The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knowelth them that trust in him.

Page created by Mark Douglas
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knowelth them that trust in him.
Vol. 75, #6                               June 2020

                               The Lord is good,
                             a strong hold in the
                             day of trouble; and
                              he knowelth them
                              that trust in him.
                                 Nahum 1:7

Loving as Jesus Loves
page 3
Monthly Sermon page 4
Peace in the Midst of
COVID-19 in Haiti page 6
Education in Ixtlán page 6
Lament: A Sorrow
Expressed page 8
Remembering Our
Spiritual Heritage page 62
The Light of Hope page63
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knowelth them that trust in him.
                                                                                              For July issue
                                                                                              (news from May 16-Jun 15)
To Our Readers                                                                                Due: June 20, 2020

Apt Communication
    James says our tongues are an unruly evil, untamed by any                                 The Silver Lining
human. That may lead some to conclude we should just always keep                              17028 S. Blackfoot Dr.
quiet, yet we are called to speak the truth in love and sometimes, that                       Lockport, IL 60441
requires confrontation. It’s a challenge to get this balance right! Your
input on this would be appreciated.                                                           USPS 496780

Our next special topic is: What has God taught you about loving                               Published Monthly by the Apostolic
and truthful communication? Please relate your experience and                                 Christian Church of America
any wisdom gained about when to speak vs. listen, confront vs.                                Counselors:
forebear, etc.                                                                                Jeff Grimm, Greg Lehman
    Send your contributions answering that question to features@ by July 15. Please keep them to no more than 600                           Official Apostolic Christian Church
words. This section will be published in September.                                           Website:
     In Christian love,
     Jeff Grimm and Greg Lehman, Counseling Elders                                            Send correspondence only
                                                                                              (no payments) to:
                                                                                              (email is preferred)
                                                                                              The Silver Lining
                                                                                              17028 S. Blackfoot Dr.
                                                                                              Lockport, IL 60441
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Front Cover: Sis. Rosie Plattner, Chicago, IL
Back Cover: Sis. Megan Rokey, Goodfield, IL

2   SILVER LINING June 2020
Writings based on God’s Word

Light from the Word
Loving as Jesus                         where unmixed, unspoiled love is         we dream about love, wax poetic
Loves – Following                       simply not possible.4
                                              Throughout the Gospel of
                                                                                 about love, and crave love, but we
                                                                                 find it impossible to fully enter
Jesus’ Example                          John, Jesus is anchored in the           into love.
                                        love of God through perfect                    We must obey, but how? How
of Love in                              submission to the Father. In             do I deal with the reality that my
Obedience                               Chapter 15, we read: “If ye keep         love falls short of Jesus’ perfect
                                        my commandments, ye shall abide          standard? Clearly, we must allow
     “If you love me, keep              in my love; even as I have kept          ourselves to be confronted by this
my commandments.”1                      my Father’s commandments, and            passage. We must, as James puts
     The simplicity of Christ’s         abide in his love.”5 It’s in that        it, look intently at the “perfect
statement has a sharpness that cuts,    same perfect unity in love that          law of liberty,” rather than being
sometimes painfully, and calls us       Jesus declares that “he that hath        satisfied with our natural face.11
to carefully reflect on the nature of   seen me hath seen the Father.”6          Here we learn our need of a savior
our love and obedience. Yet, at the     The subjection of the Son to the         and our dependence on His mercy,
same time, as we meditate on this       Father is so complete, so perfect,       for without Christ’s love, even my
passage, we begin to understand         that their image is inseparable.7        good deeds tend to aim for my own
that Christ is inviting his children    God’s perfect love does not remain       gratification and become iniquity.
into the divine life. In other          an abstraction but is commended                Keeping our need of Christ’s
words, we are called into a life        (or demonstrated) to us8 through         mercy and love in the forefront
obediently patterned after the love     Jesus’ obedience “unto death, even       of our minds, let’s return to our
of Jesus as we abide in him and so      the death of the cross.”9                opening passage, “If you love me,
live out Christ’s call to love as he          Calling his children to follow     keep my commandments.”12 This
first loved us.                         where he has first led, Christ gives     statement in Chapter 14, and the
     The Apostle John testifies of      us a radical new commandment.            second which is like it in Chapter
the love of God throughout his          He calls us to a divine love that        15, are each given in the context
Gospel and Epistles, proclaiming        completely transcends human              of an extended discourse about
that “God is love.”2 This profound      loves. “A new commandment I give         abiding in the Spirit, including
statement can be deceptive              unto you, That ye love one another;      the beautiful analogy that Jesus
because its depth lies in its           as I have loved you, that ye also love   is the vine, and we, his followers,
simplicity. God is love, infinite       one another.”10 Against Christ’s         are the branches. Here, like the
love. Nothing more, nothing less.       demonstration of divine love,            law of gravity, Jesus lays down a
His love is pure, not mingled with      the Russian novelist Dostoevsky          spiritual law: “I am the vine, ye are
pride or selfishness. All of God’s      captures the contrasting hypocrisy       the branches: He that abideth in
actions pour forth from this pure       of human love in The Brothers            me, and I in him, the same bringeth
love where there is no shadow of        Karamazov: “One can love one’s           forth much fruit: for without me ye
turning.3 What a contrast to our        neighbors in the abstract, or even       can do nothing.”13 Simply put, his
natural state, a state filled with      at a distance, but at close quarters     commandments are impossible to
contradictions and self-deceptions      it’s almost impossible.” As men,                     — Please turn to pg. 58

