VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020 - VCAA

Page created by Jim Palmer
VCE Art: Administrative
information for School-based
Assessment in 2020
Units 3 and 4
School-assessed Task
The School-assessed Task (SAT) contributes 50 per cent to the study score and is commenced in
Unit 3 and completed in Unit 4.

Teachers will provide to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) a score
against each criterion that represents an assessment of the student’s level of performance for
Unit 3 Outcome 2 and Unit 4 Outcome 2. The recorded scores must be based on the teacher’s
assessment of the student’s performance according to the criteria on pages 7–16. This assessment
is subject to the VCAA’s statistical moderation process.

The 2020 VCE Art assessment sheet on page 26 is to be used by teachers to record scores. The
completed assessment sheet must be made available on request by the VCAA. The performance
descriptors for the assessment criteria are published annually on the Art study page of the VCAA
website and notification of their publication is given in the February VCAA Bulletin. Details of
authentication requirements and administrative arrangements for SATs will be updated annually
and published in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook 2020.

The Authentication record form on pages 19–24 is to be used to record information for each
student and must be made available on request by the VCAA.
The SAT has two components.

     Unit 3 Outcome 2
     Unit 4 Outcome 2.
Finished artwork/s submitted at the completion of Unit 3 must have secure storage at school until
such time as they are released to be assessed collectively with finished artworks completed in
Unit 4. Dates for release to students are published in the VCAA’s Important Administrative Dates.
Students must acknowledge and employ appropriate health and safety practices relevant to their
practical work with respect to themselves and the environment.
Teachers should be aware of the dates of submission of scores into VASS in June and November.
These dates are published in the VCAA’s Important Administrative Dates, published annually on
the VCAA website:
The score for Unit 3 must be submitted by 12 June. The score for Unit 4 must be submitted by
4 November.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Unit 3
Investigation and interpretation through art making

Outcome 2
On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the art process to produce at least one
artwork and use the Analytical Frameworks to document and evaluate the progressive
development and refinement of their artistic practice.

Nature of task
A body of work that presents explorations within selected art forms and that clearly demonstrates
the development of the student’s thinking and working practices. The progressive realisation and
resolution of the body of work reflects personal concepts, ideas, directions, explorations, aesthetic
qualities and technical skills, and includes at least two finished artworks that resolve the student’s

Scope of task
A range of visual responses should be developed in a visual diary to demonstrate the student’s
ideas, concepts and observations. Written and visual responses should demonstrate the student’s
development of thinking and working with personal ideas and concepts, and employ the analytical
frameworks to reflect upon and develop further works. The written and visual documentation should
demonstrate how the student applies materials and techniques to develop and refine an effective
visual language. The student’s use of visual language should demonstrate an aesthetic
understanding at each stage of the art making process, the application of the art elements and the
principles and skills in art making. Sound and video recording of performance art or site-specific
artwork may be required, depending on the medium selected by the student.

At least one finished artwork must be produced in addition to the developmental work. A finished
artwork is one that is judged by the student to best demonstrate their acquisition of the key
knowledge and key skills for the outcome. The students’ knowledge of the visual language that
reflects their artistic practice and demonstrates the communication of their ideas, concepts and skill
in their application of techniques and materials is included in a visual diary. Evidence of initial
ideas, exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials and techniques in the body of
work accompanied by reflective annotations should be linked to the finished artwork. The finished
artwork should be completed within the specified timeframe and clearly labelled ‘Finished artwork
Unit 3’.

Students should clearly identify the Analytical Frameworks when reflecting on, evaluating and
annotating their art making. They should label and use appropriate aspects and language of the
Analytical Frameworks. Use of the Analytical Frameworks should be identified and applied from the
initial exploration of personal art responses, ideas, concepts and observations through to the
development, refinement and resolution of finished artworks.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Students should:

    develop their own art responses that are inspired by personal ideas, concepts and
    develop a visual language that reflects imagination and demonstrates the development of
     personal ideas, concepts and the approaches to the investigation of materials, techniques,
     processes and artform/s
    engage in personal exploration, reflection, analysis and evaluation as they progressively
     develop and refine their ideas
    document any processes from initial investigation and experimentation of materials and
     techniques in art form/s through to the resolution and refinement of art works
    document, analyse and reflect on thinking and working practices using the language and
     context of relevant Analytical Frameworks, as appropriate, to support their reflection on the
     structural, personal, cultural and contemporary aspects of their artworks. Selected Analytical
     Frameworks must be clearly identified and labelled within the content of the annotation.
The body of work may have a number of starting points and multiple directions. Starting points in
the art process might involve:
    experimental exploration of media and materials
    investigation into the qualities of art form/s
    exploration of themes or concepts and aesthetic considerations used by artists through a
     variety of approaches.

