Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018

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Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
News and updates from Alan Boswell Group   Summer 2018

Where the
heart is
Priscilla Bradley-Watson tells us
about the highs and lows of living
in a Grade-II-listed property

The gift of giving
Green and pleasant land
Private healthcare in numbers
Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
Company news | 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Company news | 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fantastic fundraising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We’re proud to report that a massive         years, donated an additional £50,000 to        Alan comments: “Everyone has a story
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                £15,000 was raised for our charity of the    support a Big C-funded research project.       about somebody close to them who has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                year, Big C, in 2017.                        Dr Dan Brewer will work with Professor         been affected by this disease. We’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Colin Cooper to research and discover          extremely proud to support the amazing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alongside the usual mix of dress-down        new sub-types of cancer.                       research undertaken here in East Anglia.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                days and bake sales, there was an annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                golf day, Boswell Cup football tournament    Understanding these sub-types of the           As a result, we’ve now raised more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and ‘80s themed cake sale.                   disease is important to help predict           £100,000 for the Waveney and Norfolk-
       Alan Boswell                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          survival, inform treatment options and         based charity and are intending to pull
       Group Chairman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                But it didn’t stop there. Group Executive    suggest new drug treatment strategies          out all the stops again this year, with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Chairman Alan Boswell, who has               to improve the lives of those affected         vast array of fundraising initiatives being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                supported the charity for more than 20       by cancer.                                     planned across the business.
      Welcome to the 2018
      edition of Telegraph
      magazine. As you
      may have noticed,
      this issue has been
      published earlier than
      in previous years.

      That’s because we wanted to
                                                      RESEARCH REVEALS IHT
      share our latest news while                     KNOWLEDGE GAP
      event-season is in full swing,
      which begins with this year’s Royal             Recent research conducted by Alan                     Says John Whitehead, MD at Alan Boswell                                                                                                                                                                                       In support of
      Norfolk Show (we’re at stand 75).               Boswell Group has found that less than                Financial Planning: “Inheritance Tax affects

                                                      30% of over-50s in the UK understand key              more people than ever before, and it is
      To tie in with that, this issue                 Inheritance Tax terminology.                          concerning to find that the majority of
      features a fascinating interview                                                                      over-50s, who will be most affected by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cancer Charity

                                                                                                                                                               Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Credit: Big C
      with Kevin Bowes, a well-known                  The findings showed that only 27%                     trend, are unaware of the key facts. As a
      farmer and a member of the                      of respondents were able to correctly                 result, they are likely to pass on less to their                                                                                                                                                                                               Since 1980
      Royal Norfolk Agricultural                      identify that ‘nil-rate band’ referred to the         heirs than they were expecting.”
      Association Council. He explores                threshold at which an estate becomes
      the challenges facing the farming               liable for Inheritance Tax (IHT), and that            In addition, the research also found that
      industry and the importance of                  this threshold is set at £325,000.                    only 30% were aware of Business Relief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Industry recognition                                                 BUSINESS RESERVES CONTINUE TO GROW
      conservation.                                                                                         (also known as Business Property Relief),
                                                      This is in addition to only 44% being                 whereby an individual can invest in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We’re pleased to announce         The news came after we were        Group Finance Director             growth of six percent, which, as
      We’ve also got charity golf days,               aware that the current rate of IHT                    qualifying businesses and pass the shares
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                that we have been shortlisted     presented with Feefo’s Gold-       Alastair Drew provides an          in recent years, has largely been
      risk management webinars and                    is 40%.                                               on tax-free if they have been held for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for the Customer Care –           Trusted Merchant Award for         overview of the group’s            driven by client acquisition.
      financial planning seminars in                                                                        more than two years at the time of death.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Company Award at the              the third year running, thanks     performance in 2017/18
      the diary for coming months, so                 The data comes following a survey                     Of the respondents that had heard of it,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Insurance Post Claims Awards      to our ongoing commitment to                                          In order to continue providing
      I hope we get the chance to see                 into public awareness of IHT, which                   only 31% were correct in stating that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2018.                             outstanding customer service.      Another 12 months have             an outstanding service to our
      you soon. If we can help with your              was launched when the Government                      IHT benefits only apply after two years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     passed, and I’m pleased to         clients, our staffing figures have
      insurance or financial planning in              announced record IHT receipts of £5.2bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It’s a hotly contested category  Marketing Manager Lee               report that the group’s reserves   also increased. As a result, we
      the meantime, don’t hesitate to                 in the year to May 2017.                              John continues: “There is a real need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and we’re up against five other Boswell comments: “We’re              have increased for another         have recently gone over the
      get in touch.                                                                                         financial education, not just about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                businesses                                        delighted to       year. These were in excess of      350-employee mark across our
                                                      We have growing concerns because                      basics, but how families can pass on their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for the title,                                    have been          £12m, which represents an          10 offices.
                                                      increasing property prices are pushing                estates in a tax-efficient way. Without an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                which will be “We’re delighted to have            shortlisted for    increase of 25% on the previous
                                                      many more estates over the £325,000                   understanding of the terminology, it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                announced                                         this prestigious   year. It remains group policy
                                                      threshold (a figure that has been frozen              difficult to know how it affects you and your                                                                                                                         been shortlisted for this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                on 21st June                                      award. It’s        to hold substantial capital
                                                      since 2010, although UK house prices                  family. Although it’s a subject that may be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2018 – just       prestigious award”              a great            over regulatory requirements
                                                      have increased by 33% on average in that              difficult to discuss, there are professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                as Telegraph                                      endorsement,       (approx. £1.5m combined).
                                                      time) incurring tax at a rate of 40% on               available to help you to understand your
        Alan Boswell, Group Chairman                                                                                                                                                                                                                            goes to press.                                    especially after
                                                      sums that exceed the threshold.                       risks and how to minimise their impact.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 being highly commended in the       Income increased by 28%,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The winner will be a company     Insurance Times Broker of the       largely driven by the impact
       Telegraph is published by Alan Boswell Group                                                                                                                                                                                                             that demonstrates an excellent   Year category at the end            of two recent acquisitions
                                                      © Alan Boswell Group           Opinions expressed in Telegraph are not necessarily the opinions of
       Editor: Lucy Mowatt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      level of customer care,          of 2017.”                           (S-Tech Insurance Services
                                                      Harbour House,                 Alan Boswell Group. Material contained within this publication may
       Contributor: Matthew High                                                                                                                                                                                                                                backed by clear standards                                            in Cambridge and Sutcliffe
                                                      126 Thorpe Road,               not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Alastair Drew
       Designer: Simon Taylor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and consistent monitoring        Stay tuned to our website to        Solloway & Co in Lincolnshire).
                                                      Norwich NR1 1UL                of Alan Boswell Group. For more information about the magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Finance Director
       Cover: Priscilla Bradley-Watson by Julian                                                                                                                                                                                                                of performance.                  see if we’re named winners.         Within that figure is organic
                                                                                     and its contents, email marketing@alanboswell.com
       Claxton Photography
Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
Industry news | 5

                                                                                                               INDUSTRY NEWS

                               financial planning

                               1. the devising of a program for the allocation
                                                                                                                CARILLION COLLAPSE:
                                                                                                                SIX MONTHS ON
                                  and management of finances and capital
                                  through budgeting, investment, etc.

