Page created by Nathan Navarro


                               Jerry Romines

                              Brenda Whitmire

                               Chad Hilburn
                              Dean of Students

                     BOARD OF EDUCATION

John Estep                   Drew Dennis                        Fred Johnson
President                    Vice-President                     Clerk

             Edgar Collins                       Curtis Wiley
             Member                              Member
                              2021-2022 CALENDAR

August 9, 10, & 11             Professional Days
August 12                      School Starts
September 6                    NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
October 12                     End of 1st nine weeks (Grades are due by 10:00 a.m.)
October 12                     Parent/Teacher Conference (3:30-9:30 pm)
October 13                     NO SCHOOL
October 14 & 15                Fall Break
November 22-26                 Thanksgiving Break
December 16                    End of 1st Semester (Grades are due by 10:00 a.m.)
December 17 - January 2        Christmas Break
January 3                      2nd Semester Begins
January 17                     No School
March 3                        End of 3rd nine weeks (Grades are due by 10:00 a.m.)
March 10                       Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:30-9:30 pm)
March 14-18                    Spring Break
April 18                       No School - Easter
May 6                          Professional Day
May 12                         Last Day of School
May 13                         Professional Day (Grades are due by 10:00 a.m.)
School Staff

Brandy Barnett (Teacher’s Aide)                         Jerry Romines (Superintendent)

Leonora Burnett (School Secretary/Treasurer)            Amy Smith (Art/Spanish/Librarian)

Troy Bornman (Computer Tech)                            Jeremy Smith (Physical Education/Coach)

Sara Carter (2nd Grade Teacher)                         Melanie Stanley (Counselor)

Tammy Cooper (6th Grade Teacher)                        Amanda Sussman (1st Grade Teacher)

Susan Cothran (Math)                                    Kalie Taylor (Teacher’s Aide)

Emily Cribbs (Agricultural)                             Pat Taylor (Cafeteria)

Kimmy Davidson (PK3 Teacher)                            Karen Thompson (Part-time SE)

Becky Davis (3rd Grade Teacher)                         Renee Thompson (Computer Lab)

Nikki Dyer (PK4 Aide)                                   Brenda Whitmire (Principal)

Kim Foster (Kindergarten)                               Micah Wilson (Special Education)

Lisa Foster (Superintendent Secretary)                  Rose Wooley (English/Speech/Journalism)

Kristi Green (Teacher’s Aide)

Michelle Harrell (4th Grade Teacher)

Chad Hilburn (Coach/Dean of Students)

Todd House (Science)

Connie Howard (5th Grade Teacher)

Julie Keating (Cafeteria Manager)

Tina Keeling (PK4 Teacher)

James Martin (Custodian/Maintenance)

Rhonda Mason (Teacher’s Aide)

Brenda McClain (Custodian)

Mike Riley (History)

ACTIVITIES POLICY                                              12

ACTIVITIES TRIPS                                               12

AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14

ALCOHOL & DRUGS                                                17

ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION                                          22

ARTICLES PROHIBITED IN SCHOOL                                  15

ATHLETIC EVENTS                                                11

ATTENDANCE                                                     10

CAFETERIA                                                      23

CARE OF BUILDING                                               15

CLASS PREPARATION                                              13

CLOSED CAMPUS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

COLLEGE VISITS                                                  9

CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT                                           9

CRITERIA FOR ENROLLMENT………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

DISCIPLINE                                                     13

DISPENSING OF MEDICATION                                       27

DROPPING AND ADDING CLASSES                                    10

DRUG TESTING                                                   18

ELIGIBILITY                                                    12

FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS (FERPA)                              29

FOOD AND DRINK                                                 24

FRIDAY SCHOOL                                                  11
FUND-RAISERS                                                  27

GANG ACTIVITY                                                 25

GRADING SCALE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9


HEAD LICE POLICY                                              27

HOME SCHOOL POLICY                                             9

HONOR ROLL                                                    28

IN SCHOOL DETENTION                                           14

INTERNAL ACTIVITIES REVIEW                                    12

INTERNET & E-MAIL POLICY                                      17

INTRODUCTION                                                   7

KIAMICHI TECH CENTER…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

LIBRARY                                                       23

LOCATION OF EDUCATIONAL RECORDS                               30

LOCKERS                                                       16

LOYALTY                                                       22

MAKE UP WORK POLICY                                           11

MISSION STATEMENT                                              7

MOMENT OF SILENCE                                             28

MOTORIZED VEHICLES                                            23

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY                                        29

NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT                                  29

NOTIFICATION STATEMENT                                        30


OKLAHOMA HONOR SOCIETY                                        29

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE                                     28

PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION                                        7

PROFICIENCY BASED PROMOTIONS                                   9

PROM GUIDELINES                                               27


RE-MEDIATION                                                  28
REPORT CARDS                         10

RESTRICTED AREAS                     23

RETENTION OF STUDENTS                10

SAFETY DRILLS                        26

SCHOOL CLOSINGS                      28

SCHOOL HOURS/DAYS                    8

SEARCHES                             16

SEMESTER TESTS                       10

SEVERE WEATHER                       27

SPECIAL EDUCATION                    30

STATEMENT OF RIGHTS                  29

STUDENT APPEARANCE                   14


STUDENT VALUABLES                    24

TARDY POLICY                         11


TOBACCO                              17

TRANSPORTATION                       24


VISITORS                             23

WEAPONS AND LASERS                   15


The staff of Wapanucka School believes that the school’s purpose is to provide all students with an appropriate education and the
opportunity to acquire basic academic skills while developing positive emotional and social growth is a supporting environment. The
staff of Wapanucka Public School accepts the responsibility for instruction of students to maximize their potential.

                                                PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION
The purpose of the Wapanucka School System is to provide guidance and instruction for each student so that he shall become a
contributing self-supporting member of an ever-changing democratic society by attaining the following attributes: an awareness of his
potentialities as well as his limitations; an acceptance of himself; confidence in his own feelings; an acceptance of his society; the
capability to adapt to both his own needs and the needs of his associates; a self-sufficiency vocationally and as a consumer; literacy;
and capability to advance his academic, vocational and cultural interests.

