What Your HR Department Can Learn From FedEx

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 What Your HR Department
 Can Learn From FedEx:
 The Power of a Strong Brand.

                                                                                                    BY JOE BENSON AND BRET KINSELLA

      t is 9:30a.m. You have a major pre-                3. What promises do you make to            WHAT IS A DEPARTMENT BRAND?
      sentation to give to the board of                  your customers?                                Every company, every person and
      directors at 11:00 a.m. You need                   4. How consistently do you keep            every organization has a brand. Brands
 documents from your colleagues in                       those promises and fulfill them 100        are born when there are customers to
 your West Coast office.                                 percent?                                   serve, skills to be practiced and value
     You leave your desk and walk out                    5. What does your department do            to be created. Your department is
 to the lobby. There on the counter,                     that could be considered “best-in-         known for something. That is a fact.
 right where you expected to find it, is                 class?”                                    What it is known for is the brand —
 your package. Not just any package —                    6. How is the experience your cus-         like it or not.
 it is your purple and orange FedEx                      tomers receive from your department            Your brand, like all brands, lives in
 package. The documents you need                         differentiated from experiences deliv-     the mind of your “customers” — the
 arrived as promised. FedEx provided                     ered by other departments they have        employees, and the executive manage-
 you with more than just coast-to-coast                  worked with? How is it better and          ment team in this instance. Your cus-
 package delivery service. They also                     worse?                                     tomers may have positive or negative
 provided you with a sense of security                   7. What do your customers want the         associations of your brand. For example,
 that only “absolutely, positively                       most from your department?                 your department may be known as effi-
 overnight” can deliver.                                 8. How effectively does your depart-       cient and responsive to employee needs.
     FedEx is a great brand. Great brands                ment compete internally for manage-        Or it may be known for poor communi-
 provide a source of identification and                  ment attention, for employee participa-    cation or consuming employee time
 an assurance of quality. They simplify                  tion and for budget allocations?           with needless paperwork.
 decision-making and crisply communi-                       These are tough questions. Few              The customer perception of your
 cate the value they create for their cus-               department executives have ever con-       department brand has consequences.
 tomers. And great brands make and                       sidered asking them in this way. Fewer     Like real estate, brands develop equity.
 keep their promises. These characteris-                 can provide succinct answers. These are    Brand equity is created when the brand
 tics differentiate great brands and                     the type of questions that great brands    is thoughtfully built, carefully man-
 cement their leadership credentials.                    answer with confidence. Your ability to    aged, and positive associations are
     How does this apply to an HR                        do likewise can unlock many of the         cemented. Brand equity is diluted or
 department? Well, answer this pop quiz.                 same benefits enjoyed by great brands.     depreciated when the brand is misman-
 1. What is your department known                           It is time for you and your depart-     aged, misunderstood or neglected.
 for in the mind of your customers, i.e.,                ment to enjoy the benefits that FedEx          What happens if your brand associ-
 employees and management?                               enjoys. It is time for you to brand your   ations are negative? Management
 2. What would your customers                            HR department.                             ignores you. Employees avoid you.
 describe as the value you deliver?                                                                 Your ability to have a positive impact

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on your organization becomes an              customers are most likely to receive           tremendous benefits in your ability to
insurmountable task.                         benefits. And, of equal importance,            compete for attention, budget and rele-
                                             your core competencies ensure your             vance within the organization. Some
THE KEY COMPONENTS OF A                      ability to keep the promises you make.         interrelated benefits to building,
DEPARTMENT BRAND                             Core competencies are premium skills           owning and fulfilling a strong and
   To understand branding better in the      that you deliver to fulfill specific cus-      favorable department brand include:
context of an HR department, you should      tomer needs.                                   ➤ Professional recognition — your
consider four discrete components:                                                          customers recognize the value you pro-
➤ Your department’s primary target           ➤ Benefits — Why Do People Value               vide.
customer,                                    Your Existence?                                ➤ Organizational relevance — the
➤ Your department’s distinctive set             The third component is the benefits         ability to better compete for internal
of core competencies,                        that an employee receives when he uses         resources.
