Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno

Page created by Dennis Peterson
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Pedagogische Wetenschappen
                                                  Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Touch typing: better spelling and writing

    IPRS Meeting
    Intersteno Parliamentary and other professional Reporters’ Section

    Zagreb, October 5-8, 2016

    Dr. Henny van der Meijden       &     Mariëtte Tesselhof (M SEN)
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen         Tesselhof Opleidingen Raalte
                              The Netherlands
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
This presentation

• What is touch typing?
• What do we know about touch typing?
• Research at Radboud University
• Effects of a touch typing course
 (van der Meijden & Tesselhof)
• Conclusion: Why touch typing?
• Questions?
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Touch Typing: used terms

• Visually guided     • Touch typing
• Hunt and peck       • Blind typing
• Keyboard gazers     • Monitor gazers
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
When typing a sentence:
     4 processes important

•   Remembering                                 So: mental actions must
•   Putting in working memory                   be transferred into
•   Chunking in characters                      motorist actions

•   Striking the right finger

                  Several authors (see paper)
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
A skilled typist

• Transfers without problems

• Position of the keys

• Automated motor actions

• Preparation of next keystroke
  without thinking

                 Several authors (see paper)
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Touch vs visually guided
Position of the body
  Reduced arm movement
  Monitor gazers: no movement of the head
  Use of all fingers of both hands

Content related
  Focus on content (cognitive load theory)
  No need to attent keystriking
  Touch typers are better writers
  Reading and typing in one: more cognitive processes active
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Research in the past
Only among adults
- speed
- accuracy
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Present research

Among children
language skills
  * handwriting
  * memory
  * spelling
  * writing
Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Touch typing vs visual guided

Touch typing: better spelling and writing - Intersteno
Research at Radboud University


Elementary school
    higher level (age 9-12) Speed & accuracy
Secondary school            Language skills
    lower level (age 12-14)

Dyslectic children         Motivation

In company: adults         Speed & accuracy
                           Health, motivation
Research at Radboud University


Elementary school
    higher level (age 9-12) Speed & accuracy
Secondary school            Language skills
    lower level (age 12-14)

Dyslectic children         Motivation

In company: adults         Speed & accuracy
                           Health, motivation
Research among adults:
121 participants

Research among adults:
121 participants


Results: What happened?

 Participants enrolled        121

 Actually started             109

 Drop outs                    53
                              (9 just before the final test!!)
 Final test                   46

 Positive results             39
 Negative results             7
 Not enrolled in final test   20
Results: Speed

   0,4                                      Experimenteel
   0,2                                      geslaagd
     0                                      Experimenteel
   -0,2   meting 1   meting 2    meting 3   niet geslaagd
   -0,4                                     Controle
Results: Physical complaints

            Physical complaints
            shoulder (right side)
• Less physical complaints (positive final test)
• Good exercise and perseverance needed
• Negative break when participants start using
  use touch typing in their regular work

In sum:
  It is hard for adults to change their
  typing behavior
Research together with
Mariëtte Tesselhof

Elementary school
    higher level            Speed & accuracy
    (age 9-12)              Language skills
Secondary school
    lower level (age 12-14)
Dyslectic children          Perseverance

                          Speed & accuracy
In company: adults        Health, motivation
Research Question

 What are the
 effects of a touch
                      • 234 children
 typing course on     • Age 8 – 12
 spelling and         • Boys 103
 creative writing?    • Girls 110
                      • Pre-test-Post test
                        Control group design
                      • 157 experimental group
                      • 77 control group
3 tests (pre and post)

Validated language test (TAK)
                                Test 1
                                Typing from paper

                                Test 2

                                Test 3
                                Creative writing
The Lessons
• 15 lessons, 1.5 hours, every 2 weeks

• Homework

• Body & finger position

• Repetition

• Motivation

• Parent involvement

                                 Exp pre   Exp post   Contr pre   Contr post
typing skill nr                    527      1682        632          754
             keystrokes       Tesselhof
spelling       nr errors           10.2      6.01        8.3         7.9

Creative       nr words             89       151        100          117

               % pictures          5.7       8.3         6.5         6.3

               % relations         3.09      4.66       3.11         3.11

               punctuation         2.1       2.4         1.8         1.8

 All differences statistical significant
                 Number of key strokes/10 minutes

