Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver

Page created by Ricardo Howell
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
October 10, 2019 The Valley Voice                                                                                                                                                                                       1

                                                            Volume 28, Number 20 October 10, 2019 Delivered to every home between Edgewood, Kaslo & South Slocan. Published bi-weekly.
                                                            Your independently owned regional community newspaper serving the Arrow Lakes, Slocan & North Kootenay Lake Valleys.

Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
by Jan McMurray                             10 days per month, and will cover the         we encourage patients who are feeling         love the beauty and friendliness of       BC before settling in Nelson.
     The Slocan Community Health            clinic and ER during those 10 days.           acutely unwell or in a lot of pain to seek    New Denver. He received his medical            Dr. Burkholder has enjoyed 25 years
Centre in New Denver has two new            Patients with booked appointments will        emergency care, we caution that using it      degree from his hometown of Plovdiv,      of practice in Slocan Community Health
physicians as of October 1. Dr. Sean        see the physician who is working at the       instead of a routine clinic appointment       Bulgaria. He immigrated to South          Centre and welcomes this opportunity to
Wachtel and Dr. Svet Gueordjev join         clinic at the time of their appointment.      may be counterproductive.”                    Africa and worked in the hospitals        continue on in this sustainable, shared
long-time New Denver physician Dr.               “We’re inviting patients to see any           Dr. Wachtel has been coming to           of Pretoria University and the South      arrangement. He graduated from the
Chuck Burkholder, stabilizing primary       of us but at the same time we understand      New Denver as a locum for nearly two          African National Defence Force for 10     University of Western Ontario in 1988
care and 24/7 emergency services at         patients may have a preference, and           years now. “I really like the village and     years where he developed his interest     and completed a family medicine
the centre.                                 we’re totally fine with that,” Dr.            I find the patients really appreciative       in family practice, emergency medicine    residency at Dalhousie University. Soon
     The search for doctors had been        Wachtel said. “If someone wants to see        and the staff is excellent, so I’m very       and obstetrics and gynecology. In 2000,   after that, he moved to BC with his wife
on since Dr. Mike Magier left the           a particular physician, they can request      happy to be coming on contract.” He           he fulfilled a lifelong dream when he     Miranda Hughes and has lived in the
community in summer 2017.                   that. We each will be in the community        says he has a “strong attachment to the       immigrated to Canada, working in          West Kootenays while they raised their
     “Our local communities stepped up      for 10 days a month, so patients would        Kootenays,” having worked in the ER           several small communities in northern     four children.
in a big way to help find new physicians    have to wait at most a couple of weeks        in Nelson for four years and as a locum
to support local health care services.      for their preferred physician, but if it’s    at various clinics in the area.
We look forward to building on this         urgent, they can see whichever one of              Dr. Wachtel will be splitting his time
recent success to make sure people in       us is at the health centre.”                  between New Denver and Vancouver,
New Denver and surrounding areas                 Dr. Wachtel notes that the physician     where he has a part-time job doing
have access to the care they need at our    on duty will be covering both the clinic      research and policy work for the First
health centre,” says New Denver Mayor       and the emergency room, “so it’s good         Nations Health Authority. He took his
Leonard Casley.                             that people in the New Denver area            family medicine training in the UK,
     IH says the three physicians have      generally use the ER responsibly – for        and a master’s degree in public health
signed an 18-month contract and             true emergencies only.”                       at UBC.
will work under a “shared practice               “One of the misconceptions about              Dr. Gueordjev has lived in Nelson
model.” Dr. Wachtel explains that the       the ER is ‘if you don’t use it, we’ll         for almost 17 years and currently works
shared practice model means that each       lose it.’ That’s not the case – in fact, it   there 10 days per month in obstetrics
physician will be at the centre for about   might be counterproductive – so while         and gynecology. He and his wife                          Dr. Svet Gueordjev                         Dr. Sean Wachtel

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Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
2                                                                                           NEWS                                                                          The Valley Voice October 10, 2019