                               2. the business of devising such programs.                                     S-Tech Director Laurence Hill takes a look back over the first
                                                                                                              half of 2018 and reflects on the shifting economic landscape

                                                                                                                     More than six months have elapsed         On top of that, more than 30% of payments        In cases like this, it’s also worth considering
                                                                                                                  since Carillion ceased trading and the           are typically late and the average value          dispute cover. This allows you to make
                                                                                                                        UK is still reeling from its demise.               of each late payment is £6,142.                 a claim, even if you’re taking legal
                                                                                                                 Although investigations into the failure                                                             action to pursue the late payment and
                                                                                                                   of the contracting giant are ongoing,          According to FSB figures from 2016, late           the customer disputes the invoice. The
                                                                                                                       more than 2,300 people have lost            payments cost the UK economy £2.5bn            insurer will often seek to recover the debt
                                                                                                                 their jobs to date, and the Association              and causes 50,000 small businesses                once the dispute has been resolved.
                                                                                                                      of British Insurers (ABI) predict that             to permanently close their doors.
                                                                                                                     there will be at least £31m-worth of                                                            But the cover can also help you before
                                                                                                                      claims as suppliers and contractors                  PROTECTION FOR                                   you have to make a claim. Credit
                                                                                                                               seek to recoup their losses.                TROUBLED TIMES                           insurers have access to large databases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of financial information so they can
                                                                                                                   But Carillion’s not the only big-name                So what can business owners do to            help you set credit limits and minimise
                                                                                                                    business to have gone under in the               safeguard their own cashflow, without             your risk. The insurer will monitor the
                                                                                                                 past six months. Since January, several                  being negatively affected by the            situation and alert you to any changes
Your money matters                                                                                            companies, including Toys R Us, Multiyork,                    difficulties of their customers?                   to your customers’ risk profiles.
                                                                                                                  Maplin, Monarch Airlines and Palmer
No matter what your age, it’s never too early to start                                                                & Harvey, have become insolvent,                      Trade credit insurance is a vital    As a policyholder, you could even request
thinking about the significant events in your life.              Investments                                             causing widespread disruption.                consideration. It is a way of moving       a credit check on a customer before you
                                                                                                                                                                         the risks away from your business            arrange payment terms. Your insurer
Whether it’s a house, wedding, lifetime adventure                Retirement planning                                 At the time of writing, Carpetright,                    and over to an insurer, even if           would assess the risk and send back
or retirement, it’s important to plan ahead to ensure                                                              Mothercare, New Look and House of                         you’re trading internationally.          a decision on the levels of credit you
you can achieve your goals and aspirations.
                                                                 Tax planning                                  Fraser have entered a form of insolvency,                                                            should extend. It may not be what you
                                                                                                                        known as a CVA, while Wickes is          For instance, if a customer goes bust, an          hoped for, but you’re able to minimise
With a wealth of financial planning experience,
we're ideally placed to help you reach your goals.               Protection                                            experiencing financial difficulties.        insolvency practitioner will get in touch         the risk of late payment or insolvency.
                                                                                                                                                                     to explain what’s happening, allowing
                                                                                                                  Consequently the Federation of Small                 you to make a claim for outstanding            At S-Tech we’ve worked with leading
                                                                                                                 Business (FSB) has called into question         payments. This also applies if a customer                 credit insurers for decades. Our
                                                                                                                  the use of the Prompt Payment Code,               defaults on an invoice and, depending              experience can help you to arrange
                                                                                 Speak directly to our team         stating that it isn’t stringent enough;        on your policy, you could make a claim            cover for your risks in turbulent times.
                                                                                                                 some suppliers have to wait up to 120            even though your customer hasn’t gone                Call me direct on 01603 967960 to
                                                                                 01603 967959                       days to be paid what they are owed.           bust, so your cash flow remains healthy.           discuss your exposure to credit risks.
                                                                                                                                                                  alanboswell.com | Telegraph | Summer 2018
Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
Industry news | 6

                                                                                                                                                           PRIVATE HEALTHCARE IN THE UK
                                                                                                                                                           Telegraph takes a look at the vital statistics of the private medical care industry
           GDPR UPDATE
                                                                                                                                                            With news headlines dominated by doom and gloom           As a specialist in arranging both group schemes and
      Whatever your business, it’s       Data breach, whereby                that a business will fall victim      “You should seek a company               stories about the state of the National Health Service,   individual medical cover, this infographic shares some
      unlikely that the General          personally identifiable data        to a breach at some point.”           with a first response team               it’s only natural to be curious about your private        key statistics about the current size of the industry in the
      Data Protection Regulation         falls into the wrong hands, is                                            that will supply you with                healthcare options.                                       UK and some of the reasons behind its growth.
      (GDPR) has passed you by.          a particular concern, because       Capturing and managing                appropriate IT network,
      Launched on 25th May, GDPR         there are so many ways it           the incident is key to how            legal and forensic support,              A recent study found that the size of the UK private      If you have any questions about private medical
      gives individuals more power       could happen. Alongside             a business emerges from               as well as management of                 healthcare market is due to increase 2.8% year-on-year    insurance, how it works, or to get a quote, give us a
      over their data and how it’s       human error, there is also an       the crisis. A cyber liability         any ransom demands.                      until 2025, estimating that it will be worth £14bn.       call on 01603 967967.
      processed. As a result, GDPR       ever-evolving risk of cyber-        policy can play a vital
      will affect any business that      crime. From phishing emails,        role in this instance.                “They should also manage the
      handles personal data.             to imitation and ransom, there                                            notification to the Information
                                         are various risks to be aware of.   Phil recommends looking               Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
      If a business fails to comply                                          for a policy that will cover          and the people affected,
      with the regulation, it could be   As S-Tech Director Phil Thorpe      your repair costs; your               while providing monitoring
      presented with a fine for up       explains: “No matter how            loss of income; claims                services. Ideally this will be
      to €20m, or four percent of its    rigorous the data management        from affected parties; and            accompanied by call centre
      turnover, whichever is greater.    practices introduced, it’s likely   regulatory costs and fines.           and public relations support.”