Ideally, the school climate will provide an environment in which faculty and students can experience mutual acceptance, respect,
appreciation and trust. Teachers and administrators should consider themselves co-workers supporting each other as they strive to
fulfill the educational objectives of the school in an atmosphere which recognizes the rights and dignity of each individual.
Considering the maturity of the individual students and the nature of the educational process, the school will provide practice in
democratic principles, emphasizing these rights, as well as individual responsibility. Such an atmosphere is possible when the
students' needs are central to every decision or activity in the school.

Keeping these individual needs in perspective and with the ultimate goal of student education, the school is flexible enough to utilize
new concepts and traditional methods to promote the best learning situation possible for the subject matter and individuals being
taught; recognizing the processes to develop the elements of rational thought should be used in every part of the curriculum. At the
same time, the teacher is viewed as an organizer of learning activities, a motivator, a resource person who attempts to provide the
opportunity for each student to develop his unique abilities and interests at his own rate, and a utilizer of the best available
instructional methods meaningful to the student. Because, in a world of change, the most important content is "learning to learn",
learning to think must be included as a vital part of the curriculum. The basic skills (thinking, reading, writing, listening, and
arithmetic) are among priorities as content in the school. Other important aspects of the school content must include an exploration of
the fine arts, socialization skills, understanding of self, responsible conduct, understanding and appreciating the world in which the
student lives and will live, and other "survival" skills (vocational education, health and physical education, economic education,
literacy). Wapanucka teachers use Oklahoma State Standards curriculum in this endeavor. In addition, the curriculum should reflect
the cultural values of the community and assist in the development of those values in each individual. It is understood, though, that
any content selected is merely a vehicle for the achievement of educational goals. If the school is successful, the student will be able
to use effectively his rational powers to make appropriate choices. He will have an awareness and acceptance of his potentialities and
his limitations as a functioning, adapting member of society who is literate and self-sufficient in his vocation and as a consumer.

The policies and procedures contained in this handbook have been carefully prepared and presented so that it will be of great value in
helping you to adjust to your school and to become an integral part of it. It is intended to be an aid in answering the questions that
arise about school in general. Wapanucka School offers many opportunities. It is our desire that your school years be both profitable
and pleasant. The faculty and administration are here to help you and to be of service to you. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Rules
and procedures are subject to change.

At Wapanucka Public Schools, it is our goal and objective to prepare students to meet life in a satisfactory manner. In order for this to
be accomplished, emphasis must be placed upon knowledge that is essential to preparing young people for the future, regardless of
their chosen vocation. The curriculum is designed in such a way to include academic, vocational, and educational activities necessary
to attaining the desired goal and objective. Our standards are high, and it is to be borne in mind that the higher the standards, the
higher the quality.

Wapanucka Public Schools is an institution fully accredited with the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Credits issued by this
school are acceptable in colleges and universities in this state. Vocational programs are available in conjunction with the Kiamichi
Technology Center in Atoka.

                                                      SCHOOL HOURS/DAYS
Breakfast will end at 7:45 a.m. The tardy bell will ring at 7:50 a.m. The school day ends at 3:15 p.m. Students are requested not to
report to school before 7:30 a.m. each day. No students are allowed in the building until 7:50 a.m.

At times, the administration and teachers will be required to work early or late. This does not mean that they will assume
responsibility for students who are at school out of the proper time frame.

   1st hour 7:55-8:50
   2nd hour 8:55-9:55
   3rd hour 10:00-11:00
   4th hour 11:05-12:00
   LUNCH    12:00-12:20 (Elementary) 11:05-11:30
   5th hour 12:20-1:20
   6th hour 1:25-2:25
   7th hour 2:30-3:15

                                                   CRITERIA FOR ENROLLMENT
Residency and guardianship must be established according to Oklahoma Statutes, Article I, Section 14. Any student enrolling in
Oklahoma schools must present acceptable evidence of immunization (or valid exemption) and valid school records from the
preceding school to the receiving school. No grace period is allowed. If immunization records are unavailable, the parent or guardian
will be referred to their family doctor or local health department for assistance in obtaining or creating records. Up-to-date grades
from the previous school must be available as well, before a student is allowed to begin school.

                                                         CLOSED CAMPUS
Wapanucka Public Schools is a closed campus for all students. No student will be allowed to leave the campus unless the principal
has approved a request from the parent for an exemption to this policy for a particular date. The principal will have absolute
discretion in approving or rejecting a request for an exemption, and no appeal of that decision will be permitted to the superintendent
or board of education. Parents who wish their child to eat lunch at home or who want to pick up their child for lunch away from
campus must sign the student check-out sheet located in the high school office.

A student who leaves campus without permission from the principal for the first offense will receive a warning that a future violation
will result in a suspension, and, if the student left the campus as a driver or passenger in a vehicle, will lose the privilege of parking a
vehicle on school property for a minimum of three school days. Provided, however, that a short-term or long-term out-of-school
suspension from school and school activities may be imposed for a first violation if while the student is off campus the student is
involved in the possession of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, low-point beer, illegal chemical substances, or a weapon;
performs an act that is violent or dangerous to others; or damages property.

A student who leaves campus without permission from the principal for the second offense will face out-of-school suspension from
school and school activities, which may be either a short-term or long-term out-of-school suspension depending upon the acts
committed by the student off campus, and, if leaving the campus by vehicle, will lose parking privileges on the campus for a minimum
of 10 school days after reinstatement.

A student who leaves campus without permission from the principal for the third offense will face either a long-term out-of-school
suspension from school and school activities or an alternative placement, and, if leaving campus by vehicle, will lose parking
privileges on the campus for a minimum of 30 school days after reinstatement after an out-of-school suspension or during the first 30
days after being placed in an alternative placement.


