What's next for the Nightingale equipment? - Avensys

Page created by Jimmy Lopez
What's next for the Nightingale equipment? - Avensys

What’s next for the
Nightingale equipment?
The global COVID-19 outbreak saw the highest ever value of medical devices
purchased over a six-month period. During this time, the UK Government alone
purchased 30,000 ventilators along with similar numbers of patient monitors,
syringe drivers and patient warmers. Much of the equipment went
to the Nightingale hospitals. As the process of decommissioning starts,
thousands of pieces of equipment need to be moved – but where to?
Matthew Pinder discusses the potential strategies.
When Florence Nightingale said, “Working
hard is how to be successful”, she could
never have envisaged how true her words
would be in relation to the hospitals named in
her honour, set up to help the NHS manage
the huge influx of COVID patients expected in
the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
    These seven hospitals, one in each NHS
region of England, were set up in record
time (London’s ExCel exhibition centre was
transformed into a Nightingale hospital in
just nine days) and represent a massive
achievement, a true coming-together of
suppliers more used to competing for
projects than working collaboratively.
    Avensys was proud to be part of this, with
clinical engineers on site at the Nightingale
hospitals in London, Manchester, Bristol and
Harrogate to help ensure that the vast amount
of equipment that arrived was safe for use
in the UK. As well as providing engineering
support on site, Avensys got involved with           for other engineers and clinical scientists on        hospitals, a glorious emblem of the ‘all in it
procurement, using their global contacts             the basics of ventilators, gases, anaesthetic         together’ rallying cry of 2020, can now be
within the industry to source essential              machines, monitors and infusion pumps.                dismantled.
equipment both new and used, allowing it                 Mercifully, at the time of writing, it                Called by the NHS “the ultimate
to obtain items that hospitals were otherwise        seems that thanks to a combination of                 insurance policy in case existing hospital
unable to access.                                    vaccination and social distancing, we                 capacity was overwhelmed”, the temporary
    In addition to providing hands-on clinical       are seeing a reduction in the numbers                 hospital buildings will gradually be returned
engineering expertise, Avensys also set up           of patients being admitted to hospital for            to their original use, in some cases operating
additional training centres close to the hospitals   COVID-related illness, and the Nightingale            as testing centres where required.

As the UK’s COVID strategy moves into its                                                                  Preserving value; delivering value
                                                                                                           The Nightingale hospitals represent a massive
next phase, the question arises – what is to be                                                            investment. Lord Bethell, UK Minister for
done with all the valuable specialist medical                                                              Innovation, has published figures showing
                                                                                                           that the spend on set-up, running costs,
equipment procured for use in both the                                                                     standby costs and decommissioning of the
                                                                                                           temporary hospitals will be around £532
Nightingale hospitals and NHS Trusts?                                                                      million by the end of the 2022 financial year.
                                                                                                              If the cost of equipping the hospitals

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What's next for the Nightingale equipment? - Avensys

