Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington

Page created by Roberta Murphy
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
Tottington St Anne’s

June 2020 Price £1
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
The View from the Vicarage
I don’t suppose that many of you will have read the works of St Irenaeus of Lyon who
figures in our prayer for the month of June. For those of you who may unfamiliar with
him, he was one of the early Bishops of the Church who are referred to as the Apostolic
Fathers. These were the first and second generation in the Church subsequent to those
Apostles who were chosen by Jesus himself. Why, might you imagine, have I chosen him
to be the focus for the month of June? Well, one obvious reason is because his Feast Day
falls on the 28th of June. But there is something else that is significant for the times in
which we live. In his life and writings Irenaeus often referred to the Rule of Faith.
This is in fact what we normally recite every Sunday in Church and is more familiarly
recognised as the Apostle’s Creed. Its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the Creed
that helps us Christians understand the Gospel and what it means. But, I hasten to add, not
in a sort of dry as dust, academic kind of way to which only the elite of an enlightened
few have access. No. As the orthodox Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow once wrote,
“The Creed does not belong to you unless you live it.” What he means by that is this -
we need to know what we believe and experience it at a deeper level than simply being
able to repeat it by memory. The reality of our faith is expressed and affirmed in the Creed
and sits at the very core of our Faith; it articulates a set of beliefs that are cohesive.
Gosh, that may sound a bit weighty but actually it’s not - in simple terms we need to know
what we believe; this has a particular relevance for today.
 It is quite evident that the disruption of recent months has, for many in the
Church necessitated a reflection around questions of belief. Do the concepts that we recite,
or sing about resonate with experience and how far do we actually trust what is being said
about heaven, the eternity of the soul, the resurrection, judgement, that God is indeed
All-Mighty, the forgiveness of sins and all that stuff? And the thorny questions about
belief flow into others about faith and the Christian hope. For some that has resulted in a
greater clarity of belief whilst clearly for others it has caused them to rethink the degree to
which with any real conviction they will be able to sing “All my hope on God is founded”
when they eventually find themselves back in Church! It seems to me that to have the
credible voice of faith in a troubled world the Church must affirm what it believes in the
Creeds; not in an anodyne, prattling manner akin to a discussion on proposed changes in
the LBW law in cricket. The Church is unlikely to give hope to the world if it simply
occupies the same bandwagon of relativism as the secular society in which it exists. The
Gospel message of the Creed needs to be seen in the lives of those who profess its tenets.
This has been true in the lives of Christian men and women in the massive upheavals and
amidst periods in British history that have, (amongst others) survived the Black Death of
1348, the Plague of 1665, Scarlet Fever of the mid nineteenth century and the La Grippe
global disaster of 1918. The same will be true as well in the days of Covid 19. The most
effective agents of the hope that the Church has been entrusted with for 2000 years are the
ordinary, faithful lives of Christian people who know what the Faith is, keep it and live it.
Keep the Faith
The Vicar
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
Latest Finance position
 From Roger
 I write this in early May having missed 8 Sundays and an effective 2 months of
 envelopes and cash collections. Our last service was on the Sunday 15th March.
 You will recall I highlighted the fact that £650 per week was therefore not being
 collected by the Church in a combination of envelopes and cash.

 The response has been excellent and a huge thank you to all 42 of you that have
 set up standing orders. A fuller breakdown of numbers are recorded below, but I
 estimate this will bring in £275 per week.
 18 - S/O Conversions from envelopes actually in the bank
 10 - S/O Conversions promised but not yet credited to the bank account
 14 - New S/O not previously envelope users
 I have also collected £320 from current envelopes and £475 from one off

 I estimate the 10 S/O not yet seen will produce £275 pm (£66 per week)
 So the total of weekly cash now being received is £475 against £650:-
 £136 – Standing Order switches
 £73 – Standing Orders promised not banked
 £ 66 – New Standing Orders
 £ 80 – weekly equivalent of £320 envelopes collected
 £115 – weekly equivalent of donations
 £475 Current Weekly Total

 Considering we have not set foot in Church for 2 months the response has been
 excellent and a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time and effort to
 ensure the flow of cash to St Anne’s continues. We know we are not alone in the
 world struggling with cash or more accurately without cash!

