It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.

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It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
It’s been a
             long-lasting affair, and
             it’s getting more intense.
Volume Seventeen, Number Nine • • September 2020

                                                                           ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:
                                                                           PayPal’s QR Code Quest
                                                                           Insecurity Online
                                                                           Open Banking’s Friends
                                                                           Real Time’s Reality Check
It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.

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It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.

    Why Wall Street Loves Payments                                                                                                                          24
    Shift4 Payments dazzled the payments industry and Wall Street with its June initial public
    offering. What do recent processor IPOs say about the prospects for payments companies?

THE GIMLET EYE               Wall Street And the Payments Biz                                                                                                         4

TRENDS & TACTICS                                                                                                                                                      6
PayPal Plots a New                          Senator Durbin Rides Again                  Not Just Volume, But the                    FedNow Sticks to Its Plan
POS Course                                  Merchants are complaining                   Right Kind of Volume                        Last year, the Fed said it
                                            about PIN-debit routing.                                                                would debut its real-time
QR codes were once seen                                                                 Newly public Shift4 wants
                                            The author of the Durbin                                                                network in 2023 or 2024.
as exotica. Now PayPal is                                                               to move more volume
                                            Amendment wants answers                                                                 One coronavirus later, it still
bringing them to major U.S.                                                             from its gateway business
                                            from Visa and Mastercard.                                                               says 2023 or 2024.
chains, starting with CVS.                                                              to its more lucrative
                                                                                        end-to-end platform.
                                 Plus, Security Notes argues that digital cash could be the key to a renewal of capitalism;
                 and Payments 3.0 considers how long the payments industry will have to live with the effects of Covid-19.

ACQUIRING                                      15                                                                    NETWORKS                                       32
Is This the New Online Normal?                                                                                       Fast Thinking for Faster Payments
As merchants, consumers, and                                                                                         For financial institutions of all
payments providers wrestle with                                                                                      sizes, real-time transfers are likely
the Covid-19 pandemic, one thing                                                                                     to be a competitive necessity. But
is certain: Online fraudsters are as                                                                                 small banks must work out how to
relentless—and opportunistic—as ever.                                                                                balance operational headaches with
                                                                                                                     potential advantages.

                                                          STRATEGIES                                     20          ENDPOINT                                       38
                                                          Open Banking And Its Friends                               Why Signatures Won’t Go Away
                                                          Big moves by Visa and Mastercard                           The networks stopped requiring
                                                          have thrust data aggregators into                          signatures on receipts two years ago.
                                                          the spotlight just as the focus of                         Something else is keeping them alive.
                                                          payments is expanding and the
                                                          aggregation model is modernizing.                          Cover Illustration: Jason Smith,

Digital Transactions (USPS 024-247) is published monthly by Boland Hill Media LLC, 800 Roosevelt Road, Building B, Suite 212, Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137. Periodicals Postage
Paid at Glen Ellyn, IL, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Digital Transactions, P.O. Box 493, Northbrook, IL 60065-3553.

2      DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                                                           CONTENTS
It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
SEPTEMBER 2020 • VOL. 17, NO. 9

WALL STREET AND                                                                    PUBLISHER Robert A. Jenisch

THE PAYMENTS BIZ                                                                   EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John Stewart
                                                                                   SENIOR EDITOR, DIGITAL
                                                                                   Kevin Woodward
AS WE LOOK AT THE NUMBERS at precisely 3:15 p.m. Eastern Time on                   Jim Daly, Peter Lucas
Aug. 17, most of the payments and payments-related stocks we track are up          ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION EDITOR
for the day. Indeed, out of a basket of some 17 stocks, only four are down—        Jason Smith
and there’s still part of the afternoon left. Some, like Adyen, Apple, eBay,       EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
Green Dot, Mastercard, PayPal, Shift4, and Square, are at, over, or very near,     Eula L. Adams
                                                                                   John Elliott
their highs for a year in which a pandemic has ravaged most businesses.
                                                                                   Alex W. “Pete” Hart
   Jim Daly’s cover story, starting on page 24, explains this shouldn’t come       Former Chief Executive Officer,
as a surprise. “The publicly traded payments companies have done better            Mastercard International
than the broader market for years,” he says. Indeed, as he points out, one         William F. Keenan
                                                                                   President, De Novo Corp.
hundred dollars invested early in 2011 in a basket of more than 25 payments
                                                                                   Dr. Gideon Samid
stocks tracked by The Strawhecker Group would have been worth $670 by the          Chief Technology Officer,
first quarter this year, a 22% compounded average annual return. The same          AGS Encryptions Ltd.
investment in the S&P 500, by contrast, would have yielded $234.                   DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING
   The love affair on Wall Street shows no signs of abating. In fact, the infat-   Robert A. Jenisch, 877-658-0418
uation only grows more intense. Jim points to the example of one of the
                                                                                   ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES
most recent IPOs, that of Shift4 Payments Inc. Priced by its underwriters          Robert Mitchell, 877-658-0418, x7
in the low $20s, the processor’s stock debuted in early June as if shot out of
a cannon and closed the first day at $33.54. By mid-August, the shares were        Rob Akert, 877-658-0418, x6
brushing against $50. Two factors explain its success so far: investors appre-
ciate its growing share of the vital restaurant business, and the big processor    Digital Transactions, Digital Transactions News,
                                                                                   and are publications of
mergers last year made Shift4 and other players more visible to prospective        Boland Hill Media LLC, 800 Roosevelt Road,
                                                                                   Suite B212, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
clients by reducing the ranks of competitors.
                                                                                   John Stewart, Managing Director
   Clearly, Covid-19 isn’t damping demand for payments stocks. Another             Robert A. Jenisch, Managing Director
example is Green Dot, which got its start in prepaid products and now flexes       For advertising information, call
a highly successful strategy centered on a bank it acquired in 2010. Dan           877-658-0418. To subscribe or
                                                                                   give us a change of address, go to
Henry, who took over as CEO early this year, made it plain from day one that and click on
                                                                                   “Subscriber Care” or call 847-559-7599.
the bank is key to Green Dot’s future. The market agrees. The stock opened
                                                                                   The views expressed in this publication are
the year at $23.30 and by mid-August had climbed to the mid-$50s.                  not necessarily those of the editors or of the
                                                                                   members of the Editorial Advisory Board.
   We are not in the business of recommending stocks, nor do we intend             The publisher makes reasonable efforts to
to get into that game. The shares of any of the companies mentioned in             ensure the timeliness and accuracy of its
                                                                                   content, but is not engaged in any way in
this column could plunge tomorrow and stay in the basement for months.             offering professional services related to
                                                                                   financial, legal, accounting, tax, or other
Our point is only to say that, to the extent the collective wisdom of stock        matters. Readers should seek professional
markets matters, the payments business appears to be on a solid footing            counsel regarding such matters. All content
                                                                                   herein is copyright © 2020 Boland Hill Media
despite the buffeting of pandemics, economic shocks, and the inevitable            LLC. No part may be reproduced without the
                                                                                   express written permission of the publisher.
regulatory interventions.                                                          Subscription prices: $59/year for subscribers
                                                                                   in the United States; $69/year for Canadian
  John Stewart, Editor |                              subscribers. All other subscribers, $119/year,
                                                                                   payable in U.S. currency.

