St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354

Page created by Catherine Douglas
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
August 30, 2020

  St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
              10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
                     (909)796-2605 Fax: (909)796-0755
Email: / Website:
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
2                                                November 1, 2020
                                  Welcome to St. Joseph the Worker Parish Community!
    “We commit ourselves to following the way of Jesus Christ and his teachings in the community of the Roman Catholic
    Church. We seek to spread God’s love through worship, education, stewardship, friendship, and service to all people.”

                                          Rev. Noel S. Cruz, MS, Pastor- (909)796-2605
Deacon Victor Barrion (909)796-2605                                            Parish Secretary– Dolores Williams (909)796-2605
Business Manager– Rosemary Egle-Hopwood                         Coordinator of Catechetical Ministry-Angela Flores (909)796-4308

         Mass Intentions for the Week                                             AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
Saturday: October 31, 2020
5:00 pm– Raul Perez, RIP †                                                     My Jesus, I believe that You are present in
       - Kusnandar, RIP †                                                      the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above
       - Tiburcio & Concepcion Galiza, RIP †                                   all things, and I desire to receive You into
                                                                               my soul. Since I cannot at this moment
Sunday: November 1, 2020                                                       receive You sacramentally, come at least
8:00 am– Basilia Macaraig, RIP †                                               spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if
        -Daniel Butler, RIP †                                                  You were already there and unite myself
        -Christina Vilar Wagner, RIP †                                         wholly to You. Never permit me to be
                                                                               separated from You. Amen.
9:30 am– Emily Parker, RIP †
         Raul Perez, RIP †
         Manuel D. Castro, RIP †

Monday: November 2, 2020
7:00 am– Rully Ernitasari, RIP ꝉ
        - Mariano Umali, RIP †                                  •    Classes will be offered via zoom or in person,
                                                                     outdoors. Class sizes are extremely limited due to
Tuesday: November 3, 2020                                            Covid-19. You MUST pre-register with the parish
7:00 am– Lance Hopwood, Birthday                                     office prior to the class.
       - Emilia Casas, RIP †                                    •     Both parents and Godparents must a end a class.
                                                                     Classes are offered the Second Wednesday of the
Wednesday: November 4, 2020                                          month.
7:00 am– Communion Service                                      •    Bap sms are held on the last Saturday of the month.
                                                                •    Must provide a copy of the Child’s Birth Cer ficate
Thursday: November 5, 2020
7:00 am– Daniel Loketi, Special Intentions                      •    Godparents must be prac cing Catholics and provide
                                                                     copies of their cer ficates.
Friday: November 6, 2020                                        •    If Godparents are a married couple, they must be in
7:00 am– Bob Edrich, RIP †                                           a Sacramental marriage and provide the church
          Butler Family, Special Intentions                          cer ficate
6:00 p.m.– Francisco & Maxima Sumalangcay, RIP †                •    $50 dona on can be mailed prior to the Bap sm.
                                                                •    All paperwork must be complete before finalizing
            * During Covid-19, the Sanctuary Candle con nues         the bap smal date.
                          to burn in the church.                            Please contact the parish office at
           The Sanctuary Candle is Burning in Loving              for
             Memory of: Romeo Guinto, Dr. James                             Bap smal prepara on paperwork.
              Blee, Dr. William Blee, Franz Losch,
           Marcos Ramirez, Charles Maestas, Erston
             Butler, Joyce Butler, Roy Butler, David
            Butler, Terrence Butler, John Butler, and
            Paul Delgado for the month of November.
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
Reflection Corner
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . . . ”
Ma hew 5: 1-12

Today’s Gospel is the beau ful “Bea tudes” reading from the Sermon on the Mount,
Ma hew’s compila on of the sayings and teachings of Jesus. The word “blessed,” as used
by Jesus in the eight maxims, was wri en in Greek as makarios, a word which indicates a
joy that is God-like in its serenity and totality.

