WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin

Page created by Angela Martinez
WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin
University College Dublin
 An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath


WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin
Programme                                            Level
This is your course of study, for example, BA        The level of a module is the level of difficulty of
Degree. Each programme will have a set number        the material that will be covered, and broadly
of stages and credits that you must complete         indicates the stage in your academic career when
to get a University award (degree, diploma or        you are likely to attempt the module. Generally,
certificate).                                        levels 1-3 are taken by undergraduate students.
Module                                               Stage
A self-contained unit of teaching, learning          Each stage usually represents 60 credits. A
and assessment, which is usually studied over        full-time student will normally complete a
one semester. Each module has a credit value,        60 credit stage in one academic year. Some
normally 5 credits.                                  programmes may vary. A degree programme will
                                                     normally be three to four stages, although some
Core module                                          degree programmes have more stages.
You must do these modules as they’re a
fundamental part of your degree. You’re              Semester
normally pre-registered to them.                     The academic year is divided into semesters.
                                                     Undergraduate programmes have
Option module                                        two semesters - Semester 1 runs from
You may be able to choose these modules as           September to December and Semester 2 runs
part of your degree. You will be given a list when   from January to May. Each semester consists
you register online.                                 of 12 weeks of teaching, followed by a revision
Elective module                                      week and end of semester exams period.
Modules that you can pick from any subject area      Laboratory, Practicals and Fieldwork
across UCD.                                          This is the practical work part of your course;
Co-requisite modules                                 it’s an opportunity to use the knowledge and
These are modules that must be taken together.       techniques you learn in your lectures, e.g.
                                                     carrying out chemistry experiments or visiting
Pre-requisite module                                 historic sites.
Before you can register to some modules you
need to have completed certain modules first.        Module Coordinator
                                                     The Module Coordinator is responsible for the
Incompatible modules                                 design, delivery and assessment of a module and
You can’t register to a module if you are also       acts as the principal examiner for it.
registered to, or have already been registered to,
another module where the content is considered       Orientation
to be too similar.                                   One of the best weeks in UCD. You’ll be laden
                                                     down with information leaflets but keep talking
Credit                                               to other UCD students. That’s an important
Credit is just a name for the value given to a       part of finding your way around. Keep an eye on
module. Modules usually have a value of 5            the New Students website for details.
credits.                                             www.ucd.ie/students/newstudents

WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin

               02                                          04                                          06
   Before You Arrive                           On Arrival At UCD                             Important Dates

               08                                          10                                          12
   Orientation Week                            IT Services In UCD                       The Buliding Blocks of
                                                                                            your Degree

               14                                          22                                          26
How To Register Online                          Fees Information                            UCD Regulations

               27                                          28                                          30
    Student Support                             Campus Facilities                            Getting To UCD

               32                                          35                                          36
 UCD Students’ Union                               Healthy UCD                                    Get Social
 For an online version of this publication, visit www.ucd.ie/students/newstudents
 Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained herein is correct at time of going to print. However, it may be
 subject to change. University College Dublin does not have editorial control or take responsibility for the material published
 under the Students’ Union banner.
WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin
                                                     We are delighted to
                                                     welcome you to UCD

     YOU                                             Once you accept your offer – and we
                                                     really hope you do - you should prepare

                                                     for the start of term. There are quite a few
                                                     important things you need to do in the next
                                                     few weeks, even before you get here!

                                                             POP ALONG TO THE
                                                     4       REGISTRATION INFORMATION
         ACCEPT YOUR OFFER                                   SESSION - 28 AUGUST 2018
                                                             You’ll get details on how to register
                                                             online and have fees explained, along
         Check your CAO offer notice carefully
                                                             with information about life in UCD.
         and follow the instructions to accept
                                                             For further information and to book
         your offer before the reply date.
                                                             your ticket see www.ucd.ie/students/

                                                     5       CHECK OUT UCD’S JARGON
                                                             We’ve explained the key terms on page 2
     2   GET SOCIAL!
                                                             but the online jargon buster will explain
                                                             other words and phrases you’ll hear in
         Use the hashtag #helloucd to connect
         with other students joining UCD this
         year. Check out the list of UCD-related
         social media sites (page 36) and keep up            GO TO UCD CONNECT
         to date with the latest news and events
                                                     6       www.ucd.ie/connect
         from around the University.                         Three working days after you accept your
                                                             offer, go to www.ucd.ie/connect
                                                             This will give you access to a number of
         FINALISE YOUR                                       services including SISWeb (the student
     3   ACCOMMODATION                                       information system) and UCD email.
         www.ucd.ie/residences                               Click on the relevant icon and enter your
         www.ucdaccommodationpad.ie                          username and password when asked.
         If you have been offered a place in UCD             USERNAME
         accommodation, follow the instructions              Your username is your CAO number (or
         emailed to you by UCD Residences very               UCD student number if you are a direct
         carefully. If you don’t get a place on              applicant or if you were here before).
         campus, check out the following links for
         accommodation off campus:
                                                             If you have already created a password
         www.ucdaccommodationpad.ie                          for SISWeb, please use that. Otherwise,
         www.ucdsu.ie                                        your password is your date of birth
         www.findahome.ie                                    (ddmmyy). Please change it on first
         www.daft.ie                                         login.
                                                             See page 10 for more details.

WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin

                                                                                                       WELCOME TO UCD 2018
7    APP
     Google Play or iTunes                                BOOK YOUR MODULE
     Go to Google Play store or the iTunes           10   REGISTRATION START TIME
     store and search for UCD Mobile. The                 www.ucd.ie/students/registration
     app will really help you settle in to life in   14   Log into SISWeb on 29 August between
     UCD.                                                 8am and 1pm (the earlier the better!)
                                                          to book your registration start time for
                                                          module registration. You will receive an
                                                          email to your UCD Connect email with
                                                          your start time. If you don’t book a start
                                                          time, one will be automatically selected
                                                          for you.
    You can begin Step 1 of registration three
    working days after accepting your offer.
    To enter online registration, go to UCD
    Connect, click on the SISWeb icon and                 BEGIN STEP 2 OF
    enter your login details.                        11   REGISTRATION ON 30 AUGUST
    Make sure you upload your photo by                    OR 31 AUGUST
    the 31 August deadline so that you can
    collect your UCD Student Card (UCARD)
                                                     14   (depending on your start time)
    at the time allocated for you during                  Module registration begins on
    Orientation Week.                                     30 August for the first group of incoming
    Visit www.ucd.ie/students/registration                CAO students. Check your UCD email for
    for more information.                                 your start time.

