Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779

Page created by Kent Ellis
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
The King David School’s Magazine
September 2019 Elul 5779
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where I...

                                                                                                             Our King David students are passionate                                 Our passionate educators have               It was deeply gratifying to witness the engagement of
                                                                                                             about their future and the world in                                    continued to provide dynamic and            our students, from Pre-School through to Senior School
                                                                                                             which we live. The School’s core values                                innovative curricular and co-curricular     in Science Week. In the face of significant global issues,
                                                                                                             of social justice and Jewish values                                    programs for our students this term and     motivating our students to deepen their interest in science
                                                                                                             of tikkun olam (repairing the world)                                   some of these are featured in this issue    has become essential.
                                                                                                             encourage this mindset, and are                                        of Inspirations.
    02                    School Council President                                                           evidenced time and again through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Supporting our students to explore and develop through the
                                                                                                                                                                                 At King David we value the wonderful           creative and performing arts, Jewish Life, outdoor education,
                                                                                                             many and varied student led initiatives.
                                                                                                                                                                                 impact our teachers make on our                sporting competitions and curricular and co-curricular
                                                                                  Protecting our environment ranked high on the list of student            students’ lives. We employ educators who are invested in             programs offers them so many opportunities to thrive.
    03                    Message from the Principal                              priorities in this space - a passion shared by the School, to            our students’ successes. We recognise that the teacher-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wishing our community a Shana Tova and a year ahead
                                                                                  ensure a sustainable future, with a reduced carbon footprint.            student relationship is the key one in ensuring positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                filled with meaning and purpose.
                                                                                                                                                           student outcomes and so we prioritise developing our
                                                                                  To this end, we have recently completed the installation of
    04                    Jewish Life                                             solar panels so that 80% of the School’s power now comes
                                                                                                                                                           teachers’ capacities to support student wellbeing though our
                                                                                                                                                           conferences, professional development and programs.
                                                                                  from the sun. While the significant cost savings for the School                                                                               Marc Light
                                                                                  will be felt in about four years time, the educational benefits          We offer outstanding learning opportunities for our students
    06                    Outdoor Education                                       begin immediately, with students learning about alternative              which inspire curiosity and questioning and we open their
                                                                                  energy and future proofing for a sustainable future.                     eyes to the fantastic possibilities that can come through
                                                                                                                                                           approaching the world with wonder.
                                                                                  Another recent Council-led initiative I am extremely proud
    07                    Israeli Madrichim                                       to support is the NCJWA Gender Equality Pledge where
                                                                                  Jewish organisations – including The King David School are
                                                                                  committing to finding a more equitable gender balance in
    07                    Wellbeing                                               leadership structures. The aim of the pledge is to ensure there is
                                                                                  a more balanced representation of Jewish women in leadership
                                                                                  and positions of influence across our community, and this
                                                                                  certainly aligns with our School’s core value of egalitarianism.
    08                    STEM
                                                                                  As we enter a new Jewish year, I am proud that King David
                                                                                  continues to be a School that moves with the times and is
                                                                                  at the forefront of positive change for a better future for our
    10                    Performing Arts                                         young people.
                                                                                  Shana Tova,

    12                    Visual Art
                                                                                  Lahra Carey
                                                                                  School Council President
                                                                                                                                                           Dr Nichole Barry, guest speaker at a special Science Week assembly   Year 4 Kabbalat Tanach ceremony
    13                    Sport

    14                    KDSPA

    15                    Foundation

    16                    Alumni news

                                                                                  Anna Fink, Head of Sustainability Committee, Ella Freeman and            Year 7 students engage in a discussion regarding                     Senior Kinder Grandparents' Shabbat
‘Inspirations’ is published by The King David School Community Relations Office   Freya Boltman, School Captains and Marc Light with the newly installed   the solar panels installation
(03) 9527 0103 or
All material is Copyright © to The King David School and may not be               solar panels at the Senior School
reproduced without permission.
Front Cover: Talia, Freya and Rachel (Year 12)