To receive a high school diploma from Wapanucka High School, students must complete the following requirements for a total of 24
credits. Senate Bill 982 was passed by the Oklahoma Legislature. The law requires eighth grade students entering the ninth grade to
complete the College Preparatory Curriculum in SB 982, unless the student’s parent or legal guardian approves the student to enroll in
the existing state high school graduation requirements. The options for the Core Curriculum requirements and the College Preparatory
Curriculum Requirements are listed below.

Core Curriculum                     College Prep Curriculum
4 English                           4 English
3 Science                           3 Lab Science
3 Math – Algebra or above           3 Math – Algebra or above
3 History                           3 History
1 The Arts                          1 Fine Arts or Speech
Personal Financial Literacy         Personal Financial Literacy
CPR                                 CPR
8 electives for 24 total credits    2 Foreign Language or 2 Computer Technologies
                                    6 electives for 24 total credits

Successful completion of either curriculum will result in accomplishment of a standard diploma. Parents are required to opt out of the
College Preparatory Curriculum by signing a form provided by the school during ninth grade enrollment, or the student will be
enrolled in the College Preparatory Curriculum. These opt-out letters are kept on file in the high school office.

                                                        GRADING SCALE
A = 90-100 = 4.00
B = 80-89 = 3.00
C = 70-79 = 2.00
D = 60-69 = 1.00
F = 59 and below

                                                CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT
Students in grades 11 & 12 are eligible to attend the Kiamichi Tech Center at Atoka. Kiamichi Tech is an extension of the local
school and any discipline or academic problems will follow district policy. Kiamichi Tech students are required to ride school-
provided transportation.

Concurrent enrollment in college courses is available to any junior or senior who has taken the ACT and scored a minimum composite
of 19. If the ACT composite is not a 19 or higher you must have at least a 3.0 high school GPA and a sub-score of at least 19 in the
appropriate subject area.
Students should check with the counselor to be sure they qualify and to enroll in the courses. College concurrent courses will count as
core class credits toward high school graduation, with prior approval from the principal. Concurrent classes will not count toward the
calculation for valedictorian or salutatorian.

                                                        COLLEGE VISITS
Senior students who miss school to visit a potential college, Career Tech or other education institution after high school will not have
the absence counted against their absent limit. However, they shall bring back written documentation that they did visit the institution.
A maximum of four college visits will be allowed.

                                                   HOME SCHOOL POLICY
Students who wish to enroll in Wapanucka Public Schools who previously have been home-school educated, will be required to take a
subject/grade equivalent Standardized Performance test. Grade placement will be determined according to test score results.
Wapanucka Public Schools will accept online subject grades; if a student has no grades, they will be required to take proficiency tests
in the subject areas.

                                           PROFICIENCY BASED PROMOTIONS
Students may skip one grade level by passing the State Mandated Achievement Test for the grade requested. Note: The
parents/guardians must notify the administration by the beginning of the second semester if they wish for their child to take the next
grade level achievement test in the spring.

                                               WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL
     1.    When students must withdraw from Wapanucka Public Schools during the school term, they will report to the principal's

office on the morning of the day they plan to leave.
     2.   There the student will receive a withdrawal form which will be taken to each of their teachers for "clearance".
     3.   The student must turn in all books, assigned equipment, and unpaid fines.
     4.   The withdrawal form will then be returned to the office for official release.
     5.   Students going to another school will take with them a copy of their withdrawal form which gives grades earned to date.

                                             DROPPING AND ADDING CLASSES
Students wishing to change their schedule must follow the following procedure within 5 school days of enrolling in a class or within 5
days after the beginning of a new semester:

    1.    Obtain a drop/add slip from the office
    2.    Obtain a written permission from the teacher involved
    3.    Obtain written finalization from the principal

                                                        SEMESTER TESTS
Semester tests will be given at the end of the first and second semesters in all classes. All students will be required to take the tests
unless the student has been granted an exemption. Students with perfect or exemplary attendance for a semester are eligible for
semester test exemptions. Absences for school sponsored activities, including college day will not be counted in the number of
absences. If a student is suspended or assigned in-house suspension during a semester, they will be required to take ALL semester
tests for that semester.

Students are exempt from semester exams if they have an average grade of:
                 An “A” and three (3) or fewer absences per semester
                 A “B” and two (2) or less absences per semester
                 A “C” and one (1) or less absences per semester

Students must be enrolled in Wapanucka Public Schools for the entire semester to be eligible for semester test exemption. Every three
un-excused tardies, per class equals one absence and will count against semester test exemptions.

                                                         REPORT CARDS
Report cards will be issued after each semester. PROGRESS REPORTS will be issued every 4th week during a semester period.
Progress reports are an indication of the adjustment and performance of your child in the classroom in which it was issued.

                                                  RETENTION OF STUDENTS
Whenever a teacher/principal recommends that a student in grades kindergarten through six be retained at the student’s present grade
level, the parent or guardian, if dissatisfied with the recommendation, may appeal the decision by appealing to the retention
committee. (Current teacher, future teacher, parent/guardian, and administrator) If the decision is unsatisfactory to the
parent/guardian, they may appeal to the Board of Education. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final.

The parent/guardian may prepare a written statement to be placed in and become a part of the permanent record of the student stating
the reason(s) for disagreeing with the decision of the Board of Education. (70-24-114.1)

Regular attendance at school is required by state law and charges parents with the responsibility for assuring such attendance by their
children until graduation from high school or age eighteen (18) Article X, Section 229. School attendance and participation in class
are important parts of the education process. Students must regularly attend if they are to get the greatest possible benefit from their
educational experience. All students are encouraged to be in class as much as possible. School attendance is the responsibility of the
parents and the students. It is hoped that you will realize that regular attendance at school is important and necessary for success at
school. The parent or guardian will assume the responsibility of calling the school each morning that the student is absent and
explaining the reason for the absence. Parents unable to contact the school must send a note on the day the student returns to school
explaining the reason for the absence

After 7 absences in a semester, the student will be given a failing grade (59%) in that subject for that semester. After 7 absences in a
semester, the student cannot receive credit for that course. Extenuating circumstances presented by a parent or guardian to the
Administration may be given consideration to extend the absent limit and make an exception to the seven absences per semester limit.

