Gratitude and Generosity - St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal ...

Page created by Rebecca Barnett
Gratitude and Generosity - St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal ...
Gratitude and Generosity
      St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal Church
                            Annual Fund

                           October, 2020

As Followers of the Risen Christ, We Strive to be Instruments of God’s Peace.

                        1525 Mulberry Street
                     Zionsville, Indiana 46077
Gratitude and Generosity - St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal ...
Gratitude and Generosity - St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal ...
Loving and generous God, who always listens to our supplications, spoken
           and unspoken. You are the source of all things for which we are grateful; we
           thank you for the abundance that you have provided. We humbly request that
           you encourage all who love you to share with the community of St. Francis In-
           The-Fields, and your whole church, from the treasures which you have
           provided us, for it is in giving that we receive. We ask this in the name of the
           Holy and Undivided Trinity. Amen.
                                              Annual Fund Committee, September 2020

Dear Fellow Members and Friends of the St. Francis Community:

Welcome to the 2020 Annual Fund Campaign. This campaign promises to be as
unique as the rest of this calendar year! And, that is saying something.

The 2020 world we live in has caused us to learn to do nearly everything differently.
That includes our worship, Christian programming and outreach.

In this midst of all of this, St. Francis In-The-Fields has been here. We transitioned
to livestreaming our services, offering our programming online, and we have
managed to keep our outreach efforts alive even when the doors have been closed.
Our faith community has risen to the challenge to be a source of strength, resilience,
and encouragement for all of us. We hope you share a sense of gratitude as we plan
for what will come in 2021.

We are very grateful for your faithful response, as our community, to the many
events of 2020, and, quite frankly, for your ongoing financial generosity. We pray
that we can continue to count on your prayers, participation and financial support
in 2021.

As part of a new way to consider gratitude during a pandemic and during an annual
fund campaign, we invite you to explore this workbook with us over the coming
weeks. Its contents invite us to consider all the aspects of who we are as a
worshipping community and to offer prayers of gratitude for them.
consider all that makes
Please join us as we the St. Francis community a unique and important presence in
our lives.

Yours faithfully and in peace,

George Parker, Senior Warden                    The Rev. C. Davies Reed, Rector
Gratitude and Generosity - St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal ...
Using This Booklet

This resource is for individuals and families to use in reflection and devotion. We will focus on
Gratitude within four weeks of guided content.

We hope that you will consider joining us online via Zoom on Tuesdays for an informal chance to
share in fellowship and meditation on gratitude together. Our learning will continue throughout the
week and we hope that if you have meaningful connections you will call 317-873-4377 or email us at so that we may share them with the parish.

                                   Gratitude for Our Worship
                        Zoom Gathering on Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00 pm
                                  Resources on pages 6 and 7

                                Gratitude for Our Sacred Spaces
                       Zoom Gathering on Tuesday, October 13th at 7:00 pm
                                  Resources on pages 8 and 9

                                  Gratitude for Our Programs
                       Zoom Gathering on Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 pm
                                 Resources on pages 10 and 11

                         Gratitude for Our Community Engagement
                       Zoom Gathering on Tuesday, October 27th at 7:00 pm
                                 Resources on pages 12 and 13

  Gratitude Gatherings Zoom Details

  Meeting number: 823 4101 6855                                    Find the link to these
  Meeting passcode: gratitude
                                                                 gatherings on Realm and
  Dial by phone: 1-312-626-6799                                  in our weekly newsletters
  Meeting ID: 823 4101 6855                                           on Thursdays!
  Passcode: 269054774

Gratitude and Generosity - St. Francis In-The-Fields Episcopal ...
There are multiple ways to pledge. Select the method of giving that is best for
 •   Schedule an electronic bank transaction for automatic payment of your pledge. This is a
     no-cost way to make your pledge for both you and the church.
 •   Make your pledge online. Realm, our online church community, offers easy ways to support
     our ministries. Whether you want to set up a recurring gift or make a single donation,
     Realm is a safe and secure way to give online.
 •   Text caregenerously to 73256, followed by your gift amount. Standard text message and data
     rates may apply.
 •   Fulfill your pledge by contributing via check through the mail to 1525 Mulberry Street,
     Zionsville, IN 46077.