2   The King David School’s Inspirations                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3   The King David School’s Inspirations
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
celebrate my
                                                                                     It’s where I...                            It’s where I...
                                                                                        Jewish identity                         XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Year 4                                                                                Celebrating
Kabbalat Tanach                                                                       Kabbalat Shabbat
                                                                                      Students from Pre-School to
                                                                                      Year 2 had the opportunity to welcome
                                                                                      grandparents and special friends to a
                                                                                      Kabbalat Shabbat where they showcased
                                                                                      their learning of the beautiful Shabbat
                                                                                      rituals and songs. Their enthusiasm
                                                                                      showed they have clearly been engaged
                                                                                      throughout their Jewish Life learning.

Year 4 students were presented with
their personal Tanachim by their
families in a special celebration,
Kabbalat Tanach in Term 3. The Tanach
is a compilation of our foundational
stories, guiding our personal, familial    of divine inspiration when naming
and communal ethics, values and            their baby. Judaism considers a name
beliefs. It is the history of the Jewish   to be the conduit of divine energy
people and this ceremony is a handing      and in bestowing a name on each
down of heritage and tradition.            of our children we pass on attributes,
                                           characteristics and the essence of what
Recently the students have been
                                           makes each of us unique individuals.
learning Jewish Studies through a lens
of understanding character analysis.       Our Year 4 students shared their
Who a person is, what motivates them       reflections on their own names and
and what forms the core of their truest    character traits. They created unique
self. In striving to learn more about      artworks and discussed how they feel
themselves, the Year 4s discussed their    connected to our rich Tanach heritage.
own Hebrew name, its meaning and           Each child spoke beautifully and
why it was chosen for them. We are         touchingly. Kol Hakavod!
told that parents are given a glimmer      Justine Kaicer and Louise Lowinger

4   The King David School’s Inspirations                                                                                                          5   The King David School’s Inspirations
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where  I... I...
                                                                                     It’s where                                    It’s where I...                                                                                     It’s where I...
                                                                                          challenge myself
                                                                                       XXXXXXXXXXXXX                                 XXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                                                                         thrive

                                                                                                                                      Israeli Cultural Immersion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Our dynamic visiting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Israeli Madrichim
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                have engaged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                students in various
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                activities involving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Israeli culture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                These informal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                education programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                complement the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jewish Studies