                                                                                          June 2020 SILVER LINING   3
Monthly Sermon
Sermon by Bro. Dallas                                      Moriah. God asked him to. When Abraham got up
Massner, Burlington, IA                                    there God tests his faith, and Abraham passed that
                                                           test. But guess what was right there in the thicket
June 9, 2019                                               that was going to replace that sacrifice of his son?
                                                           Because of his faithfulness God prepared a ram the
Nehemiah 2:11-20                                           thicket. I’ve often thought when did that ram walk
                                                           away and get separated from the flock? When did it
    Let’s look into God’s holy word such that we’d         wander up there? I think God works through natural
really try to hinge on every word that he says, and        processes. Obviously, he can do miracles, but I just
then also trust and pray for the word that as it would     had to think that in the believer, there’s no such
come forth through the ministers it would be truly         thing as circumstance. It’s just happenstance that
inspired. I’m thankful that the inspiration of the         that’s what God had happen in our lives? Let’s thank
Holy Spirit is in our gathering together, and that it’s    him for his faithfulness and his goodness.
not one direction. That’s the beauty of the inspired            I’ve opened up to Nehemiah Chapter 2; verse
word of life. We gather together. We sing songs of         11 is where we’ll start. Nehemiah has come back to
praise together. We pray a silent prayer, and it all       Jerusalem, and he didn’t want to wait to go out and
mixes up and ascends to God. He hears us each              inspect it so he’s going to go at night to check out the
individually, but he also is going to collectively speak   work that’s happening.
to us. As the word goes out, it’s going to be mixed             I’ve read to the 20 verse. I have hymn – #190
in your heart with your faith, and also, it’s going to     before me.
translate your struggles. It’s going to translate your          I’d like to make one more comment about our
thoughts to what you need. That’s the beautiful thing      time of worship here. It’s truly a blessing to gather
about preaching from the inspiration of the Holy           together and blend our voices in common words that
Spirit, allowing God to truly speak to us.                 we can understand and notes that are so beautifully
    I’ve opened to the book of Nehemiah. Ezra              put together. I know sometimes we don’t always
and Nehemiah were both very instrumental in re-            sound the best or get it quite right, but when it comes
establishing the little gathering that went back to        from the heart and when we can identify with the
Jerusalem from their exile. Remember, Nehemiah             message of the hymn, we can blend those together.
was the cupbearer, and God, through his position as        It’s truly a blessing to have the time of worship. It’s
a cupbearer, provided for his people. It’s kind of like    not just the time when we gather together and hear a
when we were talking earlier today about how God           message. We’re active in this time of worship.
worked through Esther. You might think in your life             You know, there was a time in history – it’s
you’ve met some people today or even in the past and       kind of a sad time; we can read about it in Martyr’s
they shared something with you. You might think it         Mirror and different books that speak about some
could be inconsequential, but I think God is working       of our forebearers and how they were persecuted –
and putting something in your heart for a later time       when a lot of them went to church, the hymns were
and a later experience.                                    sung in Latin, the message was in Latin, and guess
    I often think of Isaac. Abraham and Isaac.             what? They didn’t know Latin. They could only be
Abraham was going to offer him there on Mt.                there and see the symbols. They could only hear

4   SILVER LINING June 2020
the words, but it was in a foreign language to them.        what’s this all about?” What did this even mean to
They couldn’t really experience the worship service         them? What does it mean to us? What’s part of God’s
like we can today, and I fear that it is kind of going      plan and story? Why did he preserve this for us?
that way again where we see that the message is a lot       Again, I think it’s the image of Christ and the image
more intellectual. There are some that don’t have the       of God’s divine plan. It’s part of the whole narrative.
intellectual capacity to follow the speaker.                     I just think of this – what must this have looked like
     They might have bands and choirs that don’t            to the people at that time? These exiles came back, and
allow all the people to participate, not that when          this city looked like a total disaster. They’re probably
just you listen, it says you don’t get some value, but      thinking, “Well, what’s the point?”, but they have such
it still has that same semblance. I’m not saying that       a reverence for that city. When we think of Jerusalem,
to disparage any particular one that uses that, but         we don’t think of it as the Jews today, as they care very
I think it’s maybe a sad commentary of where we             much about the wall and the physical aspects of it. I
start to become detached from the body. We gather           think this goes beyond just this city. They’re trying
together, and it’s a time when we really are a body.        to hearken back to time when they had God in their
We have different members that need to participate          midst. They’re trying to reassemble that time when God
in the worship service. We gain the most value when         was not only in the center but he lived among them.
we all can participate in an active way.                         When he brought them out of Egypt, he said,
     So, we have this hymn #190 (Zion’s Harp), and          “I’m taking you.” Essentially, in a word “he took me to
the first verse reads:                                      myself.” It’s marriage language. He says, “You’re mine,
   Jesus Christ as king elected,                            and I’m going to take you to myself.” He told them
   All things are to him subjected.                         how to build their house; they sat down together. It’s
     We’ve read about this already how God can use all      almost like a couple would do if they were going to
things. Even heathen and pagan kings are going to be        build a new house, having a conversation saying this
used to furtherance of the gospel and of his kingdom.       is what our house is going to look like. He said, “I’m
Don’t lose sight of that, brothers, sisters, and friends,   going to dwell in the midst of you; I’m going to be
as we live in a country that continues to walk away         your God, and you’re going to be my people. You’re
from God. It really is the course of nature. We might       mine.” This is a marriage, a divine marriage.
think all is lost. We’ve got to remember what God said           If we don’t look at our relationship with Jesus
through Moses to Pharaoh: “For this cause I raised          Christ as a divine marriage, we’ve missed the point.
thee up that all the nations of the world would know        It is a relationship. When God calls us out of sin and
that there’s a God in Israel.” At that time, Pharaoh was    darkness, the price was paid. Jesus Christ was the
the supreme ruler of the most powerful country of the       bride price, and he paid a tremendous price to buy us
world and that’s what Moses said to him. We saw the         to be his bride. As any newlyweds you see, they want
outcome of that. Trust God. So, let’s sing together of      to be around each other all the time. They want to
the verses you choose of Hymn #190.                         know what the other one is doing all the time. We
     Perhaps, just another thought before we turn to        need to look at ourselves first. When we go places or
the New Testament. As we read this together, what           we say things, would we want our spouse to know
were your thoughts? You know, when we read an Old           that? Do we have that kind of relationship where we
Testament scripture, sometimes our thought is, “Well,                                        — Please turn to pg. 59

                                                                                         June 2020 SILVER LINING     5
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
                                  – Colossians 3:17

Ministry Program Updates
Peace in the Midst of                                                    Miss Nobadine Dessources is one such example.
COVID-19 in Haiti                                                   She has worked as a nurse at Hospital Lumiere for 10
                                                                    years, rising to the role of Nursing Supervisor, in charge
Caribbean Committee
                                                                    of the Clinic and Emergency Room staff. The defining
COVID-19 has impacted the world in ways most                        thing one notices about her very quickly is that she
of us would not have been able to imagine a short                   is an advocate for the patients under her care. This is
time ago. Those who work in the healthcare field                    especially admirable in the Haitian culture so often
or have fallen ill with the virus, have felt its impact             described by the word “survival.” When the daily focus
most directly. At HarvestCall’s mission at Hospital                 is “survival,” it is easy to overlook the needs of others.
Lumiere in Bonne Fin, Haiti, the global pandemic                         Miss Dessources, however, exhibits daily a
can feel like a building storm.                                     patient-first work ethic. She continually is on the look
     Each one of us can identify with these                         out for ways to improve the hospital and the care of
storms of life. Many times, we as Christians are                    patients. In Haiti, most bedside care (food, bathing,
tempted to emulate the disciples' example when                      cleaning) is provided by patient families. It is not
they were confronted with the storm on the sea.                     uncommon to have a patient in the hospital who
They were frightened and believed they would                        either doesn’t have family with them or doesn’t have
perish. The staff at Hospital Lumiere have faced                    financial resources to provide food. Miss Dessources
similar fears as COVID-19 sweeps the globe. And                     many times discretely makes this need known to
many have simply stood on their faith prepared                      administration, respecting the dignity of the patient,
for the possibility of the coming storm.                            while making sure they are fed.

