Welcome JANUARY 9, 2022 - Manhattan CRC

Page created by Yvonne Little
Welcome  JANUARY 9, 2022
                             Coffee, punch, and cookies are served after
                                        the morning service!

                                   VISITING TODAY?

                                  Nursery is located on the lower level for all
                                  children up to the age of 3.
                                  Tot Church for children from 3-5 years.
                                  After the children’s message we head to the
                                     lower level where parents can pick up their
                                         children after the AM service.
                                            Hearing Impaired Assistance
                                             Stop by the Tech Booth
                                             Today’s Message
                                           Available via CD at the Tech Booth,
                                                or online at manhattancrc.org

Check out MCRC on Facebook                   On the web at manhattancrc.org
AM WORSHIP                                 PM WORSHIP
                                10:00 AM                                   6:00 PM

A Time of Worship Preparation              A Time of Worship Preparation
  Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
                                           GOD CALLS US TO WORS HIP
GOD CALLS US TO WORS HIP                   Words of Welcome
Words of Welcome                           Call to Worship
Announcements                              *God Greets His People
Call to Worship                            *We Greet One Another
*God Greets His People
*We Greet One Another                      WE GIVE GOD OUR PRAISE
                                           *There Is a Redeemer          – CH #308
WE GIVE GOD OUR PRAISE                     Apostles’ Creed
*Graves Into Gardens                       *When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
*Great Are You Lord                                                   – CH #774:1-3
*How Great Thou Art
                                           WE OFFER PRAYERS & GIFTS
WE OFFER PRAYERS & GIFTS                   Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer                             Offering - Capital Improvement Fund
Offering - General Fund                    Nearer My God to Thee - CH #553:1,3,5
           Capital Improvement Fund        GOD SPEAKS TO HIS PEOPLE
GOD SPEAKS TO HIS PEOPLE                   Text: Various Selected
                                           Message: End Times
  (Tot Church Dismissed For Ages 3-5)
Text: Various Selected
Message: Pilgrims Progress (1)             WE RESPOND TO GOD ’S WORD
Prayer                                     *Until Then      - CH #780:1,3
COMMUNION                                  WE CONCLUDE IN PRAISE
Break Now the Bread of Life                *God Blesses His People as They Depart
                       - LUYH #764:3,4     *By the Sea of Crystal  - LUYH #489:1,3
Passing of Bread
Behold the Lamb        - LUYH #840:1-4     Postlude
Passing of Wine
                                           *please stand if you are able
*God Blesses His People as They Depart

*please stand if you are able

                                           Tim Kuperus
Tim Kuperus                                preaching
Deb Smit                                   Leanne Moss
organ                                      piano
Eliana Kuperus
Jake VanDam, Mark Eekhoff,
Ben Smit, Cavan Visser
SERVING                               SERVING
   THIS WEEK                            NEXT WEEK
                          JANUARY 9                           JANUARY 16

NURSERY                               NURSERY
AM Vonnie Roller, Leanne              AM Brenda Asher, Karen
   Moss, MacKenzie De Vries              Christoffels, Cavan Visser

TOT CHURCH                            TOT CHURCH
3’s Leah Brouwer                      3’s Leah Brouwer
    Laney Wied                            Laney Wied
4’s Ashley Flammond                   4’s Ashley Flammond
    Emma Burley                           Emma Burley
Substitute                            Substitute
    LaRae Sales                           LaRae Sales

USHERS                                USHERS
Brett Heidema, Tim Van Dam            Vince Van Dyken, Brett Heidema

COFFEE SERVERS                        COFFEE SERVERS
Brian & Jill Ayers                    John & Lois Westra
Mark & Vicki Henry                    Rick & Heidi Braaksma

COOKIES (4 dz) Sheri Van Dyken,       COOKIES (4 dz) Heidi Braaksma,
Jill Ayers, Vicki Henry               Lois Westra, Sarah Schwendeman

LIBRARY                               LIBRARY
Lisa Heidema, Bonnie Van Dyke         Jill Brouwer, Rose Brouwer

