UNITING NATIONS THROUGH INNOVATIONS - 29 Sept - 1 Oct. 2022 Chair: Irena Sailer congress.eao.org - EAO ...

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UNITING NATIONS THROUGH INNOVATIONS - 29 Sept - 1 Oct. 2022 Chair: Irena Sailer congress.eao.org - EAO ...

                UNITING NATIONS

29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2022
Chair: Irena Sailer
                                           & ONLINE
UNITING NATIONS THROUGH INNOVATIONS - 29 Sept - 1 Oct. 2022 Chair: Irena Sailer congress.eao.org - EAO ...
Board of Directors
Luca Cordaro (Italy)
Ronald Jung (Switzerland)
Türker Örnekol (Turkey)
Gil Alcoforado (Portugal)
Henning Schliephake (Germany)
Robert Haas (Austria)
Isabella Rocchietta (UK)
Irena Sailer (Switzerland)

      EAO congress 2022
      Scientific Committee
      Irena Sailer (Switzerland)

      Gil Alcoforado (Portugal)
      Anne Benhamou (France)
      Norbert Cionca (Switzerland)
      Helena Francisco (Portugal)
      Jaime Gil (Spain)
      Stefano Gracis (Italy)
      Markus Hürzeler (Germany)
      Riccardo Kraus (Switzerland)
      Nikos Mattheos (Hong Kong)
      Iva Milinkovic (Serbia)
      Bjarni Pjetursson (Iceland)
      Philippe Rieder (Switzerland)
      Fidel Ruggia (Switzerland)
      Stefan Wolfart (Germany)

                                      © Peter Stein - Adobe Stock
UNITING NATIONS THROUGH INNOVATIONS - 29 Sept - 1 Oct. 2022 Chair: Irena Sailer congress.eao.org - EAO ...
to Geneva
The European Association for Osseointegration is pleased to
announce details of its 29th congress, which will take place in
Geneva with a digital programme for those who cannot attend
in person.
Geneva is home to many international organisations includ-
ing the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and the
Red Cross. Reflecting their goals of global collaboration, the
theme of the EAO congress will be Uniting nations through
innovations. It will focus on the role of new technology in dis-
rupting the way we communicate, work and learn.
The programme will feature renowned speakers who will share
their knowledge on the application of digital technologies
across all aspects of implant dentistry. Sessions will compare
current digital techniques with conventional techniques, and
will provide clinically relevant take-home recommendations.
As well as the daily live programme, the digital evening event
will feature additional content, available to a global online au-
dience. Anyone attending in person will be able to participate
in both parts of the programme, experiencing two educational
events at the same time.
The congress is being held in partnership with the Swiss Soci-
ety of Oral Implantology (SGI), the Swiss Society of Periodon-
tology (SSP), the Swiss Society for Oral Surgery and Stomatol-
ogy (SSOS) and the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry
Geneva 2022 will be a unique opportunity to learn from the
best. We hope that you can join us – either in person or virtual-
ly – for what will be a ground-breaking programme focused on
the evolving role of technology in implant dentistry.

           Congress chair

           Sven                               Christoph
           Mühlemann                          Ramseier
           Congress co-chair                  Congress co-chair
           SGI-SSIO President                 SSP President

           Sebastian                          Fidel
           Kühl                               Ruggia
           Congress co-chair                  Congress co-chair
           SSOS President                     SSRD President
© Geneva Convention Bureau

                                                                                    Thu Fri Sat
      Thursday 29th September

                                 9:00 12:00                                        8:30 10:00
      My first implant                                                  THE SWISS DAY
      Hands-on workshop organised by the EAO Junior                     Simple vs complex
                                                                        Sven Mühlemann

                                                                                  10:30 12:00
                                                                        THE SWISS DAY
                                                                        In vs out
                                                                        Norbert Cionca

                                                   13:15 14:45

            The virtual patient            Markus Gross (Switzerland)
                                           Thabo Beeler (Switzerland)
                                           Ricardo Mitrani (Mexico)

                                                   15:15 16:45
      Innovations in patient            Is 3D radiology a               THE SWISS DAY
      treatment planning                mandatory part of               Minimum vs maximum
      and communication                 treatment planning?
                                                                        Sebastian Kühl
      Pablo Ramírez (Spain)             Florian Probst (Germany)        (Switzerland)
      José Manuel Navarro (UK)          Markus Rottke (Germany)
      Mirela Feraru (Israel)            Ruben Spin-Neto (Denmark)
      Rino Burkhardt (Switzerland)
                                                                                   16:45 18:15
                                                                        THE SWISS DAY
                                                                        Natural vs artificial
                                                                        Fidel Ruggia

                             19:00 23:00
                         Connect to our digital platform and spend the evening
                         with the speakers of the day, live from our TV studio.
Thu Fri Sat
Friday 30th September

