WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association

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WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth

WILLIAM PENN                             LIFE
                                         March 2020

   A new campaign to feed families in need
                                Page 3
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
                                        11:58 AM
                ˂ Messages              MADISON
                 Did you see W
                               PA set the da
                 year’s PICNIC               te for this

                               When?! I wa
                                             nna go!!
               Sat. Aug. 22.
                              12-4:30PM. S
               place as last                 ame
                             year, the Shri
               Cheswick, PA                 n e Center in

                             ♥ that place. I ate
                             Those burge           SOOO much
                                            rs & kolbasz      !
                                                         = YUM!
             And all the co
                            okies & pastr
             was even bett                ies! The food
                            er than beatin
             Brody at corn                 g Dave and

                             HA! It was fu
                                             n dancing w
                             too. She reall               ith grandma,
                                             y liked the b
                            Everyone wa                    and.
                                             s dancing, e
                                                          ven Dave!
            Your niece &
                           nephew could
            all day at the                 have spent
                           children’s are

                          Tell all the pe
                                          eps. We’ll ha
                          BEST time! D                  ve the
           DATE! J M
                     ore info comin
                                      g soon....

WPAPICNIC 08.22.2020
Pittsburgh Shrine Center,1877 Shriners Way,Cheswick, PA 15024
1-800-848-7366 • www.wpalife.org • Visit us on                              @WPALife
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association

      The Official Publication       VOLUME 55 • NUMBER 3 • MARCH 2020
    of William Penn Association

    George S. Charles, Jr.

        Associate Editors
      Cassandra Holmes
       Diane M. Torma
      Steven F. Charles
        Managing Editor
        Graphic Designer
        John E. Lovasz               Zsuzsanna
        National President
    George S. Charles, Jr.                 A Hero of Hungary’s
      National V.P.-Secretary
      Cassandra Holmes
                                           War for Independence
     National V.P.-Treasurer
       Diane M. Torma
 National V.P.-Internal Operations
       Steven F. Charles

                                       3 134th Anniversary
                                                134 Bags of Groceries
     Katherine E. Novak
           Vice Chairs
     Andrew W. McNelis                          A new campaign to feed families in need
     Anne Marie Schmidt
        National Directors
      Michael J. Chobody
                                       Columns                                                                             Departments
        David M. Kozak                  4 Moneywise                                                                               2 For Starters
        Debra A. Lewis
                                        6 Tibor’s Take                                                                            9 Magyar Matters
      Joyce E. Nicholson
     James W. Robertson                10 Aging Well                                                                              11 Just 4 Kidz
       Richard E. Sarosi                                                                                                          12 Branch News
   Your comments are always
                                                                                                                                  24 In Memoriam
                                                                                                                                           Puzzle Contest
    welcome. Contact us at:                                                                                                       BACK

       William Penn Life
   William Penn Association          Cover: Photo © Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Dreamstime.com • This Page: Illustration © Public Domain-Hungary-Unknown

      709 Brighton Road              Official publication of the William Penn Association. Published monthly.
     Pittsburgh, PA 15233            Office of publication: 709 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 Phone: (412) 231-2979.
                                     Third Class U.S. Postage Paid. Indiana, PA Permit No. 12
Phone: 1-800-848-7366, ext. 135      Unsolicited articles, letters, pictures and other material submitted to the William Penn Life are forwarded at the owner’s
                                     risk, and the William Penn Life expressly denies any responsibility for their safekeeping or return. The William Penn Life
  E-mail: jlovasz@wpalife.org        reserves the right to edit, revise or reject any article submitted for publication.

                                     Postmaster: If undelivered, please send form 3579 to: William Penn Association, 709 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15233

                                                                                                                               WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º   1
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
For Starters

                         SAVE THE DATE!
                          WPA Golf Tournament
                           & Scholarship Days
                                  June 27, 2020
                                       Kennsington Golf Club
                                          Canfield, Ohio
      Contact Judit Ganchuk at 1-800-848-7366, Ext. 149, or jganchuk@wpalife.org
       See next month’s William Penn Life for more details and registration form!

                                        Michigan and New England fraternals
    Holiday                             accepting applications for scholarships
    Baskets                             WPA MEMBERS attending college this
                                        fall and who reside in either Michigan
                                                                                        The New England Fraternal Alli-

    Update                              or New England may be eligible for
                                        scholarship grants to be awarded by the
                                        fraternal alliances in those areas.
                                           Both the Michigan Fraternal Alliance
                                                                                     ance will be awarding two scholarships
                                                                                     worth $1,000 each to students in their
                                                                                     sophomore, junior or senior year in col-
                                                                                     lege or in graduate school.
    Our thanks go out to the
    members of Branch 28                (MFA) and the New England Fraternal             To qualify, you must be a resident of
    Youngstown, Ohio, who               (NEFA) Alliance are accepting applica-       New England and a current member (or
    distributed three Holiday           tions for their respective 2020 scholar-     child of a member) of a fraternal soci-
    Baskets to those in need in         ship programs.                               ety belonging to the NEFA, like WPA,
    their community as part of             The Michigan Fraternal Alliance will      and enrolled as a full-time student in
    the WPA’s Holiday Bas-              be awarding up to two scholarships           an accredited two- or four-year college,
    kets program. Their efforts         worth $500 each. To qualify, you must        university or trade school. Criteria used
    raise the totals for our            be a Michigan resident and an insured        for awarding of grants will include the
    2019 effort to 86 baskets           member and active participant of a           overall merits of the applicant, cumula-
    worth $4,770.15.                    fraternal society belonging to the MFA,      tive grade average, college activities and
       Again, thank you to all          like WPA, who will be graduating from        honors, community activities, financial
    our members and branch-             high school in 2020 and enrolling as a       need and the required essay.
    es who contributed to the           full-time student in an accredited two-         All application materials, along
    2019 program. Let’s keep            or four-year college, university or trade    with a letter of recommendation from
    the fraternal spirit going          school.                                      a school official or employer, must be
    by participating in the As-            All application materials must be         mailed and postmarked by Sept. 1, 2020.
    sociation’s 2020 charitable         mailed and postmarked by April 3,            For complete eligibility rules, contact
    programs described on               2020. For complete eligibility rules and     Daniel Michalak, Chair-Scholarship
    page 3.                             an application, visit the MFA website at     Committee, 53 Barberry Lane, Meriden,
                                        www.michiganfraternalalliance.org/scholar-   CT 06451-2601.

