FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF OAK PARK 19 AUGUST 2018 - An open community united in love and justice

Page created by Terry Green
FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF OAK PARK 19 AUGUST 2018 - An open community united in love and justice
         19 AUGUST 2018

  An open community united in love and justice
FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF OAK PARK 19 AUGUST 2018 - An open community united in love and justice
                             “Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.”
                                       Abraham Joshua Heschel

                     *Please stand in body or spirit. Please silence cell phones.

GATHERING MUSIC                               Allegretto                               Franz Schubert
                                      The Royal March of the Lion                   Camille Saint-Saens
                                   (from Carnival of the Animals)
                                   First United Woodwind Quintet

WELCOME                   Please sign and pass the black Connections pad.               Deborah Kapp

   The peace of Christ be with you.
   And also with you.

*OPENING SONG                              Halle, Halle, Halle                              HALLE HALLE

                          GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE
   When we are happy, when we are full of fun and laughter,
   God welcomes us.
   When we are searching, when we are full of ideas and questions,
   God welcomes us.
   When we are tired, when we need to stop and rest and wonder,
   God welcomes us.
   Alone, together, with friends, with family,
   God welcomes us with love.
FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF OAK PARK 19 AUGUST 2018 - An open community united in love and justice
* HYMN                                    Mothering God                                     ANDREW

Back of the bulletin

    Jesus, as a mother you gather your people to you:
    You are gentle with us as a mother with her children.
    Often you weep over our sins and our pride:
    Tenderly you draw us from hatred and judgment.
    You comfort us in sorrow and bind up our wounds:
    In sickness you nurse us, and with pure milk you feed us.
    Jesus, by your dying we are born to new life:
    By your anguish and labor we come forth in joy.
    Despair turns to hope through your sweet goodness:
    Through your gentleness we find comfort in fear.
    Your warmth gives life to the dead:
    Your touch makes sinners righteous.


    Lord Jesus, in your mercy heal us:
    In your love and tenderness remake us.
    In your compassion bring grace and forgiveness:
    For the beauty of heaven may your love prepare us.

TIME OF SHARING        Blessing of the Teachers and Blessing of the Backpacks        Lydia Mulkey

  We thank you, O God, for the ministry of education. Through the ministry of teaching we learn
  about you, your creation, your trust in us to be your people, and your expectation that we will be
  responsible stewards of all your gifts. We also learn, from the Holy Spirit and from our spiritual
  ancestors, that we have things to learn. Priests, prophets, and wise counselors teach us through
  the Hebrew scriptures. Evangelists, apostles, and letter-writers in the Christian scriptures teach
  us of your love and forgiveness. Most of all, we learn from your living Word, Jesus the teacher.
  That story, always fresh, comes to us through teachers.
  We thank you now and offer you praise for the educational ministry of these teachers. Help us
  to affirm and support them in the ministry of teaching. We pray this in the name of the child
  who left his parents to sit and learn at the feet of rabbis in the temple, and at whose feet we
  are all students. Amen.
    Great Teacher, bless this backpack and bless this student.
    May there be sharp pencils in this backpack that match this student’s sharp mind that is
    ready to be challenged.
    May there be big erasers in this backpack that match this student’s ability to see every mistake
    as an opportunity for growth.
    May there be notebooks with endless blank pages in this backpack that match this student’s
    openness to new ideas.
    Great Teacher, because we know there is much work to be done, may this backpack’s straps be
    strong, its zipper free of jams, and its padding durable enough to meet the task.
    And with this blessing, may this student find the strength to be ever learning, ever growing,
    and ever a blessing to each person they meet.
    We pray this, also, in the name of the child who left his parents to sit and learn at the feet of
    rabbis in the temple, and at whose feet we are all students. Amen.

THIS IS MY STORY, THIS IS MY SONG                                                             Kathy Pederson
  HYMN                            Be Thou My Vision                                                       SLANE

   Back of the bulletin

                       LISTENING FOR GOD’S WORD TO US
PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION                                                                          Deborah Kapp

SCRIPTURE READING                            Ephesians 1:3-12

SERMON                                             Adopted

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS                                                                             Alicia Reese
    The joy of our Lord Jesus Christ, the compassion of God, and the creative power of the Holy Spirit be
    with you all.
    And also with you.
    Let us pray: Source and sustainer of life, we cherish your creation. Water, earth, and sky are yours, as are
    their inhabitants, wild and tame. We thank you for the creatures that nourish and serve us, befriend,
    enrich, entertain, and protect us. May we, who are made in your image, care for them well.
    God, you created all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small. Bless the animals in
    our midst today and bless the ones who stayed at home. May our care for them mirror your love
    and be an example of your mercy. Grant these animals health and peace, now and in all their days.