                                 pretest            posttest

All 24
    differences statistical significant

                                 pretest   posttest

All 25
    differences statistical significant
Summary of findings
• Enormous increase in typing speed
• Less errors (typing, dictation, story)
• Longer stories, better quality
• Significant differences in all variables
• Counts for both good and weak typists
Possible explanations

• Not only typing skill but also writing skills
• Full automation
• Less cognitive load
• Intensive practice
• GUIDANCE is very important
                             Regular school
                             Online course
Study at 2 schools

                                          Online course:

88 students in total
2 experimental classes at 2 schools
2 control classes at the same schools
the same test for spelling and creative writing
Children typing school vs regular school
                                  nr keystrokes





 600      527

 200             N=157                  N= 43
                   1                      2

          pretest    posttest    pretest    posttest
       typing school(n = 157)   regular school(n=43)
Online course: Typeworld
   100%                 100%
   90%                                                                                                                           2014-2015
                                                                                                                                 2014-2015 begeleid
   80%            78%                                                                                                             78%

   70%      69%


   50%                                                               48%



   30%                                       28%

   20%                                                                                        18%
                                                                                                                     15% 15%
                                                                                                                                           12% 12%


                                                    3%                            3%

          aangemeld en gestart   direct afgehaakt bij eiland 1   eiland 1 gehaald, maar op   verder dan eiland 11   verder dan eiland 15   eiland 20 gehaald
                                                                      eiland 2 gestopt            gekomen                gekomen
A contest: 10 minutes typing : who is the best?
29 students grade 4
A contest: 10 minutes typing : who is the best?
29 students grade 4
Findings our studies?

• Learning how to touch type is beneficial for both
  children and adults
• More attention for typing skill seems justified
  (in schools and in companies)
• Lower levels students can even profit more
• Automation of typing has positive effects on the
  quality of the typed work

   Intensive guidance is a MUST
Conclusion: Why touch typing?

               before and
               after a touch
               typing course

                                Touch typers can actually
                                see the painting
Less productive employees

   Time       Loss of time     Loss of time     Loss per 6
   working on due to technical due to lack of   hours
   PC         problems         skills

   6:00                0:14.30   0:13.07        0:27.37
   hours               minutes   seconds        7.6%

Loss higher: less educated
employees (10.1%)

Van Deursen & van Dijk, 2012
Why touch typing? Profits for a company

        Labour hours per week                  40
        Hours typing per day                    2
        Days off                               28
        Days not present (training, illness)    5
        Typing speed now                       151
        Age                                    42

        After a course touch typing            243
        Profits in DAYS                        21

 Calculator developed by Martin Beijer,
To conclude:
 A touch typing course: worth the effort!!

Touch typing for better spelling and creative writing

                      Paper presented at the IPRS Meeting
                          Intersteno Parliamentary and
                      other professional Reporters’ Section

                                   Zagreb (Croatia)

                               October 5th – 8th, 2016

Henny van der Meijden (MSc, PhD)               Mariëtte Tesselhof (M SEN)
Educational Science                            Tesselhof Opleidingen
Radboud University Nijmegen                    Raalte
The Netherlands                                The Netherlands            

It is impossible to imagine a life without computers these days. Already in primary education
in the Netherlands, students are increasingly required to work on the computer. Some authors
think that children automatically learn how to type by working on the computer, whereas
others state that touch typing, similar to learning how to write, is a skill which should be
taught at school (Van der Meijden, Hamerling, & Scholten, 2006).
        Only since the nineties, typing research focused on children. Moreover, the research
focused not only on speed and accuracy, but more and more on the relation between typing
fluency and language skills. In this paper, we present a study on the effects of a course “touch
typing” in primary school children in the Netherlands

Touch typing
Two typing strategies can be distinguished: touch typing and visually guided typing
(Yechiam, Erev, Yehene, & Gopher, 2003). Typists who touch type place their hands in a
fixed position on the keyboard and use this as a starting point for pressing particular keys by
using all 10 fingers, without looking at the keyboard. Visually guided typists on the other
hand gaze at the keyboard searching for the right keys to press and type without placing their
hands and fingers in a fixed position.
        According to Salthouse (1986), four processes play an important role when a person is
typing a sentence. First the sentence must be remembered, put in the working memory, then
the sentence has to be chunked in characters, finally leading to the striking of the right letter at
the keyboard. This is more difficult for less skilled typists than for skilled typists (Alves,
Castro, & Olive, 2008). Problems in the transfer from input to motorist actions might cause
the differences in text production between skilled and less skilled typist (Christensen, 2004).
In several experiments, Rieger (2004) showed that skilled typist, when typing a letter, already
prepare the next keystroke.
        Thus, a skilled touch typist has memorized the position of the keys on the keyboard, is
aware of the position of the hands and fingers, has automated the motor actions of striking the
keys, and without further thinking prepares the next keystroke.