➤ The benefits your department               the products or services offered by the        ➤ Organizational impact — the
delivers to your primary target cus-         brand. For example, HR departments             ability to contribute to the company’s
tomer, and                                   provide employees with the informa-            success.
➤ The key characteristics, adjectives        tion necessary to make informed finan-
or personality traits that distinguish       cial and healthcare decisions. This sup-       ➤ Professional Recognition —
your department and its manner of            port may provide peace of mind as well         Employee Mind Share and Department
doing business.                              as opportunities for cost avoidance or         Yield
                                             financial gain. Benefits may be qualita-          When your customers know you are
➤ Primary Target Customer —                  tive or quantitative, but must be readily      providing value, a lot of good things
Who Do You Serve?                            identifiable and valued by primary             begin to happen. First, your team gets
   The employee is the primary target        target customers.                              credit for its hard work. Second, your
customer for the HR department. The                                                         team has tangible feedback about how
gender, age, education, income and role      ➤ Personality Traits — What Is                 they are performing and can zero in on
may define your target customer.             Distinctive About How You Do Things?           what to accentuate and what to elimi-
However, of equal or greater impor-              The fourth component is a set of per-      nate, making it far more efficient.
tance are the common needs and               sonality traits. Brands are like people.       Third, your team develops solidarity
shared buying behaviors that define the      Just as every successful person                and pride. This situation leads to
employees you serve. Great brands are        expresses their brand through their per-       greater productivity, higher morale,
great because they are designed to com-      sonality, every successful brand has a         more impact and lower turnover. And,
municate effectively to a specific target    personality. Personality traits are adjec-     most important, it solidifies your rela-
customer and fulfill a distinct need.        tives that describe what is distinctive        tionship with your primary target cus-
   However, your task is complicated         about how you or your department per-          tomer. You become indispensable.
by a secondary customer, senior man-         forms. They describe the unique experi-           Strong brands are trusted authori-
agement, who pays the bills. FedEx           ence that your customers gain from their       ties. They provide an assurance of
must consider the needs and expecta-         interaction with you. Moreover, person-        quality. They simplify buying deci-
tions of both the sender of overnight        ality traits encourage the primary target      sions. This is especially true when the
packages and the receiver. You must          customer to invest in, and build a rela-       decision is complex and information is
consider the needs of the users as well      tionship with, the brand. What is your         imperfect. For example, trying to deter-
as the executives who determine the          department known as? Efficient? Detail-        mine what would be the right “mix” of
resources your department can leverage       oriented? Invasive? Cumbersome?                financial products in an employee’s
to offer services.                           Responsive? Knowledgeable?                     401(k) plan or how best to save for a
   “I segment (my customers),” says Russ         “I would like us to be branded as          child’s college tuition with a 529 Plan.
Campanello of the consulting firm            having the basics in place and being           Customers that bring positive associa-
NerveWire. “I have paying customers          able to flexibly deploy and respond to         tions of your department’s competence
and retail customers. My paying cus-         the needs of the business. So when             in situations such as these are more
tomers are the management of the com-        there is a need, we are there. If I am         likely to trust your judgment, be active
pany. They are allocating investment dol-    looking for a brand, it is about rele-         participants, give honest feedback and
lars across the board. My retail customers   vance, connectivity and response,” says        applaud your contribution.
are the rank and file employee base.”        Robert MacLean, senior vice president
                                             of human resources, Boston Scientific.         ➤ Organizational Relevance —
➤ Core Competencies — Can You                                                               Management Mind Share and
Make and Keep Your Promises?                 BENEFITS OF OWNING AND BUILDING                Resource Allocation
   This concept applies to more than         A DEPARTMENT BRAND                                Similarly, a strong brand can
just the enterprise or company as a             It may seem unconventional to               enhance your department’s relevance
whole. Your department’s core compe-         transform your department into a               to the organization. Greater relevance
tencies imply what you are good at           scaled version of FedEx or in the retail       leads to greater ability to compete for
delivering. They also imply where your       word, Nordstrom, but it can have               internal resources such as budget allo-

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 cations and management attention.                       Depot, Dell, or your local dry cleaner,         However, services have two impor-
 Both are critical success factors for any               for that matter. Services are intangible     tant differences from product brands.