Indigenous Camp                            Student reflection                          "... our students were                                                                 Staff Wellbeing Program
                                                                                       engaged in learning the
The Year 8 students were immersed          We have been trying all sorts of new
                                                                                       various art traditions                                                                 At the beginning of Term 3, all staff      amputee. Marc Light in one of his
in experiential learning on the            things including sleeping in tents,
Indigenous camp to Kakadu.                 meeting all types of people and
                                                                                       taught by local students ..."                                                          participated in a Student Wellbeing        Insights blogs conveyed that
                                                                                                                                                                              Conference that focussed on the theme      “Mike’s powerful message was that
The camp has a strong focus on             experiencing a new culture. One of          called The East Alligator river. It hosts                                              “Friendship”. Led by highly qualified      we cannot predict the vicissitudes of
developing cross cultural connections      the most challenging things has been        over 4000 crocodiles! On that cruise                                                   presenters including psychologists,        life but we should do what we can to
and looking at Indigenous Australia        leaving behind modern conveniences,         we learnt about the animals and trees                                                  educators and people working in the        prepare our students to develop the
through the eyes of other children. For    including phones and TV. Not to             that surrounded us and were given a                                                    area of resilience, they addressed         skillsets to cope when things do not go
this we partner up with Jabiru Area        mention that we have been sleeping          powdered rock called “ochre” which we                                                  friendships in the cyber world, bullying   their way and to be better prepared to
School to have activities taught to        in tents with the temperature at 23         mixed with water to make paint, that                                                   and the complexity of changing             embrace the subsequent challenges so
students from both schools.                degrees despite it being Jabiru's winter!   we could paint onto our skin. Another                                                  friendships. The sessions explored how     that they can thrive regardless”.
                                           Some of my highlights of the trip           highlight was seeing the sunset at dusk.                                               our educators can assist students with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Across the School, wellbeing sessions
"One of the most                           include when we went to a local river       We saw it on top of a huge rock call                                                   their friendships which clearly helps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         are an integral part of the curriculum
challenging things has                                                                 Ubirr, and we could see the land for                                                   them at school, but also later in life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and educators plan age-appropriate
been leaving behind                                                                    miles on end. In between we have been
                                                                                                                                                                              One of our keynote speakers was            programs.
modern conveniences,                                                                   going to the local pool, meeting the
                                                                                                                                                                              Mike Rolls, a motivational speaker and
including phones and TV."                                                              people who live here and and eating
                                                                                                                                                                              youth counsellor who is also a double      David Opat, Vice Principal - Wellbeing
                                                                                       delicious meals. We all enjoyed our
We invited members of the local                                                        stay in Jabiru, and are extremely happy
community to our Shabbat service                                                       to be escaping the cold in Melbourne.
                                                                                                                                   Year 10 Wellbeing Program
during which various students from                                                     Samuel Want (Year 8)
King David led and explained the                                                                                                   Early this term, Year 10 students          that they have each faced. They left       and they helped each other build a
significance to those present.                                                                                                     experienced a full day wellbeing           the program feeling supported by their     'tool kit' for tackling these challenges.
                                                                                                                                   program with male students engaged         mates and knowing that they can            The young women left the day feeling
Then our students were engaged in
                                                                                                                                   in sessions run by The Man Cave and        depend upon each other.                    supported by one another, and
learning the various art traditions
                                                                                                                                   female students attending Flourish Girl.                                              empowered to be the best version of
taught by local students, had the                                                                                                                                             Flourish Girl is an organisation that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         themselves that they can be.
option to learn the local language,                                                                                                Through a series of activities, the male   works to empower teenage girls to
Kunwinkju, participate in various                                                                                                  students had an opportunity to think       "become unstoppable women in               Jayne Wise
sporting activities that have an                                                                                                   about the qualities they wish to possess   today's world". The female students        Senior School Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Indigenous practice, as well as going                                                                                              as they get older. They had a chance       participated in discussions and
out on country to spend time learning                                                                                              to examine the perception of men in        activities that helped them open up
from the Elders, Auntie Violet and                                                                                                 society and then they spoke about          to one another, and they began to
Auntie Elizabeth.                                                                                                                  heroes, happy times and hard times         address and break down the barriers
                                                                                                                                   in their lives. It was beautiful to hear   they often face when trying to express
Russell Newman
Camps Coordinator                                                                                                                  so many boys talk about their heroes       themselves and navigate the world.
                                                                                                                                   being their own fathers. The day broke     The group worked together to unpack
                                                                                                                                   down many barriers between students        some of the negative thoughts that
                                                                                                                                   who spoke about a series of travails       stop them from being their true selves,

6   The King David School’s Inspirations
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where  I... I... explore
                                                                                     It’s where                 the   It’s where I...

                                                                                      wonders of science              XXXXXXXXXXXXX

A Passion for STEM
Our educators at King David recognise
that a passion and aptitude for Science
and Technology opens many doors for
future jobseekers. As such, our youngest
students in Pre-School through to
our Senior School students have
been engaged in innovative Science
programs and activities this term.
In support of national Science Week,
Pre-School children engaged in
experiments using milk, food colour
and detergent to explore shapes
and patterns. In the Kinder, Jonah’s
Dad, Leon came into Gan Te’ena to
do Science experiments including “a
colour symphony”, “blobs in a bottle”,
“coloured flowers” and “foaming
mountain” experiments.
In the Junior School, Years 1 to 5
students are learning coding and
robotics including Scratch programming
and the sophisticated Python chatbots.
These will be essential foundational
skills needed for a future in digital      Year 8 students participated in a
technologies.                              live stream from the International
                                           Space Station.
The Senior School celebrated Science
Week with a smorgasbord of choices         Year 7 students hosted an Earth in
for students to actively engage in         Space Expo. They presented their key
Science. This year’s theme was:            knowledge and 3D models to very
“Destination Moon: More Missions           interested Year 3 students!
More Science” in celebration of the        A Planetarium Science Dome gave
50th anniversary of the moon landing.      Year 7 students a chance to visually
Observational cosmology and radio          explore the earth’s moon and beyond.
science speaker, Dr. Nichole Barry,
gave an inspiring presentation at a
Senior School assembly.

