Page created by Jessica Reynolds
                                                                                                                                                This marks the start of your Illinois experience!

              WELCOME TO THE
              UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS!                                                                                                           MEETING WITH YOUR                                   MEETING WITH YOUR
                                                                                                                                                ACADEMIC UNIT                                       ACADEMIC ADVISOR
              We are thrilled that you have selected the                                                                                        Representatives from your academic unit will        You’ll take part in individual or group advising.
              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign!                                                                                       discuss the college and its majors, as well as      You’ll discuss the courses you need to take your
                                                                                                                                                expectations, requirements, elective courses,       first year and choose your classes based on
              As you begin your transition to the university,                                                                                   and double-major and minor options. If you’re       your placement exam scores, your high school
              we look forward to helping make the process                                                                                       concerned about the major or academic unit to       credentials, and a conversation with your advisor
                                                                                                                                                which you’ve been admitted, you’ll also learn how   about your interests and goals on campus.
              as seamless as possible.                                                                                                          to address these concerns with your advisor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Be sure to review credit you’ve earned on AP or
              This resource guide is designed to help                                                                                                                                               IB tests or through dual enrollment coursework,
              you navigate your first year at the University                                                                                                                                        and ask questions about courses and curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                                                    during your meeting. You’ll register for your
              of Illinois. Inside this guide you will find                                                                                                                                          classes after your meeting.
              important information and resources that
              are designed to help you be successful.
              Make sure you review the information in this
              guide prior to the start of classes and bring
              it with you when you return to campus. We
              guarantee that the guide will be helpful to you
              during your first year. We are excited to meet
              you and look forward to seeing you soon!                                                                                                                                                DON’T FORGET!
                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you haven’t already done so, make sure
                New Student Programs                                                                                                                                                                  to submit all required documentation to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Illinois. Freshmen must submit official test
                                                                                                                                                                                                      scores and final transcripts to the Office of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Undergraduate Admissions by December 1.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Transfers must submit final transcripts to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon
                                                                                                                                                                                                      as final grades are available.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      To receive Illinois credit, official AP scores
                                                                                                                                                                                                      should be sent through the testing agency
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Official IB scores should be sent through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      testing agency to the Office of Measurement
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and Evaluation.

                                                                                      The information in this        If you have comments                                    NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION NOTES:
                                                                                      guide is current as of         or suggestions
                                                                                      December 2020 and              for improving this
                                                                                      is subject to change           publication, please
                                                                                      without notice. If you         submit them to New
                                                                                      have questions or wish to      Student Programs at
newstudent.illinois.edu    newstudent@illinois.edu                                    confirm information in this    newstudent@illinois.edu.
(217) 333-4057                                                                        guide, please contact the
                                                                                      appropriate department,
                                                                                      office, or service directly.

facebook.com/illinoisnsp        instagram.com/illinoisnsp   twitter.com/illinoisnsp
                                                                                                                                                                                                             N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   1
                              NSP PROGRAMS & SERVICES                                                   TASKS TO COMPLETE
                                                                                                        As a new student, you will need to complete
                                                                                                                the items on this checklist:
                              Our office is designed to help facilitate the
                              success of all new students throughout
                                                                                                    WATCH THE CAMPUS SAFETY VIDEO
                              their first year. The programs and services                           AND TAKE THE QUIZ
                              we provide are designed to help you get
                                                                                                    Check your university email for directions on how to view
                              familiar with campus resources, connect                               this video and take the quiz.
                              you with other students, faculty, and staff,
                              and introduce you to educational and social
                              opportunities at the University of Illinois.                          SIGN UP FOR FIRST-YEAR
                                                                                                    REQUIRED PROGRAMMING
                              SPRING ORIENTATION                                                    • First Year Campus Acquaintance Rape
                                                                                                      Education Program (FYCARE)
                              You want to make sure you don’t miss any events during Spring
                                                                                                    • I-Connect Diversity & Inclusion Workshop
                              Orientation! Events will range from first-year student panels
                              to learning more about Illinois and ways you can set yourself         More information is available on pages 4-5.
                              up for success. Make sure you check your Illinois email to
                              sign-up for the events and learn about how to get your Illinois
                              Swag Bag! Our hope is you’ll feel more comfortable about the
                              opportunities available to you at Illinois.                           FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH
                                                                                                    THE STUDENT INSURANCE WEBSITE
                              TRANSFER ORIENTATION &                                                Visit si.illinois.edu. This is where you will:
                              TRANSFER SPECIFIC PROGRAMS
                                                                                                    •   Create your MyAccount
                              Transferring from another institution to the University of Illinois
                                                                                                    •   Access your Insurance Card
                              is unique for each transfer student. Therefore, our office has
                                                                                                    •   Extend your coverage
                              created special orientation sessions and other programs just
                                                                                                    •   Opt out
                              for our new transfer students. Make sure you check your Illinois
                              email account in August to sign up for these programs!

                              YEAR ROUND PROGRAMMING & SUPPORT
                              During the first year at the University of Illinois, you will find
                              there are numerous people and resources available to help
                              you. Successful students are those who take advantage of the
                              services available to them. Our hope is to help you make the
                              most of your first year by helping you get connected to those
                              key services and resources. Make sure to check our website at
                              newstudent.illinois.edu throughout the year to learn more!

                                   HOW WILL I USE NEW STUDENT PROGRAMS
                                            AS A NEW STUDENT?

                                               The University requires that all first-year students (freshmen,
                                               transfers, and international) attend mandatory programming.
                                               FYCARE and I-Connect are two of the required programs you
                                               must complete as a new student. Check your university email
                                               account to sign-up for FYCARE and I-Connect.

                                               SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION
                                               FOR UNDERGRADUATES ANNUAL TRAINING