WORSHIP AT CRH                        WORSHIP AT CRH
AM                                    AM
PM                                    PM
FELLOWSHIP                                   COUPLE'S BIBLE STUDY
Coffee, punch, and cookies will be served    Couple's bible study will meet Sunday
after the morning service. Stay for a time   evening, January 16, after the service at the
to get to know each other!                   home of Tim and Jana Van Dam. We will be
                                             studying the lesson on Community Builder.
Today the Lord’s Supper is celebrated at     MARCH FOR LIFE 2022
our morning service. All professing          The 2022 March For Life at the Montana
members of Christ’s Church are invited to    State Capital in Helena is taking place on
join us at His Supper of Remembrance.        Friday, January 14, from 11:30-1:00. There
                                             will be prayer, and the speakers begin at
EET MEETING                                  noon with Governor Greg Gianforte. For
The EET is scheduled to meet on Monday,      more information look up Montana State
January 10, at 7:00 p.m.                     March For Life 2022 online and then go to
The Property Committee is scheduled to       SHOW THE WORLD
meet on Tuesday, January 11, at 7:00 p.m.    Check out the new kids’ devotion at
                                             www.kidscorner.net. Have you ever
WORSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING                    grumbled? Say the word “grumble” a
The Worship Committee is scheduled to        couple of times. Most likely, it will make
meet on Tuesday, January 11, at 7:00 p.m.    your eyebrows crease and your mouth turn
                                             to a frown. In Philippians 2, Paul wrote to a
                                             church telling them to do everything
The CEF Review Committee is scheduled
                                             without grumbling or arguing. How do we
to meet on Wednesday, January 12, at
                                             do that? Listen now at kidscorner.net and
8:00 p.m.
                                             check out all the new content.
The property committee is looking into a
                                             Life and Reconciliation in Christ - Injustice
substantial investment into a new roof for
                                             and sin are rampant in humanity. But the
the church in the near future. The Capital
                                             Apostle Paul seeks to energize our faith
Improvement Fund will be used for this
                                             when everything around us says we should
type of need.
                                             be discouraged. Join our Groundwork
ADDRESS FOR VIC DOUMA                        conversation as we study Ephesians 2 to
Vic Douma                                    hear Paul’s assurance that, in Jesus Christ,
Advanced Care Hospital of Montana            God’s grace is abundant and we find
Room 308                                     justice, reconciliation, and belonging in
3528 Gabel Rd.                               God’s family. Listen now at
Billings, MT 59102                           GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to
Cards and encouragement would be so          Groundwork's weekly emails for future
appreciated.                                 episodes.