2   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
For Starters

   134th Anniversary
134 Bags of Groceries
                                   by Judit Ganchuk, Activities Coordinator

                illiam Penn Association is    year providing enough food for the
                celebrating its 134th An-     people in that residence (https://www.
                niversary by giving back to   feedingamerica.org/about-us/press-room/
the communities we are a part of and          new-data).
donating at least 134 bags of grocer-             We know our members take fra-
ies to people in need. This year-long         ternalism seriously in their ventures of
program will focus on offering a bag of       community service. An important part
groceries, as in a handful of meals, to a     of this campaign is tracking these gener-
needy individual, family or food pro-         ous donations so we can know when,
gram. Each bag of groceries is a symbol       not if, we went beyond our goal of 134      grocery bags you will fill. Be the differ-
of hope. The bag isn’t full of all cereal     grocery bags nationwide.                    ence you want to see and support a
boxes, or all peanut butter, but rather a         Branches 34 and 352 have already        family in your area. By donating one full
varied mix of possible meals (oatmeal,        joined together and donated 30 bags.        grocery bag, you can feed a family of
mac-’n-cheese, pasta & sauce, canned          Each of their bags contained 20 or          four for up to four meals.
meat, soup, beans, rice, pancake mix          more items worth a total of about $25.         You can also donate your filled bags
and syrup, tuna, saltines, canned fruit,          Branch presidents and coordinators      to local shelters, veterans’ centers, mili-
etc.). The items are endless, and the         around the country will be receiving a      tary support programs, senior activity
choice of what to include is yours.           notice via email about this program. If     centers or even college food programs.
    Even in America, food insecurity          you would like to fill your own bag with    The bags and their contents should be
is still an issue and often overlooked.       donations, do not hesitate to contact       given as one donation, not as individual
According to a 2018 survey by the             me toll-free at 1-800-848-7366 (Ext         food items.
United States Department of Agricul-          149) or jganchuk@wpalife.org.                  Take the first step and contact us
ture report, over 11% of American                 Can you or your branch help?            today to start tracking and give back to
households were either food insecure          Request your easy-to-use tracker and        YOUR community.
or had difficulty at least once in the past   let us know the number of cloth WPA

Join Hands Against                                                     Share baskets of food
Hunger campaign                                                        during Eastertime
PITTSBURGH -- WPA is once again conducting its                         PITTSBURGH -- William Penn Association is pleased
Join Hands Against Hunger campaign. What distin-                       to announce that our Easter Basket Program for 2020 is
guishes this program from our other fraternal efforts is               underway.
that this campaign supplies food to organizations with                    Now in its seventh year, our Easter Basket program
established distribution systems. All food or donations                encourages branch members to gather and create bas-
received from your branch members is to be collected                   kets to help spread the Fraternal Spirit and give assis-
and delivered by representatives of your branch to your                tance to neighbors in need at Easter time.
local food bank or other charitable organization which                    Some branches encourage participation by host-
provides food assistance to those who need it.                         ing “basket parties,” allowing members and friends to
   Reimbursement for your branch’s efforts in our Join                 gather in fun and fellowship while supporting a worthy
Hands Against Hunger campaign will be available                        cause. You can create a basket for one family in need,
through the Association’s matching funds program. The                  or you can create several smaller gift baskets for the
deadline for returning the necessary forms and receipts                residents of a local senior care home.
to the Home Office is April 1, 2020. Each branch’s effort                 Remember to take photos of your event to be pub-
will be recognized in William Penn Life.                               lished in William Penn Life.
   Please contact your local branch officers or our Home                  Your branch will be reimbursed up to $50 for your
Office toll-free at 1-800-848-7366, ext. 149, for more                 participation. Deadline for submitting participation
information.                                                           forms, photos and receipts is May 8.

                                                                                                WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º   3
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
Moneywise                     with Bob Bisceglia, National Sales Director

Planning for your digital assets
IN THE PAST, we have discussed the importance of hav-            person obtains the archived information.
ing life insurance and a will or trust to take care of your          Similarly, Facebook allows you to designate a “legacy
loved ones after you pass on. But, have you ever consid-         contact.” After you die, your profile will become a memo-
ered what will become of your “digital assets” after you         rial and the legacy contact has permission to write a post
pass?                                                            for it, respond to new friend requests and update your
   Many of our members fail to recognize the extent of           profile picture. They can also download a copy of your
digital assets that are in their possession and the great        Facebook data, but they cannot, however, log into your
value they may have. No, we’re not thinking about things         account or read your messages.
that have financial value, but rather things that have a             While preparing this article, I added my wife as the
value that can’t be measured in dollars and cents.               legacy contact for my Facebook account and found it to be
   So, what are “digital assets”? They are the photographs,      very easy to do. First, log onto Facebook and access your
videos or written accounts of events and memories that           general account settings. Then, scroll down and click on
you may have stored online, on your phone or in digital          “Memorialization Settings.” Enter your contact’s name and
notebooks, or that you may have shared through emails,           it automatically sends them a message with a personalized
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media. Some         link.
people can simply print out the information--like your               Some services may contain content that you don’t
contact list--and call it a day. For others, you are dealing     specifically own but have a license to access. This would
with an account (like your Facebook account) that contains       include the movies and music that you bought on iTunes,
so much data, or undergoes such frequent updates, that a         your video games from Steam or the books on your
simple paper copy won’t cut it.                                  Kindle. Those licenses typically expire on your passing but
   Here is what you need to do now to ensure that trusted        not always. Apple, for example, has been very generous,
family members can access your information after your            giving a surviving spouse or other family member access
death.                                                           to the iTunes account with the Apple ID of the deceased
                                                                 person. (See sharing of your passwords and preparing a
Designate trusted contacts                                       digital will for your passwords in the coming paragraphs).
    Some digital services have a built-in feature that let you       That said, your living relative can’t merge your old
pass on data to surviving members of your family. You            license with their own account, which might make things a
identify your trusted loved ones, and these                        little more difficult. If the service in question offers a
digital services will give them                                                         “family sharing” service feature--like
access to your account, but only                                                           iTunes, Steam, Kindle and others
under specific circumstances.                                                                 do--it might be easier to enable
For example, Google’s interac-                                                                that service while you are still
tive account manager allows you                                                                   alive. With family sharing,
to decide what happens                                                                              your family member’s ac-
to your account after                                                                                     count will have access
it’s been inactive for                                                                                     to your content,
a certain period of                                                                                         whether you are alive
time. The default set-                                                                                      or deceased.
ting is three months,
but you                                                                                                    Prepare to share
 can adjust that as you                                                                                    your passwords
see fit. You can also                                                                                        Unfortunately,
select up to 10 people                                                                                   not all services have
to receive permission                                                                                   features that allow you
to download whatever                                                                                  to pass on your data. For
data you have allowed to                                                                           the ones that don’t, or that
be shared once that period of                                                                   don’t offer specific control,
inactivity has passed.                                                                        your best bet is to speak to
    You can keep some (or all) of                                                           an estate attorney about giving
your information private after you                                                        access to your next of kin. Merely
pass, or you can grant limited access                                                  scribbling down all of your passwords
to certain items, such as your con-                                                 on a sheet of paper (I’m guilty of this!)
tacts, photos or videos. Once you have                                            isn’t always enough. In many cases, your
decided what to share, you can set your                                         relatives are still legally prohibited from
account to delete itself after your trusted                                    accessing your account without your express

4   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
Moneywise (cont.)