In addition to the finished artwork/s, the exploration and experimentation is part of the student’s
body of work.

The refinement of ideas leading to at least one finished artwork might occur through:

    trialling and refining techniques and processes
    progressive resolution of ideas and skills
    progressive annotation and evaluation of explorations and investigations
    realisation of defined objectives, experiments, explorations and concepts
    appropriate technical skill to complete at least one finished artwork by the end of Unit 3.

The effective communication of the students’ artistic practice, as outlined in the Cross-study
specifications on page 10 of the VCE Art Study Design, in the refinement of ideas and concepts
must be documented with visual and written material. This may include:

    grouping, numbering, dating and/or commenting on specific aspects or sections of work from
     initial concept to the resolution of ideas
    related photographs, models and/or experimental proofs explaining the sequential
     development of work/s in progress
    progressive annotation, explanation and evaluation of ideas, concepts and visual directions
    work organised chronologically, thematically and/or stylistically to logically reflect the students’
     conceptual approach to their practical work.
Students should support the development and refinement of their artwork/s using appropriate
written and visual material throughout Units 3 and 4.

Scoring of criteria for the School-assessed Task
If a student does not submit any of the SAT, a score of N/A should be entered for the relevant
criterion. A score of ‘zero’ is deemed a score for the criterion. A student can score for all criteria in
Unit 3 and receive N/A for criteria in Unit 4 if the task is not submitted for Unit 4.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Unit 4
Realisation and resolution

Outcome 2
On completion of this unit the student should be able to apply the art process to progressively
communicate ideas, directions and personal concepts in a body of work that includes at least one
finished artwork and use selected aspects of the Analytical Frameworks to underpin reflections on
their art making.

Nature of task
A body of work that presents explorations within selected art forms and that clearly demonstrates
the development of the student’s thinking and working practices. The progressive realisation and
resolution of the body of work reflects personal concepts, ideas, directions, explorations, aesthetic
qualities and technical skills, and includes at least two finished artworks that resolve the student’s

Scope of task
A range of visual responses are developed into a body of work that demonstrates the student’s
ideas, concepts and observations using a range of materials and techniques.
In Unit 4 students continue to explore and experiment with ideas, concepts, materials
and techniques to develop, refine and resolve them into finished artwork/s.

The use of visual language should demonstrate the ability to manipulate art elements and
principles, and demonstrate the further exploration and experimentation, development and
refinement of ideas, concepts, use of materials and technical skill. The refinement of a visual
language includes the reflection of imagination used in conjunction with skills and techniques to
communicate and demonstrate progressive development of ideas and personal concepts.

All the student’s investigation, experimentation, exploration, development, refinement and
resolution contribute to and constitute their body of work. One finished artwork/s must be produced
in Unit 4. A finished artwork is one that is judged by the student to best demonstrate their
acquisition of the key knowledge and key skills for the outcome. The finished artwork/s must
demonstrate the use of visual language that reflects imagination and the communication of the
student’s ideas, concepts and skill in their application of techniques and materials.

It should be evident that the finished artwork/s in this unit is a progression from the ideas,
exploration and artwork/s presented at the completion of Unit 3. The progression should be
evidenced in the ideas and concepts and the use of techniques, materials and processes in the
body of work. Written responses in Unit 4 should demonstrate further exploration, experimentation,
progression and refinement on the work produced in Unit 3. The documentation should
demonstrate how the student applies materials and techniques to achieve an effective visual
language and indicate a progressive development of concepts and ideas.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

The manipulation of art elements and principles and technical qualities should be supported by the
application of materials and techniques. Evidence of initial ideas and exploration, investigation,
experimentation, development and refinement of materials and techniques in the body of work and
in accompanying annotations should be linked to the finished artwork.

The investigations and personal explorations of Unit 3 may be continued in Unit 4 and must evolve
from the previous investigations in Unit 3. However, there must be evidence of further progression
of these investigations, exploration, development, refinement and resolution in the body of work.

Students continue to select the appropriate aspects and language of the Analytical Frameworks to
reflect on and annotate their work in an informed manner. Students must select the specific
language and appropriate concepts of the Analytical Frameworks to support their reflective
annotation when discussing aspects of their art-making. Students continue to select the appropriate
aspects and language of selected Analytical Frameworks to support their developed and reflective
annotation on the structural, personal, cultural and contemporary aspects of their art making. The
Analytical Frameworks selected by the student must be identified throughout their annotations.
Students clearly indicate the explorations and experimentation or the continued development,
progression and refinement of their ideas, directions, skills and application of materials and
techniques and how these constitute a body of work.