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Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where I...      It’s where I...   It’s where I...

                                                                       XXXXXXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXXX                       love to perform

42nd Street
The magic of Broadway came to
our School at the end of Term 2 in
the form of its biggest dance show,
42nd Street. One had to continually
remind oneself that it was a school
production because it felt so much
more. The catchy tunes and large
dance numbers made it such an
entertaining production, but it was
the cast that took this musical to
new heights. Director Laura Rickhuss
expertly cast each member into the
perfect role and they shone. Many
of the cast had never tap danced
before but you wouldn't have known
that! Alumni mentors, Jamie Fink
and Hannah Cohen (Class of 2017)
worked tirelessly to choreograph and
rehearse routines with the cast.
Our Year 12 Performing Arts
superstars Talia Benson, Freya
Boltman, Avishai Conyer, Jacob
Moulton and Rachel Silber performed
for the last time in a KDS production.
They have been an integral part of
the success that is our Performing          "One had to
Arts program and they will all be           continually remind
greatly missed.                             oneself that it was
                                            a school production
Music Director, Adam Yee and his
musicians provided an unforgettable
                                            because it felt so
music accompaniment.
                                            much more."
Kol Hakavod to all involved in
bringing this magnificent production
for all of us to enjoy.

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Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where
                                                 It’s where
                                                        I... I...               It’s where I...
                                                     can be creative
                                                 XXXXXXXXXXXXX                      love to compete

                                                 "Art competitions are a
                                                 great way to foster the
                                                 artistic abilities of young
                                                 people ..."
The 24th Annual Jewish Youth Art
Competition, organised by B’nai B’rith
Victoria was held in August. The event
exhibited over 300 artworks by artists
whose ages ranged from 11 through
to 18 years. Morrie Gold, a long-
time member of B’nai B’rith and art
benefactor initiated this competition to
encourage the interest and confidence
of children in the arts. Art competitions
are a great way to foster the artistic
abilities of young people and The King
David School is proud to enter the finest                                       Sporting Highlights
student artwork each year. The following                                        We’ve had a very successful year of
King David students received awards:                                            sporting competition thus far. The year
• Y
   ear 11 student, Layla Light won                                             began with Arava winning the House
  first prize In the category of mixed                                          swimming carnival. Only 6 weeks later,
  media for her artwork titled Boy.                                             our Senior Boys Tennis won the EISM
  The photograph was of fellow art                                              Interschool Tennis Championship,          whole season. In another KDS first, the
  student Joel Schyer. Inspired by Frida                                        defeating Alphington to take home the
  Kahlo, her artwork aimed to explore                                                                                     Year 8 boys indoor soccer team also
                                                                                first trophy of the year.                 won the championship making it five
  traditional and non-traditional
  definitions of masculinity and                                                Negev once again dominated the            championships for the year so far.
  femininity to reveal the beauty in all.                                       House Athletics carnival with their 6th   Drew Solewicz
• Y
   ear 8 student, Tara Rotstein took                                           win in a row. With some individual        Sports Manager
  out first prize in the painting and                                           brilliance both at Swimming and
  drawing category with her pet                                                 Athletics interschool competition,
  portrait titled Milo.                                                         it was the team sports that was
• Y
   ear 6 student, Hannah Kausman                                               exceptional. Our teams competed in
  won second prize in the sculpture                                             the Winter Season with five teams
  category for her paper sculpture                                              qualifying for the Grand Finals and
  titled A snail’s colour.                                                      three teams winning the championship!                                               "With some individual
A total of 18 exceptional artworks                                              Our basketballers, both Senior boys                                                 brilliance both at
from KDS students was entered into                                              and Years 8/9 boys fought valiantly but                                             Swimming and Athletics
the exhibition. Congratulations to all                                          missed out on the winners trophies. The
                                                                                                                                                                    interschool competition, it
those who were selected to enter this                                           Year 8 girls won their championship in
prestigious youth art competition.
                                                                                                                                                                    was the team sports that
                                                                                convincing style. On the same day, our
                                                                                Years 8/9 boys soccer team won the
                                                                                                                                                                    was exceptional."
Jacklyn Roberts
Senior School Teacher                                                           School’s first ever soccer championship
                                                                                as they went undefeated across the