 This could not have been conducted as effectively or efficiently without the help of
 our new communications network at St Anne’s. This is playing a major part in
 keeping the community together during the present period of social distancing.
 A huge thank you once again to everyone who has responded and the support of
 the IT team.

 ps… there are still over 40 envelope users, some I know have advised me of
 problems with work in the present climate which are fully understandable, but can
 the remainder please have another look as we are still £200 per week down.

Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
Saint of the Month
 Evelyn Underhill
 By Bridget Park
Christianity is a religion which concerns us as we are here
and now, creatures of body and soul. We do not "follow the
footsteps of his most holy life" by the exercise of a trained
religious imagination, but by treading the firm, rough earth, up hill and down dale.
Faith is not a refuge from reality. It is a demand that we face reality ...

These words of Evelyn Underhill, whom we commemorate on the 15th June, seem
startlingly apposite to our current situation.

Evelyn was born in Wolverhampton 1857 and died in 1941. She was a poet and
novelist, as well as a pacifist and mystic. Her lifelong interest in mysticism was self-
grown. She had numerous mystic experiences as a child and it became a lifelong
quest to understand their meaning, quite unsupported by her parents or, later, her

Initially an agnostic, she was increasingly drawn to Catholicism and against the
objections of her husband, eventually became a prominent Anglo-Catholic. Her
spiritual mentor from 1921 to 1924 was Baron Freidrich von Hugel, who was
appreciative of her writing yet concerned with her focus on mysticism. She described
him as "the most wonderful personality. So saintly, truthful, sane and tolerant" and was
influenced by him toward more charitable, down-to-earth activities. After his death in
1925, her writings became more focused on the Holy Spirit and she became
prominent in the Anglican Church as a lay leader of spiritual retreats, a spiritual
director for hundreds of individuals, guest speaker, radio lecturer, and proponent of
contemplative prayer.

Underhill was educated at home, except for three years at a private school in
Folkestone, and subsequently read history and botany at King’s College London.
She was conferred with an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Aberdeen University
and made a fellow of King’s College. She was the first woman to lecture to the clergy
in the Church of England as well as the first woman officially to conduct spiritual
retreats for the Church. She was also the first woman to establish ecumenical links
between churches and one of the first woman theologians to lecture in English colleges
and universities, which she did frequently.
Two other quotations also seem of particular relevance to today….
“God is acting on your soul all the time, whether you have spiritual sensations or not.”
“Love is creative. It does not flow along the easy paths, spending itself in the
attractive. It cuts new channels and goes where it is needed.”
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
ngrega Peter Crabtree
 Co t was born in Bury and attended
 St Thomas’ Junior School before
 Meet The