                                               What is Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates?
                                               Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates is an online education training program,
                                               offered through EverFi, which utilize evidence-based content for sexual assault
    I-CONNECT DIVERSITY &                      prevention training.                                                                                                                FIRST YEAR CAMPUS
    INCLUSION WORKSHOP                                                                                                                                                             ACQUAINTANCE RAPE
    iconnect.illinois.edu                      What will Sexual Assault Prevention be about?                                                                                       EDUCATION (FYCARE)
    iconnect@illinois.edu                      Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates addresses the critical topics of                                                       fycare.illinois.edu
                                               relationship violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sexual harassment. The training                                                fycare@illinois.edu
    What is I-Connect?                         covers key content areas, including healthy relationships, gender roles and stereotypes,
    The I-Connect Diversity & Inclusion        the importance of consent, bystander intervention, and understanding and responding                                                 What is FYCARE?
    Workshop is an experiential workshop       to sexual misconduct, in addition to laws and our campus policies.                                                                  The First Year Campus Acquaintance
    designed to introduce incoming                                                                                                                                                 Rape Education (FYCARE) workshop
    students to the knowledge, skills, and     Why is Sexual Assault Prevention required?                                                                                          is an interactive discussion on sexual
    resources to build a welcoming and         The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is committed to the safety of our                                                    misconduct that strives to build
    engaged campus community.                  students and improving prevention and response to sexual misconduct. Sexual Assault                                                 awareness and our capacity to create
                                               Prevention for Undergraduates and Graduates are among the ways we are getting                                                       healthier relationships. Workshops are
    What will I-Connect be about?              more information out to all students about the policy, resources, and support services                                              led by trained peer facilitators through
    Facilitated by fellow students,            we have available in case you or someone you know needs them. This training also                                                    an engaging discussion in a relaxed
    I-Connect uses collaborative exercises     contains information about prevention skills and strategies and offers information to                                               atmosphere. Peer facilitators draw upon
    and engaging discussion to build           better equip you to support others. Completion of the Sexual Assault Prevention for                                                 their own experiences as students at
    participants’ communication skills and     Undergraduates or Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate and Professional Students                                                  Illinois to keep the workshop informative
    their ability to collaborate, learn, and   also satisfies the educational requirements of the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in                                           and relatable.
    work in diverse environments. All of       Higher Education Act (110 ILCS 155) and federal law.                                        CAMPUS SAFETY
    us — regardless of our experiences or                                                                                                                                          What will FYCARE be about?
    identities — must understand both our      How do I complete the Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates?                         VIDEO & QUIZ
                                                                                                                                                                                   FYCARE discusses the dynamics
    shared and unique qualities in order to    After the last day to drop a course for the semester has passed, you will receive an        The University of Illinois requires     of sexual violence and relationship
    work and live with one another. From       email from “The University of Illinois System automated-message@everfi.net” with the        that all new students be educated       violence, consent, bystander
    addressing discrimination to building      subject line: “The University of Illinois System has assigned you training.” Once you       on the safety issues and concerns       intervention, ways to support survivors,
    dialogue skills, I-Connect workshops       receive this communication (typically these notifications are sent mid-September and        that may arise on campus. Personal      and campus and community resources.
    provide students with an opportunity to    mid-January each semester), you will then be able to access the coursework. Bi-weekly       safety is always a concern, but while
    continue these important discussions       reminders will continue to be sent until your coursework is fully complete.                 you are adjusting to the University
    and learn in an entertaining setting.                                                                                                  of Illinois community it is important
                                               Please make sure you have activated your NetID and set up 2-Factor Authentication to        to be aware of your surroundings.       Why is FYCARE required?
    How do I sign up for I-Connect?            be sure you will be able to access the course once it becomes available.                    Check your university email for         To create and maintain a safe campus community, the University of Illinois has mandated
    In the Spring semester of your first                                                                                                   directions on how to view this          that all students attend a FYCARE (offered by the Women’s Resource Center) workshop
    year, you will be invited to register                                                                                                  mandatory video and take the quiz.      during their first semester on campus. Evaluations show that the vast majority of past
    for an I-Connect Diversity & Inclusion                                                                                                                                         attendees found the workshop beneficial to their overall transition to the campus.
    workshop via email. If you have any
    questions about I-Connect Diversity                 WHAT SHOULD I BE AWARE OF TO MAKE SURE I ATTEND                                                                            How do I sign up for FYCARE?
    and Inclusion Workshop, email us at                                                                                                                                            You will receive an email from the FYCARE program regarding attendance. The email
    iconnect@illinois.edu.                                           ALL OF THE NEW STUDENT EVENTS?                                                                                will include a link to register or reschedule if needed. In case of a conflict, you should
                                                                                                                                                                                   reschedule promptly as there are no make-up dates later in the semester.

4    |   ILLINOIS BEGINNINGS                                                                                                                                                                                                         N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   5
                              STUDENT ENGAGEMENT                                                                                                                                                                  I-L-L I-N-I! The phrase heard around campus, at athletic games, the opening of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  semester and at Commencement. The I-L-L I-N-I signals a call to Illini on- and off-campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  — current students, alums, faculty, and staff — that Illinois is a special place filled with
                              The University of Illinois is a campus with many options for students to engage in co-curricular                                                                                    traditions. We encourage you to experience the many traditions that make Illinois unique.
                              experiences that help shape the Illini community. These out-of-classroom opportunities aid                                                                                          Being engaged on campus means that you can take advantage of a number of co-
                              in student success and give support to defining the Illinois Experience. To be successful at                                                                                        curricular experiences that are unique to Illinois. These experiences allow you to connect
                              Illinois, students can find options that create a pathway for the integration of academic life and                                                                                  with old and new friends, build community and find your path that is distinctly Illinois.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Engagement opportunities on campus can help you find your niche among the larger
                              personal wellness. With many options to assist you in being successful at Illinois, there are three                                                                                 Illini family. You can explore student clubs and organizations that address social and
                              themes to consider — make healthy decisions, be an active member of the community, and                                                                                              cultural issues or have an academic focus.
                              engage in campus life.                                                                                                                                                              Clubs & Organizations                       sse.illinois.edu/student-engagement/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (217) 300-6704
                                                                                                   MAKE HEALTHY DECISIONS                                                                                         Getting engaged on campus can be exciting and lead to life-long friendships. At
                                                                                                   Being engaged at Illinois will require                                                                         Illinois, there is more than one way to get involved; in fact, there are over 800! Illinois is
                                                                                                                                                              BECOME AN ACTIVE MEMBER
                                                                                                   a balance of your co-curricular                                                                                home to many student clubs and organizations. Being engaged in these organizations
                                                                                                                                                              OF THE COMMUNITY                                    connects your experiences that will help you navigate the Illinois community.
                                                                                                   experiences. You may find barriers to
                                                                                                   finding that balance, but finding support                  Finding your path at Illinois can                   Engagement gives you the background that supports your career readiness, skills that
                                                                                                   is easy. You can find support from your                    lead to you becoming involved in                    will help you with academic life and means to social integration that will help you find a
                                                                                                   academic advisor or coach, a dean on                       active citizenship and community                    connection among the class of new students.
                                                                                                   duty at the Student Assistance Center,                     volunteerism. Democracy relies on                   • Engineering Council                       • Club Volleyball
                                                                                                   or specialist at Disability Resources                      each of you to participate in helping               • Involvement Fair                          • Indian Student Association Diwali Night
                                                                                                   and Educational Services (DRES). As a                      to shape our Illini community and                   • Club Water polo                           • African Cultural Association — Cultural Show
                                                                                                   member of the community, we ask that                       your communities at home. Voting is
                                                                                                   each of you take responsibility for not                    one way that you can participate in                 Fraternities & Sororities                   fsaffairs.illinois.edu
                                                                                                   only your actions and behavior, but also                   civic engagement and is a part of our               (217) 333-7062
                                                                                                   be on the look out for those who may                       collective responsibility as citizens of
                                                                                                   cause harm. There are many tools to                        the United States of America. As you                Almost 150 years ago, fraternities and sororities were founded at Illinois. These groups
                                                                                                   help you engage and intervene if you                       get to learn more about Illinois, we                started as literary societies and have continued today to provide support, housing, career
                                                                                                   notice something that doesn't seem                         encourage you to register, research, and            development, mentorship and coaching to over 7,000 students who claim membership
                                                                                                   right or someone who may need help.                        vote this year. Visit sse.illinois.edu/civic-       in one of the (90) chapters on campus. Over the long history of fraternal life at Illinois,
                                                                                                                                                              engagement/ for more information.                   one central element is key; friendship. Students have sought membership in our
                                                                                                   • Emergency Dean                                                                                               fraternity and sororities not only for the many co-curricular experiences or opportunities
                                                                                                   • Bystander Intervention 		                                Each of our new students has the power to           for career planning, but for the life-long friendships that are formed through
                                                                                                     (University Housing, Women's                             shape the future. Other ways to become              membership. The Illinois fraternity and sorority community is a diverse community of
                                                                                                     Resources Center)                                        active within the Illinois community                students and alumni that are trailblazers and entrepreneurs across multiple disciplines.
                                                                                                   • Office for Student Conflict Resolution                   include finding ways to give your time and          Over the long history at Illinois, fraternities and sororities have provided innovations
                                                                                                     — Mediation Services                                     expertise to make a meaningful impact               in the living-learning community, advances in leadership training, and facilitation of
                                                                                                                                                              on campus, in the Champaign-Urbana                  community programs that address social justice, philanthropy and campus climate.
                                                                                                                                                              community, or abroad. There are many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • A national founder of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority (Frances Elizabeth Haven Moss)
                                                                                                                                                              opportunities to serve.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    helped to establish our local chapter and is buried locally at Mount Hope Cemetery.
                                                                                                                                                              • Days of Service                                   • Black Greek Life Organizations have existed at the University of Illinois since 1913
                                                                                                                                                              • Pantry and Food Bank Drives                         with the founding of the Beta chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Alpha Psi Lambda is a Latino fraternity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that is our only co-ed organization.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    They were also our first culturally