 HR department seeking to meet its                       activities performed for a specific cus-     First, products are built and then
 objectives on a daily or annual basis.                  tomer or customers. Services brands          delivered to a customer. Services are
 Just as brands position products and                    can do two things. They can take             performed or built in the presence of
 services in the marketplace, a depart-                  goods — tangible products developed          the customer. Second, products are
 ment brand can help position your role                  by other companies — and envelop             tangible; whereas services are intan-
 and influence within the company.                       them with expertise and activities. Or       gible. Customers cannot pick up, hold
                                                         they can provide layers of services that     or see the vast majority of what you do
 ➤ Organizational Impact — Shaping                       fulfill a particular customer need such      for them.
 Your Company’s Future                                   as cleaning and pressing clothes or             As a result, your customer’s percep-
    Finally, a strong department brand                   delivering a package across the              tion of value is shaped as much by the
 can support corporate-wide strategic                    country overnight.                           performance of the service as it is by
 objectives ensuring that the company is                                                              the end result. This requires that you
 competitive in the external market-                     ➤ Wrapping other Companies’                  focus as much attention on ensuring
 place. When your customers know you                     Products with Valued Services                that service processes are executed effi-
 are providing value; when you have                         Nordstrom’s buys apparel and acces-       ciently, comprehensively and consis-
 management involvement in key initia-                   sories from Gucci, Hugo Boss and             tently, as you do in selecting the end
 tives; when you have adequate bud-                      Donna Karan, etc. It then provides           products to be delivered. And, it means
 getary resources to execute programs                    advice regarding current styles and          that your brand image will not be
 that make employees more productive                     appropriate attire and “dress” for each      shaped by the design and functionality
 and the company more competitive,                       individual customer. Finally, it will        of the end product, but rather by the
 you can have maximum impact beyond                      tailor the garments for a precise fit and    experience your customers have when
 simply providing services. This is the                  make them available in a way that            working with you.
 difference between strategic and                        meets a customer’s needs.
 bureaucratic roles.                                        Similarly, HR departments select          GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR CREATING
    Ed Hurley-Wales, human resources                     mutual funds from premier financial          A DEPARTMENT BRAND
 VP at HR software developer Workscape,                  institutions such as Fidelity, Charles          As with traditional branding, there
 put it this way, “It is about becoming a                Schwab and Vanguard to populate              are some guiding principles that will
 more strategic organization and                         their 401(k) offerings. Then, they pro-      help you think through how your
 changing the way HR is viewed. How do                   vide access to the knowledge and tech-       brand can become more like FedEx and
 you balance day-to-day processes and                    nical resources that enable each indi-       less like a generic, undifferentiated ser-
 also be leveraged at the board level — to               vidual employee to make informed             vice. We suggest you keep these seven
 have a place at the table.”                             financial decisions.                         rules in mind when building your
    “It is about becoming a strategically-                                                            department brand.