written permission. Most states have adopted laws that            your important documents, such as your life insurance
allow you to declare who has access to your data, as long         policies, will, trusts, investments and IRA accounts, along
as your will, revocable trust or power of attorney specifi-       with photos, videos and anything else that you choose to
cally grants access to a relative or heir named in the docu-      upload to their system. Legacy Concierge can help to block
ment. Discuss these options with your attorney or advisor         your digital footprint from thieves by securing your elec-
when you are having your will, trust or power of attorney         tronic records and, upon your death, will automatically
drafted or updated.                                               notify the custodian(s) you’ve previously designated about
                                                                  the items you have stored and will grant them access.
Preparing a digital will for your passwords
   Now that your will, trust or power of attorney gives           Communicate with your heirs
your loved ones the permission to access your accounts,               Before you start these preparations, take some time to
you will need to provide them with your passwords. This           think about the people who you can entrust with your
can be more difficult than it sounds. Think of how many           digital life. Be thoughtful about who will be in charge of
times you change your passwords for your various ac-              these digital assets. You have appointed (we hope) some-
counts, or how many times the bank and other services             one you trust to administer your financial assets, but does
require you to update your passwords. If you are like me,         that person have the technical know-how to best handle
you’ll wind up with a pad of scratched out numbers that           your digital assets? Maybe a different person should be
nobody will be able to decipher.                                  designated to be the fiduciary of the “digital assets.”
   So, it’s very difficult to keep an up-to-date list of all of       When you make your will, trust or estate plan, you
one’s accounts and passwords. However, there are compa-           need to designate people to handle the various aspects of
nies that can provide password storage and administration         your estate based on their strengths, knowledge and abili-
of digital assets after you pass away.                            ties. A good estate attorney can ensure that your language
   A company called LastPass, for example, is a password          is crystal clear, so your friends and family won’t have to
management service that allows you to send specific pass-         do any extra legwork during their time of grief.
words to another user in the event of your death. LastPass            Once you have made your choices, be sure to communi-
recommends that you document not only every online                cate your choices to the person(s) that you have designated
account but also things such as:                                  in your will, trust or power of attorney.
   • bank pins;                                                       Of course, any estate plan, be it real or digital, is not
   • loyalty cards;                                               complete without the proper amount of life insurance.
   • membership numbers;                                          Be sure to contact your William Penn Association agent
   • gift cards;                                                  or broker before making any decisions regarding adding
   • medical ID and insurance numbers; and                        life insurance to your plan. Don’t have an agent? Call the
   • WiFi passwords.                                              Home Office and we’ll be happy to help.
You’ll also want to note any recurring payments and sub-              Until next month, think spring!
scriptions, along with what card they may be charged to.
   Another company known as Legacy Concierge provides                My thanks to Activities Coordinator Judit Ganchuk for her
an “estate resolution service” that will keep track of all        contributions to this month’s column.

Come grow with us
William Penn Association is looking to grow
and expand its reach in current and possibly
new markets. To do this, we are seeking to
add highly motivated agents to our list of over
800 existing agents. WPA currently writes
insurance and annuity products in 21 states.
The states include: CA, CT, DC, DE, FL, IL, IN,

                                                                                                                                    oto Inc./s

VA, WV and WI. To grow, we need both full-time
and part-time agents. Good agents are the lifeblood of any association,
                                                                                                                                 n Stock Ph

and WPA is a strong and growing association that has much to offer our
                                                                                                                             Photo ©

members and the agents who write for us. If you are interested in an opportunity
to grow with us, then contact Bob Bisceglia at 1-800-848-7366, ext.134. Thank you.
                                                                                              WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º      5
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
Tibor’s Take with Tibor Check, Jr.

Contemplating in the Florida sun
BACK IN 2014, my parents, siblings and I embarked on
a trip to Hungary. In that moment, we all thought that it
would likely be the last trip we would take together as
one family, or as my mother would say, “the core five.”
In a sense, we were right: soon after, we all began to tend
our own growing branches of the family tree, treating
each new growth as if we were coaxing a new shoot from
the ground.
   But, this January, my brother Andras II, my wife
Mónika, my sister Erzsi and her husband Miklós and
I took my parents to Disney World. It was an idea we
thought of last summer and began planning together in
early September. This trip was to repay our parents for
the many trips they took us on, including that 2014 trip
to Hungary.
   However, our trip to Florida would be much dif-
ferent from previous family excursions as my siblings
and I now have successful careers, are married and are
on our own. I made it a point to inform my anya and
apa (mom and dad) that we would pay their expenses,
except for souvenirs and park tickets, more or less the
deal they gave us kids when we visited Hungary. Being
that my Mom turned 60, my dad was approaching 65,
and that they would soon celebrate their 40th wedding
                                                                               nd r ás , A p a, M ón ika & me
anniversary--not to mention it being near the holidays--it             Anya, A
seemed the perfect time for the Check children to pool
their resources and instead of financing several smaller
celebrations, foot the bill for one big splash of a trip.
   The week we stayed at Disney was picture perfect.          things we contemplated; it’s a potpourri of ideas that I
Even for Florida, the weather was unusually mild: it was      wanted to share with you all.
downright hot with temperatures hovering around 80,              • One exhibit in the Mexico pavilion in EPCOT re-
and we barely saw a drop of rain, a rarity for a winter in    minded me of the Hungarian practices on All Souls Day.
Florida.                                                      Hungarians show deep respect to those loved ones who
   We stayed at the Disney All-Star Movies resort hotel       have passed on to the hereafter. Cemeteries are revered
and visited all of the main theme parks. A one-day side       places where each gravesite is meticulously maintained.
trip outside of the confines of Disney World checked          Fresh flowers are put out on a regular basis. Above
something off my Dad’s bucket list: a visit to a citrus       ground grave markers made of granite or marble are
grove to pick a fresh orange off the tree and eat it on       washed and scrubbed clean by women that use these
the spot. It was a neat experience for all of us as well as   visits to the churchyard as a gathering point for conver-
we had never done something like it before. Our labors        sation. It is commonplace to see youngsters and teenag-
yielded a half bushel of Honey Belles, spring oranges,        ers accompany their grandmothers to help out with the
grapefruit, Meyer lemons and key limes from this par-         chores of gravesite maintenance, as this is the way such a
ticular 2,500-acre farm.                                      tradition is passed on from generation to generation.
   For this trip, my mom and dad had stowed in their             On any given night, a handful of candles might flicker
checked baggage bottles of szilva pálinka (Hungarian          at the village cemetery commemorating a wedding
plum brandy) and dió likőr (a Hungarian walnut liqueur)       anniversary, name day, birthday and remembrance of
which they brought back from their October 2019 trip to       the day a certain person passed on. On All Souls Day,
Hungary. These souvenirs from Hungary were the per-           every grave has several candles and the entire cemetery
fect refreshments to sip over the long conversations we       is aglow with thousands of candles shimmering in the
had each night after a rewarding day in the theme parks.      wind. In America, by contrast, the days following Hal-
Being that our refreshments were Magyar in origin, our        loween are nothing much more than opportunities to
discussions were often about our ancestral home country       buy discounted candy and to brace for the onslaught of
and its history, customs and culture. Here are the few        Christmas decorations in our retail establishments.