It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
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It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
trends & tactics

PayPal Holdings Inc. has made big           The move comes as the months-          of QR codes for payment, Schul-
plays for the physical point of sale     old coronavirus pandemic has              man said. The effort includes talks
before, but late in July the San Jose,   left hordes of consumers wary of          with payment networks and termi-
Calif.-based company unveiled            touching payment cards or key-            nal providers “to distribute our QR
what could be its biggest strategy       pads. Such widespread caution has         codes,” he added. “It’s not just about
yet to capture transactions at the       opened an opportunity for rapid           touchless payment, it’s rewards,
cash register.                           development of a QR strategy as           offers, messaging. We think the
   Top executives said an arrange-       part of the PayPal wallet, Schulman       economics over the medium term
ment under way with CVS Pharmacy         said. “QR codes are a key strategic       are quite positive for us.”
to run PayPal and Venmo transac-         priority for us,” he told the ana-           The thrust for QR code capa-
tions on Quick Response (QR) codes       lysts. “It’s critical for driving daily   bility follows an initiative PayPal
will roll out to all 8,000 CVS stores    use. We will make the investments         launched in May to bring the tech-
by the end of the year. Already, Pay-    we have to.”                              nology to small-scale sellers as part
Pal has deployed QR codes for pay-          Besides CVS, PayPal is working         of its mobile app. The company at
ments in some 28 countries, chief        with more than 100 “enterprise”           the time attributed the move to con-
executive Dan Schulman told equity       merchants in the U.S. and European        sumer and business fears of infec-
analysts on a conference call.           markets to introduce acceptance           tion in the midst of the pandemic.

SELLERS STOCK UP ON PAYPAL                                  (Merchant volume in billions)

2016                      $300
2017                                                                    $393
2018                                                                                     $512
2019                                                                                                            $649
       Source: PayPal

6    DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                         TRENDS & TACTICS
It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
QR codes have proven quite pop-
ular in markets like China, where
                                          pandemic that is wrecking many
                                          world economies. Indeed, by the         SENATOR DURBIN
                                                                                  RIDES AGAIN
the big mobile-payments services          end of June it had enjoyed what it
Alipay and WeChat Pay depend on           called the “strongest” quarter in its
them. In these deployments, as well       22-year history.
as in the PayPal program for small           Active accounts reached 346          U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin and a Ver-
merchants, sellers display the code       million, up 21% year-over-year,         mont Congressman said this sum-
for buyers to scan with their smart       including 26 million merchant           mer they want the Federal Reserve
phone. The scan triggers the trans-       accounts. This total also includes      to look into what they say are efforts
action and movement of funds to           21.3 million net new active             by debit card issuers “aided by the
the seller’s account.                     accounts, up fully 137%. Pay-           dominant card networks” to pre-
    But the codes haven’t gained a        ment volume totaled $222 billion,       vent PIN-debit networks from get-
foothold in the U.S. beyond efforts       exceeding the year-ago number by        ting a bigger share of booming card-
to equip popular American chains          30% on a foreign-exchange-neutral       not-present payment volumes.
to serve Chinese tourists. Other          basis, and topping $200 billion for         “The Federal Reserve should
major companies, though, may be           the first time in the company’s his-    consider appropriate enforcement
seeing potential. Apple Inc. report-      tory. Revenue reached $5.26 billion,    action and policy responses to cor-
edly was testing QR codes for Apple       a 25% year-over-year increase on        rect any such anticompetitive incen-
Pay earlier this month, for example.      an FX-neutral basis.                    tives and regulatory violations,” says
    PayPal has not discussed how it          Venmo, PayPal’s popular peer-        a July 24 letter to Federal Reserve
will price QR code transactions for       to-peer payments service, ended         Board Chairman Jerome Powell
big chains like CVS. It hasn’t been       the quarter with more than              signed by Durbin, D-Ill., and U.S. Rep.
so reticent when it comes to small        60 million active accounts. Its vol-    Peter Welch, a Democrat who has
sellers. In its May announcement,         ume totaled $37 billion, up 52%         monitored payment card acceptance
the company said these merchants          as users turned to the product to       issues for at least a dozen years.
would pay 1.9% plus a dime per trans-     move money to each other in the             Although he has been quiet in
action after the expiration at the end    face of the pandemic.                   recent years, Durbin is well-remem-
of July of an introductory free period.                          –John Stewart    bered in the payments business as
    For the first 14 years of its exis-
tence, PayPal stuck with its online-
only payments service. But in 2012
the company began to enlist phys-
ical merchants as it hoped to tap
into the much larger market for
                                               REIMAGINE THE ART OF                                     USAEPAY.COM
point-of-sale transactions.
    At the time, PayPal was still part
                                               TRANSACTION                                    RETAIL   E-COMMERCE   MOBILE

of eBay Inc. But eBay spun off Pay-
Pal to public ownership in 2015. That
same year, PayPal said it planned a
renewed POS thrust with near-field
communication technology in its
digital wallet. Unlike QR codes, NFC
links to point-of-sale readers with
very short-range radio waves.
    Now, as it embarks on its latest
POS gambit, PayPal is register-
ing impressive results despite a