Research on typing skill and spelling
Research on typing skill and spelling is mainly focused on the differences between typing and
handwriting. A review of studies on this topic by Cochran-Smith (1991) showed that in
general typed texts were longer and contained less spelling errors than handwritten texts.
Students worked longer on a writing assignment and revised the assignment more often when
keyboarding compared to when handwriting. There are studies that reported differences
between spelling while handwriting and typing, but also that did not report differences. In the
lasts, differences were reported between skilled and less skilled typists. Other studies found
differences between. For example, Masterson and Apel (2006) and Quelette and Tims (2014)
argued that the visually-guided typing strategy came at the expense of spelling accuracy, and
that better typing proficiency might reduce the cognitive demands on the working memory,
and consequently improve spelling accuracy.

Research on typing skill and writing
Contrary to research on typing and spelling, there is little research on the relation between
typing and writing skills of primary school students (van Gelderen, Paus, & Oosterlo, 2010).
Although both writing and typing require a similar type of skill, most studies in which
handwritten texts are compared to typed texts do not take into account students’ typing
proficiency (Conelly, Gee, & Walsh, 2007). Once taken into account, studies report a strong
correlation between students’ typing skill and the quality of the typed texts (Christensen,

2004). Johansson et al. (2010) analyzed the process of typed text production of academic
students. The skilled typists, or “monitor gazers”, produced more text, revised less (less
backspace use) finished earlier and reached higher quality than the “keyboard gazers”, the less
fluent typists.

Relevance and research questions
Based on the aforementioned studies we assume a relation between typing skill and students’
quality of spelling and creative writing. The central question of this study was: Does
improving typing skill by a touch typing course have a positive effect on primary school
students’ quality of spelling and creative writing?
If this indeed is the case, it would be justified to pay more systematic attention to the
development of typing skill in primary education.

Two-hundred-thirty-four primary school students of grades 4, 5 and 6 from 20 primary
schools in the east of the Netherlands took part in the experiment. The experimental group
consisted of students who were admitted by their parents to take part in a touch typing course
at an educational institute. The control group consisted of classmates not participating in any
touch typing course. Students’ parents provided written informed consent.

In this study a pretest-posttest control group design was used. The pre- and posttest consisted
of three tests: a typing test, a spelling test and a creative writing test. Typing skill was
measured by the amount of keystrokes per 10 minutes (A/10min) and the number of errors
while typing up an examination script of the Dutch Alliance of Stenography and Typewriting.
As not every child reached the same A/10min, the errors are presented as percentages.
        Spelling skill was measured with a dictation which consisted of nine sentences taken
from the Cito vocabulary exercise program. Every deviation from the original spelling by Cito
was scored as error.
        The creative writing assignment of the Language Test for All Children [TAK]
(Verhoeven & van der Meer, 1993) was used to examine students’ level of creative writing
skill. In the creative writing assignment students typed a story based on a comic of eight
pictures. The quality of the story was determined by analyzing 1) length of the text (in words);
2) number of described pictures; 3) temporal and causal relations (in percentages); 4)
accuracy; 5) punctuation; and 6) capital use.

Touch typing course
The course was taught by a certified teacher of the educational institute. Every two weeks
students had a class of one and a half hour. In total, students attended 15 classes. If students
fell behind in typing they got the opportunity to attend an extra class in the intervening week.
Students used the written course ‘Blindelings’ (Wees-Bremers, 2008) and the online course
TypeWorld (Educatieve Uitgeverij Instruct, 2013).

In Table 1 mean scores at the pre- and posttest for the experimental and control group are
presented. The data show the control group to have slightly better scores on most variables at
the pretest. Data of the posttest indicate that both the experimental and the control group
improved on almost all variables.