Good turnout to Silverton All Candidates Meeting for South Okanagan-West Kootenay
by Jan McMurray                        the environment and climate change         wealthy people and corporations,         has the strongest economy in the G7             Howse said the Green Party
    About 80 members of the public     are “why I got into politics.” He          and offshore tax havens,” he said.       nations.                                   would permanently double the
and five of six South Okanagan-        said the NDP would set ambitious           The NDP plan is to impose a 1% tax            She says the Liberal Party has set    amount municipalities receive
West Kootenay candidates attended      science-based targets in line with         on the “super wealthy.”                  legislated targets along the way to        through the Gas Tax Fund, and
the All Candidates Meeting at          stabilizing the global temperature             Under an NDP government, the         carbon neutrality by 2050. They also       rename it the Municipal Fund.
the Silverton Memorial Hall on         increase at 1.5°C, and achieve             voting system would be changed           have a plan to ban plastics by 2021.       They’d also allocate 1% of GST
September 30. The sixth candidate,     those targets through transportation       to Mixed Member Proportional                  Denesiuk points out that personal     revenues to housing and municipal
Carolina Hopkins (independent),        (electric vehicles), building retrofits,   Representation, and a referendum         income taxes have decreased under          infrastructure. Under the Greens,
registered with Elections Canada       and ending all fossil fuel subsidies.      would be held after two elections.       the Liberals from 22% to 20.5%,            the Canada Infrastructure Bank
after we had extended invitations      Their clean energy plan would create           Cannings said the NDP would          and small business taxes have been         would offer low-interest loans to
to the candidates. Her biography is    300,000 jobs within the next four          increase funding to small rural          reduced from 11% to 9%. Also,              municipalities for infrastructure
on page 3.                             years.                                     communities, and would increase          the Child Tax Benefit has been             projects.
    Here’s a summary of how                 Another of Cannings’ top              funding that municipalities can          restructured “so that those who need            On immigration Howse said,
each candidate answered questions      priorities is universal health care.       access for climate mitigation.           it more get more and those who need        “The bulk of humanity is good and
about climate change, taxes, the       This means “covering the rest of               In response to a question about      it less get less,” she said.               we need to remove fear mongering.”
price of gasoline, electoral reform,   our bodies not currently covered,”         removing Canada from the UN                   Denesiuk said consultation            She said Canada needs to bring in 1%
immigration and support for local      i.e. teeth, eyes, mental health and        global migration pact, Cannings said     meetings on electoral reform were          of our population in order to simply
governments.                           pharmacare. “We can implement              this is a very reasonable document       held throughout Canada and people          maintain our numbers. By 2030, 25%
    Richard Cannings, NDP, said        these programs by going after rich         that “tries to regularize the movement   could not agree. “So it’s less about       of Canadians will be over 65, so we
                                                                                  of people in the world” and “speaks      educating people and more about            need people to come and take care of
                                                                                  about treating those people like         listening to what they want.”              our aging population, she said.
                                                                                  human beings.” He said it doesn’t             On immigration, Denesiuk said              Helena Konanz, Conservative
                                                                                  dictate the number of refugees and       people are having 1.3 children on          Party, has affordability as her
                                                                                  immigrants Canada must take in.          average, “so we don’t have the             main campaign message. The
                                                                                      To make sure British Columbians      people to do the job. We need health       Conservatives would decrease taxes
                                                                                  are paying a fair price for gasoline,    care workers. We need doctors here.        to make life more affordable for
                                                                                  the NDP would form a commission          We’re bringing people in to help us.”      Canadians. They would remove
                                                                                  to monitor gas prices.                   She also said she was frustrated to        GST from home heating bills,
                                                                                      Connie Denesiuk, Liberal             see “the fear and division.”               make parental benefits tax free,
                                                                                  Party, says a strong economy is               Denesiuk said she would               implement a children’s fitness tax,
                                                                                  needed for social and environmental      advocate for the permanent doubling        and implement a universal personal
                                                                                  programs and points out that Canada      of the gas tax for municipalities, as      income tax cut that would save $800-
                                                                                                                           she has heard from all the mayors          $850 on average for everyone.
                                                                                                                           how important this is. She also said            The Conservatives would scrap
                                                                                                                           the Liberals have spent four times         the carbon tax, as it is “an attack on
                                                                                                                           more on infrastructure than the            rural Canada because we all have to
                                                                                                                           Conservatives did.                         drive,” she said. The Conservative
                                                                                                                                Tara Howse, Green Party,              solution to climate change is to
                                                                                                                           has ethics and accountability as           make heavy emitters invest in green
                                                                                                                           her top priorities. The Green Party        technology.
                                                                                                                           wants to reduce the powers of the               Konanz said immigration is good
                                                                                                                           Prime Minister’s Office, strengthen        for the country and the people who
                                                                                                                           the independence of the ethics             want to come. “We’re committed to
                                                                                                                           commission, strengthen the Conflict        setting immigration levels consistent
                                                                                                                           of Interest Act, and put public interest   with what is in Canada’s best
                                                                                                                           over government secrecy.                   interest. We will safeguard economic
                                                                                                                                The Green Party’s climate             immigration and improve language
                                                                                                                           mitigation plan would reduce               training so they are able to succeed
                                                                                                                           greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by         economically,” she said, adding that
                                                                                                                           2030 and achieve net zero emissions        the Conservative plan prioritizes
                                                                                                                           by 2050 – and would meet the 1.5°C         people facing persecution.
                                                                                                                           target set by the Intergovernmental             Konanz has been a Penticton
                                                                                                                           Panel on Climate Change. “This             City councillor and Regional
                                                                                                                           can only be done if we all come            District director, and has advocated
                                                                                                                           together,” she said.                       for infrastructure funding for
                                                                                                                                On taxes, the Green Party would       local governments. “Billions of
                                                                                                                           commission a review “to understand         dollars have been earmarked for
                                                                                                                           who is paying what and how to              infrastructure but very little is getting
                                                                                                                           mitigate it.” They would also like         to municipalities.” As a former
                                                                                                                           to institute a Guaranteed Annual           professional tennis player, she says
                                                                                                                           Income over time. Affordability            she has the energy to fight for the
                                                                                                                           would also be achieved through             projects we need in the riding.
                                                                                                                           universal pharmacare and daycare.               On electoral reform, Konanz
                                                                                                                                Howse feels strongly about            pointed out that Trudeau broke his
                                                                                                                           electoral reform and said she’d put        promise on this, but didn’t say where
                                                                                                                           forward her own bill to make sure          the Conservatives stand on the issue.
                                                                                                                           this is the last First Past the Post            Sean Taylor, People’s Party of
                                                                                                                           election. The Green Party is behind        Canada (PPC) said the PPC has four
                                                                                                                           her on this, and would educate the         pillars: individual freedom, personal
                                                                                                                           public on electoral reform.                                continued on page 3
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
October 10, 2019 The Valley Voice                                                                              NEWS                                                                                                       3
                                 Good turnout to Silverton All Candidates Meeting for South Okanagan-West Kootenay
                                 continued from page 2                         “climate alarmism,” would pull out             creating landfill problems and which          $100,000, and 25% above $100,000.         end official multiculturalism.
                                 responsibility, respect and fairness.         of the Paris Accord and cancel the             are supported by oil companies.               There would be no more corporate              Taylor said he’d stand up for
                                 Sovereignty is central to the PPC             federal carbon tax. Taylor feels that              The PPC would simplify                    subsidies, no capital gains tax, and no   electoral reform “if that’s what you
                                 platform.                                     thermonuclear is the way forward               personal taxes: there would be no             “boutique tax credits,” Taylor said.      want.” He didn’t offer anything on
                                     The PPC doesn’t buy into                  – not solar and wind, which are                tax on the first $15,000, 15% up to           The PPC is promising to balance the       support for municipal infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                                                            budget within two years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SHELLEY BORTNICK,

                                                                                                                                                                                 Taylor feels the number of
                                                                                                                                                                            immigrants coming to Canada is “out           MSW, RSW
                                                                                                                                                                            of control.” Statistics Canada reports         Individual, couple and
                                                                                                                                                                            532,000 (1.4% of our population)                  family therapist
                                                                                                                                                                            last year. The Liberal proposal is to           25+ years experience
                                                                                                                                                                            bring in 350,000 immigrants per year       Offers counselling services involving
                                                                                                                                                                            over the next three years. Taylor said,     mental health (depression, anxiety,
                                                                                                                                                                            “It’s a dangerous world. We don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          etc.), addictions, grief and loss,
                                                                                                                                                                            have the intelligence apparatus to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         trauma and life transition issues.
                                                                                                                                                                            do this safely,” he said. The PPC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        For appointment, please call
                                                                                                                                                                            is proposing to bring in 150,000
                                                                                                                                                                            immigrants per year. The PPC would                250-265-3397

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Siegfried Henke passed
                                                                                                                                                                                                               away suddenly on Sept 19,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               2019 at age 80. His colourful
                                                                                                                                                                                                               non-conformist personality,
                                 South Okanagan-West Kootenay candidates at the forum in Silverton on September 30: Richard Cannings, NDP; Connie Denesiuk, Liberal; Tara
                                                                                                                                                                                                               eccentric yet spiritual na-
                                                          Howse, Green; Helena Konanz, Conservative; Sean Taylor, People’s Party of Canada.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ture, and unique sense of
                                                                               have my basic Notary training,                 adequately addressed.                                                            humour will be missed. Sigi
                                                                               legal training and experience in                   I want to see our healthcare                                                 was a creative genius and
                                                                               real estate conveyancing. I opened             system get the support it so                                                     possessed an artistic talent
                                                                               my first business in Nelson 1998               desperately needs. I want to see our                                             that was rare. He immigrated
                                                                               offering research and investigative            social programs get support to help                                              to Canada from Germany in
                                                                               services. I have a strong                      the vulnerable, the homeless, the                                                1967, an electronic techni-
                                                                               environmental background with a                addicted or just the single mother                                               cian by trade. He lived his
                                                                               solid understanding of land and water          trying to get her education, find work                                           life in unorthodox fashion and
                                                                               resource management and related                and support her family. I want to see            was self taught in many of his skills. Sigi’s favourite pastimes
                                                                               issues.                                        how much funding is coming into
                                                                                                                                                                               included painting, playing piano, listening to classical music,
                                                                               Top priorities                                 this area and I want to see where it
                                                                                                                                                                               enjoying the outdoors, reading, tinkering/inventing, and
                                                                                    I believe in accountability and           is going, and I want to see how it is
                                                                                                                                                                               spending time with his pets. Left to mourn are daughters
                                 Carolina Hopkins,                             transparency in government, and                spent. I want citizens with concerns to
                                                                                                                              feel they have an ear and a voice, and           Christine & Carol, three grandchildren, relatives in Germany,
                                 independent candidate                         I believe we should receive good
                                                                               value for our tax dollars. I believe           to know that we as a community care              and many friends including locals whose lives he became
                                 for South Okanagan-                           the environment is important to                about each other. I want our children            a part of since moving to the Valley in 1998. Donations can
                                 West Kootenay                                 people and we all want our                     to learn by the positive examples of             be made in honour of Sigi to Kootenay Animal Assistance
                                 (Hopkins registered as a candidate            waterways and environmentally                  good citizenship as these children are           (KAAP) or BC SPCA in Nelson. “Thank you kindly,” he would
                                 too late to be introduced with the rest       sensitive lands protected for future           our future leaders and we all need to            say! A Celebration of Life is being planned for spring 2020.
                                 of the candidates in our last issue.)         generations. I believe that investing          set a good example for their sake.
                                 Background                                    in infrastructure is important, not only
                                     I am currently self-employed,             because many of our regions need
                                 offering quality due diligence                to address crumbling infrastructure,
                                 research, investigations and                  but primarily because investment
                                 executive and administrative                  in our communities’ infrastructure
                                 support services. Previously, I               creates jobs, which create economic
                                 worked in Aboriginal Employment               development, which create a better
                                 & Trades Apprenticeship and at                life for our citizens. I believe that
                                 Columbia Power Corporation. I                 the needs of our seniors are not being
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
4                                                                                            NEWS                                                                             The Valley Voice October 10, 2019