           WORKPLACE PENSION                         to note that you qualify for tax relief on        “With an ageing population and a

           CONTRIBUTIONS RISE                        pension deductions, which will make
                                                     up part of the total contribution.
                                                                                                       shrinking birth rate, this situation is
                                                                                                       likely to be exacerbated for future
      If you make auto-enrolment contributions                                                         generations. Auto-enrolment helps
      to a workplace pension scheme,                 For instance, if you contribute £24 from          to ensure you have more saved for
      it’s likely that you’ll have noticed           your salary, you’ll get tax relief of £6 (on      retirement than just your State Pension.”*                                                                              Source: www.aviva.co.uk – LaingBuisson 2016 market report
      a change in your pay packet.                   the standard Income Tax rate), as well as
                                                     an employer contribution of £20. That
      That’s because, on April 6th,                   means £50 will go into your pension.
      the minimum contribution

                                         53%                                                                 60,000
      levels changed, as                                         You should be notified of
      the government                                               these changes by your
      encourages us all                                              employer. If you’re
      to save more for                                                concerned about the
      retirement.             of people would pay for private          impact these will have          The number of houses in multiple
                                healthcare treatment if they           on your income, it is             occupation (HMOs) in the UK
      Gross                            could afford it                 possible to opt-out
      contributions                                                    of your workplace                Turn to page 14 for more on the                                                                                        Source: www.aviva.co.uk
      were set at a               See page 7 for more vital            pension   by speaking            challenges facing the buy-to-let
      1% minimum for                     statistics                   to your  HR department.                    market in 2018
      employees and                                                  However, if you are
      1% for employers                                             unsure you should seek
      until April 2018, when                                     professional financial advice
      they increased. The                                    before making this decision.
      new level is a 3% minimum
      for employees and 2% for employers            Dee Myhill, Auto Enrolment Consultant                                                                    Source: www.digital.nhs.uk
      – and these rates will jump to 5%             at Alan Boswell Financial Planners                  *The value of an investment and any income
                                                                                                        from it can go down as well as up and you might
      and 3% respectively in April 2019.            explains: “The limits have been increased                                                                                                                                                                  Source: www.ons.gov.uk
                                                                                                        not get back the original amount invested.
                                                    to ensure that the population has
                                                                                                        The past is not a guide to the future. The value
      As such, there will be increased              sufficient funds when they come to                  of tax benefits depends on your individual
      deductions from your salary, which            retire. The 2018/19 State Pension is a              circumstances and the laws concerning these
      will affect the amounts you take home         maximum of £8,546.20 a year, which                  can change.
      every month. However, it’s important          is unlikely to be enough to live on.

                                                                                                                                                             Source: www.ons.gov.uk                                             Source: www.ons.gov.uk
                                                        alanboswell.com | Telegraph | Summer 2018
Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
Cover story | 9

                                               “I’d like this to be my forever home,”     house in the wide open Norfolk               “The garden was dreadful too. It was
                                               Priscilla Bradley-Watson muses as she      countryside; a stunning combination          really overgrown with brambles and you
Telegraph speaks to Priscilla Bradley-Watson   sits outside her wisteria-clad property.   of Georgian architecture and Victorian       couldn’t get around the paddock.”
about both the joys and challenges of          “It’s a lot to manage though. It’s a       faux-Tudor façade, set in several acres of
                                               full-time job to live here – that’s the    grounds, which are filled with animals.      Now the garden’s been restored, it’s
owning a Grade-II-listed property              problem.”                                  Priscilla’s two-year-old Rhodesian           a breathtaking sight, with lush green
                                                                                          Ridgeback bounds around the pond,            lawns, a pond filled with rudd, carp,
                                               The Norfolk-born businesswoman             setting fright to the Indian runner ducks    tench and perch, while the horse
                                               returned to her native county in the       and Guinea fowl, while alpacas roam the      chestnuts are alive with fresh leaves,
                                               year 2000, following a brief spell in      rear paddock and miniature ponies keep       the false acacia is covered in vivid
                                               Suffolk, having spent two decades          the grass in check.                          blooms, and it’s all watched over by
                                               living in London while working in the                                                   one of the largest Oriental plane trees
                                               fashion industry. She now runs her own     “The property has evolved over               in the country.
                                               business, The Bradley Collection, from     different periods,” she continues. “I
                                               Suffolk, creating luxury curtain tracks,   think there was a house here in the          Says Priscilla: “I try to keep a bit of
                                               poles and rods for customers around        Tudor times, but then a Georgian house       it wild, so that we encourage wildlife
                                               the world.                                 was put on one side and a Victorian          to come here; I don’t keep it too
                                                                                          façade was added in the 19th century.        manicured. We’ve got owls nesting in
                                               “Originally I thought we would live                                                     the woods, we’ve got woodpeckers
                                               nearer to Norwich, but we fell in love     “There’s always something that needs         and lots of little birds, as well as deer
                                               with the house and ended up moving         repairing or replacing, that’s for sure!     coming through. We try to keep it as a
                                               here, which wasn’t quite the plan! My      It was pretty neglected before the last      haven for wildlife.
                                               commute to work now takes about an         owners moved in. I believe it was on the
                                               hour and 20 minutes. Thankfully I don’t    Buildings at Risk Register because no        “I live outside in the summer,” she adds.
                                               go in every day – I’m on email and the     one had spent any money on it and left       “I’m an outdoor person, so I love the
                                               phone. As I say, I ended up coming here    it to rot away. Local authority personnel    garden. We follow the sun around the
                                               completely by mistake!”                    have been very supportive because I          house; we have breakfast on the terrace
                                                                                          think they’re pleased to have someone        in the morning and then the sun goes
                                               “Here” is a Grade-II-listed country        here who’s looking after it.                 round the side, so we have afternoon
Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
Cover story | 10                                                                                                                                                                                           Cover story | 11

       tea there and then, when the sun             a look around and he managed to                               was about 10 years ago. We knew who
       comes round by the summer house in           arrange comprehensive and competitive                         it was, which made the claims process
       the evening, we sit out there and have       cover – and that was in 2006.                                 simpler.
       dinner before it sets.”
                                                    “I’m still with the same insurer, even                        “The next one was when a lot of work
       Reliable relationship                        though Mark regularly searches the                            was going on down the lane and they
                                                    market for a better deal. It’s great                          had these big bits of equipment with
       Having owned the house for 18 years,
       Priscilla has added to and restored much
                                                    working with him. I enjoy the personal
                                                    service and being able to pick up the
                                                                                                  I enjoy the     booms on the back. I think a tractor
                                                                                                                  pulled over to let someone by and the

       of the property, including renovating the    phone and speak to him. He is very                            boom hit it. The driver probably didn’t
       coach house and putting a roof over the      reliable and gets straight back to me. He                     know anything about it.
       courtyard. The footings are also in place    comes to see me every year to review
       for the reconstruction of the orangery,
       which will be built to the original
                                                    the policy – he stops by for a cup of tea
                                                    and a few biscuits.
                                                                                                  service and     “About 20ft of the perimeter wall caved
                                                                                                                  in. That was quite tall, about 10ft high,

                                                                                                  being able to
       specifications.                                                                                            and a whole section of it keeled over and
                                                    “[Alan Boswell Group] now insures the                         smashed my greenhouse.
       “Getting home insurance used to              house, the cars and even the business,
       be a problem,” she explains. “When
       I first moved here I continued with the
                                                    as well as most of my family’s insurance.
                                                    It’s all in the family!”
                                                                                                  pick up the     “Like the house, the wall is listed. So
                                                                                                                  when we came to replace it, we had to

