Induction handbook teacher aides

Page created by Ray Weaver
Induction handbook teacher aides
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                                                  of Education, Training             Perfor
                                                                         and Employment
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 Photography: Lime

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© The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and Employment) 2013
Welcome                                  1
Understanding the organisation           1
Blue card                                3
Mandatory induction                      3
Workplace health & safety officers       6
Health and safety representatives        6
Employee Assistance Service (EAS)        6
Hepatitis A and B vaccinations           6
Role of the teacher aide                 6
Teacher aide classifications             7
Salary                                   8
Conditions of your employment            9
Management of teacher aide hours        11
Leave entitlements                      11
Bus and playground supervision duties   12
Communication                           12
Professional development                13
Local consultative committees           14
References                              15
Congratulations on being selected to work with the students and teachers in an Education Queensland
state school. You will contribute to the delivery of world-class education programs designed to give young
Queenslanders a passion for continued learning and the best preparation for a successful working life.
The first phase of your own learning journey is induction. This booklet is designed to supplement the
induction you receive at your school and through your region.

Understanding the organisation
The Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) is one of the largest government agencies
in Queensland. Governance of the department rests with the Minister and the Assistant Minister, the
Director-General and the Senior Executive Team. Business units in central office in Brisbane develop and
maintain legislation, policies and procedures, systems, reports and relationships that support the work of
the Senior Executive Team and staff delivering services in schools and institutes of TAFE.
The department delivers services in:
• school education through Education Queensland
• training and employment
• early childhood education and care.
Your role as a teacher aide sits within Education Queensland.
Your school is one of more than 1200 Queensland state schools. The DETE Organisational Structure shows
the relationships between schools, regions and the rest of the department.

Education Queensland
Education Queensland (EQ) has responsibility for educational regions and schools. Led by a Deputy
Director-General, EQ officers are responsible for:
• the overall policy directions of state schools
• implementation of school focused national partnership agreements
• the development of school leaders, teachers and teaching resources
• the implementation of such initiatives as the Australian Curriculum, Smart Classrooms and the
  transition of Year 7 to junior secondary.
Cooperative arrangements with other parts of the department assist with these responsibilities.
Information is also provided online for parents and carers, students, schools and educators, and
international students.

The state is divided into seven regions:
• South East
• Metropolitan
• North Coast
• Central Queensland
• Darling Downs South West
• North Queensland
• Far North Queensland

                                                        Department of Education, Training and Employment     1
Each region is managed by a regional director who is responsible for all schools in his/her region.
    In each region, regional officers undertake the following roles:
    • human resources and finance support
    • training and assistance for school principals and staff
    • management of services provided by guidance officers, itinerant teachers and specialist
      support officers
    • funding for students with additional needs
    • other duties as required by the regional director.
    You can find a map and the location of all the schools in your region on the department’s website.
    You will find a diverse range of educational sites on each map including:
    • primary schools (Prep to Year 6/7)
    • Prep to Year 10 (P-10 schools)
    • high schools (Yr 7/8-Yr 12)
    • Prep to Year 12 (P-12)
    • special schools
    • hospital schools
    • positive learning centres and alternative schooling arrangements
    • schools of distance education
    • environmental education centres
    • outdoor education centres
    • centres for continuing secondary education
    • youth education and training centres (in youth detention centres)
    The work of teachers and teacher aides will vary between the campuses listed above. Your local
    induction will familiarise you with the particular context of your role, together with information
    about the local community and the students you will work with, and your school’s policies and

    The principal is the leader of your school. Depending on the size of the school and the number
    of students enrolled, your principal may have a teaching role or, in larger schools, have other
    administrative staff who assist with the leadership of the school.
    Small schools are usually located in more rural and remote locations. Staff may include a teaching
    principal, one or two other teachers, one or two teacher aides, an administrative assistant and a
    cleaner. Some small schools do not have a facilities officer, however these schools are provided
    with a grounds-care allowance. Small school staff may join with other small schools for events and
    professional development, or to share ideas and cooperate on important initiatives.
    In a large school, especially a large high school, the principal will have a business services
    manager as well as deputy principals, heads of departments, heads of curriculum, together with
    a full complement of teachers, administration officers, teacher aides, cleaners and facilities staff.
    The Parents and Citizens’ Association may run a tuckshop, book shop and uniform shop. A few of
    Queensland’s largest schools are led by executive principals.