Suspension of Rural Dividend Fund disappointing
by Jan McMurray                             The Villages of Kaslo and Nakusp      important community projects.”             industry within the Village,” Mayor          government representatives present,
    Local governments in BC             each applied for $100,000 for signage         In the 2018 round of Rural             Zeleznik says in his report.                 including those from communities
reacted swiftly to the news that the    projects to further develop tourism in    Dividend applications, Nakusp’s                The unanimously endorsed                 affected by mill closures and
Rural Dividend Fund is being re-        their communities.                        application for the Investment Ready       UBCM resolution calls on the                 curtailments, supported this
directed to a new program to support        “This will be a blow for our          Nakusp project was successful. “With       government to “reconsider their              resolution. “We all recognize that the
forest workers. At the annual Union     community and others,” says Nakusp        the financial assistance via a grant       decision to reallocate funding from          best way to insulate ourselves from
of BC Municipalities Convention         Mayor Tom Zeleznik in his report to       from the Province through the Rural        the Rural Dividend program in order          such boom-and-bust situations is to
September 23-27, a resolution was       council for the October 15 Nakusp         Dividend Fund, we have already             to maintain continuous delivery              develop diversified economies in all
passed unanimously asking the           council meeting. “For a small             assembled a Steering Committee             of the Rural Dividend program                our communities,” she said.
government to reconsider.               community like ours, this takes up        working to diversify the local             while identifying alternative funds              “We will, of course, hope that
    All 338 Rural Dividend funding      much time and effort to put these         economy through the identification,        to simultaneously deliver supports           the Rural Dividend program is
applications submitted in this latest   applications in… Rural Dividend           planning, and positioning of land          for communities impacted by mill             reinstituted quickly, and meanwhile
round, including applications for       funding is relied upon by many            development opportunities to               closures and curtailments.”                  will seek other funding to bridge the
community development projects          local governments for many of our         promote and deliver housing and                Main points out that all local           gap left by this current suspension.”
in Nakusp, Kaslo and the Slocan
Valley, are on hold until further       Slocan Valley Wildfire Resiliency Program launched at community workshops
notice “in order to support workers     by Moe Lyons                              Valley. When the Springer Creek fire       released their Slocan Valley Strategic       available for free to everyone at the
and communities in the interior as           What can be done to prevent          happened in 2007, the reality of a         Landscape Level Wildfire Protection          Village offices.
they face an unprecedented situation    wildfires? Are they inevitable? If they   landscape-scale fire right next door       Plan.                                             Mortimer also outlined things
in the forestry sector economy,”        happen, how will we respond? How          meant that fuel management became               The plan identifies five types of       emergency responders can do: have
says Minister Doug Donaldson            can we prepare for fires approaching      a Community Forest priority.               treatments across 12 landscape-level         small firefighting units (pickup trucks
in a September 19 letter to all         our communities? On September                  In 2008 they began the process of     fuel managed areas, including thinning       with water tanks to put out spot
Rural Dividend Fund applicants.         28 and 29, the Slocan Integral            identifying primary treatment areas.       the forest from below to reduce fire         fires), be prepared to run sprinklers
Donaldson says applications “will       Forestry Cooperative (SIFCo) hosted       They also rewrote their stocking           hazard, mostly near communities.             off hydrants, have evacuation plans,
be retained for vetting and funding     information sessions on behalf of         standards aiming to reduce target          This thinning returns the forest to more     and have neighbourhood-specific
consideration at a future date.”        the Villages of Silverton, Slocan and     stocking to 400 stems per hectare in       natural conditions. “Due to the fact that    plans. Mortimer would like to see one
    The Village of Silverton applied    New Denver to address these issues        the wildland interface, with deciduous     for 70 years we were really good at          Wildland Urban Interface Fire Officer
to the fund on behalf of the Slocan     and more.                                 trees added as a preferred species.        suppressing fires, 95% of what we see        per fire department.
Valley Economic Development                  The sessions were part of the        Between 2008 and 2013 they got             in the forest is not natural. Historically        Tom Bradley, SIFCo forestry
Partnership, which includes             Slocan Valley Wildfire Resiliency         to work. In 2011 a local project –         the forest around here would have            supervisor, spoke about the Community
Silverton, New Denver, Slocan           Program. In the next step of the          Kootenay Resilience – came up with         looked very different,” Martineau said.      Wildfire Protection Plans for the Slocan
and Area H, to support the Slocan       program, starting in November, SIFCo      climate change predictions for the         They hope to treat 1,600 hectares in the     Valley that were just released, and that
Valley Economic Development             reps will be going door to door in        region which informed SIFCo’s work.        Slocan Valley by 2021. They also stress      have determined that almost all the
Strategy. “This suspension of           Slocan, Silverton and New Denver to       Out of this, new questions came to the     that private land is really important,       areas surrounding the municipalities
Rural Dividend funding and re-          talk with people about what they need,    fore: Was there a way to predict where     and citizen engagement is key.               have a high to extreme threat rating.
directing it toward one sector of the   and what they are willing to do to be     fires were going to go? In other words,         Don Mortimer, specialist in             The plans also point out that limited
economy puts at risk not only our       more resilient in case of an interface    were there areas that burned more          community wildfire protection, titled        emergency escape route options in
application and program, but every      wildfire.                                 frequently? And, if yes, were there fire   his talk ‘Interface wildfire in the Slocan   the valley make preparedness very
single other current application             At the info sessions, SIFCo          main movement paths in the landscape       – preparing for the new normal.’ He          important.
representing projects designed to       Manager Stephan Martineau explained       that could be identified? In 2014-15,      says the main cause of houses burning             Mel Reasoner, noted climate
build diversified economies in small,   how SIFCo got involved in wildfire        they did a computer-generated fire         up in interface fires is embers and          scientist, draws this conclusion out of
rural communities throughout the        mitigation work. The organization was     behaviour modelling, and began to          firebrands. As long as people have           the massive amount of information he
province,” said Leah Main, chair        formed in 2006 with a Community           light thousands of virtual fires. From     a clear space without combustible            presented: “The climate of the last 100
of the Slocan Valley Economic           Forest Agreement over a group of          this exercise, main travel corridors       materials for 10-30 metres from              years has been rapidly changing and
Development Commission.                 domestic watersheds in the Slocan         were identifed and in 2015-16 they         their houses, they will not burn from        there are significant seasonal changes
                                                                                                                             ‘convective’ heat, i.e. flames from          in precipitation. All indications are that
                                                                                                                             the fires. Most houses burn down in          this will continue for the foreseeable
                                                                                                                             interface fires from embers, typically       future. Warmer, wetter winters; hotter,
                                                                                                                             cones, landing in accumulations of           dryer summers; longer, more intense
                                                                                                                             combustible materials, inside corners,       wildfire seasons.” He expects that by
                                                                                                                             woodchips, mulch, nooks and crannies.        2069 the average year will be the same
                                                                                                                             “Wildfires when there is no fuel to burn     as the hottest year in the 20th century.
                                                                                                                             will simply go out, often within one              What can community members do?
                                                                                                                             minute.” In the Fort McMurray blaze,         Bradley’s response: “Stay interested.
                                                                                                                             81% of the houses that survived were         Stay connected. Take part.” For more
                                                                                                                             FireSmart. Mortimer advised everyone         information and to contact SIFCo, go
                                                                                                                             to pick up the Homeowners’ Manual,           to