6   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
Tibor’s Take

                                                                 cover what is going on in the state next door to our own?
                                                                 Unless you live in a tri-state area like I do, it’s probably
                                                                 quite rare.
                                                                    Places like Disney World open one’s eyes. To a sea-
                                                                 soned world traveler, the pagoda in EPCOT’s Japan
                                                                 pavilion or the East African marketplace in Animal King-
                                                                 dom might seem like simple reproductions, but how
                                                                 often does a family from Missouri or Ohio or Nevada get
                                                                 to experience such places?
                                                                    • Similarly, the typical Hungarian views America
                                                                 much differently than how we see ourselves. My dad has
                                                                 invited some of our relatives to visit us in the USA. He
                                                                 even offered to pay their travel expenses, but they are
                                                                 terrified of what they think goes on here. They assume
                                                                 that there is a robbery on every street corner, we all pack
                                                                 a sidearm, are taxed excessively and are watched closely
Erzsi, Miklós, Món                                               by the government, as if America is simultaneously the
                   ika, me & András                              Wild West, Las Vegas and 1984 all at once.
                                                                    These perceptions of America are the latent result of
                                                                 how the American media portrays this country. We must
                                                                 not forget most American TV aired overseas is fiction,
                                                                 but the foreign viewer might not realize that the movies
   • Sampling a range of schnitzel, dumplings and                don’t really capture ordinary American life.
sausages in the Germany pavilion at EPCOT, my brother               Many Hungarians over the age of 50 who live 100
and I reached a consensus that, in general, Hungarian            miles or more from Budapest have not visited the Dan-
food tends to be much better here in America than in the         ube. One cousin (who is a bit older than my apa) visited
homeland. In our opinion, other than for fine pastries           Budapest for the first time ever when she accompanied
(not including Farkas Pastry) and goose liver products,          the younger family members to pick up my parents
the basic staples of Hungarian food are much more                at the Viking River Cruise dock next to the Széchenyi
palatable here in the states. The quality, freshness and         Bridge. So, getting older Hungarians to visit the States is
variety of raw ingredients available in Hungary general-         often difficult due to the long distance they must travel
ly falls short of what is available in the U.S. Aside for the    to get here.
luxuriant dishes in the finest restaurants or best family           My anya added how it is much harder for her to travel
kitchens in Csót, most versions of the typical Hungarian         to Budapest now compared to 10 years ago. She could
staples seem anemic in comparison to their American              only imagine how someone who has never left Hungary
counterparts.                                                    or flew on a plane could fathom what a 4,000-mile flight
   This led us into a chicken-and-egg-type argument: are         would be like. It’s a lot easier for a person who has trav-
the American renditions of Hungarian culinary staples            eled such distances before to endure a long international
improvements on the original? Is eating American-made            excursion because they know what to expect. The uncer-
Hungarian food akin to watching an old classic film in           tainty of being in unfamiliar territory for those with little
high resolution, re-mastered glory? Or, are the American         or no such history is a big factor in travel.
versions merely deviations from the original models,                I suppose that’s what many people come to enjoy
tweaked and twisted to meet the requirements of the              about Disney: they can experience a touch of the new
unique American palate? I suppose it is a bit of both.           and exciting in the comfortable (if humid) environs of
That said, the best gulyás I’ve ever had has always been         not-too-distant central Florida.
the one prepared in my home kitchen. But, doesn’t every             It has been a month since my family visited Florida,
would-be chef say the same?                                      and it was a phenomenal experience. I pray we can do
   • As you probably guessed, EPCOT is my favorite               this family group activity again, perhaps a Christmas-
park at Disney World. On the last night of our trip, my          time journey to Hungary (or Disney).
family chatted about the parks we had experienced and               Until next time,
how this trip compared with others. Besides annual trips
to Hungary, my parents do not really get outside of Ohio                      Éljen Amerikai-Magyar!
all too often. We talked about the scale of the U.S., and                     Long Live the American-Hungarians!

                                                                              Cseh Tibor, Jr.
how its size alters one’s perspective. Compared to the
U.S., the news coverage in Hungary seems quite com-
prehensive, with evening broadcasts exploring various
stories of local interest in great detail. But, I suppose part
of that is due to the size of Hungary, which is smaller          Tibor Check, Jr., is a member of Branch 28 and an attorney working
than Ohio. For example, how often does local news                in Washington, D.C.

                                                                                               WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º   7
WILLIAMPENN LIFE - A new campaign to feed families in need - Remembering Zsuzsanna Kossuth - William Penn Association
A hero of Hungary’s War for Independence
by Judit Ganchuk
EACH YEAR, WPA remembers the people and events              help--not criticize--the current hospital administrations’
of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849 because the        efforts during the Revolution. She saw first-hand that
old adage is true: “Those who cannot remember the           many hospitals didn’t have enough beds or cots, that
past are condemned to repeat it.” We teach our children     bandages were rudimentary at best and that there just
about the past so they learn from others’ mistakes.         wasn’t enough medicine available. That summer, there
   When discussing the Hungarian Revolution, many           was even a cholera outbreak. She asked civilian women
people recall Lajos Kossuth and his colleagues. But as      to volunteer as nurses and to create bandages for the
March is Women’s History Month, now would be an             injured from linens and pillowcases. It seemed too little
appropriate time to remember the role of one of the         too late.
women involved in the Revolution against the Austrian          By August 1849, the Hungarians lost the Revolu-
monarchy: Zsuzsanna Kossuth.                                tion to the Austrians, who were aided by the Russians.
   Zsuzsanna Kossuth, Lajos Kossuth’s sister, could be      Zsuzsanna tried leaving Hungary with her family and
considered the Clara Barton of her time. Born in Sátoral-   two daughters, but was arrested by the Austrians for
jaújhely, Hungary, in 1817, Zsuzsanna was the               treason. She was found innocent and released, but the
youngest of Lajos’ four sisters. She adored                   authorities continued harassing her. When she was
her older brother. As a young adult, she                        arrested a second time in 1851, the United States
assisted in proofreading the newspaper                           intervened on her behalf, and managed to have her
that Lajos established. In 1841 at age 24,                       released on the condition that she never return to
she married Rudolf Meszlényi (whose sis-                         Hungary. Painfully aware of what little choice she
ter Teresa married Lajos). Zsuzsanna and                         had, she decided to flee to the U.S. where she later
Rudolf had three children, but sadly, Rudolf                        		                 died of a lung disease, most
died of pneumonia before he could meet                                                  likely tuberculosis, in 1854.
his third child and namesake, Rudolf.                                                         Though she is not cel-
   The Revolution officially began on                                                       ebrated like her brother at
March 15, 1848, with the Hungarians’                                                        programs commemorat-
demands for independence from the                                                           ing the 1848 Revolution,
Austrian Empire. Battle after battle fol-                                                  Zsuzsanna Kossuth is
lowed.                                                                                    regarded as one of the first
   In April 1849, Lajos appointed Zsu-                                                    leaders of medical workers
zsanna as the chief nurse of all military                                                   and healthcare profession-
hospitals in Hungary--no small task. At                                                      als. There is a handful
that time, many people believed women                                                         of Hungarian nursing
shouldn’t be nurses be-                                                                        schools named after
cause nurses routinely saw                                                                     her and several statues
men without shirts on.                                                                         around Hungary dedi-
Nevertheless, Zsuzsanna                                                                        cated to her patriotism,
was given the respon-                                                                          high morals, hard work
sibility to organize the                                                                         and compassion for
military hospitals,                                                                               her fellow human
and though there                                                                                   being.
was pushback, she
proved herself wor-                                                                                (At left, a ceramic sculp-
thy. She traveled the                                                                             ture of Zsuzsunna Kos-
countryside eager to                                                                             suth tending a wounded
                                                                                              soldier by Judit Jósza)