2      Department of Education, Training and Employment
You will be given a tour of the school campus and introduced to fellow staff when you begin work.
The tour will show you where you will be working, where the facilities, resources and staff rooms
are and where to keep your personal belongings. There may be a social club or sports club you
could join. Take the time to get to know your colleagues as these relationships will help you settle
in to the school community.

Blue card
To work as a teacher aide you must undergo a working with children check and be issued with a
blue card. Your principal or business services manager will assist you to apply for a blue card when
you start work. All school employees who are not registered teachers or other exempt professionals
are required to hold a blue card under the Commission for Children and Young People and Child
Guardian Act 2000 (Qld). Visit the Commission’s website for more information relating to these

Mandatory induction
Your induction includes mandatory training and role specific information. The DETE Induction
website provides access to the online Mandatory Induction program – an optional approach to this
training. You will need to revisit the mandatory components of induction annually. Your principal
or supervisor will identify other information you need and provide you with an induction planner to
work through.

Code of conduct and ethical decision-making
All DETE employees are subject to the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service. It is
based on the ethics principles in the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 (Qld).
The department has developed a standard of practice to support the code of conduct by providing
additional guidance on how DETE employees should demonstrate ethical behaviour.
The code applies at all times, including while school employees are escorting students on camps,
excursions and tours – within or outside Australia, in private as well as work situations. Code of
conduct and ethical decision-making training is included in the mandatory induction program.

Keys to managing information
The Queensland Right to Information Act came into effect on 1 July 2009 to promote the release of
significant, appropriate and accurate Queensland government information to individuals and the
general public.
The Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) stipulates information privacy principles must be adhered
to in collecting, storing, accessing, amending, using or disclosing people’s personal information.
Penalties apply to the illegal disclosure of personal information.

                                                          Department of Education, Training and Employment   3
The Keys to Managing Information online mandatory course contains four modules:
    • Information Privacy
    • Information Security
    • Recordkeeping
    • Right to Information.
    Talk to your principal or business services manager if you are still unsure about the use and disclosure
    of personal information after completing the online course.

    Health, safety and wellbeing: if you are aware of it, take care of it
    Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. As a member of staff you are obliged to follow health
    and safety procedures and instructions to avoid endangering yourself and others. Procedures
    incorporate risk management strategies to avoid or mitigate potential harm to students, staff and
    The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) requires Queensland workplaces to record and, in some
    instances, notify authorities of health and safety incidents. You must advise your supervisor or
    principal about incidents or injuries to yourself, your students or visitors.
    Incidents will be recorded in the MyHR Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S) system. You will be able
    to access the system through your own login or one of your administration team may enter the details
    for you.
    You will complete mandatory health, safety and wellbeing training through on-the-job training and/or
    the online course.

    Managing risks in school curriculum activities
    Teachers and school leaders must ensure all curriculum activities are assessed for potential risks
    prior to anybody engaging in the activity. As you will be working closely with teachers and students,
    you should make yourself aware of the risks associated with the activities you support and the ways
    in which such risks can be managed. You will find details of the risk management process in the
    procedure Managing Risks in School Curriculum Activities.
    Your principal or supervisor will provide you with information as part of your mandatory induction
    program or you may be asked to complete the online Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment training.
    You may be asked to contribute to risk management planning by some of the teachers you work with.

    Student protection
    Schools are responsible for the physical, social, cultural and emotional wellbeing and safety of
    students. School leaders must ensure students are appropriately supervised at all times throughout
    the school day.
    The Student Protection procedure sets out the department’s expectations of employees to ensure
    students are protected from harm.