    CHECK OUT YOUR                                        IF YOU ARE DEFERRING/
                                                     12   CANCELLING YOUR PLACE
    Make sure you check your personalised                 If you want to take a year out before you
    Orientation timetable which is available on           start, you may be able to defer your place
    the UCD New Students website. You’ll also             - please see www.ucd.ie/myucd/defer
    find maps and information about transport.            where you will find a deferral request
    The pre-orientation activities run by UCD             form.
    Access and Lifelong Learning take place on            If you have decided not to come to UCD,
    various dates between 28 and 31 August.               for example if you are going to repeat the
    Students supported by HEAR and/or DARE                Leaving Certificate, please let us know so
    admission routes will receive notification            we can offer the place to someone else.
    from UCD Access and Lifelong Learning of              Email admissions@ucd.ie.
    activities they should attend during this
WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin
ON ARRIVAL                                                    Plan your time

     AT UCD                                                        The first few weeks of term
                                                                   will be a busy time for you,
                                                                   so make sure you plan your
                                                                   time carefully to make the
                                                                   most of everything that UCD
                                                                   has to offer.

          ATTEND ORIENTATION                           15
          The main University Orientation runs
          from Monday, 3 September to Friday,               CHECK YOUR TIMETABLE
          7 September and is an essential part of           www.ucd.ie/sisweb
          your becoming a UCD student. Make sure            Important information on module
          you check your Orientation timetable              content and assessments is presented at
          carefully.                                        the first lecture of each module - don’t
                                                            miss it!
          Orientation includes the President’s
          Welcome, Academic Advisory sessions,
          UCD Student Card (UCARD) collection,
          Library Tour, IT induction and lots more
          activities to help you make friends and to
          find your way around UCD.

     14   MEET YOUR PEER MENTOR                        16   FINALISE YOUR MODULE
          www.ucd.ie/peermentoring                          CHOICES
          You will be assigned to a Peer Mentor             www.ucd.ie/students/registration
          who is a trained, experienced student             Undergraduate registration closes at
          from your degree. Your Peer Mentor is             5pm on Friday, 21 September so make
          there to provide you with support and             sure you have registered to enough
          advice so make sure you arrange to meet           credits (60 credits) and that you have
          up and make the most of the knowledge             registered to any labs and tutorials
          your Peer Mentor can share with you.              by that date. You will have a chance
                                                            to change your choice of modules for
                                                            Semester 2 in early January. Keep an eye
                                                            on www.ucd.ie/students/keydates for

WELCOME TO UCD - University College Dublin

                                                                                                       WELCOME TO UCD 2018
14   www.ucd.ie/students
     There is much to enjoy at university, but it
     can also be difficult and stressful at times.
     If you have any problems while you’re                GET INVOLVED IN UCD LIFE
     here, there are people to help you.             19   www.ucd.ie/studentcentre
     The different types of support are listed on         There are more than a hundred clubs
     pages 25-27 and also available at                    and societies in UCD, covering activities
     www.ucd.ie/students (under Student                   such as debating and creative writing to
     Services Directory) and                              juggling and dancing, and everything in
     www.ucd.ie/students/support or call                  between. Find a club, society or group
     in to see us at the Student Desk in the              that interests you, and join it. And don’t
     Tierney building.                                    miss out on the opportunity to get
                                                          involved during Freshers’ Week (17 – 21
                                                          September) and Sports Expo (17 – 20

     STUDENTS’ UNION                                      MAKE SURE YOU READ...
14   www.ucdsu.ie                                    20   »» UCD Student Charter
     On joining UCD, you automatically                    »» UCD Student Code
     become a member of the UCD Students’            14
     Union (SU). The SU represents students’              »» UCD Academic Regulations
     views and opinions, and works on a                   »» UCD Student Email Protocol
     number of University committees from
                                                          »» UCD Smoke-free Campus Policy
     all areas of university life as the voice of
     the student population. See page 32 for              »» UCD Mental Health Policy
     more information.                                    »» The Acceptable Usage Policy
                                                          »» Healthy UCD
                                                          »» Dignity and Respect Policy
                                                          (Click on Student Services Directory)
     23    Incoming CAO students can
           begin Step 1 of registration     10    Academic teaching term
     AUG   three working days after         SEP
           accepting offer

                                            17    Freshers’ Week &

     28    Get Ready for Registration
           Information Session. More        SEP
                                                  Sports Expo

     AUG   information www.ucd.ie/
                                            21    Undergraduate
                                                  registration closes
     29    Book your start time for
           module registration between
     AUG   8am and 1pm
                                            19    Deadline for dropping
     30    Module registration begins
           (Check your UCD email for your
                                                  from your Programme

     AUG   start time)
                                            25    Semester 1 exam
                                                  timetable published
     31    Deadline for uploading photo
           for UCD Student Card (UCARD)
                                            01    End of Semester 1
                                                  teaching term
     03    The main University
           Orientation runs from
     SEP   Monday, 3 to Friday, 7
           September. Make sure
           to check your Orientation
                                            02    Revision week

           timetable carefully              DEC

     07    Registration closes for
           allocation of general elective
                                            10    Semester 1 exams begin
                                                  (incl. Saturday,
     SEP   places and re-opens on 8         DEC   15 December)

     09    First instalment of fees due     21    Semester 1 exams finish



                                                                             WELCOME TO UCD 2018
                     For more key dates for first year undergraduates,
SEMESTER 2           visit www.ucd.ie/students/keydates

21      Semester 2 academic
        teaching term begins
                                  26           Semester 2 academic
                                               teaching term ends
JAN                               APR

23      Semester 1 provisional
        exam results (available
                                  27           Revision week

JAN     until 29 January)

30      Refreshers’ Day           07           Semester 2 exams begin
                                               (incl. Saturday, 11 May)
JAN                               MAY

31      Remaining balance of
        fees due
                                  18           Semester 2 exams finish

JAN                               MAY

14      Semester 1 final exam
                                  07           Semester 2 provisional exam
                                               results (available until 11
FEB                               JUN          June)

11      Fieldwork/study period
        (2 weeks)
                                  27           Semester 2 final exam
MAR                               JUN

25      Semester 2 academic
        teaching term resumes

28      Semester 2 exam
        timetable published
      WEEK                                                                 ORIE
      To help you settle into life at UCD we                               IS CO
                                                                           ALL N PULSORY
      organise orientation events for all new                                    EW ST     F
                                                                                       UDEN OR
      students. These events run from 3 to 7
      September and are designed to help you
      find your way in UCD.
      Your personalised Orientation Week timetable can be found at
      www.ucd.ie/students/newstudents. Click on Timetables and
      enter your CAO code or Programme title in the search field.
      You will have received a social events schedule in your Welcome to UCD
      pack. It is also available at www.ucd.ie/students/newstudents

     Two of the most important
     things to do during
     Orientation Week are to say
     ‘Hello’ to other new students
     and to get involved in as
     many activities as you can.

                      I can help with almost everything
                     from planning your academic time,
                   managing your reading list and using the
                    library, to how to get around Dublin,
                     where to shop and what is the best
                                 society to join.

       As well as providing support, information                         PEER MENTO
       and informal advice, your Peer Mentor
       knows which support services to refer you
       to if there is a need. Stay in touch with your
       Peer Mentor - especially in Semester 1.



