FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group

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FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
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FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
F OCUS ON                                                                                                 03

     Contents                                                                                                  Editorial
                                                                                                               Photo: Michael Dannenmann

03   E D IT O RIA L                                        30   Developing young talent
                                                                                                               Dear Readers,
                                                                Scholarships for high achievers

04   F O C U S O N D IG ITAL P RI N TI N G                 30   The Felix Schoeller Group is a top employer    What do the latest trends mean for companies? How do           and Technocell Vlies – have already developed products
                                                                                                               they assess and respond to them and how do they use            for these applications and are constantly working on ex-
06   Digital printing on course for growth                 31   Apprenticeship Day for school students         them to develop new products? These are the questions          panding and improving them. The other issue is sustain-
     The Felix Schoeller Group’s diverse range of papers
                                                                                                               that the Felix Schoeller Group thinks about on a regular       ability. In this magazine, we present the sustainable pack-
08   Paper remains the brand ambassador                    32   TH E VA LUE OF TH E I MAGE                     basis. On the one hand, it is about a realistic assessment     aging developed by Felix Schoeller’s Packaging Business
     Rüdiger Maass, Verband der Medienproduktioner                                                             of our own competencies and skills. Here, our vision of re-    Unit and also report on our sustainable HR management.
                                                           34   DGPh presentation                              structuring and expanding our company, the Felix Schoeller
10   The printed image is here to stay                          Guido Hofmeyer, Felix Schoeller Group
                                                                                                               Group, by 2020 to make it into the leading company for         Proud as we are of our new areas of business, which have
     Wilko van Oostrum, Canon Deutschland
                                                           35   Give images more space again                   surface finishes, acts like a guiding light. On the other      been part of the company for three years and already
13   Printing on Felix Schoeller digital papers                 A plea by Michael Dannenmann                   hand, it is also crucial that we communicate with exter-       account for 20 per cent of the company’s sales revenue,
     Druckhaus Cramer/Druckerei Boxberger                                                                      nal experts, people who understand how trends start and        let us not forget our roots – the reproduction of high-
                                                                                                               what influences them.                                          quality photographs on high-end photo papers. The Felix
14   We curate paper                                       36   FELIX SCHOELLER PHOTO AWARD
     Dr Axel Scheufelen, Metapaper                                                                                                                                            Schoeller Photo Award, which we launched in 2013, is
                                                                                                               This current issue of FocusON 2014 attempts to tell both       a way of giving more prominence to this aspect of our
                                                           44   F OCUS ON F EL I X S CHO ELLER                 sides of the story: where our company is in terms of its       business again.
16   F O C U S O N D E S IG N TREN D S                                                                         development – based on milestones reached in recent
                                                           46   New products for new markets
                                                                                                               years and decisions taken – and also the input into the        Our magazine covers these and other issues. And even
18   Individuality from a kit of parts                          Dr Bernhard Klofat, CEO
     Architects and design experts in discussion                                                               Felix Schoeller Group from outside and how we respond          as this magazine is being produced, we are already mov-
                                                           48   Outstanding performances in Sochi              to it. This is always underpinned by the objective that is     ing on, taking a long hard look at the years to come and
20   Profile: Markus Benesch                                    As co-partner at the Olympics                  enshrined in our mission statement: to remain an inde-         working on the implementation of our 2020 vision. But
                                                                                                               pendent family company.                                        more on that in the future.
22   Individual home interiors and corporate design        50   Felix Schoeller News
     Made possible by the Felix Schoeller Group’s               Read all about it!
     products                                                                                                  So what trends are we talking about here? First, the cus-      I hope you find FocusON 2014 enjoyable and interesting
                                                           52   50 years of Felix Schoeller Technical Papers   tomisation trend, which is often dubbed a mega trend. It       to read.
24   Technocell is investing in the future                      Anniversary celebrations in Pulaski, USA       is manifest in digital printing, for example, which makes
     Product segments and growth markets
                                                                                                               numerous individual, personalised options possible – not       With best regards,
                                                           55   P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S              just in the traditional areas we associate with printing,
26   F O C U S O N S U S TA I N A BI L I TY                                                                    but also in packaging and home interiors. Three of Felix
                                                                                                               Schoeller’s business units – Digital Media, Technocell Dekor   Dr Bernhard Klofat, CEO of the Felix Schoeller Group
28   Sustainable packaging solutions
     Flexible paper composite solutions
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group

Digital growth

In developing speciality papers for digital
printing process early on, the Felix Schoeller
Group was able to position itself as a first
mover in this growth market. Today, the
company offers a host of paper solutions
– optimised for virtually all current printing
processes. As a recognised development
partner, the technical team gets on board at     Photo: Manfred Tietjen
an early stage as soon as new processes and      Print motif: Claudia Hettwer, from
techniques are ready for the market. Felix       the photographer’s book: “Celebration
Schoeller will always be a first mover with      – Walt Disney’s magical town”
its best-performing papers – worldwide.
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
FO C U S O N   DI G ITA L P R INTIN G                                                                                                                  06    07                                         DE V E LO P M ENTS IN P RINTING M ET HOD S IN GE RM A N Y

Digital printing on course for growth
                                                                                                                                                                                               DI G ITA L P R INTIN G P R O C E S S E S
The Felix Schoeller Group’s diverse range of papers
Text: Sandra Küchler Image: FocusON