                                                                                                  phone and
       previous owners’ insurance because                                                                         use original bricks and lime mortar and
       it can be difficult to arrange. A place      More than bricks and mortar                                   put it all back the way it was so it looks
       like this is so unusual. There aren’t many                                                                 in keeping with the rest of the property.
       companies out there that are interested
       in taking it on. Most insurers would
                                                    When it comes to making claims on
                                                    her insurance, Priscilla is quick to state
                                                                                                  speak to him    I know some really good builders, so
                                                                                                                  once I had a few quotes from them ABG
       rather focus on a standard four-bedroom      how lucky she has been, pointing out                          helped me to manage the claim.”
       house. This house needs something            that there have only been two claims at
       more bespoke.                                the property.                                                 When she reflects on all the work that
                                                                                                                  she has put into the property and
       “My brother recommended Alan                 “We’ve only had a couple of things                            maintaining it she laughs: “I’m having
       Boswell Group because he was using           happen. We’ve had two different people                        a holiday from the building – I can’t do
       them. Mark [Linehan] came out to have        drive into the wall outside. The first time                   anymore for a while!”

                                                      alanboswell.com | Telegraph | Summer 2018                                                                alanboswell.com | Telegraph | Summer 2018
Where the heart is - The gift of giving Green and pleasant land Private healthcare in numbers 2018
Financial planning | 12                                                                                                                                                                                                          Financial planning | 13

                                                                                                   more than seven years from when you               When you give a gift, the law dictates      simple steps. “When actively gifting, the
                                                                                                   made the gift, it will not incur Inheritance   that it must be an outright gift that is       key is to follow the correct steps and be
                                                                                                   Tax when you pass away. Of course, if you      away from your personal use – you can’t        sure that you document the gifts at every
                                                                                                   don’t live for seven years, Inheritance Tax    gift your house to your children and           step of the way, as well as what your

                                                                                                   may apply.                                     continue to live in it, for example. “This     intentions for those gifts are,” says John.
                                                                                                     Alan Boswell Financial Planners’             is one of the most common reasons for          “Making gifting easier really comes down
                                                                                                   Managing Director John Whitehead               people to be reluctant to gift, because        to thorough planning and a considered,
                                                                                                   begins by explaining current exemptions        whatever you are gifting technically has       well-thought-out process around exactly
                                                                                                   to the tax, before exploring how gifting       to go. From the outset there must be a         what you wish to do.”
                                                                                                   can help mitigate any tax bills.               willingness to understand that what you           One simple way of avoiding some
                                                                                                     “There is more revenue generated             are gifting is gone and you can’t get it       of the burden of Inheritance Tax is to
                                                                                                   for the government by Inheritance Tax          back,” John explains.                          make sure you have an appropriate will
      Making a gift to your family when you are still alive is                                     than there ever has been, largely due             “People find it difficult to hand             in place – this also makes the process
                                                                                                   to rising estate values, which is a result     over something they may want – or              of gifting more straightforward. John
      an effective way of passing on your wealth that needn’t
                                                                                                   of increasing property values,” he says.       perhaps need – to use in the foreseeable       recommends that you have your will
      be confusing, as John Whitehead, Managing Director                                           “There are, however, some generous             future. They also worry that they may          finalised because it ensures that, at a very
      of Alan Boswell Financial Planning, explains                                                 exemptions for anyone with an estate           need the capital later in their lifetime,      basic level, you have many of the key
                                                                                                   worth less than £1 million, which may          usually for care, which raises additional      considerations covered.
                                                                                                   mean you don’t actually face Inheritance       concerns about not wanting to be a                “We do occasionally encounter apathy
                                                                                                   Tax, depending on the circumstances.”          burden on those same family members            when dealing with finances after the death
                                                                                                     Other, smaller exemptions allow you          that you are gifting to. When you consider     of a loved one. However, the big issue
      None of us likes to think that the assets and
                                                                                                   to give money away to family members           that, as a population, we are living longer,   is that if you die and you’ve not made a
      wealth we have accumulated during our lives
                                                                                                   too, regardless of the seven-year rule. The    you can understand why it’s a hard             will, your assets don’t always pass to the
      will not benefit our loved ones when we have
                                                                                                   annual exemption, for example, allows an       decision to make.”                             people you’d expect,” John comments.
      passed on. And while it is a subject that few
                                                                                                   individual to make gifts of up to £3,000 in                                                   “People have the belief that if they’ve not
      of us want to dwell on, with careful planning
                                                                                                   total in each tax year, completely free of                                                    made a will their assets automatically pass
      and preparation, it’s possible to support your
                                                                                                   Inheritance Tax.                                                                              to their spouse or their children, but that’s
      family with as little lost to Inheritance Tax
      as possible.
         To set the scene, Inheritance Tax is
                                                                                                   Overcoming concerns                                   “People are                             not the case. It may fall to people they
                                                                                                                                                                                                 didn’t intend to get it.”
      currently 40% and is typically paid by
      your heirs. The threshold at which it is
                                                                                                   “A little-known way of gifting is related
                                                                                                   to surplus income over expenditure,”                    reluctant                             Put plans in place
      payable has been frozen at £325,000
                                                                                                   John continues. “To illustrate, when an
                                                                                                   individual receives more net income than
                                                                                                                                                         to delve too                            There are many things to consider when
                                                                                                                                                                                                 making a gifting plan and if you are

                                                                                                                                                          deeply into
      since 2010, which has seen a growing
                                                                                                   they need to live on – if you earn £50,000                                                    cautious about making any decisions
      number of individuals face tax bills upon
                                                                                                   but only spend £25-30,000, for example –                                                      you’re not alone. However, it’s important