                                                                                                                             Message from New Denver
                                                                                                                             Mayor Leonard Casley
                                                                                                                                 It is with great pride that we           Division of Family Practice has
                                                                                                                             welcome Dr. Sean Wachtel and                 also been paramount in supporting,
                                                                                                                             Dr. Svet Gueordjev to practice               deliberating and assisting with all
                                                                                                                             medicine in our community and                efforts in recruitment and signing of
                                                                                                                             continue to offer 24/7 emergency             the physicians and for that we thank
                                                                                                                             department coverage at the Slocan            your team!
                                                                                                                             Community Health Centre. On                      We w o u l d a l s o l i k e t o
                                                                                                                             behalf of the Village of New Denver,         acknowledge and thank the multiple
                                                                                                                             and the Slocan Valley, I would like          communities of the Slocan Valley
                                                                                                                             to extend our sincerest gratitude            (including unincorporated Area H
                                                                                                                             to Dr. Charles Burkholder for his            as well as Villages of New Denver,
                                                                                                                             continued efforts, commitment,               Silverton and Slocan) for their
                                                                                                                             perseverance and excellence in               ongoing support of health and
                                                                                                                             serving our community.                       emergency services in our greater
                                                                                                                                 We would also like to express our        community.
                                                                                                                             appreciation to the Interior Health              The true work begins now,
                                                                                                                             Authority, the Health Minister               working at building and growing
                                                                                                                             Adrian Dix, Kootenay West MLA                the New Denver area in various
                                                                                                                             Katrine Conroy, and their staff in           capacities. Stay tuned for new
                                                                                                                             their collaborative efforts in offering      initiatives to support the Slocan
                                                                                                                             a viable contract for our physicians         Community Health Centre
                                                                                                                             to sign. The Kootenay Boundary               throughout the Slocan Valley.
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
October 10, 2019 The Valley Voice                                                                            NEWS                                                                                                              5
Creating a better future in Slocan
by Barbara Curry Mulcahy                     its mining industry and now is a haven         preservation of indigenous heritage and     to share a bus petition and to promote        and to start using solar for Village assets
     “What do we need to make us more        for artists and a huge tourist attraction.     knowledge, an improved transit schedule,    the new bus service to Kelowna on its         and streetlights. The third called for an
resilient?” asked Lily Yumagulova at a       Gudvangan, Norway, a remote village            solar energy, community vision, building    Facebook page and in its newsletter.          information session to be held on creating
workshop on September 29 at the Slocan       with a dwindling population now is             trails using a local workforce, improving   The petition will request an electric         jobs in alternative energy. Other steps
Legion Hall. ‘Making Connections:            the site of an economic powerhouse,            accommodation and trails for tourists,      bus, Sunday and evening bus service,          included involvement in 100% Renewable
Renewable & Resilient Slocan’ was            Viking Valley, one of the “most-visited        alternative energy for greenhouses,         connections to Nelson and Castlegar, a        Kootenays, creating and improving
an “envisioning” process focused on          cultural attractions in Norway.” Tofino,       branding the town as a renewable ‘green’    washroom at the Junction bus stop, and        local trails, seeking funding support for
how the Slocan community could work          BC capitalized on its “miserable,              community, producing green value-added      return connections to New Denver. The         trail improvements through the Village
together to create a better future. About    cold, wet” winters so that now storm-          products.                                   second will ask the Village to study the      Recreation Commission, and calling for
30 Slocan and area residents attended.       watching provides a flourishing economy.            The workshop ended with a call for     feasibility of solar cells, bulk solar cell   more and diverse accommodations (to be
The workshop was organized by Denise         Leavenworth, Washington, once a                first steps. The first asked the Village    purchases, and subsidies for infrastructure   built using local wood) for tourists.
Dufault and Sandra Linstead on behalf        “seriously economically depressed”
of the Slocan Waterfront Restoration &       mill-town, reinvented itself as a “little
Development Society (SWRDS).                 Bavarian town” and attracts many
     Jessica Lunn, mayor of Slocan,          tourists. Lac Megantic, Quebec, half
described Slocan as being “at the            destroyed and greatly traumatized by a
forefront” of the rural sustainability       train derailment in the centre of town,
movement. She spoke briefly about            is now rebuilding as a green, connected,
Slocan’s commitment to transition to         and compassionate community. Zermatt,
100% renewable energy by 2050 and            Switzerland built the world’s first electric
said that demonstrations in Vancouver        cog-railway to its isolated location
protesting the closure of sawmills had       and allows only electric vehicles in
emphasized that it takes “courage to have    the village. It has become a booming
the difficult conversation” about change.    mountaineering and ski resort.
“Solutions to the future are going to come        Yumagulova said every story of a
from us,” she said.                          community re-creating itself involved
     Yumagulova was introduced by            one person “determined to move
Denise Dufault, chair of SWRDS, as           forward.” She said, nature, assets and
“a bit of gold here in our community.”       people could fuel the change. “Rock
Yumagulova, a resident of Slocan for         what you’ve got! But be bold to imagine
three years and chair of Slocan’s Climate    alternatives.” A simple, clear vision is
Action Commission, has degrees in            essential, she said, and environmental,
engineering and risk analysis and a          social and economic objectives need to
PhD in planning for resilience. She has      be connected. Yumagulova suggested
worked in Canada and internationally
for governments and communities as an
                                             that ecotourism, arts, education were all
                                             possible paths Slocan could take.
                                                                                                Profound thanks from the
advisor and consultant.
     Yumagulova rallied the audience
                                                  In the interactive portion of the
                                             workshop, Yumagulova asked                        community of New Denver to
to believe in the possibility of a vibrant   participants to imagine what a renewable
and meaningful future. She said,
“We’ve had challenges before and
                                             and resilient Slocan could look like.
                                                  The many ideas were narrowed
                                                                                                Mayor Leonard Casley and
found ways to rebuild.” She listed
several communities that had found
                                             down to those the group thought could
                                             be followed up through various existing          Councillor Colin Moss for their
new identities and successful economies      and new initiatives: food production
in the face of adversity. Greensburg,
Kansas, almost completely destroyed
                                             and storage, individual and community
                                             firesmarting, local energy production
                                                                                             dedicated work on the Community
by a tornado, rebuilt itself as a green
community. Jerome, Arizona lost 97%
                                             and conservation, a healing arts centre,
                                             intergenerational skill building and                 Health Care Committee!
of its population after the collapse of      sharing, building the connection to and
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
6                                                                                            OPINION                                                                                                                      The Valley Voice October 10, 2019

