Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools

Page created by Willard Hill
Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
Winter 2021
              Valley Views
               Newark Valley Central School District

                           NVMS sponsors tree for the
                           “Lighting of the Green”
                           Newark Valley Middle School sponsored a tree for the
                           Lighting of the Green on Dec. 12.
                           All students were supplied with a wooden star ornament
                           and decorated them in their class. Teachers then walked
                           their classes down to the village green to decorate the
                           tree. It was a great way to show our support for our
                           community and we hope to make it a yearly tradition.

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
Shawn Deer recognized as a Senator Akshar ‘All-Star’
Congratulations to Shawn Deer, a Newark Valley senior        Club and devotes many hours to clearing snowmobile
recently recognized as an Akshar All Star.                   trails for the winter months. In addition to his rigorous
                                                             school schedule, he has also been employed for more
Each month, state Senator Fred Akshar recognizes local
                                                             than two years with Johnson Pools and Spas. In his free
students selected by their school districts in the 52nd
                                                             time, he enjoys hockey and golf.
Senate District who have shown great leadership, com-
passion, school spirit or improvement amongst their          Deer has definitely set a solid foundation for himself that
peers. Last school year, Akshar recognized 30 students       will propel him into a successful future. His nomination
across school districts in Broome, Tioga, Chenango and       form notes that words best used to describe Shawn in-
Delaware counties.                                           clude “smart,” “personable,” “go getter,” and “outstanding
Deer participates in Broome-Tioga BOCES’ New Visions
Engineering program in the morning and returns in the        “This is an amazing opportunity for us to meet and recog-
afternoon to Newark Valley High school to complete his       nize outstanding young people doing wonderful things
daily studies.                                               in their community and schools throughout the 52nd
                                                             Senate District,” Akshar said. “Whether they’re in second
In his junior year, he was nominated by his high school
                                                             grade or a senior in high school, we want to bring at-
teachers to attend the Boy’s State Leadership Program.
                                                             tention to those students who are making a difference
Deer also attended the Trinity Leadership Program where
                                                             in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.
he currently serves as a district ambassador. He is an ac-
                                                             They inspire us all by showing us the good that exists in
tive member of the Tioga Ridge Runners Snowmobile
                                                             our communities.”

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
Homecoming Court                                                       NV

NTH students get moving in
physical education classes                                 ‘Sharing Parade’ at NTH

Students at Nathan T. Hall Elementary School have          Students at Nathan T. Hall Elementary School
been getting active in physical education classes by       participated in a mini “sharing parade” in which they
doing yoga inside and participating in snowshoeing         collected food items for those in need and made and
outside. These socially distanced activities are a great   decorated cards for their friends and family. After
way for these kids to stretch and get moving.              making cards, the students watched “The Nutcracker.”

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
Newark Valley High School inducts 26 new Honor Society members
We were unable to do our traditional tapping this year, but all 26 new members of NHS have been “tapped.” We will
be holding our induction ceremony later this month. Due to COVID restrictions, this will be a private event for the new
inductees and officers only. We will be recording the induction for parents and families to watch at home. Please feel free
to reach out and congratulate any of the following students:

                             12th Grade                                  11th Grade
                             Brianna Beebe                               Taylor Benjamin
                             Shawn Deer                                  Piper Davis
                             Charlotte Dunn                              Phaedra Day
                             Jillianne Hanson                            Hannah Ferguson
                             Collin McCall                               Graciella Gardner
                             John Simmons                                Kathryn Greene
                             Allie Wandell                               Hannah Holt
                                                                         James Keener
                                                                         JohnPaul Kidney
                                                                         Mackenzie Lawrence
                                                                         Logan Mann
                                                                         Molly McCloskey
                                                                         Gabrielle Pettit
                                                                         Verity Realmuto
                                                                         Jonathan Sherwood
                                                                         Ashleigh Turnbull
                                                                         Rachael Walker
                                                                         Alisha Westfall
                                                                         Darrah Wright

The National Honor Society is an organization for high schoolers that promotes leadership, service, character and schol-
arship. There are more than one million students participating in NHS activities today in all 50 states and territories of the
United States. The National Honor Society started in 1921 by an association of principals. It was the first honor society
created across the country. At almost 100 years old, the NHS is one of the most well-known educational and leadership
groups. Requirements to get into NHS are a 3.5 GPA, leadership in seven organizations within the school or community,
accumulation of 40 hours of community service, and a positive character evaluation by teachers.