                                                                              WELCOME TO UCD 2018
  Meet your Peer Mentor who           Collect your UCD Student Card
  will show you around the            (UCARD) which is required for
  campus and the buildings where      accessing the library and other on-
  your lectures will take place, as   campus services. UCARDs can be
  well as introduce you to your       collected from building 71 during
  classmates and help you to          Orientation Week. Check your
  settle into life at UCD.            personalised Orientation timetable
                                      at www.ucd.ie/students/
  Make new friends and get to         newstudents to find out when
  know people.                        you are scheduled to collect yours.
  Get help from UCD Orientation       Visit the Students’ Union tent
  Guides (dressed in blue t-shirts)   to learn about its services and
  who will help you to familiarise    activities.
  yourself with the campus and
  UCD services.                       Attend the President’s Welcome
                                      ceremony for students on your
  Meet your lecturers, tutors         degree programme to mark the
  and staff in the School and         official start to your UCD career. To
  Programme Offices.                  welcome you to UCD the President
                                      gives you a UCD scarf and pocket
  Receive academic advice to          guide.
  help you finalise your choice
  of modules so you have your         There are also lots of fun
  timetable in place before the       activities during the week,
  first day of lectures.              including a comedy debate, a
                                      food fair, movie nights, sports
  Discover all the student            tournaments, gigs and the
  services at UCD and what they       Orientation Barbecue and Res
  offer you.                          Céilí. Visit the Students’ Union
                                      tent to get your Welcome to UCD
                                      Goodie bag.

                                      The best thing is that Orientation
                                      doesn’t stop there. There will be
                                      more events all through the first
                                      semester to help you settle into
                                      your programme.
      IN UCD
      The ‘Discover IT’ Student Event runs over Orientation Week and is held in the Daedalus
      Building on the Belfield campus. It is important to attend this event, which will introduce
      you to the key IT Services available at UCD. Check your Orientation timetable to see when
      you are scheduled in.
      Remember, if you get stuck, there is support available. Drop into one of our IT Centres
      (Daedalus and Health Sciences), contact the IT Helpdesk on 01 716 2700 or email
      ithelpdesk@ucd.ie. You can also check the Student IT Guide on www.ucd.ie/itservices/
      startoftermguide for help and hints and tips.

      UCD CONNECT                                                              Your personalised
                                                                               UCD email address
      ACCESS TO IMPORTANT SERVICES                                             will be used for
      Each student in UCD is provided with a UCD Connect account, so           official UCD
      you have access to key online services. Through UCD Connect, you         correspondence
      have unlimited combined Gmail and Google Drive storage plus a            including a
      personal calendar with your academic timetable in it.                    fortnightly
                                                                               student e-zine and
      You also have access to the University’s eLearning environment
                                                                               academic and exams
      (Blackboard/Brightspace), where you can access learning
                                                                               information. Please
      and assessment materials relating to your modules, submit
                                                                               make sure that you
      assignments, check announcements and other communications
                                                                               check it regularly.
      from your lecturers. Software applications are available to
      download or stream from AppsAnywhere on UCD Connect.
                                                                               Sophos Anti Virus
       Your initial login to applications in UCD Connect is your               software is available
       CAO number (or UCD student number if you are a direct                   to download for
       applicant or if you’ve been here before) and your default               free to all registered
       password* is your date of birth (ddmmyy).                               students through
       (*If you have already created a SISWeb password, use that to log in.)
                                                                               UCD Connect.

               ! You will have to change your initial password (ddmmyy)        Useful tip:
               on first login as it will expire. There is a change password    Sync UCD
               tool in UCD Connect and you will be required to use a           Connect to
               strong password.                                                your smartphone, so
                                                                               you have easy access
                                                                               to information
                                                                               wherever you are!

                                                                                                      WELCOME TO UCD 2018
                                                                  UCD MOBILE

Before arriving on campus, download the
free app ‘UCD Mobile’. New students can
find student orientation information and
timetables, add events to your personal
calendar or view locations on the map.         The app includes an interactive map of the
Registration information for all students is   campus (with an augmented reality view of
also available.                                locations for iPhone users), handy access to
                                               Blackboard content and announcements as well
                                               as a library catalogue search function, information
                                               on student supports, news updates, an events
                                               calendar, sports fixtures and much more! You can
                                               even book in your gym class and the cinema using
                                               this app.


                                                                                                                                   WELCOME TO UCD 2018
      PROGRAMME                                                        Your degree, for example,
                                                                       DN200 Science.

          STAGE 1 [YEAR 1]
                                                          SEPT-DEC           SEMESTER 1                     EXAMS
      A Stage is normally a year of a
                                                          JAN-MAY            SEMESTER 2                     EXAMS
      programme, so Stage 1 is first year

                    CORE                     OPTION                                  ELECTIVE
                    MODULES                   MODULES                                   MODULES
                Modules you must         Modules you can choose                    Modules you can select
               study as part of your       from within your                        from any subject area
                   programme.                 programme.                               across UCD.

                   CORE/OPTION MODULES*
                    IN YOUR DEGREE SUBJECT(S)

                                                                              ELECTIVE MODULES**
                                                                               WITHIN OR OUTSIDE YOUR
                                                                                  DEGREE SUBJECT(S)

                                                                                                                   The units that
                                                                                                                   make up your

                                 50                                                    10
       * Some programmes                                                                                    ** not all programme
       require 55 Core and                                                                                   require you to take
         Option modules.                                                                                      Elective modules
                                   CREDITS                                               CREDITS

                                                              60  CREDITS
                                                                             To complete Stage 1
                                                                             you need to have 60 credits.

                                                            YEAR TOTAL


                                                                                              WELCOME TO UCD 2018
UCD full-time undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degrees are
made up of a number of modules, normally 12 per year.
The majority of your study (generally 10 of the 12
modules) will be in your chosen degree programme.

There are different types of modules:          course of your programme to form a
Core modules (you must take these)             recognised block of learning in a subject
and Option modules where you have              area amounting to a minimum of 15 credits
a choice between a number of different         – typically three 5 credit modules.
modules in your degree programme. These
                                               Discovery modules are exciting new
10 Core and Option modules add up to 50
                                               modules that you can take as Electives.
                                               These modules are on topics of global
In addition, you can generally choose up       significance such as War and Childhood
to two Elective modules (10 credits).          and will include lectures on cutting-edge
Electives can be chosen from across the full   research or current affairs. Each module
range of undergraduate degree programmes       is taught by more than one school within
available at UCD (subject to module entry      UCD and is designed to deepen your
requirements, timetable and availability of    understanding of different disciplinary
places).                                       perspectives on topics of significant
                                               importance. www.ucd.ie/ucdelectives
Your Elective modules can be taken from
within your main degree programme to           There are plenty of supports in place to
deepen your learning (In-programme             help you along the way. In particular, your
Electives) or outside it if you want           Programme Office will offer you advice
to broaden your horizons (General              and support on a range of academic issues,
Electives). The choice is yours.               including programme advice, extenuating
                                               circumstances, withdrawal/leave of absence
You can also choose to take Structured
                                               from your degree programme as well as
Electives. This means taking your elective
                                               referral to other student supports.
credits in a structured manner over the
      Before you begin the academic year at
      UCD, you will need to fully register with
      the University. Registration allows you to
      obtain your UCD Student Card (UCARD)
      and gain access to the wide range of
      facilities available to our students.