Christ-Centered Education in Ixtlán Mexico Committee
“Children are the future church” – a basic, yet profound           grade gathers around Bro. Matt Gerber or Bro. Lalo
truth which compels us to pour our energies into                   Ugalde to hear teaching from the Bible. For the
teaching our youth the gospel. Some of those children              younger grades, this entails hearing a Bible story and
grow up to repent and join the body of Christ. What a              discussing it, much like Sunday School. For older
miracle! We know that salvation is ultimately the Spirit’s         classes, the values of Christian living are discussed.
work, and yet we carry a charge to “bring them up in                    Currently there are 182 children in Ixtlan
the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph. 6:4)                enrolled in both primary and secondary, with about
    A Christian education opens young eyes to the                  63 still available for sponsorship. In this particular
truth of the Bible, which may not have been modeled                setting, because the school is owned and operated by
at home. Some unbelieving parents allow their child                the Apostolic Christian Church, each child is eligible
to attend a school with Christ-centered education for              to receive one sponsor.
the sake of a solid education, and along the way soft                   The process for signing up to sponsor a child is
hearts take in spiritual truths.                                   simple. Visit You will
    Colegio de las Américas in Ixtlán, Mexico,                     see a list of countries. Some countries have specific
provides this type of education. Twice a week each                 children’s names and profiles listed. For Ixtlán,

6   SILVER LINING June 2020
Since the onset of coronavirus in Haiti, the hospital   At a time when some staff members were fearful for
staff has been focused on preparing to receive possible      their own health, Miss Dessources remained a steady
cases. Just like in the United States, Hospital Lumiere      presence. She readily accepted her role as supervisor
was not ready. The effort to prepare required the entire     for the COVID-19 care team. It seemed that she was
staff pitching in as services were moved to new locations    constantly hearing the words of the Lord “Peace, be still.”
to make way for the isolation unit. From our own                  “It does not matter if a patient is sick with cholera or
lives, we know that change and stress often go hand          COVID-19 or another disease. If they don’t have medical
in hand. But Miss Dessources maintained her calm             care they could die. It is our job to give them care”
and professional demeanor throughout the changes.            she says. When asked how she can be peaceful in such
                                                             times, Miss Dessources replied “I have faith that God
                                                             will protect me here. We are called to give medical care
                                                             to everyone. We want to give care with the love of God,
                                                             the love of Christ. And so I believe he will protect me.”
                                                                  What a wonderful example of faith we can see in
                                                             Miss Dessources. It reminds us of the opportunity to
                                                             pray for the HarvestCall mission at Hospital Lumiere
                                                             as the staff relies on their faith to continue providing
                                                             excellent and effective medical care with compassion
                                                             and Christian love.
                                                             – by Rick Aberle & Carrie Stoller

                                                             individual students are not listed, so when you click
                                                             on Mexico it takes you to a link called a “general
                                                             sponsorship form.” On this form, you’ll specify the
                                                             country and school.
                                                                 Other ways to sign up are to fill out a paper form
                                                             available at most congregations, or call or e-mail us at
                                                    or (309) 266-6080.
                                                                 For Colegio de las Américas, sponsorship is $35/mo.
                                                             paid monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on
                                                             the sponsor. Students and sponsors are encouraged
                                                             to correspond a couple of times a year, and there are
                                                             opportunities for sponsors to send gifts for Christmas
                                                             and birthdays. But perhaps the most important
                                                             contribution of a sponsor is praying for the child.
                                                                 If you feel moved, partner with a child at Ixtlán
                                                             Colegio de las Américas to give them the gift of
                                                             truth. A child’s life could be changed! – by Sarah Fehr

                                                                                          June 2020
                                                                                                2016 SILVER LINING      3
Lament: A Sorrow Expressed
We all experience pain. Deep pain comes in different     looks something like this: turn, complain, ask, trust.
forms: failing health, economic hardship, troubled            First the grieving one turns to God. They direct
children, strained relationships, loss of a loved one,   their lament to the Father. God is the recipient of our
terminal illness, unfair treatment, fearsome odds,       sorrow. Next the grieving one complains. Full and
pain without answers or pain without easy fixes.         unreserved protest is leveled at God. It’s the honesty of
    Experiencing such pain gives us a kinship with a     our heart released. Third, the grieving one asks. Direct
long list of faithful ones — Job, Hannah, Jeremiah,      requests are made to God. Unabashed appeals are
David, Habakkuk, Moses, Mary, Martha, Daniel,            submitted. Finally, the grieving one trusts. A resignation
Jacob, Naomi to name a few. Pain is knit into the        is laid at the Father’s feet. A “no-matter-what” reckless
fabric of life here below and we will not leave this     abandoned commitment to God results. The above
place without it.                                        represents the shape of lament, and this is the shaping it
                                                                does in our souls. It takes us from pain to promise
                                                                through the gut wrenching realities of brokenness.
                                                                     Consider the current matters that trouble
                                                                you. Would you fill in the prompts below
                                                                and begin to lament?

                                                                • Turn: “Father, I bring the important matter
                                                                  of ____________________ to you.”
                                                                • Complain: “Have you forgotten me? Do
                                                                  you not hear my frequent groanings?
                                                                  So often I have spoken to you about
                                                                  _________________ and it seems hope is
                                                                  lost. My heart grieves.”
                                                                • Ask: “Father, I boldly ask you to
                                                                  _________________. Speedily come to my
                                                                  defense. With your mighty arm,
                                                                • Trust: “I resign _________________to
                                                                  you Father. For where else shall I turn?
                                                                  Nowhere. My hope is in you.”

    To support us in this raw reality, God knits             Because laments are so practiced, rehearsed,
something else into the fabric of our faith — Lament.    reviewed and repeated in Israel’s history, they
Lament is a sorrow or pain expressed or a cry that       have imprinted themselves in the hymnody of the
springs from and proceeds to faith. This prayer          Hebrew culture. One out of every three Psalms is a
should lead us to trust. It has both a shape and is      lament. By this we learn that not only are laments
shaping. Lament has often been used by our faithful      personal, they are communal also. God intends
forefathers and a well-worn pattern has emerged. It      the community of believers to lament with your

8   SILVER LINING June 2020
brothers and sisters in sorrow. Lamenting as a             the cry of truth. An honest heart’s cry rising from the
community is important when our abilities to help          seedbed of pain to God because the Father is real. After
fall short or when our wisdom to fix is insufficient       all, it was this honesty, this pain, this love of the Father
or when our capacity to “make it better” is overrun.       that birthed Jesus’s famous lament on the cross… “My
Lament is what we can offer. And when we do,               God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” (Matt 27:46)
our hearts in a small way are aligned with God’s           May we as a body of believers be bold in our lamenting
heart. In that moment we help carry the sorrow.            to the Father who understands our pain, and then may
     Consider the matters that currently trouble your      we, in turn, be shaped by these prayers of lament.
community of believers or your close friends around              ACCFS has a host of resources on various
you. Consider using prompts like the ones below            topics to encourage a believer in their walk and
and begin to lament together — listening to each           growth in the Lord. They range from adapted Bible
other’s cries of pain and together turning these
cries into trust.