                                        Important Dates
Annual Fund Campaign kick-off | Sunday, October 4th at 10:00 am online
Gratitude for our Worship Gathering | Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
Gratitude for our Sacred Spaces Gathering | Tuesday, October 13th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
Gratitude for our Programs Gathering | Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
Gratitude for our Community Engagement Gathering | Tuesday, October 27th at 7 pm via Zoom
Ingathering Sunday | Sunday, November 22nd at 10:00 am, location to be determined!

Submit your pledge letter to St. Francis by Sunday, November 22nd; at our ingathering during the
10:00am Holy Eucharist all pledges will be blessed! You can mail your pledge letter to us, or an
online pledge letter will be available on Realm and our website.

                        Questions? Need help? Contact the Church Office:
                          317-873-4377 or


Introduction beginning on Tuesday, October 6th

 Words to Ponder:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ
Jesus.” –I Thessalonians 5:16-18

 Spiritual Practice:
The Book of Common Prayer tells us that “the Eucharist is the central act of worship” in the Episcopal Church,
and rightly so, because the word eucharist literally means “to give thanks.” In the Eucharist, we recall all that God
has given us and all that God has done for us as a people. We recall God’s mercies in creation, in the calling of
ancient Israel, in the history of our salvation, and in the life of Christ and his Church.

And we give thanks: we offer “our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving,” holding up before God our lives and our
work, along with this bread and wine, to be taken up into the mystery of God’s plan for the whole creation.
When you next attend a celebration of the Eucharist, try approaching it as an opportunity to renew and express
your gratitude to God. Offer to God, the Giver of all good gifts, your “sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.”

Name 5 memories of worship that you are grateful for:

 Church Groups Focus:
This week during church we’ll be recognizing the contributions of the following groups (in alphabetical order):

___   Acolytes                                         ___    Flower Guild
___   Altar Guild                                      ___    Greeters
___   Bulletin Team                                    ___    Intercessors
___   Choir                                            ___    Lectors/Readers
___   Clergy                                           ___    Musicians
___   Eucharistic Ministers                            ___    Ushers/Greeters (Digital Ushers)
___   Eucharistic Visitors
Reflecting with Gratitude: How We Worship
Please mark each of the items you feel gratitude for at St. Francis. Circle items you hadn’t noticed before
that now that you see them you are grateful for and will pay attention to going forward. Maybe this is an
area in which God is calling for your time, talents, or treasures.

Please note: leaving an item blank doesn’t mean that you don’t like it or don’t want it, it simply means
that the experience of it neither enhances nor impacts your gratitude for being present in worship today.

I am grateful for:

___   Announcements
___   Brochures with information about our church
___   Bulletin
___   Bulletin board
___   Candles
___   Children in worship materials
___   Communion Wafers
___   Eucharistic Prayer A, Rite II
___   Evening Prayer
___   Flowers
___   Hymnals
___   Invitations to church functions
___   Music
___   Nametags
___   Organ and Piano
___   Outdoor Worship
___   Prayer Books
___   Prelude countdown
___   Signs for the bathroom
___   Signs outside of church
___   Slideshow before and after worship
___   Steeple
___   Styles of the Prayers of the people
___   The Lord’s Prayer

I’m also grateful for these things about our worship which were not on the list but that I have experi-
enced while at St. Francis In-The-Fields:

 Reflection Questions:
What might help you to cultivate a spirit of gratitude?

What can you do to bring others a spirit of thanksgiving?

What groups of people, seen and unseen, contribute to a meaningful worship experience for you?

Introduction beginning on Tuesday, October 13th

 Words to Ponder:
“What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?” – Psalm 116:12

 Spiritual Practice:
Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and
turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and grati-
tude will help you to focus your life in awe.