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    based fraternity on campus in 1988.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • United Greek Council is our fastest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    growing council representing 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    organizations and around 580 members.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • The first Black Greek-Lettered sorority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    founded at a historically white institution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    was Alpha Kappa Alpha in 1914.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bousfield Hall is named after a member.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Order of Omega Alumni Hall of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fame past recipients include:
                              Student Governance    Quad Day              Rub the nose of the   Cotton Club                  The Eternal Flame         Altgeld Chimes                                         Homecoming                                             • BP Executive Bob Dudley, '78 Phi
                              (ISG)                                       Abe Lincoln bust                                   “A lover’s kiss will      Does not include D# and F, because                     Known as one of the original campus                      Kappa Psi Fraternity
                                                                          before an exam                                     bring eternal bliss."     Illinois students don’t receive D’s or F’s.            traditions since 1910.                                 • Tuskegee Airman Col. Charles
                                                                                                                             Formerly an ever-         Rings every 15 minutes corresponding                                                                            McGee, '42 Alpha Phi Alpha
                                                                                                                             burning oil lamp, the     with the Tower of London. Concert at                     Hail to the Orange, Hail to the Blue                   Fraternity, Inc.
                                                                                                                             flame promised eternal    12:50 Monday-Friday                                      Hail Alma Mater, Ever so true                        • Illinois Chief Justice Rita B. Garman,
                                                                                                                             love after kissing your                                                            We love no other, So let our motto be                  '65 Delta Delta Delta Fraternity
                                                                                                                             sweetheart beneath it.                                                             Victory, Illinois Varsity!

                            6 |   ILLINOIS BEGINNINGS                                                                                                                                                                                                                N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   7
“     Being engaged at Illinois is
      about finding your people,              “     To future Illini — forge your
                                                    own path. Make it memorable             “     This campus has so many
                                                                                                  opportunities and it starts with
      your community, and making
      this place your home.
                                                    because college is only four
                                                    years. Be sure to always uphold
                                                                                                  putting yourself out there,
                                                                                                  getting involved, and being
                                                                                                                                           CIVIC ENGAGEMENT
                                                    the Illinois name.                            open to everything.                      Register. Research. Vote!
                                                                                                                                           At Illinois, we are committed to working to reduce apathy, increase engagement,
                                                                                                                                           and graduate civic-minded students who are prepared to solve the country's, and
                                                                                                                                           the world’s, most pressing challenges. With this in mind, we offer students many
                                                                                                                                           opportunities to become engaged citizens through our student voter initiatives.

                                                                                                                                           Our goal is to normalize voting behavior through initial opportunities that allow all
                                                                                                                                           students to register, to learn about issues and candidates, and to vote. Students can
                                                                                                                                           register to vote, if you are a U.S. citizen, at illinois.turbovote.org.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        At the 2019 ALL IN Challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Awards Ceremony held to
   AISHWARYA (AISHA) SHEKARA                               KEITH JONES                                CONNOR JOSELLIS                                                                                                                   recognize colleges and universities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        committed to increasing college
Aisha is a Junior and James Scholar           Keith is a Senior majoring in Business/       Connor is a Junior studying Journalism.                                                                                                     student voting rates, University
double majoring in Political Science          Finance. He currently serves as President     He has been involved in the Illinois Student                                                                                                of Illinois received a gold seal for
and Psychology. She is the President of       of the Beta Chapter of Kappa Alpha            Government, serving as Student Body                                                                                                         achieving a student rate between
The Organization Fund Advisory Board,         Psi Fraternity, Inc. and has also been        President in 2019-20, is a member of Phi                                                                                                    40% and 49%.
Treasurer of Illini Democrats, and a          involved with athletics and the 100 Strong    Kappa Psi, and has been involved with
member of Pi Beta Phi.                        mentoring program.                            RSOs on campus like Wishmakers.

“     At Illinois I have done so
      many things that have been
      challenging and exciting.
                                              “     I have been involved in several
                                                    organizations at Illinois where
                                                    I have developed as a student,
                                                                                            “     I encourage you to seek out
                                                                                                  experiences in a diverse set of
                                                                                                  communities. You are your own
      I found a path to start my                    teammate, and leader.                         limit. You can never grow if you
      own business.                                                                               are never a little uncomfortable.

            TAMIKA BOBO                                   MARC SLEIMAN                                  BRIDGET GLASS
Tamika studies Food Science & Human           Marc is a Senior studying Molecular &         Bridget is a Sophomore at the Gies
Nutrition and serves as a Resident Advisor,   Cellular Biology and Political Science as a   College of Business double majoring in
Vice President of Women of Color, Group       James Scholar. He serves as an I-Guide Hall   Marketing and Information Systems. She is
Leader for 100 Strong, and Programming        Coordinator, leads volunteers as a Carle      a member of The Illinettes Dance Team and
Chair for Ma’at Black Student Union.          Hospital Student Leader, and helps with       serves as the Online Social Media Director
                                              fundraising for cancer research.              for her sorority.                                                                                                                      N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   9
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT                                                                       FINANCIAL WELLNESS FOR
  MONEY MATTERS                                                                               Information about regular student                                                        COLLEGE STUDENTS PROGRAM
                                                                                              employment, Federal Work Study, and                                                      University of Illinois Extension
  OFFICE OF STUDENT FINANCIAL AID                                                             the America Reads-America Counts                                                         Check out the Financial Wellness for
  osfa.illinois.edu                                                                           Program can all be found on the Office                                                   College Students program at go.illinois.
  (217) 300-0100                                                                              of Student Financial Aid’s website,                                                      edu/FinancialWellness for help learning
                                                                                              osfa.illinois.edu.                                                                       how to manage money and make wise
  The University of Illinois has support services that are designed to assist you and                                                                                                  financial decisions. Financial decisions
  your family in securing the resources needed to pursue your education. The Office of        The virtual job board identifies available                                               that you make while in college can
  Student Financial Aid (OSFA) has professionals who are available to assist you in person,   student employment job openings and                                                      impact your life for years to come.
  by phone at (217) 333-0100, via email at finaid@illinois.edu, or at osfa.illinois.edu.      can be accessed online at                                                                Managing money is one of the most
  Below are five steps to obtaining financial aid:                                            https://secure.osfa.illinois.edu/vjb.                                                    important things you can teach yourself
                                                                                                                                                                                       in college. For example, need help
                                                                                                                                                                                       stretching your dollars? Schedule
                                                                                                                                                                                       a meeting with a Peer Educator at
                      STEP 1                                      STEP 2                                                                                                               Financial.WellnessUIE@gmail.com.

          Complete a Free Application                       If required, submit
            for Federal Student Aid                    additional documents ASAP.
             (FAFSA) by March 15.                      Review MyIllini/Self-Service
                                                             for requirements.