is also taken into account, this figure rises
exponentially – a report by the National Audit
Office shows that the spend on 30,000
additional ventilators for the NHS, many of
which will have been destined for use in the
Nightingale hospitals, was £569 million.
    And so, as the UK’s COVID strategy
moves into its next phase, the question
arises – what is to be done with all the
valuable specialist medical equipment
procured for use in both the Nightingale
hospitals and NHS Trusts?
    Avensys has always been committed
to supporting sustainability and efficiency
within the NHS, providing what it calls a
‘360° solution’ to sourcing, maintaining and
disposing of medical equipment. Its new
managed medical equipment storage service
will allow the NHS to both preserve the
value of the equipment purchased for the          found again, collected, checked, and taken         probably leaves a lot to be desired – storing
temporary hospitals and have it immediately       to wherever it was to be deployed.                 medical devices in, for example, a dusty
ready for use if required. Launched as the            We have learnt that preparation is vital,      basement with no ongoing maintenance
decommissioning of the Nightingale hospitals      and having pandemic equipment stock,               not only shortens its life but means it is not
begins, the timing could not be better.           ready to be commissioned and deployed              ready in the event of emergency recall.
                                                  quickly when needed, is more than common               If the Trust decided rather to rent space
Sustainability and preparedness                   sense – it’s essential. It’s also much more        away from the hospital site, how would
It is important to find a way that will allow     cost and time effective than starting from         security be handled? How would delicate
the NHS to continue benefitting from the          scratch again – suppliers worked miracles          medical equipment be stored safely and
huge investment in the Nightingale hospitals,     to source everything needed this time              maintained, so it was ready for use? And
unprecedented in the post-war period. The         round, but could such a Herculean effort be        what about the sheer logistics of getting the
Government and taxpayers need to see that         successful again?                                  equipment transported to wherever it was
their money did not only go into emergency            Pandemic planning must be a part of            needed in the event of another pandemic?
measures but will also be used to support         NHS and Government contingency planning                For a profession that is already working
patient treatment and care long after the         as we move forward and having strategies           flat out, it would be an unfair and impossible
pandemic.                                         in place will form that strategy’s backbone.       expectation to set.
     Many of the assets from the Nightingale      If equipment procured for this pandemic is
hospitals are being put straight back into the    stored carefully, it will be ready to put back     Managed Medical Equipment
NHS on a ‘free issue’ basis. However, Trusts      into service when needed, delivering a real        Storage
may find it hard to keep track of the new         value on the initial investment.                   Avensys’ Managed Medical Equipment
items – the risk is that they disappear into                                                         Storage service is on hand for every hospital,
the regional NHS hospitals and, if currently      The challenge                                      but it is a particularly timely solution at this
surplus to requirements, are put into a           But how is this to be achieved? Space is           key moment in the NHS’s history when
basement or other potentially inadequate          already at a premium in most hospitals, and        massive amounts of equipment are about to
storage facility.                                 the chance of them having a space of the           be, quite literally, without a home.
     This means that all the valuable equipment   size that would be required to store many              It offers three key benefits:
that has taken so long to amass would not be      pieces of potentially large equipment is           lT ransport and storage by biomedical
ready for use in the event of another pandemic,   incredibly unlikely. Therefore, the last thing       engineers
or a resurgence of COVID-19. Every                they need is corridors cluttered with surplus      lM aintenance
ventilator, bed or IV pole would have to be       beds, etc. If any storage space is available, it   lR apid redeployment

                                                                                                     Transport and storage: Equipment
                                                                                                     is collected quickly within an agreed
                                                                                                     timeframe, often only 24 hours’ notice is
                                                                                                     needed. Logistics is undertaken by Avensys
                                                                                                     engineers, ensuring proper handling and
                                                                                                     transport and eliminating the risk of damage
                                                                                                     in transit. For transport of large numbers of
                                                                                                     items such as beds, Avensys uses a specially
                                                                                                     modified HGV with multi-layered hydraulic
                                                                                                     storage and mobility restrictors to stop any
                                                                                                     movement of devices in transit.
                                                                                                         Equipment is taken to a specialist
                                                                                                     climate-controlled storage facility. Before
                                                                                                     going into storage, it is inspected and given
                                                                                                     an asset number, enabling establishment
                                                                                                     of a detailed and correct asset register.

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What's next for the Nightingale equipment? - Avensys