      As an incoming undergraduate student you can begin online
      registration three working days after accepting your CAO offer.
      For example, if you accept your CAO offer by 5pm on Monday 20
      August, you will be able to go online from 12 noon on Thursday 23
      August 2018.
      Registration is carried out online (via your SISWeb account) and
      involves the following steps:

      STEP 1                                         STEP 2
      This is where you confirm your                 There are two main parts to this:
      personal details, upload your photo
                                                     »» Book your module registration start
      for your UCD Student Card (UCARD)
      and pay your fees.
                                                     »» Record your module choices (Cores,
                                                        Options and Electives)


                                                  WELCOME TO UCD 2018

1           GO TO UCD CONNECT

          Three working days after accepting
          your offer, go to
          www.ucd.ie/connect and click on
          the SISWeb icon.

2          LOG INTO SISWEB

          You will be asked to enter your UCD
          Connect username and password.
          Your username is your UCD Student
          number (CAO number or student
          number if you are a direct applicant
          or if you were here before).
          If you have already created a
          SISWeb password, please use that.
          Otherwise, your default password
          is your date of birth (in the format
          If your password is your date of
          birth, make sure you change it to
          something more secure on first login.
           & CONDITIONS

          When you enter the registration
          system for the first time you will be
          required to agree to the Terms &
          Conditions of the University.
          This is the start of becoming a
          registered student so make sure
          you read them carefully.


          When you click on MY
          REGISTRATION you will be asked
          to confirm your registration for
          You need to confirm registration so
          you can select your modules later


           Once on this page you can access
           and complete your PERSONAL
           You will also be able to access
           and complete your MODULE
           REGISTRATION once it opens for



                                                                                           WELCOME TO UCD 2018

6                                                    CONFIRM YOUR DETAILS

                                                     ANSWER A SHORT SURVEY

                                                     PAY YOUR FEES

                                                     UPLOAD YOUR UCARD

THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR                     ! In the fees section, check how much you
! Some information, such as name and        are required to pay now and enter that
date of birth, cannot be changed online.    amount (or the full amount if preferable)
To change these details, go to the Student  into the box provided. You can pay online
Desk (Tierney Building) with your passport using a credit or debit card.
or birth certificate and they will make the ! Make sure you upload your photo by
change.                                     the 31 August deadline so that you can
! If the name on your passport/birth        collect your UCD Student Card (UCARD)
certificate does not match the one used on at the time allocated to you during
your CAO/direct application, then you may Orientation Week.
not be able to collect your UCD Student     ! Guidelines on how to upload your photo,
Card (UCARD) until after your name has      as well as the correct size and format of
been updated on your student record.        the photo, are available at
! If your term address and/or phone number www.ucd.ie/ucard
is different to your home address, make     ! If you register late (i.e. from Monday, 3
sure to enter it.                           September onwards), your UCARD will
! Enter your emergency contact details in   be available for collection one working day
the fields provided.                        after you have completed Step 1 of online
! Remember to include your Student
Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) grant      ! If you are registering for certain Health
application number if you have applied for Sciences programmes, you will be asked
a grant.                                    to complete a Programme Requirements
                    HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS

           Check what modules you need
           before you begin Step 2 of registration
           - go to www.ucd.ie/students/course_
                                                            If you need academic advice, speak to
           search.htm and click on 2018/19
                                                            your Programme Office. Visit
           Programmes to see what modules you
                                                            www.ucd.ie/students/progoffice for
           can study and how many credits you
                                                            contact details.
           need. In your first year (called Stage
           1) you will normally take 12 modules             Check your UCD email regularly as you
           over two semesters, totalling 60                 will receive important emails regarding
           credits.                                         registration, exams, Orientation Week and
                                                            much more throughout the year.
           Book your start time – on 29
           August, go to UCD Connect and click              Complete your registration by the
           on the SISWeb icon to book your start            closing date for undergraduate students –
           time for module registration. You can            5pm on 21 September.
           do this between 8am and 1pm. The
           earlier you do it the better!                    Make sure you drop any Semester 1
                                                            modules (credits) you’re not taking, as
           Check your UCD Connect email for                 you will be charged for them. The deadline
           your start time. You can begin your              for this is 19 October 2018. You will need
           module registration at any stage from            to contact your Programme Office in order
           this time onwards until undergraduate            to drop modules after 21 September
           registration closes on 21 September.             2018 as you will no longer be able to make
           Register to your modules as early                changes in your online registration after
           as possible! Popular option and in-              this date.
           programme elective modules fill up               If you change your mind you will have
           quickly so it is important to register as        an opportunity in early January 2019 to
           early as possible.                               change your choice of Semester 2 option
           Make sure you are happy with your                and elective modules. Dates for this will be
           choices - after you have attended                available midway through Semester 1 so
           your Academic Advisory meeting                   keep an eye on
           during Orientation Week, you may                 www.ucd.ie/students/keydates
           want to review your module choices.
           Follow the instructions in the step-
           by-step guide to registration at

                    Pop down to the Registration Made Easy Lab between 3 and 14 September
      HELP IS       where staff will be on hand to guide you through your registration. During
                    Orientation Week the lab will be located in A105, Newman Building, Mon to Fri
                    from 9am to 5pm. You can also submit your query through the Student Desk
                    Connector www.ucd.ie/studentdesk or call us on +353 716 1555.

                                                                                           WELCOME TO UCD 2018
The first thing you need to do as part of your module
registration is book your start time on Wednesday, 29
August. You can do this between 8am and 1pm but try
to do it as early as possible.

 7                                                    BOOK YOUR
                                                      REGISTRATION START TIME

                                                     On Wednesday, 29 August 2018,
                                                     between 8am and 1pm, go to
                                                     Log into SISWeb and click on the
                                                     BOOK A START TIME button.

 8                                                    YOU CAN BEGIN YOUR
                                                      MODULE REGISTRATION
                                                      AT ANY POINT FROM THIS
                                                      TIME ONWARDS

                                                     This will show you the exact date/
                                                     time from which you may begin
                                                     your module registration.
                                                     Once you exit the screen, an
                                                     email will be sent to your UCD
                                                     Connect account (within one hour)
                                                     confirming your start time.

  For a step-by-step guide to completing your registration,
  visit www.ucd.ie/students/registration
To get to Module Registration, click on My Registration (on SISWeb homepage).