                      STEP 3                                      STEP 4

            Review email notice and                   Complete Master Promissory
            transact your electronic                  Notes & Entrance Counseling
           Financial Aid Notification.                   online for any accepted                                                                                                       BILLING INFORMATION
                                                       loans by end of July 2020.                                                                                                      Tuition & Fees
            Beginning mid-February                                                                                                                                                     Your tuition rates are based on your
                                                                                                                                                                                       specific college and program, your
                                                                                                                                                                                       residency status, and enrollment status.
                                                                                                                                           DO YOU WANT YOUR PARENTS                    Detailed information can be found
                                                                                                                                           OR A GUEST TO BE ABLE TO                    at cost.illinois.edu. The Office of the
  HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR                                           STEP 5
                                                                                                                                           HELP YOU WITH YOUR STUDENT                  Registrar can assist you with additional
  FINANCIAL AID STATUS ONLINE?                                                                                                                                                         tuition rate questions by phone at
  UI-Integrate/SelfService will be used                   Receive Financial Aid                                                                                                        (217) 333-6565 or by email at
  throughout your time at the University to               towards your student                                                             If you would like to allow your parents     registration@illinois.edu.
                                                                                                                                           (spouse, guardian, or another third
  view and update Personal Information,                  account the week prior
  Financial Aid, Registration & Records                                                                                                    party) to be able to speak to USFSCO        Payment of your bill is due on the
                                                          to the start of classes.
  and Account Billing Information. To                                                                                                      about your account, or make a               28th of each month.
  check your status, use MyIllini to access                                                                                                payment online, you must sign them
  your UI-Integrate/Self-Service account.                                                                                                  up as an “Authorized Payer.” Make sure      Tuition and fee charges for fall and
  Directions can be found at osfa.illinois.                                                                                                you review the USFSCO website at            spring terms are billed in September
  edu/process/checking-your-status.                                                                                                        paymybill.uillinois.edu for information     and February respectively. Summer
                                                                                                                                           about an optional Payment Plan and          term charges are billed in June.
                                                                                                                                           how to enroll in direct deposit for
                                                                                                                                           refunds, sign up an “Authorized Payer,”     Each month a reminder will be sent to
                                                                                                                                           and pay your bill.                          your University email from University
                                                                                                                                                                                       Student Financial Services and Cashier
                                                                                                                                           Please contact the USFSCO for more          Operations (USFSCO), to view your
                                                                                                                                           detailed information on billing, direct     student account for recent activity and
                                                                                                                                           deposit, payment plans, College Illinois    to pay any amount due by the due
               WHAT SHOULD I KNOW ABOUT PAYING MY TUITION?                                                                                 and 529 plans at (217) 333-2180 or via      date. Through UI-Pay, you may provide
                                                                                                                                           email to usfscohelp@uillinois.edu.          one additional email address to allow
                                                                                                                                                                                       a parent, guardian, spouse, or other
                                                                                                                                                                                       individual to receive these monthly
                                                                                                                                                                                       notifications as well.

1 0   |   ILLINOIS BEGINNINGS                                                                                                                                                         N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   11
  LIVING SPACES                                                                                                  certified.housing.illinois.edu
                                                                                                                 (217) 333-1420
  UNIVERSITY HOUSING                                                                                             Within any given year, about 25% of the
  housing.illinois.edu                                                                                           entering freshman class chooses to live
  (217) 333-7111                                                                                                 in one of 12 Private Certified Housing
                                                                                                                 units. Each facility offers an array of
  If you have chosen to live in one of the University’s 24 residence halls, you can look
                                                                                                                 living accommodations, room types,
  forward to being part of a vibrant and active community. Residents and staff plan more
                                                                                                                 and programming from religiously
  than 2,000 events annually, so there is always something going on!
                                                                                                                 affiliated cooperatives to high rise
                                                                                                                 residence halls. All facilities are air
  Housing Assignments
                                                                                                                 conditioned and offer on-site dining
  Students who contract with University Housing by January 8, 2021 will choose their
                                                                                                                 options as well as trained residence life
  own assignment during the online contract process. Students who contract after
                                                                                                                 staff who provide social and educational
  January 8, 2021 or do not assign themselves to a room, will be assigned by the Housing
                                                                                                                 support to their residents. Most facilities
  Information Office and subsequently notified. The assignment communication will
                                                                                                                 have semi-private bathrooms in
  include more Housing information and great tips on preparing to move into your new
                                                                                                                 addition to other amenities that range
  home. Log on to MyHousing at housing.illinois.edu/myhousing to view your room and
                                                                                                                 from in-room kitchens, computer labs,
  roommate information.                                                                                                                                         OFF-CAMPUS
                                                                                                                 and wireless internet, to swimming
                                                                                                                 pools and weekly housekeeping.                 COMMUNITY LIVING
  Move-In                                                                                                                                                       occl.illinois.edu
  Move-in for spring semester begins on January 17, 2021. More information on Spring                             Because these facilities are certified by
                                                                                                                 the University but privately owned, each       (217) 333-0112
  2021 move-in can be found on our website. Keep information about Housing Move-in
  at your fingertips using the Illinois app — available for download at housing.illinois.edu/                    has their own application, contract, and
                                                                                                                 policies regarding move-in, early arrival,     Many students’ sign a multi-thousand
  illinoisapp. Remember, less is more. No need to bring everything from home.                                                                                   dollar contract their first year on
                                                                                                                 internet access, and meal plans. Please
                                                                                                                 contact your private certified housing         campus! Off-Campus Community Living
  Access to the Internet                                                                                                                                        teaches students how to conduct an
  All residence halls are equipped with wireless access. For additional information on                           unit for this information. Your hall
                                                                                                                 assignment is confirmed immediately            apartment search, read their lease,
  how to connect visit housing.illinois.edu/technology.                                                                                                         and resolve disputes with roommates
                                                                                                                 when you sign a contract with a specific
                                                                                                                 facility. Most private certified housing       and landlords. Students can make an
  Dining and Meal Plans                                                                                                                                         appointment to meet with professional
  Your meal plan is accepted at any of University Housing’s dining locations. With tons of                       units will also send room and roommate
                                                                                                                 assignments in early January. Move-in          staff or attend an outreach event. We are
  options, you are sure to find something that will be delicious and nutritious. For dining                                                                     located at 300 Turner Student Services
  menus, nutrition information, and hours/locations of dining halls visit housing.illinois.                      information is most often included in
                                                                                                                 assignment communications and will             Building, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5 pm.
  edu/dining. Also, download the Illinois App to have menus, meal plan balances, and
  nutrition information available on your mobile device. Get the app at housing.illinois.                        vary by facility. Similar to University
  edu/illinoisapp.                                                                                               Housing, Private Certified Housing units
                                                                                                                 have scholarships, returning resident
  Return for Another Year                                                                                        incentives, and additional amenities to
  Research has shown that students who live in University Housing for more than one year                         encourage students to stay for a second
  are more likely to graduate and graduate in four years than students who move out after                        year in these approved facilities.
  their first year on campus. University Housing has a variety of additional room types,
  meal plans, locations, and amenities for continuing students. Also, we offer unique
  options like flexible contracts for students going abroad, a constant rate structure that
  locks in your room and board structure in the residence halls for up to four years, and
  a pet friendly apartment option. We encourage you to remember University Housing
  when selecting housing for your second year on campus. More information available at

                                                      TIPS FOR A SMOOTH MOVE-IN,AND MAKING MY NEW LIVING SPACE
      Reminder: U of I requires all first
                                                                      MY HOME AWAY FROM HOME.
      year students to live in University or
      Certified Housing. Exemptions are
      permitted per the Student Code.

