                                       IGCSE, AS and A Level results are published to students via the Student Portal. These
                                                                                                       are available through the Parent Portal as well, but this is reliant on your child setting their
                                                                                                       preferences to allow you to see the results.

                                                                                                       Any queries about examinations, including entries, results and remarks, should be directed to our
                                                                                                       Exams Office: exams@ktj.edu.my.

22   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                        KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22       23
An ‘exeat’ is a short holiday, usually of two or three days, which helps to give staff and students
a break during term time. Exeats are particularly important in the boarding environment. Not
all exeats are holidays for the Primary School - please see the Term Dates on our website for

Boarding students are welcome to remain in school during exeats. They will be well supervised by
staff and entertainment will be arranged for them - this often includes a visit to a KL mall. There is
no additional charge for boarders remaining in school during exeat.

Please ensure you observe the start and finish times of exeats. These are published on the Term
Dates page of our website.

Extra-Curricular Activities
Extra-curricular activities (ECAs) are a central part of life at KTJ. KTJ’s mission is to provide a
                                                                                                         Secondary School
‘holistic education’, meaning that we expect our students to extend their learning beyond the
                                                                                                         The ECA program has two slots on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 4.00pm-4.55pm
classroom. There are a wide range of ECAs on offer, and students are encouraged to get fully
                                                                                                         and 5.00pm-5.55pm. Students sign up for ECAs at the start of each term using an online system.
involved in them. Participation in ECAs helps students to make friends, develop new skills,
                                                                                                         A magazine giving details about all the activities on offer is published online prior to the sign up
improve their time management, to become part of a team, to learn the importance of helping
                                                                                                         and students also attend an ‘ECA Fair’, during which they can ask questions to find out about
other people and to develop leadership skills, amongst many other things.
                                                                                                         what each activity involves.
ECAs cover a wide range of areas, including sports, music, art, drama, public speaking,
                                                                                                         All Form 1 to 2 students are expected to join at least two sports and one other ECA per week
academic enrichment, hobbies and charitable and community service.
                                                                                                         and they are welcome to take part in more, as long as they are able to balance their work and
                                                                                                         other commitments. Other Secondary students are expected to take part in at least two ECAs per
Many ECAs are led by teachers and other members of staff, often tapping into particular passions
or areas of expertise. Others are led by external, visiting teachers and coaches who provide
expertise in specialist areas.

Most ECAs are included within the fees, though there is an additional charge for some. Where this
is the case, parents will be alerted to the fact and asked to agree before their child commits to
the ECA.                                                                                                 Fees
Primary School
                                                                                                         The School sends out invoices for fees to parents ahead of the start of each term and fees are
ECAs run from 2.40pm to 3.40pm, Monday to Friday for students in Key Stage 1 and 2. Students
                                                                                                         due by the first day of term. If you fail to pay fees on time, you risk your child being unable to
are strongly encouraged to participate, with different options each day. Parents are sent a list of
                                                                                                         return to school.
ECAs at the start of each term and are asked to sign their child up.
                                                                                                         We prefer parents to pay fees by direct bank transfer. Details of how to do this are on the
Children in our Reception class are able to join ECAs on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays and
                                                                                                         invoice. Please ensure you quote your child’s code (printed on the top right of the invoice) in the
parents are able to select their choice of activity from the list provided at the beginning of each
24   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                        KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22           25
Google Classroom
You can pay by credit card through our website.

Cheque payments are possible and should either be sent to the Accounts Department at
the school address or handed in at Reception marked as for the attention of the Accounts
Department. Please ensure you write your child’s code (printed on the top right of the invoice) on        Google Classroom is an online learning platform that we use to connect with our students.
the back of the cheque.                                                                                   Students login using their KTJ username and are added to one ‘Classroom’ for each of their
                                                                                                          classes. Within the Classroom, students receive announcements about upcoming events in the
Cash payments will not be accepted for payments of more than RM5,000. Cash payments must                  ‘stream’ and can access course materials or assignments in the ‘classwork’ area. Teachers can
be made directly to the Accounts Department in person.                                                    also mark work and provide grades and feedback to students through Google Classroom.