                                                                                                                                                                                        2009                                                               2012

                                                      Our E-PHOTO® papers are the flagship of          material. It is also used for POS applications
The trend has been visible for a long time            the E-Media paper family. They are high-         and presentations.
now: production in the printing industry is           quality photo book papers for liquid toner
in decline, especially in newspapers, maga-           systems. They have high whiteness and            photokina 2014 – curtain up
zines and advertising brochures. There is             the finish of an original photo. E-PHOTO®        on a host of new products
a great deal of discussion about it in the            papers show no signs of stress whitening
trade press, accompanied by speculation               and have excellent runnability and toner         At this year’s photokina, which was held in
about how things are likely to develop in             adhesion and very good converting prop-          Cologne from 16 to 21 September, Felix
the future. But the figures already tell a            erties. They are water- and dirt-resistant.      Schoeller showcased a host of new papers,
clear story: revenue achieved with ana-
logue printing methods in Germany be-
                                                      FocusON is printed on E-PHOTO® Lustre.           which received very positive feedback. Our
                                                                                                       E-CANVAS product for HP Indigo presses
                                                                                                                                                                                     €270 million                                                                     +40%
tween 2009 and 2012 fell by three per cent.           The high-quality, double-coated Silver Digital   took pride of place. It is the first of its kind to
By contrast, revenue from digital printing            papers can be used in HP ElectroInk and          have been specially developed for the new
processes was up 40 per cent – and the                dry-toner systems. They are ideal for photo      HP Indigo 7800 Digital Press, which Hewlett
trend is rising.                                      books, greeting cards, calendars, brochures      Packard presented at photokina. To date,
                                                      and flyers. Completing the e-paper portfolio     canvas printing has tended to be slow and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        €378 million
Two main reasons for this development are             are E-FEEL® and E-PURE, both high-quality        expensive. With HP Indigo, it is now much
cited: firstly, the shift from analogue to digi-      uncoated papers for use in dry-toner sys-        more economical and E-CANVAS is the per-
tal printing methods, which also reflects the         tems. Whereas E-PURE is a high gloss-paper,      fect substrate. A specially developed coat-
market trend towards smaller print runs dir-          E-FEEL® has a very individual finish. Both       ing means that excellent print results can be
ected at specific target groups; and secondly,        papers can be printed on both sides and have     achieved on genuine canvas.
the vast range of possibilities that digital print-   high dimensional stability. They are used for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 OT H E R P R INTIN G P R O C E S S E S
ing offers beyond the familiar applications we        photos, posters, brochures, book covers,         Since photokina is the international flagship
are used to.                                          greeting cards, calendars and business cards.    photography show, Felix Schoeller’s new
                                                                                                       range for professional photographers was a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       –3 %
Felix Schoeller’s portfolio of digital printing       Jet-Media papers – the partners of choice        must. The TRUE Rag range consists of four
papers is constantly evolving to reflect the          for high-performance inkjet printing             new cotton papers, each with a different
diverse applications for digital printing and                                                          surface structure, which are ideal for water-
the numerous wishes of its users. Today, the          The Felix Schoeller’s Jet-Media paper fam-       based printing. Their unique feel makes them                                  €6.2 billion                                                        €6 billion
company’s range includes, on the one hand,            ily comprises JET-SPEED® and JET-LINE            a sure winner.
papers it has developed for electrophoto-             papers. Whereas JET-SPEED® is a high-end
graphic processes (E-Media papers) and, on            coated inkjet paper, JET-LINE offers a cost-     Visitors to our stand were just as convinced
the other hand, papers for high-speed inkjet          efficient printing solution. Its outstanding     by the quality of Felix Schoeller papers as
printing (Jet-Media papers).                          properties mean that JET-SPEED® is used in       users who have been familiar with our papers
                                                      brochures, direct mailshots, post cards or       for a long time and have put them to the test
E-Media papers for high-quality photos,               as label face stock. JET-LINE can be used        in practice. We will hear from a number of                 Source: Pier 18, Unternehmensberatung für Druck und Medien, Hamburg,
calendars and greeting cards                          for mailshots and is ideal for CAD applica-      users on the following pages.                              Branchenreport Druckgewerbe 2013
                                                      tions, technical drawings and cartographic
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
FOCUS ON       DI G ITA L P R INTIN G                VERBA ND DER MEDIENP RODUKTIONER                                                                      08    09                          RÜDI GE R M A A S S