1 2   |   ILLINOIS BEGINNINGS                                                                                                                                  N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   13
OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF                        OMSA’s Main Office		                            plethora of services you can reserve
 HELP & SUPPORT                                                                                                                    STUDENT (ODOS)                               Student Services Building, Suite 130            in advance at www.library.illinois.edu/
                                                                                                                                   odos.illinois.edu                            610 East John Street                            ugl/about/bookit/.
                                                                                                                                   (217) 333-0050                               Champaign IL 61820                            • Visit the Undergraduate Library’s
                                                                                                                                                                                (217) 333-0054                                  website for real time assistance
                                           CONFIDENTIAL ADVISORS                                                                                                                                                                through their interactive Ask A
                                                                                                                                   The Office of the Dean of Students           (217) 244-0349 fax
                                           RELATED TO SEXUAL                                                                       (ODOS) strives to help students in their                                                     Librarian chat widget, prominently
                                           MISCONDUCT                                                                              journey to reaching their full potential     OMSA’s Academic Service Center                  displayed on the webpage.
                                           wecare.illinois.edu                                                                     inside and outside the classroom. We         Suite E                                       • Check out cameras, audio recorders,
                                                                                                                                   support students through advocacy            1103 W. Oregon Street                           projectors, and more from the UGL
                                           If you or a friend need help related to                                                 in the Student Assistant Center (SAC),       Urbana, IL 61801                                Loanable Technology program, or
                                           sexual violence, relationship abuse,                                                    promotion of accountability and              (217) 333-7547                                  book time in one of their recording
                                           sexual exploitation, or stalking, help                                                  responsibility in the Office for Student                                                     studios at www.library.illinois.edu/mc/.
                                           is available. Confidential Advisors                                                     Conflict Resolution (OSCR), legal            STUDENT ASSISTANCE CENTER
                                           are trained to provide confidential                                                     assistance in Student Legal Services,        go.illinois.edu/sac                           UNDOCUMENTED/DACAmented
                                           campus-specific crisis management,                                                                                                   (217) 333-0050
                                                                                                                                   and enhancement of landlord-tenant                                                         STUDENT SERVICES
                                           share referral services, and explore      DISABILITY RESOURCES &                        relationships and success with Off-                                                        open.illinois.edu
                                           and navigate reporting options. That      EDUCATIONAL SERVICES (DRES)                   Campus Community Living (OCCL).              The Student Assistance Center is a
                                           means when they meet with someone,        disability.illinois.edu                                                                    collaborative resource that promotes          Offers a wide array of services for
                                           they make sure the person gets                                                          We provide resources to students who         the holistic growth and development of        undocumented students. La Casa
                                           what they need, on their own terms.       DRES provides academic                        experience acts of bias through the Bias     Illinois students. To that end, we partner    Cultural Latina offers ally training
                                           Confidential Advisors are able to serve   accommodations and access to                  Assessment and Response Team (BART)          with students, faculty, staff, and family     for faculty and staff who work with
                                           people of all gender-identities and       students with disabilities attending the      and facilitate the Behavioral Intervention   members to address disruptions to             undocumented/DACA students, as
            COLLEGE CONTACTS               are currently located in the Women’s      University of Illinois. Support services      Team (BIT), which receives reports of        students’ academic and social stability       well as for students who want to learn
                                           Resources Center at 616 E. Green          are also provided, including a testing        concerning or threatening student            or behaviors that cause distress in           more about how to support their fellow
     College of Agricultural, Consumer &   St., Suite 202, Champaign, IL 61820.      accommodation center, text conversion         behavior that have the potential to lead     our community. We strive to foster a          students. Weekly at La Casa Cultural
           Environmental Sciences          Walk-in services and appointments are     services, video captioning services,          to targeted violence. An emergency           community of care in which all members        Latina we have DACA members that
                  aces.illinois.edu        available. Additional support services    fixed route transportation services,          dean is available outside of normal          have a personal responsibility to             are present to help guide and navigate
                  (217) 333-3380           and reporting options can be found at     physical therapy, compensatory                business hours to respond to student         themselves and others.                        institutional challenges and be there for
                                           wecare.illinois.edu.                      strategies support, individual therapy,       crises or pressing student concerns that                                                   support with anything to help retain our
     College of Applied Health Sciences                                              case management, executive skills             cannot wait until the next business day.     Our staff is ready to provide                 students. We also provide education
                  ahs.illinois.edu                                                   coaching, support groups, career                                                           support or assistance! We strongly            about policies and practices affecting
                  (217) 333-2131                                                     services, an academic lab, and Beckwith       We also support faculty and staff within     encourage students to call and make           and advocates for financial access for
                                                                                     Residential Support Services at Nugent        each college as they work with their         an appointment. Appointments are              undocumented students. You may email
            Gies College of Business                                                 Hall. In addition, students can learn to      students on college-specific issues. We      available Monday-Friday from 9:00             us at undocumented@illinois.edu.
               business.illinois.edu                                                 use various types of assistive technology     hope you will consider us your place to      am-4:30 pm and are typically 30
                 (217) 333-2740                                                      to help in their academics. To obtain         turn when you need any of our services       minutes. If you have previously met           WRITERS WORKSHOP
                                                                                     disability related accommodations             identified above. Even if you are unsure     with one of our Deans, please feel free       writersworkshop.illinois.edu
              College of Education                                                   and services through DRES, students           of where to go for assistance, please        to reach out directly to that person to
               education.illinois.edu                                                can apply online at disability.illinois.      reach out to us and we will help identify    schedule. Although appointments are           The Writers Workshop provides free,
                 (217) 333-0960                                                      edu/applying-services and then                resources for you.                           recommended, the Student Assistance           individualized writing assistance for
                                                                                     submit appropriate documentation                                                           Center offers drop-in hours from 10:00        students from all disciplines, and at any
      Grainger College of Engineering                                                (disability.illinois.edu/applying-services/   OFFICE OF MINORITY                           am-3:00 pm, Monday-Friday. During             stage of the writing process. We can
              engineering.illinois.edu                                               documentation-requirements) by                STUDENT AFFAIRS (OMSA)                       this time, you can meet with a Dean to        help with course papers, speeches,
                 (217) 333-2280                                                      uploading with their application or via       omsa.illinois.edu                            begin a conversation about a presenting       senior capstones, personal statements,
                                                                                     mail or fax. The DRES fax number is                                                        issue/concern. Drop-in appointments are       resumes, group writing projects,
          College of Fine & Applied Arts                                             (217) 244-0014 and the mailing address        The Office of Minority Student Affairs       usually relatively short and are intended     manuscripts for publication, and more.
                   faa.illinois.edu                                                  is 1207 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820.          (OMSA) provides advocacy, advising,          for addressing specific questions.            We also host presentations about
                  (217) 333-6061                                                     For questions, please contact DRES by         and academic support services for            Following this initial meeting, the Dean      common academic writing concerns
                                                                                     phone at (217) 333-4603 or by e-mail at       first generation, low-income, and a          may suggest a follow-up appointment for       like citing sources, avoiding plagiarism,
      College of Liberal Arts & Sciences                                             disability@Illinois.edu.                      host of historically underrepresented,       further discussion/assistance. You may        and developing editing strategies.
                   las.illinois.edu                                                                                                or underserved student communities           also email us at helpdean@illinois.edu.       We offer face-to-face appointments at
                  (217) 333-1705                                                                                                   at the University of Illinois at Urbana-                                                   the Undergraduate Library, Grainger
                                                                                                                                   Champaign. The OMSA’s services               An emergency dean is available outside        Library, Ikenberry Commons, and
                College of Media                                                                                                   include academic mentoring, coaching,        of normal business hours to respond           Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)
                 media.illinois.edu                               WHO IS MY ACADEMIC ADVISOR?                                      and referral services; tutoring,             to student crises or pressing student         Learning Center in Burrill Hall. We also
                  (217) 333-2350                                                                                                   supplemental instruction, study skills       concerns that cannot wait until the next      provide online, real-time consultations.
                                                                                                                                   development; and an array of events          business day. Please call (217) 333-0050      Visit our website at writersworkshop.
           Division of General Studies                                                                                                                                          to contact the Emergency Dean.
                                                                                                                                   that celebrate student success.                                                            illinois.edu to learn more and make an
                  dgs.illinois.edu                 WHAT IS MY COLLEGE GENERAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER?                                                                                                                            appointment. You can also call us at
                  (217) 333-4710                                                                                                   OMSA is also home to four federal TRIO       UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY                         (217) 333-8796 or email us at
                                                                                                                                   programs including the TRIO Student          www.library.illinois.edu/ugl                  wow@illinois.edu.
              School of Social Work                                                                                                Support Services Program and the TRIO
               socialwork.illinois.edu                                                                                                                                          • Working on a class assignment or
                  (217) 244-5246
                                                 WHAT SUPPORT SERVICES SHOULD I GET MORE INFO ABOUT?                               Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate
                                                                                                                                   Achievement Program. For more                  project? Plan ahead and book the
                                                                                                                                   information, please contact us in our          spaces, technology, and expert
                                                                                                                                   Main Office or visit us in our Academic        consultants you need to complete
                                                                                                                                   Services Center.                               your work. The UGL provides a