Please do not ask your child to pass on a cheque or cash to the School to pay fees.                       When teachers set assignments in Google Classroom, if there is a specific date for the work to be
                                                                                                          completed by, this deadline automatically is synched with the student’s Google Calendar. This
Please do not pay a cheque or cash directly into our bank account. It is difficult for the School to      helps our students keep up to date with deadlines. To further help with organisation, students
trace the origin of such payments.                                                                        receive an email every time the teacher posts an announcement or an assignment or returns a
                                                                                                          marked piece of work with feedback. It is possible to turn these notifications off, however, we
School fees are payable in advance. Each term there are likely to be some additional charges              recommend that all students leave them turned on.
- these are paid in arrears. The School will ask for your agreement on any charge over RM100,
except where the charge is for intentional or reckless damage caused by your child.

The School will send a receipt to acknowledge your payment, but please note that this can take
two to three weeks to arrive.

Parents can benefit from a 5% discount on fees by paying the full year in advance. Otherwise,
it is expected that fees will be paid termly. It is worth noting that though the length of the terms
varies, tuition and boarding fees for each of the three terms within the academic year are the            The Board of Governors is an advisory body, which includes all Trustees and several other
same, in order to allow parents to plan financially. No discounts are offered on either tuition or        members appointed by the Founding Trustees. The role of the Governors to provide expert advice
boarding fees for periods when students are on study leave. For study leave arrangements,                 and opinion. Governors meet annually and their meeting is chaired by the Chairman of Trustees,
please see the section on ‘Study Leave’ below.                                                            who is also the Chairman of Governors.

If you have any queries about your school bill, you can contact our Accounts Department at                A list of current Governors can be found on our website.

If you are having trouble paying your bill, please contact the Director of Finance & School
Services, Mr Tim James, at timothyjames@ktj.edu.my.

Financial Aid
Where parents have enrolled their child in the School in good faith and later find themselves in
financial difficulty, the School will consider whether it can help. In asking for help, parents need to
be prepared to explain their situation honestly and provide documentary proof.

Enquiries about financial aid should be directed to the Director of Finance & School Services, Mr.
Tim James, at timothyjames@ktj.edu.my.

26   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                      KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22       27
Hair                                                                                                      Holiday Homework
Students’ hairstyles must not be of an attention-seeking variety, nor are excessively fashionable         Primary School
styles allowed. Hair must be neat, short and conservative in style. Girls with long hair must have it     All students are encouraged to spend time reading, pursuing hobbies and researching topics of
tied back.                                                                                                interest during the holidays. However, students will not usually be set formal homework (prep)
                                                                                                          activities to complete over the holidays.
All boys must be clean-shaven. Sideburns must be no longer than mid-ear.
                                                                                                          Secondary School
Variations to these rules will be allowed on religious or cultural grounds, but the permission of the     All students are encouraged to spend time reading, pursuing hobbies and researching topics of
Head of Secondary (Pastoral) or the Head of Primary must be sought.                                       interest during the holidays.

                                                                                                          Holiday work is not usually set for students in Forms 1-3, although sometimes teachers will
                                                                                                          encourage students to carry out research or project-based tasks.

Health & Safety
                                                                                                          Students in Forms 4 and above are expected to spend some time over each holiday
                                                                                                          consolidating their understanding of their IGCSE or A level courses. This is particularly important
                                                                                                          for these year groups in the holidays prior to trial and public examinations. They may be set work
                                                                                                          to complete by their teachers.

The School takes health and safety very seriously. We have our own Health & Safety Officer who

                                                                                                          Home Language
oversees matters in school. He is supported by the OSHA Committee, which meets termly and
contains representatives from all areas of the School.

There are procedures in place for fire, lockdown, lightning and bomb threats. These procedures
are available on request from principal@ktj.edu.my.                                                       Developing a strong mother tongue has been proven to enhance cognitive and emotional
                                                                                                          development in children. At KTJ, we celebrate and foster the growth of all our students’
All risky activities inside and outside of school, and all trips, are risk assessed. In addition, where   languages, whilst improving English proficiency.
needed, staff are given specialist safety training.
                                                                                                          We highly encourage parents to help support the development of their child’s cognitive and
The School’s Health and Safety Policy is available on request. Please email principal@ktj.edu.my.         language skills by communicating and reading with their children at home both in English and
                                                                                                          their mother tongue.