Paper remains the brand ambassador                                                                         a key component of brand communication
                                                                                                           and an important factor in its success.
An interview with Rüdiger Maass, CEO
                                                                                                           Are you familiar with Felix Schoeller’s
of Verband der Medienproduktioner e. V.                                                                    digital printing papers and, if so, what do
                                                                                                           you think of them?
Text: Hans-Joachim Graef Photo: Jennifer Endom
                                                                                                           Of course I know some of Felix Schoeller’s
                                                                                                           papers. In discussions with printers, the trad-
                                                     creative aspects, such as the look and feel of a      itional values such as good runnability and good
Aside from the buzz topics of digitalisation         particular paper, are the primary interest. But       converting properties, etc. are always men-
and social media, the burning question               ultimately it is always about finding the paper       tioned. And their value for money is always
for all of us is what role does paper play           that best supports the brand message.                 praised, although I am sure that in many cases
in brand communication today? Who bet-                                                                     that is a nicely packaged euphemism for ›quite
ter to answer this question than Rüdiger             How would you describe the demands                    expensive.‹ I then always add an aspect that, in
Maass, CEO of Verband der Medien-                    that digital printing papers have to meet?            my opinion, does not usually get enough atten-
produktioner e. V., Germany’s media pro-                                                                   tion. Take, for example, Schoeller’s Metallic
duction association, himself a long-standing         Decisive developments in digital printing will        Paper which has an inherent silver sheen.
media producer and management consult-               occur in future in the field of individualising       If you develop a creative idea for that, you
ant and a prominent figure on the speaker            communication. That is why ensuring a wide            can use the product’s existing properties and
circuit?                                             choice of papers with different properties is         will have no need at all for any additional finish.
                                                     essential in both digital and offset printing.        That lowers the cost of further processing to
Mr Maass, who is responsible within                  They, of course, also have to work well on            an extent that should not be underestimated,
companies for choosing the paper for                 the different printing systems. In digital print-     but far too often printers do not consider this
an important printing project?                       ing, paper plays an even more important role,         in their overall cost calcuations.
                                                     because there are currently only a handful of
It would be best if creatives such as designers      finishing options. This means that what kind
made the choice because paper is, after all,         of surface the paper has and how it looks and
one of the key aspects of design. And in com-        feels has an even greater impact.
panies that value brand communication highly,
that is what happens. In most other cases, the       What will digital printing be used for in the
choice of paper unfortunately does not happen        future? What role will it play?
until right at the end of the creative process.
It is often left up to the service providers, such   Digital printing will take on an increasingly
as printers. But an important success factor         important role as a bridge to digital commu-
is being jeopardised here, because paper is          nication. With its wide range of individualisa-
treated merely as a ›carrier of information‹         tion options, it can appeal very specifically to
without appreciating and capitalising on its         customers and other interested parties. And              Pa p er p ro f i le:
actual value in conveying images.                    at the same time, a QR code, for example,
                                                     can be used to establish links to personal,           E-PHOTO® Metallic
What role does the media production                  individual websites or apps. It gets especially       E-PHOTO® Metallic is a digital printing
consultant play in this constellation?               interesting when digital and offset printing          paper in the Felix Schoeller Group’s
                                                     combine their strengths to put highly person-         E-PHOTO paper family. E-PHOTO® Metallic                    »Decisive
As a media production consultant, I advise           alised messages on paper.
companies and agencies on successful brand
                                                                                                           has been optimised for HP Indigo Web
                                                                                                           presses. It is available in 210 D and 280 D
communication. The media production con-             Also as a brand message?                              basis weights. Its special feature is that it              in digital printing
sultant is an important interface between all                                                              has a silver-metallic sheen on both sides
                                                                                                                                                                      will occur in future
the people involved in the process. The pri-         Definitely. Paper is not just a vehicle for con-      and can also be printed on both sides.
mary focus is on technical components. With          veying content. Paper is one of the few media         Applications: photo books, photo calendars,                in the field of
regard to choice of paper, it is about print-        that can quite literally be ›grasped.‹ This senso-    portraits, posters, annual reports, product
ability, the right basis weight or the possibility   ry dimension should not be underestimated;            brochures, cookery books, flyers, greeting
of further processing. Collaborating with de-        it is decisive for the first impression I have of a   cards, postcards, menus, autograph cards,                  communication.«
signers brings other aspects into play. Here,        brand or a product. Paper is, and will remain,        place mats, etc.
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
FOCUS ON      DI G ITA L P R INTIN G               CA NON DE UTS CH LAND                                                                               10    11   WI L KO VA N OO S T RUM

The printed image is here to stay
Interview with Wilko van Oostrum, Canon Deutschland,
professional customer and channel marketing manager
for wide format
Text: Stefan Küchler Photos: Jennifer Endom

Wilko van Oostrum is 59 years old; he is           In 1999, Canon started to develop the first           Paper and printer have to harmonise perfectly.
married and has a 21-year-old daughter. He         digital large-format printers, which it pre-          Felix Schoeller’s papers are the ideal fit for
is a good talker and has a lot to talk about.      sented at photokina in 2002. This was also a          our digital printing systems and our idea of
Born and bred in Friesland in the Nether-          milestone in van Oostrum’s career. »I have            quality,« says van Oostrum.
lands, he is fluent in Dutch and German. He        always had my ear to the ground, listening to
knows the photo and paper industry like the        our customers. In Japan, they take the wishes         Asked if he is concerned about the decline
back of his hand.                                  of customers in Germany and also develop-             in the overall printing market, Wilko van
                                                   ment and trends in printing machines and              Oostrum just gives a wan smile: »It’s true
                                                   papers very seriously,« van Oostrum explains.         that people are not printing as much at the
Wilko van Oostrum did an apprenticeship                                                                  moment, but the quality of print is far higher
in photography, learning his profession from       He believes the parent company’s business             than in the past. I am certain that the printed
scratch. In 1985, he completed his appren-         strategy of working long term to achieve mar-         image is here to stay.« He believes there is
ticeship and became a ›master photogra-            ket share is very intelligent. Today, Canon has       still interesting potential for marketing high-
pher.‹ He subsequently gained a university         a 30 per cent market share on the German              quality prints: »Customers want top quality
degree and worked as a lecturer in practical       market, which has a volume of 14,000 LFPs             – also for small print runs – and they like to
photography and marketing but then, in 1998,       a year. Van Oostrum sees Canon’s success              take advantage of the benefits of personalised
armed with good practical experience and           with its digital printing systems as stemming         digital printing. But the quality has to be right
sound academic knowledge, he decided to            from the fact that it identifies what the cus-        – every time.«
join Canon. His job was to set up and struc-       tomer wants early on and wastes no time in
ture the sales and marketing operations for        translating that into products, solutions and         For van Oostrum, the performance of a digi-
the first large-format printers. ›Very interest-   systems: »The customer would like to have a           tal printing system as a whole is the key to
ing,‹ van Oostrum recalls. He has remained         well-printed piece of paper from a high-qual-         ensuing that customers will be satisfied with
faithful to Canon to this day.                     ity digital printer that performs well in practice.   print results. Quality is increasingly becoming
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
FO C U S O N   DI G ITA L P R INTIN G                  CA NON DE UTS CH LAND                                                         12   13                                               D RUC KHAUS C RA M E R / D RUC KE REI B OX B E RGE R