TRENDS & TACTICS                    7
It's been a long-lasting a air, and it's getting more intense.
the sponsor of the so-called Durbin                                extra chore for consumers and a tech-                    reviewing the letter; a Visa spokes-
Amendment to 2010’s sweeping                                       nical hurdle for payments providers.                     person could not be reached.
Dodd-Frank Act. The amendment                                         But issuers have an economic                             The letter raises some of the same
famously regulated the interchange                                 incentive to route transactions to                       issues the Federal Trade Commission
big debit card issuers could receive.                              networks with higher interchange                         began investigating earlier this year.
    But it did more than that. To                                  rates, and Durbin’s letter says if                       An FTC spokesperson declined to
preserve network competition in a                                  they don’t provide bank identifica-                      comment on the status of that probe,
market dominated by Visa Inc. and                                  tion numbers for PINless debit, the                      in which the agency has asked for doc-
Mastercard Inc., the measure also                                  merchant may not have more than                          uments from Visa and Mastercard.
required issuers to make at least                                  one routing option.                                         “I believe there is merit to the
two unaffiliated debit networks                                       Citing estimates from research                        letter,” Anand Goel, chief executive
available to merchants for transac-                                and consulting firm CMSPi, the let-                      of Optimized Payments, an Atlanta-
tion routing. The Fed’s Regulation                                 ter says U.S. merchants could save                       based company that helps clients
II, which took effect in 2011, imple-                              at least $2 billion a year in fees if                    reduce their payment-processing
ments the amendment’s provisions.                                  PINless debit functionality “were                        costs, says in email.
    Now comes Durbin’s letter, which                               made fully available” by having                             But he adds: “I also believe the
argues “intervention may become                                    more transactions routed over the                        smaller PIN-debit networks have
necessary again” because of “what                                  PIN-debit networks instead of the                        been slow to implement PINless
appears to be the anticompeti-                                     Visa and Mastercard networks.                            capabilities. Visa and Mastercard
tive practice of major debit issu-                                    “Because the volume of online                         are happy with the status quo, and
ers refusing to enable PINless debit                               ‘card-not-present’ transactions has                      neither has added [e-commerce] or
functionality on their cards.”                                     increased dramatically during the                        PINless capabilities to their Inter-
    PIN-debit networks, which typi-                                Covid-19 pandemic, the need to                           link and Maestro [debit] networks,
cally have lower interchange rates                                 address obstacles to PINless debit                       respectively, because they know
than Visa and Mastercard, have in                                  competition has grown more urgent,”                      those debit transactions will be
some cases developed PINless options                               the letter says.                                         routed through their ‘credit’ rails. So
in recent years to attract transaction                                A Fed spokesperson declined to                        the inaction by Visa and Mastercard
volume, particularly in e-commerce                                 comment on the letter. A Mastercard                      of not implementing PINless has
payments when entering a PIN is an                                 spokesperson said the company is                         allowed them to reap larger profits.”
                                                                                                                               Goel says a good solution “would
                                                                                                                            be for the Fed to force all issuers to
                                                                                                                            support PINless capabilities. This
                                 MONTHLY MERCHANT METRIC                                                                    would foster a competitive market-
Total Gross Processing Revenue, in Percent                                                                                  place in all channels as the Durbin
                                                                                                                            Amendment had intended.”
Sum of total discount, total transaction fee revenue, and total other fee revenue divided by total volume                      In a statement, NACS, the Alex-
Q2 2019                                                                                                    2.422%           andria, Va.-based trade association
Q3 2019                                                                                                    2.433%           of convenience stores, said “the law
Q4 2019                                                                                                    2.435%           says that there should be a competi-
                                                                                                                            tive market choice of payment net-
Q1 2020                                                                                                    2.436%
                                                                                                                            work on every debit transaction.
Q2 2020                                                                                                    2.347%
                                                                                                                            Unfortunately, Visa, Mastercard, and
Note: This is sourced from The Strawhecker Group’s merchant data                                                            their largest banks have consistently
warehouse of over 3 million merchants in the U.S. market. The ability
to understand this data is important as small and medium-size                                                               tried to undercut competition. We
businesses (SMBs) and the payments providers that serve them are key drivers of the economy.                                appreciate Senator Durbin and Con-
All data are for SMB merchants defined as merchants with less than $5 million in annual card volume.                        gressman Welch’s tireless work.”
Source: The Strawhecker Group © Copyright 2020. The Strawhecker Group. All Rights Reserved. All information as available.
                                                                                                                                                       —Jim Daly

8       DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                                               TRENDS & TACTICS
Shift4 Payments Inc. chose an inter-
esting time to go public. Its initial   END-TO-END TAKES A HIT AT SHIFT4
public offering hit Wall Street in      (Payments volume in billions)
June in the teeth of a raging coro-
navirus pandemic. Last month,                               $5.9                  $6.1               $6.2
that move required the Allentown,         $5.5
Pa.-based processor to lay bare the
plague’s impact on its business as it
conducted its first earnings call.                                                                                     $4.2
   Stay-at-home orders and busi-
ness shutdowns, with tentative          Q2 2019           Q3 2019            Q4 2019               Q1 2020          Q2 2020
                                                                                                                   Source: Shift4
reopenings, clipped the company’s
full-service, lucrative end-to-end      that simply use Shift4 as a gateway              moved clients to online order-
payment volume in the June quarter      to other processors.                             ing. That ratio has since declined
23% year-over-year to $4.2 billion.         Typical gateway merchants fall               to 80%/20%, Lauber said, though
   Things started looking up in         into sectors Shift4 has historically             the company’s introduction of QR
June and July, however, with total      served, including restaurant brands,             codes for contactless payments
payment volumes in July coming          hotels and resorts, casinos, and golf            is helping to buoy the card-not-
in as the second-highest number         courses. These are merchants with                present business.
in the company’s 21-year history,       complex payment needs. “We love                     “When it comes to payments,
chief strategy officer Taylor Lauber    food trucks, but serving food trucks             implementing a QR code solution
told equity analysts on the call. And   is not what makes Shift4 special,” said          is challenging,” Lauber said. Mer-
the pipeline is filling up.             chief executive Jared Isaacman, who              chants appreciated the fact “we
   “Our boarding of new merchants       as a teenager founded the company                were able to push it out,” he added.
never really slowed during the          in his parents’ basement. He noted                  Another burgeoning market,
quarter,” Lauber said. Wall Street      that conversions of gateway clients              executives added, is sports stadi-
got the message. Shift4 began trad-     can be done in 24 hours or less. “All            ums. The company got a big start in
ing publicly June 5 and finished its    the connections are already there,”              that category last month when the
first day at more than $33 per share.   he said. “It can be very, very simple.”          Las Vegas Raiders National Football
By mid-August, that price was flirt-        With the emphasis on converting              League franchise named Shift4 its
ing with $50.                           gateway to end-to-end business,                  official credit card processing com-
   The end-to-end processing por-       the company projects its volume                  pany. “Sports and entertainment is
tion of Shift4’s business accounts      in that sector will not only recover             becoming an important market for
for a relatively small part of total    but grow to between $6.2 billion                 us,” Isaacman noted.
payments volume, with the gate-         and $6.5 billion in the third quar-                 For the quarter, Shift4 logged
way operation providing about           ter, and to between $6.5 billion and             gross revenue, less network fees,
89%, executives said. But they made     $6.9 billion in the fourth.                      of $67.4 million, down 10% year-
it clear they’re set on a strategy to       In the face of the exigencies                over-year. Gross profit came to
expand that number quickly. That’s      forced on payments markets by                    $32.3 million, down 26%. The adjusted
because the company can make as         the pandemic, Shift4 found its                   net loss totaled $14.4 million, com-
much as eight times more gross          card-not-present volume shifting                 pared to $4.4 million in the same
profit from the full-service end-to-    from 15% of total volume in Febru-               quarter in 2019.
end business than from merchants        ary to 40% in April as the company                                     —John Stewart