Specific Greek words used throughout the text indicate several important meanings:
“The poor in spirit:” those who are detached from material things, who put their trust in
“The sorrowing:” this Bea tude speaks of the value of caring and compassion – the hall-
marks of Jesus’ teaching.
“The lowly:” the Greek word used here is praotes – true humility that banishes all pride;
the “blessed” who accept the necessity to learn and grow and realize their need to be for-
“They who show mercy:” the Greek word chesedh used here indicates the ability to get
“inside a person's a skin” un l we can see things from his/her perspec ve, consider
things from his/her experience mind and feel his/her joys and sorrows.
“The peacemakers:” peace is not merely the absence of trouble or discord but peace is a
posi ve condi on: it is everything that provides and makes for humanity’s highest good;
note, too, that the “blessed” are described as peace-makers and not simply peace-lovers.

Today we celebrate the feast of all the saints — not just the “official” saints we have read
about and revere in the liturgical calendar, but the saints and martyrs we have known
and who have lived among us, the “blessed” of the Gospel through whom God touches us
and our world.

All Saints is the fes val in honor of those who gave their lives for others, those who
taught us the wonders of life through their brave struggle to live, those who died for the
cause of jus ce, who le no other mark on the world than their love of God in their love
for others.

The saints are a living presence among us, sources of inspira on and guidance as we
make our way, one day, into their company.

Saints are the “blessed” of the Gospel who seek God’s way of compassion, who live lives
of humble gra tude for the gi of life, who build peace, who live justly and seek jus ce
for all God’s children, who imitate the mercy and consola on of God.
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
4                                        Solemnity of All Saints

                 Today’s Readings
First Reading — John’s vision of a vast throng from every
na on and people, whose robes had been made white in
      the blood of the Lamb (Revela on 7:2-4, 9-14).
 Psalm — Lord, this is the people that longs to see your
                      face (Psalm 24).
Second Reading — By God’s love, we may be called God’s
                  children (1 John 3:1-3).
 Gospel — The Bea tudes: your reward will be great in
               heaven (Ma hew 5:1-12a).

              Readings for the Week
    Monday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9;
       Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or
       from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016
     Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24
       Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
                        Lk 14:25-33
      Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10
      Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8
     Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9;
                         Lk 16:9-15

        Saints and Special Obser ances
      Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends;
           Na onal Voca on Awareness Week
       Monday: Commemora on of All the Faithful
                 Departed (All Souls’ Day)
       Tuesday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time;
            St. Mar n de Porres; Elec on Day
            Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo
                    Friday: First Friday
      Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
November 1, 2020                                                             5
                OUTDOOR MASS                                                         Weekly Collec ons:
                                                                                      October 25, 2020
                  SCHEDULE                                                      Plate & Envelope: $ 5,797.76
            90 Person Max Capacity per Mass                                      Online Giving: $1,776.00
            Please bring your own chair!                                             Total: $ 7,573.76
         Wear a Facemask, it is Required! No
                       exceptions !                         Thank you for your con nuous and generous support of
         Please bring your own hand sanitizer              St. Joseph the Worker! Your thing helps to pay u li es
                                                                  and maintenance costs of running our parish.
         If you are not feeling well please stay
                           home                                         Online Giving is available!
                                                            This pandemic has affected the financial health of our parish.
               Daily Mass                                    We truly need your help. We need to pay for maintenance,
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00                       u li es, running/func oning of our parish. We are
                                                                     encouraged to be involved in online giving.
                   am                                                  Online giving is safe, easy, and for you!
  Wednesday-Communion Service 7am                                      Please visit us at:
                                                                   and click on the Online giving link at the bo om,
                                                                                    or Online Giving:
                 Weekend Mass                                         h ps://
          Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 p.m.                     Please con nue to make your generous gi by check or by
                                                            electronic giving. Thank you! If you need assistance, please
                  Sunday Mass                                 call OSV at 1-800-348-2886, Op on 2, then Op on 1. The
              8:000 am and 9:30 am                           Parish Office does not have authoriza on to change Online
                                                                                    Giving accounts.