Voting NDP                                At least upgrade to ensure promised
                                          actions reduce emissions enough to
Dick Cannings has been our MP             be consistent with the 1.5°C goal
And I know that so many agree             and help ensure a livable world for
He’s worked all he’s worth                our youth.
For this place and this Earth                                   Mike Geisler
I will vote for him! Definitely!                                 Bonnington
                Donna Jean Wright
                  Open letter
                       New Denver
How likely will to BC MLAs:
platforms achieve Respect Treaty 8
1.5°C limit?      – halt Site C
    The Fridays for the Future youth           It continues to be deeply
strike on Friday, September 20            disturbing that the BC government
was inspiring. Around the world,          is refusing to respect Treaty 8 rights
millions of youth and their supporters    of First Nations in the Peace. It
marched and demanded real climate         is alarming that they must pursue
action from the adults. By ‘real          litigation in order to receive rights
action,’ I assume the youth mean          to their land and to self-governance.
action that avoids the forecasted              I ask: What kind of people do we
global catastrophe and delivers the       want to be? What kind of province
Paris Accord goal of limiting global      do we want to live in? Do we want
warming to 1.5°C.                         to perpetuate colonial behaviour and
    All the major federal political       attitudes? Do we want to continue to
parties have recognized this climate      discriminate, disrespect and oppress
                                          First Nations?
crisis is largely human caused and
have made commitments to address               We, the colonizers, have                                                               Open for Lunch & Dinner 7 days a Week                                                   430 Front Street, Kaslo, BC
this climate crisis. However, mostly      benefited from, yet continue to             The Ingrid Rice cartoon is a satirical look at current events in politics and is sponsored by the Kaslo Hotel. The Hotel does not necessarily share the political views of the artist.

absent from the election conversation
so far has been how likely the
                                          damage and destroy vast ecosystems
                                          in the Peace that the First Nations       Let’s not get                                                  What is the intention? To make fun of
                                                                                                                                                   a group of people, or to be someone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    stand up for what we believe in and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    now that it will impact your lives,
platforms are to deliver Canada’s
commitments/ targets in the Paris
                                          lived on and stewarded.
                                               “Site C Dam would destroy
                                                                                    distracted from                                                you are not.
                                                                                                                                                       For this coming election, I want
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    you tell us to shut up, sit down, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    can’t change the world. This is an
Accord.                                   First Nations burial grounds and          the real issues                                                to know how the parties are dealing                              open letter to all the people saying
    In my google search, I found          culturally significant areas, some             In the ’70s, my younger sister                            with climate change, when will the                               that we are children, that we are
two independent analyses: one by          of Canada’s best farmland, habitat        decided to wear an Indian saree for                            taxes be raised to get the healthcare                            political puppets, to all the people
Clean Prosperity Canada and one           for more that 100 species at risk         Halloween. A saree is a six-yard-long                          that we deserve, how will young                                  saying that one ‘whiney’ Swedish
from Simon Fraser University.             of extinction and the last intact         beautiful coloured cloth that my                               people be able to afford tuition                                 girl will not bring the revolution.
Implementing the Liberal platform         section of the Peace River Valley         mother and aunts wrapped around                                and housing, are we fully funding                                We are surrounded by the inspiring
would reduce greenhouse gas               still available for Treaty 8 members      their bodies and wore for work and                             scientific research, are these plans                             leaders of the new generations and
emissions dramatically but still fall     to engage in traditional practices.”      home as clothing, all through the ’60s                         realistic, etc.                                                  all you can do is bemoan the loss
short of reaching Canada’s current        (Sarah Cox, The Narwhal, Aug 27,          and ’70s. My mom and aunts were                                    Halloween costumes and election                              of our compliant ways, the fact that
greenhouse gas emission target,           2019)                                     scientists, doctors and office workers                         platforms are one day ‘parties.’ I                               you challenged us to change and
and implementing the Conservative              I continue to challenge the BC       and it was accepted at the time                                want to know what the long-term                                  we answered your call. This is our
platform would not reduce emissions       government to HALT SITE C.                that they could wear their cultural                            plan is. Let’s not get distracted from                           home and this is a protest for our
at all and may even increase                   I challenge you to implement         clothing to work. They stopped                                 the real issues.                                                 rights to a future where the air is still
emissions. I have not found credible      the United Nations Declaration on         wearing them in the ’80s for work.                                                     Nina George                              breathable. But you are right, we are
greenhouse gas emission analyses          the Rights of Indigenous Peoples               They were not outraged when                                                    Crescent Valley                             just children. You do not let us talk
                                          by restoring the First Nations of
that address the NDP’s or Green’s
platform.                                 Treaty 8 to their lands and to self-
                                                                                    my sister wore her saree Halloween
                                                                                    costume; instead, they were quite                              Kaslo student’s                                                  to your government and you won’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    let us influence your laws and so, if
    To deserve our vote and given the
urgency of the climate crisis, each
                                          governance in the Peace.
                                                                 Lorna Louise
                                                                                    baffled that she thought of the saree
                                                                                    as a costume. Costumes are worn by
                                                                                                                                                   perspective on                                                   the only way to make real change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is to stand in the streets and hold a
party must upgrade their platform.                                       Kaslo      people to try and be someone else.                             climate strikes                                                  sign surrounded by your peers who
                                                                                    She wasn’t born in India, but didn’t                               This is an open letter to the people                         just want the chance of a future, then
 EDITORIAL / LETTERS POLICY                                                         she still consider herself as Indian?                          who are telling us that protesting the                           so be it. We will keep making noise
     The Valley Voice welcomes letters to the editor and community news                  Most people don’t intentionally                           climate crisis is pointless, that we                             and will keep waving our “biased
 articles from our readers.                                                         try to be discriminatory or mean.                              do not know what we are doing and                                views” in your face until we are
     Letters and articles should be no longer than 500 words and may be             However, the original blackface/                               that we need to calm down. No. I                                 heard everywhere. So stop shutting
 edited. We reserve the right to reject any submitted material.                     brownface costumes in theatrical                               will not calm down, I will not sit                               us down and calling us puppets. We
     Please mark your letter “LETTER TO THE EDITOR.” Include your                   settings were designed to be derisive                          here and listen to a group of grown                              are the future generations and we
 address and daytime phone number for verification purposes.                        and abusive to the people they were                            adults bash a 16-year-old girl’s name                            want change now, and it will happen
     We will not knowingly publish any letter that is defamatory or libelous.       mimicking.                                                     behind the safety of your screens. We                            with or without you.
 We will not publish anonymous letters or letters signed with pseudonyms,                Men wear dresses at costume                               are at the rallies to make a difference                                               Maddox Hahne
 except in extraordinary circumstances.                                             parties, not women. Is skin colour,                            and to fix the mistakes you left for us                                                          Kaslo
     Opinions expressed in published letters are those of the author and not
 necessarily those of the Valley Voice.
                                                                                    gender, or culture an appropriate
                                                                                    costume at Halloween? Maybe.
                                                                                                                                                   to deal with. You were the ones who
                                                                                                                                                   told us as children to stop hiding and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Vote Green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to send clear
    The Valley Voice 		                                         Box 70, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0                                                                                                                      message
    Phone: 250-358-7218 Fax: 250-358-7793 E-Mail: Website:                                                                                                                A long time ago, I made the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    conscious decision not to bring any
    Publisher - Dan Nicholson • Editor - Jan McMurray • Food Editor Emeritus - Andrew Rhodes • Arts & Culture Editor - Art Joyce                                                                                    children into this world. I saw the
                   Reporters - Katrine Campbell, Claire Paradis, Barbara Curry Mulcahy, Moe Lyons                                                                                                                   writing on the wall over 50 years
                                                   Published and printed in British Columbia, Canada                                                                                                                ago. There is no good end to a
        The Valley Voice is distributed throughout the Slocan and Arrow Lake Valleys from South Slocan/Playmor Junction to Edgewood and Kaslo on Kootenay Lake.                                                     capitalist system based on constant
     Circulation is 7,600 papers, providing the most complete news and advertising coverage of any single newspaper serving this area.                                                                              growth. It hasn’t ended our human
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    problems, only made them worse.
        SUBSCRIPTIONS: CANADA $54.60, USA $84.00, OVERSEAS $126.00. E-Mail Subscription $22.40 (Prices include GST)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It continues to concentrate material
                                 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement #40021191                                                                                                                                                  continued on page 7
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
October 10, 2019 The Valley Voice                                                                  LETTERS                                                                                                      7