School sponsored or sanctioned activities are exempt and will not count toward the total of 7 absences. Students must attend school at
least 4 class periods per school day or will not be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities for that day or night.
Extenuating circumstances presented by a parent to the Administration may be given consideration to extend the limit or make an
exception on the class periods per school day attendance rule. The 7 days absent per semester described in this policy are to take care
of 1) personal illness; 2) professional appointments; 3) other serious personal or family problems. A student suspended from school
for disciplinary reasons will have this charged against the total of 7 permitted in this policy. In the elementary school (PK-5th), a total
of 4 class periods absent in one school day is considered a full day’s absence. A total of 2 class periods in the morning or 2 class
periods in the afternoon will constitute a half day absence and perfect attendance will not be awarded. In the junior high and high
school, each absence will count toward each class.

Homebound programs may be available for those students who must be absent due to extreme circumstances for extended periods of
time. Students will have 7 absences per semester. At the end of each semester, students who are over the absence limit and have
used all the available Saturday School sessions may request a hearing before the attendance committee. Students over the absence
limit may not request an attendance hearing until they have attended the maximum number of Saturday School sessions available per
semester (3). The committee will consist of teachers, staff, and the building principal. At the parent’s request, the committee by
majority vote may extend the limit for any student over the absence limit. (Parent/Guardian and Student must be present at the
attendance hearing for the limit to be extended.) Any student, who does not receive a favorable ruling from the attendance committee,
may appeal the decision of the committee to the board of education. The legal parent/guardian must inform the Superintendent of
their intentions to appeal the committee’s decision within three days after the attendance committee meeting. Any exception to this
policy must have prior arrangements approved by the administration.

If it becomes necessary for a student to leave school for part of a day, the student must bring a written note from their parent/guardian
or the parent/guardian must call the principal’s office for permission to leave. STUDENTS SHALL ALWAYS CHECK WITH
GROUNDS. If a student becomes ill while in school, the student will be excused to go home or will be taken home if the
parent/guardian cannot be contacted. (Age of the student and prior will be taken into consideration.) NO STUDENT IS EVER

                                                         FRIDAY SCHOOL
Absences can be made up by attending Friday Sessions. Attending a full Friday Session will make up a full day absence. A maximum
of three absences may be made up for any one class. More than seven absences will result in automatic failure. Friday Sessions will
be held on Friday mornings from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. The Principal and/or faculty members will conduct the Friday Sessions.
These sessions will be conducted in a strict and professional manner. A student assigned Friday Sessions will be expected to attend.
A job, shopping, going camping, a school activity, etc., will not be an excuse.

Friday School Dates:                 November 19th                          April 22nd
                                     December 3rd                           April 29th
                                     December 10th                          May 6th

                                                          TARDY POLICY
A student is considered tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings. A student’s tardy will be excused only by a pass
from a teacher or the office (principal or secretary’s signature only). The tardy policy will go into effect only after the student has
arrived at school. Students who arrive at school any time after school has started because of legitimate reasons, (example: dentist or
doctor appointments) will be allowed in class without the penalty of an un-excused tardy. Three tardies in a class equals one absence.
A student is no longer tardy, but absent, after 20 minutes of class time has elapsed.

Discipline action for tardies:
          1st Tardy—Warning from teacher
          2nd Tardy—Detention from teacher
          3rd Tardy—After school detention from principal
          4th Tardy—After school detention from principal
          5th Tardy—Parent Conference and In-House Suspension
          6th or More—Possible Suspension

                                                        ATHLETIC EVENTS
Wapanucka students who wish to attend Wapanucka High School athletic playoff contest games during the school day will be allowed
to do so without the absence being counted toward their absence limit. Students will not be allowed to check out and attend any
school activities during school unless it is an OSSAA playoff contest. Students shall follow the school check out policy to do so.

When a student is absent from school, they will be given the opportunity to make up any work that is missed. It is the student’s
responsibility to ask the teacher for make-up work. The time allowed for make-up work will be days missed plus one day. For
example: One absence = one day for absence plus one, for a total of two days. Two absences = two days for absence plus one =Total
of 3 days. Students will have a maximum of one school week to make up missed work regardless of days absent. Teachers will be
required to have students sign a make-up work list. Teachers will keep a copy for their records.
                                                      ACTIVITIES POLICY
Regular attendance is one of the high goals of the Wapanucka school system. It is not possible to do satisfactory work without regular
attendance in every class. It is the goal of the Wapanucka School system to design its programs, activities, and requirements so they
are consistent with the ever-changing intellectual. With these goals and philosophy in mind the Wapanucka Board of Education
establishes the following attendance/activities regulations. Students must attend school at least four hours of the school day or will not
be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities for that day or night. Exceptions to this policy may be given by the Principal
or Superintendent.

Students may not miss a class more than ten (10) times in a year for excused school sponsored activities unless approved by the
Internal Activities Review Committee. After the tenth excused school sponsored activity, sponsors will submit in writing to the
Review Committee the reason why they feel that a student has earned the right to attend the activity. By evaluating the student's
attendance record and the
student's grade in each class, the Review Committee will determine if the student should be allowed to continue to participate in the

State and nationally sponsored activities are exempt from these regulations. Using the guidelines of the Oklahoma Secondary Schools
Activities Association and the State Department of Vocational Education will determine what constitutes a state and/or national
activity. All students who have been excused by the principal will be reported on a bulletin given to the teacher. These absences will
be recorded in the registers with an E.

EXCEPTIONS: Assemblies should not be counted as an activity.

The committee will be comprised of 1parent, 3 classroom teachers, 1 coach and 1 administrator. The committee shall be responsible
for reviewing and recommending any deviation of the activities policy to the Board of Education.