Note 5 things around you that you are grateful for:

 Church Groups Focus:
This week during church we’ll be recognizing the contributions of the following groups (in alphabetical order):

___   Building Committee
___   Gardeners
___   Hospitality and Special Events volunteers
___   Lawn mowing Service
___   Junior Warden
___   Senior Warden
___   Sexton
___   Vestry
___   Volunteers/staff who repair the facility
___   Volunteers/staff who stock bathroom supplies
___   Volunteers/staff who stock kitchen supplies

Reflecting with Gratitude: Our Sacred Spaces
Please mark each of the items you feel gratitude for at St. Francis. Circle items you hadn’t noticed before
that now that you see them you are grateful for and will pay attention to going forward. Maybe this is an
area in which God is calling for your time, talents, or treasures.

Please note: leaving an item blank doesn’t mean that you don’t like it or don’t want it, it simply means
that the experience of it neither enhances nor impacts your gratitude for being present in worship today.

I am grateful for:

___   Bathrooms, clean and accessible                      ___   Kitchen
___   Boys and Girls Club of Zionsville                    ___   Library/Parlor
___   Cheerful places to learn                             ___   Parking lot
___   Clean and organized spaces                           ___   Plants in the church building
___   Clean sanctuary                                      ___   Pollinator garden
___   Climate control                                      ___   Prayground for children
___   Coffee and water                                     ___   Sanctuary light
___   Columbarium                                          ___   Silverware, knives, tools
___   Comfortable seat and space to worship in             ___   Stained glass windows
___   Community Garden                                     ___   Storage spaces
___   Dishes and pots/pans                                 ___   Television in the Narthex
___   Electricity                                          ___   Welcoming front door/entry
___   Faith formation spaces                               ___   Well-cared-for floors, walls, etc.
___   Fire pit                                             ___   Wifi
___   Flower gardens around church
___   Handicapped accessibility and ADA compliance

I’m also grateful for these things about our sacred spaces which were not on the list but that I have expe-
rienced while at St. Francis In-The-Fields:

 Reflection Questions:
How are you aware of the gifts that surround you on every side?

What fills your heart so full of joy and wonder that you want to cry out with the psalmist, “What shall I
render to the Lord, for all his bounty to me?”

Introduction beginning on Tuesday, October 20th

 Words to Ponder:
“Embrace your life journey with gratitude, so that how you travel your path is more important than reaching
your ultimate destination.” – Rosalene Glickman, PhD.

 Spiritual Practice:
Sit and center yourself in God’s love. Start by thinking of someone you care for deeply and pray for their well-
being and thank God for their presence in your life. Next, think of someone you do not know very well but have
interacted with recently. This could be a cashier in a checkout line, someone you passed on a walk, or a neighbor
whose name you do not know. With an image of this person in your mind pray for their well-being and thank
God for their presence in your life. Next, think of someone who you do not like or whom you may become
frustrated with. Acknowledge your negative feelings for this person, and then pray for their well-being and thank
God for their presence.

Name 5 people that you are thankful for:

 Church Groups Focus:
This week during church we’ll be recognizing the contributions of the following groups (in alphabetical order):

___   Accountants and Counters                                        ___   Men’s Faith Journey Group
___   Adult Formation Volunteers                                      ___   Music Leaders
___   Annual Fund Committee                                           ___   Nursery Volunteers and Staff
___   Christian Formation Leadership Council [CFLC]                   ___   Outreach Volunteers
___   Children's Formation Teachers                                   ___   Parish Life Group
___   Church Staff                                                    ___   Realm mentors and staff
___   Communications Group                                            ___   Regathering Committee
___   Diocesan Executive Council                                      ___   Vestry
___   Ladies’ Bible Study                                             ___   Welcoming and Parish Life Group
___   Ladies’ Book Club                                               ___   Women’s Fellowship Group

Reflecting with Gratitude: Our Programs
Please mark each of the items you feel gratitude for at St. Francis. Circle items you hadn’t noticed before
that now that you see them you are grateful for and will pay attention to going forward. Maybe this is an
area in which God is calling for your time, talents, or treasures.

Please note: leaving an item blank doesn’t mean that you don’t like it or don’t want it, it simply means
that the experience of it neither enhances nor impacts your gratitude for being present in worship today.