                                                                                                                                                                                           Druckhaus                                           Digital printing
                                                                                                          »Felix Schoeller papers                                                          Cramer praises                                      specialist
                                                                                                          are the ideal fit for our
                                                                                                                                                                                           the runnability                                     Boxberger:
                                                                                                          digital printing systems
                                                                                                          and for our understanding                                                        of our papers                                       performance
                                                                                                          of quality.«                                                                     Text: Hans-Joachim Graef                            justifies
                                                                                                          Wilko van Oostrum, Canon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the price
                                                                                                                                               PRODUCT IN FORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Text: Hans-Joachim Graef
                                                                                                                                          E-PHOTO® papers
                                                                                                                                          E-PHOTO® papers, which were developed
                                                                                                                                          and have been certified for HP Indigo
                                                                                                                                          printing presses, look and feel like classic
                                                                                                                                          photo papers. They have excellent run-
                                                                                                                                          nability qualities, outstanding toner ad-
                                                                                                                                          hesion and very high whiteness. They are
                                                                                                                                          coated with polyethylene on both sides,
the decisive purchasing criterion. And the po-         »The quality of roll A has to be exactly the                                       which makes them water- and dirt-                Druckhaus Cramer, which is PSO*-certified           Ansgar Boxberger can certainly be classed
tential has by no means been fully exploited.          same as that of roll B,« says van Oostrum.                                         repellent. They are available in matt, lustre,   and has also just received PSD certification,**     as one of the pioneers of digital printing in
»There are still growing markets, such as              So it comes as no surprise that it can take up                                     glossy, pyramid and metallic finishes and        has been working with Felix Schoeller papers        Germany: as early as 1995, he restructured
high-end portrait and fine-art printing,« claims       to two years for the Japanese specialists to                                       are used predominantly in high-quality           since March 2012. E-Photo Lustre, Metallic          his printing company to use digital printing
van Oostrum. In addition to professional               definitively specify a paper and approve it for                                    photo applications such as photo prints,         Silver, glossy and matt papers, along with E-Feel   systems and began printing mainly books, bro-
photography and its diverse applications, he           the European markets.                                                              photo books and posters, and also for cor-       Pyramid, E-Pure and Real Canvas, have all           chures, promotional material, presentations,
believes freelancers and service providers                                                                                                porate and product brochures. FocusON            demonstrated exceptionally good perform-            flyers and social stationery. The company’s
have particularly great potential: »Many               Of course, price is also a purchase criterion                                      is printed on E-PHOTO® Lustre.                   ance on HP Indigo 5500. In 2012, sales dir-         main machine today is a Xerox 1000, on
architects and civil engineers like to print their     for a marketing professional. But it is just one                                                                                    ector Henrik Diekmann took the opportunity          which Boxberger uses Felix Schoeller papers
CAD-CAM presentations digitally and make               of several purchase criteria: »Of course, the                                      E-PURE papers                                    to begin collaborating with Felix Schoeller         such as E-Pure, E-Feel Pyramid and E-Feel
an impact with the printed image and text,«            final consumer is looking for the right balance                                    E-PURE papers are uncoated. They are             in order to take part in further developing         Canvas in a range of different basis weights. If you
van Oostrum explains: »Customers want to               of price and performance. Price is impor-                                          extremely smooth and have high dimen-            the papers. His operator Florian Berling, who       mention these papers to Ansgar Boxberger,
see something tangible, a sharp print that             tant; but it is not always the decisive factor,«                                   sional stability. They were developed for        has been in charge of HP Indigo since 2010,         he waxes lyrical and reels off all their posi-
reflects the brilliance of the image. An im-           van Oostrum believes. For him, Felix Schoeller                                     dry-toner systems and can be printed on          is full of praise for the performance of Felix      tive characteristics: good folding behaviour,
age should be something to look at, not talk           is one of the few suppliers to meet all the key                                    both sides. They are used, for example, for      Schoeller’s papers on the machine. He par-          excellent machine performance, brilliant col-
about.«                                                criteria that make for a good, reliable part-                                      photos, posters and brochures. The book          ticularly stressed their excellent runnability      our results, pleasant feel and high opacity,
                                                       ner. »If I am going to get the market to accept                                    Schoeller Familien- und Firmengeschichte         and fixing. And along with sales advisors           which permit two-sided borderless printing.
Top of the list of criteria used to select the ideal   higher prices, I need good arguments and                                           – 500 Jahre unternehmerische Verant-             Michael Scholz and Christian Gerdes, he             They are also ideal for bookbinding purpos-
specialty paper for this marketing professional        excellent sales and marketing tools.« Canon                                        wortung, describing the history of the           also praised the collaboration with the Felix       es, he went on to explain, and they can be
is printability and hence quality. Paper also has      has them. And Felix Schoeller has them. Van                                        Schoeller family and business, was also          Schoeller Team. Berling claims that he him-         used both for adhesive and thread-stitched
to have good drying properties. To prevent             Oostrum knows that.                                                                printed on E-PURE.                               self has improved as a result of working with       binding. He recommends it for high-end print
damage to the highly sensitive sensors of the                                                                                                                                              Schoeller. He says he has learnt a lot about        products. And not only Boxberger himself is
digital printing machine, it must also be non-                                                                                                                                             settings and inline adjustments, especially         so full of enthusiasm; it extends to his cus-
dusting. But environmental and sustainability                                                                                                                                              with regard to toner adhesion, and has learnt       tomers, too, he told us – and that despite
aspects are becoming increasingly important                                                                                                                                                to venture away from HP’s standard settings.        the fact that Felix Schoeller papers are in a
for Canon: »As a Japanese company, Canon                                                                                                                                                   Cramer currently produces much of its work          relatively high price segment. But the perfor-
looks very precisely at sustainability in pro-                                                                                                                                             for its customers on a variety of speciality        mance and characteristics of these products
curement, production and supply of paper.«                                                                                                                                                 papers. Diekmann believes that our papers’          definitely justifies the price. Boxberger knows
Apart from paper’s environmental qualities,                                                                                               * ProcessStandard Offset.                        outstanding characteristics make them good          that the papers do what they say they will.
durability and marketing characteristics, con-                                                                                            ** ProcessStandard Digital.                      value for money. Druckhaus Cramer uses the          Anyone who uses Felix Schoeller papers
sistent quality is another important criterion                                                                                            Both are Fogra Graphic Technology                papers for magazines, sample sheets, invita-        need look no further for an all-round paper.
in selecting the right specialty paper partner                                                                                            Research Association standards.                  tion cards and business cards.
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
FO C U S O N   DI G ITA L P R INTIN G             META PA PER                                                                                     14    15         D R A X E L S C HE UF E L EN