                                                                                                          We are always ready to meet with parents to discuss ways to help their child’s language
                                                                                                          development. At KTJ, we strive to expand our mother tongue resources and are happy to receive

Health Centre
                                                                                                          donations of resources or suggestions.

The School has its own well-equipped Health Centre, run by a qualified doctor and qualified
nurses. The centre is open 24 hours a day during term time.

Parents can contact the Health Centre at healthcentre@ktj.edu.my or 019 272 3362.

The School has a panel of hospitals and clinics to which students can be taken if necessary. Any
charges that are accrued in such visits will be passed onto the parents.

Further details of the health and medical procedures for students can be found in Section 8 of the
KTJ Parent Contract, which is available on our website.

28   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                        KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22        29
Homework                                                                                             House Bank
Primary School                                                                                       The House Bank, run by the houseparent of each boarding house, is a facility for boarding
The main aims of setting homework are to reinforce learning, establish positive study habits,        students to deposit and withdraw money. It provides a safe and easy way for students to ensure
promote independent learning and give parents a greater insight into their child’s academic          that they do not run out of money throughout the term. Parents may give houseparents a certain
progress. The nature of homework-based tasks is left to the discretion of the teacher but may        amount of money to be added into their child’s House Bank, or transfer an amount to the school’s
consist of a passage of reading, spelling, mathematics, some personal research or a short            account which can then be transferred into the House Bank. The opening times of House Bank
extension or reinforcement of learning previously undertaken. Time spent on homework will            are determined and published by the respective houseparents.
vary according to the age of the child. Please ensure that homework tasks are undertaken in an
appropriate environment away from distractions.                                                      All houses have a house safe where money, passports and other valuable items can be stored
Information regarding how and when homework is set will be given by each child’s class teacher
at the beginning of the year.

Secondary School
Homework is referred to as ‘prep’ in the Secondary School and has the function of preparing
students for future lessons, as well as giving students the opportunity to carry out learning
activities independently. Sometimes, prep learning is ‘flipped’, which means that the student will
                                                                                                     House Night
acquire new knowledge and understanding through their prep work. At other times, prep tasks
are set which give students a chance to practise demonstrating their knowledge, understanding        Each house in the Secondary School will designate the first Saturday or first Sunday of term as
and skills and for teachers to be able to assess and provide feedback on the student’s               ‘House Night’. This is an opportunity for all students and staff in the house to enjoy a bonding
performance.                                                                                         experience, usually involving some fun activities and food. Despite the name, this event might
                                                                                                     take place during the day.
To help students in Forms 1-5 to structure their prep assignments, prep is set according to
a published timetable. These timetables are available on the Parent Portal, under ‘School            The houseparent will make parents aware of arrangements in advance and of any costs.
Information & Policies’, ‘Documents & Policies’.                                                     All boarding students are expected to attend and day students are strongly encouraged to
Form 1, 2 and 3 students are set prep for two different subjects each evening. Each piece of prep
should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.                                                    House Night takes place on a closed weekend, which means boarders are not permitted to return
                                                                                                     home for the weekend unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Form 4 and 5 students are set prep for three different subjects each evening. For Form 4,
each piece of prep should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. This time increases to
approximately 45 minutes per subject in Form 5.

Sixth Form students are expected to manage their time so that they are able to meet the prep
deadlines set by their teachers. Sixth Form students should expect to complete 3-4 hours of prep
work for each subject they study per week.
                                                                                                     House System
Supervised prep time is standardised across the week in the boarding houses. First prep (for all     Primary School
boarding students) runs from 7.45pm to 8.45pm, Monday to Friday and from 8.00pm to 8.45pm            The Primary School operates a student house system. Each student and member of staff is
on Sundays. Second prep (for Form 5 and Sixth Form boarding students) runs from 9.15pm to            allocated membership to one of four houses: Frangipani, Hibiscus, Orchid or Rafflesia.
10.00pm on the same days. Day students are encouraged to maintain a similar routine to help
them organise their independent studies.                                                             The houses have their own name and colour and house points will be given out during the week
                                                                                                     by staff. These house points will be added together to make a cumulative total for each house.
                                                                                                     Each week in assembly the winning house will be announced and awarded 1-4 points, depending
                                                                                                     on their position that week. At the end of each term, the House Point Trophy and prize will be
                                                                                                     given to the house that has been allocated the most points throughout the term.