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
NVHS recognizes All-Stars                                   Nathan T. Hall pre-K &
Newark Valley High School Recognizes Academic All Stars
                                                            kindergarten registration for the
for October and November. Academic All Stars are nomi-      2021-2022 school year
nated by their teachers. They are students who are excel-
ling academically or have demonstrated incredible effort
and / or growth. Congratulations to all!                    Registration will be held the week of March 8-12 at
                                                            Nathan T. Hall Elementary School.
October Academic All-Stars:                                 Children who will be five years old on or before December
                                                            1, 2021 are eligible to enter Kindergarten. Children who
                                                            will be four years old on or before December 1, 2021 are
Montana Wallace – US History                                eligible to enter Pre-K.
Jason Tuttle – Physical Education                           Parents are asked to contact the Nathan T. Hall Elementary
Verity Realmuto – Spanish                                   School office at 642-3340 x2 for more information
                                                            regarding the registration process. You are encouraged to
Jacob Benjamin – Physical Education                         call early to find out how to register your child.
Mackenzie Benjamin – Spanish
                                                            Parents or guardians need to provide their child’s
Sam Durand – German                                         birth certificate, immunization record and two proofs
                                                            of residency. Parents are reminded that New York
Tim Bishop – Participation in Government
                                                            State law requires written proof that all students have
McKenzie Gaskill – Global 9                                 immunization against polio, measles, diphtheria, mumps,
                                                            rubella, varicella (chicken pox) and hepatitis B or medical
                                                            verification of any of the above illnesses.

                                                                                       K VAL
November Academic All-Stars:                                                    AR           L


Malachi Grant – Spanish

                                                                                                       IC T
Malachi Grant – Physical Education

Bela Krenner – Science

Hailey Engbith – German                                                        AL                  D
                                                                                    SC H O OL
Lacey Cunningham – Business
Raidyn Ford – Spanish 4
Sam Durand – Business
Evelyn Medina – AP Biology
Laney Brind – Biology
Cassidy Beebe – Math
Hailey Engbith – Chorus
Avigail Strohmeyer – Music
Eva Denis – US History

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
NV                          Honor Rolls Grade 6                        1st Marking period

High Honor Roll             Honor Roll 		          Merit Roll
Ashley (Nickerson), Hanna   Benjamin, Joshua       Allen, Elizabeth
Chapman, Malloy             Carter, Tristen        Belden, Brooke
Guiles, Grace               McCloskey, Iris        Craparo, Lily
Guiles, Kate                Perkins, Sarah         DeBolt, Abigail
Jerabek, Andrew                                    Escalante, Abigail
Jerabek, Joseph                                    Jackson, Kaleb
Keith, Isaiah                                      Jerabek, Owen
Whitney, Cecelia                                   Karasin, Lily
                                                   Lamb, Sarah
                                                   Middendorf, Travis
                                                   Welch, Wyatt

                              Honor Rolls Grade 7                       1st Marking period
High Honor Roll             Taylor, Nikara         Rhodes, Emilee           Hoover, Jackson
Bishop, Madison             Honor Roll             Sailus, Anna             Klingle, Ella
Day, Rylie                  Aylesworth, Anaya      Vaughn, Olivia           Sloughter, John
Engbith, Nathan             Bohne, Ryan            Vice, Carlee             Wandell, Michael
Kwiatkowski, Aubrey         Brooks, Megan          Webb, Olivia             Wojtysiak, Timothy
Lewis, Sarah                Crumb, Kaylee          Welch, Cheyenne          Woodin, Logan
McMartin, Jeremiah          Hinckley, Nathan       Williams, Elijah         Woods, Bradyn
Payne, Haley                Jackson, MaeAnna
Rich, Adriana               Jordan, Madilynn       Merit Roll
Rombach, Joseph             LaPorte, Emily         Dufresne, Abigal
Roth, Anna L                                       Gross, Karson

                            High Honor Roll Grades 8-12                              10 weeks
Grade 8                     Lawrence, Mikayla      Durand, Abigail          Grade 11             Goodwin, Madi-Lyn
Hall, Kaytlyn               Mathewson, Raechelle   Fiacco, John             LaBounty, Chase      Hanson, Jillianne
Lindridge, Oren             McMartin, Camryn       Green, Jared             McCloskey, Molly     Hill, Kayla
Middendorf, Trevor          McMurray, Fiona        McCloskey, Clara         Pettit, Gabrielle    McNally, Kaila
Smith, Emma                 Medina, Michael        Mertson, Virginia        Turnbull, Ashleigh   Medina, Evelyn
                                                                                                 Otero, Gabriel
Vosburgh, Jenna             Parisot, Rachel        Moncalieri, Ashley       Westfall, Alisha
                                                                                                 Pintler, Branden
                            Pirger, Daniel         Moncalieri, Hailey
Grade 9                                                                                          Riegel, Renee
                            Rombach, Kathleen      Murphy, Kasey            Grade 12
Adams, Nathan                                                                                    Rosenberg, Brenton
                            Thompson, Jamison      Sailus, Owen             Aylesworth, Maris
Benjamin, Mackenzie                                                                              Scales, Eugene
                            Wright, Joslyn         Sherwood, Joseph         Beebe, Brianna
Craparo, William                                                                                 Strohmeyer, Avigail
                                                   Vaughn, Sandra           Bishop, Timothy
                            Grade 10                                                             Wandell, Allie
Dingman, Emma                                                               Clark, Emma
                            Berghorn, Karli        Wolfer, Larissa                               Williams, Leah
Engbith, Hailey                                                             Deer, Shawn
Gardner, Makana             Berghorn, Katie                                 Durand, Samuel
Hinckley, Paige             Deer, Alannah                                   Fiacco, Felicia
                                                                            Ford, Raidyn