TRENDS & TACTICS                                              DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                          9
While the Covid-19 pandemic has
raised the issue of speeding stim-
                                                                                               ‘We are
ulus payments and other relief to                                                              committed to
consumers and businesses, the Fed-                                                             interoperability
eral Reserve system is staying with                                                            to ensure nation-
its planned 2023 or 2024 launch date
for its FedNow real-time payment
                                                                                               wide reach.
service, officials said last month in                                                          We can’t do it
an update that came almost exactly                                                             on our own.’
one year after the central bank                                                                 —LAEL BRAINARD, GOVERNOR,
announced the service.                                                                                    FEDERAL RESERVE
    “We look to be on track for
2023 or 2024 but I expect over the      functionality. As for international        interoperability, allowing links to
coming year we will be able to get a    payments, “we need to laser-focus          other faster-payments services
little more precise about when we’ll    on getting the service to function         using the ISO 20022 electronic data
be able to deliver the service,” said   domestically,” she added.                  interchange standard. “We are com-
Kansas City Fed president Esther            At the same time, tokenization         mitted to interoperability to ensure
George, who spoke during a Web          “likely won’t be available in the early    nationwide reach,” Brainard said.
presentation that included Fed          implementation but we are looking at       “We can’t do it on our own.”
governor Lael Brainard and Ken-         it for later,” Montgomery said. Tokeni-        While the launch may be three
neth Montgomery, the Boston Fed         zation replaces live account data with     or four years off, financial institu-
executive who has been heading up       random strings of characters that can      tions should be drawing up plans
the FedNow effort for the past year.    be decoded by participating institu-       now for how they can “serve their
    FedNow, which represents the        tions in an effort to thwart data theft.   customers,” George said.
central bank’s entry into a busi-           Still, while the service may not           “Given how fundamentally dif-
ness that has been served so far        come online soon enough to help            ferent this product is going to be,
by private-sector players such as       distribute federal relief funds,           it’s not too early to start thinking
The Clearing House Payments Co.,        Brainard stressed the importance           about it now,” she added. “What will
is “designing a pilot program as we     of real-time delivery in such emer-        it mean for accounting, operations,
speak,” Montgomery said. The goal       gencies as an alternative to checks        staffing? It will involve hard work
is to recruit participants later this   and debit cards through the mail.          to ensure this platform serves the
year for pilots that could launch           “The pandemic is taking a tre-         country for many years to come.”
early in 2021, he added.                mendous toll on households across              One factor in that planning pro-
    But when what the Fed is now        the country,” she said. “Instant pay-      cess that may be hard to pin down
calling FedNow Instant Payments         ments would allow households to            for some time is cost. “We don’t
launches, it will not include cross-    get instant access to funds rather         have a number right now,” George
border payments or a so-called alias    than waiting for a check to clear.”        said. “We’re still settling on the
capability that would enable, for           From the start, she said, the new      tech strategy, which will determine
example, peer-to-peer payments          service will support fraud tools with      the cost.” Still, she added, pricing
to phone or bank-account num-           parameters set by banks; a liquidity       will be based on a “mature volume
bers, George said. Aliases will come    management tool to enable banks            estimate” and the Fed’s mandate to
“at a later phase,” she noted, as the   to ensure they have sufficient funds       recover its costs.
Fed concentrates on launching core      to support instant settlement; and                               —John Stewart

10     DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                      TRENDS & TACTICS

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MOST OF US WILL OPT TO PAY                                                           prying eyes, not because they are
a higher price at Amazon, which                                                      illegal, but because they expose the
already holds our financial and pri-                                                 payer to ill-wishers.
vate data, rather than pay less and                          Digital cash in its basic form is
expose our data to a merchant with                                                   an extremely cost-effective solution
unknown security practices. The                                                      for this, as BitMint has proven in its
net result is that the megastores        with frequent replacement of                field-test cases. This is because when
keep getting bigger, and newcom-         personal financial data. Concep-            someone pays with digital cash, only
ers are stifled, however innovative,     tually, it amounts to “painting             the cash itself needs to be inspected,
superior, and better-serviced their      data with short-lived colors.” A            not the payer and not the payee. The
products may be.                         computer technique attaches to              authentication apparatus shrinks
   I hear from various craftsmen         account numbers, PINs, and pass-            dramatically, and so does the service
that the coronavirus kept them at        words some extra data not visible           fee. Digital cash can be spent with-
home. They opened an online store,       to the user. This data is stealthily        out an Internet connection, using
but have no way to impress on their      mounted, and stealthily refreshed,          hard wallets (U.S. Patent 10/754,326).
prospective customers that it would      as often as desired. It is short-lived.     The parties pay a fraction of a per-
be safe to surrender their personal      Hence, a thief will be able to abuse        centage point in operational fees.
financial information to such a          his spoils only for a short time            Now, once you tether money (see my
hack-easy home-bound merchant.           before the “colors” are refreshed           book, “Tethered Money”), the cost
   This is a fundamental socio-          (see U.S. Patent 10/395,053).               rises, but so does the service.
economic dilemma. Capitalism is             Think of it. Today a Social Secu-            Imagine the whole world as an
powerful if it invigorates the bot-      rity Number represents a lasting            accessible market. You could buy an
tom tier, not when it broadens the       value for a fraudster. But with this        independent movie directly from the
gap between rich and poor.               coloring technology, the same data          overseas producer. You could buy a
   Technology can help in two con-       will be unusable a week later. The          drawing or a statue you like directly
ceptual modes: making hacking            Social Security Number will not             from a poor artist far away. The
unprofitable and using digital cash.     change. The invisible add-on data           buyer is not dependent on the secu-
   A fence surrounding confiden-         will simply expire.                         rity practices used by the unknown
tial data is only as good and as            This new “data-coloring” tech-           seller. In turn, you could get sensi-
smart as its designers. Naturally,       nology can also prevent phishing            tive advice from an expert who gets
some hackers are smarter than the        because your email client will be           paid without knowing who paid him.
fence builders, and hacking contin-      able to silently and cryptographi-              No doubt, solid, non-speculative,
ues. Now, suppose that the hacked        cally examine the identity of the           quantum-safe, nationally recog-
data is short-lived. Its utility will    sender, and alert you against phish-        nized digital money is promising to
diminish quickly to a degree that it     ing attempts (U.S. Patent 10/733,374).      catapult much-maligned capital-
won’t be worth the effort to steal it.      Beyond security, privacy con-            ism to new heights. History tells us
   A new technology does just            siderations motivate consumers              that bottom-up capitalism works.
that, and without burdening              to use cash, especially for transac-        It is when monopolies emerge that
the customer and the merchant            tions they would rather shield from         the social benefit ebbs.