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The value of tax benefits depends on your individual circumstances and the laws concerning these can change
      the death of a loved one – HMRC is said
                                                                                                   they are able to make regular gifts of that                                                   to remember that it is a sensible way of
      to have collected a record £5.1 billion in
                                                                                                   ‘surplus’ income. In this case you must                                                       ensuring that as much of your estate goes
      Inheritance Tax in the year ending May
                                                                                                   be able to show that the payments are                                                         to those you want it to as possible. As with
      2017 alone. Further, the number of families
                                                                                                   regular and that the gift comes directly                                                      anything of such importance, we advise
      paying Inheritance Tax increased by a
                                                                                                   from your income, but it allows you to                                                        that you seek professional advice and plan
      reported 160% between 2010 and 2016.
                                                                                                   give a lot of your money away without          Family finances                                 thoroughly, so that you fully understand
         Considering the scale of those
                                                                                                   incurring Inheritance Tax when you die.”       You can gift from any age and to whom          the impact of the choices you’re making.
      figures, it may seem surprising that
                                                                                                      As such, there are several ways in which    you wish but, as John explains, for some          “When we’re providing advice, we
      some people are still cautious about
                                                                                                   you can distribute your wealth to ensure       this raises concerns about the impact          typically make sure the will is in place
      the concept of gifting. Admittedly,
                                                                                                   your family are financially supported           of gifting to children and grandchildren       first,” John highlights. “Then we work
      estate and tax planning are
                                                                                                   when you’re still alive. However, a number     when they are ‘too young’ or not yet           in conjunction with solicitors to gather
      complex areas, but making gifts
                                                                                                   of rules apply to gifting that make it         ready to receive the money.                    information on the assets and what is
      to your friends and family in
                                                                                                   pertinent to obtain professional advice.          Naturally there are family-related issues   left in relation to the exemptions we’ve
      a controlled, planned way
                                                                                                      It is that complexity that makes some       that affect gifting decisions too. “A          already discussed. We then consider what
      while you’re still alive is an
                                                                                                   people nervous about how to best               growing factor affecting gifting is that of    happens to those assets if our client does
      effective way of protecting
                                                                                                   approach gifting, says John: “People           divorcing children and grandchildren,”         nothing, before planning how they want
      your estate so you can pass
                                                                                                   are reluctant to delve too deeply into         says John. “The main concern is if a           people to benefit, what their expectations
      on your wealth with minimal
                                                                                                   finance because they feel like they don’t       child or grandchild gets divorced, they        are and how financial planning can help to
                                                                                                   understand it enough. It is complicated,       could lose the value of what they have         achieve that.
         How much you gift to
                                                                                                   so some people prefer not to look into it.     gifted because a partner could end up             “I don’t think people are fully
      your family and when is
                                                                                                      “It’s also a commonly held belief           taking some of the capital. It’s something     aware of what they can do to mitigate
      your decision, but to make
                                                                                                   that seeking professional advice is            I’ve seen on a few occasions and it            Inheritance Tax. The information available
      sure that gift is tax-free
                                                                                                   very expensive. But that’s not the case        traumatises the grandparents.”                 is not always the easiest to find or
      involves careful planning and
                                                                                                   because, ultimately, what you will save in        While that example is a reminder that       straightforward to follow, but with the
      forethought. It is important to
                                                                                                   tax is a significant sum of money, which        there are circumstances we cannot plan         correct planning and professional advice
      understand and pay attention
                                                                                                   more than offsets the costs of organising      for, when it comes to gifting you can be       you can effectively gift significant amounts
      to the seven-year rule, which
                                                                                                   your affairs.”                                 secure in your choices by following a few      of money to prepare for the future.”
      says that as long as you live for

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Landlord challenges | 14                                                                                                                                                                                            Landlord challenges | 15

                                                                                    ‘Being a landlord is easy’. Regardless the size of your rental          “The changes are driven by the increasing political power of
                                                                                    portfolio, it’s likely an opinion you’ve heard before. Put simply,      the rental class,” he adds. “Many people now rent privately for
                                                                                    it’s wrong. While the rental market still offers considerable           a considerable period of time, or permanently – it’s become
                                                                                    opportunity for proactive landlords who stay on top of                  the housing tenure option for a sizeable part of the population.
                                                                                    ever-evolving rules and regulations, it has also changed                The latest projections are that a quarter of households will rent
                                                                                    immeasurably in recent decades.                                         privately by 2021, with home ownership at a 30-year low, and
                                                                                                                                                            that’s driving the political pressure for change.”
                                                                                    Chiefly, a developing regulatory environment has made the
                                                                                    job of being a landlord more challenging, requiring increased           “It’s certainly become more difficult to be a landlord
                                                                                    administrative processes, a more professional stance on renting         and the onus is on really keeping up with these changes,”
                                                                                    property and an ongoing awareness of how legislation can                says Tessa Shepperson of Landlord Law. “Being on top of
                                                                                    affect both your business and your tenants.                             records, processes and paperwork is now a vital part of being
                                                                                                                                                            successful. To be safe from any action, landlords must make
                                                                                    Of course much of this has been driven by the seismic change            sure they not only comply with every rule and regulation,
                                                                                    in the nature of home ownership in the UK. While there may              but that they can prove that they comply with every rule
                                                                                    be more rental properties on the market today, the number of            and regulation.”
                                                                                    tenants looking to rent continues to rise. For many, the concept
                                                                                    of being a tenant has changed from being a short-term bridge            TAX RULES

                           WHY IT’S
                                                                                    to a permanent way of life.
                                                                                                                                                            This year sees ongoing changes from new tax regulation
                                                                                    The last two years in particular have                                                            introduced in 2017, which addressed
                                                                                    seen a number of new regulatory                                                                  the way income tax is levied on rental

                           HARD TO BE                                                                                                “Some landlords
                                                                                    and legislative decisions introduced                                                             properties. “Landlords are no longer
                                                                                    that, if not fully understood, can have                                                          able to offset all of their mortgage
                                                                                    an impact on landlords. Last year                                                                interest costs against their rental

                           A LANDLORD
                                                                                    saw a record number of government
                                                                                    consultations on the private sector and
                                                                                                                                        I know are                                   profits,” Chris explains. “It’s a big
                                                                                                                                                                                     rule that landlords really need to take

                                                                                    notable changes include amendments                                                               note of.”

                           IN 2018
                                                                                    to mortgage-interest tax-relief that
                                                                                    will continue to be rolled out over                                                               The implementation of new tax rules
                                                                                    successive years; the introduction of
                                                                                    no-deposit insurance; and tougher
                                                                                                                                    leaving the sector                                commenced in 2017, reducing the
                                                                                                                                                                                      amount of mortgage interest that
                                                                                                                                                                                      could be offset against tax to zero
                                                                                    standards for landlords with four or
                                                                                    more mortgaged properties. In the                                                                 by 2020. This affects all residential
                                                                                                                                                                                      properties, although landlords who
                           The introduction of new regulations and                  latter instance, it’s now tougher to get
                                                                                    funding, due to stricter underwriting                                                             hold their rental properties in a
                           laws means that landlords must take a                    criteria, introduced by the Prudential                                                            company are exempt. However, some
                                                                                    Regulation Authority.                                                   higher-rate landlords, says Chris, could see “a devastating
                           proactive approach to understanding their                                                                                        impact on their cashflow and wider business model”.

                           industry in 2018                                         It’s a trend that looks set to continue. In 2018, landlords have
                                                                                    already seen new minimum energy efficiency standards and                 Mark Leach is a landlord with 30 years’ experience. With around
                                                                                    banning orders come into effect. Later this year, wide-ranging          80 residential tenants and some commercial properties, he’s
                                                                                    changes to Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) will be put              witnessed many industry developments. Despite that, he points
                                                                                    in place, which are likely to have significant impact, as will the       to the new tax rules as “one of the biggest problems facing
                                                                                    changes to Section 21, as decreed under the Deregulation Act.           landlords this year”.