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
Honor Roll Grades 8-12                       10 Weeks                        NV
Grade 8               Lanner, Bryan           Simmons, Kathryn      Knight, Jason         Keller, Adam
Dufresne, Lyla        Northrop, Seth          Sloughter, Angelina   Lawrence, Mackenzie   Mincher, David
Guiles, Jacob         Stebbins, Aiyanna       Smith, Austin         Mann, Logan           Pado, McKenzie
Iversen, Dylan        Switzer, Harley         Smith, Logan          Sherwood, Jonathan    Raymond, Ethan
Krenner, Bela                                 Truesdail, Tarrah     VanOrder, Makayla     Schanbacher, Steffi
Lavine, Riley         Grade 10
                                              Utter, Grace          Vanzile, Jadyn        Simmons, John
Milewski, Bianca      Austin, Lillian
                                              Whyard, Nevaeh        Walker, Rachael       Spoonhower, Connor
Miller, Brianna       Beebe, Hayley
                                                                    Wright, Darrah        Umiker, Samuel
Rockwell, Kayden      Boldis, Daniel
                                              Grade 11                                    Urquhart, Zachery
Short, Livia          Brind, Laney                                  Grade 12
                                              Benjamin, Taylor                            Yammine, Leeanne
                      Brooks, Michelle                              Arnold, Levi
Sweet, Carissa                                                                            Yetter, Connor
                      Carrier, Kylee          Bigelow, Madison      Brigham, Breanna
                                              Bishop, Patrick                             Yurko, Sidney
Grade 9               Cooper, Emily                                 Duke, Joshua
                      Hines, Broderick        Cunningham, Lacey     Felicetti, Megan
Adams, Brandon
                      Malone, Mackenzie       Day, Phaedra          Gaskill, Evelyn
Denis, Cora
                      Middendorf, Troy        Escalante, Monica     Graves, Emma
Grant, Malachi
                      Miller, Emma            Ferguson, Hannah      Hazelton, Justin
Hill, Brady
                      Mincher, John           Gardner, Graciella    Hines, Rosaria
Holt, Levi
                      Payne, Faith            Greene, Kathryn       Jefferson, Cymbri
Jacobson, Justin
                      Raymond, Sarah          Hollenbeck, Aden      Jordan, Savannah
Kasper, Matthew
                      Shiel, Isabella         Holt, Hannah          Kalpokas, Derrick
Keller, Matthew
                                              Keener, James

                          Merit Roll Grades 8-12                       10 weeks
Grade 8               Grade 9                 Grade 10              Grade 11              Grade 12
Bauer, Morgan         Babcock, Kaitlyn        Flesher, Maxwell      Babcock, Riley        Armstrong, Gabriel
DeBolt, Austin        Cole, Lorelei           Graham, Kalyna        Boyce, Megan          Armstrong, Jacob
Finta, Adrianna       Davis, Madison          Klingle, Logan        Davis, Piper          Carrier, Cameron
Hendrickson, Emmett   Day, Mackenzie          Lewis, Jamie          Denis, Eva            Cwynar, Morgan
                      Jensen, Dallas          Mann, Gavin           Gaskill, Wraven       Dunn, Charlotte
Hines, HattieSue
                      Keller-Perry, Daisy     Milewski, Cara        Hall, Kori            Holt, Ashley
Moshier, Liam
                      Lykens, Karis           Morgan, Samuel        Jacobson, Connor      Kidney, Lois
Nash, Samuel
                      Reynolds, Shay          Spoonhower, Landon    Martin, Noah          Liske, Graydon
Osburn, Addysen       Rosenberg, Aleczander   Umiker, Jonathan      Patitucci, Angelina   Park, Alexandria
Sacco, Makenzi        Vanzile, Connor         Wolfer, Evan          Quinones, Maximus     Reynolds, Rayne
Wager, Scott          Waterman, Elizabeth                           Rinkavage, Luke       Rosalez, Izabel
Wales, James                                                        Skeide, Ethan         Updike, Stephanie
                                                                    Slavik, Amber
                                                                    Wallace, Montana
                                                                    Wandell, Michael
                                                                    Williams, Hunter

Valley Views - Newark Valley Central Schools
NV NEWARK      VALLEY                                               Non-Profit
   Central School District
   Newark Valley, NY 13811                                        U.S. Postage
                                                                     PAI D
     BOARD OF EDUCATION:                                          Binghamton, NY
     Randal H. Kerr, president                                     Permit #237
     Sue Watson, vice president
     Sarah Hines
     Lisa Jensen
     James Phillips                         Current Resident or
     Anthony D. Tavelli
     Stuart Wandell
     				                                      ECRWSS                       BOXHOLDER

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