    Harm, to a student, is any detrimental effect of a significant nature on a student’s physical,
    psychological or emotional wellbeing. This could also include harm to an unborn child. Harm can be
    caused by physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, neglect or sexual abuse or exploitation.

4      Department of Education, Training and Employment
Any behaviour, by any person, that harms a student is wrong. Some cultures may have a custom or
practice that harms children. Harm to students will not be tolerated. It is NOT OK. In other words,
culture or custom is NO EXCUSE for harming students.
Everyone who works in a school must look after the best interests of students. Managing your own
behaviour is the first step in student protection. Employees should never:
• harm a student, either physically, psychologically or emotionally
• make fun of a student, put them down or discriminate against them for any reason
• touch a student in a sexual way, or engage in any other inappropriate sexual activity (for
  example, sending suggestive text messages or showing a student pornographic material)
• do anything that could make people think you are doing something sexual to a student.
If you see harm occurring at school:
1. help the student who has been harmed, for example by telling other students to move away
2. get another staff member involved as soon as possible
3. tell the principal straight away about what you have seen
4. write down what you saw and give the information to the principal.
As part of your mandatory induction, you may complete the Student Protection Online Training

Internal controls
All employees must understand the need for controls to be applied to financial transactions and
must comply with such controls. This usually means having a supervisor approve any transactions.
The purpose is to avoid misappropriation of school and government funds. A course in internal
controls is available as part of the online Mandatory Induction program. Internal controls are vital
to prevent fraudulent transactions and corrupt behaviours going unnoticed.

Emergency procedures
Emergency procedures are developed for a range of critical incidents including fire, explosion,
chemical release, violence or dangerous weather conditions.
In particular, you will be given the school emergency procedures for:
• emergency evacuation
• lockdown
• bomb threats
• suspect packages
The development, communication and practice of emergency procedures assists in preventing
panic and improving management of the situation. Your administration team will organise regular
drills. Evacuation plans must be displayed at the exit point of all rooms and school buildings.

                                                         Department of Education, Training and Employment   5
Workplace health & safety officers
    The Workplace Health and Safety Officer (WHSO) provides advice to the principal on the overall
    state of health and safety at the school. Duties include carrying out inspections and investigations,
    conducting educational programs about health and safety, coordinating the annual workplace
    assessment and leading the health and safety committee.

    Health and safety representatives
    The health and safety representative (HSR) liaises with other staff to identify health and safety
    issues and conveys these to the school leadership team. The HSR is elected by fellow workers and
    participates in the school health and safety committee. The HSR is entitled to carry out inspections
    and review the circumstances of workplace incidents. An HSR may be of particular benefit at
    schools with fewer than 30 employees where there is no WHSO.

    Employee Assistance Service (EAS)
    The department provides a range of psychological health services for employees. Services include
    free short-term confidential counselling. Presentations and group work may be available by
    arrangement with your principal. These services assist individuals and school communities to
    increase psychological resilience, improve communication, develop positive work relationships
    and enhance wellbeing.
    More information and contacts are available from the Creating Healthier Workplaces website.

    Hepatitis A and B vaccinations
    You are encouraged to be vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B. Your school will facilitate and pay for
    the cost of Hepatitis A and B vaccinations if you request the treatment through your principal or
    business services manager.

    Role of the teacher aide
    Teacher aides contribute to the provision of quality educational services by supporting teachers
    in the preparation and enhancement of learning materials and delivery of educational activities.
    Under supervision, teacher aides support students to achieve planned learning. You can find your
    role description at

    Reporting relationships
    Teacher aides report to the principal, who may delegate the day-to-day supervision of teacher aides
    to other school leaders or to a number of teachers. The reporting relationship to teachers may be
    changed by the principal on a regular basis. On occasions teacher aides may report to the business
    services manager.

6      Department of Education, Training and Employment
When supporting students with specific health procedures, a teacher aide will be under the direct
or indirect supervision of a registered nurse or medical practitioner.

