Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...

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Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...
The True
Value of Food
A powerful aid to business

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Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...

Context | 3

1   What is The True Value of Food | 4

2   Leaders must act now | 8

4   From theory into action | 11

                         The True
                             True Value
                                  Value of
                                        of Food
                                           Food AA powerful
                                                   powerful aid
                                                            aid to
                                                                 to business
                                                                    business decision-making
                                                                             decision-making 22
Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...
Nothing is as fundamental            True Value of Food (TVoF) is about       the most effective path forward.
to human survival as food,           applying the right incentives,           In this paper we shed light on
but there is a problem.              actors across food value chains          what TVoF is, why it is important
The global food system               can then work to bring down the          to invest in TVoF now, which
humans have created is               external costs and ensure that we        decisions TVoF can support for
                                     create real value for business and       your company, and how to go
one of the largest sources
                                     society in a sustainable way.            about implementing TVoF in within
of greenhouse gas (GHG)                                                       your business.
emissions1 and biodiversity          The journey for companies
loss. At the same time, our          to meet their bold ambitions,
food system perpetuates              maintain a sustainable business,          True Cost, Price, or Value?
inequality, hunger, and              and be productive participants            The True Cost of Food (TCoF)
the health crises of over            in the food system’s transition           accounts for the production cost
and under-nutrition. That            requires a series of decisions            of food as well as all the hidden
the global food system is            – many transformative – on                natural, human, and social costs
under severe pressure is             sourcing, supply chain, production,       of producing food. If desirable,
                                     product portfolio, innovation,            policymakers can intervene in the
confirmed by increasing
                                     marketing, and distribution. The          market using taxes and incentives,
concerns regarding the                                                         adjusting the product price to
                                     TVoF is a means to reveal these
state of the environment                                                       reflect its True Cost. This concept
                                     hidden costs and benefits, and
(e.g., deforestation, forest         it is an invaluable tool for the
                                                                               is known as the True Price of
fires, species loss, soil            corporations that have the most
                                                                               Food (TPoF). The True Value of
erosion), economic costs                                                       Food (TVoF) accounts for the net
                                     influence on our food systems to          impact of food by also considering
of agricultural waste (e.g.,         maximize their positive impact.           the value added – all the benefits
food waste, fertilizer               This will be imperative in navigating     – to consumers, society and
leakage), health risks (e.g.,        the coming food systems                   the environment in addition to
malnutrition and related non-        transformation.                           the TCoF. For instance, nutrition
communicable diseases,                                                         components with a proven health
                                     Many food players have started to         benefit could have a higher value.
antimicrobial resistance)
                                     act through different initiatives that    Some assume that TVoF will result
and social costs (e.g., farmer                                                 in consumers being penalized with
poverty, underpaid workers,          address environmental, social-
                                                                               higher food prices (linking back to
                                     economic, and health issues.
child and forced labour).                                                      TPoF); but the final price of a food
                                     The discussions and plans for
A transformation in how we           action in each area have, over time,
                                                                               item results from a wide range
produce and consume food                                                       of policy and financial decisions.
                                     widened into multi-issue agendas          TVoF can be a powerful tool that
is an imperative to sustain          for businesses. As a result,              helps businesses, policy makers,
a global population of               companies often have a wide               and other actors efficiently make
8 to 11 billion people.2 This        portfolio of individual initiatives       decisions that make higher
transformation has already           that are not easy to compare              value, healthier, sustainable food
begun and will accelerate            and coordinate.                           accessible to all.
over the next decade.                                                          The concept of TVoF is not just
                                     TVoF provides a common                    relevant to policy decisions and
The Scientific Group of the UN       language to identify hidden costs         food and agri-businesses. Capital
Food Systems Summit estimated        and benefits across all areas,            markets have a significant interest
the hidden natural (environmental    and a basis for assessing the             in understanding the value creation
degradation) and social (diseases    opportunities and risks of the            potential and risk profiles of
related to diets such as obesity,    emerging food transition. This            businesses. There is consequently
hypertension, diabetes, heart        holistic view of the full value of        potential to integrate the TVoF into
                                     a product — not only for the              food and agri-business reporting
disease) capital costs of the food
                                     consumer but for the planet and           and investor communication,
system at 19.8 trillion USD, more
                                                                               leveraging the influence of capital
than double the total financial      society — will help companies
                                                                               markets for promoting sustainable
value of food consumption.3 The      make the right tradeoffs to define
                                                                               food businesses and systems.