  • Turn: “Father, the brokenness of
    __________________ is urgent and dire.”
  • Complain: “How long will
    ______________________ toil under the
    weight of these circumstances? Because
    you do not ________________________,
    people wonder if you are real. They
    wonder if you are trustworthy.”
  • Ask: “Father, I ask You to mightily
    Show your glory by
    _______________________. Silence the
    mocker by _________________________.
    Win the faithless to you by
    _______________________________ ”
  • Trust: “I will cling to your promises. I will
    never abandon you. The circumstances of
    _______________________________ will
    only embolden my faith whatever the outcome.”          studies and discussion aids for groups to papers
                                                           and handouts for individual study to presentations
     God gave us lament because He personally              and seminars for the entire church family. These
understands grief. Jesus was known for His sorrows.        resources can be found on our website at www.
Isaiah announces Him as a man of sorrows and      If you
acquainted with grief (Is. 53). Lament to Jesus is not     would like more information, please contact ACCFS
just a nice idea. It is much deeper than that. Lament is   at (309)263-5536 or

                                                                                         June 2020 SILVER LINING     9
Congregation Updates
Apostolic Christian                          Typically, we use the            Gateway Woods Apostolic
LifePoints                              springtime as a time of               Christian Children’s Home                    preparation. Fields and gardens       Rob Parker — LARC Director
@aclifepoints on Facebook or            are planted. Summer vacations              Five years ago, God stirred
Instagram                               are mapped out. Job applications      Gateway Woods to begin
Ashlyn Gramm-Mission                    are submitted. Many of us are still   the LARC initiative to create
Communication Coordinator               trying to make these preparations     genuine connections between the
   “For, lo, the winter is past, the    with the hope that there will be      community and kids coming out
rain is over and gone; the flowers      healing and health restored to        of the residential and foster care
appear on the earth; the time of the    those suffering in our country and    programs. In LARC, we strive to
singing of birds is come, and the       the rest of the world. But there is   connect youth to the relationships
voice of the turtle is heard in our     uncertainty in our plans. So why      and resources they need to become
land.” Song of Solomon 2:11-12          do we still hope?                     successfully independent. What an
    These past few months at                 As Christians, we can hope       encouragement it has been to watch
LifePoints have certainly not been for more than just things of this          mentors, churches, job partners,
that which we ourselves would           world. Our souls ache for heaven      and others in the community pour
have planned. We are longing for        and the day we will see the Lord      into these young people! But how
in-person visits between families       seated on his throne. We do not       can our kids continue to build
and residents. Residents are eager      know everything that we will          skills and stay connected to the
to return to their work programs        experience there, just as we do not   meaningful relationships they have
with their friends and caring staff. know what each season of life will       built if they are forced back to
We can’t wait for our Sunday            hold. But we have seen springs in     old environments, with no safe or
school classes to start back up         the past, we have seen God work       consistent place to live?
and to fellowship with our church in our lives and in the lives of                 Enter WillowBridge: Gateway
body face-to-face again. Plans have others, and we trust in him and           Woods’ new transitional living
certainly changed, but God has          in his Word. Praise God for his       community. WillowBridge serves
remained constant through it all.       promises, for his love for all his    young adults who have aged
    As we experience the springtime children, for his saving grace, and       out of the system and whose
weather, we are reminded of these       for the hope he has given us of a     primary support comes from their
verses in Song of Solomon. They         new and greater future!               connection to Gateway Woods. We
bring us hope. Although some of              If you would like to read        have worked hard to create a safe
these days full of rain and wind        the most recent updates from          place where young people can learn
make us feel like we are back in        LifePoints Administrators             to work hard, care for their own
the gloom of winter, we know that       regarding our current status          apartments and learn to manage
spring is coming into itself and        during COVID-19, please go to         their lives, all while strengthening
days of sunshine are ahead. The         our website (www.aclifepoints.        their community connections.
springtime is full of newness and life, org). Thank you for your                   I have had the great pleasure of
and we have hope because we know continued support and prayers for            working with some amazing young
the One who gives all things life.      all those involved at LifePoints!     people who are full of raw potential

10   SILVER LINING June 2020
and unique giftedness. Many of         Sierra and I to hand the reigns over     Couples. For more information,
them truly want to experience          to whoever the Lord has prepared         please see our ad in this
God as a Father and build a life       next. I will be stepping back into       month’s edition of the Silver
that has meaning, they just don’t      the leadership role of Director for      Lining or visit the Careers
know where to start. WillowBridge      both LARC and WillowBridge.              page on our website at
is a place where these kids can            This is an opportunity to  
go to grow in all of the areas that    be a tangible representation           • We are searching for 2020
lead to successful independence.       of who Christ is. As Theodore            summer volunteers. Please
We are building on much of the         Roosevelt once said, “to work            contact Sis. Claire Berchtold,
foundation that was laid by the        hard at work worth doing”. If            our 2020 Summer Volunteer
Gateway Woods residential and          this stokes a fire in your heart,        Coordinator at vol.coordinator@
foster care programs as well as the    please see the CA job opening   for more
LARC initiative. At this juncture,     we have posted. Thank you to all         information. This is a great
they are no longer being supervised,   of our faithful supporters who           opportunity to impact the lives
but instead, are receiving guidance    continue to encourage us as we           of the children on our campus!
and accountability while learning      fulfill the mission God has given      • You are an important advocate
to make decisions and take             us to provide help and healing           to help us spread the word
responsibility for themselves.         to troubled children and families        about God’s work at Gateway
     WillowBridge has the capacity     who then may bless others.               Woods. Please continue to
for four young men and five young      News:                                    lift us up in prayer, check our
women (one of whom may have a          • 2020 Auction: The Auction is           website and
child). Much like house parents,         converting to a virtual event!         our Facebook page at facebook.
the staff consists of a Community        See our ad in this month’s             com/gatewaywoods often for
Advocate (CA) couple and a               edition of the Silver Lining for       updates, and make sure that
support team (CAS) who provide           more information.                      you are on our mailing list. If
assistance and coverage for the        • We are thankful to announce            you would like to be added to
CA during time off. Both couples         that we hired Bro. Jesse               our mailing list, please contact
have their own apartment at              Zimmerman as our new                   us at 888.443.4283 or send an
WillowBridge, though only the            Housparent Manager.                    email to info@gatewaywoods.
CA couple live there full-time.        • We also are blessed to                 org. Finally, if you would like
     Having been unsupported             have Sis. Kristi Baran as              to receive a monthly email
youths ourselves, my wife and I          our newest counselor.                  detailing how the work at
have a passion for serving these       • We currently have these                Gateway Woods is bringing
young adults, so we quickly signed       openings at Gateway Woods:             help and healing to those in
on to be the first CA couple at          Teacher, WillowBridge                  need, please consider joining our
WillowBridge. We now have a solid        Community Advocate Couple,             Restoring Hope email list. You
structure in place, a knowledgeable      Assistant Houseparent, LARC            can do so at
CAS couple, and some great young         Coordinator, Development               newsletter or by emailing jon.
people here. The time has come for       Coordinator and Houseparent  