      Some of your modules will be Core modules; others will be Option modules
      from a list of modules related to your programme. You may also be able to
      study Elective modules that either deepen your knowledge in your chosen
      programme (In-Programme Electives) or allow you to explore subjects outside
      of your area of study (General Electives).
      You should complete your module registration in the following order:

        9                                               SELECT SUBJECT/STREAM
                                                        FIRST YEAR BA AND SCIENCE
                                                        STUDENTS ONLY

                                                      You may already be registered to your
                                                      main subjects based on your CAO
                                                      choice. You will see these subjects in
                                                      the SELECTED SUBJECTS/STREAMS list.
          ! Read your programme information           You will then need to select the other
          before you start this step. Online guides
                                                      subject(s) that you want to study from
          to choosing subjects/streams are
                                                      the AVAILABLE SUBJECTS/STREAMS
          available for BA and Science students at
                                                      section. If you want to drop a chosen
                                                      subject simply click on DROP SUBJECT/
                                                      STREAM beside the subject in question.
                                                      If you are a BA student, you will not be
                                                      able to drop your main subjects until
                                                      after your Academic Advisory meetings.

      10                                               REGISTER TO CORE MODULES
                                                       ALL STUDENTS

                                                      You may find that you are already
                                                      registered to your Core modules (Pre
                                                      –selected will appear beside them).
                                                      For some of your Core modules you
                                                      may need to pick a time slot. Do this by
                                                      clicking on SELECT TIME beside the

                                                                                                                                                        WELCOME TO UCD 2018
11                                                                                                       SELECT OPTION MODULES

                                                                                                       You may also need to select OPTION
                                                                                                       MODULES. Click on SELECT MODULE
                                                                                                       beside the module of your choice. Always
                                                                                                       read the ‘Am I eligible to take this module?’
                                                                                                       information about a module before you make
                                                                                                       your decision.

12                                                                                                       SELECT YOUR MAIN LABS AND

                                                                                                       Remember to register to any Laboratories,
                                                                                                       Tutorials or Practicals that are part of your
                                                                                                       Core and Option modules. To register to a lab
                                                                                                       or tutorial click on SELECT TIME. Sometimes
                                                                                                       your School will look after your registration
                                                                                                       to Labs/Tutorials. In this case you will
                                                                                                       see a message saying AUTOMATICALLY
                                                                                                       REGISTERED or CONTACT SCHOOL.

13                                                                                                       SELECT YOUR ELECTIVES

                                                                                                       Once you have been registered to
                                                                                                       your Core and Option modules/labs/
                                                                                                       tutorials you can select Elective modules
                                                                                                       (generally two Elective modules =
                                                                                                       10 credits). You can choose from In-
                                                                                                       Programme Electives (modules from
                                                                                                       within your programme) or General
                                                                                                       Electives (modules from any subject
                                                                                                       across UCD). General Electives are
           University College Dublin

                                                                Make sure you read the How to
           An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath

                                                                Register Online guide for full step-   provisional until 8 September.
                                                                by-step instructions                   www.ucd.ie/ucdelectives
BACK TO CONTENTS                           1|         2016/17
                                                                www.ucd.ie/students/registration       ! Remember to register to any
                                                                                                       Laboratories, Tutorials or Practicals that
                                                                                                       are part of your modules.
       DEADLINES FOR PAYMENT                         HOW MUCH DO I PAY?
       OF FEES

                                                    The first instalment is usually one third of
                                                    your total fee.

          09             First instalment           €254                 Student Centre Levy
                         of fees due                                     Student Contribution
                                                    €3,000               Charge

                                                    Undergraduate students eligible for ‘free
                                                    fees’ (who are not entitled to a grant) are
                         Fee Deadline for           required to pay a minimum of one third of
                         withdrawing from           the Student Contribution charge plus the
          19             your programme             Student Centre Levy by 9 September 2018
                                                    in order to be a fully-registered student. This
                                                    amounts to approximately €1,084.66*.
                                                    *The figure above is based on an
                                                    undergraduate student eligible for ‘free fees’
                         Deadline for               who is registered to 60 credits.
                         dropping any extra
          19             modules you no
                         longer wish to take
                                                      HOW TO PAY

                                                                   You can pay online through
                                                                   online registration (SISWeb)
                                                                   using a debit/credit card
                         Remaining balance

          31             of fees due
                                                                   A third party (parent/sponsor)
                                                                   can pay on your behalf. Visit
          JAN            students)                                 www.ucd.ie/fees and click
                                                                   on ‘Third Party Payment’

      For important dates for your academic year,   For information about ‘Free Fees’ eligibility, EU
      visit www.ucd.ie/students/keydates            fee eligibility, and undergraduate programme
                                                    fees, visit www.ucd.ie/fees


                                                                                                WELCOME TO UCD 2018
  INFORMATION ON                                 WITHDRAWING FROM
  GRANTS                                         YOUR PROGRAMME

If you have applied for a grant through                      We hope you don’t withdraw
Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI),                    from your programme but if
remember to provide us with your SUSI                        you are considering it, talk to
application number in the Personal Details                   someone first. Talk to your
section of the online registration system.                   Programme Office, Student
                                                             Adviser or staff on your degree
This is a 13-digit alphanumeric number,                      programme about why you’re
beginning with ‘W’.                                          thinking of leaving.
Please note that all students                                If you still wish to withdraw,
in receipt of a grant must pay
the Student Centre Levy of                                   and it’s before the close
€254 plus any fees not payable                               of online registration (21
under the grant scheme.                                      September) email admissions@
                                                             ucd.ie saying you wish to
For information about grants, visit
                                                             cancel and hand in your
www.susi.ie and www.studentfinance.ie                        UCARD to the Student Desk.
                                                             After 21 September you
                                                             must complete and submit a
                                                             withdrawal form via SISWeb
  FINANCIAL SUPPORT                                          and return your UCD Student
  IN UCD                                                     Card (UCARD) to your
                                                             Programme Office.

As a student of University College Dublin,                   If you cancel/withdraw on or
you are expected to have budgeted                            before 19 October, you will
appropriately and sufficiently before              OCT       receive a full refund of any
starting your studies. However, UCD                          payments made in respect
recognises that unexpected financial                         of the Student Contribution
problems can arise. If you find yourself in                  Charge or Student Levy.
financial difficulty, you may wish to seek
                                                             If you withdraw after the 19
advice from one of the following: your
                                                             October deadline, you will be
Student Adviser, your Chaplain or your SU           19
                                                   OCT       liable for fees.
Welfare Officer.

                                               For Programme Office contacts,
                                               visit www.ucd.ie/students/progoffice
                                               For Student Adviser contacts,
                                               visit www.ucd.ie/studentadvisers

For information about the types of financial   Visit the fees website for more information
support available in UCD, visit                www.ucd.ie/fees

                                                  This is an example of what your timetable may
                                                          look like during your time in UCD.

