Valentina Migliarini, Ph.D - Unibo

Valentina Migliarini, Ph.D.

                              Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
                              Education Department “Giovanni Maria Bertin”
                                  Via Filippo Re, 6, 40126, Bologna, Italy
                                     Mob. Number: +39 3451165790



       Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Education Department “Giovanni Maria
              Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Present)

       University of Kansas, Special Education Department
              Fulbright Schuman Visiting Scholar (Aug. 2017 – May 2018)


Dr. Migliarini’s work, both in teaching and in the academy, focuses on increasing access to
equitable education for students from diverse backgrounds, particularly children identified with
disabilities, migrant and unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children. Dr. Migliarini has
extensive experience, education and understanding of special education foundations, traditional
views as well as emerging theories around identification and instruction for students with high-
incidence disabilities. She has developed significant teaching and researching expertise in
providing differentiated instructions for children having special educational needs and coming
from diverse cultural backgrounds in the K-12 education systems nationally and internationally,
and particularly in Italy (her home country), the United Kingdom, Lebanon and the United States.
Particularly, Dr. Migliarini has been at the forefront of researchers examining Disability Critical
Race Theory (DisCrit) in Education as an intersectional and interdisciplinary lens to examine
inclusive education policies and practices in Europe and in the United States. This work provides a
window to explore how neoliberal reforms in education, combined with increasing immigration
and the introduction of austerity measures, is impacting education for those students who have
been labeled as having special needs or who are vulnerable for exclusionary school practices.

She is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Bologna, Italy, in the School of
Early Childhood and Special Education. She has joined a team of Italian, Belgian and Polish
researchers working on an Erasmus Plus study using video-analysis as a method to increase
teachers’ self-reflection and analysis of their practices and classroom management skills in early
years education, in order to reduce micro exclusions of young children in inclusive classroom
settings within each of the three countries. In the academic year 2017/2018 she has been
Fulbright Schuman Visiting Scholar in the Special Education Department at University of Kansas.
Here she has worked under the supervision of Dr. Annamma to a project titled “Inclusive
Education for Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children; Contributions of Disability Critical Race
Theory to European Policy”. Dr. Migliarini doctoral research focused on the intersections of
perceptions of race and ability of Italian professionals working in schools and reception centers for
refugees in Rome, and the limits and discrepancies of Italian inclusion models for young
unaccompanied forced migrant children. Her doctoral work has been carried out at the University
of Roma Tre, in collaboration with the University College London, Institute of Education, and has
been awarded the magna cum laude.


June 2017        European Ph.D.              Department of Education, University of Roma Tre
                 Theory & Research in        Rome, Italy & University College London (UCL)
                 Education                   Institute of Education, London, UK.
                 (Magna cum laude)           Specialization: Disability Critical Race Studies in
                                              education, inclusive policies &practices for asylum
                                              seeking and refugee children in Rome

2010              M.Res.                      Doctoral School, UCL Institute of Education,
                  (Distinction)               London, UK
                                              Major: Educational and Social Research

2009              M. A.                        UCL Institute of Education, London, UK
                  (Distinction)                Major: Social Justice and Education

2007              B.A.                        Department of Education, University of Roma Tre
                  (110/110 cum laude)          Rome, Italy
                                               Major: Intercultural Education.
                                               Specialization: Educators in Refugees’ Reception


Sept 2018 – Dec 2018        Co-instructor                   31733 Modelli di Mediazione Didattica,
                                                            Teaching Model, Didattica e Pedagogia
                                                            Speciale, Special Education, University
                                                            of Bologna, Italy.

August 2017 – Dec 2017      Co-instructor                   EPSY 456: Managing and Motivating
                                                            Learners in the Middle and Secondary
                                                            Classroom. Special Education Dept.,
                                                            University of Kansas.

June 2017                   European Education             Neset II Network and Public Policy
                            Policy Consultant              and Management Institute (PPMI)
                                                           Vilnius, Lithuania.

Jan. 2014- May 2017        Graduate Research                Roma Tre University
                           Assistant                        UCL Institute of Education

Aug 2011- May- 2012      Adjunct Faculty                   American University of Culture
                                                           and Education, Beirut, Lebanon.

Jan 2011- Jan 2014        Italian Teacher                  Istituto Comprensivo B.Brin, Terni, IT
                                                            Collège du Sacre Coeur, Beirut, Lebanon

Jan 2007- Nov 2010        Research Assistant               Runnymede Trust, London, UK;

                                                           Institute of Race Relations, London, UK;

                                                           Centre for Research in Intercultural
                                                           and Development in Education,
                                                           University of Roma Tre Rome, Italy.