Each item is also photographed to provide
a visual record. All details are recorded
on the custom-built Avensys Healthcare
                                                    Case study
Inventory Management System – H-IMS –               Having received many medical devices as        its Managed Medical Equipment Storage
which can be accessed by customers at any           a result of the pandemic, a hospital Trust     service, and within 48 hours Avensys
time. H-IMS records all maintenance and             in the North of England was struggling         had taken to storage 200 beds, 100
repair work carried out as well as displaying       with storage space. The Trust had been         anaesthetic machines and 75 patient
the status and location of each piece of            fortunate to have access to a local offsite    monitors.
equipment.                                          medical facility that had acted as a storage       After four weeks in storage, the
    All items are fully insured throughout their    location for the previous year, but this was   hospital required the return of six beds
time in the facility.                               unable to cope with the latest delivery        and one anaesthetic machine. As per the
    Maintenance: The maintenance of stored          of beds. Furthermore, movement in the          agreement, the devices were delivered
equipment, while recommended, is optional.          storage area had become difficult, giving      back to site within 48 hours, where an
If selected, equipment is subject to a              rise to health and safety concerns.            engineer returned the devices to patient-
maintenance schedule comprising functional              The Trust contacted Avensys regarding      ready status.
inspections to ensure that it is always ready
for use. Work is carried out by an onsite
team of skilled clinical engineers.                investment made during the pandemic as          with coronavirus while at the same time
    Rapid deployment: Having medical               well as supporting sustainability.              dealing with the backlog of patients whose
equipment in storage becomes a problem                                                             treatment has been delayed during the last
if recalling it to use is difficult or it takes    Medical device storage facility                 year. Is it fair or realistic to expect them to
weeks to return. The Avensys Managed               Delicate medical equipment needs to             also handle what happens to the thousands
Medical Equipment Storage service will             be treated with respect. At 50,000 sq           of pieces of equipment leaving the
return equipment to site within an agreed          ft, Avensys claims to operate the UK’s          Nightingale hospitals? By any standards,
KPI, typically just 24-48 hours. The ability to    largest climate controlled medical device       they have more than enough to deal with at
have items returned to ‘patient ready’ status      storage facility. A climate-controlled system   the moment.
so quickly is what makes the service viable.       ensures the optimum temperature is always           A managed medical equipment storage
    In addition, customers only pay for the        maintained and it never gets too hot or too     service gives Trusts the peace of mind that
months that their items are in storage, so are     cold. Contents are protected from dust,         comes from knowing that their equipment
not bound in a contract to pay for storage of      moisture, vermin and other events that can      is being stored safely and maintained by
an item that has been recalled.                    occur in general use buildings, such as fires   experts, ready to be called back into use at
                                                   and floods. 24-hour security and a high-tech    short notice whenever required.
Resale and reinvestment                            alarm system ensures safe storage.                   There will be innumerable discussions
Where equipment from the Nightingale                   Maintenance is carried out by Avensys’      around the pandemic for many years.
hospitals does go out to Trusts, it may mean       own dedicated team of onsite clinical           Professor Christopher Dye, former director of
that they have earlier generation medical          engineers, trained by the company and           strategy at the World Health Organization,
devices they no longer need. If this is the        highly experienced in their work. They          commented: “My fear is that the perception
case, the Avensys Resale division can act on       perform periodic functional checks on           and impressions, lessons people think
their behalf to sell on the surplus pre-owned      batteries, mechanical joints, oil levels,       they’ve learned during this pandemic, will
items, and the money can be reinvested             software and digital displays as needed.        subside quite quickly. After this experience
back into hospitals.                                   The service is available for all medical    goes away, these could be forgotten. We
    In addition, if when Nightingale               equipment, from thermometers to beds, with      cannot allow this to happen. We have to
equipment is recalled there are more               no size limitations.                            remember, learn and prepare.”
up-to-date options available, Avensys can              The NHS’s response to the COVID                 One key lesson that the nation must
move the equipment directly from storage           pandemic has drawn praise from                  surely take away from the pandemic is to be
(or collect it from site if it has been self-      every quarter. The work of all hospital         prepared. Services like the Avensys Managed
stored) to sales, again returning profit to the    departments continues as they treat those       Medical Equipment Storage service can play
Trust. This is another way of preserving the       people still suffering from or being admitted   an important role in achieving that.         CSJ

 The Avensys Managed Medical                                                                        About the Author
 Equipment Storage facility at a glance                                                             Matthew Pinder heads up the equipment
                                                                                                    solutions division within Avensys UK,
 l Thefacility is 50,000 sq ft, capable            is also in accordance with upcoming             an international biomedical engineering
  of holding hundreds of thousands of               Regulation 2017/745, which comes into           firm. In addition to the Avensys
  medical devices                                   force May 2022                                  Managed Medical Equipment Storage
   he resale team is also located at the          lT
                                                     emperature and humidity are monitored         (MMES) service, he is responsible for
  storage facility, which has 15 engineers,         to ensure that appropriate conditions are       all new business within the department,
  a workshop, and a team of stores/                 maintained, with sensors located around         developing the Avensys UK brand and
  dispatch operatives                               the facility to ensure even temperature         expanding the customer base. He is
   he climate-controlled environment               and humidity levels                             particularly interested in sustainability
  ensures that all devices are stored at the       lR
                                                     ecording devices are periodically             and finding ways to deliver savings
  temperature and humidity levels within            checked and calibrated to ensure                and efficiencies into the NHS through
  manufacturer’s recommendations. This              accurate readings                               innovative, sustainable options.

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