                                      9:00 10:30
The unhappy implant patient                  Innovations in implant
Klaus Gotfredsen (Denmark)
Tim Newton (UK)                              Atiphan Pimkhaokham (Thailand)
Nanna Briem (Iceland)                        Sonia Leziy (Canada)
                                             Francesco Mangano (Italy)

                                      11:00 12:30
Innovations in regeneration part 1           Innovations in implant design,
                                             components and materials
Matteo Chiapasco (Italy)
Luca de Stavola (Italy)                      Konrad Meyenberg (Switzerland)
Alfonso Gil (Switzerland)                    Nitzan Bichacho (Israel)
Daniel Thoma (Switzerland)                   Luigi Canullo (Italy)

                                     14:00 15:30
Innovations in regeneration part 2           Critical evaluation of immediacy in
                                             implant dentistry – are more efficient
Alfonso Gil (Switzerland)                    workflows possible/evidence based?
Daniel Thoma (Switzerland)
Martin Janda (Sweden)                        Ueli Grunder (Switzerland)
                                             Stavros Pelekanos (Greece)
                                             France Lambert (Belgium)

                                     16:00 17:30

    Live surgery                          Istvan Urban (Hungary)
                                          Mario Roccuzzo (Italy)
    Does the digital approach
    improve treatment efficiency?

                19:00 23:00
             Connect to our digital platform and spend the evening
             with the speakers of the day, live from our TV studio.
Thu Fri Sat
Saturday 1st October

                                      9:00 10:30
What did we learn in 30 years                 Digital vs conventional technologies
of implant dentistry?                         in the fabrication of restorations
Christoph Hämmerle (Switzerland)              Francesco Mintrone (Italy)
Björn Klinge (Sweden)                         Marta Revilla León (Spain)
Niklaus P. Lang (Switzerland)                 Burak Yilmaz (Turkey)
Dennis Tarnow (USA)

                                      11:00 12:30
Digital articulation and function             Can digital technologies help
                                              in the maintenance of implants/
Guillermo Pradies (Spain)                     implant restorations?
Duarte Marques (Portugal)
Daniele Manfredini (Italy)                    Ivo Krejci (Switzerland)
                                              Christoph Ramseier (Switzerland)
                                              Mariano Sanz (Spain)

                                      14:30 16:00

    Is investing in new technology        Hans-Peter Weber (USA)
    improving patients and                Henri Hagenmüller (Germany)
    clinicians’ lives?

                 19:00 23:00
              Connect to our digital platform and spend the evening
              with the speakers of the day, live from our TV studio.

                                                                                     © Geneva
General information

Date                                                Venue
     From Thursday 29th September                       Palexpo
     to Saturday 1st October 2022                       Route François-Peyrot 30
                                                        CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

Official language                                   Exhibition
The official language of the EAO congress           An exhibition will be held during the
2022 is English.                                    congress. It will offer an excellent opportunity
                                                    for companies to display their products.
Registration                                        Companies wishing to exhibit may ob-
                                                    tain further information by contacting
Registration will open in Spring 2022.
                                                    Vincent Laudun at: v.laudun@eao.org or
Preferential registration rates will be avail-
                                                    +33 1 42 36 62 21.
able for:
 EAO members
 SGI members
 SSP members
 SSOS members
 SSRD members


                                Palace of Nations

                            train station             Mont-Blanc quay


                                Rhône                       garden
                                                       St. Pierre
                                   Wall                   Bourg-de-Four
             500 m                                        square

  Greater Geneva
  City centre
Call for                                         Important
abstracts                                        dates
The EAO congress is the leading scientific
forum in Europe to showcase new
                                                 January 2022
                                                 Abstract submission opens.
clinical and scientific research in implant
dentistry. Don’t miss this opportunity to
present your abstract and research to
your peers.                                      April 2022
                                                 Deadline for abstract submission.
Types of presentations:                          Registration opens.
 oral communications
ePosters and oral                                July 2022
                                                 Deadline for registration
communications (5 topics):
                                                 at preferential rates.
 Clinical research – surgery
 Clinical research – prosthetics
 Clinical research – peri-implant biology
 Basic research
 Clinical innovations
Video competition (1 topic):
 Clinical innovations

Official publications                            Contact
                                                 EAO Office
Accepted abstracts will be published
                                                 +33 1 42 36 62 20
in the EAO’s official journal Clinical Oral
Implants Research (COIR) and referenced
                                                 Vincent Laudun
online (impact factor: 5.977 - the highest
                                                 Congress Manager
impact factor in the field of implant
                                                 +33 1 42 36 62 21
Position Papers on the most relevant
topics and their clinical evidence and
relevance will be published in the second
EAO’s official journal the International
Journal of Prosthodontics (IJP) (impact
factor: 1.681).

 2,000 € will be awarded to:
   t he five best oral communications
    the best poster presentation              #EAOcongress
    the best clinical video
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