 going on to Church Central. He

 served his apprenticeship with Bury
 Council before opening his own
 joinery business. He’s been married
 to Jean for 53 years and they have
 two children and two grandchildren.
 by Geoff Leach Peter served as Church Warden for
 6 years under Geoffrey Sutcliffe. The
 last 3 were during the interregnum
 before our current vicar, Hugh arrived.
 What is your perfect evening? Marie. But my favourite of all is ‘I love you
 When the family come for Sunday dinner to more and more each day’ by Foster and
 have a good chat and a laugh. Extra guests Allen. As a contrast I also enjoy listening to
 would include Alex Ferguson, Bobby Queen with Freddie Mercury.
 Charlton and to sing for us, Tammy Wynette.
 When was the last time you cried?
 What is your favourite TV show? I get quite moved and could cry for
 Sport programmes or anything to do with England. As I have got older I get far more
 nature or real life stories. I do love watching emotional.
 Vera mainly for the beautiful Northumberland
 scenery. The bravest thing you have ever done
 Probably approaching a man in
 If you could change or make a new law, Summerseat with a shotgun who was
 what would it be? pointing it at a friend of mine. Luckily the
 To be far stricter with our laws and personally Police arrived and took control.
 I would bring back capital punishment.
 The best day of your life
 The best things my parents taught me Our 60th birthday treat travelling across
 To work hard and play hard, but do it in the Canada. We have never bettered that
 right order. But whatever you do, do it to the holiday. Of course what comes first is our
 best of your ability. My Dad always said ‘don’t wedding day, the birth of our children and
 forget to tell them who your Dad is!’. He also then our grandsons.
 said ‘You’re as good as anybody and if they
 say they’re better, tell them to prove it’ Your worst job
 I have loved all my jobs. Running my own
 The shop you cannot walk past business gave me great satisfaction and it
 I am an only a shopper out of necessity, was only because I had to have surgery on
 although Jean will say I am lethal when let both arms that I had to stop. I then became
 loose in a clothes shop. an undertaker for 8 years before taking up
 my last position as an escort for autistic
 Your greatest weakness children.
 I am quite intolerant and have been known to
 call a spade a spade on many occasions If you had only one hour left on earth
 which sometimes does not do you any good. what would your last meal be?
 Roast Chicken dinner with roast potatoes,
 What song or music is always in your head? roasted parsnips and cauliflower cheese.
 I do enjoy Irish Folk and Country and Trifle to follow all washed down with a
 Western music. I get moved by the lyrics, couple of lagers.
 particularly ‘Going home to Ireland’ by Rose
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
Geoff’s Hospital Quiz
The answers to our quiz are listed below. People ask me how I arrive at the question
 so I’ve tried to break it down for you. I did say that there’s a lot of licence with
 some of the spellings.

 1. Bandage Band / age
 2. Stretcher Stretch / her
 3. Nurse New / hearse
 4. Receptionist Reception / is tea
 5. Antiseptic Auntie / septic
 6. Paracetamol Parrots / eat ‘em all
 7. Forceps Force / p.s.
 8. Matron Ronald /mat
 9. Sister Si / stir
 10. Paramedic Para / me /dick
 11. X Ray
 12. Wheelchair
 13. Hip replacement Hip / rep / lace / meant
 14. Ear, nose and Throat (throw / at)
 15. Pharmacy Far/ ma / see
 16. Pathologist Pat / hollow. Gist
 17. Laboratory assistant Labour / a tory / assist / ant
 18. Pillow Pi / low
 19. Paediatrician Pea /dia / trick / ian
 20. Ward A ward
 21. Ambulance Ham / bull / Anne / see
 22. Operating theatre Opera / ting / theatre
 23. Antibiotic Auntie / Bio / tic
 24. Appointment Appoint / meant
 25. Psychiatrist Sigh/ chiatrist
 26. Midwife Dim (mid) /wife
 27. Defibrillator Defi / brill / later
 28. Porter
 29. Kidney dish Kid / knee / dish
 30. Thermometer Thermo / meet / her

 The winner was Mrs Rita King who has been very successful in our annual quiz,
 winning it several times. She wins a bottle of wine!
 There’s another one of my quizzes on page 20, hopefully for your enjoyment.
 Best of luck,
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
A request went out from MU at Diocese for any budding poets to send in
 poems reflecting life in lockdown.
 This one was sent in by Annie Meighan who has done a great job.
 Thank you Annie!

 Stay alert, stay at home,
 Don’t meet friends nor start to roam,
 In Country Park nor seaside town,
 Remember, please, we’re in lockdown.

 Only greet friends if two metres apart,
 Can’t visit family, it breaks one’s heart.
 Oh, how one wishes this crisis ends,
 And that once again, one can see one’s friends.

 Schools closed down leaving children at home,
 And parents struggling to teach them alone.
 Teachers sending them work on the internet,
 But wondering weekly how much to set.

 Oh, to enjoy a coffee or nice cup of tea,
 With family or friends we normally see.
 This corona virus has shattered our plans,
 And personal freedom is out of our hands.

 Never before in peace time nor war,
 Has a global pandemic been known to score.
 Covid 19 has spread world-wide,
 Until there is nowhere for one to hide.

 Turn off the sound, close down the screen,
 I’ve heard enough of this Covid 19.
 I find now the telephone never stops ringing,
 And feel that my head is forever spinning.
Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
Still lots Though people may be restricted
 from entering the Church and the

 to do! Church Hall, people are still busy
 maintaining the churchyard.