8   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
Magyar Matters

Florida Magyars to host                                                                               McKeesport club
                                                                                                      to commemorate
annual Hungarian Festival                                                                             events of 1848
DAYTONA BEACH, FL -- Hungar-                                   A special program new to the           McKEESPORT, PA -- The
ians in the Daytona Beach area are                         festival will be movie screenings.         McKeesport Hungarian Social Club
busy making final preparations for                         One film to be presented is “Valami        will host its annual commemora-
the 6th Annual Hungarian Festival, to                      Amerika” (“A Kind of America”), a          tion of the Hungarian War for In-
be held at the end of the month.                           Hungarian comedy released in 2002.         dependence on Sunday, March 15,
   The festival will be held on Satur-                     The movie’s director and co-writer,        at 3:00 p.m. at their Club located
day, March 28, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00                     Gábor Herendi, along with one of           at 3004 Walnut St., McKeesport.
p.m. at the Port Orange Presbyterian                       its stars, Szonja Oroszlán, will be on     Food and refreshments will be
Church, 4662 Clyde Morris Blvd.,                           hand to discuss the film.                  available following the program.
Port Orange. Admission and parking                             The other featured film will be        Please feel free to make a donation
are free.                                                  “Örök tél” (“Eternal Winter”). This        at that time.
   The festival will be a celebration of                   2018 drama tells the story of an              The Club is also making kolbász
all things Hungarian. There will be                        unlikely romance in a Soviet labor         and hurka as a fundraiser. Price
live music, folk dance performances,                       camp. On hand to discuss the film          for either is $5 per pound. Or-
a variety of Hungarian food, spe-                          will be one of its stars, Marian Gera.     ders will be available for pick up
cial screenings of Hungarian-made                              The day’s menu will include gou-       on Wednesday, April 1, from 4:00
movies and many activities for both                        lash soup, chicken paprikás, stuffed       to 7:00 p.m. To place your order,
children and adults.                                       cabbage, sausage and palacsinta.           please call Kathy at 412-664-4042
   Performing traditional and more                         There will also be beer and wine tast-     by March 17.
contemporary Hungarian music will                          ings on site.
be Eletfa, Szandra Mayer and Yano.                             Other activities will include a door
   The Mákviragok Hungarian School                         prize drawing and decorating Easter          If you have information about
will present a program of Hungarian                        eggs.                                        events happening in your local
dance. Guests will also have the op-                           For more information about the           Hungarian community, contact:
portunity to learn some basic Hun-                         festival, log onto www.HungarianFesti-             jlovasz@wpalife.org.
garian dance steps.                                        valDaytonaBeach.com.

        Enjoy even more tastes of Hungary
                                               The Official WPA Cookbooks
    An outstanding
                                                Buy one or both - Different recipes in each book
     collection of

   Treasured                                   A Taste of Hungarian Heaven - $20 per copy
    Recipes                                    A spiral-bound book with 500-plus delicious recipes
          and family

                                                Treasured Hungarian Recipes - $7 per copy
                                                   A collection of 160 classic Magyar recipes
     Fraternal Life
                    Insurance and PA 15233
                                                      Prices include shipping and handling.
                  Road, Pittsburg
    709 Brighton                rg

                                    Make your check payable to “WPFA Scholarship Foundation” and mail to:
                             WPA Cookbook, William Penn Association,709 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15233
                             All proceeds benefit the William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

                                                                                                        WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º    9
Aging Well with Cathy Graham

These kids today are okay
I HEAR IT OFTEN, and yes, I have even said it myself:
what is wrong with kids today? They are on their phones
or gaming most of their waking hours. They sleep late
on the weekends and seem to have zero motivation. The
younger generation has an air of entitlement that is disre-
spectful, and their work ethic is lacking.
   In all fairness, I can remember my grandparents saying
similar things about the teenage me. We are all guilty of
throwing stones at things that we don’t relate to or under-
   Over the past few years, I have been helping 7th grad-
ers understand the importance of wellness. I can tell you
that I have found the majority of them to be awesome
people. By taking the time to sit at a table with a group of                                                       Photo © Can Stock Photo/lisafx

young teens, I have learned more about what makes them
tick. In my opinion, they have a lot to say if you just sit    school and out. I wish that everyone could see what I see
and listen.                                                    in these uncomplicated souls.
   My attitude has changed, from thinking I was the               With most households having both parents working,
teacher to knowing I am the student. The biggest thing         these kids may not get a large dose of family. It is not the
that I have learned is that the world is a lot scarier than    parents’ fault; it is just the way it is.
the one in which I grew up.                                       I love the idea of communities becoming extended fam-
   Despite this, I find our youth to be compassionate,         ily. I think if we focus on finding the good and making
loving and open-hearted people. They are navigating the        connections, the whole world would benefit.
growing up years just like we all did. Even though they           Kids today are the adults of tomorrow. Let’s treat them
seem starkly different than those of us 45 years or older,     with respect and start the conversation. We are wiser, and
they are actually exactly like us.                             they are our future.
   Deep down, they are worried about grades, fitting in
and forming true friendships. Bullying is a huge concern,         Cathy Graham is director of the Graceful Aging Wellness Center
and it dominates their ability to feel safe and secure in      at Bethlen Communities in Ligonier, Pa.