Table 1 Means Experimental and Controlgroup Typing skill, Spelling skill, Creative writing

                                                    Experimental group                              Control group

                                 (pretest, N=157)        (posttest, N=155)       (pretest, N=56)           (posttest, N=54)

                                               M                    M                          M       M
Typing skill
number strokes/10 min                   527.14                1681.68                      631.77                 754.04
% errors                                     3.02                  .65                       2.85                      2.34

Spelling skill

number errors dictation                  10.17                    6.01                       8.32                      7.93

Creative writing

number of words                          89.99                 150.53                      100.07                 116.56
% number of pictures benoemd                 6.79               11.19                        6.78                      6.87

% temporal/causal relations                  3.49                 6.12                       3.23                      3.28

punctuation                                  2.06                 2.43                       1.84                      1.81
capital use                                  1.86                 2.43                       1.86                      1.89

% spelling errors                             .93                  .73                        .81                       .68

Effect of the typing course
To examine whether improving typing skill by a touch typing course had a positive effect on
spelling and creative writing skill of primary school students, SPSS statistical test were
conducted (GLM Repeated measures ANOVA’s). An overview of the main and interaction
effects and associated effect sizes can be found in Table 2.
Table 2 Main/Interactions Effects and Effect Sizes

                                                                         F          df             p             d
 Typing skill
 number strokes aanslagen      Maineffect Time                       637.25      (1,207)
number of keystrokes they made when typing a script compared to the control group: the
decrease in typing errors was significantly different for the two groups. A small, negative
effect was found indicating that students who made more keystrokes made fewer errors (see
Figure 2).

Spelling skill
To examine whether attending a touch typing course had a positive effect on spelling skill, the
number of spelling errors in a dictation was measured. The decrease in errors was
significantly different for both groups over time. A negative effect was found, indicating that
making more keystrokes went together with making less spelling errors in the dictation.

Creative writing skill
This was measured by several variables. The differences between the both groups were
significant for the number of words, the percentage of described pictures and the
temporal/causal relations with large effect sizes.
        As shown in Figure 2, the experimental group showed an improvement in the use of
punctuation between the pre-and posttest, whereas the control group scored slightly lower on
punctuation at the posttest compared to the pretest. Both groups improved on capital use
between the pre- and posttest.

Summary of the results
The increase of the number of keystrokes that students in the experimental group made is
remarkable. The number of keystrokes increased with 1154 strokes/10 minutes at the posttest,
whereas in the control group an increase of only 123 strokes was found. The typing speed
increased to an average of 169 keystrokes per minute. Students even reached a higher typing
speed than is required for adults to get a typing certificate, which is 120 keystrokes per minute
according to the European Computer Driving License, one of the organizations that are
responsible for the certification of typing certificates in the Netherlands.
        The improved typing skill had a positive effect on students’ accuracy and spelling.
Students in the experimental group made less errors in the posttest than the children in the
control group, although the latest made less errors in the pretest. Also students’ creative
writing skills improved. Students in the experimental group typed longer stories, described
more comic pictures and gave more information than students in the control group. Moreover,
they made more causal and temporal relations for example by describing when something
happened, or why. This skill in general is considered as one of the indicators of the level of
creative writing skill (van Gelderen et al., 2010). Hence, the stories of students in the
experimental group were not only longer, but also qualitatively better than those of students in
the control group inclusive punctuation and capital use. This result can be explained by the
fact that the typing course ‘Blindelings’ not only taught key positions, but also paid attention
to text design and writing conventions (Wees-Bremers, 2008).

Possible explanations
We think that there is a possible explanation for the positive results found in this study. The
intense supervision during the typing course might have played an important role in
automation of the typing skill. In this sense, Lewis, Hearn and Zilbert (1998) argued that
typing skill can only be fully automated by following a prolonged and intensive typing course.
Intense practice with good supervision seems to be essential to reach the desired results. This
statement is supported by a recent study on the effects of a touch typing course in grade 5 of
primary education (Banken, 2015). In this study students individually followed the typing
course ‘Typeworld’ with supervision of their teacher or a teaching assistant. Typing skill was
measured with the same test as was used in our study. The results came out less significant
increment of 213 keystrokes/min.