We curate paper                                                                                      in the uncoated paper segment – already
                                                                                                     surpasses that in sheet-fed offset printing.
An interview with Dr Axel Scheufelen,                                                                No doubt larger publishing houses will con-
                                                                                                     tinue to be a market for offset. »Digital print-
founder of Metapaper                                                                                 ing is the future,« says Axel Scheufelen, who
                                                                                                     assumes that the overall volume of today’s
Text: Stefan Küchler Photos: Holger Talinski                                                         paper market will halve over the next 20 years.

                                                                                                     What are the future trends in digital printing?
                                                  dispatching printed dummies and offering           Scheufelen replies cautiously. »Digital print-
Dr Axel Scheufelen, 37 years old, is the          a search engine for recommended printing           ing today still focuses on individual solutions,
founder and CEO of Metapaper GmbH                 companies is based on the fact that he has a       as you can see with the example of photo
& Co KG in Stuttgart. He is married and           high percentage of returning customers – in        books.« But he sees the photo-book markets
has two children aged three and a half and        other words, satisfied customers. He de-           as being already »occupied.« In the future,
one and a half. He learnt to take responsi-       scribes his market penetration as »amazingly       there will be increasingly more niche online
bility for his family, his start-up company       strong.« His key customers – design agencies       shops, such as, a shop in which
and his employees from the word go.               – make repeated use of Metapaper’s services.       agencies will soon be able to order their
Axel Scheufelen describes Metapaper as a          The printing companies act as »the buyers.«        complete business stationery exclusively on
»transaction platform.« On the principle of       In addition to Axel Scheufelen himself, Jörg       Metapaper’s best papers made by Mohawk.
»Give and you shall receive,« he co-founded       Schweigert, formerly of Römerturm, designer        At the same time, digital printing will leave
Metapaper as a »matchmaking platform«             Olaf Stein (Factor Design, Hamburg) and a          its niche position and move more into CRM
for the target group of creatives. »We curate     paper mill have stakes in Metapaper.               systems. New methods and smart software
paper,« he says, putting it in a nutshell.                                                           solutions will be the key to success here.
                                                  What makes Metapaper so successful in a
                                                  market that is actually saturated, in which        What is being printed in very small batches        PAPER ?                                   COOKING ?
Axel Scheufelen enjoys good food and likes        it offers a niche service and operates with        today will be digitally produced in higher vol-
to cook, often experimenting and trying out       very small volume? It is basically that it has a   umes tomorrow. Scheufelen uses the example
new recipes. He likes »nice fresh dishes«         mixture of several core competencies, pro-         of automobile manufacturers to illustrate the
such as South American lentils with dried         vides modern platforms and a fast and flex-        necessity to involve customers closely in the
meat. He gets his culinary inspiration from       ible service that is unique. Behind the magic      individual communication processes. Person-
the »What Katy ate« blog or from a whole          word transaction platform is in fact an »IT op-    alised digital printing has already established
range of cookery books.                           eration,« as Scheufelen freely admits. That is     itself on this market. Scheufelen describes
                                                  Metapaper’s first core competency. The sec-        another market in the DIY crafts sector. He
His spare time belongs to his family and Axel     ond is its stringent range of products, which      believes he is well prepared to respond to
Scheufelen admits that, »Our children pretty      are based on the requirements of corporate         this market with his small print runs of hand-
much keep us on our toes at the moment.«          design agencies. The third core competency         crafted products.
He enjoys sport whenever and wherever he          is the speed at which the company works:
can and he loves playing tennis. He used to       a paper concept will be ready in 24 hours,         All that being said, efficient, simple and smart
be an active member of the Waldau tennis          and within 48 hours the customer will have         software solutions are crucial to achiev-
team. »We live in Stuttgart. My favourite         a printed dummy on their desk. Paper is de-        ing lasting success in these trend markets.
place in Stuttgart is the tea house in Weissen-   livered within 48 hours throughout Germany         Alongside niche online shops Axel Scheufelen
burg Park, which is in the south of the city.«    and Austria. These three key factors account       considers »providing simple service to the
He and his family can be found there quite        for the success of the »matchmaking platform       high-end segment« as a key to success, and
often on a nice summer weekend.                   for creatives,« as Axel Scheufelen flippantly      it is what works well in the USA. »Content-
                                                  calls his start-up.                                based print« will become the mainstay of
Along with his workforce of almost ten, he set                                                       successful business models, especially for paper
up the »creative forge« two and a half years      But Metapaper would not exist without digi-        manufacturers.
ago. Metapaper’s website went live in 2012.       tal printing. It therefore comes as no surprise
2013 was the first business year for his start-   that Metapaper works closely with HP, the
up. It was »an overall positive year.« Today he   manufacturer of Indigo digital printing presses.
believes his company is in a »good position.«     Scheufelen believes that the market volume
His business model of selling a harmonised        in digital printing will grow exponentially over
system of high-quality papers, producing and      the next 20 years. The quality – particularly                                                         TENNIS ?                                  ONL INE?
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group