                                                                                     June 2020 SILVER LINING   11
Alabama, Athens                         turned out to be quite true over             We are living in a time when
Lisa Aschliman , Kristy Moore           the years. He was an honest man.        truth is not only valued little, it
     This past month we were            I did not realize it until long after   is generally mocked, vilified, and
blessed to be able to gather as a       he was gone, but I believe he loved     labeled prejudicial or intolerant. If
church family. It was so nice to be     truth. He sought to be truthful in      a person professes to hold “absolute
able to catch up with our brothers      all his dealings, even when it cost     truth” (from the Department of
and sisters in person. We ask for       him or put him at a disadvantage,       Redundancy Department), there
continued prayers for Sis. Carolyn      which it sometimes did. It is a         are plenty of voices proclaiming no
Lewis and her family as she             great gift to have been brought         such thing exists. 2 Thessalonians
continues her battle with cancer.       up with that kind of example. It        2:10 refers to those who perish,
     The ALive board met, and in        is something of a lost art, and I       “because they received not the love
light of many states still under        must confess I did not love truth       of the truth”, and even tells us
restrictions due to COVID-19            for many years. The Holy Spirit         God will send a strong delusion,
and the restrictions on venues in       awakened me to the value of             so those people will believe a lie.
Alabama, ALive 2020 has been            truth over time and caused me           There are many warnings about
cancelled. Our hope and prayer is       to realize how little regard I had      being deceived, and the only way to
that by next year there will be a       for it. He moved me to pray for         avoid being deceived is to love and
good handle on COVID-19 and             a heart that loved truth, and for       seek out truth. Since Jesus said, “I
we will be able to resume with          my eyes to be opened to keep            am the way, the truth, and the life”
ALive 2021.                             me from being deceived. It was          (John 14:6), to find truth, we need
   “Those things, which ye have both    not something within my own             to seek out Jesus. We need to renew
learned, and received, and heard, and   power to accomplish and was an          our passion for truth and pursue it
seen in me, do: and the God of peace    earnest prayer. Very soon after I       at all costs. Our enemy is seeking
shall be with you.” Philippians 4:9     prayed it, I began to recognize the     to deceive and destroy everyone he
     As always, if you are planning     Holy Spirit working. The most           can and will likely succeed with
to pass through the area and need       profound example was a night I          those who hold little regard for it. If
a place to stay, call Sis. Rebekah      was invited to another culture’s        we embrace truth, we will worship
Klaus at 815.674.5411 for our           winter celebration – near the time      truly, be sanctified, guided by the
guest house accommodations.             we celebrate Christmas. There           Spirit, hear the voice of Jesus, and
                                        was a large sign up on the stage        we will be made free. (John 4:23;
Arizona, Phoenix                        with a word written in a different      8:32; 17:17; 16:13; 18:37). If we
Marge Lindenbaum                        language. When I looked at it,          reject it, it will be taken from us.
  “Like as a father pitieth his         I saw “EVIL” clearly spelled out           “…the father to the children shall
children, so the LORD pitieth them      on the sign. I thought it strange       make known thy truth.” Isaiah 38:19
that fear him. For he knoweth our       they would put that out on the               The Phoenix church continues
frame; he remembereth that we are       stage and asked the people I was        to observe the social gathering
dust.” Psalms 103:13-14                 with if they saw it. None of them       restrictions recommended by our
    My dad loved his kids. He had       did, until they looked again, and       government, although we have been
ten and I remember him saying he        then they could see it, but it was      authorized to resume in-person
wouldn’t take a million dollars for     evident to me from the moment           meetings. We have a committee
any one of us and wouldn’t give         we sat down. I said a prayer of         looking into the best way to do
a plug nickel for another one just      thanks and watched the program          so safely. In the meantime, we are
like us. There were a lot of things     with what I believe was some            blessed by online services from
he said that remain with me and         additional insight from the Spirit.     our local ministers and with song

12   SILVER LINING June 2020
from some of our members. We               “Then the Lord answered Job out              It would be an understatement
appreciate their willingness to serve   of the whirlwind, and said…where           to say all are ready to be reconvening
us from an empty church.                wast thou when I laid the foundations      in church, and so it is our prayer
      Sis. Jan Haine passed away from   of the earth? declare, if thou hast        and hope that we will soon be able
complications of an infection and       understanding. Who hath laid the           to gather as the laws of the land and
CHF. Her family was unable to see       measures thereof, if thou knowest?         the Elder Committee recommend.
her for a month due to restrictions.    or who hath stretched the line upon
It is heartbreaking to think of being   it? Whereupon are the foundations          California, San Diego
alone when sick and dying, but          thereof fastened? or who laid the corner   Sarah Fulop
exhilarating to consider waking up      stone thereof; When the morning                 The end of quarantine is in
face to face with the One who loves     stars sang together, and all the sons of   sight as San Diego has slowly begun
you more than anyone. Sis. Jan          God shouted for joy?” Job 38:1,4-7.        opening some of its businesses
joined our congregation late in life         God created the earth. He             this month. The state still has not
and brought joy and laughter for the    created us, knows us, and knows            approved gatherings so Zoom
time she was with us. We offer our      what is to come.                           worship will continue for the time
condolences to her family and will                                                 being. While many of us couldn’t
keep them in our prayers.               Arizona, Tucson                            wait for things to return to normal,
      Our local HarvestCall             Dean and Jackie Knobloch                   now with normal schedules
continues to operate, and is serving         Greetings to all! This verse          commencing, we are beginning to
a local African refugee community       has been a comfort to me in these          complain about the increasing traffic
with provisions of food, as they        uncertain times:                           and the havoc on the economy.
are experiencing supply chain             “Truly my soul waiteth upon God:              As humans we tend to be easily
issues. What a blessing it is to be     from him cometh my salvation.              impatient. We need to understand
able to help others in their time of    He only is my defence; I shall not         why things happen; we seek justice
need! Our prayers continue for all      be greatly moved.” Psalm 62:1-2.           for injustices in our lives while
those who have been affected by              We held our annual business           desiring grace and mercy for our
COVID-19, for our leadership, and       meeting via Zoom and elected               shortcomings. We can look at the
for the Holy Spirit to bring many       offices for the coming terms. Bro.         pandemic with a scarcity mindset:
souls to salvation during these         Dean Knobloch will continue as             we are stuck at home, church
unusual times.                          treasurer, Bro. Garth Knobloch             is cancelled, the government is
                                        will serve as trustee and Sis. Lisa        restricting our freedoms. However,
Arizona, Prescott                       Knapp will serve on the kitchen            with the amazing technology
Autumn Rokey                            committee. We wish to thank                of Zoom we were able to share
     Congrats to Kate Koehl             Sis. Sandy Bauer for taking care           a Sunday service with Altadena
(Bro. Lane and Sis. Beth Koehl)         of the kitchen committee the               without driving 2 hours. It was very
on her High School Graduation!          last 3 years. Further discussion           encouraging to share each other’s
We know that the school year            was held on how and when to                burdens and connect with fellow
did not end the way she, or             resume gathering in church and             believers. Adopting this abundance
any of us expected. We can be           the ministers and trustees will            mindset instead, we can begin to
reminded, however, in the small         be meeting to make a plan on               view this pandemic as a blessing: a
and big unexpected changes in           how to proceed. As always we               time to refine us, to grow our trust
life that God is with us. In the        wish to thank Elder Bro. Ben               in God and wake up the dormant
unknown, God’s answer to Job            Wiegand for his oversight and              aspects of our spiritual walk. Being
is always a comfort.                    care of our congregation.                  uncomfortable forces us to reflect