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Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where
                                                                                       It’s where
                                                                                             I... I...
                                                                                        join with community

                                                                                                              “He who cares for days sows wheat, he who cares
                                                                                                              for years plants trees, he who cares for generations
                                                                                                              educates people.”
                                                                                                              Janusz Korczak

KDSPA Update                                                                                                  Foundation News
Natalie Isaacs, Founder and CEO of                                                                            I’m very excited to have recently joined       In the short time that I’ve been at         Share your Simcha
1 Million Women was the guest speaker                                                                         The King David School family as the            KDS, I’m heartened to learn that we
at our annual KDSPA Breakfast which                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you to Kara Freitag for generously
                                                                                                              Head of Foundation. As you may know,           are extremely fortunate to have the
was held once again at the magnificent                                                                                                                                                                   sharing her Bat Mitzvah with The King
                                                                                                              The King David School Foundation has           generous support of many benefactors
Kooyong Tennis Club. Natalie is a                                                                                                                                                                        David School Foundation. Kara very
                                                                                                              recently undergone some significant            within the School community.
climate change activist who began                                                                                                                                                                        kindly invited her family and friends to
                                                                                                              changes which positively impacts its
building a global movement of                                                                                                                                Our donors are dedicated to the             make a donation in lieu of gifts on the
                                                                                                              fundraising capacity.
women and girls to “empower women                                                                                                                            School, have a genuine interest in          occasion of her special simcha.
everywhere to act on climate change                                                                           The Foundation entity has been re-             creating opportunities for the students
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Principal, Marc Light was delighted to
through the way they live”.                                                                                   structured so that donations raised            of today and strongly believe in
                                                                                                                                                                                                         present a Todah Rabah, Thank You,
                                                                                                              from any source, for example grant             investing in the students of tomorrow.
Since 2006, she has recognised the                                                                                                                                                                       certificate to Kara acknowledging this
                                                                                                              funds from trusts or bequest gifts,
power of the individual and as a                                                                                                                             Please feel free to contact me if you       generosity. Over $7,000 was donated
                                                                                                              can be accepted and are eligible for
collective, to affect change. 1 Million                                                                                                                      would like any information about            which has been directed to the
                                                                                                              tax deductibility. The new entity is
Women is now a movement of                                                                                                                                   special projects available for funding,     Scholarships Fund.
                                                                                                              in keeping with philanthropic best
900,000+ women and girls. She talked                                                                                                                         the bequest program or have a general
                                                                                                              practice and aligns with the practice of                                                   Mazal Tov and thank you again Kara for
about “bite sized changes”, for example                                                                                                                      enquiry. I look forward to meeting all of
                                                                                                              many Australian independent schools.                                                       demonstrating the true values of chesed
reducing one’s household energy,                                                                                                                             our supporters in the coming months.
buying quality not quantity and cutting                                                                                                                                                                  and tzedakah.
                                                                                                              The Foundation may now direct funds
meat consumption by half. She also                                                                            to educational programs or school              Ruth Lew
lives by “less is more”.                                                                                                                                     Head of Foundation
                                                                                                              projects as they emerge and can                Telephone +61 3 9527 0122
It was a wonderful event where guests                                                                         respond with greater flexibility to our        Mobile 0439 446 444
enjoyed the company, the food, the                                                                            donor’s needs.                                 Email
wonderful speaker and the awesome
raffle and silent auction prizes,
generously donated by the many
school supporters.
A special thank you to our major
sponsors, Bayside European, Beyond
Zero Emissions, Small Giants, Brenniston    Sunday 29 March 2020. If you would
and Dental Art.                             like to be involved in the planning of
                                            this event or any of the other KDSPA
Our hard working KDSPA Committee            activities please email us at                                                                                                                                "I’ve been at King David since the age of
have also been facilitating fundraisers We would love                                                                                                                          18 months so the School has really played
such as Entertainment Books, Art by                                                                                                                                                                      a big part in my growing up.
                                            to hear from you! Wishing you a great
Kids and theatre opportunities.                                                                                                                                                                          As Bat Mitzvah is about acknowledging
                                            term break.                                                                                                                                                  maturity and transitioning into adulthood,
2020 King’s Carnival planning is also       Carrie Kausman                                                                                                                                               I wanted to say thank you to the School
underway so please save the date -          President – Parents’ Association                                                                                                                             for helping me mature."
                                                                                                              Barbara Jacobs, Ruth Lew, Viv and Harry Rosenberg at the
                                                                                                              Senior Kinder Grandparents and Special Friends' Shabbat                                    Kara Freitag (Year 6)