14    |    ILLINOIS BEGINNINGS                                                                                                                                                                                               N E W S T U D E N T. I L L I N O I S . E D U   |   15
MCKINLEY                          quality and safety. For more
 HEALTH, WELLNESS, & SAFETY                                                                       TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF                                             HEALTH CENTER                     information and to learn
                                                                                                                                                                      mckinley.illinois.edu             more about the full range of
                                                                                                  Part of coming to college is learning how to manage your                                              services visit the McKinley
                                                                                                                                                                      (217) 333-2701
                                                                                                  own health and wellness. On this page you will find resources                                         Health Center website at
 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS POLICE                                                                    designed to help you manage and maintain a healthy lifestyle.                                         mckinley.illinois.edu.
 police.illinois.edu                                                                                                                                                  McKinley is your campus
                                                                                                                                                                      health center. Conveniently
                                                                                                  CAMPUS RECREATION                 STUDENT INSURANCE                 located on campus at 1109         Immunization
 While we have a very safe campus, a community
                                                                                                  campusrec.illinois.edu            si.illinois.edu                   S. Lincoln Avenue, McKinley       Compliance Information
 of our size will never be entirely crime-free.
                                                                                                  (217) 333-3806                    (217) 333-0165                    Health Center provides            If you haven’t submitted
 Four police departments work hard to protect
                                                                                                                                                                      student friendly primary          your Immunization History
 our campus community, but you play the most
                                                                                                  Campus Recreation offers          Familiarize yourself with the     care, women’s health, mental      Form, you need to do so by
 important role in looking after your own and
                                                                                                  active learning and self-         student insurance website.        health and health education       July 1. Upload your records
 others’ safety. These tools are available to
                                                                                                  discovery opportunities           This is where you will:           services. In addition the         to MyMcKinley.illinois.edu.
 empower you to be an active participant in
                                                                                                  to students, faculty, staff,      • Create your MyAccount           Health Center offers a variety    International students must
 protecting yourself and our community. Follow
                                                                                                  and community members.            • Access your 		                  of ancillary services including   also bring their completed
 UIPD on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to learn
                                                                                                  With the Activities and              Insurance Card                 a pharmacy, laboratory and        forms to campus. To find
 more and to stay informed of campus safety issues.
                                                                                                  Recreation Center (ARC),          • Extend your coverage            radiology. The Health Center      the form and submission
 Illini-Alert                                                                                     Campus Recreation Center          • Opt out                         is open Monday through            instructions go to mckinley.
 Our emergency notification system provides                                                       East (CRCE), the Ice Arena,                                         Saturday during the Fall          illinois.edu/new-students/
 real-time updates and potentially life-saving                                                    Outdoor Center, Complex           University Student Health         and Spring semesters and          immunization-information.
 instructions during campus emergencies.                                                          Fields, Illini Grove and          Insurance Requirement             provides 24/7 telephone
 Students can sign up for Illini-Alert text messages                                              Campus Bike Center there          The Board of Trustees             nurse access. Check our
 at emergency.illinois.edu. Anyone else can sign                                                  is roughly 500,000 square         requires all eligible students    website for summer and
 up by texting “IlliniAlert” to 226787.                                                           feet of state-of-the-art          have health insurance             break hours. The Health
                                                                                                  indoor recreation space and       coverage for the duration of      Center is accredited by the
 Campus Safety Notices                                                                            over 40 acres of outdoor          their time at the University.     Accreditation Association for
 Campus Safety Notices are issued by email and                                                    field space available to          UnitedHealthcare Student          Ambulatory Health Care. This
 posted on the University of Illinois Police website                                              concentrate on wellness and       Resources underwrites             accreditation assures that we
 to inform you of public safety concerns in the                                                   healthy lifestyles. From rock     the University sponsored          meet nationally recognized
 campus area. You will automatically receive                                                      climbing to cooking classes       plan, which is assessed           healthcare standards for
 these if you have an illinois.edu email address.                                                 to table tennis to information    automatically at the
 Otherwise, you can sign up for Campus Safety                                                     recreation to massage to          beginning of each semester
 Notices at police.illinois.edu.                                                                  weight lifting to badminton,      in which the eligible student
                                                                                                  Campus Recreation is a            has registered for classes.
 SafeWalks                                                                                        place for everyone!               Participating students
 SafeWalks is a free service offered by fellow                                                                                      receive comprehensive
 students who provide walking escorts when                                                        COUNSELING CENTER                 coverage that includes
 you must travel at night. Traveling in groups can                                                counselingcenter.illinois.edu     extremely low deductibles as
 reduce your risk of being targeted by a criminal.                                                (217) 333-3704                    well as meets all Affordable
 Call (217) 333-1216 to request a SafeWalks escort.                                                                                 Care Act requirements.
                                                                                                  The Counseling Center             More information can be
 SafeRides                                                                                        provides comprehensive            found at si.illinois.edu.
 SafeRides is a bus service operated by the                                                       services for crisis triage        Students who already have
 local Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District                                                     management, outreach              comparable coverage
 to provide transportation when traveling alone                                                   and prevention, clinical          are able to opt out of the
 at night. Call (217) 265-RIDE (7433) during fall                                                 services, and training and        Student Health insurance
 semester from 5 pm-6:30 am and during spring                                                     education. Staff members          plan once per academic
 semester call from 7 pm-6:30 am.                                                                 at the Counseling Center          year and have the fee

                                                                                                  have extensive training           refunded by submitting an
 Sexual Violence Information and Resources                                                        and experience working            approved online waiver at
 Sexual violence is a significant concern on college                                              with college students. In         si.illinois.edu. If the student
 campuses across the country. The University            HAVE I TALKED WITH MY PARENTS/GUARDIAN    addition, staff members           does not opt out by the
 of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides                 ABOUT STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE?         reflect much of the diversity     deadline of the enrollment/
 prevention and awareness education, resources                                                    that is found on campus           change period, they will be
 and reporting options at wecare.illinois.edu.                                                    and are committed to              automatically enrolled in the
                                                                                                  meeting the specific needs        insurance and the Student
 Run, Hide, Fight                                                                                 of individuals from a variety     Health Insurance Fee will no
                                                       WHERE DO I HAND IN MY IMMUNIZATION FORM?   of backgrounds whenever
 Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any                                                                                         longer be refunded.
 time. It is important to take a moment to think               HAVE I HANDED IT IN YET?           possible. The Counseling
 about what we would do in a situation where                                                      Center provides same-day          Participating students
 our ability to react quickly may save our lives.                                                 initial appointments and          receive coverage they can
 Learn more about these guidelines at                                                             we begin taking calls for         extend into non-registered
 police.illinois.edu/safe.                              WHEN WOULD I USE SAFEWALKS/SAFERIDES?     our initial appointments at       semesters such as summer.
                                                                                                  7:50 am, Monday–Friday.           Insurance cards are
                                                                                                  We encourage you to call as       accessible 24/7 using the
                                                                                                  early as possible at              online MyAccount system,
                                                                                                  (217) 333-3704.                   also at si.illinois.edu.