WINNING MAGAZINE FOR FREE                    Would you enjoy worshipping with our
The Banner, the magazine of the Christian    members who reside in the retirement
Reformed Church, is free! Sign up for free   home? They love to have us worship with
print delivery and a weekly e-newsletter     them. The services are live streamed and
by visiting thebanner.org/signup. Given      you will be able to watch with others in the
the Award of Excellence (2020) for best      West community room. If this is something
denominational magazine by the               you would like to do, please call Kathy at
Evangelical Press Association, The Banner    the office (406-282-7442) or sign up on the
offers CRC news; thoughtful articles; and    sheets placed by the fellowship hall!
reviews of books, movies, and music.         Thanks so much for considering!
                                             JANUARY SERIES 2022
FAITH PRACTICES REFLECTION TIP               Coming this January for the 35th year,
Reflection and Discussion Starter—the        Calvin University presents the January
Practice of Engaging Scripture: Read         Series 2022 – the award winning free
Psalm 1:1-2 and ponder or discuss the        liberal arts education delivered in 15
following questions. The new year is an      weekly, lunchtime lectures. This year the
excellent time to form new habits of         series begins on January 10 and continues
Scripture engagement. How might you          weekdays through January 28 from 12:30 –
organize your day to make room for           1:30 p.m. Viewing options include
spending more time with God’s Word?          attending the live presentations on Calvin’s
(For more on faith practices from Faith      campus, attending simulcast presentations
Formation Ministries, visit bit.ly/          at over 50 remote sites across the
FaithPracticesProject)                       continent, or watching digitally on demand
                                             each day until midnight on your own
TO GIVE                                      device. For all the details visit
Send your weekly or monthly gifts to         www.calvin.edu/january
Manhattan CRC, 7950 Churchill Road,
Manhattan, MT 59741.                         TWICE TREASURED
                                             Twice Treasured is HIRING. If you or
• Give on-line by going                      someone you know may be interested, give
  to manhattancrc.org and clicking the       us a call. We are desperate for help so we
  “Give Now” tab.                            are open to options that will accommodate
• Hold your gifts in an envelope at home,    your schedule. For a complete job
  send in monthly, or bring back to          description, visit the school's website.
  church when you feel comfortable.
• If you have any questions about giving     MANHATTAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL
  please contact Larry Klompien (282-        is looking to fill the following positions for
  7697). Thank you!                          the 2021-2022 school year! Please
                                             visit manhattanchristian.org for more
                                             information and to fill out an application.
                                             - Kitchen Help needed A.S.A.P.
                                             Salad and fruit prep, serving, and cleanup
                                             duties. No experience is necessary.
We trust God our Father who is always         Be in prayer for our council members.
in control, even when life may
sometimes feel tenuous and uncertain.         Keep Matt and Missy Kamps and their
We praise God for many good gifts He          family in your prayers in this new journey
gives us each and every day.                  in Nicaragua. Thanking the Lord that they
                                              seem to be adjusting well.
       CHURCH FAMILY                          Pray for Elyse Kuperus and Kelsey
                                              Heidema as they are in Tanzania as part of
Please pray for Joan Van Dyke. Her knee
                                              a medical mission trip. Pray for their safety
surgery on Wednesday went well, but she
                                              and that those they come in contact with
is in a lot of pain. Pray for good pain and
                                              would experience God’s love.
nausea control and that her knee will heal
well.                                         Pray for peace and strength in times of
                                              loneliness and sadness for all the families
Thanks for your prayers for John
                                              who have recently lost loved ones.
Scheffer. He was able to get his injection
and has noticed some improvement.             Remember to pray for all our senior church
Continue to pray for him.                     members living in various retirement
                                              homes. Jerita Andriesen, Ret Blanksma,
Patti Herbrandson's surgery went well;
                                              Betty Dyk, Ethel Dykstra, Grace Douma,
she is home and appreciates your prayers
                                              and Edith Vander Molen (in Personal Care
so much. Please pray for a good recovery.
                                              at the Churchill Retirement Home) and
Please keep Darleen Moss in your              Arlene Veltkamp (at Edgewood Memory
prayers. She has been dealing with an         Care in Belgrade).
infection in her leg for the last several
                                              Keep Pastor Tim and Heidi in your
weeks. Pray for a complete healing for
                                              prayers. We are so grateful for their
her. Pray for her husband Andy and all of
                                              ministry to us.
the family in these trying times.
                                              Keep Josh, Lacie, and their boys in your
Keep Mike and Robin Swanson in your
                                              prayers as they minister to us and our
prayers. Pray for healing and peace as he
                                              youth. We are so grateful that the Lord led
deals with this benign tumor.
                                              this young family to our church.
Keep Laurie Grosskopf”s loved ones in
                                              Please pray for our part-time staff: Deb
your prayers as they grieve for her.
                                              Flikkema, Jana Van Dam, Kathy Eekhoff,
Please pray for comfort for Maynard and       Lisa Heidema, Jim & Bonnie Potts, and
Eileen and Larry and Grace in the death       Bob Poelman.
of Maynard and Grace’s dear brother,
                                              Pray for all of our school children that
Alfred Flikkema, in Arizona.
                                              they will have a good year and are blessed
Pray for healing for all of those who are     with safety and good health.
struggling with Covid at this time, both
                                              Pray for our military and their families in
in the Retirement Home and at their own
                                              these turbulent times. Pray for courage and
                                              safety for them. Pray that they will know
Rob and Julie thank you for your prayers.     how grateful we are for their service.
Please continue to pray for strength and
peace as they walk this road.