Using digital solutions to create
individualised interior design

New products developed by the Felix
Schoeller Group for inkjet printing decor
paper or nonwovens are also creating new
possibilities in interior design. Corporate
architecture of international brands, in par-
ticular, calls for individualised solutions that
reflect a company’s corporate culture and
design.                                            Photo: Markus Benesch
FOCUSON - Felix Schoeller Group
FO C U S O N   DE S I G N T R END S   F r o m l e f t t o r i gh t: A . DE TA R A NTO,   18   19
                                      S . F R O M M B E R G E R , F. F R EDE ,
                                      R . VA N DE R Z WA N , H . O P DEN B E R G

                                                                                              Individuality from a kit of parts
                                                                                              The Felix Schoeller Group has developed new products with
                                                                                              which furniture finishes, wallpaper and flooring can be individually
                                                                                              customised. But who sets design trends, and how do they influence
                                                                                              industrial production? We organised a discussion with design experts
                                                                                              to explore these and other questions.
                                                                                              Text: Hans-Joachim Graef Photos: Jennifer Endom

                                                                                                                                                »The greatest challenge for us designers is coping
                                                                                                                                                not with the flood of information, but with the flood
                                                                                                                                                of influences.« Anthony de Taranto

                                                                                                                                                out from the flood of information the inspir-       what is known as »swarm behaviour,« on the
                                                                                              Rijk van der Zwan, responsible within the         ation they would like to use in their work          other, Anthony de Taranto observes.
                                                                                              Felix Schoeller Group for customised digi-        for their clients from industry. On the other       		 The experts all shared the view that cus-
                                                                                              tal prints on laminated wood-based mater-         hand, they are also now dealing with custom-        tomisation – and therefore the Felix Schoeller
                                                                                              ials, wanted to know how trends start,            ers who have become very savvy, can easily          Group’s developments in wall, furniture and
                                                                                              who is behind them, and what influences           access new influences themselves and often          flooring design – will continue to play a key
                                                                                              them. To explore his questions, we asked          approach service providers with their own           role in the future.
                                                                                              design and architecture experts to tell           ideas of what they would like.
                                                                                              us about their experience with customer           		 The diversity of influences means that           Where do creatives find their inspiration
                                                                                              needs, the latest consumer behaviour, the         creatives are in demand as advisers – more          for new trends?
                                                                                              mechanisms that create trends and chan-           than ever before. They have taken on a role
                                                                                              nels of communication among manufactur-           of exploring and sorting, and responding to         Rijk van der Zwan is concerned about how
                                                                                              ers, service providers and final consumers.       customers’ wishes, while nevertheless pre-          he, as a representative of industrial upstream
                                                                                              		 Rick van der Zwan welcomed archi-              serving the integrity of their own signature        suppliers, can demonstrate finished customisa-
                                                                                              tects Anthony de Taranto and Helmut Op            and expertise in order to ultimately achieve        tion solutions as early as possible to the cre-
                                                                                              den Berg and design experts Frederik Frede        the best possible result for the customer.          ative movers and shakers. The main thing for
                                                                                              and Sigrid Frommberger to the panel dis-          		 Customers and service providers have             him is to have as much freedom as possible
                                                                                              cussion in the Marta Herford museum for           a host of products to choose from, which            to design spaces, whether temporary spaces
                                                                                              contemporary art.                                 are marketed as mass-produced articles and          for trade shows, for example, or permanent
                                                                                                                                                make the customer believe that because they         ones such as domestic interiors. The papers
                                                                                              Trends are set by the global community            have choice they are actually part of the in-       developed by the Felix Schoeller Group offer
                                                                                                                                                dustrial process. In their personal lives, people   a broad range of options, including a one-
                                                                                              The experts were in agreement about the           often respond to this by jazzing up their           copy print run. However, Rijk van der Zwan
                                                                                              fact that global networking, which facilitates    brand furniture with a few individually chosen      thinks in terms of higher print runs, which give
                                                                                              instant communication of influences, places       accessories to distinguish them from the            large-scale customers the option of individual
                                                                                              high demands on creatives. On the one             crowd. There is a tension between the desire        designs. Why not enhance the foyers of an
                                                                                              hand, designers and architects have to filter     for individualisation, on the one hand, and         upscale chain of hotels with a CD-compliant
FO C U S O N   DE S I G N T R END S                                                                                                              20    21

»The ornament                                                                                                                                                                                   »All designers are
is back in style.                                                                                                                                           »Even those unconventional people   constantly researching.
And ornamentation                                                                                                                                           who see themselves as members       That is their job.«
is simply graphic                                                                                                                                           of the creative classes and who
                                                                                                                                                                                                Helmut Op den Berg

communication.                                                                                                                                              want to be ever-so individual
I can use it again                                                                                                                                          all have the same furniture.«       		 So the consensus emerging from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                discussion is that security is also an important
to design wallpaper                                                                                                                                         Frederik Frede                      aspect for designers. Customers rarely want

finishes. That is how                                                                                                                                                                           to tread completely unknown territory. It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                more about creating new, surprising features,
influences work                                                                                                                                                                                 always about evolution rather than revolution.