 focused organization whose core objec-                  ➤ Filling a Need with a Pure Service
 tives run parallel to corporate objec-                     FedEx buys planes, hires pilots,          ➤ Principle #1: Your Brand Lives
 tives. When you do it right, the man-                   builds and staffs warehouses so that         in the Mind of Your Primary Target
 agement team views HR as a highly                       customers can send documents any-            Customer
 valued contributor to the company’s                     where in the country overnight. The              Every department has a brand. Like
 success. If you miss your mark, you’re                  company then buys trucks and hires           it or not, you can nurture, dilute or
 stuck with the archaic HR role of an                    drivers so that customers can access         destroy it. Think of it as your reputa-
 expensive and inefficient processor of                  the service without ever leaving their       tion. Your reputation or brand is the
 ‘administrivia.’ By striking the correct                offices. Finally, it provides online order   space you own in the mind of your pri-
 balance between customer-focused,                       tracking from hand-off to a FedEx            mary target customer. A brand gets into
 day-to-day administration, and best-                    driver to a confirmed receipt signature.     your customer’s mind by associating
 practice strategic planning, the critical                  Similarly, HR departments train           itself with ideas that already exist. It is
 value of HR will become embedded in                     employees in key skills required to per-     best for your brand if those associations
 the minds of your workforce, from the                   form their jobs. And, they enable            are positive.
 junior new hire, all the way up to the                  employees to grow and manage their               Nike seeks to associate itself with
 CEO and board. The difference                           careers with mentoring and career-           the word “performance.” Disney seeks
 between the old role of HR and the                      growth assignments.                          to associate itself with the word
 new vision is as distinct as the differ-                   Both HR department brands and ser-        “family.” Terminex seeks to associate
 ence between fireflies and flashlights.”                vice brands provide benefits to their        itself with the phrase, “No bugs. No
                                                         target customers. These include a cus-       Hassles.” These are all positive associa-
 AN HR DEPARTMENT BRAND IS SIMILAR                       tomized and considered set of products       tions that align the company brand
 TO SERVICE BRANDS                                       from which to make informed choices,         with the positive associations and
    An HR department brand is similar                    a responsible and responsive organiza-       value in the mind of the target cus-
 to service brands such as FedEx, Home                   tion and a trusted advisor.                  tomer. If you want to build a brand that

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is strong, favorable and unique, iden-          Have you ever felt like you were               What do visitors to Disney World
tify a set of positive associations and     doing so many things that you didn’t           remember most vividly? The four
tie your brand to them.                     have appropriate time or resources to          minute amusement rides or the way
• What do you want to be known for          do any of them well? This is a common          they are transported into other worlds
by your customers?                          and an expected evolution. Why?                at the parks, the character breakfasts
• Why would your primary target             Everyone has good ideas about new              and the numerous themed resorts. Or,
customers value that reputation?            things to do or offer. No one ever wants       do they remember most clearly how
• What do you need to do in order           to give anything up. So you accumulate         clean and well manicured the grounds
for your customers to embrace that rep-     responsibilities, but never shed any.          are maintained.
utation?                                        How does this apply to branding?               How you deliver your services is
                                            What does FedEx do? It ships packages.         often more important and has a far
➤ Principle #2: Make and Keep               That’s it. Since it does only one thing,       greater impact on the customer’s per-
Promises                                    FedEx can focus all of its attention on        ceived value than what you actually
   Brands make and keep promises.           doing it better than anyone else — and         deliver. Focus on improving “how” you
Your brand should make a promise that       it does. Dell does not sell cars through       perform services, align the performance
is meaningful and relevant to your cus-     its call centers and Web site. It sells        with customer benefits and deliver
tomers. If you promise to provide           computers and accessories better than          with consistency. That is the founda-
online transactions for all ESPP issues     anyone in its industry.                        tion of a great service or HR depart-
and provide telephone support for the           You can capture the same benefits by       ment brand. Remember, process and
most complicated life events such as a      focusing on one or two things you do           experience have a bigger impact than
disability, then do that — and a little     best. Whether it is reducing hassles so        offerings.
bit more. Any shortfall in fulfilling a     employees can focus on productivity or         • What three adjectives describe how
promise will undermine your reputa-         providing top-notch benefits service,          your department delivers services?
tion and irritate your customers.           you can be known for excellence and            • How do those adjectives support or
   You can decide to make a luxury-         not bureaucracy. Granted, you will not         undermine your targeted brand reputa-
service promise similar to Nordstrom        likely shed all of your other responsibil-     tion?