Students should:

   continue to develop the body of work begun in Unit 3 and complete at least one finished
    artwork/s for Unit 4
   continue to reflect on personal concepts as they further explore and experiment and
    progressively develop, refine and resolve their artworks
   investigate, explore, experiment, refine and show their developed knowledge of materials,
    processes and art forms
   continue to analyse and reflect on thinking and working practices in an informed way, using
    the language and context of the Analytical Frameworks as appropriate to support their
    reflection on the structural, personal, cultural and/or contemporary aspects of their artworks
   apply and clearly identify selected Analytical Framework/s when annotating their work to
    demonstrate reflection on the context and influences on their work and on-going inquiry and
    refinement of a visual language
   continue to document their thinking and working practices to reflect exploration,
    experimentation, development, refinement, resolution and developed skill
   provide documentation that indicates the initial idea/s or concepts, the refinement of these
    directions and the resolution of all finished artwork/s.

The realisation and resolution of students’ thinking and working practices, the further exploration
and experimentation, and the refinement of ideas and concepts must be effectively communicated
and documented with visual and written material. This may include:

   grouping, numbering, dating and/or commenting on specific aspects or sections of work from
    initial concept to the resolution of ideas
   related photographs, models and/or experimental proofs explaining the sequential
    development of work/s in progress through to refinement of finished artwork/s
   progressive annotation, explanation and evaluation of ideas, concepts and visual directions
   work organised chronologically, thematically and/or stylistically to logically reflect the students’
    conceptual approach to their practical work.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Scoring of criteria for the School-assessed Task
If a student does not submit any of the SAT, a score of N/A should be entered for the relevant
criterion. A score of ‘zero’ is deemed a score for the criterion. A student can score for all criterion in
Unit 3 and receive N/A for criterion in Unit 4 in the task is not submitted for Unit 4.

Framing of finished work
Students should consider carefully the presentation of their finished artworks. Presentation should
be carefully considered to ensure that the surface qualities of the work are not obscured, and the
close examination of the use of materials and techniques is not obstructed. Framing of artworks is
not required; however, if it is considered as part of the presentation of the finished artworks then
the student should ensure that this is part of the process of refinement of the finished works. It
should be remembered that the use of glass, perspex, plastic or other such materials may obscure
the surface and obstruct the close examination of the techniques and texture of the medium/media
used in the work presented for assessment. If these materials are used, they are considered to be
part of the finished artwork. Any framing, mounting or use of these materials should be undertaken
by the student. Any framing considerations should be included in the Authentication record form.
Presenting a series of images in a concertina book would be considered one artwork. Mounting
more than one piece of work in a multi-cut mount may be considered one final artwork as such and
does not present a range of finished artworks. An installation work, documented in the final
evaluation document, may consist of many individual works but should be considered in refinement
as one work.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                            VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                     Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                         Not shown            1–2 (very low)                     3–4 (low)                     5–6 (medium)                      7–8 (high)                   9–10 (very high)

Unit 3                                 Exploration and                 Exploration and                  Exploration and                 Exploration and                 Exploration and
Outcome 2                              experimentation with art        experimentation with art         experimentation with art        experimentation with art        experimentation with art
                                       forms.                          forms in ideas and               forms in personal               forms is relevant to the        forms is explicit to the
1. Exploration of                                                      responses.                       responses, ideas and            communication of personal       communication of personal
   personal                                                                                             concepts through artistic       responses, ideas and            ideas, responses and
   responses, ideas                                                                                     practice.                       concepts through artistic       concepts through artistic
   and concepts                                                                                                                         practice.                       practice.
   throughout artistic

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Evidence                 EXPLORATION – EXPERIMENTATION
                             Exploration of personal responses and ideas – Concepts and ideas come from personal responses.
                             Experimentation of art forms and media relevant to student intentions – Responds to artistic inspiration visually- small studies with annotation indicating influences
                              and student direction and approach from this influence.
                             Exploration communicates personal responses, ideas and concepts through artistic practice – in all areas of artistic practice.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                         VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                 Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                        Not shown           1–2 (very low)                    3–4 (low)                    5–6 (medium)                   7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 3                                Experimentation with           Experimentation with           Experimentation with          Experimentation with          Experimentation with
Outcome 2                             materials, techniques,         materials, techniques,         materials, techniques,        materials, techniques,        materials, techniques,
                                      processes and art forms.       processes and art forms        processes and art forms to    processes and art forms to    processes and art forms to
2. Experimentation                                                   linked to ideas and            develop skills and in         develop skills and to         develop and refine skills
   with materials,                                                   concepts throughout the art    relation to personal          express personal concepts     and to express and
   techniques,                                                       process.                       concepts throughout the art   using visual language         synthesise personal
   processes and art                                                                                process.                      throughout the art process.   concepts using visual
   forms, relevant to                                                                                                                                           language throughout the art
   personal ideas                                                                                                                                               process.
   and concepts,
   throughout the art