During the following hymn, you may bring your animals for blessing:
   [Name of animal] you were created by God, and you are loved by God. May you and your human family
   continue to be a blessing to each other. Amen.

HYMN                                 All Things Bright and Beautiful                                  ROYAL OAK

Back of the bulletin
PRAYER OF DEDICATION                                                              Lydia Mulkey

OFFERTORY                                The Lord’s Prayer                    Albert Hay Malotte
                                  First United Woodwind Quintet

*DOXOLOGY                                                                           TALLIS’ CANON

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Christ, all people here below.
    Praise Holy Spirit evermore;
    Praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER                                         Alicia Reese
    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread;
    and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
    and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

* HYMN                       All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir             Bill Staines
Back of the bulletin

OUR LIFE TOGETHER                                                                 Deborah Kapp



SENDING MUSIC                  Finale (from Carnival of the Animals)        Camille Saint-Saens
                                First United Woodwind Quintet

     PLEASE RECYCLE your bulletin in one of the bins near the Sanctuary exits.

JOIN THE DEACONS for prayer and anointing in the chapel following Worship.

BIBLES AND HYMNALS are available for use during worship. Please talk to a greeter to obtain these
items and return the amplification device to the greeter. Large print bibles and hymnals should be
returned to the table behind the middle pews.

THANKS TO THE FIRST UNITED WOODWIND QUINTET (Marilee Castaneda, flute; Louise Olivo-
Kier, oboe; Carl Nauert; clarinet; Melinda Robinson, french horn; Marge Rasmussen, bassoon) for
their special music in today’s service. We’ll see them later this year in worship and at November’s
Centennial Showcase performance.

CONGREGATIONAL CONVERSATIONS: Please join us today and next Sunday, following morning
worship, for discussions about our congregation’s identity, purpose, mission, and the leadership we
need. These structured discussions, which will inform the work of the PNC, are held in the church
lounge from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 pm.
   Today: Who is my neighbor? A discussion of demographics, diversity, and community needs.
   August 26 (after the birthday party): What are some of the challenges we face as a congregation,
   and what does that imply about the leadership we need?

HOSPITALITY IN WORSHIP - It takes many hands and hearts to make our worship pleasing in the
sight of God. We are grateful to our Worship and Music leaders and to those who provide Hospitality
through various ministries. This week we thank Lead Usher Nell Lurain; Greeters: Joanne Despotes,
Marilyn Kauffmann, Bob Larson & Kate Larson and Sanctuary Guild members Cindy Palombi and
Nina Roher. If you think one or more of these Hospitality Ministries would be a fit for you, please
contact Joanne Despotes at or 708-209-1377.

COVER PHOTO: Dozens of common merganser ducklings following Mama on Lake Bemidji in
Minnesota. Credit Brent Cizek, New York Times, July 24, 2018.

90+ BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! There will be a 90th + Birthday Party held in Centennial Hall on
Sunday, August 26th immediately following worship. Please come and help us celebrate all of those
who are turning 90 or older with delicious cake and fellowship.
BUILD CHICAGO 4TH SUNDAY OFFERING FOR AUGUST - BUILD is a leading gang intervention,
violence prevention, and youth development organization based in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood.
Since 1969, BUILD has helped thousands of youth escape gangs and violence to become positive
leaders. BUILD focuses on youth who face steep obstacles, reaching over 3500 youth a year in Austin,
East Garfield Park, Humboldt Park, Hermosa, Logan Square, and Fuller Park. Programs include:
Block 51 Arts Academy, Brand BUILD, La Mesa Latina/Black Table, Girls 2 Women, Mayor’s
Mentoring Initiative, and the Strong Bodies Initiative. Please support BUILD next Sunday with your
4th Sunday offering.