ASIAN AMERICAN                                  ILLINOIS ATHLETICS                            LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,                       REGISTERED STUDENT
 INVOLVEMENT                                                                        CULTURAL CENTER (AACC)                          fightingillini.com                            TRANSGENDER (LGBT)                            ORGANIZATIONS (RSO)
                                                                                    oiir.illinois.edu/aacc                          (217) 333-3631                                RESOURCE CENTER                               sse.illinois.edu/student-engagement/
                                                                                    (217) 333-9300                                                                                go.illinois.edu/lgbt
 Being engaged and involved in the University of Illinois                                                                           Student tickets are available for purchase
                                                                                                                                                                                  (217) 244-8863                                There are more than 1,500 Registered
                                                                                                                                    at New Student Registration and at
 community is a key part to your overall success. On the next                       The Asian American Cultural Center
                                                                                                                                    the Illinois Ticket Office for football
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Student Organizations at Illinois. Find
                                                                                    promotes cross-cultural understanding of                                                      The LGBT Resource Center serves as an         a club for every interest and hobby,
 page you’ll find additional information on getting connected                       Asian and Asian American experiences.           and men’s basketball. All other athletic      integral part of the University community,    from academics and professional
 and involved on campus.                                                            Programming and resources include               events are free with your i-card. For more    dedicated to intellectual and personal        development to service and political.
                                                                                    Food for Thought weekly lunchtime               information on Illini Athletics, and to       development of the individual. Our
                                                                                    discussion series, ChaiTime weekly social       purchase season tickets, visit our website.   mission is to foster an environment that      STUDY ABROAD
                                                                                    hours, leadership trainings, art shows,                                                       is open, safe, and inclusive for people of    studyabroad.illinois.edu
                Visit newstudent.illinois.edu/resources/ or scan the code on your   lending library, student internship, and        ILLINOIS LEADERSHIP®                          any sexual orientation, gender identity,
                mobile device to get more information about getting involved and    volunteer opportunities. The AACC also          CENTER (ILC)                                  and/or gender expression across               Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange
                engaging yourself within the Illinois campus community.             supports a wide variety of programs that        leadership.illinois.edu                       all races, ethnicities, social classes,       (IAGE), the campus study abroad office,
                                                                                    promote global awareness.                       (217) 333-0604                                age, ability(ies), nationality(ies), and/     currently facilitates approximately 120
                                                                                                                                                                                  or transnationality(ies). With weekly         study abroad programs in more than
                                                                                    BRUCE D. NESBITT AFRICAN                        The world needs better leaders;               programming, referrals to LGBTQA-             45 countries for Illinois students to
                                                                                    AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER                        that is why we are here! The Illinois         inclusive services, our annual Lavender       spend a term abroad. Their portfolio
                                                                                                                                    Leadership® Center provides resources         Congratulatory Ceremony for LGBTQA            includes: exchange programs, direct
                                                                                                                                    for students to learn and practice            graduating students, and empowering           enroll programs, provider programs and
                                                                                                                                    leadership. This includes daylong             connections to other LGBTQA UIUC              customized short-term programs. Not
                                                                                    (217) 333-2092
                                                                                                                                    programs, workshops, a leadership             community members: The LGBT Resource          only does studying abroad foster global
                                                                                    The Bruce D. Nesbitt African American           certificate program, opportunities for        Center seeks to be a safer-space for          citizenship, but it also allows students
                                                                                    Cultural Center provides programs               employment, the Minor in Leadership           LGBTQA students, faculty, and staff within    to enhance their skillsets, broaden
                                                                                    and support services promoting the              Studies, and a resource library.              the larger university community.              their perspectives, and gain a deeper
                                                                                    individual, social, cultural, and academic                                                                                                  understanding of their given fields.
                                                                                    growth of all Illinois’ students with           INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION                       NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSE (NAH)                   Programs are open to students from
                                                                                    particular emphasis on students of African      (OIIR IE)                                     oiir.illinois.edu/native-american-house       all academic fields, backgrounds, and
                                                                                    descent. Our programs and initiatives           oiir.illinois.edu/cultural-resource-                                                        identities. All interested students and their
                                                                                    examine the Black experience in the             centers/international-education               The Native American House is                  families are encouraged to visit the study
                                                                                    United States and throughout the African        (217) 300-0463                                committed to supporting and                   abroad website for more information
                                                                                    Diaspora via critical dialogue, heritage                                                      empowering Indigenous students                about IAGE programs and services.
                                                                                    exploration, leadership development,            OIIR IE enhances opportunities for            and communities through facilitating
                                                                                    and the performing arts. Furthermore, we        students to engage with cultures              opportunities for cultural and academic       OFFICE OF VOLUNTEER
                                                                                    challenge all Illinois students to critically   from around the world. We promote             support, engagement, and advocacy.            PROGRAMS (OVP)
                                                                                    assess their role as global citizens and        deeper campus internationalization            The Native American House welcomes            sse.illinois.edu/student-engagement/
                                                                                    to consciously advocate for a campus            through supporting the success of             all, while centering the voices and lived
                                                                                    environment and community that are              international students, enhancing the         experiences of Indigenous peoples.            The Office of Volunteer Programs
                                                                                    rooted in respect, inclusivity, and civility.   global competencies of all students,                                                        connects students to service opportunities
                                                                                                                                    and creating a meaningful cultural            OFFICE OF INCLUSION &                         on campus and the surrounding
                                                                                    THE CAREER CENTER                               exchange between international and            INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS (OIIR)                Champaign-Urbana community.
                                                                                    www.careercenter.illinois.edu                   domestic students. Programs include           oiir.illinois.edu
                                                                                                                                    iCU Intercultural Dialogue Series,                                                          WOMEN’S RESOURCES CENTER
                                                                                    From helping students explore majors            InterConnect Dinner Dialogue, break           The Office of Inclusion & Intercultural       oiir.illinois.edu/womens-center
                                                                                    and careers to reviewing resumes and            programs, Global Engagement Lounge            Relations seeks to improve campus
                                                                                    finding internships, The Career Center          (GEL) and Global Leaders Orange and           climate by providing transformative           Since its founding in 2009, the
                                                                                    empowers and prepares students for              Blue Engagement (GLOBE) program.              learning experiences to the Illinois          Women’s Resources Center (WRC)
                                                                                    professional and career development.                                                          community that result in an appreciation      has been committed to supporting
                                                                                    Through one-on-one career coaching,             LA CASA CULTURAL LATINA                       for diversity and cross-cultural              womxn students, while catalyzing the
                                                                                    workshops and events, the Career                oiir.illinois.edu/la-casa-cultural-latina     engagement. OIIR is comprised of              development of their personal and
                                                                                    Center equips students with the tools           (217) 333-4950                                eight units: the Bruce D. Nesbitt African     professional selves. The WRC offers
                                                                                    and resources they need to actively plan                                                      American Cultural Center, Asian               support, advocacy, and educational
                                                                                    their futures while offering guidance           La Casa Cultural Latina promotes a            American Cultural Center, Diversity &         programs designed to improve the
                                                                                    and support for health careers,                 welcoming and dynamic atmosphere              Social Justice Education, International       campus climate for womxn and achieve
                                                                                    graduate/professional school admission          through the development of                    Education, La Casa Cultural Latina,           greater gender equity in society. The WRC
                                                                                    and job search preparation.                     educational, cultural, sociopolitical and     Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender           welcomes students of all gender-identities
                                                                                                                                    social programs that lead to greater          Resource Center, Native American              to participate in its student-centered
          WHAT THREE OFFICES DO I WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT?                         ILLINI UNION BOARD (IUB)                        recruitment, retention, advancement           House, and the Women’s Resources              educational and personal development
                                                                                    iuboard.illinois.edu                            and empowerment of Latina/o students.         Center. In addition to speakers,              experiences. Staff are committed to
                                                                                                                                                                                  workshops, film nights and celebrations,      supporting and actualizing diversity and
                                                                                    The Illini Union Board is the largest                                                         OIIR’s events throughout the year             inclusion in all aspects of the Center’s
                                                                                    student programming board on                                                                  include the Latina/o Family Visit Day,        work, striving for greater equity, retention,
                                                                                    campus, providing unique and diverse                                                          100 STRONG Retention Program, as well         advancement, and empowerment of
                                                                                    events to the campus community such                                                           as noontime discussion every weekday          womxn students, staff, and faculty. The
                                                                                    as comedy shows, concerts, lectures,                                                          as part of OIIR’s “Lunch On Us” series.       WRC is located at 616 E. Green St., Suite
                                                                                    and social events.                                                                                                                          202, Champaign, IL 61820.