12     DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                         TRENDS & TACTICS

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COVID-19 HAS CHANGED shop-                                                             balances fell by $76 billion in the
ping and payments behavior, and a                                                      second quarter, according to the
big question facing the industry is:                                                   Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
How long will those changes last?                               As we all emerge from our
   Most conversations about the pan-                                                   Covid-19 shells and return to work-
demic start with, “When things get                                                     places, that will be another inflec-
back to normal.” But all signs point to    pre-Covid levels, and using options         tion point for behaviors as environ-
a new normal rather than a return to a     like curbside pickup long after the         ments change again, Berman says.
pre-pandemic state. While that might       pandemic ends, said Leon Buck,                 Of course, pandemic behaviors
be a disturbing thought, it could lead     the NRF’s vice president of gov-            may have their own aftershocks. In
to improved relationships with cus-        ernment relations, banking, and             May of 2020, the Federal Reserve
tomers and new payments products.          financial services.                         surveyed 2,767 people who had
   Big shifts in daily lives can provide       “Retailers understand their cus-        completed its 2019 Diary of Con-
an opportunity to make big changes.        tomers—everybody wants faster,              sumer Payment Choice to ask how
Kristen Berman, the cofounder of           safer, and easier [shopping expe-           things had changed. Although 63%
Irrational Labs, a behavioral eco-         riences], and they are going to             of consumers said they had not
nomics nonprofit, explains that peo-       accommodate it,” Buck said.                 made an in-person payment since
ple change their habits when their             Berman, who is also a cofounder         March, the average amount of cash
environment changes. The pandemic          of the Common Cents Lab, a Duke             that respondents were storing had
has forced changes—working from            University initiative focused on            nearly doubled from $275 to $534. It
home, for example—so the stage has         financial well-being for low-to-            may be that we will see a spike in
been set for changed habits because        middle-income Americans, said               cash use when people begin making
peoples’ routines have been broken.        now is a good time for payments             in-person payments again, as they
   “When people are able to break          companies to consider new ideas.            will have a lot of cash to use.
out of their normal environments,          People’s lives are disrupted, so they          Payments providers, retailers,
then they can change their habits,”        are in a mindset open to change.            and financial institutions have
Berman says.                                   One area in particular that may be      opportunities to help shape their
   Evidence of such changes can be         ripe for change is financial health.        customers’ behavior. As I have
seen in research from the National             “While it seems like the worst          pointed out in earlier Payments
Retail Federation that found that          time to be pitching people financial-       3.0 columns, many of the problems
58% of retailers said they can accept      health interventions—whether it             that have arisen from the pan-
a contactless card payment in 2020,        be paying down your credit card or          demic are chronic issues that have
up from 40% last year. It also found       changing banks to avoid fees—this           been made acute.
that 69% of retailers said that con-       actually may be a very nice time to do         The uncertainty has given us an
tactless payments had increased            it, because now more than ever peo-         opportunity to make course correc-
since January.                             ple realize that their financial strug-     tions that can lead to a profitable
   Retailers expect that customers         gles could hit them,” Berman said.          future for everyone. But we’ll need
will continue using contactless                This trend may already be               to rise to the challenge and begin
payments, shopping online above            showing up in the data. Credit card         thinking long term.

14     DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                          TRENDS & TACTICS
As merchants,     IF LITTLE ELSE, this year has         more will consumers shop online
                        proven that forecasts are grounded    and how much more fraud will
    consumers, and      only in the moment they are made.     this shopping spree generate. It’s
payments providers      No one could have foreseen in 2019
                        the impact of the Covid-19 virus on
                                                              already known that as e-commerce
                                                              volume increases so does fraud. At
    wrestle with the    the U.S. economy and how it would     least one fraud-prevention vendor
                        alter e-commerce and online fraud.    noted major spikes in attacks in
 Covid-19 pandemic,        Here’s the impact so far. The      the first half of 2020.
one thing is certain:   most recent quarterly data from          Certainly, online-fraud issues
                        the U.S. Census Bureau for the sec-   have intensified in 2020, affected
   Online fraudsters    ond quarter finds that e-commerce     like so much else by the Covid-19
  are as relentless—    sales accounted for 16.1% of
                        all retail sales, or more than
                                                              pandemic. As many states shut-
                                                              tered nonessential businesses and
 and opportunistic—     $211.5 billion. That is much higher   consumers shifted much of their
                        than the 10.8% share in 2019’s sec-   spending to online stores, so, too,
             as ever.   ond quarter, when online sales        did criminals increase their mis-
                        totale $146.4 billion.                deeds. Matters such as account
                           The big questions about            takeovers and a better understand-
BY   KEVIN WOODWARD     e-commerce in 2020 are how much       ing of chargebacks surged to the
                                                              forefront of merchant concerns, if
                                                              they already weren’t there.
                                                                 Long a major issue for merchants
                                                              and payments providers, account
                                                              takeovers further cemented their
                                                              position as the pandemic settled in
                                                              place. “It’s the number-one fraud
                                                              trend we see,” says Jeff Wixted,
                                                              vice president of marketing and
                                                              client solutions at Accertify Inc., an
                                                              online-fraud specialist owned by
                                                              American Express Co. “It’s due to
                                                              data breaches.”
                                                                 The problem worsened as habit-
                                                              ual online shoppers increased their
                                                              spending and consumers who for-
                                                              merly didn’t shop online much
                                                              increased their e-commerce activity.
                                                              Wixted says some Accertify clients