                                                         ACTIVITY TRIPS
Students going on a school sponsored activity will ride the school bus to and from such activity unless permission is granted in
advance of the activity. Juniors and seniors who do not participate in their sanctioned class fund raisers will not receive any money
for the Senior Trip. They will be allowed to attend. Sponsors will be responsible for keeping a list of those who do not participate.
Senior Trip—seniors will take a class trip their senior year from the money that they earned throughout their high school fundraising.
The trip cannot be an overnight trip. Funds earned will only be used to pay for expenses of the trip including the trip, tickets, meals
etc. School funds will not be used for personal shopping.

Note: Students who are attending school activities, banquets, etc... On or off school grounds should DRESS & CONDUCT themselves
as to bring a positive reflection on Wapanucka Schools. THE SPONSOR OF EACH EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY WILL

Wapanucka Junior High and High Schools is a member of the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association. We will strictly
adhere to rules and regulations of this association. Ineligible students cannot participate in any school activities. Student eligibility
will be assessed every week by the principal's office and it will be the responsibility of the sponsors to notify the students if they are
eligible to participate in an activity. A student that is declared ineligible will not be allowed to participate regardless of the
extenuating circumstances, time, or amount of money invested in that activity. It will be the students' responsibility to remain eligible
if they wish to participate in any extracurricular activity. This includes Interscholastic Meets and Agricultural events.

Semester Eligibility: (18 weeks)
         1.        A student must have received a passing grade in any five subjects to be counted for graduation that he/she was
                   enrolled in during the last semester he/she attended fifteen or more days
         2.         If a student does not meet the minimum scholastic standard he/she will not be eligible to participate during the
                   first six weeks of the next 18-week grading period they attend.
         3.        A student who does not meet the above minimum scholastic standard may regain his/her eligibility by achieving

passing grades in all subjects he/she is enrolled in at the end of a six-week period.
Weekly Eligibility:
         1.         Scholastic eligibility for students will be checked after three weeks (during the fourth week) of a semester and
                    each succeeding week thereafter. The period of probation and ineligibility will always begin the Monday
                    following the day eligibility is checked.
         2.         A student must be passing in all subjects he/she is enrolled in during a semester. If a student is not passing all
                    subjects enrolled in on the day of the grade check, he/she will be placed on probation for the next one-week
                    period. If a student is still failing one or more classes during the next week on the grade check day, he/she will be
                    ineligible to participate during the next one-week period. The ineligibility periods will begin on Monday and end
                    on Sunday.

Special Provisions:
          1.        A senior student maintains eligibility by passing the classes required for graduation. The number of classes which
                    a student is enrolled can be no less than four. A junior or senior student who is concurrently enrolled in high
                    school and college may use the college courses to meet the minimum number of subjects needed to maintain
                    eligibility. These may be a combination of school and college subjects, equivalent to four high school units which
                    are accepted by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. 2014-2015 RULES 10 OSSAA
          2.        An ineligible student who changes schools during a semester will not be eligible at the new school for a minimum
                    period of three (3) weeks. A student may regain his/her eligibility by achieving the scholastic standard in Rule 3,
                    Section 2-b at the end of a three (3) week period. (Any part of a week is considered a full week.)
          3.        Incomplete grades will be considered to be the same as failing grades in determining scholastic eligibility. School
                    administrators are authorized to make an exception to this provision if the incomplete grade was caused by an
                    unavoidable hardship. (Examples of such hardships would be illness, injury, death in family and natural disaster.)
                    A maximum of two weeks is allowed for make-up work.
          4.         One summer school credit (1/2 unit or one subject) earned in an Oklahoma State Department of Education
                    Accredited program may be used to meet the requirements of Rule 3, Section 1-a, for the end of spring semester.
          Eligibility will be effective for ALL school activities including, but not limited to prom.

                                                     CLASS PREPARATION
All students are expected to come to class with those essential materials and books that will enable them to fully participate in class
activities and achieve the desired educational objective. These materials include, but are not limited to: textbook, paper, pencil, pen,
and homework. The lack on the part of a student to adequately prepare for a class will result in disciplinary action. Students will not
be allowed to leave class to locate materials not brought to class, nor will they be allowed to leave the class to go to the restroom or
get a drink unless there is a physical problem.

                                  DISCIPLINE AND EXPECTED STUDENT BEHAVIOR
The primary goal of our school is to educate and develop student self-discipline in a positive manner. We believe that parental
communication and support are essential parts of good discipline. High expectations by parents and teachers, and effective instruction
by teachers promote self-control and responsible behavior in students. All students enrolled in Wapanucka schools will be expected to
abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the administration, teachers, and the Board of Education, while in attendance at school,
school sponsored activities, or being transported to or from school or school sponsored activities in district owned transportation
equipment. All teachers will not have the same rules for their classes and it is the responsibility of the student to follow the rules in
any given class. Continued acts of poor conduct will be referred to the principal. When a student has been found by a teacher or
administrator to be in violation of a rule or rules governing the school, he may be subject to disciplinary action. The disciplinary
action to be taken will depend on the severity of the violation and the number of times the student has broken regulations. If a student
refuses to take the punishment, he/she may be suspended from school

The following are specific examples of unacceptable behavior that are subject to disciplinary action, including after school detention,
in-school detention, at home placement, short or long-term suspension, and/or alternative school placement.
     1. Open or persistent defiance of authority.
     2. Assault upon student or school personnel.
     3. Creating or attempting to create a disturbance.
     4. Excessive tardiness.
     5. Unauthorized absence from classes.
     6. Willful disobedience, profanity or vulgarity, or any ethnic or racial slur.
     7. Showing disrespect for school property or causing damage to school property.
     8. Possession of or use of tobacco or e-cigs/vaping devices.
     9. Possession or use of any dangerous or annoying instrument, including but not limited to firearms, explosives, fireworks,

knives, razors, drug paraphernalia, or other weapons used for assault (Refer to School Laws of Oklahoma, Article XXIV,
          Section 394).
     10. Selling, possessing, or under the influence of a narcotic or dangerous drug, including but not limited to marijuana, LSD,
          heroin, barbiturates and counterfeit/look-alike drugs, or non-narcotic intoxicants, such as glue, non-prescribed cough
          medicine, gasoline, beer, including 3.2 (School Law Article XXIV, Section 394).
     11. Stealing or extortion.
     12. Dress Code
     13. Inappropriate writing or written messages.
     14. Any violation of state or local law or ordinance occurring on school property.
     15. Deliberate refusal to attempt a reasonable academic assignment.
     16. NO public displays of affection. (kissing, hugging, holding hands, inappropriate behavior)

