Why UKIP is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner here

Page created by Dean Marshall
Why UKIP is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner here
Why UKIP is standing
    for Police & Crime
    Commissioner here

      UKIP: For the victim, not the criminal.
   l Reconnecting policing with local communities
   l Zero tolerance of criminal behaviour
   l Prison sentences that mean what they say
   l Fewer foreign criminals in our jails and on our streets
   l Defending traditional British rights and justice

0800 587 6 587                                            ukip.org
Why UKIP is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner here
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         Police & Crime Commissioner Manifesto 2012                                                                   Police & Crime Commissioner Manifesto 2012

                                                                                                               A message from Nigel Farage MEP,
                                 SUMMARY                                                                                        Leader of UKIP

                                What we stand for:                                               Defending the rights of the British people
   Your UKIP candidate is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) in these                No-one asked for the new Police & Crime Commissioners, the Conservative and
   elections because, although we believe there should be proper democratic control              Liberal Democrat coalition has forced them on us. UKIP’s policy, for many years,
   of the police through elected Police Boards, we think the new PCC should be:                  has been to have police forces run by elected Police Boards, so that communities
                                                                                                 could really have a say in how the police serve them.
   l A member of the community, not just another career politician.
                                                                                                 But now that Commissioners are here, they do provide a chance for people to
   l Tough on crime, including the low-level nuisance and anti-social behaviour that             regain some control over how we are policed – to re-establish the fact that the
   blights neighbourhoods and leads to bigger trouble.                                           Police are here to serve us, not the other way round. That they are here to serve
                                                                                                 the people, not the Government. That they are here to stop crime and keep us safe,
   l Determined to re-connect the police with the people and their communities.                  not raise money through speed traps and on-the-spot fines. Provided, that is, that
                                                                                                 the Police & Crime Commissioners don’t end up being the same old political hacks.
   We believe in sentences that mean what they say; more effort to prevent repeat
   offending; and police priorities that focus on solving real crimes, rather than ‘soft         Community-led policing is under attack. Government is looking for cuts in police
   targets’.                                                                                     spending; police forces are cutting front-line staff instead of senior managers. We,
                                                                                                 the people, need to make our voices heard.

                 Your UKIP Commissioner will work for:                                           But an even bigger threat comes from the selling-out of our justice system to the
                                                                                                 EU and the European Court of Human Rights. One Conservative MEP said that
                                                                                                 trusting David Cameron with the EU is like trusting Tony Blair with Iraq.
   l More Police Officers on our streets.
                                                                                                 Ask yourself: Why are there hundreds of foreign criminals walking our streets? Why
   l More Special Constables, rather than powerless PCSOs.
                                                                                                 can’t foreign terrorists and killers be deported? Why do our governments keep
                                                                                                 giving away control of our law and justice system to control from Brussels and
   l Community-based Police Officers in new local Police Stations and Police Houses,
   built by developers.
                                                                                                 We, in UKIP, believe passionately in defending the advanced, civilised and famously
   l Zero tolerance of the anti-social behaviour that leads to more crime.
                                                                                                 fair British justice system that we’ve developed over centuries. In 2014, the
                                                                                                 Government will have a chance to tell the EU that we don’t want them taking over
   l Giving local people a say in local policing priorities
                                                                                                 our justice system. Will they take it?
                                                                                                 A vote for your UKIP candidate in these elections will help to show them the way.
   l No soft treatment of police misdemeanours: police officers deserve protection
   from anything that undermines their integrity

                                                                                                 Nigel Farage MEP

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Why UKIP is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner here
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       Police & Crime Commissioner Manifesto 2012                                                                                         Police & Crime Commissioner Manifesto 2012