   EXTENDED CHURCH                             Pray for Ginny Fischer who is dealing with
                                               pancreatic cancer and weakness from her
 FAMILY & COMMUNITY                            treatments. She says, “Mike and I are so
Pray for Vic Douma, Grace Douma’s              grateful for the love and concern”.
son. He has been moved to Billings for         Keep Elsie Johnson in your prayers. Pray
rehabilitation. Pray that he will receive      for a diagnosis and pray she gets well.
good care and that he will feel God's
peace as he will have to work hard. Pray       Please keep Jim and Norma Heys in your
for Grace, his son Josh, and his siblings      prayers. Pray that Norma’s chemo
in a special way.                              treatments will keep the cancer stabilized.
                                               Praises for His protection and provision.
Keep Joyce and Clary Flikkema in your
prayers. Clary is doing very well and          Continue to pray for Ret Blanksma's
gaining strength. They were able to have       youngest daughter, Greta, in her fight
a wonderful Christmas with all of their        against cancer.
family and are so thankful for that and for    Requesting prayer for Ret’s other
all of God’s loving care for them as well as   daughter, Donna, as she cares for her
all of the prayers. Pray for continued         husband, Bruce. He is struggling with
courage for both him and Joyce. Pray for       pulmonary fibrosis as well as dementia.
all the family in this exhausting journey.     Please pray for peace, strength, and
Please keep Kim Sinnema in your prayers        courage in this struggle. They are so
as she struggles with her health. Pray for     grateful for the prayers and concern.
Brent, as he cares for her and for the         Pray for Bob Duffin as he struggles with
whole family in these tough times. Pray        bone cancer and is very tired. Pray for
for our youth pastor, Josh (Kim’s son) and     strength and courage for him and Linda.
Lacee, in this day to day struggle.
Kris Van Gelder had a recent scan of his
liver, and even though the spot is still            MISSIONARIES &
there, it is smaller than it was. His liver       THE GLOBAL CHURCH
enzymes are also in the normal range
                                               Chaplain Randy Jones ask for prayer for
again, which hasn’t been the case for a
                                               the safety and well-being of our officers
long time. Give thanks for these things!
                                               and that he would know how and when to
The family is thankful for all the prayer
                                               minister to them and to members of the
Please pray for Joel Bratt, son-in-law of      community who are in crisis with the
Bern and Verna Alberda. He was                 compassion of Christ.
diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma. Pray
                                               Praising the Lord that Keith Heidema
that Joel will tolerate the chemo
                                               made it home safely and is with his family.
treatments and that it will clear any cancer
                                               Thanking God that Keith could be used to
in his body and prevent future growth.
                                               further His kingdom!

     Call the office at 282-7442, your district elder, or Ren Braaksma at 539-9203.
THIS WEEK                                         OUR GIFTS
TODAY                                                      (Giving as of 11/30/2021
9:00 AM        Sunday School Grades K-12                                 Month                 Year
10:00 AM       Morning Worship Service
                 - Communion
               Tot Church                                          GENERAL FUND
                    (dismissed during service)
                                                    Goal                $30,970                $371,635
6:00 PM        Evening Worship Service
7:15 PM        High School Youth Group              Rec'd                   $31,360              $86,080
                                                    Over (Short)              $390            ($285,555)
9:30 AM        Coffee Break Bible Study                 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FUND
WEDNESDAY                                           Goal            $24,762  $297,138
7:00 PM        Cadets & GEMS Meet                   Rec'd                   $19,765              $69,417
7:00 PM        Junior High Youth Group
                                                    Over (Short)            ($4,997)          ($227,721)
1:30 PM        Churchill Quilting Bee - Bethel             CAPITIAL IMPROVEMENT
                                                    Goal               $2,000 $24,000
NEXT WEEK SUNDAY                                    Rec'd                       $310              $3,434
9:00 AM        Sunday School Grades K-12            Over (Short)             ($1690)           ($20,566)
10:00 AM       Morning Worship Service
6:00 PM        Evening Worship Service

               TODAY                                           UPCOMING
         FUND                                    JAN 16    GENERAL FUND
                                                 JAN 16 #2 SPECIAL MISSIONS
 This fund is set up to help cover large
expenses for improvements or changes             JAN 23    GENERAL FUND
 related to church assets. Typically not         JAN 23 #2 DENOMINATIONAL MINISTRY
   covering regular maintenance, but                       SHARES
    larger expenses like remodeling,             JAN 30    GENERAL FUND
   reroofing, etc. of church buildings.          JAN 30 #2 WARMING CENTER

PASTOR TIM KUPERUS            JOSH SINNEMA                         KATHY EEKHOFF
Pastor                        Youth Ministries                     Administrative Assistant

406.282.7968                  708.870.4742                         406.282.7442
pastor@manhattancrc.org       youthdirector@manhattancrc.org       office@manhattancrc.org
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