                                                   STUDENT APPEARANCE
Students will be expected to keep themselves clean, neatly dressed, well groomed, and odor free at all times.
    1. Wearing large chains is prohibited.
    2. No wearing of undergarments as outer wear. Garments made of spandex shall be considered undergarments.
    3. Yoga pants/leggings may be worn, but an outer garment must be worn over them to cover to mid-thigh length.
    4. Students are to refrain from wearing halter tops, midriff blouses, or sleeveless garments that resemble tank tops or muscle
         shirts. Tank tops/sleeveless shirts for both boys and girls in grades 7-12 are prohibited. Student’s backs should be covered at
         all times. Low cut necklines are prohibited even when worn with a sweater/jacket. Clothing that is “see-through” in not
    5. Shorts and skirts, etc... May be worn below the fingertip length.
    6. Accessories such as bandanas, gloves, hats, caps, hoodies, or sunglasses are not to be worn in the building.
    7. All students are required to wear shoes. (No house shoes/slippers) Cleated shoes are not permissible in any school building.
    8. Clothing that deals with tobacco, alcohol, drugs/drug paraphernalia, vulgar or implied slogans, vulgar pictorial images, hate,
         violence, cults, or that are gang related are not to be worn. Trench coats are not allowed at any time.
    9. Jeans, pants, etc. must be worn above the hipbone at the natural waistline, fully hemmed & for safety reasons cannot bag, sag,
         or drag the floor. Skin may not be seen above the mid-thigh.
    10. Students attending extra-curricular activities will be subject to random security checks and shall dress in a fashion that would
         positively represent our school.
    11. A student will receive an un-excused absence or tardy if sent home to change garments or apparel. Students that break this
         rule will have to change clothes, warned the first time and subject to discipline action after that.

The purpose of the appearance policies is to help insure the safety and comfort, and to minimize student’s distractions from the
educational process. Students drawing undue attention to themselves because of their appearance will not be tolerated. (The
appearance policies will be discussed by the building principals at the beginning of the school year.) The principal or his/her
authorized representative shall have the authority and responsibility to make the final decision in determining if wearing apparel and
personal appearance are in violation of moderation and good taste and are disruptive to the educational process.

                                                AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION
Due to repeated unsatisfactory behavior or excessive tardiness your child may be assigned After School Detention. After School
Detention will be held as necessary after school from 3:35 to 4:35. Each student will be required to complete any work designated by
the teacher in the class the student was a disciplinary problem in or assigned by the Principal. All students in Detention must stay
busy on some type of school related work for the entire period and must not disrupt the session in any way. Students are to use the
restroom, get drinks, and obtain necessary supplies before they come to Detention because they may not leave the room to do so. A
student placed in Detention will not begin his/her detention until at least the following day in order to inform their parents of the
placement in Detention.

A student may miss detention without penalty for: a doctor’s appointment, illness or other reasons that the Principal may feel is a
legitimate excuse. Any student who refuses to serve his/her detention could be suspended out of school for up to three days. Students
will not be allowed to come to detention tardy. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation home from After School
Detention. Students will be expected to mind and follow all detention rules. Detention has been created to avoid, in some instances,
suspension; however, if the students do not comply with Detention rules, suspension will be the alternative.

                                                   IN SCHOOL DETENTION
Students may be assigned In-School-Detention due to repeated or flagrant school policy violations. In School-Detention will be held
from 7:50 to 3:30 on the school grounds. Students will be given restroom and water breaks on the hour separate from the other
student body. In-School-Detention students will have their lunch brought to them and will eat separate from the other student body.

Students will be given the same school work that their classes are working on that day and it is the students’ responsibility to turn that
work in to his/her teachers the following school day. Any student assigned In-School-Detention must report to the Principal’s office
no later than 7:50. She/he should report to school in the same manner as always (transportation, etc.) Parents will be notified at least
one day in advance if their child has been assigned In-School Detention. Any student who receives In-School Detention must take all
semester tests for that semester.
                                             STUDENT DISMISSAL/SUSPENSION
The principal may suspend a student from school or school activities for misconduct. Misconduct may include but not be limited to
the following; fighting, destruction of school property, stealing, use of vulgar language, addressing teachers, principals or other school
employees in terms that do not show respect.
NOTE: Any Student who has been suspended for any reason during the school year may not be allowed to participate in end of
school trips.

A student may be suspended from school activities for violating city, county, state, or federal laws, or any other conduct unbecoming
to a student or that may reflect discredit upon the school. If a student is suspended from school, it will be required that one or both
parents or guardians bring the student to the principal's office for a conference before the student is reinstated. Students suspended for
ten days or less can appeal his/her suspension to the administration. Students suspended more than ten days may request a hearing by
the Board of Education.

Serious offenses may result in the student being suspended from school for the remainder of the present semester and the succeeding
semester. In all cases of suspension from school, the student is excluded from all school activities during the duration of the
suspension. In any of these events, Wapanucka School will continue to provide educational services. In some cases, the student may
be assigned to Alternative Education for a period of not less than ten days. Students who maintain their eligibility status while in
Alternative Education may participate in any extra-curricular activities.

                                            CARE OF BUILDING AND GROUNDS
The school property, which includes buildings, furniture, books, and other equipment, belong to you and your parents. They help pay
for these things with their tax dollars and must continue to support it for the coming year. Loyal students will make every effort to
preserve school property. Always avoid littering the school grounds. Trash cans are provided for the purpose of disposing of your
trash. This is a serious problem in our town, state and nation. Promise yourself now that you will take pride in our school and will not
throw litter, destroy, damage or deface any school property.