Rod Duckworth, who is contracted for the main area of the graveyard, has been
kept busy during the good weather recently... everything has sprung up and the
grass won’t stop growing!
 These other areas are down to our volunteers:
 The Memorial Garden is tended by ‘The 2R’s’ - Roy and Roger, with the
main focus generally on a Monday. Spring has brought colour to the area and the
beech hedge has turned from it’s winter brown to it’s summer green.
 The recently rescued border from the double gate entrance on Chapel
Street all the way along the vicarage wall was cleared by Rod Duckworth who
heaved out old shrubs, bushes and small trees, then Rob Mackenzie cleared the
heavy stones and John Hall has since spent hours creating the garden areas
shown here in the photographs. The intention was to divide it into smaller areas
so that groups could take responsibility for their own patch. Clearly with the
present restrictions this plan is currently on hold, hence John's long hours tending
the whole area and keeping it ready for next year.
Tottington Primary School, Mothers Union and the
Uniformed Organisations had all volunteered, but it’s now
beginning to look like 2021 before these groups can get
stuck in.


Tottington St Anne's Trinity - St Anne's Church Tottington
On VE Day the Vicar said prayers at the Village War Memorial at 11.00am.
 Prayers of thanksgiving were offered along with those for The Queen and current
 serving members of her armed forces. Prayers were also said for those ministering
 in various ways during the last few weeks. Former members of the 207th Field
 Hospital, with whom Hugh served, attended along with the Churchwarden,
 members of our Church family and parishioners. Neville Foote's bonnet, that he
 wore at Normandy and throughout the Second World War, was placed on the war
 memorial along with a posy of poppies with the message,
 From the Vicar, Churchwarden and PCC
 of the Parish Church of St Anne.
 The prayers finished with the Vicar leading the singing of the National Anthem.
 At the same time Freddie Bearn rang the Church bell 75 times to commemorate
 this significant year in our nation's history.

Intercessions for June 2020
 We remember in our prayers
 all those whose names lie at the foot of the cross in the intercession
corner in our church. Those who are sick, those who mourn, those who
 can no longer live independent lives, all who are troubled in
 body, mind or spirit.

 Holy Father God ….
 We continue to pray for all people around the world suffering from the
 coronavirus pandemic. Give us patience Lord as the weeks become months
and there is no clear end in sight. Help us to adjust to the new normal and follow
 the advice of those who have the knowledge and experience that we lack.

 We give thanks for the exceptional beauty of this spring which has helped so
 much to raise our spirits, keep our eyes open to the beauty around us
 and help us not to forget the good things that have grown from all the sadness,
 fear and inconvenience of the present time. Encourage us to remember,
 when this is over, the dedication of all those who are currently underpaid and,
 until recently, undervalued.
 Help us to put this right when the opportunity is given to us.

On Christmas Eve of 1944 preparations for
 the seasonal festivities came to an abrupt
 end when a ‘doodle bug’ dropped on to the
 row of houses opposite St Anne’s Church.
 Six people were killed and a seventh died
 later in hospital. This newspaper article is
 from the Bury Times of December 21st
 1984 and was given to me by Gill and Geoff
 Leach. In the article several people looked
 back to ‘the night the bomb dropped.’
 Village life was devastated for a long time afterwards. Mrs Elizabeth Bridge
 remembered vividly the blast that shattered all the windows in her home in
 Quakersfield. ‘There were gas stoves and chairs and bits of furniture strewn all
 over the trees in the church yard.’ The blast shattered the windows in properties
 all over Tottington, but the beautiful window above the altar in St Anne’s Church
 remained intact. The church was directly opposite the bomb-damaged cottages
 and the churchyard was littered with stones and timber. Clothing hung from the
 leafless branches of the trees. The church was cleared in time for the Christmas
 Day service, but only blackout curtains kept the chilly wind from blowing through
 the shattered windows.
 For one little girl of eight, Sheila Hayes, it meant the end of her life-long dream to
 own a doll’s pram. The bomb landed just a few yards from her home and the blast
 threw it’s contents across the road into St Anne’s Church yard. She recalled: ‘It
 was terrible. I was sleeping on a camp bed in my parent’s room and when the
 bomb dropped I went straight through the floor, but it was the sight of my doll’s
 pram hanging in pieces from the trees in St Anne’s churchyard that upset me the
 most. I never did get another one.’
 The first two photos are of Colin Macdonald and Sylvia Marsden (now Bridge)
 who are still members of Tottington Bowling Club.
 How Chapel
 Street looked
 before the