                                                                                          June 2020   SILVER LINING   13
on the things we place our security    understand why my sister had to            Connecticut, Rockville
in, which at times can be in the       die or why there is a worldwide            Heidi Beutel, Kim Schneider
fleeting things of this world.         pandemic, but I do know that                    We are thankful for the gift of
     This year, my own suffering       God uses these times to mold our           new life as we rejoice in the birth
lead to unfulfilled expectations       hearts to trust in his provision. It’s     of Cole Samuel Virkler. He was
and unmet dreams. It was easy to       through the crucible of suffering we       welcomed home by parents Bro.
feel afraid and angry at situations    learn how to have an abundant and          Sam and Sis. Amanda and big sister
that were beyond my control. But       overcoming life with Christ.               Avery. Cole’s grandparents are Bro.
through prayer, mediation in the            While the threat to physical          Phil and Sis. Michelle Bahler and
word and counseling with wise          health and financial fallouts are          Bro. John and Sis. Maureen Virkler.
brothers and sisters I began see       real fears, take heart that this world          We rejoice with Kayleigh
that God loved me deeply and the       is not our home and our God is             Wiegand (Bro. Brad and Sis.
suffering was actually a blessing      walking with us every step of the          Deanna) as she has surrendered
to grow my faith and trust in his      way. Like Job we can say, “...the          her heart to the Lord and seeks to
plan. For a while, his plan didn’t     Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken         work out her soul salvation. May
make sense, but he was refining        away; blessed be the name of the           the grace of God be with her as
my heart to go through one of          Lord.” Job 1:21                            she begins on this new journey.
the hardest months of my life.              "Behold I have refined thee, but           Our thoughts and prayers are
Just as the panic and uncertainty      not with silver; I have chosen thee in     with Sis. Joanne Eleiott and her
of the virus set in, my older sister   the furnace of affliction." Isaiah 48:10   family, Zach, Annaliese (Adam
had severe complications from               "Fear none of these things which      Falkowski) and Rachel as well as
childbirth. Two weeks later, amidst    thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil       her grandson Jaxson Falkowski,
thousands of prayers on the behalf     shall cast some of you into prison,        as they said goodbye to their
of our family, God called her          that ye may be tried, and ye shall         dear husband, dad and grandpa,
home. My human mind can dwell          have tribulation ten days: be thou         Rich. We are also prayerful for
on the unfairness of the situation     faithful unto death, and I will give       Sis. Charlotte Limberger and her
especially since loss is not a new     thee a crown of life." Revelation 2:10     family as they laid to rest her step-
thing for our family. However,                                                    son David Limberger. He was the
God has used this last year to         Colorado, Denver                           son of our late Bro. Walt.
mold my heart to trust him even        Tess Leman
when everything seems to unravel.            We are thankful there are            District of Columbia,
Rather than being angry at the         still things to celebrate during           Washington
outcome, I found myself praying        this unenjoyable time of limited           Henrietta Meyer
that God could use the painful         interaction. Baby Stoller (due               "For that ye ought to say, If
situation for his glory. When a        in July to Bro. Jared and Sis.             the Lord will, we shall live and
friend reached out commenting          Rabekah) was celebrated with a             do this or that." James 4:15.
that our family’s humble requests      baby shower open-house style! Such             My report usually shares news
for prayers not only encouraged        joy the pending birth of life brings!      of our caretakers and visiting
her to pray but also rekindled a             Thank you to our virtual             ministers. I know there have been
yearlong dormant relationship with     visiting minister: Bro. Nick Waibel        caretakers and ministers that
God, I knew God was answering          (Sis. Sandra, Francesville, IN).           planned to come to DC, but things
my prayers. A year prior, my heart     We appreciate your willingness to          beyond their control said otherwise.
would not have been in that state.     share God’s Word with us; even             As I write this, the District of
On this side of heaven, I may never    unconventionally over Zoom!                Columbia and the close suburbs in