continued from page 6
wealth into the hands of a few people       Time for                                  NDP or                                    Vote for the                              May wonders
at the expense of the great mass of
human population – 7.7 billion of us
                                            progressive                               Conservative?                             change you                                never cease
and increasing at approximately 90          parties to                                     The latest poll says the
                                                                                      Conservatives are pulling ahead of the    know has to                                    Re: ‘Jumbo Valley to stay wild:
                                                                                                                                                                          Court of Appeals agrees resort not
million a year.
     Whether you wish to believe it         contemplate a                             Liberals in the federal election race.
                                                                                      Without proportional representation,
                                                                                                                                happen                                    substantially started,’ VV August 15
                                                                                                                                                                          - Thomas Lovejoy coined biodiversity
or not, the biosphere of planet Earth
has been slowly poisoned for the past
                                            merger                                    the Green Party, for all its excellent
                                                                                                                                     In the words of Greta Thunberg:
                                                                                                                                “How dare you pretend you are             in 1980. He now advocates that we
                                                 The political choice – at least in   ideas, doesn’t have a hope of taking      fit to govern!” For most of the           not only keep all our current, whole
two centuries and is now beginning to       this part of Canada – is not between      more than a handful of seats. Hate                                                  ecosystems, but we also restore
fail. The biosphere is the life support                                                                                         last 32 years we have lived in this
                                            the Liberals and Conservatives.           politics is spilling over into Canada     community, one or sometimes two of        degraded ones. He says that will
system for all life. It is all life. All    It is between the two business-as-        and so the right wing has picked up                                                 be a big help to correcting Earth’s
life makes life possible. Life supports                                                                                         you political parties have held office
                                            usual parties that take turns running     speed. Just imagine what it would         at a provincial and federal level. Yet    warming problem. He says wild
life. If you think that the dieback of      the country as if they own it, and        be like to have the Conservatives                                                   places are in decline everywhere.
birds and bees, of coral reefs, of the                                                                                          the best you can do in this election is
                                            progressives who want Canada              back in power in Ottawa. Never            point fingers at each other and make      Habitat destruction is the leading
oceans’ fish, the burning of forests,       to treat its citizens fairly and deal     mind Kafkaesque, we’d have son-                                                     cause. Corporations and governments
are no big deal, that we humans don’t                                                                                           empty promises that you won’t keep.
                                            seriously with the climate crisis.        of-Harperesque – the rich 1% lining            Now in our 60s (almost 70 for        continue to harvest the public’s wild
really need any other species of life       Nowadays the progressive portion of       their own pockets at the expense of                                                 ecosystems. He emphasizes the need
on planet Earth, well, then you can’t                                                                                           Andy), we want to leave behind
                                            the electorate has grown to be about      the planet and the other 99% of us.       a world that is safe and fit for our      to restore all ecosystems immediately
understand why the children took to         as large as either of the traditional          The CBC reported: “With the                                                    around the world to correct centuries
the streets instead of going to school                                                                                          children and grandchildren to live
                                            ruling parties, yet it seldom elects      most electoral districts west of          in – not one that is diminished in        of destructive degradation.
on September 20 and 27. Why go to           enough MPs to seriously influence         Ontario (42), and provincial polls                                                       And the still-wild Jumbo area
school to learn how to survive in a                                                                                             hope and opportunity because of
                                            the direction of the country.             showing no one party dominating, the      an overpowering greed for money,          continues functioning as part of the
world that will simply not exist in the          We a l l k n o w w h y. T h e        potential exists for an election night                                              well-established ecosystem vitally
not-too-distant future?                                                                                                         which is also causing the rapid loss
                                            progressives continually compete          where the five million people west of     of other life forms and even putting      necessary as part of a much larger
     If you want the status quo,            against each other, instead of            the Rockies determine which party                                                   ecosystem which helps to keep the
business as usual, the rich get richer                                                                                          our own human species at risk.
                                            following their own core philosophy       ends up forming government.” We                Like Greta we are angry, but we      lay-of-the-land healthy and perfectly
and the poor get poorer while the           – which is to cooperate for the           may think of this riding as securely                                                balanced.
Earth continues to heat up, then vote                                                                                           are also sad and ashamed at the fact
                                            common good. The progressive              NDP but the model of electoral            that a 16-year-old girl and millions           The May 2019 United Nations
for the Liberals or Conservatives or        Greens and New Democrats have             projections based on opinion polls,                                                 Biodiversity Report says human
NDP or even the PPC. If you want to                                                                                             of children and youth have to take
                                            more in common with each other            electoral history and demographic         to the streets to demand that they        activity has “severely altered 75
be able to look your children in the        than either has with the ruling parties   data at shows                                                 percent of the land environments.
face and tell them you do understand                                                                                            have a future.
                                            that cater to big business to the         that it could well go Conservative. So         We adults are supposed to protect    The loss of species is now happening
why they have taken to the streets and      detriment of the environment and          every vote counts.                                                                  at tens of hundreds times as fast as
why they will continue to take to the                                                                                           and nurture our children and youth,
                                            social welfare. Yet by refusing to             We must try to get as many           and help them build a future life – not   the average rate over the past million
streets until the grown-ups get serious     cooperate, they repeatedly hand           progressive voices back in Ottawa                                                   years and poses a dire threat to
about what is actually happening on                                                                                             destroy it before their very eyes. At
                                            over leadership of the nation to those    as possible, especially given that the    an event on climate change where we       ecosystems all over the world.”
planet Earth, you will vote Green.          whose idea of the public interest is      United Nations has given us little                                                       Scientists say that there will need
The Green vote is the only vote that                                                                                            live, one youth said: “You know the
                                            growth without restraint or regard for    more than a decade to turn climate        science, so stop electing politicians     to be massive investments in forests.
sends the clear message that the            the environment that we all depend        change around. After that, a climate                                                     A while ago at a David Suzuki
‘same old same old’ just doesn’t cut                                                                                            who won’t do anything about climate
                                            on for survival.                          change study shows that the Slocan        change. Please follow the young           lecture, David said there should
it anymore.                                      The one thing all the progressives   Valley will have so many more forest                                                be no more harvesting wild forests
                      Michael Brown                                                                                             peoples’ lead and think carefully
                                            agree on is the need for electoral        fires that we could eventually be         before you vote in this Canadian          (basically no more harvesting of
                         New Denver         reform. Proportional representation       burned out at valley bottom and look                                                pristine ecosystems). Tree farms are
                                                                                                                                federal election. We ask you to put
Police state?                               would allow the progressive parties
                                            to begin to realize their actual
                                                                                      like the parched Okanagan. More
                                                                                      intense floods, freak storms, killing
                                                                                                                                aside your own immediate needs            for harvesting, or, second or third
                                                                                                                                                                          growth planted forests. I was in step
     Recently our British Columbia                                                                                              and think about the immediate need
government passed the Cannabis              political strength. But the established   heat and other devastation will run       of the coming generations to have a       with that idea at the time and still am.
Control and Licensing Act (CCLA).           rulers of the country will always         amok the world over, as scientists        world that will support them.”            No doubt the planet would be in better
This Act, more than ironically, strips      resist any reform that threatens their    have been saying for years. The                Just like our parents’ generation    shape than it is now should that have
away civil rights which were afforded       stranglehold on power.                    International Union for Conservation      fought a war so that we could be          happened.
to British Columbians prior to the               However, there is no need to wait    of Nature tells us that one in four       safe, we need to honestly assess               So, here are some of us in
‘legalization’ of cannabis use.             for others to do what progressives        species is at risk of extinction.         which individuals and platforms in        industrial nations having raced to the
     A special police force named           can do for themselves: cooperate to            So who will help represent not       this election will work to give our       top rung of the materialism ladder
the Community Safety Unit (CSU)             exert the influence that democracy        just ordinary people but other critters   children a safe tomorrow that is          only to acknowledge we’ve nearly
has been formed under the Act. How          owes them. The leadership of the          that keep the whole web of life           worth living. Our parents’ generation     killed our home planet Earth - Mother
safe should we feel? The Act grants         New Democrats and Greens needs to         working? I think Richard Cannings         did not relish making the sacrifices      Nature - GAIA.
to the CSU the authority to enter any       take stock of the common goals of the     has proven he’s an honest, hard-          they did during the war, but they did          At this point being involved with
premises without a warrant. While           two parties instead of emphasizing        working, deeply caring man who’s          it because in their hearts they knew      helping keep the Jumbo ecosystem
ostensibly aimed at illegal cannabis,       the relatively minor differences          in politics for the right reasons. He’s   it had to be done. So too must we         wild for 32 plus years, we can only
it does not require imagination to          between them. They need to worry          an internationally respected biologist    make changes to our lifestyles and        shrug and laugh together and be
understand how this precedent can           less about preserving their individual    and author of many books about            economic organization.                    grateful for the bigger, pristine,
lead to any number of serious abuses.       power structures than preserving the      nature. He truly gets that climate             We have already voted, and Andy      biodiverse, wild ecosystem called
The CSU also has the power to issue         planet and enabling all citizens to be    change will kill ever more of us and      is now working day and night, in          Qat’muk in the Ktunaxa language.
administrative penalties (fines to          treated fairly. The partial cooperation   our companions on this planet and so      Fredericton, to elect another woman       And it’s the Ktunaxa Nation who
those of us who do not understand           of the progressive parties in Victoria    we must act immediately, knowing          from the Green Party to sit in the        will pull it all together and hold it in
politician speak) which can be very,        was a positive step, but it’s time to     that doing so is a chance to create       House of Commons.                         perpetuity. With this unexpected turn
very large. This is prior to any recourse   contemplate a merger.                     good green jobs. Over the past few             How many of you will join us         of events, I, and many others I’m sure,
to the courts. Can we remember when              It’s unfortunate that in this        years as I’ve got to know Richard,        in electing an MP who will roll up        feel a huge relief for the long distant
some people thought that mandatory          election good-hearted progressive         I’ve come to have great respect for       their sleeves to help address climate     future of the huge and very healthy
minimum sentencing by the courts was        people in the Kootenays continue          him. He takes time to meet people         change, and no longer pretend that        Jumbo ecosystem. Ahhhh ….
poor legislation? Does reduction of         to compete with one another and           all over the South Okanagan-West          business-as-usual politics or lip              These are the last words you’ll
your civil rights warrant an expression     in doing so allow political parties       Kootenay riding to hear what their        service to the issue without actually     hear from me in reference to the West
of concern from you to your MLA?            that are the very last they want          concerns are and take them to Ottawa.     doing anything will save the day? As      Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild.
(;            to see running the country get an         Please consider supporting him and,       always the choice is yours, but do        And my Jumbo thanks to my Jumbo               easy ride to Ottawa. Maybe by the         if you can help, please contact his       you have the courage and conviction       partner, Zan Mautner, Argenta, whose
     Did we, after all, vote for a police   next election the common sense of         office at https://richardcannings2019.    to vote for the change you know has       willing fingers typed and sent out all
state?                                      grassroots progressives will prevail., 250 365-2792 (Castlegar).        to happen?                                the Jumbo news all these years.
                         Allyn Steward                               Don Scarlett                         Anne Champagne        Andy Shadrack and Gail Bauman                                     Rowena Eloise
                                   Kaslo                                     Kaslo                              New Denver                                      Kaslo                                     Nelson
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
8                                                                                                COMMUNITY                                                                                  The Valley Voice October 10, 2019