Despite the positive results found in our study, a few limitations should be noted. Typing
speed increased, attending the touch typing course seemed to have automated the typing skill
(de Graaf-Peters, 2008). Students in the experimental group ‘blindly’ knew which keys they
had to strike without having to visually search the keyboard. This might have caused less
mental effort, i.e. they experienced less cognitive load, leaving more space in working
memory to pay attention to the content of the task (Paas et al., 2003). Secondly, students in
the experimental group had several months of intense training to automate the typing skill. To
accomplish this automation they did a variety of word games on the computer and typed all
sorts of texts. This might have influenced their language development, a development which
students in the control group did not go through. Hence, the results of our study cannot be
attributed to the typing course alone. As this was not taken into account in our study, further
research is needed to clarify this issue.
        The results of this study cannot simply be generalized to all methods of learning how
to touch type. This study was conducted at a certified educational institute which made use of
intense supervision, homework schedules, and catch-up classes when students fell behind.

Remarkable was the finding that the experimental group scored worse at several assignments
compared to the control group at the pretest. This could be an indication of the fact that
students who are admitted to the educational institute are precisely the students with weak
language skills.

Primary school students increasingly make their learning and testing assignments on the
computer. Connely and colleagues (2007) argue that when children are not able to touch type
while carrying out those tasks, the computer might be more of a hindrance than an effective
tool. Based on the results found in our study, we agree with this argument. Learning how to
touch type seems to be worth the effort and it appears to be justified to pay more attention to
typing skill in primary education. But fully automation only can be achieved with intensive


Alves, R., Castro, S., & Olive, T. (2008). Execution   Johansson, R., Wengelin, A., Johansson, V., &
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 cognitive effort and typing skill. International        the monitor: Relationship with text production
 Journal of Psychology 43(6), 969-979.                   processes. Reading and Writing 23, 835-851.
Banken, A. (2015). Typen getoetst. Een onderzoek       Lewis, D., Hearn, J., & Zilbert, E. (1998).
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 cognitieve taken bij basisschoolkinderen. Master        employmetn and earning effects. Economics of
 Thesis Onderderwijskunde Radboud Universiteit           Education Review. DOI: 10.1016/0272-
 Nijmegen.                                               7757(91)90023-I.
Cochran-Smith, M. (1991). Word processing and          Masterson, J., & Apel, K. (2006). Effect of
 writing in elementary classrooms: A critical            modality on spelling words varying in linguistic
 review of related literature. Review of Educational     demands. Developmental Neuropsychology 29(1),
 Research, 61(1), 07–55.                                 261-277.
Conelly, V., Gee, D., & Walsh.E. (2007). A             Meijden, H. van der, Scholten, A., & Hamerling, B.
 conmparison of keyboarded and handwritten               (2006). Het belang van blindtypen met tien
 compositions and the relation with the                  vingers. Jeugd in School en Wereld 91(2), 22-24.
 transcription speed. British Journal of               Paas, F., Tuovinen, J., Tabbers, H., & Van Gerven,
 Educational Psychology, 77, 479-492.                    P. (2003) Cognitive load measurement as a means
Christensen C. (2004).Relationship between               for advance cognitive load theory. Educational
 orthographic-motor integration and computer use         Psychologists 38(1), 63-71.
 for the production of creative and well-structured    Quellette, G., & Tims, T. (2014). The write way to
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 Psychology, 74(4), 551-564.                             learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-11.
Graaf-Peters, V. de (2008). Motorische                 Rieger, A. (2004) Automatic keypress activation in
 ontwikkeling is een proces! De meerwaarde van           skilled typing. Journal of Experimental
 dynamische theorievorming voor inzicht in               Psychology 30(3), 555-565:
 motorische ontwikkeling en vroege interventie.        Salthouse, T. (1986). Perceptual, cognitive, and
 Capita Selecta. Stimulus 2, 108-120.                    motoric aspects of transcription typing.
Gelderen, A. van, Paus, H., & Oosterlo, A. (2010).       Psychological Bulletin, 99(3), 303-319.
 Schrijven beschreven. Uitwerking van het              Verhoeven, L., & Vermeer, A. (2001). Taaltest alle
 referentiekader Nederlandse taal voor het               kinderen (TAK). [Language Test for Children].
 schrijfonderwijs op de basisschool. Enschede,           Arnhem, Nederland: CITO.-
 Nederland: SLO, Nationaal Expertisecentrum            Wees-Bremers, A. van, (2008). Blindelings.
 Leerplanontwikkeling.                                   Sliedrecht, Nederland: Van den Dool.

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