14   The King David School’s Inspirations
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
It’s where I...
                                                                                                          grew up

Jen Brown (1999) & Aaron Hubbard                             Naomi Rozen (Green) (2005) & Jared Rozen
Nilaya Willow, April 2019                                    Jack Myer, July 2019

Nicky Dobos (1998) & Trevor Ausbruch                         Daniel Stiglitz (1995) & Simi Stiglitz (Kaplan)
Hazel Jean, August 2019                                      Talia Emily, August 2019

Melissa Markov (2006) & Daniel Markov
Kodi Belle, March 2019

Where are they now?
                               Lauren Midler graduated      “Masterchef”, “The Block” and “My Kitchen Rules”, the 2017
                               from KDS in 2011. With       Australian Open, and on a season of the US MTV show “Are
                               the goal to work in TV       you the one?”.
                               production, she studied
                               a Bachelor of Media and      In mid 2017, Lauren moved permanently to Los Angeles,
                               Communication at RMIT,       California. For her first 6 months she worked freelance on
                               graduating in 2016. She      a number of shows, most notably the 2017 Emmy awards.
                               took a semester abroad,      In late 2017, Lauren landed a full time position as an office
                               studying at the incredible   production Assistant at ITV America who make well
                               film school at San Diego     known reality shows including “Queer Eye”, “Love Island”,
                               State University in          “Hell’s Kitchen” and more. She has worked on a number
California, taking classes in directing & producing         of productions over the last 2 years, with the newest show
(and surfing).                                              “Styling Hollywood” released on Netflix at the end of August.
                                                            She loves living in sunny LA and can’t wait to see what the
Before returning home to finish her degree, Lauren          future brings.
interned for 6 weeks at Bray Entertainment, a
production company in New York City. She worked in            Please continue to keep us     For information about
the casting and development department on shows               informed by sending your       The King David School
such as “Pawn Stars” and “American Diner Revival." This       news or changes to your        contact the
                                                              contact details to:            Admissions Department on:
experience solidified Lauren’s dreams of moving to the    (03) 9527 0102 or
US to work in TV production.                                                       
                                                              We invite all alumni to
Lauren spent her last year of Uni and her first year          register with our new online
                                                              platform: KDS Connect
after graduating working freelance in reality TV in
both Melbourne and Sydney on local shows such as

Modern      | Thinking | Judaism
16   The King David School’s Inspirations
Inspirations The King David School's Magazine - September 2019 Elul 5779
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