ACQUIRING                                 DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020               15
(Average monthly fraud attempts per U.S. e-commerce retailer, late February through late April)
 Prevented  Successful
                                       Total attempts: 277

2019                        156                                             121
                                                                                                                      Total growth:
                    Growth: -24.4%                                   Growth: 86.8%                                            24.2%

2020                  118                                                           226
                                                   Total attempts: 344
                                                       Source: LexisNexis Risk Solutions 2020 True Cost of Fraud Study/E-Commerce/Retail Report

are experiencing Black Friday or        Program,” Conroy adds. The PPP                      rings to do well with account-
Cyber Monday sales volumes, refer-      program is a small-business funding                 takeover attempts.” Phishing scams
ring to two peak holiday shopping       program from the U.S. government.                   gull online users into giving up key
days online.                               A huge new segment of digital                    credentials like user names and
                                        newbies who may be more suscep-                     passwords.
DIGITAL NEWBIES                         tible to social-engineering scams
                                        could succumb to account-takeover
                                                                                               For some frontline personnel,
                                                                                            rising fraud is already a problem.
Some suggest that account-takeover      attacks, Conroy says. At the same                   “Financial institutions definitely
attacks will grow more numerous,        time, a lot of financial institutions               are contending with more account
especially as the fourth-quarter        have relaxed some of their veloc-                   takeovers,” says Charlotte Ritonya,
holiday season arrives. “We will see    ity rules and dollar limitations on                 vice president of security and
an intensification,” says Julie Con-    services like person-to-person pay-                 fraud, card services, at Brookfield,
roy, research director for Boston-      ments and remote deposit capture                    Wis.-based Fiserv Inc.
based Aite Group’s fraud and anti-      because they want to ensure as few                     “As we shore up the point of sale
money-laundering practice.              customers as possible are inconve-                  with contactless [payments] and
   “We haven’t seen a big spike yet     nienced, she says.                                  EMV, we start to shore up authen-
because the fraudsters have been           Already, she says, “We have seen                 tication,” Ritonya adds. “Account
focused on defrauding unemploy-         an uptick in phishing. All of the                   takeover is not a new event; we’re
ment and the Payroll Protection         ingredients are there for the crime                 just seeing more and more of it.”
                                                                                               As other observers note, the cheap
                                                                                            price of consumer data—information

                       ‘As we shore up the point of sale with                               for the average stolen account sells
                                                                                            for $15.43, according to antifraud spe-
                       contactless [payments] and EMV,                                      cialist Digital Shadows Ltd.—makes
                                                                                            account takeover more widely avail-
                       we start to shore up authentication.’                                able, says Christopher Mascaro,
                                                                                            Fiserv vice president of fraud data
                                    AND FRAUD, CARD SERVICES, FISERV INC.                   and financial crime insights.

16     DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                                 ACQUIRING
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Immediately after the Covid-19                                   Account takeovers
lockdowns went into effect this                                  are ‘the number-one
spring, fraudsters sprang into
action. According to data collected
for its third-quarter Fraud & Abuse
                                                                 fraud trend we see.’
                                                                           —JEFF WIXTED, VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING
Report, San Francisco-based Arkose                                                AND CLIENT SOLUTION, ACCERTIFY INC.
Labs said attack rates on logins
increased 28% in the second quar-
ter. Along with that was a 30% lower
                                        first time, those individuals can be
                                        at higher risk for account-takeover
                                                                                  ‘RIDICULOUS VOLUMES’
attack rate on account registrations    fraud, says Kimberly Sutherland,           Chargebacks also have proven
and a whopping 47% decrease in the      vice president for fraud and iden-         problematic during the pandemic.
attack rate on payments.                tity-management strategy at Lexis-         As online shopping volume has
   Cloud configurations and the         Nexis Risk Solutions, an Atlanta-          increased, so too have chargebacks.
notion of software-as-a-service,        based risk and data-services pro-             “Most of the banks I interviewed
which has contributed positively to     vider. “Less-experienced online            have seen between a two- and three-
ever-increasing decentralization of     users are always going to be at            fold increase in non-fraud disputes
computing capabilities, also have       higher risk,” Sutherland cautions.         in the early months of the pan-
been put to use by criminals.              Some criminals, however, are            demic,” Aite’s Conroy says. This was
   “A couple of years ago, to do        biding their time by creating sleeper      compounded by the fact that many
account takeovers, fraudsters would     accounts. In this scheme, Wixted           banks had offshore call centers that
need teams of people to help,”          says, the criminal creates an account      lacked the infrastructure to adapt
Wixted says. But today, through         and doesn’t necessarily do anything        to a work-from-home environment.
cloud computing, someone could          malicious with it initially. “They cre-       While some issuers have regained
do it all themselves, he says. They     ate them now and let them marinate         control of that, dispute volumes
can efficiently rent the software for   for six to nine months,” he says.          increased as summer travel plans
a period of time and then shut it          These accounts can be spotted           were altered to reflect localized
down, Wixted adds.                      because, as is the case with accounts      Covid-19 resurgence. “The other leg
   The account-takeover problem         for loyalty or rewards programs,           of the stool is that fraudsters rec-
is compounded by constant data          consumers generally don’t create an        ognize that call centers are seeing
breaches leaching usernames and         account and then let it sit unused,        ridiculous volumes,” she says.
passwords, poor password practices,     he says. There’s usually some driver          In the past 12 months, 17% of
and technology advances, Wixted         to use the account, such as snagging       consumers initiated a payment dis-
says, adding: “These make it even       points when booking a trip. Many           pute, says John Buzzard, lead ana-
more impactful when it does happen.”    technology providers can determine         lyst for fraud and security at Pleas-
   Because there are now more con-      an approximate identity on online          anton, Calif.-based Javelin Strategy
sumers going online to shop for the     accounts, such as email addresses.         & Research. “It’s likely this number
                                                                                   is going to increase as a result of
                                                                                   Covid fallout,” Buzzard says.