or you can make a “no hassles” pledge       ities. However, you can reallocate your        • Name the three adjectives that best
similar to Terminex. Whatever services      efforts to meet basic obligations on some      describes how your department delivers
you provide, it must be clear to your       services and differentiate or “wow” your       services. And, what do you need to do
primary target customer what you will       customers based on excellence in the           to achieve your delivery goals?
do. This ensures that you set expecta-      few services most valued by them.
tions properly. But that is not enough.         In practice, this may result in out-       ➤ Principle #5: Focus on What
You must also do what you promise to        sourcing payroll and benefits so that          Makes Your Brand Different
do so that expectations are met or          you can focus on training that will               When people seek to improve
exceeded. Remember what Mark Twain          improve company-wide productivity.             output, they most often identify weak-
said about making and fulfilling com-       The difference between these functions         nesses and try to fix them. By all
mitments, “You will surprise some           could result in transforming your brand        means, if you are bleeding profusely
people and amaze the rest.”                 from “paper pushing” to the company’s          and are about to die, mend the wound.
• What promises do you make to              “productivity engine.”                         However, most organizations would do
your primary target customers?              • What services do you provide?                well to focus on their strengths first. By
• How well do you fulfill those             • How is your level of effort and              solidifying strengths, many bad habits
promises?                                   resource allocation spread across those        that contribute to weaknesses will
• What promises should you make?            services?                                      diminish in importance.
                                            • What should you not do or de-                   Great brands are about being per-
➤ Principle #3: The Power of                emphasize?                                     ceived as the best at something.
Sacrifice                                                                                  Expertise in the context of an HR
    If you do fewer things, you can do      ➤ Principle #4: The Power of How               department is the same as category
them much better. Whereas, in prin-            Most people think that what you do          leadership in brand lexicon. Home
ciple #2 you determine what you will        is differentiating. Wrong. What you do         Depot — the leader in do-it-yourself
do, in principle #3 you will focus on       is easily copied. Moreover, what you           home improvement. FedEx — the
what you will do by being explicit          do may not be done well at all.                leader in overnight package delivery.
about what you will not do.                 Remember, HR departments are service           Dell — the leader in online customized
    Since you cannot be all things to all   organizations and services are pro-            computer sales. The Wall Street Journal
people, you have to decide what you are     duced in the customer’s presence. This         — the leader in daily business financial
going to do best and outsource or de-       means that the quality of the experi-          news. Figure out what you intend to do
emphasize the least important services.     ence delivered by the service process          and develop the capabilities to do it
It is best to be known for excellence in    often has much greater impact on the           with excellence. Then fix any glaring
one thing as opposed to being known         customer’s perception of value than the        weaknesses that are still around and
for mediocrity in a number of things.       quality of the end product.                    undermining your brand.

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 • What does your HR department do                       equity is diminished. It can make the         brands can be leveraged by HR depart-
 best?                                                   difference between being known for            ments to enhance your impact, rele-
 • What are the three most important                     “providing great service” versus being        vance and reputation. Your brand can
 skills that your department has today                   known for “providing great service            also serve as a foundation for your
 that enable it to make and keep the tar-                sometimes.” Excellence and positive           department strategy that aligns your ser-
 geted brand promise?                                    brand identity is imbedded in the first       vices with the goals and aspirations of
 • How can you leverage and improve                      statement, but fleeting in the second.        your company. Moreover, a strong brand
 those skills to further enhance the                         You express your brand in several         can enable you to be proactive about
 value you provide to your customers?                    ways. First, you express it in the way        your role in the company. As Russ
                                                         you deliver your service. Fast, efficient,    Campanello of Nervewire remarked
 ➤ Principle #6: Know Your                               thorough or slow and unresponsive are         recently, “Unless the value is embedded
 Customers                                               all potential outcomes. Second, you           in the brand (of your department), you
    If there is a principle that is first                express your brand through visible            constantly defend your existence.”