                                                                                      T he detail

   This is what your UKIP Police & Crime              Low-level bad behaviour – graffiti, littering,   l Move away from centralised police ‘hubs’,
   Commissioner will be dedicated to –               vandalism etc – leads to more serious crime.      remote from the people
                                                     We need to stamp it out.                          l Get new Police Stations and Police Houses
   Preventing crime at all levels                                                                      built by developers on new estates, to enable
                                                     Preventing reoffending                            police officers to live within their communities
   Preventing crime starts with not tolerating the                                                     l Set up public consultations to enable people                Shelve the Winsor proposals:
   behaviour that leads to it. We say:               Nationally, we believe we need to stop            to set the local policing priorities                           halt all plans to use private
                                                     criminals re-offending by a three-pronged
                                                                                                       l Focus the Police on solving serious crimes,                  companies for police work.
   l Zero tolerance of anti-social behaviour and     approach:
                                                                                                       rather than concentrating on thought crime,
   nuisance.                                                                                           political/diversity issues, gathering statistics
   l More police on the beat, including warranted    l Build the prisons we need to make them                                                             l Re-balancing the law, and policing practice,
                                                                                                       and ‘soft targets’. For instance, speed cameras    to enable householders to protect their
   Special Constables rather than the PCSOs who      serve their full sentences
                                                                                                       should be sited only where the community
   can’t make arrests.                               l More rehabilitation to turn offenders away                                                         property
                                                                                                       wants them – not where they’ll make the most
   l Axe the Crown Prosecution Service and           from crime                                        money.                                             l A return to officers being able to use
   return to police prosecutions.                    l More severe penalties for serial re-offenders                                                      discretion in their policing
                                                                                                         The Police work for us, not the Government
                                                      The £2bn cost of building new prisons is         or ACPO*. They are here to help us keep our        UKIP cherishes the quality of our Police, who
                                                     negligible compared to the cost of crime –        streets and our society safe, not control us or    are admired throughout the world, and will
                                                     £34billion in 2009/10 according to the Victim     fulfil some national political agenda.             fight to preserve it.
                                                     Support Service.
                                                      Your UKIP PCC will work with the police and      Building trust in the police                       Supporting the police in their work
                                                     other relevant organisations in the voluntary
            Why are there hundreds of                sector to bring down crime by all means           Our Police need our complete trust and co-         The police work best when they know they
           foreign offenders walking our             possible.                                         operation. So when an individual officer or the    have the support of the Government, the
                                                                                                       force does something wrong, we should never        public and now the Police & Crime Commis-
            streets? Why can’t foreign
                                                     Bringing police back to your                      take the ‘soft option’.                            sioner. We aim to achieve this by:
              terrorists and killers be
               deported? Why do our                                                                      At the same time, we should reward and           l Giving the Police the right pay, conditions
          governments keep giving away               The Police are here to serve the people, and      recognise our Police men and women                 and tools to do the job
           control of our law and justice            UKIP believes that the ideal system is to have    properly. We believe in:                           l Suspending implementation of the Winsor
                                                     elected (rather than appointed) Police Boards                                                        proposals
              system to control from                                                                   l No soft treatment of Police misdemeanours
                                                     so that the people can have real control over                                                        l Leaving police work to the Police – your
             Brussels and Strasbourg?                police priorities. We will continue to campaign   l Halting any current plans to use commercial      UKIP Police & Crime Commissioner won’t use
                                                     for this, but in the meantime we will:            security companies to carry out police work        private security companies.
                                                                                                                                                          *The Association of Chief Police Officers, which increasingly
                                                                                                                                                          makes decisions about how our laws are enforced.

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Why UKIP is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner here

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       Police & Crime Commissioner Manifesto 2012                                                                                                          UK Independence  Party
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   system of justice are the best in the world, and need to be preserved.
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   We oppose the imposition of European laws, and threats to cherished British                             Deliver leaflets  Display a sign at election  Canvass  Assist local branch  Stand at elections 
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             l Community-based magistrates who understand and reflect                                      I’d like to make a donation to the UK Independence Party of                                             £ _________
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                                                                                                           I enclose a cheque payable to UKIP                  or                                TOTAL            £ _________
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             l Stop letting the European Court of Human Rights tell us                                     Card number       __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ [Visa, MasterCard, Switch or Delta]
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             l Deport foreign criminals, and not let them back in.
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             l Refuse to accept European Arrest Warrants, European                                         Fleet Street Branch, 1 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1BD. Sort Code: 16-00-11 Account No: 17205076
             Investigation Orders, Euro Police or a new European                                           To: The Manager                                                                                                     Bank

             l Keep control over our own justice and home affairs,                                                                            Postcode:                                   Sort Code:
             which the EU is trying to take over.                                                          Account No:                                Account Name:
                                                                                                           Please pay the sum of £              now and on the              day of                                 (month) annually
   In 2014, our government has the chance to opt out of the EU’s new Justice and
   Home Affairs rules, that would give the EU power over us in 130 areas of law. It                        Signed:                                                                                 Date:
   must not fail to take it.                                                                               Print name:
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                                                                                                           I agree to abide by the UKIP Constitution and the Terms and Conditions of Membership (available to
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                                                                                                              Return to: UK Independence Party Ltd, PO Box 408, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 9BG
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Why UKIP is standing for Police & Crime Commissioner here


   I’’m voting
    Published and promoted by UKIP, PO Box 408, Newton Abbott TQ12 9BG. Printed by Printed by PrintBridge, Bodmin.
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