Aug 2018- Post-doctoral Research Fellowship Grant (Erasmus +), Alma Mater University of
Aug. 2019 Bologna, Education Department (19.367,00 €, annual salary). Title: TRACKs Transition
           Children and Kindergarten. Objective: Interrogate teachers’ daily practices to help
           them reduce macro and micro exclusion of children in early years classroom, on the
           basis of race, ability, gender and social class through video-analysis. (Conducted as a

Aug 2017-      Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America,
May 2018      Belgium & Luxembourg, Fulbright-Schuman Program Grant (29,000 €; 33,000 $).
              Title: Inclusive Education for Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children; Contributions of
              Disability Critical Race Theory to European Policy. Objective: Exploring the
              contributions of DisCrit to inclusive education policies and practices to serve diverse
              communities and encourage systemic change that supports more inclusive teaching
              and learning practices. (Conducted as a PI).

Jan 2014-     Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Doctoral Research Scholarship,
Jan 2017      University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy (Value of € 13.638,47 per annum, for 3 years).
               Title: Intersectionality and the Education of Dis/abled Asylum-seeking and Refugee
              Children in Rome: Criticism and discrepancies of “integration-style inclusion” models.
              Objective: Investigating the intersections of ‘race’, disability and migratory status in
              relation to the educational and social experiences of forced migrant children and
              exploring the limits of existing inclusive policies and practices. (Conducted as a PI).


2016            American Educational Research Association (AERA), International Relations
                  Committee, Travel Award, Washington, DC (Value of 1.000 $).


Balduzzi, L., Lazzari, A., Migliarini, V. (2018-). TRACKs Transition Children and Kindergarten,
European Erasmus + Program, University of Bologna (Italy), Ghent University (Belgium), Jagiellonian
University (Poland).

Annamma, S., Migliarini, V. (2017-2018). Pre-service Teachers' Beliefs About and Attitudes Toward
Classroom Management. Special Education Dept., University of Kansas.

Annamma, S., Love, H., Handy, T., Miller, A., Jackson, E., Migliarini, V., Wilmot, J. (2017-2018). Voices
Unheard, Black Girls Disproportionality in Discipline. Special Education Dept., University of Kansas.

Belanger, N., D’Alessio, S., Bocci, F. & Migliarini, V. (2017). Project International pour l’Analyse du
PEI. University of Ottawa, Canada, Roma Tre University, Italy.



Migliarini, V., D’Alessio, S. & Bocci, F. (2018). SEN Policies and Migrant Children in Italian Schools:
            micro-exclusions through discourses of equality. Discourse. Studies in the Cultural
            Politics of Education.

Migliarini, V. (2018). Colour-evasiveness and Racism without Race: the disablement of asylum-
seeking children at the edge of Fortress Europe. Race, Ethnicity and Education, Vol. 21, Issue 4.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis, pp.438-457.

Migliarini, V. (2017). Subjectivation, agency and the schooling of raced and dis/abled asylum-
            seeking children in the Italian context. Intercultural Education (CEJI), Vol.28, N.2. New
            York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, pp.182-195.

Migliarini, V., D’Alessio, S. (2014). Editorial. Italian Journal of Disability Studies, Vol.2, N. 2. Roma:


Migliarini, V. (2014). L’Istruzione dei Minori Rifugiati. Studio sulla promulgazione dei diritti umani
            e sulle politiche educative in materia di minori rifugiati in Italia e nel Regno Unito.
            Educazione Interculturale, 2014, vol.3. Trento: Erikson, pp. 423-438.


Migliarini, V. (2018). The Education of Refugee Children: human rights enactment and educational
            policy discourses in Italy and the UK. In Hill, L.D. & Levine, F., Global Perspectives in
            Education Research. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, pp. 48-76.


Migliarini, V. (2018). Quale educazione inclusiva? Comprendere la “BESsizzazione” dei minori non
            accompagnati richiedenti asilo in Italia attraverso la prospettiva dei DisCrit. In Goodley,
            D. et al., Disability Studies e Inclusione. Per una lettura critica delle politiche e pratiche
            educative. Trento: Erickson, pp. 103- 120.