                                                                                    RIGOROUS RECORD-KEEPING                                                 “Some landlords I know are considering leaving the sector
                                                                                                                                                            altogether if interests rates continue to rise,” he says. “One
                                                                                    “There are a number of changes that are hitting the statute books       method for dealing with the new tax laws is turning their
                                                                                    at the same time in 2018,” says Chris Horne, landlord, developer        property portfolio into a limited company. Doing that means you
                                                                                    and creator of PropertyHawk.co.uk, an online resource for               only pay 20% corporation tax and you can put all the costs of
                                                                                    landlords. “Many landlords have existed in a benign environment         refurbishment, building and other work against your earnings.”
                                                                                    over the last 20 years, so these changes will come as quite a
                                                                                    shock. Adjusting their ways of working to accommodate the new           ENERGY EFFICIENCY
                                                                                    legislation is now really important, but it will take some getting
                                                                                    used to. Many landlords are not ‘professional’, so the increased        Two key new pieces of legislation to take note of this year are
                                                                                    complexity and legislation only confuses them, and also increases       new banning laws and minimum energy efficiency standards
                                                                                    the likelihood that they’ll make potentially expensive mistakes.        (MEES). The former, says Chris, are essentially to “root out rogue

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      landlords and letting agents. It is, in some respects, the regulatory     as a way in which landlords can legally obtain possession of their      “Presently, only the larger HMOs – three or more storeys and              discussed in this article are knowledge and actively staying up
      price to pay for landlords not having to pay for a landlord licence,      property from a tenant – it’s one of the most important pieces of       five or more tenants – need a licence,” Tessa explains. “In                to date with the sector.
      which effectively penalises the vast majority of good landlords –         legislation protecting landlords, providing it is served correctly.     October the law is changing to widen the scope. There will be
      not just the bad ones we all want excluded from the industry.”                                                                                    no specific storey requirements and all properties with five or             “Landlords have a responsibility to keep themselves informed,”
                                                                                The new rules, brought in by the Deregulation Act, which Tessa          more tenants in two or more households will be applicable.                says Tessa. “Ignorance isn’t a defence. There are plenty of
      Do your job properly and you shouldn’t be affected by the                 describes as “perhaps the most significant changes to be aware           Essentially, a lot more HMOs are going to become subject to               services out there to help, so be sure to keep your eye on what’s
      banning laws. But the key thing to take away from this is that it’s       of this year”, have made Section 21 more complex, introducing           licencing, and I see a fair few landlords getting quite a shock if        happening. To put it simply, if you don’t keep yourself informed
      important to avoid complacency as, according to Tessa, banning            a number of hurdles that landlords should be aware of.                  they are not prepared.”                                                   you are at risk. The key to mitigating regulation changes is to be
      laws can unwittingly catch you out. “Yes, they are targeting criminal                                                                                                                                                       proactive rather than reactive.”
      landlords but they are worthy of fully understanding. A simple            “The main scenarios where this can now be an issue,” Chris says,        The widening of the HMO laws to cover more properties
      example being that if you make a mistake related to another law or        “are if you fail to serve a Gas Safety Certificate; fail to provide an   means many landlords will be affected. There will likely be               According to Chris, governments generally publish consultations
      regulation and get prosecuted, you could be subject to a banning          EPC where applicable; fail to serve the How to Rent booklet; or         a grace period because of the volume of new licences it                   on such matters prior to legislation coming into effect, sometimes
      order that effectively takes your business away.”                         prevent retaliatory eviction. In addition, you can no longer serve      will require, but landlords that haven’t sorted their licensing           by as much as 12 to 18 months, meaning that the savvy landlord
                                                                                the Section 21 notice within the first four months of the tenancy,       requirements – changes typically revolve around health and                has access to a valuable source of information.
      The beginning of April also saw the introduction of minimum               and once it is served it only lasts six months.”                        safety issues and similar – could face penalties of up to £30,000
      energy efficiency standards, aimed at private landlords in                                                                                         and criminal prosecution.                                                 “All landlords should consider themselves professional, as they
      possession of properties that do not meet the lowest energy               To avoid, where possible, the impact of Section 21 changes,                                                                                       are providing a large part of the population with their homes,”
      efficiency standards. The legislation makes it illegal to create or        the above stipulations must be correctly put in place at the start      DATA PROTECTION                                                           Peter adds. “Any prospective landlord needs to fully understand
      renew a tenancy in homes with EPC energy ratings of F and G.              of a tenancy; be sure to protect the deposit within 30 days, for                                                                                  how to run their business.”
      From 1st April 2020 landlords won’t be able to continue letting           example, and provide a Gas Safety Certificate, booklet and               While the changes discussed thus far are solely focussed on the
      the property at all.                                                      accompanying paperwork before tenants move in. If there is any          rental market, according to Peter Littlewood of iHowz, there              From a landlord’s perspective, Mark notes the importance of
                                                                                confusion, seek professional advice to make sure you are covered.       are wider developments that landlords should pay attention to,            professional bodies and market forums as an indispensable
      This is, in many respects, easier to mitigate than other laws –                                                                                   namely the changes to the General Data Protection Regulation              way of keeping up to date: “We are members of the National
      for landlords it will require investment to ensure the property           The new rules will make gaining possession for a landlord more          (GDPR), which was introduced in May.                                      Landlords Association (NLA) and iHowz, both of which provide
      meets those standards. “If you wish to continue letting the               complex and potentially more problematic – they also make it                                                                                      really useful and timely updates. There are also a number of
      property, energy efficiency improvements have to be made to                much easier for a well-advised tenant who is looking to make a          “Some landlords are struggling with the changes to data                   landlord forums that are filled with useful information. But
      meet the minimum E rating,” says Chris. “In terms of advice and           claim against the landlord and defend themselves. Preparation           protection laws,” he says. “Although it is aimed at large                 aside from that, every landlord would do well to not forget that
      the best ways in which to do this, it’s worth noting that you’re          and a proactive approach are essential.                                 companies, landlords have certainly been swept up in this due             they have Google – it’s really important to stay ahead of what’s
      not necessarily expected to finance the changes yourself – you                                                                                     to the sensitive personal information they hold about tenants.            changing in the industry any way you can.”
      can use third-party resources such as the Green Deal and local            HMO LICENSING                                                           We have prepared a fact sheet for our members and an
      authority improvement grants to get the property up to the                                                                                        appropriate privacy statement they can use, so I hope they                Tessa’s Landlord Law advice service at landlordlaw.co.uk is
      required legal standard.”                                                 Later this year a key piece of legislation will come into effect,       are better prepared.”                                                     another useful source of information, while Tessa answers
                                                                                bringing changes to mandatory licensing for houses in multiple                                                                                    member questions on the forum herself.
      SECTION 21                                                                occupation (HMOs), which is expected in October. Currently it           BE A PROACTIVE LANDLORD
                                                                                is estimated that there are 60,000 HMOs in the UK requiring a                                                                                     If you’d like to find out more about the landlord insurance
      Further changes to be aware of in 2018 are those made to                  licence – that figure could see a fourfold increase once the new         The nature of the rental market means that change is a constant.          options available to protect your buy-to-let property, give our
      Section 21 under the Deregulation Act of 2015. Section 21 serves          rules are in place.                                                     The key to overcoming any challenges posed by regulations                 specialist team a call on 01603 216399.