aster Crosses f
 E rom
 Alison left some Easter crosses
 in the Vicarage garden, for the
 Sunday School children to collect
 and take home to decorate.
 These were the dazzling

 Ava and Jude

 Owen Barnes

 Harry and Ewan Cain

 Jude’s cross

 Emma Barnes

 Harry and Ewan’s
14 Ava’s cross Crosses
Isabel and Lucy Clayton
collecting their crosses

 Elliot and Lewis
 Nixon painting
 in their home
 made den.



 Elliot and Lewis’s crosses

Matilda, Henry and George Brunning
 Kathryn and (below) their lovely crosses

 Mia Bugg

 Caitlin Hulme
Peace and quiet...
 Well things have got very calm at our house. My
 lovely husband has finally got used to having no
 Sky Sports or golf and we’re really enjoying our

 Whenever I asked him to do something around the
 house, he used to say, ‘It’s on my list!’
 Well the list has vanished! He’s done everything!

 Carole (Ed) x
 07976 234399

 Next issue....
 Copy deadline: 20th June

 Tottington’s Big Day Out 2020
We are sorry to announce that due to the ongoing pandemic and with the safety
of our guests and volunteers as our number one priority, Tottington’s Big Day Out
 2020 will no longer be taking place this year.
 The organising committee are more determined than ever to come back with a
 bigger and better event in 2021 and we look forward to welcoming you to
 Crompton Meadows on Sunday 4th July next year. For now, keep safe, keep
 healthy and look after each other.
 TBDO Organising Committee

Childrens What do sea What do you get
Corny monsters eat for when you cross a
Joke lunch?
 Labrador with a
Corner Fish and Ships! A Labracadabrador !
 S W O?

 Who do you think this is?

 The first person to guess
 the correct name
 wins a bottle of wine or a
 box of Quality Street!

 phone: 07976 234399

 May’s prize of a box of Quality Street was won by
 Pat Blake, who guessed that our little girl was
 Anne Lamb.
We pray for the repose of the Readings for June
souls of those who have died
 7th June
in recent weeks and who
were ministered to by the Isaiah 40 Verses 12-17
Church. and 27-31
We offer their loved ones and 2 Corinthians 13 Verses 11-14
friends the prayers of Matthew 28 Verses 16-20
St Anne’s and our ongoing
 14th June
support for them as we are
 Genesis 18 Verses 1-15
 Romans 5 Verses 1- 8
Ronald Young Mattew 9 Verses 35 -10.8

Fred Kelly 21st June
 Genesis 21 Verses 8-21
Winifred Dickinson Romans 6 Verses 1-11
 Matthew 10 Verses 24-39
Keith Caitlin
 28th June
John Knight Genesis 22 Verses 1-14
Douglas Johnson Romans 6 Verses 12-14
 Matthew 10 Verses 40-42
Carole Selina

Emily Symms

Jean Smith
 Prayer for June
Barrie George Dixon O God of peace, who through the
 ministry of your servant Irenaeus
George Wilson Bowyer
 strengthened the true faith and brought
Kathleen Alice Duckworth harmony to your Church; keep us
 steadfast in your true religion, and
Leslie Clarkson renew us in faith and love, that we may
Dorothy Ratcliffe always walk in the way that leads to
 eternal life; through
Betty Adams Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
 Requiescat In Pace Saint Irenaeus Bishop of Lyon
 Second Century Doctor of the Church

Another Quiz from Geoff
 Sounds Italian to me!
 Another short quiz for you to do. As you can see from the answers to last months,
 there’s a lot of licence with some of the spellings. No charge again, I am just getting you
 prepared for when the annual quiz comes out in September.
 This time the answers are all Italian. Food, wine, drinks, places, football teams or people.
 Best of luck. A bottle of wine for the winner.