for me.«                                                                                                                                                                                        		 And van der Zwan feels his assumption
                                                                                                                                                                                                has been reaffirmed: creatives welcome the
Sigrid Frommberger                                                                                                                                                                              skills and opportunities that Schoeller has to
                                                                                                                                                                                                offer. And they recognise the great potential
nonwoven wallpaper design? Or decorate                                                                                                                                                          that manufacturers of wood-based products,
the showrooms of well-known automobile                                                                                                                                                          flooring and wallpaper can harness by working
manufacturers or other brand names with next                                                                                                                                                    in conjunction with Felix Schoeller to address
year’s trending colours. The Felix Schoeller                                                                                                                                                    designers as their target group.
Group could work in partnership with its
customers to contribute the furniture finishes    Profile: Markus Benesch
and laminate flooring to this.
		 Van der Zwan has realised that creatives
do not want to develop trends themselves,         Markus Benesch lives and works as an indus-
preferring to latch onto a trend that they have   trial and interior designer in Munich and Milan.
discovered either online or in a manufacturer’s   He has developed corporate architecture and
information material. They have no interest       environment branding projects for countless
in inventing or influencing a new green or a      clients, including companies and brands such                                                                                                      D iscuss ion par ticipants
spectacular yellow. They are far happier tak-     as Campari, Samsung, Bacardi, Benetton and
ing what is already there and creating new        Fiat. He is also a visiting professor, teaching                                                                                               Anthony de Taranto, director of gtp2
combinations for their customers.                 interior, product and surface design in Milan,                                                                                                architekten, specialist for temporary
                                                  Reims and Tokyo. He is himself a trendsetter,                                                                                                 architecture, long-standing president
                                                  even though he would never call himself that.                                                                                                 of FDA (Forum Design und Architektur).
                                                  For instance, he has developed numerous
                                                  series of inkjet-printed wallpapers that can                                                                                                  Sigrid Frommberger, design consultant,
                                                  be purchased now from online or in-store           example, he began working on digital printing                                              former chief designer at Chivasso/JAB
                                                  retailers. Markus Benesch believes that clear      for furniture and other surface finishes back                                              Anstoetz, most recently design director at
                                                  trends no longer exist today as they did in the    in 1996. Things like that only emerge from                                                 Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch GmbH & Co. KG.
                                                  1980s and 90s. »Digital networking means           an open and passionate dialogue with indus-
                                                  that trends, fashions and styles travel quickly    try, he says. »Say the unsayable!« is Benesch’s                                            Frederik Frede, founder and creative
                                                  and the importance and interpretation given        battle cry. That is the only way that the                                                  director of the More Sleep agency and
                                                  to them is often disproportionate. I believe       huge need to bridge the gap in knowledge                                                   online interview magazine »Freunde von
                                                  that trends for the masses emerge from the         between industry and artists, i.e. designers,                                              Freunden«.
                                                  world of fashion, film and popular culture,«       will one day be met, he believes. And then
                                                  says Benesch. Since he spends a lot of time        Benesch makes the case for a playful and                                                   Helmut Op den Berg, director of the
                                                  on building sites and in production facilities,    creative treatment of decor and colour. That                                               architectural practice Helmut Op den Berg.
                                                  he is constantly confronted with new de-           also sparks off new ideas. Designers in Italy,
                                                  velopments and problems, he explains. The          France and Holland have been showing us                                                    Rick van der Zwan, Felix Schoeller Group,
                                                  solutions to those problems provide him with       the way here for so long. The Germans are                                                  Senior Vice President Digital Solutions,
                                                  inspiration for completely new ideas. For          still sometimes a little uptight.                                                          responsible for digital printing papers for
                                                                                                                                                                                                the wood-based products industry.
FO C U S O N   DE S I G N T R END S                                                                                                                 22    23

Individual home interiors and corporate design
Made possible by the Felix Schoeller Group’s products
Text: Hans-Joachim Graef Photo: Simon Schnepp

                                                  hotels or other buildings. The demand                solutions. Applications could be, for example,
Technocell’s decor paper – a vast range of        seemed to be high enough – in fact, it looked        hotel chains or chain businesses of all kinds,
colours to meet all our customers’ wishes         as if it was growing – and that prompted             wanting to use their own corporate design to
                                                  Technocell Dekor to take a decision seven            create interiors or exhibitions.
Technocell Dekor’s classic decor paper has        years ago to venture into this development.
been synonymous with reliable consistent          The paper that was developed specially for           New: nonwoven inkjet wallpapers –
quality for over 20 years. Customers in the       digital printing is called IJ-Dekor®, which is now   exclusiveness on the wall
wood-processing industry value Technocell         a registered brand name. The base papers
Dekor’s employees and the company’s               are specially manufactured, after which an           Individually designed wallpapers are trending
technological expertise. With its Edition 140,    ink-receiving layer is added (Premium). For          right now. New nonwoven inkjet wallpapers
Technocell Dekor can supply a wide range          inkjet processes, it is added while the paper        called »INSPIRE« were developed to meet
of 140 standard colours direct from the mill,     is still in the paper machine (Standard). This       the growing demand. They are made of cel-
so that customers need only select the col-       makes the paper ideal for producing high-            lulose and polyester fibres and given a coating
our they want when ordering. But, when            resolution print quality for a broad range           specially developed for digital printing. They
something special is required, our established    of inkjet printing systems. When printed,            have very good dry strippability and are avail-
development partnerships come into their          IJ-DEKOR® paper retains the properties of            able in a matt finish for water- and latex-based
own: Technocell Dekor works with custom-          conventional decor papers such as impreg-            inkjet and dry-toner printing. A satin finish is
ers as long as it takes to optimise the colour,   nability, opacity, lightfastness and temperature     also available for printing with latex inks or
not stopping until the shade is just right and    stability. IJ-PRIP® - a pre-impregnated inkjet       dry-toner systems. Their outstanding fea-
is machine-compatible. Technocell Dekor has       decor paper – provides a substrate for high-         tures include good printability and excellent
already developed over 6,000 customised           quality print designs, based on digital printing     colour reproduction. Printable nonwoven
colours.                                          combined with the advantages of Technocell           wallpapers can be processed very quickly;
                                                  Dekor’s pre-impregnated papers. An ex-               they do not contain plasticisers and has good
Inkjet decor paper –                              ample of the impressive quality of inkjet decor      dimensional stability. They are ideally suited
for something completely individual               papers was on show in the German House               for creating inspiring individual wall designs
                                                  at the Sochi Winter Olympics: the flooring in        in offices, hotels, event locations and private
Technocell Dekor repeatedly received en-          the foyer was printed with a photo motif of          interiors. But how do you get nonwoven
quiries about the possibility of designing        an ice-hockey pitch that looked deceptively          inkjet wallpapers onto the wall? As a rule,
personalised images. Trade show designers         real. But producing one-off areas like that is       professional decorators use a simple adhe-
enquired about corporate design for their         not Technocell Dekor’s objective. Our de-            sive to paper the wall. And they are just as
customers and there have been design              clared strategy is to appeal to anyone inter-        easy to remove since they have excellent dry
requests for high-profile public areas in         ested in creating a series of customer-specific      strippability.
FO C U S O N   FUTURE                                  HA NS- CHRISTO P H GALLEN KAMP                                                                 24    25                                                  S TE P HA N I GE L / GEO RG HA GGEN M ÜL L E R