                                              The True
                                                  True Value
                                                       Value of
                                                             of Food
                                                                Food AA powerful
                                                                        powerful aid
                                                                                 aid to
                                                                                      to business
                                                                                         business decision-making
                                                                                                  decision-making 33
Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...
1   What is The True Value
    of Food?

              The True
                  True Value
                       Value of
                             of Food
                                Food AA powerful
                                        powerful aid
                                                 aid to
                                                      to business
                                                         business decision-making
                                                                  decision-making 44
Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...
1      What is The True Value
         of Food?
True Value of Food (TVoF)          Illustrative example                   These hidden costs should
analyses incorporates the          Defining the full TVoF on a            not necessarily be borne by
direct and indirect positive       product level can be complicated       the consumer in higher prices.
and negative impacts               as the maturity of calculation         What they instead provide is an
associated with a product          methodologies varies across            opportunity for companies to
                                   the externalities. However, using      understand their portfolio with
from farm to fork.
                                   simple analyses for selected           a holistic social, economic, and
These impacts are generally        drivers already shows the impact       health value lens to support
viewed in four categories:         of TVoF and can inform decision-       portfolio decisions. Companies
Natural, Human, Social and         making. Exhibit 1 provides a           can then choose to mitigate
Economic (with the last two        starting point for one product:        some of the negative impacts
sometimes combined).               a 70-gram chocolate-chip               of a product, or even move
                                   cookie, which in the example is        towards a portfolio consisting of
The true value of a product        consumed by a British consumer.        inherently more sustainable and
is not only defined by its                                                healthy products. For instance,
composition but also by where      The retail price of the cookie
                                                                          at the same value in the market
and how its ingredients are        is ~USD $0.55. The price
produced and the ecosystems                                               (USD $0.55) a business could
                                   represents a combination of the
the product relies on — how                                               produce the ingredients of a
                                   “value” that the customer has
they were grown, transported,                                             more locally sourced, nutritious,
                                   placed on the product and is
and processed, as well as its                                             oatmilk porridge. The bowl of
                                   willing to pay for it and the brands
availability, accessibility and                                           oats has cost of goods sold of
the characteristics of the final   pricing strategy. This value that is
                                                                          USD $0.36 and carries hidden
consumer of the product, the       captured is likely a combination
                                                                          costs of only USD $0.19.5 Of
way the products are consumed,     not only of the caloric value,
                                                                          course, a bowl of porridge is
and the outcomes from the          but of the joy the cookie brings
                                                                          intuitively healthier, but hidden
consumption.                       to the customer. But this value
                                                                          costs are also reduced by
                                   does not account for many
                                                                          lower GHG emissions of certain
                                   hidden costs. For instance, we
                                                                          ingredients, local sourcing of
   Examples of                     calculated six externalities: GHG
                                                                          inputs, and the better support
   externalities                   emissions, water scarcity, food
                                                                          to farmers in these value chains
                                   waste, health impacts from
   1. Natural: natural capital                                            than for cacao in Africa.
                                   empty calories,4 air pollution, and
      costs related to GHG
                                   social costs. The environmental        Ultimately, this is a starting point
      emissions, land use,
                                   externalities are borne by all         illustration that only begins to
      water, biodiversity
                                   of us, the health costs by the         get at some hidden costs, not
   2. Human: malnutrition,         individual and the broader             fully to value. But we wish to
      diet-related non-            British society that pays for the      demonstrate that even simple
      communicable                 collective healthcare costs, and       calculations can help a company
      diseases such as             the social costs by the cacao          start to understand their
      cardiovascular               farmworkers who may not be             portfolio with a new lens.
      disease, diabetes            earning a living wage. This simple
                                   calculation adds USD $0.56
   3. Social-Economic:
                                   of hidden costs to the current
      working conditions,
                                   cost of production, USD $0.33.
      forced or child labor,
                                   A more holistic assessment of
      fair pay, food loss and
                                   value is needed.
      waste, fertilizer leakage

                                            The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 5
Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...
The True
    True Value
         Value of
               of Food
                  Food AA powerful
                          powerful aid
                                   aid to
                                        to business
                                           business decision-making
                                                    decision-making 66
Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making - Powered by - World Business Council For ...
The True
    True Value
         Value of
               of Food
                  Food AA powerful
                          powerful aid
                                   aid to
                                        to business
                                           business decision-making
                                                    decision-making 77
2   Leaders must act now