Migliarini, V. (2008). Voci Narranti. In Gatti, F. (Ed.), Orientamento e Tirocinio: l’integrazione tra le
            scienze e dintorni. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.


Migliarini, V., Annamma, S. (Accepted). “Refusing Management: Promoting Social Justice in
            Education by (re)conceptualizing classroom and behavior management through
            Disability Critical Race Theory”, Section: Cultural Inequality, ‘ISMS’ in a
            Decontextualized Educational Environment, In Springer Handbook on Promoting Social
            Justice in Education.

Migliarini, V., Stinson, C., D’Alessio, S. (Under review) ‘‘SENitizing’ Migrant Children in Inclusive
            settings: Exploring the Impact of the Salamanca Statement Thinking in Italy and the
            United States’, International Journal of Inclusive Education Call for Papers for a Special
            Issue on ‘The Salamanca Statement: 25 Years On’.

Migliarini, V., Lazzari, A. (Accepted). “Promuovere equità e giustizia sociale in educazione
            ripensando la didattica in chiave intersezionale”, Volume di Didattica.

Annamma, S., Wilmot, J. & Migliarini, V. (Accepted). Everywhere and Nowhere: Expansive Notions
         of Disability to Counter the Erasure of Black Women and Girls. In Patton, L., Evans-
         Winters, V. & Jacob, C. (Eds.). Investing in the Educational Success of Black Women and
         Girls. Stylus Publishing.


Migliarini, V., Annamma, S. (Accepted). “Applying Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit) in the
            Practice of Teacher Education: Reframing Behavior Management in the United States”.
            Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education. Oxford: Oxford
            University Press.


Migliarini, V. (forthcoming). “Help Them Back Home”: From neoliberal integration to neo-fascist
            responses to the reception of unaccompanied forced migrant children in Italy”.

Migliarini, V. (2017). DisCrit: Dis/ability studies and critical race theory in education. Educational
            Review, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2017.1396807.

Migliarini, V. (2015). Reflecting on the “Dismantle the Master House” Reading Group: Whiteness,
            An Introduction by Steve Garner, available at:
            on-dtmh-reading-group-whiteness-an-introduction-by-steve-garner/ .


Caturianas, D., Užpelkienė, L. & Migliarini, V. (2017). The role of education for social inequality in
            modern societies (with a special perspective on EU Member States). NESET II ad hoc
            question No. 5/2017, Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Weekes-Bernard, D., Migliarini, V. (2013). Nurturing the Nation. The Asian contribution to the NHS
         since 1948. London: Runnymede. ISBN: 978-1-909546-03-5

                                   CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS


Migliarini,V., Peruzzo, F. (Under Review). “Italian inclusion of disabled refugee children between
            welfare, neoliberal and populist reasons”, Symposium Session: Exploring intersectional
            oppressions in education: challenges for Europe and Latin America regarding children
            with disabilities, ECER Network 4, Annual Meeting.

Migliarini, V., Lazzari, A., Balduzzi, L. (Under Review). Exploring the Benefits of the Analysis of
              Videos in Promoting Inclusive Education Practices in ECEC Services in Emilia Romagna
              (Italy). Strand 2: Nurturing Environments in Services for all Young Children, ISSA
              Conference, Annual Meeting.

Migliarini, V. (accepted in session). “Whose Truth(s)?” Advancing DisCrit Solidarity in Research and
            Practice to Disrupt Educational Inequities. Symposium Session Submission, AERA 2019
            Annual Meeting, Disability Studies SIG.

Migliarini, V. (accepted in paper session). Exploring the Inclusion of Disabled English Language
            Learners in the (New) Era of Anti-immigration Propaganda. Paper Submission, AERA
            2019 Annual Meeting, Disability Studies SIG.

Migliarini, V. (accepted in session). “Help Them Back Home”: Italian Fantasies of (Neoliberal)
            Inclusion from Buona Scuola to Salvini’s Government. In Symposium Session Titled
            “Disrupting Neoliberal, Deficit, and Colonial Based Inclusion in the Post-Truth Era:
            Global Perspectives”

Migliarini, V. (2018). Quale Educazione Inclusiva? Comprendere la “BESsizzazione” dei minori non
            accompagnati richiedenti asilo in Italia, attraverso la prospettiva dei Dis/ability Critical
            Race Studies (DisCrit). Disability Studies nei contesti scolastici e sociali. Un’analisi delle
            politiche e pratiche educative, formative e didattiche. Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.