                                                                Same great shirt
      id r
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W how


                                                                That’s right. Our popular Lands’ End® brand,

                                                                100% cotton, short-sleeved polo shirts featuring an
                                                                embroidered William Penn Association logo are now
                                                                ON SALE for ONLY $15. Available in charcoal heather
                                                                grey only, while supplies last...and at this price, they

                                                                won’t last long. So, order yours TODAY!
           Only è                                                Name:

                                                                 City:			                       State:		        Zip:
                                                                 Size (Circle One): Mens S M
                                                                 		                  Womens S M L XL XXL
          Includes                                                    Make check payable to “William Penn Association.”
          Shipping                                               Mail form & check to: Shirt Offer, William Penn Association,
         & Handling                                                        709 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15233

10   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
Food is best when shared, especially when it’s shared with your family. It’s even better if you’re eating
something that you and your family made together! To us, few things are more fun to make together
than bread...and even fewer things smell better than freshly baked bread. The smell of bread bak-
ing in the oven just makes your home smell...well...more like “home.” So, here’s a recipe you and your
family can try together. This takes about two hours to make and yields two loaves of tasty bread. We
like to make our bread a bit “healthier,” so we use half regular flour and half whole wheat flour.
What you need:
• 2 cups warm water (110oF)
• ½ cup white sugar
• 1½ tablespoons active dry yeast
• 1½ teaspoons salt
• ¼ cup vegetable or canola oil
• 5-6 cups flour (depending on how wet
  your kitchen environment is or if it’s
  monsoon season outdoors)
• Tablespoon of melted butter
What you do:
• In a large bowl, dissolve the sugar in warm water and then stir in yeast. Allow to proof until yeast
  resembles a creamy foam, about 5 minutes.
• If you have an electric mixer, mix salt and oil into the yeast. Mix in flour one cup at a time.
• Knead dough for 7 minutes (use the dough hook on your mixer). Place in a well-oiled bowl, and turn
  dough to coat. Cover with a damp cloth or kitchen towel. Allow to rise until doubled in bulk, about
  1 hour.
• Punch dough down. Knead for 1 minute and divide in half. Shape into loaves and place into two
  greased 9×5 inch loaf pans. Allow to rise for 30 minutes, or until dough has risen 1 inch above pans.
• Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. You can check this by using a thermometer – bread is done
  when it reaches between 190-200 degrees F.
• Cool for 15 minutes, brush with butter and enjoy!

Let’s build up our community on Facebook by sharing your photos with us @WPALife #wpalife !
Recipe courtesy of : https://butterwithasideofbread.com/homemade-bread/
Kidz Illustration © Can Stock Photo Inc./lenm • Photo © Can Stock Photo Inc./goce

                                                                                    WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º   11
Branch News

            Branch 14
          Cleveland, OH
by Richard E. Sarosi                                                              Next Deadline
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We wish                                        All articles & photographs for the April issue
the gift of blarney and many Irish
blessings to our members and                                                  of William Penn Life are due in our
friends. Have a memorable day.                                                office by March 9. If you have any
  May your memories bring joy,                                           questions, please contact John E. Lovasz
  And your evenings bring peace.
  May your worries grow less,                                               toll-free at 1-800-848-7366, ext. 135.
  As your blessings increase.
 			             – An Irish Blessing
    Branch 14 members and friends       exciting year in Cleveland, Ohio.          niversary wishes are being sent out
 handled the January cold of Cleve-         And always check the latest issue      to all of our branch members, Home
 land just fine when they attended      of William Penn Life and the WPA           Office staff and our WPA members
 the Jan. 22 performance of the         website --www.wpalife.org--for infor-      who are celebrating a March/April
 Broadway hit Jersey Boys at Play-      mation on events and activities in         birthday and/or anniversary. May
 house Square. The play tells the       the Hungarian community.                   our members be blessed with many
 story of Frankie Valli and the Four        Please support the Hungarian           more celebrations.
 Seasons. We traveled down memory       churches, clubs and organizations             For each petal on the shamrock,
 lane and through their career with     in your local communities that still          This brings a wish your way;
 their many hit records, such as        continue our Hungarian customs,               Good health, good luck, and
“Begging,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Off      activities, traditions, music and food.    		 happiness
You,” “Dawn,” “Walk Like a Man,”        It is equally important to attend their       For today and every day.
“Big Girls Don’t Cry” and so many       functions with open wallets. If these       			              – An Irish Blessing
 more. Everyone enjoyed singing         events no longer take place, it is
 along to their many songs. The Four                                                  Please remember to keep in touch
                                        because you failed to support them.
 Seasons were inducted into Cleve-                                                 with someone you haven’t seen or
                                        Once we lose the activities and
 land’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in                                              talked with in a long time. Don’t
                                        events which our ancestors brought
 1990.                                                                             miss this opportunity. Pick up the
                                        to America to teach us about our
    Branch 14 meetings resume                                                      phone and plan a visit. Remember
                                        rich Hungarian heritage, we will not
 Wednesday, March 4, at 7:00 p.m. in                                               those who are in hospitals, rehabili-
                                        be able to bring them back.
 the Bethlen Hall of The First Hun-                                                tation facilities and extended care fa-
                                            The William Penn Fraternal Asso-
 garian Reformed Church, 14530 Al-                                                 cilities; they love to have visitors and
                                        ciation Scholarship Foundation also
 exander Road, Walton Hills. Branch                                                the opportunity to talk to friends.
                                        needs your continued support. If
 14 adult members and adult guests      you or your child was a recipient of
 are welcome to attend. Please mark     a WPA scholarship, please consider                    Branch 18
 you calendars for future meetings to   making a donation and “paying it
 be held on April 1 and May 6 at the                                                       Lincoln Park, MI
                                        forward.” A donation is also a great
 same time and location.                way to celebrate family and friends        by Barbara A. House
    Also, mark your calendars for       having special events, or as a memo-       Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We are all
 these activities:                      rial tribute. This is how we keep the
    • Hungarian Heritage Night with                                                a little Irish on March 17. Have fun
                                        Scholarship Foundation growing             and be safe.
 the Lake County Captains at Classic    year after year. Your donations are
 Park in Eastlake, Ohio on Saturday,                                                  I arrived home from Florida to
                                        a gift that makes a difference to our      attend the much-anticipated White
 June 6.                                students and keeps on giving.
    • The Cleveland Hungarian                                                      Rose Ball on Feb. 1. The Hungarian
                                            We want to remember those WPA          Arts Club always does a magnificent
 Cultural Garden Liszt Concert and      members who have passed away or
 Statue Unveiling to be held on Sun-                                               job in making the night so special.
                                        may have recently lost a loved one.           Special congratulations go to
 day, June 28.                          May they all rest in peace.
    Additional Hungarian activi-                                                   Branch 18 member and debutante
                                            Get well wishes are being sent         Rebecca Dear. Rebecca is the grand-
 ties in the Cleveland area are being   to all of our members and friends
 planned for 2020. As groups, clubs                                                daughter of Eleanor Kender, who
                                        who might be feeling under the             passed away a short time ago. I
 and churches announce their dates      weather, dealing with health issues
 and release more information, we                                                  know Eleanor was there in spirit.
                                        or recovering from a surgery. Please          We will resume our branch meet-
 will share it with you. Always be      keep them all in your prayers and
 sure to check with the group spon-                                                ings on April 15. Ursula Markovits
                                        thoughts.                                  has graciously promised to pre-
 soring the activity for any changes        Happy birthday and happy an-
 in date and time. It looks to be an                                               pare a welcome dinner. Thank you,