             The True
                 True Value
                      Value of
                            of Food
                               Food AA powerful
                                       powerful aid
                                                aid to
                                                     to business
                                                        business decision-making
                                                                 decision-making 88
2      Leaders must act now
The food transition is              booms.6 Negative stories about       in health, environmental
underway. Although the              products and companies that are      and social issues. It can
pace and intensity will vary        harming people and the planet        provide leaders of R&D with
                                    are quickly amplified, creating      an accessible framework to
across value chains and             reputational risks for companies.    evaluate future portfolio moves.
geographies, every CEO              Boycotts, which have long been       It can support procurement
is experiencing direct or           a means for consumers and food       and supply chain teams to
indirect pressure leading to        activists to call out high-profile   understand the impact of
changes in current and new,         brands, are becoming more            different sources of supply on
                                    common.                              the overall food system. And,
emerging profit pools.                                                   it can serve as a simplified
                                    Your company is likely on the        engagement model with the
For instance, in response to the    move already, and like most          board of directors. TVoF can
growing consumer segment            others, probably has bold goals      create a common internal
demanding sustainably               and exciting initiatives underway    currency to tackle a complex set
produced food, food and             to respond to food system            of priorities.
beverage companies now              sustainability pressures. With
have stricter sustainability        so many dimensions to work           But where to start? We
requirements for their suppliers.   across – economic, social,           acknowledge that the best
Governments globally are rapidly    environmental and health – it is     outcome will be a globally
implementing regulations, mostly    challenging for companies to         aligned and recognized
on environmental and health         make tradeoffs.                      framework. However, until a
externalities such as taxes on                                           universal standard is developed,
CO2 emissions and sugar. The        TVoF is a powerful way to            there are ways for companies to
competitive landscape is also       create an integrated view of the     get going.
being changed by investors in       sustainability agenda. A common
new or improved food solutions      language can help CFOs to make
as the Food Tech industry           decisions on investments

                                            The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 9
Case studies of companies leveraging TVoF in their businesses in different ways

Product portfolio and                  Transparency across business        Partnerships to get started,
Innovation                             Olam, a food and agri-business      learn and accelerate impact
Royal DSM, a Dutch science-            supplier of food ingredients,       Danone has three divisions:
driven company specializing in         feeds and fibres, developed the     Essential Dairy and Plant-
nutrition health and sustainable       Integrated Impact Statement         Based Products, Waters and
living, collaborated with the          (IIS) as a decision-making          Specialized Nutrition. Today,
consultancy, True Price, to do         tool at profit-center level that    Danone is advancing in its
a study on DSM’s product,              provides business units and         journey to reach net zero
OatWell® The study quantified          finance teams with a holistic       emissions on its full value
the true value of the product          monetary perspective of the         chain by 2050, peaking its
by assessing its impact on the         True Value of the product in easy   full-scope emissions in 2019.
environment, society and health        to understand formats similar to    This progress comes from
across the value chain.7               Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet.    over a decade of actions and
                                       Olam uses this to understand        collaboration with key partners.
OatWell® is an oat bran powder
                                       related risks / opportunities and   To initiate their action against
high in oat beta-glucan.
                                       it drives decision making to keep   climate change, in 2008 Danone
Produced by milling whole oat
                                       operations and impact within        partnered with the Ramsar
kernels, OatWell® contains a
                                       their intended environmental        Convention on Wetlands and
natural combination of oat beta-
                                       boundaries.                         the International Union for
glucan and insoluble fibers as
                                                                           Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
well as large quantities of protein,   Using data from the IIS Olam
                                                                           to form the Danone Fund for
unsaturated fatty acids plus           was able to quantify and
                                                                           Nature (DFN). The first pilot
vitamins and minerals.                 demonstrate the progress on
                                                                           project intended to offer Danone
                                       natural capital. The IIS results
The outcome of the study                                                   solutions to compensate for
                                       showed reduction of natural
showed that:                                                               carbon emissions through the
                                       capital costs associated with
1. The environmental and                                                   preservation and restoration
                                       the processing and growing of
    social benefits are greater                                            of wetlands. DFN funded the
                                       a metric ton of cocoa beans
    than the environmental                                                 Senegalese NGO Océanium
                                       by 20% and 5% respectively
    costs associated with                                                  to plant mangroves to restore
                                       from year 2018 to 2019. These
    OatWell®’s value chain,                                                shrinking forests. The success
                                       reductions were achieved
    especially as a substitute for                                         of this pilot (the world’s largest
                                       by investing in clean energy
    wheat.                                                                 mangrove restoration project to
                                       across their processing
                                                                           date) prompted Danone to open
2.   As people eat considerably        facilities (i.e., switching from
                                                                           the fund to new investors. Thus,
     less when OatWell® is             fossil fuel generated electricity
                                                                           DFN evolved into the Livelihoods
     a part of a healthy diet,         to green electricity, boilers
                                                                           Carbon Fund in 2011, with
     environmental costs are           fueled by cocoa shells) and
                                                                           nine other investor companies
     reduced further owing to          assisting farmers to apply Good
                                                                           including Schneider Electric,
     the decrease in overall           Agricultural Practices (e.g.,
                                                                           Crédit Agricole, Michelin and
     food consumption and              pruning, planting shade trees,
                                                                           Hermès. In June 2021, Danone
     production.                       using fertilizer efficiently, and
                                                                           joined 13 other companies and
                                       composting crop residues).
3.   The oat beta-glucan found                                             financial investors to launch a
     in OatWell® reduces the risk      The transparency related to         3rd Livelihoods Carbon Fund
     of cardiovascular diseases        natural capital externality costs   (LCF3), totaling 150 million euros,
     by 20%.                           assists in decisions related to     which aims to improve the lives
                                       relocating investments and          of 2 million people and deliver
These insights were used for the
                                       activities to lower societal and    up to 30 million carbon offsets.
product value propositions, as
                                       environmental impact.               Livelihoods is part of Danone’s
well as internal encouragement
to quantify environmental, social                                          strategy to activate nature-
and health impacts for other                                               based solutions on a large scale,
products/activities. Furthermore,                                          driving systemic change in and
it further steered the direction of                                        beyond its value chain.8
the innovation portfolio towards
increased positive societal