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                            Exploration and investigation of selected art forms relevant to personal responses, ideas and concepts – Manipulates materials techniques and processes to
                             strengthen visual language.
                            Experimentation with materials, techniques and processes throughout the art process.
                            Skill in the use of materials, techniques and processes throughout the art process.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                         VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                  Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                        Not shown           1–2 (very low)                    3–4 (low)                      5–6 (medium)                   7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 3                                Frameworks are evident.        Describes decisions using      Analyses the effects of         Analyses and evaluates        Relevant use of the
Outcome 2                                                            the analytical frameworks      decisions made throughout       artistic practice selecting   Analytical Frameworks and
                                                                     and art terminology.           artistic practice identifying   analytical frameworks to      art terminology in
3. Use of Analytical                                                                                and applying the analytical     document decisions made.      annotations throughout
   Frameworks that                                                                                  frameworks. Annotations         Annotations use art           artistic practice to analyse,
   reflects the                                                                                     use art terminology.            terminology to focus on the   interpret and evaluate
   exploration and                                                                                                                  development of selected       ideas. All of the analytical
   development of                                                                                                                   ideas and concepts.           frameworks are applied,
   artworks through                                                                                                                                               and decisions are
   artistic practice.                                                                                                                                             evaluated with an indication
                                                                                                                                                                  for further expansion and

                            0        1                     2      3                     4      5                      6      7                    8      9                    10 

                            Use of the Analytical Frameworks in annotations throughout artistic practice.
                            Documentation and evaluation using the Analytical Frameworks in the exploration of personal art responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice.
                            Understanding of art terminology in documentation.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                       VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                               Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                      Not shown           1–2 (very low)                   3–4 (low)                    5–6 (medium)                    7–8 (high)                   9–10 (very high)

Unit 3                              Demonstrates the use of       Uses visual language            Demonstrates links            Uses visual language in a      Uses visual language to
Outcome 2                           visual language in the art    relevant to intentions in the   between intentions and        variety of visual responses    experiment with visual
                                    process.                      art process.                    conceptual directions using   to intentions and in the       responses and in the
4. Use of visual                                                                                  visual language throughout    development of conceptual      development and
   language to                                                                                    the art process.              direction throughout the art   refinement of conceptual
   develop artworks                                                                                                             process.                       directions throughout the
   relevant to the                                                                                                                                             art process.

                          0        1                     2     3                      4      5                    6      7                     8      9                   10 

                          Manipulation and application of materials, techniques and processes in visual language.
                          Links between student intentions, conceptual directions and the development of artworks.
                          Understanding of visual language through the experimentation, development and refinement of materials, techniques and processes in the development of

         © VCAA                                                                                                                                                                    Page 10
VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                         VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                   Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                       Not shown            1–2 (very low)                      3–4 (low)                    5–6 (medium)                    7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 3                               Application of skill             Application of skill linked to   The finished artwork(s) and   The finished artwork(s) and   The finished artwork(s) and
Outcome 2                            demonstrated in artwork(s).      personal ideas, directions       art process demonstrate an    art process demonstrate       art process demonstrate
                                                                      and concepts in artwork(s).      application of skill and      refinement in the             refinement in the
5. Refinement and                                                                                      resolution of personal        application of skills to      application of skill and the
   resolution of                                                                                       ideas, directions and         resolve personal ideas,       resolution of personal
   personal ideas in                                                                                   concepts.                     directions and concepts.      ideas, directions and
   the art process                                                                                                                                                 concepts through
   and finished                                                                                                                                                    evaluation and
   artwork/s.                                                                                                                                                      improvement in all stages
                                                                                                                                                                   of the art process.

                           0        1                       2       3                      4      5                    6      7                    8      9                   10 

Evidence               REFINEMENT – RESOLUTION
                           Resolution of personal ideas and concepts in finished artwork(s) linked to the art process.
                           Use of materials, techniques and processes in finished artwork(s).
                           Refined use of skill in finished artwork(s).
                           Use of visual language and analytical frameworks throughout art practice to refine and resolve artwork(s).