      »» As you register to modules, tutorials, laboratories etc., they will appear on your
      »» Click on a particular time slot to see what room/building that class is in
      »» Use the Semester 1 and Semester 2 buttons to see the relevant timetables
      »» You can also sync your SISWeb timetable to your phone

                                          Your time slots are colour coded so you can see
                                           at at a glance your lectures, labs and tutorials



                                                                                                WELCOME TO UCD 2018
PROGRAMME OFFICES                              716 1555 or call in to see us in the Tierney
www.ucd.ie/students/progoffice                 Building. For opening hours, check
Each undergraduate course (programme           www.ucd.ie/studentdesk
in UCD) is supported by a Programme
Office. They are the first point of contact    STUDENT ADVISERS
for students seeking academic advice           www.ucd.ie/studentadvisers
and support. They can help you with any        Student Advisers provide support for
concern or query relating to your degree       all students throughout their university
programme. Some of the key areas your          experience. Each academic programme
Programme Office can help you with are         has a dedicated Student Adviser, who can
registration queries, academic programme       advise on the range of supports offered by
advice, extenuating circumstances/medical      UCD. There are specific Student Advisers
certificates, leaves of absence, withdrawals   for mature or international students.
or referral to Student Adviser, academic       Student Advisers work closely with the
staff/Access and Lifelong Learning -           administrative and academic staff as
Disability Support, etc.                       well as other support staff. Students can
                                               contact them in relation to personal, social
SCHOOL OFFICES                                 or practical issues. From simple requests
www.ucd.ie/collegesandschools                  for information, to more confidential and
Each subject area belongs within a School.     serious matters, they will give you the time
For example, any MST (Mathematical             and space to talk things through.
Studies) modules will belong to the UCD
School of Mathematics and Statistics. You      ACCESS AND LIFELONG LEARNING -
should talk to the administrative staff in     DISABILITY SUPPORT
the School Office if you have questions        www.ucd.ie/all
or difficulties which are specific to those    The UCD Access Centre proves a range of
modules or subjects or if you need advice      support for students with disabilities.
on what modules to take to ensure degree       Please email disability@ucd.ie for more
compliance in that subject.                    information.
STUDENT DESK                                   INTERNATIONAL OFFICE
www.ucd.ie/studentdesk                         www.ucd.ie/international
Module registration, SISWeb access, fees       UCD International offers a wide range of
and form stamping are just some of the         support services to international students
services we provide. You can also get          as well as to Irish students wishing to study
official documents such as Certificates        abroad on exchange programmes.
of Attendance, Statements, and Official        STUDENTS’ UNION
Transcripts online via your SISWeb account,    www.ucdsu.ie
under the Registration, Fees & Assessment      As a UCD student you automatically
tab. You can contact us through the Student    become a member of the Students’ Union.
Desk Connector (as above), call us on 01       See page 32 for more details.
      When you become a UCD student,                  UCD ACADEMIC REGULATIONS
      you join a community that values                Your studies in UCD are governed by a
      honesty, integrity, dignity and                 set of overarching rules called Academic
      respect. The UCD Student Charter                Regulations. These regulations are
      and Student Code outline the role               supported by academic policy, procedures
      you play and how you are expected               and guidelines. For ease of use, there is
      to act while in UCD.                            also a quick reference user’s guide to the
      It is important that you familiarise            regulations available which allows you to
      yourself with the University                    search for topics in a FAQ format.
      Regulations before you begin your
      life here in UCD.                               UCD EXAM REGULATIONS
                                                      UCD has examination procedures and
      UCD STUDENT CHARTER                             regulations in place so make sure that you
      The Student Charter sets out the roles and      are aware of the rules.
      responsibilities of the various groups within
      our University and outlines what you can
      expect from your University and what the        SMOKE-FREE UCD POLICY
      University can expect from its student          UCD is committed to working towards a
      members.                                        smoke-free campus. All built-up areas of
                                                      the campus, commuting hubs, carparks and
                                                      pedestrian routes to and from commuting
                                                      facilities are prescribed as smoke-free zones.
      The Student Code establishes the
                                                      Your cooperation not to smoke/vape in
      University’s expectations in respect of
                                                      these areas is appreciated.
      student behaviour and conduct.

                                                      HEALTHY BEVERAGE CONSUMPTION
      UCD STUDENT EMAIL PROTOCOL                      In support of the Healthy Ireland
      Remember to check your UCD email                programme, high added-sugar carbonated
      account frequently so that you don’t miss       beverages (subject to sugar tax) are no
      out on important information from the           longer for sale on campus. This initiative
      University. We use your UCD email address       aims to promote healthier beverage
      for all official communication with you. The    consumption among the student and
      full student email protocol can be found at     employee population.
      the link below.

       You will find a copy of these and other university policies and regulations in the Student
          Services Directory on the Current Students area of the website, under University


                                                                     WELCOME TO UCD 2018
                                 Here is a sample of the
                                 best places to go for

   SUPPORT                       different types
                                 of queries.

I need academic advice/          I’m having problems with the
registration guidance about my   online registration system
modules                          www.ucd.ie/studentdesk or
PROGRAMME OFFICE                 www.ucd.ie/students/progoffice

I’ve got a personal problem      I have a disability/learning
STUDENT ADVISER                  difficulty
www.ucd.ie/studentadvisers       UCD ACCESS AND LIFELONG
                                 LEARNING - DISABILITY SUPPORT

I have an emergency              I’ve lost my UCD Student
on Campus                        Card (UCARD)
STUDENT HELP                     UCARD BUREAU
www.ucd.ie/students/support      www.ucd.ie/ucard

I want to report an              I need a cert of attendance/
emergency on campus              official university stamp/
ESTATE SERVICES                  transcript
Ext. 7999 or (01) 716 7999       STUDENT DESK
www.ucd.ie/estates               www.ucd.ie/sisweb or

I have a problem with my UCD     I want to join a society
accommodation                    to meet new people
ASSISTANT)                       www.ucdsocieties.com

I have a question about          I’m an international student with
my fees                          visa problems
www.ucd.ie/studentdesk           www.ucd.ie/international

For advice on all of the above   I want to get in touch with other
STUDENT ADVISER                  students from my country
www.ucd.ie/students/support      UCD INTERNATIONAL
      UCD has a population of around 30,000 people and is
      home to all of the facilities you’d expect to find in a small town.
      You’ll find almost everything you need on campus, including shops,
      cafés, a post office, a bank, a bicycle shop, a barber, a medical centre,
      a pharmacy and much more. Of course, life at university is not just
      about lectures and study; there is so much more to being at UCD.

                                                                   UCD SPORT
      You will find that sports, societies and social life
      are vital ingredients of your university experience.         AND FITNESS
      The Student Centre, UCD Sport and the UCD Sport              As a UCD student you
      & Fitness complex are the home of student life on            are entitled to free gym
      campus. They provide you with the most diverse               membership and discounted
      student facilities of any university in Ireland.             swim membership. To register
      Facilities in the Student Centre include a state-of-         for the gym and take your
      the-art 3D cinema, a drama theatre, a debating               online induction, visit
      chamber and a 600-seat auditorium. Visit www.                www.ucd.ie/sportandfitness
      ucd.ie/studentcentre for more information.