 1. Health resort obtains woman from Bangkok
 2. Ask Miss Oakley if she wants a bit of Elephant
 3. Do you want a mink one Prince
 4. Head gear is nosy by looking into things he shouldn’t
 5. American money is all finished
 6. Israli blows off steam about me and you
 7. What are your charges for head gear
 8. Noise from down under is not on
 9. Male sheep from Bangkok is really female
 10. Purchase Captain Kirks engineer
 11. It’s what you are standing on chicken, look
 12. Petit Pois Mr Biggs
 13. Effeminate Prince
 14. Relative could be a cheese one
 15. Tell young American woman your star sign
 16. Short Polish person goes in
 17. French cheese to pronounce Spanish greeting
 18. Hillbillies parent has business for mints
 19. Mathamatical sign for Russian leader
 20. Remove the “nd” from your dads father
 21. There is no chance for green vegetable
 22. Happy that he had eaten female
 23. Don’t bang on door at low level
 24. Use these in your arms to remove pen name from swimwear
 25. Sales tax for fizzy drink container on top shelf
 26. It’s really hurting this part of a chickens foot
 27. Does Mr Dawson want a short sleep
 28. Game before final.You don’t have to pay
 29. Tell foot part you have arrived
 30. Miss Westwood uses supermarket
 You can email your answers to or post them to
 Geoff Leach, 16 Tor Avenue, Greenmount, Bury BL8 4HG
 with a stamped addressed envelope if you want your answer sheet returning.
 Closing date July 18th. Answers will be published in August’s magazine.
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Pets In Need

 Can you re-home one of
 our cats, dogs or rabbits?
Or why not consider sponsoring one of our animals?
Bric-a-brac is always welcome to help our worthy cause.
 Just phone and we’ll collect it.
 Reynards Bank, Turton Road, Tottington BL8 3QE
 Tel: 01204 883846
 Registered charity No 1020244

Jack Hamer
 & Son (Tottington) Ltd
 (Established 1930)

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 Jack Hamer & Son have been trading for
 over 80 years, competitively serving the
 private and commercial property market.
 General building and Joinery works are
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 Moosical Fun for your little one
 Contact: Cassy Howard Tel: 07919 145932
 Send us an email: cassy@moo‐
 We run 4 sessions, for different age groups, in St Anne's Parish Hall
 every Thursday from 9.30am to 1.45pm.
 See our web site for details:
Areas We Cover
 Ramsbottom l Radcliffe
 Summerseat l Holcombe Brook l Brandlesholme
 Hawkshaw l Affetside l Greenmount
 Tottington l Walshaw l Elton lAinsworth l
 Seddons Farm
 Whitefield l Prestwich

Bury Home Care is a small, friendly, locally owned business We value your privacy
based in Tottington, run by a registered nurse with many and your right to choose
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connections with Ramsbottom and Tottington and therefore l Regulated by the Care
understand the community and it’s amenities. Working with and Quality
both young and old vulnerable members of society, we have Commission (CQC)
a reputation for providing high quality care.
 l A Member of the
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We provide support from an hour a day to several hours a (UKHCA)
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long-term basis. Whatever support you or your loved ones Bury Home Care Ltd
may need, Bury Home Care will ensure you are looked after 66 Market street
professionally and compassionately. Tottington
 Bury BL8 3LJ
Managed personally by Jane Unsworth
 We offer private Chapels of Rest.
 Fully qualified male and female funeral directors.
 Floral and Monumental services.