WELCOME- We’re glad you joined us for worship. Learn about First United:
    • Visit the welcome desk in the lounge or the visitor table in the narthex to receive more information
      about the church and a gift to take home with you.
    • Sign the registration pad when it’s passed. Include your email to receive our weekly e-news and
    • Speak with any greeter or minister or join us for coffee hour following worship.
    • Contact Lydia Mulkey at 708.386.5215 or for information about
      Newcomers Gatherings and any additional questions.
ABOUT US - We are a union church of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Church of Christ. We
seek to be an inclusive expression of Christ’s body celebrating our diversity while finding our unity in Christ.
We are a More Light/Open and Affirming congregation, committed to full inclusion of GLBTQ people in
membership & ministry.
ABOUT WORSHIP - Worship is our time to praise and grow closer to God. Worship each week includes
song, prayer, learning, silence and giving. If you have any questions about what we do, please ask a minister
or a member.
WORSHIP WITH CHILDREN - We welcome all children to participate fully in worship. Age-appropriate
worship activities and books are available as you enter the sanctuary. We offer safe, quality childcare and
quiet play for children five and under in our nursery (just off the lounge). Accompanied by a parent, these
children may leave after Time for Sharing.
RESTROOMS & WIFI - Accessible restrooms are located off the church lounge. Free Wireless Internet is
available in all areas of the building. Network: ‘FirstGuest’, password: ‘FirstUnited’.
GIVING - Offering envelopes are in the pew racks. You can also give one time or recurring gifts online at
SUNDAY, AUGUST 19                                      WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22
9:30 am    Technology Help Desk                        6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program
10:00 am Summer Worship                                THURSDAY, AUGUST 23
           Blessings Sunday!                           6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program
11:00 am Boundary Training                             FRIDAY, AUGUST 24
11:30 am Congregational Conversations                  6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program
3:30 pm Outing to Chicago Sky Game                     SATURDAY, AUGUST 25
6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program                         6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program
MONDAY, AUGUST 20                                      SUNDAY, AUGUST 26
2:00 pm Food Pantry Volunteer                          9:30 am   Technology Help Desk
Orientation                                            10:00 am Summer Worship Outside
6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program                                   Fourth Sunday Offering
6:30 pm Waging Peace meeting                           11:00 am 90+ Birthday Party!
7:00 pm Building & Grounds meeting                     11:30 am Congregational Conversations
7:00 pm Nominating Comm. meeting                       12:00 pm Church School Leader orientation
TUESDAY, AUGUST 21                                     3:00 pm PFLAG
6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program                         6:30 pm Summer Shelter Program
7:00 pm Council meeting


Gene Armstrong, Council Moderator                                    
Barbara Metric, Council Clerk                                     
Deborah Kapp, Interim Lead Pastor (ext. 101)                 
Lydia Mulkey, Associate Pastor of Education (ext. 103)     
Alicia Reese, Pastoral Assoc., Youth & Cong. Care (ext. 104) 
William Chin, Director of Music (ext. 108)                       
Michael Surratt, Organist                                 
Amanda Swanson, Manager of Operations (ext. 102)         
Dennis Cobb, Administrative Assistant (ext. 100)             
Maureen Wheeler, Financial Consultant (ext. 106)         
Susan Samek, Financial Assistant (ext. 109)                 
Keith Liesse, Manager of Building and Grounds                
First United Church Nursery School                         708-848-4910,
Housing Forward                                              708-338-1724,
Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry                             708-386-1324,
The Kid’s Kloset, children’s clothing ministry                       
Cluster Tutoring                                               773-378-5530,
Pro Musica Youth Chorus                              708-406-9597,
Samaritan Counseling Center                             847-446-6955,
* HYMN   Mothering God   ANDREW
HYMN   Be Thou My Vision   SLANE
HYMN   All Things Bright and Beautiful   ROYAL OAK
* HYMN                          All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir                  Bill Staines

Chorus:                                                  Verse 3
All God's critters got a place in the choir              Listen to the top where the little birds sing
Some sing low, some sing higher,                         On the melodies with the high notes ringing,
Some sing out loud on the telephone wires,               The hoot owl hollers over everything
And some just clap their hands, or paws,                 And the jaybird disagrees.
or anything they got now.
Verse 1
Listen to the bass, it's the one on the bottom           Verse 4
Where the bullfrog croaks and the                        Singin' in the night time, singing in the day,
hippopotamus                                             The little duck quacks, then he's on his way.
Moans and groans with a big t'do                         The 'possum ain't got much to say
And the old cow just goes moo.                           And the porcupine talks to himself.

Chorus                                                   Chorus

Verse 2                                                  Verse 5
The dogs and the cats they take up the middle            It's a simple song of living sung everywhere
While the honeybee hums and the cricket                  By the ox and the fox and the grizzly gear,
fiddles,                                                 The grumpy alligator and the hawk above,
The donkey brays and the pony neighs                     The sly raccoon and the turtle dove.
And the old coyote howls.
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