30   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22                                                                                                                                  KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22           31
The school calendar incorporates several inter-house sporting events, such as the swimming gala
and sports days, at which houses may accumulate further points. For inter-house events, children
are expected to wear a house T-shirt; these can be purchased at the Primary School Office.

Whenever possible, siblings are allocated membership of the same house. Each house has two           All students will be provided with a school network account. This includes a school email address
Year 6 representatives who act as House Captains in their houses. They also act as the house         with the domain ktj.edu.my. Staff will never contact a student through a personal email address.
representative on special occasions, such as whole school assemblies and the announcements of
house point scores.                                                                                  In the Primary School, the teaching of ICT skills are integrated into all curriculum subjects
                                                                                                     with students given regular opportunities to learn and practise these within lessons. Children
                                                                                                     are taught the importance of online safety which is also reinforced through PSHE activities,
                                                                                                     assemblies, awareness days and parent education workshops and events.

                                                                                                     In the Secondary school, students recieve ICT and Computing lessons from Form 1 through to
                                                                                                     Form 3. Computer Science is an optional subject at IGCSE and A Level.

                                                                                                     In Secondary, students are taught about e-safety in their ICT lessons and this is backed up
                                                                                                     through topics covered in PSHE lessons with Mentors.

                                                                                                     The School uses the Google Suite, which includes Google Classroom, where teachers will
Secondary School                                                                                     post work, notes and notices for students. It also includes Google Chat, which is used in the
There are ten houses in the secondary school. There are three houses for junior students all         Secondary School for quick communication between teachers and students. In the Primary
named Naquiah, but split up into boys’, girls’ and day students. There are four senior boys’         School, teachers and students use Gmail and Google Classroom to communicate online. In the
houses and three senior girls’ houses. Each house has its own colour and mascot, and students        event of school closures or online learning, students are able to access their learning through
wear their house shirts with pride.                                                                  various platforms such as Google Classroom, Seesaw (Primary) and Zoom.

Each House has a Houseparent and a team of tutors to look after the students. The boarding           The School has an Acceptable Use Policy which governs the use of software, hardware and the
Houses also have a resident matron. They help oversee the students academic and pastoral             school network, including students’ use of their personal devices at school.
progress and encourage the students in their houses to grasp opportunities to develop holistically
as a KTJ student.

There are a number of house competitions throughout the year including House Singing, House
Drama, House Swimming, House Cross-Country, House Quizzes. These are keenly contested and
strongly supported by the students and staff in each house.                                          Images of Students
                                                                                                     By signing the KTJ Parent Contract (see Section 10.5), parents are agreeing to the School using
                                                                                                     their child’s image or photograph in marketing and advertising materials, including but not limited
                                                                                                     to printed advertisements, social media and video. If you do not wish us to use your child’s
                                                                                                     image or photograph in our marketing and advertising materials, please contact the Registrar on

                                                                                                     The School’s policy is to limit biographical data in any publication. For example, we will usually
                                                                                                     only publish images of students with their first name and year group. It is our policy to only
                                                                                                     publish full names with images of students with the express permission of a parent. If the student
                                                                                                     is 18 years of age or older, the responsibility to give permission rests with the student.

                                                                                                     Parents may take photographs or videos at school events, but we ask you to be mindful of what
                                                                                                     you post on social media. It is likely that an image will include other students whose parents
                                                                                                     may have different views on the posting of such images on social media. Images of students in
                                                                                                     swimming costumes should not be posted on social media under any circumstances.

                                                                                                                                                                   KTJ Parent Handbook 2021-22         33
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