                        Cheap prices for illicit                                      “Anecdotally,” he adds, “we are
                                                                                   hearing from some major proces-
                        data make fraud all                                        sors that they are seeing an increase
                                                                                   in friendly fraud chargebacks in
                        the more prevalent.
                                 —CHRISTOPHER MASCARO, VICE PRESIDENT OF
                                                                                   the past two months as consumers
                                                                                   have increasingly had buyer’s
                           FRAUD DATA AND FINANCIAL CRIME INSIGHTS, FISERV         remorse and continuing financial

18     DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                               ACQUIRING
uncertainty. This has been differ-             One concern centers on whether              from a fraud perspective, but from
ent than initial disputes centered          online shopping will continue to               an economic standpoint, there may
around undelivered goods—think              outpace prior quarterly sales. In              be more opportunistic fraud,” says
travel—that occurred when lock-             2019, fourth quarter e-commerce                Fiserv’s Ritonya. “There may be
downs first went into effect.”              sales accounted for 11.3% of all U.S.          ways we start to see increases in
    The travel-and-hospitality indus-       retail sales, according to the Census          disputes that are not valid.”
try saw a lot more disputes that            Bureau, up slightly from 11.2% in                 In addition to holiday shopping,
Wixted says were not necessar-              the third quarter.                             the fourth quarter also signals a
ily related to fraud, but could have           “I don’t know if we’ll see high             lot of personal-care purchases. “If
emanated from a customer-service            e-commerce volumes month-over-                 the current trajectory for [card-
issue. A consumer calling to cancel a       month,” says Sutherland. “Will it              not-present] payments contin-
flight might have been frustrated by        stay at a rate that is higher than             ues, we will see a stronger usage
hold times, gave up, and chose to file      2019? One thing that definitely                develop around the holidays as
a dispute, he says.                         came out of the pandemic is a level            health needs shift into consumer
                                            of uncertainty as it related to the            staples and personal-care items,”
MENACING ASPECT                             economy and as to whether a state
                                            remains open or closed. Because of
                                                                                           Buzzard says.
                                                                                              He adds: “Scarcity will drive
The other menacing aspect of the            the uncertainty, many consumers                demand and the demand, we antic-
pandemic is that online shopping            are hesitant to make big purchase              ipate, will mostly likely send more
already is at elevated levels as the        decisions.”                                    than a few consumers to fraudu-
fourth-quarter holiday shopping                Criminals, too, may be antici-              lent Web sites where they will be
season looms.                               pating the fourth quarter. “Not just           victimized in some way.”

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Big moves by Visa          LIKE MOST BUSINESSES, the pay-            just because businesses are—
                              ments world has been upended by           tentatively—reopening and con-
      and Mastercard          the coronavirus pandemic and its          sumers are shopping again.
    have thrust data          impact on buyers and sellers alike.
                              But just before the virus struck in the
                                                                           The number of fintech startups
                                                                        that need these links to make their
aggregators into the          United States, Visa Inc. announced        apps work smoothly is growing at a
                              it had clinched a deal to shell out       much faster rate. There were 8,775 of
 spotlight just as the        $5.3 billion for Plaid Inc., an 8-year-   them in North America in February,
                              old financial-data aggregator with        up 52% from the same time in 2019,
focus of payments is          links to 11,000 financial institutions.   according to data-collection service
  expanding and the               Those connections are the vital       Statista. By contrast, that number
                              links that let apps like Venmo            grew only 2% from 2018 to 2019.
  aggregation model           (peer-to-peer payments), Chime               “The number of financial apps
                              (online banking), and Betterment          consumers are using is growing
      is modernizing.         (digital investing) reach financial       pretty significantly. The number
                              institutions and serve users.             of payment apps is growing pretty
                                  It’s called open banking, and         quickly. And that’s going to con-
                              it’s an increasingly essential busi-      tinue,” says Ben Isaacson, a former
     BY   JOHN STEWART        ness, not just for Plaid and not          Mastercard Inc. executive who is
                                                                        now senior vice president for prod-
                                                                        uct strategy at The Clearing House
                                                                        Payments Co. in New York City.
                                                                           The same faster expansion is
                                                                        happening overseas. The Statista
                                                                        numbers show a one-year doubling
                                                                        of fintech startups in the Europe,
                                                                        Middle East and Africa region and
                                                                        a 91% jump in the Asia-Pacific area.
                                                                           Not only are there more apps,
                                                                        but the apps themselves are adding
                                                                        users hand over fist. PayPal Hold-
                                                                        ings Inc.’s Venmo service recently
                                                                        reported 52 million users, up fully
                                                                        30% in one year (chart, page 21).
                                                                        Square Inc.’s Cash App, meanwhile,
                                                                        has hit 30 million users, which
                                                                        means it added 6 million just since
                                                                        the start of the year.

20    DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                    STRATEGIES
In concert with this app growth,
aggregators like Plaid are book-           TOP 10 FINTECHS
ing more and more business. The            (Ranked by user count in millions)                                                    ANNUAL
company serviced more than                                                                              USERS                GROWTH RATE
200 million linked accounts last
                                           Credit Karma                                                   100                         18%
year, up more than 55% from 2018
and 20 times greater than the num-
ber in 2015 (chart, page 22).              Venmo                                                            52                        30%
   No wonder, then, that the card
networks are paying attention—and          Coinbase                                                         30                        36%
opening their wallets. Mastercard
agreed in June to lay out $825 million     Cash App1                                                        30                         N.A.
in a deal for Finicity Corp., a 21-year-
old company whose clients include          Mint                                                             20                        26%
Brex Inc., a fast-growing startup
offering services such as business
credit cards and cash management.
                                           NuBank                                                           15                      150%
   “They have very strong connec-
tivity into the banking infrastruc-        Toss                                                             13                         N/A
ture, so we felt they were the right
partner for us,” says Craig Vosburg,       Clearscore                                                       10                         N/A
president for North America at
Mastercard.                                Etoro                                                            10                         N/A

‘A BIG DEAL’                               Revolut                                                            8                     167%
Payments providers and other
                                                         N/A=not available 1. Formerly Square Cash Source: Visa presentation January 2020,
financial services have long relied                                        citing the companies; Digital Transactions updates where available
on data aggregators, but the busi-
ness—and its technology—are                banks that hold their mutual cus-                    But the nature of that “connec-
undergoing fundamental changes.            tomers’ accounts, he adds, “We are                tive tissue” is changing. Aggrega-
   Using prearranged links, aggre-         the underlying connective tissue.”                tors historically relied on a tech-
gators access app users’ financial            These links to financial insti-                nique called screen scraping, in
accounts on their behalf to perform        tutions can support a variety of                  which the aggregator deploys the
services ranging from identity             purposes. “Account verification,                  app user’s valid credentials to
and balance verification to funds          for example, is one of a variety of               access his accounts at financial
movement. The process makes for            opportunities, and something Pay-                 institutions. These days, the busi-
a faster, smoother transaction for         Pal and Venmo have been apply-                    ness is moving toward applica-
consumer and fintech alike.                ing for quite some time,” says Katja              tion programming interfaces to
   “Fintechs are an important sec-         Lehr, director of global payment                  achieve the same ends with safer
tor in our economy,” says Stu-             products at PayPal Holdings Inc.                  connections.
art Rubinstein, chief executive of         “Another example where PayPal                        APIs are “the new normal,” says
Akoya LLC, an aggregator spun off          and Venmo are leveraging open-                    Brian Costello, vice president of
in February by Fidelity Investments        banking data is in our risk deci-                 data strategy at one of the early
and now owned equally by Fidel-            sioning, making sure our custom-                  players in aggregation, Envestnet
ity, The Clearing House, and 11 TCH        ers can use the payment method of                 Yodlee, Redwood City, Calif. “It’s
banks. Between the fintechs and            their choice.”                                    a big deal.”