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 COMPUTING, IDENTIFICATION, & TRANSPORTATION                                                                Champaign-Urbana                                               For information about all modes of transportation available
                                                                                                                                                                           on-campus visit go.fs.illinois.edu/TDM or scan the QR code.
                                                                                                            Mass Transit District (CUMTD)
                                                                                                            You need only show your iCard to ride
 TECH HELP,                                                    YOUR i-card & UNIVERSITY                     any MTD bus – anywhere, anytime!
 FREE SOFTWARE, & MORE                                         IDENTIFICATION NUMBER                        Routes operate frequently on campus,
                                                                                                            and throughout Champaign, Urbana,             Bicycles                                        Air & Train
 Technology Services at Illinois                               i-card
                                                                                                            and Savoy. Late night service is available    Go to Bike at Illinois (bike.illinois.edu)      The local airport is Willard Airport in
 Technology Services provides Illinois                         Your University ID is called an “i-card.”
                                                                                                            when the University is in session.            to learn about bicycles on campus. To           Savoy. Visit iflycu.com for details.
 students with technology support.                             You’ll need an i-card to use services,
                                                                                                            Schedules, routes, and the latest MTD         register your bicycle visit go.illinois.edu/
 Services include NetID, campus email,                         such as:
                                                                                                            news are available at mtd.org. There          mybike. To learn about the Campus Bike          Amtrak service north to Chicago and
 Wi-Fi, classroom technologies, online                         • Meal plans
                                                                                                            are apps available on app stores (iOS         Center visit go.illinois.edu/bikecenter.        south to Carbondale and beyond is
 file storage and others. Our Help Desk                        • Illini Cash (campus debit)
                                                                                                            and Android) for real-time departure                                                          available at MTD’s Illinois Terminal.
 staff is available to assist with your                        • Library privileges
                                                                                                            information and trip planning tools.          Bicyclists must be respectful to cars and       Call (800) USA-RAIL or the local
 technology questions.                                         • Campus Recreation
                                                               • McKinley Health Center                                                                   pedestrians. Do not bike through heavy          Champaign office at (217) 352-5905.
                                                                                                            Other Bus & Shuttle Options                   pedestrian traffic, just walk your bike.
 • Visit techservices.illinois.edu to
                                                                                                            Several interstate and intrastate bus and     Use the roads to get places faster and          Zipcars
   find the answers to your campus                             Your i-card is also a bus pass for the
                                                                                                            shuttle services are available to take you    without disrupting pedestrians. Cars            Need a car? Borrow a Zipcar! The on-
   tech questions!                                             local Mass Transit District.
                                                                                                            to the Chicago area and many other            will not see you if you are biking on the       campus program lets members drive
 • Find help at consult@illinois.edu or
                                                               Get your i-card during registration or       destinations. Many of these services          sidewalk! Bicyclists are vehicles and           at a low hourly or daily rate. The rate
   (217) 244-7000
                                                               when you start classes, there’s no rush.     have campus stops and/or depart from          must follow all the same rules as cars.         includes gas and insurance. Visit
 Free and discounted software                                  You can also upload your photo before        MTD’s Illinois Terminal in downtown                                                           www.zipcar.com/universities/university-
                                                               your campus visit, and your i-card will be   Champaign. Those departing Illinois           BICYCLE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED                of-illinois-champaign-urbana.
 at WebStore
                                                               waiting for you. Just bring your current,    Terminal include:                             FOR ALL BICYCLE RIDERS ON CAMPUS.
 Illinois provides many free applications
 to students including Office 365. Visit                       government photo ID to the ID Center,                                                      Registering the bicycle will increase the       Parking
                                                                                                            •   UIRide                 (217) 333-7433     chances of recovering your bicycle, if          parking.illinois.edu
 webstore.illinois.edu and browse                              located in the Illini Union Bookstore.”
                                                                                                            •   Burlington Trailways   (800) 992-4618     stolen. It also allows the University to
 through hundreds of discounted or                                                                          •   Danville JARC          (217) 431-0653
 free offerings, then download directly                        Visit www.icard.uillinois.edu for                                                          contact you if your bike is about to be         To park on campus, students may
                                                               more information.                            •   Greyhound              (217) 352-4150     impounded or if it needs to be moved,           purchase an annual student permit from
 to your personal device. Check with                                                                        •   Peoria Charter         (899) 448-0572
 your department for the software                                                                                                                         if parked improperly or during end of           UI Parking. You may also pay and park
                                                               Your University Identification Number        •   Bestway Charter        (630) 238-1000     year round-up. The University Bicycle           at meters. To learn more about rates,
 requirements for your program of study.
                                                               Your University Identification Number                                                      Ordinance states that the minimum fine          types of permits, and available lots, you
                                                               (UIN) is a set of nine numbers that          SafeRides and SafeWalks                       for not registering is $25.                     will find more information at the above
 Did you know that there is a                                                                               SafeRides Connect is to provide safe
 self-service tool to help with                                identify you uniquely and permanently                                                                                                      link. In all cases, to avoid citation, please
                                                               in records at this university and across     transportation, by MTD, to individuals        Student Biking Checklist                        observe lot entry signage and other
 your IT questions?                                                                                         who are generally traveling alone
                                                               the University of Illinois System.                                                         1. Register your bicycle with the               posted information. In addition to meter
 Go to go.illinois.edu/answers to find the                                                                  and when no other means of safe
                                                               Your UIN was generated when you                                                               University of Illinois.                      payment by coin and Day Meter Permit,
 answers to your campus tech questions!                                                                     transportation are available within the
                                                               applied here; it is printed on your letter                                                 2. Use a helmet whenever riding                 the Parking Department offers a payment
                                                               of admission and on your i-card.             designated MTD boundaries. SafeRides             your bicycle.                                by phone option. Also click on the link
 U of I Box                                                                                                 are available from dusk (7 pm/5 pm)
 Did you know that Illinois provides free                      You can also look up your UIN online at                                                    3. Go through the Safety Checklist at           for additional details about this service.
                                                               go.uillinois.edu/uin.                        until 6 am. There is a maximum limit             bike.illinois.edu/safety/safety-
 online storage?! Users can get started                                                                     of three persons per pick-up location.
 with the service at box.illinois.edu.                                                                                                                       checklist/                                   Pay By App
                                                                                                            SafeRides does not duplicate fixed-           4. Go to www.bikesafetyquiz.com and             In addition to meter payment by coin
 For more details visit techservices.                                                                       route service already provided by MTD.           take the adult motorist quiz or adult        and Day Meter Permit, the Parking
 illinois.edu/services/u-i-box/details.                                                                     SafeRides does not provide emergency             cyclist quiz.                                Department also offers a payment
                                                                                                            transportation services to medical            5. Walk, bike, or bus to the Campus             by phone option. See the Parking
 Mobile Configuration                                                                                       facilities. SafeRides does not provide
 Do you need help with configuring a                                                                                                                         Bike Center, 608 E. Pennsylvania,            Department website for details about
                                                                                                            service to and from bars. Download the           and learn more about biking or               this service.
 mobile device for Office 365?                                                                              SafeRides Connect App from the Apple
 Find help with setting up Office apps                                                                                                                       volunteer for membership.
                                                                                                            App Store or the Google Play Store and        6. Follow the University’s Bike at Illinois     Motorist Assistance Program
 and email on mobile devices at                                                                             register yourself. You can also call             Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram             parking.illinois.edu/about-us/motorist-
 answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/47591.                                                                      (217) 265-7433.                                  page to stay in the loop about bike          assistance
                                                                                                                                                             rides and events on campus.
                                                                                                            SafeWalks is a courtesy service provided                                                      The following services are provided at
                                                                                                            by the University of Illinois Public Safety                                                   no charge for university employees and
  IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT TECHNOLOGY AT ILLINOIS:                                                department to University of Illinois                                                          students within the university district:
                                                                                                            students, faculty, and staff. To request a                                                    jump start, directions to the nearest
                                                                                                            SafeWalks escort, call (217) 333-1216.                                                        gas station along with a safe carrying
                                                                                                            You can also use an emergency phone                                                           container, air to inflate your tire, and
                                                                                                            to contact a dispatcher.                                                                      assistance retrieving keys locked inside
                                                                                                                                                                                                          your vehicle. Call (217) 244-HELP (4357).

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