 37 Market Street, Tottington BL8 0AA
 Tel: 01204 886161
 Also at
 Adjacent Drill Hall, Cooper Street, Bury
 0161 764 8622

 Ease the burden of
 funeral costs with a
 Dignity pre-payment



Across Down
1 Lost (9) 1 Annie _ _ _, Radio 1 presenter (3)
8 Stadium (5) 2 State of affairs (9)
9 Laceration (3) 3 Sandy _ _ _, golfer (4)
10 Resembling the moon (5) 4 Compress (9)
11 Make the most of (3) 5 Tapered dressmaking tuck (4)
12 Long lock of hair (5) 6 Power source (9)
14 Access, filing (5) 7 Swamp (5)
16 By way of (3) 13 Jumped (5)
17 Banish, expel (5) 15 Bark (4)
18 Pair (3) 16 Prohibit (4)
20 Wander in search of prey (5) 19 French word for ‘yes’ (3)
21 Dried petal mixture (3,6)

 Solutions on page 38
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 Turton Road
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 Experienced enough to know, old enough to care.

 It’s All About The Dancers!

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 St Anne’s Church Hall
 Chapel Street, Tottington BL8 4AP

 Join us every Tuesday and start
 your dancing journey. Learn to waltz
 and cha-cha like the Strictly Stars.
 For more info contact us 6.45pm Adult beginners
 on Facebook, call or text Ballroom and Latin

 We are friendly so 7.45pm Adult not-so-beginners
 Ballroom and Latin
 don't be shy - come
 and try either or both
 Tel: 07795 902810
1 Which series of children’s stories feature the Fat Controller?
2 Who sang the original version of American Pie?
3 In which year did The Great Fire of London occur?
4 In the rhyme, where was the King while the Queen was in the Parlour?
5 Who wrote the 1998 novel Evening Class?
6 Which comedy duo’s signature tune was Bring Me Sunshine?
7 What is a Baldric?
8 The humerus is in which part of the body?
9 Which Vunipola brother was first signed with the Saracens, Mako or Billy?
10 What word can mean both ‘timepiece’ and ‘regard’?
11 In which year were the lions added to the base of Nelson’s column?
12 AB is the postcode of which city?
13 What is the first army rank held on commissioning?
14 Which Russian leader was supported by the Bolsheviks?
15 ‘You’re gonna need a bigger boat’ is a famous line from which film?
16 Which Cumbrian lake is overlooked by ‘The Old Man’?
17 Lack of iron in the diet may contribute to which condition?
18 In which county is Cleethorpes?
19 What is the Roman numeral for five?
20 ‘Little Red Corvette’ was a 1985 hit for which artist?
Solutions on page 38
Yoga with Melanie
 Normal yoga for normal people
 Yoga and Meditation Classes, Workshops, Retreats
 St Anne’s Church Hall, Tottington
 Hatha Yoga Classes (£6)
 10.30am - 11.50am and 7.05pm - 8.40pm
 Meditation Classes (£6)
 Mondays 1.15pm - 2.30pm
 Please contact Melanie Mason
 Tel: 07796 944645
 Facebook: Yoga with Melanie

 Springvale Upholstery

 23 Market Street, Tottington BL8 4AA
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 Bury General Joinery
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 Our independence is your guarantee
 Crossword Page 29 Dingbats Page 29
 01 Three wise Men
 02 Money is the root of all evil
 03 Hunchback
 04 Box clever
 05 Good for Nothing
 06 Bottomless pit
 07 Bald Eagle
 08 Throw in the towel
 09 Second time around
 10 Listen to me
 11 Laminate

 ANSWERS 12 Get your kicks on Route 66

 1 Thomas the Tank Engine St
 2 Don MacLean
 3 1666
 4 The Counting House
 5 Maeve Binchy
 6 Morecambe and Wise PRIZE DRAW
 7 A belt WINNERS
 8 Upper Arm
 9 Mako (2011) March
 10 Watch Mavis Jolley £70
 11 1867 Pat Blake £45
 12 Aberdeen Alison Granby £35
 13 Second Lieutenant Norma Ratcliffe £20
 14 Lenin
 15 Jaws
 Joan Feely £70
 16 Coniston Water
 Emma Griffiths £45
 17 Anaemia
 Lena Foote £35
 18 Lincolnshire
 Margaret Whittaker £20
 19 V
 20 Prince
OPENING Sales Workshop
 HOURS Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm
 Saturday 9am - 4pm Saturday 8.30am - 12.30pm
 Sunday 10am - 4pm Sunday Closed

Ab b e y w o o d
 Care Home

 Caring for your loved ones is what our professional team at
 Abbeywood know all about. All our residents care plans are
 con昀gured by spending time with residents and their families to
 discuss their needs and wishes. Our caring team appreciate our
residents are individuals and respect their privacy and aspirations.
 Our aim is to support and develop our residents and to always
 encourage their independence here at Abbeywood.
 104 Market Street | Bury | Tottington | BL8 3LS
 01204 882370
 Sunday School
10.15am in the Parish Hall, during the Church service, for all children 3 years or older

 Choir practice is on Thursday at 8pm, in Church.