Tasks you may be required to perform
You may, under the direct or indirect supervision of a teacher, be required to undertake a number
of tasks that include, but are not limited to:
• assist and participate in activities that improve the physical, social, emotional and intellectual
  development of students
• support teachers with the preparation and delivery of indoor and outdoor learning activities
• assist in supporting students with disabilities with their academic studies, personal care and
  dignity requirements
• provide feedback to teachers regarding student participation in learning activities
• assist students individually to learn social skills
• coordinate virtual schooling environments
• perform administrative duties
• assist with the preparation of teaching aids
• provide support to the teacher-librarian
• manage information and communication technologies
• supervise students during breaks, before and after school
• supervise students in certain schools if a teacher is not present due to sudden illness (see
  Adult Supervision of Pre-set Learning procedure)
• undertake specific literacy and numeracy duties.
At times, you may require training to complete certain tasks. This should be discussed with your
supervisor. Over time you will become more experienced and will have learned a great deal.
You will be encouraged to gain a qualification that will enable you to progress into a higher

Teacher aide classifications
Your classification is determined in the award that governs your employment as a teacher aide –
the Employees of Queensland Government Departments (Other than Public Servants) Award State
2012. Classification relates to the responsibilities you are expected to take on and the salary you
are paid. The award classifications are OO followed by a numeral; however TAOO is commonly used
for teacher aide classifications.

Beginning teacher aides start in classification TAOO2. This classification contains four incremental
levels you will normally progress through on an annual basis provided your service is satisfactory.
At each level your pay increases until you have reached level 4. Casual and temporary teacher aides
must complete 1200 hours of service before they are eligible to move up an incremental level, but
permanent part-time teacher aides move annually.

                                                         Department of Education, Training and Employment   7
    Permanent teacher aides who have spent 12 months at level 4 in TAOO2 (or 1200 hours for
    temporary employees) and who hold a Certificate III or higher qualification and a current Senior
    First Aid Certificate, are eligible to move into a higher classification – TAOO3. Again, there are four
    incremental levels and progression is on the same basis as in TAOO2.
    In order to move into TAOO3 when you reach the eligible service point, you need to provide your
    qualifications to the payroll office as soon as you achieve them. You can find more information on
    the Professional Development website.

    TAOO4 positions are allocated to schools where a specific need has been established. The
    positions are usually filled via a closed-merit process amongst existing teacher aides however
    where no suitable teacher aides are identified the role may be advertised. The TA004 role typically
    involves specialised duties or functions. To move into this classification, a relevant Certificate III or
    IV qualification is desirable but not essential, however you must be able to demonstrate high levels
    of skill in the area of need.
    Classification TAOO4 also consists of four incremental levels and movement is on the same basis
    as for the other classifications.

    You will see your classification and increment level on your fortnightly pay advice. You are able to
    check the salary payable for your classification and increment level on OnePortal.

    Pay advice
    Your pay advice will be emailed to you each fortnight and may be viewed in MyHR self- service. You
    are able to view and update your personal and bank details, and project your leave balances to a
    forward date using MyHR. You will need to log in to a departmental computer, then:
    1. select the MyHR Self Service quick link on the OnePortal home page
    2. select the employee tab and the activity you would like to undertake.

    Your salary will attract a taxation rate of 48.5% unless you complete a Tax file number declaration
    form to advise the department of your tax file number. Administration staff at your school are
    usually able to provide you with this form, or they are available from newsagencies displaying an
    ‘N’ sign. The completed form should be forwarded promptly to your paying district office.
    If you do not have a tax file number or cannot locate it, you may avoid paying the higher tax rate by
    completing a Tax file number application form. Failure to provide the department with your tax file
    number within 28 days will result in your salary being taxed at the rate of 48.5%.
    You should complete a Withholding declaration form to advise the department of any tax rebate
    or family tax benefit you wish to claim. You should also complete one of these forms if you wish to
    vary your rate of rebate. Completed forms should be forwarded to your paying district office.