                                            ARTICLES PROHIBITED IN SCHOOL

Problems arise each year because of students bringing articles to school which are hazardous to the safety of others or interfere in
some way with school procedure. Such items are prohibited: Pocket knives, sharp objects, and weapons or explosives of any kind
(including fireworks) are prohibited. Lettering or any type of sewn on patch, decal, insignia, etc., which is suggestive or vulgar in
nature is not acceptable. No attire or dress will be accepted that shows disrespect to the American Flag. No skateboards, skates or
roller blades are allowed on campus at any time. If violations occur, disciplinary actions will be taken.

                                                     WEAPONS and LASERS
Weapons: Weapons are not allowed on campus, period, (that includes in automobiles). If weapons are found, they will be
impounded and then be turned over to the proper authorities.
Lasers: No student may possess a laser pointer device of any kind or size while on school premises, in transit under the school’s
authority or while attending any function sponsored or authorized by the school. Students may be searched by school personnel for
such devices as prescribed by H.B. 1008.

                                      WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES
Cell phones and Smart devices (including watches) are not to be in the possession of students from the moment the tardy bell rings to
begin the first class period until the time the last bell rings to end the day. Although the School District is aware that cell phones have
made keeping in touch much easier, we are also aware of the many uses of the cell phone that can impede the educational process (i.e.
ringing during class, use of cheating by text messaging answers to other students, etc.). Students who bring cell phones to school are
strongly encouraged to buy a lock for their lockers, lock their cell phones up before the start of the school day, and not touch their
phones until the school day ends. A student will be considered to be in possession of a cell phone if the phone is in any location other
than a locker during school hours (i.e. in a purse, a book bag, a pocket, etc.). Students found to be in possession of cell phones
during the school day will face the following consequences:

1st offense                           1 day ISD, parent/guardian notified and parent must pick up device.

                    2nd offense                           ISD for three days and parent must pick up device. Phones must be
                                                          turned into the office each day for the remainder of the semester.

                    Each offense thereafter               3 days ISD for each offense and parent must pick up device. Other
                                                          consequences as deemed necessary.

These lockers are the property of the Wapanucka Schools. They are furnished as a convenience for the students. We retain the right
to inspect these lockers any given time. There are to be no bottles, cans, cups, or materials that are not necessary for the school day.
We will make unannounced inspections. Changes in the law on student's privacy right state: Pursuant to state law (Section 24-102 of
Title 70) schools shall inform pupils in the student discipline code that they have no reasonable expectation of privacy rights toward
school officials in school lockers, desks, or other school property. The law reads: "Pupils shall not have any reasonable expectation
of privacy towards school administrators or teachers in the contents of a school locker, desks, or other school property. School
personnel shall have access to school lockers, desks, and other school property in order to properly supervise the welfare of pupils.
School lockers, desks, and other areas of school facilities may be opened and examined by school officials at any time and no reason
shall be necessary for such a search." Lockers are expected to be neat at all times. There are to be no bottles, cans, cups, or materials
that are not necessary for the school day. You will be assigned a locker and are not to change or occupy a locker not assigned to you.
If you put a lock on your locker a key or combination to the lock must be given to the office.

When there is reasonable suspicion to search a student while the student is on premises, in transit to and from a school even while
under school authority, or is attending any function sponsored or organized by the school district, then such search can be made by the
superintendent, principals, or teachers. Students may be searched for controlled dangerous substances, intoxicating beverages, non-
intoxicating alcoholic beverages, weapons, or missing or stolen property if the property is reasonably suspected to have been taken
from another student, a school employee, or the school during school activities. A search made of the student’s person shall be made
by a person of the same sex as the student being searched and shall be witnessed by one of the same sex of the student, if practicable.
A search of property of a student can be made by any authorized person, regardless of whether that person is of the same sex as the
student whose property is being searched. No student clothing, except cold weather outerwear or shoes and socks, shall be removed
prior to or during a search of a student.
Searches of Cell Phones: Students shall not have any reasonable expectation of privacy towards school administrators in the contents
of a cell phone or camera phone if it is believed that this device has been used to break school policies of any type.
Searches of Lockers, Desks, and School Property: Students shall not have any reasonable expectation of privacy towards school
administrators in the contents of a school locker, desk, or other school property. School personnel shall have access to school lockers,
desks, and other school property in order to properly supervise the welfare of pupils. School lockers, desks and other areas of school
facilities may be opened and examined by school officials at any time and no reason shall be needed for such search. Trained dogs will
also be used to do random searches of lockers.
Searches of Vehicles: Students shall not have any reasonable expectation of privacy towards school administrators with vehicles
parked on school property. Vehicles parked on school property are subject to random searches by school administration. Trained dogs
will also be used to randomly search vehicles. If a dog hits on a vehicle, that vehicle will be searched by an administrator and a law
enforcement officer. If student vehicles are locked, and student refuses to unlock the vehicle, law enforcement will contact parents.

The following procedure for questioning and releasing students to officers with police authority shall be followed:
   1. When an officer with police authority comes to the school for the removal of a pupil by arrest, the pupil is released to the
        officer. The school will make every effort to notify the parent that the officer has removed the student from school.
   2. When an officer comes to the school for questioning of a student, this is allowed and takes place at school and in the presence
        of school personnel. The school will make every effort to have the parent present when grade school students are questioned
        by police officers.
   3. Until a pupil is under arrest he is under custody of the school and the school is responsible for the pupil.

School personnel are required by law to cooperate with Department of Human Services investigations. The investigations may require

Department of Human Services’ officers to question students while at school. It is the responsibility of the Department of Human
Services to contact parents concerning any investigation.

                                                     INTERNET AND E-MAIL
Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway. General
school rules for behavior and communications apply. All students are required to fill out an internet and computer acceptable usage
policy before they are allowed usage. Access to the Internet is provided for students for educational purposes such as conducting
research and communication that enhances a student’s education. All e-mail and internet communication are subject to the open
records act. There should be no expectation of privacy for e-mails or any other internet usage. Access to the Internet is given only to
students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner and have a signed parent permission slip and Internet contract on
file. Students who use the Internet without these forms on file are subject to in-house suspension, detention, or suspension.