 among equals, this is it. Your brand is                 cues and outward symbols such as
 meaningless if it does not positively res-              attire, organizational structure and          About the Authors
 onate with your target customers. Your                  office environment. Third, you express           Joseph Benson
 brand will not positively resonate with                 your brand by telling your customers          (benson.consulting@
 your target customers if you are not                    who you are, what your mission is and         rcn.com) is a brand
 organized to deliver something that your                what makes you different.                     strategist with over 25
 target customers value and value highly.                • How does your process execution             years of experience
    It makes sense to decide what you                    reinforce or undermine your brand?            building and strength-
 want to do first, but you must, must,                   • What visible cues or symbols do             ening brands for corpora-
 must then validate and align it with the                you offer customers about your brand?         tions, departments and
 needs and values of your primary target                 • What can you do to properly and             individuals. As vice president of
 customer. Whether you have a captive                    consistently communicate your differ-         strategy at Sapient Corporation, he spe-
 or non-captive market, your brand                       entiation and set expectations with           cialized in brand strategy, business
 equity depends on the perception that                   your customers?                               strategy and customer behavior. Clients
 you deliver value. Knowing your cus-                                                                  include JPMorganChase, Staples, The
 tomers will help ensure that you have                   PROMISES, PROMISES...PERCEPTION AND           American Cancer Society and The
 the ability to emphasize and deliver                    REALITY                                       Disney Channel. He has an MFA from
 something important.                                        This is a good time to reflect on a key   The American Film Institute and was
 • What key needs of your customer                       point and a common misunderstanding.          nominated for an Academy Award.
 can you fulfill?                                        Branding is not a scheme employed to             Bret Kinsella co-
 • What are the common behaviors of                      pull a fast one on your customers. It is      founded and leads
 your customers that you can align your                  not a “perception is reality” concept.        Sapient’s Supply Chain
 service around?                                         Branding is a “reality shapes percep-         group where he employs
 • How do your customers evaluate                        tion” proposition. As a result, great         department branding
 and recognize the value you deliver?                    advertising will not create a great brand.    principles. Kinsella’s past
                                                         Great brands emerge as a result of            clients include Fortune
 ➤ Principle #7: Express Your Brand                      “promises made and promises kept.”            500 and start-up compa-
    Expressing your brand is not about                       When considering how you can              nies in the United States, Europe and
 commercials during the Super Bowl.                      build and sustain a powerful brand, you       Latin America. Prior to joining Sapient,
 Yes, you want to convey a consistent                    must ensure that you can consistently         he worked in Accenture’s strategy prac-
 and compelling message to your target                   deliver tangible value and fulfill the        tice and ran e-business and product
 customers, but the verbally communi-                    promises you make to your customers.          marketing for software maker
 cated message is only part of the battle.               If reality is positive, you can shape a       Formation Systems. His first career was
 The harder part is actually living up to                positive perception. If reality is negative   in politics where he focused on
 your brand promise every day, every                     or inconsistent or irrelevant, you cannot     strategic communications, and legisla-
 minute.                                                 shape a positive perception. Period.          tive and campaign management at the
    In services, the old adage is true.                      Leaders build great brands. They          federal and state level. He earned an
 Actions speak louder than words. It is                  assume stewardship. Brand stewards            MBA from UCLA and a bachelor’s in
 important to have the right words so                    understand the power of owning a              Economics from the University of
 that your differentiation and the value                 place in the mind of the customer —           Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
 you provide is easily communicated                      and the potency of a promise. They
 and understood. But it is critical that                 seek and embrace differentiation.
 you actually walk the walk. If you                      Strong brands offer their owners an              C OMMENTS ?
 make a promise, make certain that you                   edge in the marketplace.                              Send an e-mail to the editor
 deliver it consistently. Come up short                      The same principles that are                      (tomf@rector-duncan.com)
 in any way at any time and your brand                   employed to build and sustain great                      or fax 1.512.451.9556.

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