School District 10 Superintendent’s Report: Lots of new staff, despite recruitment challenges
by Jan McMurray                               been told that because we are small and         Jackson (grade 3-4 teacher), Biz Tupper     18 vs 14 in June); Edgewood Elementary             • The engineer has submitted
     • SD10 successfully filled 16 teacher    isolated, teaching in our district is less      (K-1 teacher), Andrea Volansky (grade       has the same number of students as last       drawings for the climbing wall at
positions for the 2019-20 school year,        attractive than in a larger centre, resulting   5-6 teacher), Brent Cook (vice-principal    year (15); and Lucerne has 86 students        NSS, but not the bouldering wall. The
but is still looking for bus drivers and      in teachers turning down job offers.”           and classroom support teacher), Michele     – down from 90 in June. The Arrow             climbing wall plans involve more
qualified people to do casual work                  Taylor says she has spoken to             Hildebrand (education assistant),           Lakes Distributed Learning School has         extensive structural alterations to the
as custodians, education assistants,          the Deputy Minister and Assistant               Faye Fox (custodian); at Lucerne:           42 students, compared to 45 in June.          school building than anticipated, and
school secretaries and bus drivers. “This     Deputy Minister about these recruitment         Margot Baker (secondary English,                 • A child care centre been proposed      additional labour costs. An updated
past spring and summer have been              challenges.                                     electives teacher), Kyoko Conne (K-1        for two unused classrooms at Lucerne          timeline and budget has been provided
very difficult in our efforts to recruit            The school district had many              teacher), Donna Hicks (intermediate and     School. Two grant applications have           to Columbia Basin Trust, the funder, for
employees to the school district – a now      positions to fill this year, not just to        secondary teacher), Debbie Dubinsky         been submitted for the Goat Mountain          their consideration.
common rural dilemma,” Superintendent         replace staff who are on leave, have            (grade 2-3 teacher), Mark Lada (school      Kids Child Care Centre, which would                • The school district has received
Terry Taylor says in her September report     retired or have moved on, but also to           counsellor, secondary teacher), Justin      create 16 new spaces for 0-5 year-olds        grants from several organizations:
to the board of education. “We posted 16      fill new positions that have opened up.         Bisson (vice-principal, intermediate/       and 24 after school spaces for 5-11 year-     $15,200 from the Columbia Basin Trust
teacher jobs and in a number of cases,        Increased funding from the ministry for         secondary teacher), Suzanne King            olds. The school district, in collaboration   Basin Plays program for physical literacy
had to repost five or six times in order to   rural and remote districts and increased        (education assistant), Bob Gould            with the Goat Mountain School Society         activities, $1,500 from the Nakusp
hire teachers; the same was true for the      enrolment in SD10 have allowed for              (Eastern zone bus driver); at BES: Kristi   and a local child care committee,             and Area Community Foundation for
teaching Vice Principal role at Lucerne       these new positions in the budget.              Mortell-Leblanc (K-4 literacy support       submitted the grant applications to           after school late bus transportation so
which we posted five times.”                        The district welcomes new                 teacher), Ken Rogers (custodian and         CBT and the Ministry of Children              more students can attend after school
     Taylor says the market has shifted,      employees and employees new to their            BES bus driver).                            and Family Development. “Many                 programs at NSS and NES, $3,500
and teachers now have their pick of jobs.     positions: Peter Dubinsky as the new                 • The school year began with 460       thanks to Goat Mountain Society and           from the Nakusp and Area Community
“The competition to attract teachers to       Director of Learning; at NSS: Karlee            students enrolled, up from 451 in June      especially to Sara Wearmouth and Julia        Foundation to support after school
BC school districts is intense and we         Cook (electives teacher), Dominic               and down from the projected 469.            Greenlaw of the Child Care Committee          activities with a fine arts focus at NES,
are finding this year in particular that      Raso (math teacher), Jared Strand               Nakusp Secondary, Nakusp Elementary         for their assistance gathering some of the    $3,500 from the ArtStarts program for
teachers are ‘shopping around,’ having        (humanities, outdoor education teacher);        and Burton Elementary have more             extensive documentation required for          dance programs at NES and NSS, and
interviews and then once offered a            at NES: Hannah Boomer (PE, outdoor              students than last year (NSS 124 vs 118     these grant submissions,” Superintendent      $5,000 from RDCK Area K for the
position, choosing other jobs. We have        ed, Indigenous ed teacher), Michelle            in June, NES 175 vs 169 in June and BES     Terry Taylor says in her report.              Summit Lake Ski Program.