14   SILVER LINING June 2020
Maryland and Virginia, where we         everyone so our song leader can          ones take a piece of our heart with
all live and the church is located,     sing (it doesn’t work if we all sing).   them when they go.
have not even begun Phase I.                Lastly, we want to send God’s        The New Beginnings
     The longer we are apart, the       blessings with Bro. Evan and Sis.             The New Beginnings is very
more we appreciate being able to        Kristin Sinn as they move on to          happy to welcome another young
join together virtually for services.   the next chapter of their life in        mom and daughter into our
     If you are planning to visit       Silverton, Oregon. We will dearly        program! Mackenzie and her one-
Washington, D.C. area for vacation      miss you, your youth and the             year old daughter, Alina, moved
or business, please contact Sis.        enthusiasm that you brought to           in with us the middle of May.
Henrietta Meyer at 703 904-8301         the Ft. Lauderdale church.               Mackenzie is a full-time student
or for                                                      at FSW, and her long-term goal is
assistance and to let us know how       Florida, Fort Myers                      clinical psychology. She comes out
many to expect for Sunday services.     Mary Masters, Terri Young                of many years of foster care, and
                                            After what has been many             recently out of an abusive situation.
Florida, Fort Lauderdale                weeks of having services online,         We look forward to getting to
Renee Mangold                           May 17 was our first service of          know her and introducing her to
     There were no visiting ministers   actually assembling together in          our church family. We already told
this past month for obvious reasons.    church. It is good to be one step        her what a warm and loving group
The virus has affected us all.          closer to the privileges we have         of people we are blessed to worship
     It’s been a challenging time       enjoyed of worshiping together as        with in Fort Myers.
with lifestyles turned upside           a body. With all that is going on             Arzu finished her first semester
down. Certain areas of the US           around us in this present time, let’s    in nursing with As and Bs and got
have been impacted differently          keep our eyes on the eternal things,     a job as a home health caretaker for
and opinions on what’s right and        knowing this world is not our            the summer. Although I think it
what’s not, who’s right and who’s       final home. We are thankful for          took some adjusting to being apart
not, are apparent.                      answered prayers as Sis. Margaret        from Demir after 2 months together,
     I know you can’t be wrong if       Getz had two successful surgeries        it has been good for Arzu, and
you rely on the words of Jesus and      here in Fort Myers recently. She is      Demir is glad to be back in daycare
trust them implicitly. He told us       recovering well and recently stated      with his friends and teachers.
that no one would know when it          that she appreciates the prayers.             We appreciate your ongoing
was the end times and to just be        Our prayers are also with Bro.           prayers as we continue to seek an
prepared always. Believing that         Larry and Sis. Teresa Bruellman          Executive Director for our program.
God has a plan for all of us and        and family as Larry’s father (Bro.       We are so thankful for Mackenzie
that we may not understand or see       Harley Bruelman) passed away             and Alina, but we still have
it at the time does not negate that.    May 12 in West Bend, Iowa. This          apartments available for more moms
His plan is perfect and we are          was just three months after Larry’s      and children, and for mentors. We
exactly where he wants us to be in      mother (Sis. Adele) passed, so it is a   want to experience growing pains!
this time of our life.                  blessing to the family. Also, we will         Our little group here at TNB
     In the interim of not being        be keeping the family of Sis. Carol      has been having a weekly Bible
allowed to gather in church, we         Bucher in prayer as she passed away      study on Dr. David Jeramiah’s
have been meeting twice a week          May 14 in Valparaiso, Indiana. She       Overcomer series. I think two
for Zoom meetings. It has been a        and Bro. Ken worshiped seasonally        of the sections that stood out,
blessing to see our loved ones and      with us for many years. We rejoice       especially during these uncertain
visit, have devotions and then mute     when believers go Home, but loved        times, were Overcoming Anxiety

                                                                                       June 2020   SILVER LINING   15
with Peace and Overcoming Fear          Florida, Sarasota                             As we have just come through
with Faith. It has been good to         Sandra Kaeb                              Mother’s Day, have we taken the
be comforted by God’s promises,             The country being in a panic         time to thank God for our loving,
and to look at our perspective          and everyone seems so scared,            faithful mothers.
about faith. The study reminds          churches being closed and we are           "Somebody somewhere was
us that it’s not how much faith         told to stand six feet apart. No           praying that night,
we have or that we should try to        more than ten to gather together           when Jesus came in and
believe more, but rather how big        seamed to become the new norm,             I saw the light.
God is and to get to know him           many in isolation with depression          It must have been momma
better. The issue is not the size of    starting to set in. What joy it is to      I heard her before,
our faith, but the object of our        now look forward to this coming            as she knelt by her bedside
faith. “Therefore, being justified      Sunday, May 17, as we plan to              her tears touched the floor.
by faith, we have peace with God        reassemble at church. Oh, how we           She prayed to the master
through our Lord Jesus Christ.”         are prone to take for granted so           and wouldn’t give in,
Romans 5:1                              many things and don’t understand           till she knew all her children
     Another topic of discussion        how good we have it until it is            have been born again.
during our Bible study has been         taken away. Let’s remember daily to        Just an old fashion momma
our prayer life. Doesn’t it seem        thank our heavenly Father for the          but she loved the Lord,
that more than ever the enemy           many blessings he has given us.            as her prayers touched the master,
tries to distract us from prayer?           Prayers are continuing for Bro.        her tears touched the floor.
We talked about how prayer              Dick Van Deest as he is getting            Thank you, momma,
should be a dialogue, not a             radiation treatments. May he and           for praying for me,
monologue, and not to just pray         his dear wife feel our love and            if you would not have
“words.” When our thoughts are          prayers and find comfort and               prayed where would I be.
scattered and distracted, pray out      peace through God’s word.                  They called you old fashion
loud. Prayer is a time to focus on          We rejoice to hear that Bro.           but you loved the Lord
God, not on our problems. Such          Rod Stoller and Bro. Gordon                as your prayers touched the
an admonishment to me as too            Bryant are home from the hospital          master, your tears touched
often I want to jump right into the     and rehab. May God grant healing           the floor." -Waldner
asking part!                            and peace to these dear brothers         Note of Thanks
     May God give us hearts and         for a full recovery.                         We want to thank everyone
minds to focus on Philippians               Sis. MaryLou Joos had back           for the cards and prayers for
4:8,9.“Finally, brethren, whatsoever    surgery and is recuperating from hip     Bro. Dick as he goes through
things are true, whatsoever things      surgery, our prayers continue for her.   radiation treatments.
are honest, whatsoever things are           We were saddened to                      - Dick and Nancy Van Deest
just, whatsoever things are pure,       hear of the passing of Bro.
whatsoever things are lovely,           John Zollinger (Sis. Marge,              Haiti, Bonne Fin -
whatsoever things are of good report;   Smithville, OH). Bro. John and           Hospital Lumiere
If there be any virtue, and if there    Sis. Marge spent winter months           Rick and Komari Aberle
be any praise, think on these things.   in Florida and he will be dearly             Greetings in Jesus’ name from
Those things, which ye have both        missed. His faithfulness, kind,          Hospital Lumiere. We are grateful
learned, and received, and heard,       loving heart were always such an         that we did not have any COVID-19
and seen in me, do: and the God of      example. Prayers are with Sis.           cases present at the hospital during
peace shall be with you.” Amen!         Marge and the family.                    our preparation period. The staff at