Migliarini, V. (2017). L’Educazione dei Minori Stranieri non Accompagnati (MSNA) Richiedenti Asilo
            e Rifugiati con Disabilità a Roma: processi e discorsi discriminatori nella strategia
            d’‘Integrazione’, in Ghirotto, L. (Ed.) Formare alla Ricerca Empirica in Educazione.
            Bologna: Alma Mater Studiorum. ISBN 9788898010691.

Migliarini, V., D’Alessio, S., Bocci, F., Catarci, M. & Fiorucci, M. (2017). SEN Policies and Migrant
            Children in Italian Schools: towards real equal educational opportunities? In
            Roundtable Session: At the Intersections of Marginalities. American Educational
            Research Association (AERA), Annual Meeting, Sant’Antonio, Texas.

Migliarini, V. (2016). "Playing the Disability Card": Untangling Race and Disability in Asylum-
            Seeking Children's Education in Rome, in Roundtable Session: Interrogating Race,
            Policy, and Dis/ability in Global Contexts. American Educational Research Association
            (AERA); Washington, DC. .

Migliarini, V. (2016). Intelligibility, Agency and the Education of Raced and Dis/abled Asylum-
            Seeking Children in Rome, in Panel: Health and Generation in Integration. UCL
            Migration Research Unit Student Conference, Moving Beyond Borders: Comparative
            Perspectives on Refuge; London, UK.

Migliarini, V. (2016). Oltre le periferie sociali. Dialoghi sulla Sostenibilità. Comitato Regionale di
            Coordinamento delle Università del Lazio; Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-88-9752-471-7

Migliarini, V. (2015). “Good Theories Bad Management”: ‘Race’ and dis/ability intersections in the
            educational experiences of asylum-seeking and refugee children in Rome, in Strand 4:

Anti-Semitism, Racism, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, Religion and Belief issues.
           International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE); Ioannina, Greece.

Migliarini, V. (2014). Educating Disabled Refugee Children in Italy: tensions and incongruities at
            the edge of ‘Fortress Europe’, in Workshop: Systemic Issues in Educating Immigrants
            and Refugees: How are intersections of diversity addressed? International Metropolis
            Conference; Milan, Italy.

Migliarini, V. (2014). The Education of Refugee Children: human rights enactment and educational
            policy discourses in Italy and the UK. World Educational Research Association (WERA)
            Focal Meeting; Edinburgh, Scotland.

Migliarini, V. (2010). The education of refugee children: a study of human rights enactment and
            education policy discourses in the UK and Italy. International Centre for Democratic
            Citizenship; Birckbeck College/UCL Institute of Education; London, UK.


 2018      Leading Discussant: “Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education”. Fulbright Scholars
           Association. University of Kansas.

 2018      Invited Panelist: “Transnationalism Perspectives on Colonialism: Past and Present,
           Research at KU (Roundtable)". Presentation: Understanding the Pervasive Nature of
           the Neo-Colonial Pedagogy: Refugee Children in Italian Classrooms. University of

 2017      Invited Panelist: AERA Division G at KU, KU Professionals for Inclusion and Social Justice
           (ISJ), and the Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CLACS). “Forced
           Mobility”. University of Kansas.

 2017       Invited Keynote Speaker: Landscapes of Urban Education lecture series. “The
           Precarity of Inclusion & (Be)longing: The Experiences of Undocumented and
           Refugee/Asylum-Seeking Youth in Schools.” School of Education, Syracuse University,

2014       Invited Keynote Speaker: The Universal Right to Education. Inclusiveness in
           education policies and the role of schools. VEEMA Educational Services, Nicosia,

2011        Invited Speaker: Grounded Theory Methods of Data Collection and Analysis.
           Seminars on Qualitative Research Methods. Lebanese American University (LAU).
           Byblos Campus, Lebanon.


2018       AERA 19 Annual Meeting, Peer Reviewer for SIG Disability Studies and Division G,
           Sections 3-4

2016-2017 Peer Reviewer for Intercultural Education Journal, Italian Journal of Disability Studies.

2015        Reviewer for Routledge Education and Behavioural Science Series.


Nov 2017- Present         British Educational Research Association (BERA)

Jan 2016- Present        American Educational Research Association (AERA)- International
                          Affiliate (Non-Elective Member)

Sept 2016- Present      Member of the Editorial board of the Italian Journal of Disability Studies

June 2014- Present      Società Italiana di Pedagogia (SIPED) – Affiliate (Non-Elective Member).

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