Computer storage areas are treated as school lockers. Administrators and teachers may review files, disks used in class, and
communications to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect that files
stored on district computers, district filer servers, or disks used in class will be private.

The following are examples of inappropriate Internet usage:
    1. Sending, receiving, or displaying offensive messages or pictures
    2. Using obscene language
    3. Harassing, insulting, or attacking others
    4. Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks
    5. Violating copyright laws
    6. Using another’s password
    7. Trespassing in another’s folders, work, or files
    8. Intentionally wasting limited resources or time
    9. Employing the Internet for commercial purposes
    10.Accessing unapproved materials, services, or sites
    11.Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.

    1. The act of sexting is prohibited.
    2. Sexting is the act of sending or forwarding through cellular telephones and other electronic media sexually explicit, nude, or
        partially nude photographs/images. It is the District’s mission to ensure the social, physical, psychological, and academic
        well-being of all students. The educational purposes of the schools are best accomplished in a climate of student behavior that
        is socially acceptable and conducive to the learning and teaching process.
    3. Any student engaging in sexting is subject to any and all disciplinary action, including the possibility of out of school
        suspension, police involvement, and counseling.

Respect for Privacy Rights
   1. Students shall not photograph or videotape other individuals at school or at school sponsored activities without their
        knowledge and consent, except for activities considered to be in the public arena such as sporting events or public
   2. Students shall not email, post to the internet, or otherwise electronically transmit images of other individuals taken at school
        without their expressed written consent.

It shall be the policy of the Wapanucka Board of Education that no student be allowed to possess tobacco products on school property,
school sponsored activities (both on and off campus), or in school vehicles going to or from any school activity. The school policy
will be in compliance with Oklahoma School Statutes. This includes all chewing tobaccos, cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

Any student found in possession of tobacco on school property will be subject to out of school suspension.
All offenses of using tobacco on school property will be out of school suspension.

                                                       ALCOHOL & DRUGS
The Wapanucka Board of Education and the Administration recognizes and believes that the possession and/or use of illicit drugs
and/or alcohol is unlawful and harmful to the health of students. Therefore, the following policy is enacted and use/possession of
drugs/drug paraphernalia/alcohol will not be tolerated.

It shall be the policy of the Wapanucka Board of Education that any teacher who has reasonable cause to suspect that a student may be
under the influence of or said student has in his or her possession:
1. Non-intoxicating beverages (3.2 beer or wine coolers)
2. Alcoholic beverages
3. Controlled dangerous substance i.e. Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, inhalants, hallucinogens, and stimulants in their
     various forms, as the previous are now defined by state law, shall immediately notify the principal or his or her designee of such
     suspicions. The principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of schools and a parent or legal guardian of said student of
     the matter. Reference: O.S. Title 70 Section 133

This policy is in effect by law within one thousand feet of school property, on school property, on any school bus, during the normal
course of the school day or in attendance at a school sponsored activity (on or off campus). Any student who is found to have sold
any of the prohibited or controlled substances listed in this policy to another person on school grounds, at school activity, function, or
event shall be expelled and criminal charges will be filed.

Any suspension and/or search of said student shall be subject to any applicable school policy, state law or student handbook
regulation. Every teacher employed by the Wapanucka Board of Education, who has reasonable cause to suspect that a student is
under the influence of or has in his or her possession non-intoxicating beverages, alcoholic beverages, or a controlled dangerous
substance and who reports such information to the appropriate school official shall be immune from all civil liability

The Wapanucka Public Schools will provide a program of drug and alcohol prevention and education for students. One element of the
program will be the use of trained dogs to examine lockers, cars and personal effects of the student body. The dogs will be used
periodically without notice during the school year. The purpose of this program is to assure our students the opportunity to attend a
drug free campus and provide an avenue of help to those students who need it.
I. If the dog identifies a student, locker or car the first time and no contraband is found, or if the dog identifies a locker or car with
    A. Parents will be called to school and advised of the situation. Appropriate action will be taken.
II. If the dog identifies a student, locker or car the second time and if contraband is found on that student, locker or car:
    A. Student will be suspended.
    B. Before student can be reinstated, written proof from a counselor must be shown that the student is in a drug-alcohol
         counseling program.
III. If the dog identifies a student and contraband is found on them or in their possession, or if it can be determined that the student is
     under the influence of drugs or alcohol (any amount consumed is considered under the influence):
     A. The parents and police are immediately contacted.
     B. Student will be suspended. Parents will bring student back to school.
     C. Before student can be reinstated, written proof from a counselor must be shown that the student is in a drug-alcohol
          counseling program.
IV. If the dog identifies a car and the student refuses to allow school officials to search the car, the student's parents will be called to
     school. If the parents refuse to allow the car to be searched by school officials, the matter will be turned over to the local police
     department and the student will be suspended.
V. A repeat offense in any of the proceeding sections of this policy may result in suspension for the balance of the current semester
     and the next succeeding semester according to Oklahoma Law Art. XXIV - Section 393
VI. In any case where contraband is found in the student's personal possession, the evidence will be turned over to the local law
     enforcement officials.
     Information about alcohol and drugs may be obtained in the school library or from the local Area Prevention Resource Center
                                  STUDENT ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING
                                             GRADES 7-12
Wapanucka School District, in order to protect the health and safety of students participating in extracurricular activities and who
drive to school and to educate and direct these students away from drug and alcohol use and abuse, thereby setting an example for all
other students of the School District, adopts the following Policy for testing for the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and performance
enhancing drugs of students participating in extracurricular activities and who drive to school. Students participating in extracurricular
activities and/or parking on school property will be given a drug test before school begins. Random alcohol and drug testing will be
done throughout the year as deemed necessary. Students who enroll after the beginning of the school year will be given a drug test.

1.   It is the desire of the Board of Education, administration, and staff that every student in the School District refrain from using
     or possessing alcohol and illegal or performance enhancing drugs. Notwithstanding this desire, the administration and Board

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