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Farming in focus | 18                                                                                                                                                                               Farming in focus | 19

                                                                                    Having farmed the Norfolk countryside for generations,
                                                                                 the Bowes family is well known in the eastern region. Lucy
                                                                                Mowatt speaks to Kevin Bowes about the biggest challenges
                                                                                      facing the industry and the importance of community

                                                                    Fluffy white clouds drift across a brilliant     With around 1,000 cattle and up to                “The Beast from the East was a
                                                                    blue sky, while swallows dart and chase        5,000 sheep on the land in winter, there is      nightmare for farmers. Just when you
                                                                    over the lush green fields at Bowes Farms       a team of 14, including a farm secretary, a      thought you were ready to go [and the
                                                                    in south Norfolk, as we set up a photo         manager and a foreman, on hand to keep           bad weather was over], you’d get another
                                                                    shoot in the midst of lambing season.          the business running smoothly.                   4-5mm of rain and it would be bad again.
                                                                    If ever there was an archetypal vision of        “We have wheat, winter barley, spring          That’s farming though – you can never
                                                                    an English idyll, this would be it.            barley and sugar beet. We also have              quite tell what the weather is going to do
                                                                       Having farmed the 4,500-acre site since     parsnips on the farm, carrots and potatoes.      in this country.”
                                                                    the 1970s, Kevin Bowes is at home in the       There’s also some maize grown for
                                                                    landscape, taking the gambolling days-         anaerobic digesters. I think that’s about it.”   Industry challenges
                                                                    old lambs in his stride, while we coo over       As he walks through the fields, he
                                                                    them, distracted from setting up the lights    explains that the last of the sugar beet         From here, conversation naturally turns to
                                                                    for the first round of photos.                  had only just been planted in mid-May.           other challenges faced by the UK farming
                                                                       “My family have been farmers for            The ideal planting time is early March           industry and Kevin highlights the impact
                                                                    generations,” Kevin says. “It has always       onwards, which could have a knock-on             of current negotiations to leave the
                                                                    been a mix of arable and livestock,            effect to Bowes Farms’ yields.                   European Union, which he hopes will have
                                                                    although we did have a meat business,            “Weather is one of our biggest                 a positive outcome.
                                                                    which we sold to Cranswick in 2009.            challenges. This spring has put a hell of a        “I suppose my glass is nearly always
                                                                       “We run a mixed farm basically because      lot of pressure on us – and I mean a lot of      half-full,” he muses. “We’re currently
                                                                    we have very light land. Being a mixed         pressure – because it came very late. It’s       importing a lot of food into this country.
                                                                    farm helps improve the fertility of the soil   been so wet that we won’t have the yields        As a result, Brexit should help [UK]
                                                                    in a natural way.”                             that we did last year.                           farming. I hear the downsides, but it can’t