12   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
Branch News
Ursula. Whatever she prepares will             must always remember you are                Office for offering supporting pro-
be greatly appreciated. I hope it’s            braver than you believe, stronger           grams which allow our branches
stuffed cabbage. We will meet at               than you seem and smarter than you          to help those in need in our com-
6:00 p.m. at the Hungarian Ameri-              think. Thank you, Father Barnabas.          munities. Branch 28 extended help
can Cultural Center. Please remem-                My cell phone is always with me.         to three local charities during the
ber to bring items for animals in              Call me anytime at 313-418-5572.            holiday season.
need.                                             Think spring!                               Best wishes go out to John Toth
   Happy March birthday to Joyce                                                           and Dora McKinsey on their retire-
Nicholson, Joan Rectenwald, Cassie                                                         ment from WPA. They have both
Holmes, Andy McNelis, David
                                                           Branch 28                       been with the Association for many
Kozak, Ursula Markovits and Tom                        Youngstown, OH                      years, serving it with love and dedi-
House, my husband and Abbie’s                                                              cation. You will truly be missed by
                                               by Kathy Novak
daddy. We love you lots!                                                                   all the friends you’ve made through-
   Get well wishes go out to all who            Wishing all our readers the luck of        out the years.
have been ailing, especially Jim Rob-           the Irish as we celebrate St. Patrick’s       On Jan. 25, the Collegiate Men’s
ertson. Wow, you really did great.              Day.                                       Bowhunters held their national
Sure hope you continue to improve                  The Youngstown American                 competition in Lancaster, Pa. Par-
every day. Special get well wishes              Hungarian Federation will host its         ticipants traveled from all over the
also go out to Doris and George Sch-            annual commemoration of the Hun-           country to compete. Placing third
varckopf, Tamás Markovits, Ursula               garian 1848 War of Independence            was Austin Schauer, son of Randy
Markovits, Carol Truesdell and Tom              on Sunday, March 15, beginning             and Carol Schauer and grandson of
House. We hope you are all better               at 2:30 p.m. at the Aut Mori Grotto        Frank and Maria Schauer. What a
soon.                                           Hall, 563 N. Belle Vista Ave. The          great achievement! Congratulations!
   I returned to Florida following the          program will allow us to remember             And congratulations to all those
White Rose Ball. I just didn’t want to          the people and events of that time         celebrating a birthday or anniver-
take a chance on the ice in Michigan            through traditional poems, music           sary this month.
and fall. Thank you to all who have             and a featured speaker. A social              Get well wishes go out to all those
been concerned. I love you all.                 with light refreshments will follow        feeling under the weather. The flu
   Please remember our deceased                 the program.                               bug this year has really made a pest
members and their families in your                 What a wonderful tradition the          of itself. Special healing thoughts go
prayers. May they rest in peace.                Hungarian Arts Club of the Detroit         out to Jim Robertson, Barbara House,
   A while back, a Hungarian-speak-             area maintains by holding the an-          Ernie Sarosi, Theresa Ference, Marie
ing woman contacted me about                    nual White Rose Ball. Great detail         McBride, Irene Devlin, Margaret
surgery. I cannot find your number.             goes into preparing the debutantes         Maty and Melissa Pepin.
Please call me again.                           and their escorts for the evening.            We extend our deepest sympathy
   My thought for the month: You                The guest of honor this year was           to all those who have recently lost a
                                                Elizabeth Szabó-Vos, who we con-           love one.
                                                gratulate for all she has done within         For information about Branch 28
                                                             the Hungarian com-            activities or WPA life insurance and
                                                             munity throughout the         annuities, please call either Kathy at
                                                             United States. An honor       330-746-7704 or Alan at 330-482-9994.
                                                                The meal was excel-
                                                             lent, and Harmonia pro-                 Branch 34
                                                             vided wonderful music                  Pittsburgh, PA
                                                             to fill the hall. The dance
                                                             floor was full for every      by Marguerite McNelis
                                                             selection they played.        Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
                                                                Visiting Holy Cross           Daylight Saving Time begins on
                                                             Church always rounds          Sunday, March 8. Don’t forget to
                                                             out the weekend. It’s al-     move your clock ahead one hour.
                                                             ways a pleasure visiting      Punxsutawney Phil said that spring
                                                             with the WPA friends          is right around the corner!
                                                             we have in Michigan.             Please take a moment and pray
                                                                We look forward to         for all our service men and women,
                                                             all the upcoming WPA          especially those in harm’s way.
                                                             fraternal events. Make           Branch 34 joined with Branch 352
                                                             sure to mark your cal-        for WPA’s new FEED 134 campaign.
                                                             endars and get your res-      We gave bags filled with grocery
WPA Chair of the Board Kathy Novak (left) and former Chair ervations in and make           items to St. Stephen’s Fishes and
Barbara House congratulate debutante and WPA member          plans to attend.              Loaves Cooperative Ministries, a
Rebecca Dear during the White Rose Ball in Dearborn, Mich.      Thanks to the Home         non-profit organization that gives

                                                                                             WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º   13
Branch News
food to people in need. Thank you            We wish a safe return home for
so much Dianne Charles for the            all those in the military serving over-
great bags. A lot of work went into       seas.
each and every bag, and it showed!           Need assistance with life insur-
The recipients were very apprecia-        ance or annuities? Call Alan Szabo at
tive and couldn’t thank us enough.        330-482-9994.
We are always happy to be included           Don’t forget to change the batter-
in such endeavors with Branch 352.        ies in your smoke detectors March 8
   A special “happy birthday” to our      when Daylight Saving Time begins.
great-niece Rhiannon, our nephew          Stay safe!
Bob Healy III, and great friend Becky
Williams. May you have many more.
Extra special birthday wishes go to
                                                     Branch 89
my husband Andy. Love you very                     Homestead, PA
much. Birthday wishes go out to all
                                          by Lisa S. Toth-Maskarinec
branch members celebrating their
birthdays. We hope that you all are       Cheer up, everyone; it won’t be
happy and healthy.                        snowing too much longer. It can’t.
   Our thoughts and prayers are           Punxsutawney Phil said so.
with everyone experiencing health            Branch 89 is sad to report the re-
issues.                                   cent deaths of two of our long-time
   Please remember our deceased           members, Mary Ann Mach and Vera
members in your prayers.                  S. Recktosh. Mary Ann’s husband,
   If you have any news you would         Ken, participated in our golfing out-
like to share, please contact Margue-     ing last August while battling Stage      Deacon Tom Berna (left) from St. Stephen’s
rite McNelis at 412-421-6031.             4 cancer, and he did it with a smile.     Fishes and Loaves Cooperative Ministries
                                          That’s the caliber of our members:        accepts grocery bags donated by Branches
                                          nothing slows them down.                  34 and 352 from WPA Vice Chair of the
            Branch 44                        Vera was a welcome face at not         Board Andy McNelis.
            Akron, OH                     only our golf outings but any of our
                                          branch events. She was always first
by Elizabeth Darago                       on the scene to ask what she could        do get your messages. If you don’t
March heralds the start of Spring         do to help. She was a great event co-     want to leave a phone message,
(March 19) and basketball madness.        ordinator. Her spirit will be greatly     email me at tothmaskarinec@gmail.
It’s an active month, coming in like a    missed.                                   com. We have set up a FedEx ac-
lion and going out like a lamb.              We ask God to be with Mary             count to handle shipping.
    Your branch officers remind all       Ann’s and Vera’s families in the             Our branch will be present at the
members that we accept donations          months ahead.                             Steel Valley Rotary Annual Dinner
for food baskets and any other               Get well wishes continue to go         Dance on March 28. It will be held
branch activities (like Bags of Hope)     out to Branch Vice President Mark         at St. John’s Cathedral on West Run
all during the year. You can drop         S. Maskarinec who will be facing          Road in Munhall and promises to be
them off at any officer’s residence.      additional eye surgery in the next        a good time. Call me if you’d like to
Call me at 330-604-1264 for the loca-     month. First, he will have cataract       attend.
tion nearest you.                         surgery, then strabismus surgery...or        Plans are under way for another
    Our first meeting of the year will    vice versa. We look forward to the        chef’s tasting. This one will transport
be on Saturday, March 7, at 4:00          time when your vision will be back        us to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
p.m. at McDonald’s on East Market         to 100 percent.                           Price will be $30 per person and
Street and I-76. If you have any sug-        Get well wishes continue to go         will include wine and a complete
gestions for branch activities in 2020,   to members and friends Jim Find-          meal. We are debating whether to
please call me at 330-604-1264. If I’m    ley, Fred Gabocy, Irene Gyongyosy,        have the chef’s tasting on a Friday
not able to answer, please leave me       Colleen Wrobleski, Rudy and Janet         or Saturday evening or after church
a message, including your name and        Phillips, Dianne and Bob Schneider        on Sunday. Any opinions? If any of
phone number. If you’d like to at-        and John Toth. Come on, folks; get        you have been to any of the previous
tend the meeting, please call and let     better! We need to see all of you up      chef tastings at Butler’s, we know
me know so we can get a table big         and around and soon. This list is         you won’t be disappointed. Chef Al
enough to accommodate everyone.           starting to get way too long.             would like to have this one before
    Happy times to all members cel-          We still have authentic kolbász        Mark’s upcoming eye surgery. Call
ebrating happy times!                     and hot sausage for sale, and we          me for further details.
    Get well wishes go out to those       will ship. Call Mark or me at 412-           Let’s not forget, we still gather for
feeling under the weather.                872-5022 and leave us a message.          Hungarian Night at Dorothy 6 Blast
    We extend condolences to those        Or, you can leave a message on the        Furnace Café in Homestead on the
who have lost someone dear.               church voice mail 412-461-1184. We        last Friday of the month. The last