              Campus Garda Office                             Career Development Centre
              www.ucd.ie/estates                              www.ucd.ie/careers
              Childcare                                       The Writing Centre
              www.ucd.ie/creche                               www.ucd.ie/writingcentre

              Campus Services                                 Maths Support Centre
              www.ucd.ie/estates                              www.ucd.ie/msc
              Bord na Gaeilge UCD                             IT Services Computer Facilities
              www.ucd.ie/bnag                                 www.ucd.ie/it
              Disability Support                              Health Service
              www.ucd.ie/disability                           www.ucd.ie/stuhealth
              Campus Bookshop                                 Shops and Restaurants
              www.campusbookshopucd.com                       www.ucd.ie/students/guide/food.html
                                                              AIB has a branch on campus

                                                                                                   WELCOME TO UCD 2018
SPORT                                           LIBRARY
www.ucd.ie/sport                                www.ucd.ie/library/newstudents
For many students at UCD, sport is an           UCD Library provides the information
important part of life and we hope that         resources, study spaces and friendly staff
you will continue this when you join us.        support to help you succeed with your
With over 55 official sports clubs, excellent   studies. You have access to five libraries
facilities and a huge programme of fitness      with full wireless connectivity and spaces
classes, including ACE (Active Campus           for silent, social and group study. Library
Europe), there is something for everyone.       staff are happy to assist you with any
Sporting facilities include 12 natural grass    questions you might have. A dedicated
pitches, including the UCD Bowl - home          online guide for new students will help you
ground to both the UCD RFC and the UCD          become familiar with the website, your
AFC - a 50 metre swimming pool, three           online collections (available 24/7) and
gyms, squash courts, three multi-purpose        services which include the popular laptop
sports halls, five-a-side and full size         loans and self service loans. Your UCD
synthetic pitches, as well as the National      Student Card (UCARD) is your library card -
Hockey Stadium.                                 you’ll need this to enter and exit the library,
                                                borrow books, or borrow a laptop. Be sure
To see the full list of clubs and facilities,
                                                to enter our prize draw for new students
visit the UCD Sport website
                                                too. See our New Students guide www.
www.ucd.ie/sport and Facebook page
                                                ucd.ie/library/newstudents for details of
www.facebook.com/ucdsport. And don’t
                                                all the great prizes to be won.
miss the Sports Expo which takes place
from 17-20 September.
STUDENT LOCKERS                                 societies.ucd.ie
www.ucd.ie/estates                              Meeting people and making friends is
Lockers are available to rent for               one of the most important parts of life,
the academic year in the main teaching          especially at university. UCD has over 70
buildings. Lockers can be booked online         societies that offer students opportunities
through SISWeb using your UCD Student           in everything from public speaking to
Card (UCARD).                                   drama, juggling, event management,
                                                national and international cultures and
 LOST & FOUND                                   Societies run events throughout the year,
 If you find property on campus                 visit our website societies.ucd.ie, Tweet us
 please hand it in to Campus                    @UCDSocieties or follow us on Facebook.
 Services on the ground floor                   com/UCDSocieties and don’t miss out
 at the side of the Agriculture Building. If    on your first opportunity to get involved
 you’ve lost something visit them to see if     during Freshers’ Week (17- 21 September).
 it has been handed in.

For a full list of facilities available to you in UCD, visit www.ucd.ie/students
GETTING                                                        You will find a

                  TO UCD                                                   MAP OF THE
                                                                          UCD CAMPUS
      The Belfield campus is located 4km from Dublin city                     on your Orientation
      centre on the N11. There are many travel options                       Social Events schedu
      from various parts of the city, the local suburbs and
      indeed the whole country.

                     DUBLIN BUS
                     There are many bus routes servicing the Belfield campus. Check out
                     the Dublin Bus website which has links to bus routes in and out of the
                     Belfield campus.

                     IRISH RAIL
                     THE DART will take you north to Howth and Malahide and south to
                     Greystones. A shuttle bus operates from Sydney Parade to UCD during
                     term time. www.ucdestates.ie/commuting | www.irishrail.ie

                     The Green LUAS line, at Windy Arbour and Milltown, is also within
                     walking distance. www.luas.ie

                     AIRCOACH/DUBLIN AIRPORT
                     Aircoach is a bus service from Dublin Airport to the city centre and UCD
                     Campus. It passes by the main entrance to UCD on the Stillorgan Road.
                     www.aircoach.ie or www.dublinairport.com

                     The MyTaxi App is available as a free download from the App Store and
                     Google Play for both iOS and Android devices www.mytaxi.ie

                                                                          CYCLE APPS
                 CYCLE PLANNER                               DUBLIN BIKES
                 www.transportforireland.ie                  www.dublinbikes.ie
                 Find the best route for you -               Find your nearest docking station
                 choose a direct route, an easier            and bike availability
                 route or to avoid hills!


                                                                                         WELCOME TO UCD 2018
              Use the National Transport Authority’s journey planner to plan your
              journey by train, bus, tram, taxi and by foot. You can change searching
              options and search how to get from point A to B anywhere in Dublin.

              Remember to use your Leap Card to make
              savings on public transport! One card for
              bus, Luas and train. www.leapcard.ie

              You can also save money on transport
              with a Student Travel Card.

              COMMUTING TO UCD BY CAR:
              Parking is limited on campus and available on a first come first served
              basis. Car parks are designated permit parking or hourly paid zones.
              Eligible UCD Community members (including students) may apply
              for a parking permit. For full details and to apply see www.ucd.ie/
              Traffic calming barriers are in place to prevent through traffic and
              operate from 7am to 10.30am and from 4pm to 7.30pm Monday to
              GoCar - UCD provides a GoBase for GoCars and free parking for
              E-car - charging points are available on campus.
              UCD strongly encourages the use of public transport where possible.

      DUBLIN BUS                          REAL TIME IRELAND
      www.dublinbus.ie                    www.transportforireland.ie
      Find out when the next              Real time arrival information for bus,
      bus is due                          train and Luas
We’ve got
                                                    you sorted for

Get stuck in...
 Join our entertainment forum
 if you’re into partying, music and
 making memories and our campaigns
 crew if you’re the protesting type.

                      Pick up your copy
                      of our infamous
                                               Don’t miss a thing
                      student handbook          Follow us on all socials @ucdsu. Keep
                      ‘Winging it in UCD’       your eyes peeled for our banners and
                      from Fresh Fest           posters plus the TV screens at our SU
                      Sept 4th - 7th            Shops for latest events and news.

                       Where to find us?                             Sesh with us and
                        We’re based in the Student Centre            John Gibbons
                        near the gym! It’s a 5 minute walk from      at ‘Fresh Sesh’
                        the library towards the water tower!         on Wednesday
                                                                     September 5th.

 Become a class rep                          Ball 2018
 Pick up a form at SU reception              Stick September
 and get five of your new class              12th in your diary.
 mates to nominate you.                      Line up to be
32|                                          announced soon.

    your elected officers...