16   SILVER LINING June 2020
the hospital was able to finish those     all around us, but we are reminded       the past month to learn more from
preparations in the last part of April.   that God’s time is always right.         God’s Word as we participated in
As of this writing, no COVID-19              “Go to now, ye that say, Today        Bible studies together. We started
patients have sought care at the          or tomorrow we will go into such a       out by going through the book of
hospital. However, in recent weeks,       city, and continue there a year, and     Philippians and then did a study
we have seen numbers begin to             buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas      on the Holy Spirit and his work
increase in Haiti.                        ye know not what shall be on the         in our lives. We are grateful to the
    With travel restrictions, we          morrow. For what is your life? It        ministers and Bro. Sam (Sis. Betty)
have had no visitors during the past      is even a vapor, that appeareth for      Bachtold for leading these for us.
month. While this is unfortunate,         a little time, and then vanisheth          "O how lovely ‘tis to be
we are thankful for God’s continued       away. For that ye ought to say, If         With our Lord in unity;
grace and sustenance for the team         the Lord will, we shall live, and          And united voices raise
here. We are thankful for the gifts of    do this, or that.” James 4:13-15           HIm to bring our songs of praise.
technology as we have been able to                                                   See in faith, and hope and love
attend our “home” services in new         Illinois, Belvidere                        Lies the power from above;
ways in the past weeks.                   Darcy Steffen                              But one Baptism, faith, and Lord,
                                               As the stay at home order             Spirit, head, in one accord.
Haiti, Les Cayes                          continues on for those of us in            Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Mike and Susie Walder                     Illinois, we are reminded again            Three in one, so shall the host
    Greetings from Les Cayes.             and again that the church is not           Of those born of God above
As we enter the rainy season, we          a physical location in which we            Be as one in holy love.
appreciate the increased number           gather. In many ways, I feel that this     Also does this bond unite
of rainbows we have been blessed          time has only served to strengthen         Heart and heart in faith and light;
with. Every time the bow is in            us as a body and bring us closer           Many in one body be,
the sky we are reminded that              together, and I am thankful for it!        Many souls in unity."
God keeps all his promises, and                We were blessed to have Elder         Unity in Love, Zion’s Harp #181
specifically that floods will never       Bro. Wayne (Sis. Camille) Hartzler
cover the entire earth again.             from Rittman join us on Zoom             Illinois, Bloomington-
In the books of Ezekiel and               and preach to us from God’s Word.        Normal
Revelation brilliant rainbows             It has also been nice to have others     Sara Anliker, Kinsey Dotterer
were seen around the throne of            from across our congregations              “He hath made everything beautiful
God. They are amazing displays            “visit” our little church.               in his time: also, he hath set the world
of both his majesty and his                    The body of Christ came             in their heart, so that no man can find
holiness; probably the ones we are        together to celebrate with Sis. Peg      out the work that God maketh from
fortunate to see on earth are only        (Bro. Brian) Anliker on a milestone      the beginning to the end.” Ecc. 3:11
a peek into the heavenlies.               birthday. We invited Belvidere                Waiting and watching. For
    We were thankful that                 and friends from Elgin and the           several months we have all been
recently Sis. Sheila Moser was able       community to do a drive by               waiting and watching… and
to safely return to Kansas and Bro.       birthday party for her! It seemed to     wondering. We listen to reports,
Mike Walder was able to return            be a blessing for her, and it gave us    statistics and stories of how lives
to his family in Ohio. Flights out        all such joy to see each other again,    have changed. Questions are
of Haiti are very limited and there       if only from behind a windshield.        being asked like, how long? and
are none going back in at this                 We have had the opportunity         what if? Only God has the answers
time. There are many uncertainties        to gather in Spirit over the course of   to these challenging questions.

                                                                                          June 2020   SILVER LINING    17
What a comforting thought to             surgery, our Bro. Richard “Dick”        and Sis. Jenny), Sis. Emma Kieser
know that our Father in heaven           Slutz was unexpectedly called           (Bro. Matt and Sis. Tracy), and Isaac
holds all things in his mighty           Home. Bro. Dick is survived by his      Stahl (Bro. Wendell and the late Sis.
hands. His timing is perfect for         wife, Sis. Marilyn, children Bryson     Linda.) Though their final year of
his glory.                               (Danell) Slutz, Emily (Joel) Austin,    high school ended so abruptly, we
     We celebrate with Bro.              and Sis. Katie (Bro. Ben) Endress,      have not forgotten them. We trust
Luke and Sis. Natalie Gudeman            thirteen grandchildren, and three       the Lord to bless and lead them
on the birth of their son Teo.           brothers. Many of the church family     throughout their lives.
(Grandparents are Elder Bro. Lynn        and friends joined in a drive-by
and Sis Leonda Stieglitz of Leo,         visitation and then listened from       Illinois, Champaign
IN and Elder Bro. Randy and Sis.         their cars as the family attended his   Brent Young
Becky Gudeman of Francesville,           funeral service inside the church,           We sorrow with our Sis.
IN.) We also celebrate with Bro.         and walked to his last resting place.   Amber Miller in the passing of
Tofig and Sis. Amy Mammadov              Bro. Dick is remembered as a            her father, Bro. Orlan Miller (Sis.
on the birth of their daughter           peaceable and modest brother who        Carol, Gridley, IL). Bro. Orlan
Josie. (Grandparents Bro. Tim and        loved the Lord, his family, and his     went home peacefully after a long
Sis. Cathy Hohulin).                     church, and we will surely miss him     battle with cancer.
     It has been an opportunity to       when we are able to gather again.            Our men’s small group is
find creative ways to support one             Bro. Les and Sis. Barb Fehr        studying the book of Genesis and
another when we are so used to           are thankful for a new baby             in recent weeks we have spent
greetings, hugs and handshakes. We       grandson! Brayden Isaiah was born       some time studying Abram.
encourage and lift up Bro. Seth and      to Calvin and Lauren (Hasbrook)         Abram made many great decisions
Sis. Hannah Bollier as they take the     Fehr of Normal, IL on March 22.         in his life based solely on his
next step into a new chapter in their    Meanwhile, big brother Easton           trust in a promise from God.
lives and begin at Gateway Woods.        spent time with Grandpa and             In Romans, it says that Abram
They will be dearly missed.              Grandma. Bro. Jerry and Sis. Wilma      ‘staggered not’ at that promise and
     Soon our graduates will be          Kieser are his great grandparents.      in James he is called the ‘friend of
preparing to begin anew. We pray         May the Lord bless Calvin and           God’. As we discussed how Abram
for strength and wisdom.                 Lauren and their little family.         dealt with the many unknowns
   “Those things, which ye have both          Dustin Moody, son of Jenny         in his life it reminded us of the
learned, and received, and heard,        Moody, will soon leave for nine         lessons we’re all learning now, in
and seen in me, do: and the God of       weeks basic training in the Army        the age of COVID-19.
peace shall be with you.” Phil 4:9       National Guard, returning for                I’ve been struck by the contrast
                                         his senior year of high school. We      between the disinformation, lack
Illinois, Bradford                       wish him well in this endeavor.         of clarity, and lack of vision in our
Becky Endress, Lena Stoller              We have been blessed to have Bro.       current circumstances versus the
  “For to me to live is Christ, but to   Grant Knobloch (Remington, IN)          foundational truths of the Bible. In
die is gain…” Philippians 1:21           worshipping with us during an           light of Abram’s willingness to move
     “I feel the same as I did before    internship. We will miss him as he      at God’s command, my conclusion
my heart surgery… either way (it         has relocated to Kansas City.           has been simply this: “Even now,
turns out) is OK,” Bro. Dick assured          Congratulations and best wishes    there is more that is certain than
Sis. Marilyn as they parted at the       to our four high school graduates:      uncertain.” We have a promise and
hospital ER. Late the night of May       Rachel Hausmann (Bro. Fred and          we too are looking for a city, whose
8, while recovering from a lesser        Sis. Sue), Jessica Joos (Bro. Ralph     builder and maker is God.

18   SILVER LINING June 2020
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