8      Department of Education, Training and Employment
A QSuper accumulation account will be opened for you. Contributions are commenced
automatically in your first pay fortnight. The standard contribution rate is 5%, attracting an
employer contribution of 12.75% of your gross salary. You may reduce your contributions to 2%
with a corresponding lower employer contribution. You may also make voluntary superannuation
contributions. However, this does not result in increased employer contributions
If you can’t work temporarily – due to illness or an accident – under Q-Super you may have access
to income protection, paid as a pension equal to 75% of your salary.
If you require further advice QSuper contact details are available on their website, or call QSuper on
1300 360 750.

You may be entitled to receive an allowance if you have volunteered or been directed to do a
particular duty.
Allowances you may be entitled to include:
• special school or special education unit
• laundry and/or damaged clothing
• toilet cleaning
• kilometric
• first aid - Note: does not apply to TAOO3 or TAOO4 classifications
• supervision for remote schools and virtual school settings
• communication
• specialised health procedures.
Detailed information on the above allowances may be found in Section 41 of the Department of
Education and Training Teacher Aides Certified Agreement 2011.

Conditions of your employment
Your award
Your employment as a teacher aide is governed by provisions of the Employees of Queensland
Government Departments (Other than Public Servants) Award 2012. You can find your award on the
Queensland Industrial Relations Commission website.

Your certified agreement
A certified agreement sets out the wages and working conditions for a particular group of
employees, in addition to their award provisions.
A certified agreement may be negotiated between the employer and employees working at the
time, or unions entitled to represent employees who will be covered by the agreement. The nominal
currency for a certified agreement is now four years, after which a new agreement is negotiated.
Your current certified agreement is the Department of Education and Training Teacher Aides
Certified Agreement 2011. You can find this agreement on the Queensland Industrial Relations
Commission website.

                                                          Department of Education, Training and Employment   9
Employment categories
     Your employment will be in one of the following employment categories:
     •   full-time
     •   part-time
     •   casual
     •   specified term.
     Your conditions of employment may vary depending on the category of your employment.

     Commencement advice
     On the day you commence duty you will be asked to complete and sign a commencement
     advice form (CMA). Any delay in completing and forwarding the CMA may result in delays to your
     fortnightly payments.

     Proof of date of birth
     You are required to provide a certified copy or certified extract of your birth certificate with your
     CMA for employment and superannuation purposes. If it is not practical to obtain the required
     documents, you should provide other documentation that satisfactorily establishes your age and
     place of birth.

     Employee number
     You will be allocated a unique employee number when appointed. You retain this number for the
     entire period of your employment with the department. It should be quoted in all communications
     with the department.

     Your appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of a three-month probationary period,
     except for those appointed under exemption to merit provisions or who were previously long-term
     casual or temporary employees to whom probation does not apply.

     Hours of duty
     Teacher aides usually work during school hours. Your principal or supervisor will discuss your hours
     of work with you. Starting and finishing times are to be recorded on a timesheet.
     The minimum weekly engagement for a permanent part-time teacher aide is 5 hours.
     Part-time employees may be employed for a minimum period of two hours on any one day or
     a minimum one hour for support of students with disabilities. Part-time teacher aides may be
     rostered to work up to a maximum of 32 ordinary hours a week, unless an agreement is reached for
     additional hours. The total ordinary hours must be less than 38 a week.

     Meal break
     All employees who work more than five continuous ordinary hours on any day are entitled to a
     minimum of 30 minutes unpaid meal break to be taken between the third and sixth hour from
     commencement of duty.

10       Department of Education, Training and Employment
Rest pauses
Employees who work at least six continuous ordinary hours are entitled to paid rest pauses
totalling 20 minutes per day to be taken at times to suit operational requirements. For employees
who work at least four continuous ordinary working hours the entitlement is 10 minutes. Taking a
rest pause does not interrupt the continuity of ordinary hours worked.