                                              The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 10
3   From theory into action

              The True
                  True Value
                       Value of
                             of Food
                                Food AA powerful
                                        powerful aid
                                                 aid to
                                                      to business
                                                         business decision-making
                                                                  decision-making 11
3    From theory into action
We share a pragmatic three-         c.   Customer retention                    and create incentives to
step guide to action here,               Segments where (lack of)              source more locally where
developed through discussions            sustainability leads to direct        possible
with executives and experts.             customer retention risks
                                                                          d. Supply chain and
This is a guide for CEOs and        d. Motivated internal                    manufacturing
their executive teams, as they         leadership                            Optimize transportation type,
shape conversations in their           Leadership that is motivated          delivery routes, storage,
organizations, incorporate             and engaged to think about            inventory, and revisit/revamp
the TVoF into their decision-          the next evolution of the             by-products
making, and optimize the               business
impact of concrete actions.                                               e.   Product marketing
                                    e.   Strategic relevance                   Include in shelve-space
CEOs should work together
                                         Representative of enough              / promotion / price
with their management teams,             of the business that with             negotiations
especially CFOs and Chief                this lighthouse you have
Sustainability Officers, to make         meaningful evidence to start     f.   Product information
this happen.                             to build towards the rest of          Educate and build awareness
                                         the portfolio                         with consumers by adjusting
1. How to get started                                                          multi-channel labeling –
                                    f.   Risk mitigation potential             e.g., through adding eco or
Reflect on the impact of external        Target business lines that            nutrition labels / sourcing
drivers on your business.                have identified significant           locations or include advice
Consider your latest materiality         sustainability risks which            on ‘consumption per day’ to
assessment and your current              could be better understood            packaging
business across the portfolio,           and mitigated through such
value chain, and geography               an assessment                    g. M&A and partnerships
matrix. What opportunities and                                               Include in M&A decision
risks do they create for your       2. How to activate                       making as ‘extra’ criteria or
business and where could you                                                 minimum requirement to find
                                    Define which business decisions          the right partner to boost
have the most impact?
                                    should be influenced by the              internal capabilities and
Start with a lighthouse to test,    incorporation of the TVoF                accelerate
learn, and see impact fast (this    approach. There are seven types
can be at product, business unit,   of business decisions that can        For each of the above action
or market level). Set yourself      be influenced (either individually    paths, measurability and
up for success and select a         or in parallel):                      transparency are a prerequisite
lighthouse (or lighthouses) where                                         to understand, evaluate, and
                                    a.   Composition of the existing      actively steer discussions and
you expect to have significant
                                         portfolio                        decisions. There are good
impact across meaningful parts
                                         Evaluate and adjust (parts of)   measurement frameworks
of your business. Six criteria to
                                         the existing product portfolio   publicly available such as
help define a good lighthouse:
                                         using ‘Avoid – Reduce            the Doughnut of Social
a.   Engaged consumers                   – Substitute – Add’ to           and Planetary Boundaries9
     A market segment in which           improve individual products      Framework by Kate Raworth, the
     consumers are increasingly          by changing ingredient           Capital Coalitions Protocols10
     interested and looking              composition                      and Sector Guides and the
     for (more) healthy and/or                                            Value Balancing Alliance
                                    b. Investment in your future
     sustainable alternatives,                                            methodology,11 each of which
     creating new profit pools                                            can be used directly or adjusted
                                       Include in R&D pipeline for
                                       product innovations and new        to the organization and pathway
b. Strong competitive                                                     to action. Many tools providing
   position                            product launches
                                                                          guidance for implementing TVoF
   A market in which you can                                              in business can be found on the
                                    c.   Sourcing
   leverage a strong market                                               Natural Capital Toolkit, hosted by
                                         Choose sourcing
   position and/or see M&A                                                MIT Shift.12
                                         conditions on suppliers,
                                         promote sustainable
                                         product practices (e.g.,
                                         no-till farming),invest in