                         All Souls Day
                        Remembrance                                        Do you have a passion for reading?
                                                                          Do you like to share the good news of
                 In remembrance of our beloved
                 dead, a Novena of Masses will                             the Lord? If so, this is your calling!
                 begin on Monday, November
                 2nd, 2020 and continue for                              You can make an impact with as li le as
                 nine masses. Remembrance                     one hour a month sharing the word with fellow
                 envelopes will be located on                                   parishioners!
                 the brown cart upon the                        Training and lector workbooks are provided!
                 Entrance to Mass. Please fill                  We need you to share your me and talents!
                 one out as soon as possible                 For more informa on, please contact
                 and place in the collection
                                                            the our Sacristan, Godwin Asuelime, or
                 basket or simply mail it to the
                 Parish Office.                                        the Parish Office.
                                                                    909-796-2605 or email
                    Please Support our food pantry:
                      The church feeds over 100 needy
                   families every month. Non perishable
                     items are needed, such as: cans of
                      spaghe sauce, noodles, canned
                      fruits and veggies, soups, cereals,
                     tuna. We appreciate your support
                       for our surrounding community!
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
Solemnity of All Saints
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
The Most Complete                       “It’s still a good time to buy or sell your home.
                                                                                  Service combined with experience and integrity”
                                             Online National                                                    Cell: (909) 856-2955                                                   CA Lic# 0G11132

                                                Directory of                                                   Email:
                                                                                                                           George Rahal
     Check It Out Today!                    Catholic Parishes                                                     Parishioner | BRE#01861328
            Your Parish in
                                                                                                                Grow in your faith,
              Your Will.
                                                                                                                 find a Mass, and
           For further information,
         please call the Parish Office.                                                                         connect with your

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          Open: Mon.-Fri.                                                                                                                      Catholic Cruises and Tours
         7:30 am - 5:30 pm
          Sat. 7 am - 3 pm                delivered by                                                                                                                    and The Apostleship of the Sea
            Sun. Closed                                                                                                                                                   of the United States of America

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St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2020

                                                                   Please pray for Voca ons in our
                                                                 Diocese and throughout the World.

                                                                God bless those who devote their lives
                                                                         to serving the Lord.

                                                                        Do you have a calling?

                                                                          OUR HOPE AND GOD’S PROMISE
                    Know Your Saints

The Gospel for today's feast is always Ma hew's account        The Church uses these waning November days and
of the Bea tudes. At first they seem to favor the meek,         darker skies as the season to remind us of the last
the humble, the merciful. But then Jesus ends with some        things. Today’s feast, the Solemnity of All Saints, is
tough ones, aimed at those who are persecuted, insulted,       the centerpiece of three days that point to doctrines
and slandered. While it may sound nega ve, Jesus is            we proclaim each me we say the Apostles’ Creed:
actually giving us encouragement.                              “We believe in the holy catholic Church, the
Jesus isn't telling us to make enemies, but not to be afraid   communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
if we do. An important part of our faith is the impera ve      resurrec on of the body and life everlas ng.” And
to spread it. Some people do that by sharing their faith       while the days and our hearts may be dark, the
during their lunch break. Others teach forma on classes
                                                               readings today are bright with the light of faith.
to prospec ve Chris ans. So there are many ways to
spread the faith, and many types of saints who are
                                                               John’s vision in the book of Revela on reveals
celebrated today.                                              dazzling angels and white-robed saints gathered in
Maybe today would be a good day to learn about your            triumph around the throne of God. In the
favorite saint. What made her special? How did he spread       responsorial psalm we sing our longing to see God’s
the faith? What persecu on did they suffer? Perhaps you         face, and in the second reading John writes that we
could talk about the saints with your children. What saint     are God’s children and will, in fact, see God “as he
shares a name with your child? As St. John says in the         is” (1 John 3:2). This is our hope. This is God’s
second reading, we are all God's children (1 John 3:2). As     promise. Today we celebrate the triumph of those
we get to know our favorite saints, their lives can inspire    who already gaze on the face of God. Tomorrow we
us to face persecu on or ridicule for our faith--or at least   cry out for mercy with those in purgatory, who, like
the courage to talk about our faith, and maybe change
                                                               us on earth, s ll long to see God’s face.
someone else's life.
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354 St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - August 30, 2020 10816 Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda, CA 92354
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