Arrow Lakes ferry workers invited back to negotiating table
submitted by BCGEU                                 “I think this is a good sign that these    employers rejected the union’s proposal     a ruling to set essential service levels      of Transportation. The inland ferry
     On Tuesday, October 8, members           employers have heard our members’               for industry standard compensation and      for the Arrow Lakes, Francois Lake and        services were initially contracted
of the BC Government and Service              concerns,” says Stephanie Smith,                investment in recruitment and succession    Adams Lake ferries in the event of job        out under the previous BC Liberal
Employees’ Union (BCGEU) working              BCGEU president. “I’m hoping the                planning.                                   action. Essential service hearings began      government. As operating costs have
on the Arrow Lakes, Francois Lake             new proposal puts the sustainability                 “Our members’ objective hasn’t         in September and ended late Wednesday,        increased, the employers have failed to
and Adams Lake ferries will resume            of the ferry service and the needs of           changed throughout this process. They       October 2.                                    retain workers with industry standard
bargaining with the ferries’ operators –      our members and ferry-dependent                 want a collective agreement that ensures         The BCGEU has not received an            compensation and adhere to guidelines
WaterBridge Ferries and WaterBridge           communities ahead of profits. That              the long-term sustainability of the ferry   invitation to resume bargaining from          around successorship and training that
Equipment.                                    would set a new bar for other operators         service through investments in the          Western Pacific Marine (WPM), which           would ensure safety requirements are
     The entity that owns both                of inland ferry routes.”                        workforce,” says Smith. “They have          operates the ferries on Kootenay Lake.        met and local knowledge of the lakes
WaterBridge Ferries and WaterBridge                BCGEU inland ferry workers on              never wavered from that, and their          As with WaterBridge, the union seeks          are passed down.
Equipment has invited the union back to       routes operated by WaterBridge Ferries,         solidarity is strong.”                      to establish a collective agreement                The BCGEU is one of the largest
the bargaining table to present a proposal    WaterBridge Equipment and Western                    The invitation to resume               through bargaining and not arbitration        and fastest growing unions in BC with
on behalf of both companies that it says      Pacific Marine have been without a              negotiations with WaterBridge Ferries       or mediation.                                 more than 79,000 members working in
will address the union’s concerns. The        contract since March 2019. Negotiations         and WaterBridge Equipment comes just             All three employers maintain             almost every community and economic
negotiations will take place in Kelowna.      broke down on June 5 when all three             as the labour board is expected to issue    service contracts with the Ministry           sector in the province.

Lucerne School gets new playground
by Art Joyce                                  and Skills Technology curriculum                    We are very grateful to the Ministry    province are in dire need of repair           was chosen by the ministry as the
     The grand opening for the new            to consider the needs of the user and           of Education who provided all the           and replacement and the ministry has          old playground equipment no longer
playground at New Denver’s Lucerne            design with that in mind. It was so             funding for this new playground.            been assisting with these projects for        met safety standards and desperately
School was held on October 7. We              cool to have a real project and have            Schools across the district and the         the past year. Lucerne’s playground           needed replacement.
caught up with School District #10            voice in designing structures that
Superintendent Terry Taylor to find           will last for decades to come. The
out about the project.                        company who was successful in
     Tell us about the new playground         the RFP process builds playgrounds
– what are some of its key features           across BC and Canada and are well
and what makes it unique?                     known for their ability to customize
     Probably the most important              designs for the physical space and
feature of the playground is that it          the play needs of a particular school
allows lots more choice for students          community.
in how they play and are active. The              Where does the design come
structures are integrated and allow           from and who built it?
for groups of kids to play together or            At one point, our Manager of
individual students to engage in play.        Operations had his entire office
In seeing students use the equipment,         plastered with the children’s drawings
they love it and are finding creative         and designs. It took some work
ways to have fun and be physically            to distill their creative designs
active.                                       into workable and within budget
     Is this playground design unique         structures, yet clearly the playground                            The grand opening for the new playground at New Denver’s Lucerne School was held on October 7.
to Lucerne or one that will be
adopted across the school district?
                                              at Lucerne is a success as a result
                                              of the kids’ imagination and design
                                                                                              Joe Foy to speak at Argenta Hall, October 23
     The children in the elementary           thinking and Art Olson’s patience               submitted                                   working to protect wilderness, old-           Valley, Siska Valley, Pinecone Burke,
school and preschool and their parents        and skills. Our SD10 maintenance                    The Friends of the Lardeau River        growth forests and wildlife habitat           Elaho Valley and Lost Creek Valley. He
were key designers of the playground.         team of two carpenters – James                  and Mt Willet Wilderness Forever say        areas in BC and has been one of               will also talk about current initiatives
They thought about what they liked            Peterson and Riley Gerber – and                 they are delighted to have Joe Foy as       the Wilderness Committee’s leading            to secure protection in the Manning
in the old playground, pored through          our groundskeeper, Wes Coleman,                 guest speaker at the Argenta Hall, 7 pm     spokespersons.                                Park Donut Hole and for spotted owl
lots of designs and brochures that the        installed the equipment. They did               Wednesday October 23.                           Foy will discuss and present              habitat areas.
company who provided the equipment            a tremendous job and the primary                    Foy is the Co-Executive Director        images of some of the past and current            The presentation will include a
provided and really considered their          children at Lucerne have written thank          of the Wilderness Committee,                Wilderness Committee campaigns to             vision of the future that includes a
own use and their younger peers               you cards and acknowledgements in               a Vancouver-based wilderness                expand the protected area system on           protected area system that covers at least
use of the play spaces. They used             appreciation.                                   preservation organization with more         the BC coast. He will touch on former         50% of the land base and that respects
an empathic design process that is                What funding sources were used              than 60,000 supporters from across          hard-fought wilderness preservation           wildlife habitat including caribou, as
embedded in the Applied Design                to build it?                                    Canada. He has 30 years of experience       campaigns in the region including Stein       well as Indigenous rights and title.
Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver Two new physicians at Slocan Community Health Centre in New Denver
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