I am grateful for:

___   Adult Formation
___   Blessing Box
___   Christmas Bags
___   Christmas Pageant
___   Communion Formation
___   Coffee Hours
___   Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation
___   Crop Walk
___   Dance Moves
___   Dayspring Center
___   EYC
___   EYC Jrs
___   Festive Coffee Hours
___   Food Drives
___   Meal Ministry
___   Mission/Vision/Values
___   Nursery
___   Realm
___   Sunday School

I’m also grateful for these things about our programs which were not on the list but that I have
experienced while at St. Francis In-The-Fields:

 Reflection Questions:
In what ways is gratitude “counter-cultural”?

What forces, experiences, or emotions work against gratitude in your own experience? Think of some
concrete examples. How could you lessen their power, and experience instead the transformative power
of gratitude?

Introduction beginning on Tuesday, October 20th

 Words to Ponder:
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” – Sir Winston Churchill

 Spiritual Practice:
Pray the “General Thanksgiving” on page 836 of The Book of Common Prayer, naming specific things for which
you are thankful. (You may also find a copy of the General Thanksgiving at www.bcponline/Misc/

1. The first time I came to St. Francis was because…

2. I am grateful for my experience of the following, which helped me decide to join St Francis:

3. The best part about being a member of St Francis is:

 Church Groups Focus:
This week during church we’ll be recognizing the contributions of the following groups (in alphabetical order):

___   Adult Formation Volunteers
___   Annual Fund Committee
___   Children's Formation Teachers
___   Church Staff
___   Diocesan Convention Delegate
___   Music Leaders
___   Outreach Volunteers
___   Regathering Committee
___   Vestry
___   Welcoming and Parish Life Group

Reflecting with Gratitude: Our Community Engagement
Please mark each of the items you feel gratitude for at St. Francis. Circle items you hadn’t noticed before
that now that you see them you are grateful for and will pay attention to going forward. Maybe this is an
area in which God is calling for your time, talents, or treasures.

Please note: leaving an item blank doesn’t mean that you don’t like it or don’t want it, it simply means
that the experience of it neither enhances nor impacts your gratitude for being present in worship today.

I am grateful for:

Community Presence                                    Evangelism/Invitation/Connection Work

___   Alcoholics Anonymous                            ___   Church Newsletters
___   Boy Scouts                                      ___   Church Website
___   Boys and Girls Club                             ___   Clergy engaging with community
___   Caring Center                                   ___   Confirmation, Reception, Reaffirmation programs
___   Communications Team                             ___   Dinner Groups
___   Dance Moves                                     ___   Flyers for Special Events
___   The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis           ___   Forward Day by Day
___   Gentle Yoga                                     ___   Mentoring for new members
___   Girl Scouts                                     ___   Newcomers Ministry and Events
___   Literacy Group                                  ___   Social Media
___   The Wabash Neighborhood
___   Weight Watchers
___   Zionsville Food Pantry

I’m also grateful for these things about our community engagement which were not on the list but that I
have experienced while at St. Francis In-The-Fields:

 Reflection Questions:
What comes to mind when you thank God for “the blessings of this life”?

What have been the ‘means of grace’ in your life?

A Gratitude Devotion

From Psalm 51
Open my lips, O Lord, *
   and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, *
   and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence *
   and take not your holy Spirit from me.
Give me the joy of your saving help again *
   and sustain me with your bountiful Spirit.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: *
   as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born
anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

A period of silence may follow. A hymn or canticle may be used; the Apostles' Creed may be said. Prayers may be offered for
ourselves and others.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
   hallowed be thy Name,
   thy kingdom come,
   thy will be done,
      on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
   as we forgive those
      who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
   but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
   and the power, and the glory,
   for ever and ever. Amen.

The Collect
The St. Francis Gratitude Collect found on the top of page 3 may be said.

Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles, "Peace I give to you; my own peace I leave with you:"
Regard not our sins, but the faith of your Church, and give to us the peace and unity of that
heavenly City, where with the Father and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, now and for
ever. Amen.
My reflections on Gratitude:

The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

   Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
    Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
         where there is injury, pardon;
         where there is discord, union;
          where there is doubt, faith;
         where there is despair, hope;
         where there is darkness, light;
          where there is sadness, joy.

      Grant that we may not so much seek
           to be consoled as to console;
       to be understood as to understand;
               to be loved as to love.
         For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

         Anonymous, La Clochette, Paris, 1912

You can also read