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                        VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                 Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                       Not shown           1–2 (very low)                      3–4 (low)                 5–6 (medium)                   7–8 (high)                 9–10 (very high)

Unit 4                               Exploration, investigation       Exploration, investigation   Exploration, investigation   Exploration, investigation   Exploration, investigation
Outcome 2                            and experimentation are          and experimentation is       and experimentation with     and experimentation with     and experimentation with
                                     evident.                         evident with techniques      materials, techniques and    materials, techniques and    materials, techniques and
6. Exploration,                                                       and processes relevant to    processes demonstrates       processes that               processes that
   investigation and                                                  personal ideas.              the development of skill     demonstrates a               demonstrates a
   experimentation                                                                                 from Unit 3 relevant to      progression and refinement   progression from Unit 3
   of materials,                                                                                   personal concepts and        of skills, using visual      refining skills to express
   techniques and                                                                                  ideas.                       language relevant to         and synthesise personal
   processes                                                                                                                    personal concepts and        concepts and ideas using
   relevant to                                                                                                                  ideas from Unit 3.           visual language.
   personal concepts
   and ideas in
   Unit 4.

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                           Clear link and progression from Unit 3.
                           Experimentation, exploration and investigation of personal concepts.
                           Consistent progression of the art process – focus on development and refinement.
                           Relevant use of materials, techniques and skill.

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                                                          VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020

                                                                                    Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                        Not shown            1–2 (very low)                      3–4 (low)                     5–6 (medium)                        7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 4                                At least one finished            An art process is evident to     An art process is used to          An art process is evident     An art process is evident
Outcome 2                             artwork is presented in the      develop concepts in the          realise concepts in the            with the use of critical,     with the use of critical and
                                      Unit 4 body of work.             Unit 4 body of work with at      body of work in Unit 4 with        creative and reflective       creative thinking to refine
7. Use artistic                                                        least one finished artwork.      at least one finished              thinking in                   and realise concepts in
   practice to refine                                                                                   artwork.                           conceptualisation of at       Unit 4 body of work with at
   and realise                                                                                                                             least one finished artwork.   least one finished artwork.
   concepts in the
   body of work and

                            0        1                      2       3                      4       5                      6         7                     8     9                    10 

                            Focus on a body of work (Unit 3 and 4).
                            Reflection on the development, refinement and realisation of ideas and concepts in Unit 4.
                            Visual language contributing to a minimum of one final artwork from Unit 4.
                            Use of critical, creative and reflective thinking in conceptualisation and direction of artworks in Unit 4.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                          VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                   Levels of Performance
  Assessment Criteria
                            Not shown           1–2 (very low)                    3–4 (low)                   5–6 (medium)                     7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 4                                    Use of materials and           Manipulation of materials     Manipulate materials and       Manipulation and               The development and
Outcome 2                                 techniques and processes       and techniques and            techniques and processes       application of materials and   application of materials and
                                          to create visual language.     processes to create visual    to develop and refine visual   techniques and processes       techniques and processes
8. Manipulation of visual                                                language.                     language.                      developed from Unit 3 to       from Unit 3 is refined and
   language and                                                                                                                       create links between visual    resolved with clear links
   technical qualities to                                                                                                             language, ideas, concepts      between visual language,
   explore, develop,                                                                                                                  and visual imagery.            ideas, concepts and visual
   refine and resolve                                                                                                                                                imagery.
   personal ideas and
   visual imagery
   throughout Unit 4.

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                                Application and manipulation of materials, techniques and processes to explore, develop and refine visual imagery in finished artworks.
                                Links between visual language, ideas, concepts and visual imagery.

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                                                        VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                 Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                        Not shown           1–2 (very low)                    3–4 (low)                    5–6 (medium)                     7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 4                                Finished artwork/s are         Finished artwork/s              Finished artwork/s resolve     The finished artwork/s        Aesthetic considerations
Outcome 2                             presented.                     demonstrate ideas and           ideas and concepts using       demonstrates aesthetic        and the refined application
                                                                     concepts.                       an understanding of artistic   considerations and skill in   of skills are used to resolve
9. Resolution                                                                                        practice.                      the application of the        finished artwork/s.
   of skills, ideas                                                                                                                 selected artform.
   and personal
   concepts evident
   in Unit 4 finished

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Evidence                RESOLUTION – REFINEMENT
                            Resolution of ideas and concepts in finished artwork/s across the body of work.
                            Finished artwork/s demonstrate an understanding of artistic practice.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                       VCE Art: School-assessed Task Assessment Sheet 2020
                                                                                Levels of Performance
Assessment Criteria
                      Not shown            1–2 (very low)                    3–4 (low)                    5–6 (medium)                   7–8 (high)                  9–10 (very high)

Unit 4                              Analytical frameworks are       Describes decisions using      Evaluates the effects of      Selected and relevant         Selected and relevant
Outcome 2                           evident.                        the analytical frameworks      decisions made throughout     frameworks are applied        frameworks are applied
                                                                    and using art terminology.     Unit 4 identifying and        throughout the body of        throughout the body of
10. Use of the                                                                                     applying the analytical       work. The use of the          work. Consistent use of the
    Analytical                                                                                     frameworks using art          analytical frameworks and     analytical frameworks and
    Frameworks in                                                                                  terminology.                  art terminology are applied   art terminology are applied
    reflective and                                                                                                               in Unit 4 to evaluate and     in Unit 4 to analyse,
    evaluative                                                                                                                   reflect on decisions and      interpret and justify
    annotations                                                                                                                  ideas.                        decisions and ideas.
    Unit 4.
                          0        1                      2      3                     4      5                      6    7                    8      9                   10 