Management of teacher aide hours
The Management of Teacher Aide Hours, Accumulated Days Off and Relief procedure provides
guidance for schools in the management of teacher aide hours, including increases and
decreases to allocated hours.

Accumulated days off
Accumulated days off (ADO) refers to specified days when you are not required to attend for duty,
but for which payment is made because you have worked unpaid hours during term time. The
method by which you accumulate your ADO time is to be negotiated with your principal at the
beginning of the calendar year and operates on the basis of a 12 month cycle. Details of ADO
arrangements are provided in the Department of Education and Training Teacher Aides Certified
Agreement 2011, Schedule 1, Section 4.

ADO calculator
For assistance regarding calculation of ADO hours for teacher aides a calculator is available on
One Portal.

Leave entitlements
You can find most leave entitlements in the Leave Entitlements for Employees procedure.
For the purpose of identifying your entitlements in directives, Teacher Aides are general
employees engaged under section 147(2) (a) of the Public Service Act 2008.
Your leave entitlements depend on your employment category (i.e. casual employees are often
not eligible for paid leave). Most leave provisions are detailed in attachments to the procedure.
Exceptions include:
•   Special leave – you are entitled to apply for up to five days special leave for emergent/
    compassionate reasons or other purposes as specified in Directive 09/13 Special leave
• Meritorious sick leave – you are able to apply for an additional 65 days paid sick leave after
  completing 26 years of meritorious service with no break in service longer than 12 months –
  see Directive 04/13 Sick leave
• Parental leave refers to maternity, paternity and adoption leave – eligibility after at least 12
  months continuous service – see Directive 26/10 Paid Parental Leave
• Purchased leave – salary is adjusted to enable purchase of an extra six weeks leave in a 12
  month period – see Purchased Leave procedure.

                                                          Department of Education, Training and Employment   11
Bus and playground supervision duties
     The Department of Education and Training Teacher Aides Certified Agreement 2011 and Bus and
     Playground Duty for Teacher Aides procedures address your supervision of students out of class.
     The following points are important:
     • Your principal, after consultation with affected staff, will determine the mix of teachers and
       teacher aides required for bus and playground supervision.
     • You will monitor students and the environment to ensure physical and emotional security,
       acceptable behaviour and, when required, provide a timely and appropriate response to illness,
       injury, danger or inappropriate or threatening behaviour.
     • Bus duty involves supervision of students waiting for public or contract transport inside or
       outside school grounds.
     • Playground duty may include supervision of students, including students with disabilities,
       in eating areas, in the library, on school ovals, using installed playground equipment and in
       informal groups.
     • You are to be trained for personal care or specialised health needs should you be supporting a
       student with such needs whilst undertaking these duties.
     • You will also be trained in supportive behaviour management techniques designed for
       use outside the classroom. Such techniques should be identified in the school behaviour
       management plan.
     • Teacher aides perform bus and playground duties in direct or indirect partnership with teaching
     • Teacher aides must not be left alone to supervise students when no teachers are onsite (except
       for circumstances set out in the certified agreement or in emergency situations).

     Internet and intranet access
     Every state school is connected to a common information technology network, called the Education
     Queensland Wide Area Network. Each staff member is allocated a unique network logon identity
     (ID) and Managed Internet Service (MIS) ID.
     Your school’s MIS administrator will arrange your logon ID. You will need to read the attachment
     ‘Information for staff using the department’s ICT network – including school and TAFE networks’
     that you can find in the procedure Acceptable use of the department’s information, communication
     and technology (ICT) network and systems.

     Staff communication
     To keep you informed of activities and issues impacting on students, teachers and the community,
     your school will use various communication tools. Ask about the communication methods used in
     your school.