                                                                                                                              WELCOME TO UCD 2018
                                  Barry                           My name’s Barry, I’m from Co. Carlow and I’m a former
                                                                  Science student. I lead our team, representing the largest
                                  President                       student body in Ireland, at a University and National level.
                                                                  There’s so much more to UCD than your academic degree.
                                                                  Get involved in your SU by running for class rep, join a
                                                                  sports club or society. Make the best of it, you’re in for
                                                                  some of the best years of your life! See you at Fresh Fest
                                  president@ucdsu.ie              and our Freshers’ Ball.
                                  01 716 3111

My name is Stephen, I'm 21, lived in Dublin my whole life                                            Stephen
and just graduated from UCD with a degree in Politics. I've                                          Education
seen every side of UCD, from being a Class Rep and Peer
Mentor helping students like you. I’m responsible for all
Undergraduate students' academic issues, supporting
students with every aspect of their college work.
                                                                                                     01 716 3122

Melissa                                                           I’m Melissa and I’m a 3rd year Midwifery student from
Welfare                                                           Wicklow. College can be some of the best times in your life
                                                                  but coming to a large college like UCD can be daunting.
                                                                  Sometimes you may not know where to turn. My job is to
                                                                  point you in the right direction and to look out for your
welfare@ucdsu.ie                                                  welfare, be it physical, sexual, financial or mental!
01 716 3112

My name is Tom and I’m a Mayo man with a passion for
people. I’ve been involved with UCDSU since my first week
of college in all aspects of college life - Class Representa-
tive, UCD Entertainment, protests, marches and much
                                                                Campaigns and
more. I lead the charge on passionate campaigns within the      Communications
University on issues such as Mental Health, Gender
Equality and LGBTQ+! I’m also responsible for the upkeep of
all SU social media. If you ever need anything, make sure       campaigns@ucdsu.ie
and drop into the SU corridor for a chat!                       01 716 3110

                                 Niall                            As the graduate officer, I deal with postgraduate student
                                                                  issues including welfare and education. I plan on using
                                                                  campaigns and social events to foster a greater sense of
                                                                  community among postgraduate students. The Michael
                                                                  Smurfit Graduate business school will be one of my main
                                                                  focuses in this effort. If you have any issues, ideas, or just
                                 graduate@ucdsu.ie                want to get involved don't hesitate to contact me.
                                 01 716 3113
...how are you fixed for     4th - 7th
      your first week in UCD?      September

                         live music
                   carnival John Gibbons
               tie-dye tees freshers packs
               shisha pipes   free ice-cream
                       + much more

Healthy     UCD

                                                 WELCOME TO UCD 2018

  Connect                  -

    Be Active

Help &
Support                Keep

    Be          Eat
   Mindful     Healthy
                           @healthyUCD healthyUCD
             healthyucd@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/healthyucd
                                              Here are some UCD-related social media sites that we
                                              recommend to our undergraduate students.

                                              Visit www.ucd.ie/social-media for a full list.
                                              Use the hashtag #helloUCD to connect with other
                                              students joining UCD this year.

      /UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEDUBLIN                            @UCDDUBLIN
      Keep up to date with news, events and               The voice of UCD on Twitter: sharing news and
      updates via this Facebook home of the               relevant updates from around the University.
      University, aimed at students, staff,
      community and prospective students.                 @UCDSTUDENTDESK
                                                          Updates and information on registration, fees,
      /UCDREGISTRY                                        exams and Student Desk news.
      A wide range of support and services
      spanning the entire academic process:
                                                          Updates and news for international students.
      for updates on registration, exams and
      timetables this is worth a follow.                  @UCDSTUDENTS
                                                          News about sports, societies and events on
      /UCDSTUDENTLIFE                                     campus.
      For updates, events and news about your
      hub for student sports, societies and fun           @UCDLIBRARY
      on campus.                                          Follow us for updates on Library news and our
                                                          collections and services.
      News, events and support for the                    @UCDITSERVICES
      international student community.                    For IT updates and service announcements.
      Like our page and get news on Library
                                                          For Campus updates and news
      events, collections and services.

                                                          FOLLOW YOUR COURSE
                                                          Many UCD Colleges (e.g. Science) and Schools (e.g.
      Add UCDSTUDENTDESK &                                School of Archaeology) have a dedicated Facebook
                                                          and/or Twitter presence. It’s a great way to find
      UCDSTUDENTLIFE for updates from                     out what your lecturers, researchers and fellow
      across UCD                                          students are up to. Have a look on www.ucd.ie/
                                                          collegesandschools, go to your School page and look
                                                          for their ‘find us on’ icons.

      Guest lectures, college events, research            UCDDUBLIN
      discoveries and more are updated here. Check        Check out Instagram for pictures of campus life.
      out the playlists for a great archive of past       Why not tag #ucd #universitycollegedublin
      videos relating to your university.                 and #helloucd in your pictures too.


                                                                                                    WELCOME TO UCD 2018
Congratulations on getting a place in University College Dublin!
To help you get started, we have put together a checklist of
things to do before you arrive and on arrival at UCD.
Visit www.ucd.ie/students/newstudents for more details.

                                                       ON ARRIVAL AT UCD
      1 Accept your offer before the
      reply date                                            13 Attend orientation events from
      If you haven’t already done so!                       3 to 7 September. Check your
                                                            Orientation timetable carefully.
      2 Get social!                                         www.ucd.ie/students/newstudents
      www.ucd.ie/social-media                               14 Meet your Peer Mentor
      3 Finalise your accommodation
      www.ucd.ie/residences                                 15 Finalise your module choices and
                                                            complete your registration (by 21
      4 Check out UCD’s jargon buster                       September)
      www.ucd.ie/students/jargon.html                       www.ucd.ie/students/registration

      5 Go to UCD Connect                                   16 Check your timetable and start
      www.ucd.ie/connect                                    attending lectures from Monday, 10
      6 Download the UCD Mobile App
      Google Play or iTunes                                 17 Know where to go for support
      7 Begin Step 1 of registration
      www.ucd.ie/students/registration                      18 Attend Fresh Fest during
                                                            Orientation Week
      8 Check out your Orientation timetable                www.ucdsu.ie
                                                            19 Get to know your Students’ Union
                                                            They’re here to help!
      9 Book your module registration start                 www.ucdsu.ie
      time (29 August between 8am and 1pm)
      www.ucd.ie/students/registration                      20 Get involved in UCD life
      10 Begin registering to your modules
      from 30 August (check your start time)                21 Make sure you read...The Student
      www.ucd.ie/students/registration                      Charter, Student Code, Academic
                                                            Regulations, Student Email Protocol,
      11 If you want to take a year out and hold            Dignity & Respect Policy, The
      your place for next year see                          Acceptable Usage Policy and Smoke-
      www.ucd.ie/registry/admissions/deferral.              free Campus Policy
      html                                                  www.ucd.ie/students/services.html
      12 If you decide not to come to UCD,
      please contact admissions@ucd.ie as soon
      as possible so we can offer the place to
      someone else.
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