                          Application of art terminology in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout the art process.
                          Application of Analytical Frameworks in evaluative and reflective annotations throughout the art process.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Authentication of VCE Art School-assessed Task (SAT)
Teachers are reminded of the need to comply with the authentication requirements specified in the
Assessment: School-based Assessment section of the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook
2020. This is important to ensure that ‘undue assistance [is] not … provided to students while
undertaking assessment tasks’.

Teachers must be aware of the following requirements for the authentication of VCE Art SATs:

1.    The body of work created for the SAT is based on work developed and completed in Unit 3
      Outcome 2 and Unit 4 Outcome 2.

2.    Teachers are required to fill out the Authentication record form to provide the student with
      feedback on their progress for each criterion at each observation.

3.    The study design requires students to document how any assistance will be sought and/or
      use of appropriated images or other material will be acknowledged or copyright observed.
      Students should refer to the VCAA Copyright guidelines of the VCAA Season of Excellence
      webpage for information regarding copyright and third-party material. It should be noted that
      all applications to Top Arts must have written copyright clearance for the use of third party

4.    The VCE Art Study Design notes that ‘work related to the outcomes of each unit will be
      accepted only if the teacher can attest that, to the best of their knowledge, all
      unacknowledged work is the student’s own’.

5.    Undue assistance should not occur at any time during the development of the body of work
      and teachers need to be vigilant. Students are required to demonstrate development of their
      artistic practices. The progressive realisation of the body of work should reflect personal
      concepts, ideas, directions, explorations, aesthetic qualities and technical skills. Teachers
      are reminded that it is not appropriate to provide ‘detailed advice on, corrections to, or actual
      reworking of students’ drafts or productions or folios.

6.    Teachers must sight and monitor the development and documentation of the student’s art
      process throughout the unit to authenticate the work as the student’s own. Students must
      acknowledge the source of materials and information used to support the development of
      ideas, including materials identified for inspiration and further development. This includes
      documentation of any appropriated imagery, with information detailing how the work has
      evolved from the source imagery.

7.    Students should be encouraged to complete their artwork at school. Where they use external
      service providers, their documentation should demonstrate that they have researched and
      identified the appropriate and correct technical methods required and also created their own
      specifications for the service provider. This includes visual documentation. Receipts are not
      acceptable as documentation. The student’s documentation will show their complete creative
      control over the making of their artwork. Without this evidence the teacher may not be able
      to authenticate the student’s artwork or apply the SAT assessment criteria fairly.

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

8.    During development of the body of work, teachers must plan and use observations of
      student work in order to monitor and record each student’s progress as part of the
      authentication process. The further exploration, experimentation, development, refinement
      and resolution of student work should be clearly documented for Authentication purposes.
      Teachers cannot assess any work produced in Unit 3 in Unit 4.

9.    Teachers must ensure that all source and reference material, all appropriate imagery used in
      the final artwork, all use of non-school (home, outsourced) resources and any external
      assistance (for example, tutors) are acknowledged on the Authentication record form. If a
      student acknowledges using appropriated imagery, outsourcing production and/or receiving
      external assistance the teacher should record complete details as an attachment to the
      Authentication record form.

10.   The use of external support and/or equipment must be planned and documented with
      appropriate detail to demonstrate that the student has retained complete creative control;
      teachers must certify that such support does not constitute undue assistance. This ensures
      the body of work can be authenticated and that the student is not receiving undue assistance
      and in turn ensures that all students are assessed equitably. Framing of finished artworks or
      any aspect of the body of work is not required. However, students should use appropriate
      labelling to clearly identify their finished artwork and label as ‘Finished artwork Unit 3’ and
      ‘Finished artwork Unit 4’. If the artwork has the framing as part of the artwork then the
      student should clearly document the use of framing and how this contributes to the
      refinement of ideas, aesthetics, techniques and processes. Identification of the refinement is
      also required in their documentation and evaluation.

11.   If a student is not meeting the expectations of the study or is at risk of not completing the art
      process, teachers must indicate this on the Authentication record form and advise the
      student of this situation. Clear evidence about what the student needs to do to complete the
      art process in order to receive a satisfactory assessment must be recorded on the
      Authentication record form and must be discussed directly with the student.