12      Department of Education, Training and Employment
Professional development
All employees are encouraged to access professional development to enhance their productivity
and career prospects. The department uses a process described in the Developing Performance
Framework to guide staff and supervisors in the continuous development of capabilities. You will
find the Developing Performance website full of information and ideas.
The Professional Development website provides specific information for teacher aides together
with professional development calendars showing current opportunities. Search for teacher aides
in the employee groups on the left of the page and access the calendars the same way.
Don’t limit your ideas of professional development to workshops and conferences. These are great
for networking, but the most effective way to learn is on the job. Your colleagues and supervising
teachers will show you new techniques, talk with you about issues and discuss ideas in your daily
The Learning Place provides many online courses that may help enhance your skills. The course
calendar is the place to search.
If you have reached TAOO2 level 4 without gaining a qualification, ask your principal or business
services manager about funding to support you to gain a qualification. You may choose to complete
a Certificate III or IV in Education Support. There is also a Diploma of Education Support that is
highly prized among teacher aides aspiring to further study and possibly teaching. Access the
courses from the Professional Development Teacher Aide website.
You may support students with disabilities whether you work in regular classrooms, a special
education unit or a special school. The department and your school are required by legislation
to ensure students with disabilities are able to access the same educational opportunities as
other students. The Disability Standards for Education 2005, part of the Disability Discrimination
Act 1992 (Commonwealth), require support services are offered to help students with disability
complete a course. Your professional development will include training to understand the needs
of students with disabilities and provide suitable support and adjustments to enable students to
access learning.

First aid
Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) the department is required to provide adequate
first aid facilities and personnel for the effective management of injured or ill employees, students
and others. School staff must:
• ensure first aid requirements are considered when planning curricular and extra-curricular
• ensure first aid requirements are considered when planning off-site activities such as travel,
  excursions, sporting events and school camps
• consider participating students’ medical conditions, associated risks in the activity and
  accessibility of medical services
• be aware of emergency medication requirements.
If you are required to provide first aid services as a TAOO2 teacher aide, your school will pay for
your training and ongoing updates. It is a requirement to hold a current senior first aid certificate to
progress to TAOO3.

                                                           Department of Education, Training and Employment   13
Local consultative committees
     A local consultative committee (LCC) is:
     • a committee where management and employees can jointly discuss possible changes, projects
       and concerns affecting the school
     • representative of all employee groups
     • a requirement under the:
        –– State Government Departments Certified Agreement (Core Agreement) 2009
        –– Department of Education and Training Teachers’ Certified Agreement (Teachers Agreement)
        –– Department of Education and Training Teacher Aides’ Certified Agreement 2011.
        –– Department of Education and Training (Education) Cleaners’ Certified Agreement 2011.
     Membership of the LCC comprises equal representation of management and union nominees.
     The size of the committees will usually be eight, that is, four union and four management
     representatives, providing that two union representatives are Queensland Teachers’ Union

14      Department of Education, Training and Employment

Blue card information on the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian website:
DETE Induction website:
Mandatory induction website:
Developing Performance website:
Disability Standards for Education website:
Education Queensland website:
Learning Place:
OnePortal Payroll and entitlements page:
Professional Development Teacher Aides website:
Queensland Industrial Relations Commission website:
QSuper website:
Region maps:

Code of Conduct and DETE Standard of Practice:
Department of Education and Training Teacher Aides Certified Agreement 2011: http://www.qirc.qld.
DETE Organisational Structure:
Directive 26/10 Paid Parental Leave:
Employees of Queensland Government Departments (Other Than Public Servants) Award State 2012:
Teacher aide role descriptions:

Policy and procedures
Policy and Procedures Register:
Acceptable use of the department’s information, communication and technology (ICT) network and
systems procedure:

                                                        Department of Education, Training and Employment   15
Adult supervision of preset learning procedure:
     Bus and Playground Duty for Teacher Aides procedure:
     Leave Entitlements for Employees procedure:
     Management of Teacher Aide Hours, Accumulated Days Off and Relief procedure: http://ppr.det.
     Managing Risks in School Curriculum Activities procedure:
     Purchased Leave procedure:
     Student Protection procedure:

16      Department of Education, Training and Employment
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