                                            The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 12
3. How to create the most              Find strong partners
   value and scale?                    Work together with other
                                       ‘shapers’ of the context
To scale and add more value keep       to accelerate impact (e.g.,
the following principles in mind:      governments, industry peers,
Incorporate at key decision            start-ups, policy makers,
points                                 investors). Also consider
Explicitly embed the true value        reporting your baseline,
measurement into decision              progress and plans to interested
making processes (e.g., making         stakeholders, seeking feedback
it a requirement to clear product      and further engagement.
design or internal investment          The food transition is well on its
hurdles, assessing a portfolio in      way with sustainability-focused
annual budget cycles).                 disruptive and transformative
Establish a direct feedback-           players stepping up while
loop                                   multinationals are innovating
Being successful requires              across their product portfolios. In
a mindset and capability of            the coming years all organizations
continuous improvement.                that are a part of the food system
Impact needs to be measurable,         will be further confronted with
transparent, and evaluated to          a constantly changing context.
successfully define the next step      It is up to the executive teams
– this is a muscle that needs to be    to determine the role they aim
developed and trained especially       to play. Will your team shape
for teams starting to define their     the future or merely react and
approach and first steps.              compete as changes happen? It’s
                                       your choice to make.
Align incentives
KPIs must be aligned and
transparent across the
organization to reinforce changes
to decision-making (e.g., include
sustainability indicators in KPIs of
procurement or R&D team).
Plan for scale
Design for initiatives to be scaled
across the portfolio, estimating
the costs and impact of doing so,
starting with design of pilots.
Be dedicated
Commitment across the
executive team with a clear
C-level sponsor (e.g., the CEO
or CFO could play a key role in
the integration into business
decisions). A dedicated person
or team can drive the integrated
agenda and impact across the

                                              The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 13
    Paper in Environmental              3
                                            Scientific group of the UN Food     7
                                                                                    DSM, Oatwell® White Paper,
    Research Letters, by experts            System Summit: The True Cost            2015
    from FAO, NASA Goddard                  and True Price of Food (2021)           sumer/oatwell-dsm/
    Institute for Space Studies,  
    New York University, and                tent/uploads/2021/06/UNFSS_
                                                                                    Database: https://capitalsco-
    Columbia University estimate            true_cost_of_food.pdf         
    the food system’s overall role                                                  ies/?fwp_filter_tabs=case_
    in the climate crisis to be 1/3rd   4
                                            Calories from solid fats or sugar       study
    of global emissions in 2018             – empty calories add calories             to the food but have few or         9
    article/10.1088/1748-9326/              no nutrients, United States             doughnut/
    ac018e                                  Department of Agriculture
    UN global population forecast
                                            USD 220 billion market size          in 2019 and anticipated 6%          11
                                            growth YoY by 2030, Global               com
                                            FoodTech Market report, 2021
                                            tics/1238860/food-tech-mar-              tors/551

                                                                                     For further information
                                                                                     and reference materials
                                                                                     accompanying this report,
                                                                                     navigate to:

                                                  The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 14
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                       Capitals Coalition                    DISCLAIMER
                                       Martine van Weelden, Senior
WBCSD is delighted to partner          Manager                               This report is released in the name
with Boston Consulting                                                       of WBCSD. Like other reports,
Group (BCG), a leading global          Danone                                it is the result of collaborative
management consulting firm, to         Agnes Martin, Health & Diets          efforts by WBCSD staff, experts
advance business understanding         Advocacy Director                     and executives from member
and action on the important            Antoine Guttinger, Senior VP          companies. Drafts were reviewed
subject of the true value of food.     Finance                               by a wide range of members,
We would like to express special       Fabien Delaere, Impact Valuation      ensuring that the document
gratitude to their team for their      Director                              broadly represents the majority
contributions to this report, more                                           view of WBCSD members. It does
specifically to:                       DSM                                   not mean, however, that every
                                       Jacobine Das Gupta, Director          member company of WBCSD
Shalini Unnikrishnan is Managing       Sustainability and Lead Nutrition     agrees with every word. Please
Director and Partner in the Chicago    Reinoud Clemens, Sustainability       note that the data published in the
office of Boston Consulting Group      Portfolio Manager                     report are as of September 2021.
and is BCG’s global topic lead for
social impact and sustainability in    Global Alliance for the Future of     ABOUT WBCSD
consumer products.                     Food
You may contact her via email at       Lauren Baker, Senior Director of      WBCSD is a global, CEO-led           Programs                              organization of over 200 leading
                                       Jenn Yates, Coordinator, True Cost    businesses working together
Chris Mitchell is Managing Director                                          to accelerate the transition to a
and Partner in the Nairobi office of   Accounting Accelerator
                                       Guillermo Castilleja, former Senior   sustainable world. We help make
Boston Consulting Group and is an                                            our member companies more
expert on agriculture and nutrition.   Advisor
                                                                             successful and sustainable by
You may contact him via email at                                             focusing on the maximum positive                 Nestlé
                                       Magdi Batato, Executive VP            impact for shareholders, the
                                       Operations                            environment and societies.
Torsten Kurth is Managing Director                                           Our member companies come
and Senior Partner in the Berlin       Urs Schenker, Sustainability
                                       Manager in Nestle Research            from all business sectors and all
office of Boston Consulting Group                                            major economies, representing a
and is BCG’s global topic lead for                                           combined revenue of more than
agribusiness.                          OCP
                                       Hanane Mourchid, Directrice           USD $8.5 trillion and 19 million
You may contact him via email at                                             employees. Our global network                  Sustainability & Green Industrial
                                       Development                           of almost 70 national business
                                       Imane Aboulfeth, Senior Project       councils gives our members
Evelien Dupont is Partner in the
                                       Analyst External Engagement           unparalleled reach across the
Amsterdam office of Boston
                                                                             globe. Since 1995, WBCSD has
Consulting Group and is an expert
                                       Olam Food Ingredients                 been uniquely positioned to work
on sustainability in consumer
                                       Ria Bakshi, Lead Finance for          with member companies along
products. You may contact her via
                                       Sustainability                        and across value chains to deliver
email at
                                       Rishi Kalra, Managing Director        impactful business solutions to
COORDINATION                           and Group CFO                         the most challenging sustainability
Emeline Fellus is Director, Food       Rabobank
Reform for Sustainable and Health      Johan Verburg, Sustainability and     Together, we are the leading voice
(FReSH) at WBCSD. You may              Climate – Senior Advisor Policy       of business for sustainability:
contact her by email at fellus@        & Risk                                united by our vision of a world                                                                    where more than 9 billion people
                                       Syngenta                              are all living well and within
Matthew Watkins is Manager, Food       Roberto Vega, Global Head Value       planetary boundaries, by 2050.
Reform for Sustainable and Health      Chain                       
(FReSH) at WBCSD.                      Varun Vats, Global Lead, Public
You may contact him by email at        Policy and Partnerships               Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn
CONTRIBUTORS                           Impact Institute
                                       Adrian de Groot Ruiz, Executive       Copyright
Bayer                                  Director
Gabriela Burian, Global                Claire van den Broek, Public
                                       Entrepreneurship Lead                 Copyright © WBCSD,
Partnerships / Multi-Stakeholder
                                                                             September 2021.
Platform Lead
Prashanth Chakravartula, Unit          BCG
Head, Business Planning                Nour Mejri, Consultant
Sophia Warren, Sustainable Food        Nkululeko Mhlongo, Senior
Systems Intern                         Associate

                                              The True
                                                  True Value
                                                       Value of
                                                             of Food
                                                                Food AA powerful
                                                                        powerful aid
                                                                                 aid to
                                                                                      to business
                                                                                         business decision-making
                                                                                                  decision-making 15
World Business Council
for Sustainable Development

Geneva, Beijing, Delhi, London, New York, Singapore

                                     The True Value of Food A powerful aid to business decision-making 16
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