12.   Teachers are reminded that the authentication procedures are required to be followed for all
      student work in relation to this SAT. The School-based Assessment Audit includes the
      inspection of Authentication record forms. Authentication record forms will also be required
      to be forwarded for all works nominated for the Season of Excellence awards in 2020.
      Incomplete Authentication record forms will result in an automatic disqualification of the
      student work from the nomination process.

© VCAA                                                                                          Page 18
VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020 – Authentication Record Form

Authentication Record Form: VCE Art School-assessed Task 2020
This form must be completed by the class teacher. It provides a record of the monitoring of the student’s work in progress for authentication purposes. This form is to be retained by the school and filed. It may be
collected by the VCAA as part of the School-based Assessment Audit.

Student name …………………………………………………………………Student No.                                                                                                                                    Unit 3
School…………………………………………………………………………………………Teacher ……………………………………..…………………………………………….

 Component of School-            Teacher comments                                                                                                                                  Teacher         Student
 assessed Task                   Use the Criterion Evidence and Descriptors to inform the comments.                                                                                initials and    initials
 (At least 4 observations                                                                                                                                                          Date            and Date
 should be carried out
 throughout the Semester)

 Criterion 1: Exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice.

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 1:

 What are the personal ideas the student has explored? What studies or trials have they completed in response to personal ideas? What visual and/or written evidence is there that explains the
 expression of personal ideas?

 Criterion 2: Experimentation with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process.

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 2:

 What experimentation has the student completed using materials, techniques and processes? What are the links between the experimentation and the student’s personal ideas? How has the student
 used visual language in their expression of ideas?

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020 – Authentication Record Form
 Criterion 3: Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of artworks through artistic practice.

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 3:

 Has the student documented the Structural, Cultural, Personal and Contemporary frameworks in their artistic practice? How has the student used the Analytical Frameworks to analyse and evaluate their
 artistic practice? Has the student used art terminology in their documentation?
 Criterion 4: Use of visual language to develop artworks relevant to the student’s intentions.

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 4:

 What evidence is there of the use of visual language in the experimentation, development and refinement of the artistic practice? How does the use of visual language relate to the student’s intentions?
 How has the student manipulated materials, techniques and processes using visual language?
 Criteria 5: Refinement and resolution of personal ideas in the art process and finished artworks.

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 5:

 What evidence is there of the refinement of materials, skills and techniques by the student in at least one finished artwork? How has the student resolved their ideas in at least one finished artwork? Has
 the student used visual language and the Analytical Frameworks in the refinement and resolution of one artwork?

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020 – Authentication Record Form

 Unit 3 Checklist                         Student has referenced all imagery and sources in the visual diary by annotating the source next to the images.

                                          Student has submitted at least one final artwork at the completion of Unit 3.

                                          All material has been sourced and acknowledged. Written copyright approval has been provided for the use of any 3 rd party material.

                                          List any copyright or trademark material used in the folio or final artworks.

I declare that all resource materials and assistance used have been acknowledged and that all unacknowledged work is my own.

Student signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Teacher signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………………………

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Authentication Record Form: VCE Art School-assessed Task 2020
This form must be completed by the class teacher. It provides a record of the monitoring of the student’s work in progress for authentication purposes. This form is to be retained by the school
and filed. It may be collected by the VCAA as part of the School-based Assessment Audit.

Student name …………………………………….……………… Student No.                                                                                                                                       Unit 4
School…………………………………………………………………………………………Teacher ……………………………………..…………………………………………….

 Component of School-assessed            Teacher comments                                                                                                                         Teacher           Student
 Task                                    Use the Criterion Evidence and Descriptors to inform the comments.                                                                       initials          initials
                                                                                                                                                                                  and Date          and Date

 Criteria 6: Exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques and processes relevant to personal concepts and ideas in Unit 4.

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 6:

 What links are evident between Unit 3 and Unit 4 in the student’s artistic practice? How has the student progressively experimented with materials, techniques and processes from Unit 3? How has the
 student progressively explored personal concepts from Unit 3 in Unit 4?

 Criteria 7: Use artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in the body of work and finished artwork(s)

 Observation comments:

 Comment on submission
 Criterion 7:

 How has the student refined and realised a body of work across Units 3 and 4? How has the student further refined and realised ideas and concepts from Unit 3 the finished artworks in Unit 4? How has
 the student used visual language to refine and realise at least artwork in Unit 4? What evidence is there of critical, creative and reflective thinking?

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  Criteria 8: Manipulation of visual language and technical qualities to explore, develop, refine and resolve personal ideas and visual imagery throughout Unit 4.

  Observation comments:

  Comment on submission
  Criterion 8:

  How has the student used visual language throughout Unit 4 to explore, develop and refine personal ideas in their art practice that demonstrates progression from Unit 3? What are the links between
  visual language, ideas and visual imagery in the body of work?