14   º March 2020 º WILLIAM PENN LIFE
Branch News
                                                                                           ing fresh picked vegetables. Lecsó
                                                                                           always tastes better when you pick
                                                                                           the tomatoes (paradicsom) and pep-
                                                                                           pers (paprika) fresh from the garden.
                                                                                           Cucumber salad (uborka saláta) with
                                                                                           garlic (fokhagyma) in vinegar (ecet) is
                                                                                           a summer staple for my family. I am
                                                                                           getting hungry for Hungarian food.
                                                                                           Let’s eat!
                                                                                              The next Branch 132 meeting will
                                                                                           be held on Tuesday, March 3, at
                                                                                           the Martin’s Supermarket Deli in
                                                                                           Erskine Plaza (first floor) on Ireland
                                                                                           Road, South Bend at 5:00 p.m. We
                                                                                           will begin planning the 2020 sum-
                                                                                           mer picnic. The tentative date is
                                                                                           either July 19 or July 26 and will be
                                                                                           based on availability. Stay tuned as
                                                                                           more information will follow.

The members of Branch 89 were saddened by the recent deaths of two of their fellow long-             Branch 189
time branch members, Mary Ann Mach (left) and Vera Recktosh.                                         Alliance, OH
                                                                                           by Rhonda Mobley
one on Jan. 31 was lots of fun and              preserving this wonderful Hungar-          Welcome, March, and greetings
great food. Come enjoy a wonder-                ian event. Congratulations to all the      from Branch 189 in Alliance, Ohio!
ful meal and bask in the wonderful              lovely debutantes. We had a great          We sure have been blessed with a
relaxing atmosphere, with music                 time seeing old friends and making         mild winter this year here in north-
provided by George Batyi and his                new ones.                                  eastern Ohio, but it’s wonderful to
orchestra.                                         Our next branch meeting will be         hear the word “March.” We know it
   Take care and do something nice              held on Tuesday, March 3, at Plank’s       won’t be much longer!
for someone. Remember, it takes less            Café, 743 Parsons Ave., Columbus,              On Dec. 8, our branch held its
energy to smile and have a positive             beginning at 4:30 p.m. Please plan         annual children’s Christmas party,
attitude than be negative. And you              on attending to discuss activities for     always one of my personal favorites.
will feel better doing so.                      the coming year. If you can’t make it,     We started with a DJ playing Christ-
                                                please call me with your input.            mas music to set the mood, along
                                                   We congratulate all those cele-
           Branch 129                           brating birthdays, anniversaries and
                                                                                           with a kid-friendly lunch of chicken
          Columbus, OH                                                                     nuggets, hot dogs, french fries, pret-
                                                additions to their families.               zels, chips, cookies and cupcakes.
                                                   Get well wishes go out to all who           After lunch, we were entertained
by Debbie Lewis
                                                have been ill or hospitalized. Hope        by a magician, face painting and a
Greetings to all from Columbus,                 all have a speedy recovery.
Ohio.                                                                                      balloon animal artist. Next came the
                                                   We extend our sincere sympathy          long-awaited visit from Santa him-
   Hope this month finds everyone               to all those who recently lost a loved
in good health and spirits. Winter                                                         self. Santa spent time with each child,
                                                one.                                       listening patiently to their wish lists,
has finally arrived here with the cold             For your life insurance and annu-
and snow. I can’t wait for the spring                                                      taking photos and giving each child
                                                ity needs, or if you have any news to      a special present. We had over 50 in
weather to get here.                            share in these articles, please contact
   Special days in March include                                                           attendance. An amazing time was
                                                Debbie Lewis at 614-875-9968 or            had by young and old alike.
the beginning of Daylight Saving                email DAL9968@aol.com.
Time (March 8--don’t forget to turn                                                            Special thanks to all the “elves”
your clocks forward one hour), the                                                         who help make this such a special
anniversary of the 1848 Hungarian                          Branch 132                      event each year. The smiles on the
War of Independence (March 15),                           South Bend, IN                   children’s faces was worth all the
St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) and the                                                       effort.
first day of spring (March 19).                 by John E. Burus                               On Dec. 14, it was the adults
   I attended the annual White                  Spring is right around the corner,         turn to party. We, of course, had
Rose Ball on Feb. 1 at the beautiful            and, thankfully, the winter has been       another incredible food spread: I
Dearborn Inn in Dearborn, Mich. I               mild here in the Midwest. As we            mean, what’s a party without it? We
would like thank the members of the             spring forward again with Day-             had sloppy joes, seven-layer taco
Hungarian Arts Club of Detroit for              light Saving Time, we get closer           dip, macaroni salad, potato salad, a
all of their hard work in hosting and           to planting the garden and enjoy-          veggie tray and cheese and crackers

                                                                                              WILLIAM PENN LIFE º March 2020 º   15
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