 Mothers’ Union
 Meets every third Tuesday at 7.15pm, in the Church Hall.
 Please contact Margaret Whittaker on 0161 764 8747

 Servers’ Rota
 Details from the Church website

 Altar Flowers
 Details from Mrs M Winstanley via Church

 Magazine Editor
 Carole Spirit. 07976 234399

 St Anne’s Drama and Operatic Society
 Details from Ivan Fish

 All information about the above can be found on our website at

 Rainbows (5-7 years)
 Thursday 6pm to 7pm.
 Please contact Gillian Ormerod on 01204 885292

 Brownies (7-10 years)
 Thursday 6.30pm to 8pm.
 Please contact Sarah Ferguson on 07771 978313

 Guides (10-14 years)
 Thursday 7.30pm to 9pm.
 Tel Gill Leach on 01204 880136 or email

 Rangers (14 -18 years)
 Thursday 8pm to 9.30pm.
 Please contact Louise Cope 0161 761 1847

 Beavers (6-8 years)
 Friday 6.15pm to 7.15pm

 Cubs (8-10 years)
 Friday 7.15pm to 8.30pm

 Scouts (11-15 years)
 Friday 7.30pm to 9.15pm
 For information about our Scout groups email
Clergy and Readers
 The Vicar
 The Reverend Hugh W Bearn MA
 Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen
 Telephone: 07774 521453
 The Assistant Curate
 The Reverend Richard B Moffat BA
 The Readers
 Mrs Bridget C Park - Emeritus
 Mr Christopher R Jupp - Emeritus
 Mr Nicholas J Bebb BA
 Mrs Isobel G Hinchliffe

 Officers of the Church
 Mrs Gillian Leach
 The Church Treasurer
 Mr Roger Morley
 The PCC Secretary
 Mrs Louise Cope
 The Gift Aid Secretary
 Mrs Alison Granby
 The Electoral Roll Officer
 Mrs Christine Robinson
 The Choirmaster
 Mr Alan Beedie BA (Oxon)
 The Organists
 Mr Harold C H Bearn BA (Dunelm)
 Mrs D France
 Ms Ilona Nagyidai MA (Budapest)
 The Vicar’s Organ Scholars
 Henry Hinchliffe
 Katie Riggs
 The Hope Choral Scholar
 Harry Cain

 Donations to our church can be Gift Aided. Please contact the Vicar or
 our Churchwarden to be given a donation envelope, and further information.

 The Clergy, Readers and Church Officers can be contacted via the church website

 Photographs on cover and inside cover kindly provided by Nick Snape
Church Services
 8am. Holy Communion (1662 BCP)
 10.15am. Holy Communion

 This is the principal act of worship and the main weekly assembly
 of the parish of all ages.
 Refreshments follow in the parish hall

 Church Parade
 for our Girl Guide and Scout groups is on the second Sunday of
 the month at 10.15am. All are welcome.

 Evensong (BCP)
 Said or sung as announced

 Other Services
 11am. Holy Communion

 Holy Communion and the anointing with the Holy Oils for the
 housebound and infirm are available
 by arrangement with the Vicar.

 Holy Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony
 are freely and openly arranged.
 Please contact the Vicar.

 Every parishioner, irrespective of church attendance, has the right
to the normal practice of a service in church, followed by a commital.
 Please ask your undertaker to contact the Vicar.

Our Georgian Parish Hall
 is available for hire

 For further information and booking details please
 visit the church website

 Printed by B&D Print Services Ltd Tel: 01772 435 050
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