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                                                                                                     Safe and sound
                                                                                                                                                  Farming matters
      all be bad, there has to be some upsides        buy and we only use it during one month
      as well. We’ll see what happens – that’s all    of the year, on just one or two days,”
      we can do.”                                     he explains. “What other industries do         With so many different facets to the
         Of course it’s hard to avoid the ongoing     that? It gives people more idea of what’s      business, there’s lots to manage and
      headlines around supermarkets squeezing         involved and the costs of farming.”            insure.
      producers, looking to increase their own           Almost fortuitously, this is the moment        “We’ve been with Alan Boswell Group
                                                                                                                                                                                 With more than 25 years’
      profit margins, while continuously seeking       he pauses to speak to Farm Foreman             for insurance since 2011. Zoe [Kerswill]
                                                                                                                                                                                 experience as an insurance
      to lower their prices.                          David Bales to discuss a part needed for       came out to see us to arrange cover. We
                                                                                                                                                                                 broker, and with agricultural
         “We have a policy in this country of         a piece of machinery. It’s going to take       have had a couple of claims but we’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                 clients all over the country,
      wanting to feed people cheaply. And we          a week to manufacture and cost around          been pleased with how they’ve been
                                                                                                                                                                                 Account Executive Zoe
      will import from anywhere in the world          £1,000. He acknowledges the coincidence        handled.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 Kerswill explores the
      to achieve that aim – and that’s mainly         and explains that it’s a regular occurrence.      With so much heavy equipment,
                                                                                                                                                                                 challenges faced by British
      done by the supermarkets. They also try            Kevin is also a council member for the      livestock and buildings, as well as
      to squeeze their UK suppliers where they        Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association and     people, on site, health and safety is also
      can. They’re very efficient buyers.”             is currently in the final year of his tenure.   a significant consideration for Bowes
                                                                                                                                                                                The two biggest challenges
         He points to the ASDA-Sainsbury’s               “It’s a support role. Members can ask       Farms. This recently led to Alan Boswell
                                                                                                                                                                                 faced by farmers right
      merger, which was making headlines days         us for advice, or suggest more ways            Risk Management providing support on
                                                                                                                                                  now are the increase in farm thefts and the Environment
      before we speak, explaining that it will        to support the industry. Plus it raises        rebuilding surveys and plans, as well as
                                                                                                                                                  Agency. All farms are vulnerable to theft and we’re seeing
      have ramifications for UK producers.             awareness of farming with young people.        health and safety audits.
                                                                                                                                                  equipment theft across the board – it’s not so much about
         “It’s a shock. They’ll be a huge company     It’s very important.”                             “We’ve had health and safety and
                                                                                                                                                  diesel anymore.
      and their buying power is going to be even         His involvement with both associations      engineering inspection support [from Alan
      stronger. And they will both have favourite     mean that he’s a familiar face at the Royal    Boswell Risk Management]. You have to
                                                                                                                                                  When it comes to the Environment Agency, they have
      suppliers, so it’s a bit of a melting pot.      Norfolk Show – and last year took home         do that today because of the legislation.
                                                                                                                                                  increasing power and are levying bigger fines for pollution.
         “People talk about the Aldis and the         an award for his conservation work.            [Farm Foreman] David Bales looks after
                                                                                                                                                  If the Agency is alerted to contamination, they will identify
      Lidls of this world and I welcome them.            “I was presented with the Grey              health and safety. We try and keep up
                                                                                                                                                  who is responsible and charge them for clearing it up,
      Knowing the industry, they are well run;        Partridge Award, of which I was extremely      to date as far as we can, but it’s like a
                                                                                                                                                  before issuing a fine.
      they source a lot locally and their way of      proud,” he states. “We don’t have a great      moving target. We take advice and do
      buying is far more efficient than the big        number of grey partridges in East Anglia,      what we can.”
                                                                                                                                                  As a result, there’s now an insurance product available
      supermarkets. They have a model that is         but we do have them and it’s important
                                                                                                                                                  called ‘environment impairment liability insurance’. Five
      working really well.”                           that we do all that we can to conserve
                                                                                                                                                  years ago it was unheard of, but now it’s the norm for
         That said, Bowes Farms no longer             them. We are growing all sorts of crops
                                                                                                                                                  farmers. This policy will cover the cost of the clean-up and
      deals with the big supermarket chains.          and running stewardship schemes for
                                                                                                                                                  the legal defence costs – although it won’t cover the fines.
      Instead they choose to send most of their       them. This includes headlands and wild
                                                                                                                                                  There are three levels of EIL cover and all insurers offer
      livestock to a local abattoir.                  bird special mixes, which we’re planting
                                                                                                                                                  something slightly different, so it’s worth speaking to an
         “All our trade is UK based. We do quite      for them.
                                                                                                                                                  insurance broker to get the right cover.
      a lot with a local abattoir, Blakes, so we’re      “Why are the numbers declining? I think
      not running around the whole country to         because 50 years ago our crops weren’t
                                                                                                                                                  Rebuilding blocks
      sell our animals.”                              as dense as they are now.
                                                         “We also have predators, which don’t
                                                                                                                                                  Owing to the nature of agriculture, there is a multitude of
      Supporting local issues                         help. And when I say predators, you can
                                                                                                                                                  risks to be aware of and reduced. That’s why I introduced
                                                      bring man into that. That’s because there
                                                                                                                                                  Kevin to our risk management team.
      An active figure in the farming community,       are 37.5 million vehicles registered in the
      Kevin has been President of the Wayland         UK, and these kill thousands of insects
                                                                                                                                                  They carried out various risk assessments and health and
      Agricultural Society for a number of            every day – and they are a vital food
                                                                                                                                                  safety audits for the farm before conducting a rebuild
      years. This voluntary organisation runs an      source for these birds from day one. Plus,
                                                                                                                                                  survey, whereby we created a scale plan of every building
      annual one-day show in Watton, which            you need sunshine for 10 days because
                                                                                                                                                  on the site. This included reviewing what the buildings are
      is one of the oldest in the country, with       they hatch between the 10th and 20th of
                                                                                                                                                  used for now and the future intentions for the buildings.
      heritage dating back to the 1780s. Held         June, and it’s a vital time. Grey partridges
      in August, there’s shopping, food and           lay tiny little eggs and the conditions
                                                                                                                                                  For example, lots of people would insure a £200,000 brick
      drink, equestrian qualifiers and livestock       have to be absolutely spot-on for them to
                                                                                                                                                  building to be rebuilt in the same way, even if it’s obsolete.
      showing.                                        survive. The conditions need to be right.”
                                                                                                                                                  However, it could be replaced by a breezeblock building
         When asked why he chose to get                  And that’s not the first award that
                                                                                                                                                  that will cost £50,000 to build. As such, we offer a modern
      involved, he explains that it’s important       he’s been given for conservation; he is
                                                                                                                                                  replacement/rebuild option if that’s viable. After the Bowes
      for people to come along and learn more         rightly proud of the fact that he was joint
                                                                                                                                                  Farm survey, I spoke to the insurer and negotiated different
      about where their food comes from.              winner of a bronze Purdey Award for
                                                                                                                                                  rebuild rates and modern replacement basis of settlement
         He points to a nearby tractor and            Game and Conservation in 2014. The
                                                                                                                                                  for some buildings.
      combine harvester in the yard and               national awards recognises those that
      explains that he takes equipment along to       have made a positive impact in the world
                                                                                                                                                  One of the biggest benefits of building strong relationships
      the show to demonstrate the scale of the        of shooting, as well as on flora and fauna.
                                                                                                                                                  with clients is that we know what the farmer’s interests and
      job and the costs involved.                        “Being a shooting man makes you
                                                                                                                                                  plans are and use our experience to get the right cover for
         “Take the combine harvester; that can        respect wildlife. No hunter kills all his
                                                                                                                                                  them, so their policies aren’t stuck in the past. Insurance
      cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to         prey,” Kevin adds.
                                                                                                                                                  has to evolve and sometimes the insurance you’ve always
                                                                                                                                                  had isn’t the right thing anymore.

                                                         alanboswell.com | Telegraph | Summer 2018
60-second interview | 22

                                            S-Tech Account Executive Dick Culpin speaks to
                                             Telegraph about biotech, museums and fishing

         First up, tell us a bit about your insurance career...                     We don’t tend to get involved with collections or buildings
                                                                                    because these are covered by the government, as is their
         I joined Legal & General in 1972 and worked out of their City              employers’ liability insurance. The main things I am really
         office for about seven years. After that, I went on the road                involved with are the liability covers; things like slips, trips
         as a General Insurance Inspector, promoting commercial                     and falls for visitors.

                                                                                                                                                          Because your home is more
         products and looking after a panel of brokers.
                                                                                    They also have to report their spending to the Department
         I left them in 1985 and held broking roles at W Adams                      for Culture, Media and Sport and demonstrate that insurance
         Insurance Brokers and Heath Group, before joining S-Tech                   provides value for money. To be honest it’s fairly easy to

                                                                                                                                                          than just bricks and mortar
         in March 2000.                                                             do this when you have a claims record. Before they had
                                                                                    insurance, incidents were not well managed and they were
         I have a lot of biotech clients in Cambridge, but I’m also                 paying high levels of compensation and legal costs. Now their
         involved with a number of national museums and that takes                  insurance covers this, they are in a much better place in terms
         me to London, York, Liverpool and Manchester. I cover a fair               of the management of incidents.
         bit of the country!
                                                                                    What’s your favourite part of the job?
         What’s your experience in the biotech sector?
                                                                                    Without a doubt it’s the client-facing element. I really enjoy
         I got involved with it when I joined S-Tech, because it was                getting out, looking after my existing clients, seeing new
         an area they specialised in. The majority of clients are R&D               people and getting involved with new business.
         companies, many of which are developing drugs for all sorts
         of conditions, including cancer and dementia. A lot of the time            What do you get up to outside of work?
         I’m talking to start-ups in the early stages of research, but there
         are also more mature companies, which may be starting clinical             I do a lot of fishing – mainly pike, which is predominantly
         trials. They will have very different insurance requirements.              a winter pursuit. My dad introduced me to it when I was a
                                                                                    nipper, so I think I’ve probably fished since the age of four.
         How do museums differ from other organisations?
                                                                                    Over the past 16 years I’ve organised a charity fishing match
         Museums are diverse places and no two are alike. My clients                on the River Great Ouse in Ely. For 15 years it was for Marie
         include the Science Museum Group (which includes the                       Curie and we raised about £30,000. This year we did it in aid
         Science Museum in London), the National Railway Museum in                  of the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge and we raised about
         York and the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.                 £1,700. I got involved because I had a cancer many years ago.
         I also look after the Liverpool Museums and the V&A.                       It’s my way of giving something back.

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                                                            alanboswell.com | Telegraph | Summer 2018
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