STRATEGIES                                                     DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                  21
                                           (Linked accounts in millions)
The change includes an API stan-
dard for data sharing under devel-
opment by the Financial Data
Exchange, a Reston, Va.-based
trade group embracing fintechs,
aggregators, and financial institu-                                30
tions. The standard aims at what                   10                                 72               129               200+
the group calls “data minimization.”
                                                  2015            2016               2017            2018                2019
    “Screen scraping is going to grab                                            Source: Plaid, as cited in January 2020 Visa presentation
all the data and then sort through
it. It’s a blunt instrument,” says            That standardization undergirds               acquisitions, the card networks
Tom Carpenter, director of pub-            what Mastercard sees as a way for-               have “access to some of the best
lic affairs and marketing for the          ward in payments not necessarily                 data on what people do. That’s very
group, which operates under the            based on plastic. “Not every open-               powerful,” says Eric Grover, princi-
auspices of the 21-year old Finan-         banking use case will involve a pay-             pal at Intrepid Ventures, a Minden,
cial Services Information Sharing          ment or movement of money, but                   Nev.-based consultancy.
and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC).             there’s a reasonable subset that do,”               Perhaps the biggest factor, though,
    By contrast, Carpenter says, the       says Vosburg. “Our strategy is very              lies in efforts to move the United
standard restricts data gathering          much founded on payments beyond                  States to a nationwide real-time pay-
to only the information required to        credit and debit cards.”                         ments network connecting nearly all
satisfy a specific request.                   He cites services like Mastercard             the country’s financial institutions.
    But more changes are in the off-       Send, the network’s real-time transfer           The Federal Reserve plans to have its
ing, some experts say, now that Visa       product, and the company’s efforts to            real-time gross settlement system,
and Mastercard are laying out big          develop a blockchain for payments, as            FedNow, up and running by 2024 at
sums to jump into open banking.            examples of that strategy. “All these            the latest, for example.
The move toward developing a stan-         things can come to bear in an open-                 That could put pressure on tradi-
dard for data exchange played a role       banking environment where there                  tional card-payment networks, some
in stoking Mastercard’s interest. “We      are needs to move funds,” he adds.               observers say, if FedNow ultimately
don’t see [screen scraping] as a great                                                      bumps up against such fast-pay-
way for this business to be built,” says
Vosburg. Visa did not respond to a
                                           ‘VERY POWERFUL’                                  ment services as Mastercard Send
                                                                                            and Visa Direct. But a trend toward
request for comment for this story.        Some observers also see the card                 real-time payments could also put
                                           networks’ open-banking acquisi-                  a premium on managing access by
                                           tions as a way to build pipelines                fintech apps to account data as those
                                           for additional transaction volume                apps ramp up to compete for trans-
                                           in businesses such as bill payment               actions that are irrevocable.
                                           and peer-to-peer transfers.                         As unemployment lingers in
                                              “This is why Visa paid $5.3 billion           the wake of Covid-19, a key to that
                                           for Plaid,” says Patricia Hewitt, prin-          action will lie in controlling risk,
                                           cipal at PG Research & Advisory Ser-             and that’s where the networks’
                                           vices in Savannah, Ga. “It gives Visa            stake in open banking could hand
                                           ownership of all those connections.”             them an advantage. “The real-time
                                              Others see value just in the data             risk is that the money must be
Vosburg: “Our strategy is very much
founded on payments beyond credit          the aggregators can spin off, even               there and the user must be who he
and debit cards.”                          if it’s anonymized. With these                   says he is,” says Hewitt.

22      DIGITAL TRANSACTIONS | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                          STRATEGIES
Shift4 Payments dazzled
the payments industry
and Wall Street with its
June initial public offering.
What do recent processor
IPOs say about the
prospects for
No investment in the stock market is a sure winner, but
payments investments often prove to be better than others.
On June 4, underwriters for merchant acquirer                  “Wall Street loves payments,” says consultant
Shift4 Payments Inc. priced the company’s ini-              Eric Grover, principal of Minden, Nev.-based
tial public offering at $23 per share, above their          Intrepid Ventures. “Payments remain, nation-
$19-to-$21 target just days before. The next                ally and globally, healthy [for] secular growth
day, Shift4’s shares opened on the New York                 long term.”
Stock Exchange at $33.10—an instant 44% gain.
Recently, Allentown, Pa.-based Shift4’s shares
have been trading in the $50 range.
   Not bad, considering that Shift4, which
claims about 200,000 merchants generating
more than $200 billion in annualized payment                     ‘INVESTOR APPETITE’
volume, gets more than half its volume from
the hospitality industry. After all, its IPO came
during the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic,                  Shift4 and have joined a club of about
which forced the closure of many restaurants                40 publicly traded payments companies that, in
and sent hotel reservations plummeting.                     addition to the four U.S.-based global card net-
   Palo Alto, Calif.-based business-to-business             works, includes merchant acquirers, online and
payments provider Holdings Inc. last               specialty processors, PayPal, and all manner of
year had expected to get $16 to $18 per share               tech suppliers.
from its planned IPO, then upped the target                    IPOs let a company’s funders cash out on
to $19 to $21. But with underwriters sensing                their investments and potentially enable the
strong investor demand, the company priced                  firm to pay down debt, make acquisitions, and
its Dec. 13 IPO of 9.82 million shares at $22 per           fund product development. But not every IPO is
share. The next morning, trading in’s              a home run. Striking out is a clear possibility,
new stock opened at $37.25 on the New York                  and sometimes the offering is simply the finan-
Stock Exchange, 69% above the IPO price. It’s               cial equivalent of a single or double.
been mostly upward since then. In mid-August,                  The small acquirer Net Element Inc. had
the stock was trading in the $93 range.                     an IPO in 2012 but in May announced that it

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