  Criteria 9: Resolution of skills, ideas and personal concepts evident in Unit 4 finished artworks.

  Observation comments:

  Comment on submission
  Criterion 9:

  How has the student resolved their ideas and personal concepts in the Unit 4 finished artworks? How has the student resolved skills in the Unit 4 finished artworks?

  Criteria 10: Use of the Analytical Frameworks in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout Unit 4.

  Observation comments:

  Comment on submission
  Criterion 10:

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

 Has the student documented the Structural, Cultural, Personal and Contemporary frameworks throughout the exploration, development and refinement of art works in Unit 4? How has the
 student used the Analytical Frameworks to analyse and evaluate their artistic practice in Unit 4 that indicates progression from Unit 3? Has the student used art terminology in their

 Unit 4 Checklist                               Student has referenced all imagery and sources in the visual diary by annotating the source next to the images.

                                                Student has submitted at least one final artwork at the completion of Unit 4 and has produced a body of work.

                                                All material has been sourced and acknowledged. Written copyright approval has been provided for the use of any 3rd party material.

                                                List any copyright or trademark material used in the folio or final artworks.

I declare that all resource materials and assistance used have been acknowledged and that all unacknowledged work is my own.

Student signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Teacher signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Date …………………………………

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VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

Additional information to be used in conjunction with the Assessment Sheet.

 Criteria                                                     Score

 Students must submit at least one finished artwork for
 Unit 3 to be eligible for an S for the Unit.

 If a student does not present a finished artwork for Unit    the student is scored N/A for Unit 3 Criteria 5
 3 Criteria 5

 If a student has submitted a body of work but has not        the student is scored between 0–2 for Unit 3 Criteria 1,
 satisfactorily met the requirements for Unit 3 Criteria 1,   2, 3 and 4
 2, 3 and 4

 If a student does not present a body of work but has         the student is scored between 0–2 for Unit 4 Criteria 6,
 presented at least one finished artwork for Unit 4           7, 8 and 10

 If a student presents at least one finished artwork but      the student is scored between 0–2 for Unit 4 Criteria 9
 has not satisfactorily met the requirements for Unit 4
 Criteria 9

 If a student presents a body of work but has not             the student is scored between 0–2 for Unit 4 Criteria 6,
 satisfactorily met the requirements for Unit 4 Criteria 6,   7, 8 and 10
 7, 8 and 10

 If a student does not submit the School-assessed Task        N/A is entered in the total score box
 at all

© VCAA                                                                                                                   Page 25
VCE Art: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020

                                                                        Victorian Certificate of Education                                                        student name
                                                                   Art Assessment Sheet
                                        School�assessed Task: Investigation and Interpretation, Realisation and Resolution
  This assessment sheet will assist teachers to determine their score for each student. Teachers need to make judgments on the student's performance for each     student number
  criterion. Teachers will be required to choose one number from 0–10 to indicate how the student performed on each criterion with comments, as appropriate.
  Teachers then add the subtotals to determine the total score.                                                                                                   assessing school number

 Criteria for the award of grades                                                                                                                                 Performance on Criteria: Teacher’s Comments
                                                                                                       Not Shown   Very Low    Low     Med     High   Very High
                                                                                                                                                                  You may wish to comment on aspects of the student's
 The extent to which the folio demonstrates:                                                               (0)       (1–2)    (3–4)   (5–6)   (7–8)    (9–10)
                                                                                                                                                                  work that led to your assessment.
 Unit 3, Outcome 2: Investigation and Interpretation through art making

 1   exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice                                                          
 2   experimentation with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal
     ideas and concepts, throughout the art process                                                                                              
 3   use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of art work/s
     through artistic practice                                                                                                                   
 4   use of visual language to develop artworks relevant to the student intentions                                                               
 5   refinement and resolution of personal ideas in the art process and finished artwork/s
 Unit 4, Outcome 2: Realisation and resolution
                                                                                                                                                 
 6   exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques and processes
     relevant to personal concepts and ideas in Unit 4                                                                                           
 7   use artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in the body of work and finished artwork/s
                                                                                                                                                 
 8   manipulation of visual language and technical qualities to explore, develop, refine and resolve
     personal ideas and visual imagery throughout Unit 4                                                                                         
 9   resolution of skills, ideas and personal concepts evident in Unit 4 finished artwork/s
                                                                                                                                                 
 10 use of the Analytical Frameworks in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout Unit 4
                                                                                                                                                 
If a student does not submit the School�assessed Task
at all, N/A should be entered in the total score box.
                                                                                     SUBTOTALS                                                   
                                                                                                                                       TOTAL SCORE

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