Technocell is investing in the future                                                                                                                                                                           »We now have sufficient                          and gas turbine are scheduled to be installed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 there next year. »With this investment, we
The company currently has extensive investments in mills and                                                                                                                                                    local capacity in the                            are strengthening the mill’s competitiveness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Russian growth market                            and making sure it is future-proof. This re-
paper machines in the pipeline with the aim of capitalising on                                                                                                                                                  for a long time to come.«                        sponse is also a way of saying thank you to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Penig workforce, who since 1990 have
the opportunities arising in product segments and growth markets.                                                                                                                                               Stephan Igel                                     repeatedly proved their commitment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dedication to the Schoeller Group,« says
Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp, the Felix Schoeller Group’s CTO,                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gallenkamp, summing up the planned activ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ities for Penig.
and Stephan Igel and Georg Haggenmüller, Executive Vice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sustainability is a goal of every                The course has been set
Presidents of Technocell, explain the proposed activities.                                                                                                                                                      Technocell facility
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Growth in growth markets and regions is
Text: Dr. Friederike Texter Photos: Philipp Oesterle                                                                                                                                                            Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp explains: »The         Technocell’s clear strategic goal. Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                paper industry is an energy-intensive indus-     economic activity is another objective. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                try. Alongside many other measures, one of       company set the course to achieve both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                our key sustainability objectives is to reduce   these objectives in summer this year. With its
                                                                                                                                                            replacement there has not yet occurred to           our energy consumption. We base our energy       proposed investments, Technocell is stressing
                                                                                                                                                            the same extent as in Western Europe,«              management on ISO 50.001, with the aim of        its commitment to its target markets,
                                                                                                                                                            says Georg Haggenmüller, responsible for            achieving a reduction of two per cent in rela-   strengthening its technological competence,
                                                       expectations in recent years but we now see        In this context, the decision was also taken to   the Technocell Division’s Vlies Business Unit       tive energy demand. To that end, we have         broadening its expertise, and increasing se-
The Felix Schoeller Group’s Technocell                 things as being even more promising.« The          create new capacity for the pre-impregnated       and for production. A response to the rising        run three consecutive energy campaigns.          curity of supply.
Division consists of two business units,               main growth markets are North and South            products that Technocell Dekor markets under      demand has already been found, albeit in            From 2006 to 2013, we invested €8 million
Dekor and Vlies. Whereas the decor oper-               America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe,          the brand name PRIP®. PM18 at Neustadt            Germany: modifications have been made to            in energy efficiency, and another €14.5 mil-
ations started back in 1990, the company               Russia and China. The Western European             has been able to produce these pre-impreg-        PM 1 in Osnabrück, especially in the beater         lion are earmarked up to 2015.« As part of
has only been active in the nonwoven wall-             market is likely to experience only moderate       nated products since 2004. However, due           room, which have enabled it to produce not          a long-term strategy, the company took the
paper market for four years. Technocell’s              growth in the next few years. The primary          to the rising demand, it has now reached its      only decor papers but also nonwoven wall-           decision to become even more self-sufficient
business units are both well positioned and            growth segments are pre-impregnated prod-          limits and new capacity is needed. Currently,     papers. »That is a pleasant success story but       in our energy supply in the future. We took
believe they have interesting growth oppor-            ucts, LPL applications and also intensive col-     PM1 and PM14 are being considered as op-          it is not the whole story,« says Haggenmüller.      the first step toward this aim at our Neustadt
tunities ahead of them in the future.                  ours in HPL applications. »Our aim is to make      tions and a final decision is expected by the     »We are aiming, first and foremost, to create       mill earlier in the year. A new gas-based CHP
                                                       carefully targeted investments in our facilities   end of the year.                                  local production facilities to enable us to be      plant went online last summer.
                                                       and machines to make sure Technocell Dekor’s                                                         closer to our Eastern European customers.«                                                              Background information
»The decor paper market is still a growth              growth course continues in the future,«            Stephan Igel summed up: »We have put to-                                                              We have taken another step in that direction
market,« says Stephan Igel. »We had positive           Stephan Igel explained.                            gether a very comprehensive investment            The key decisions were taken only recently.         at our mill in Penig, Saxony. A new boiler       Mayak-Technocell
                                                                                                          package to enable us to respond to all the        In September, a groundbreaking decision was                                                          Mayak-Technocell in Penza, Russia, is
                                                       Investments in paper machines aimed at             challenges we are aware of today, which the       made to build a new paper machine – PM 6                                                             a joint venture that was set up between
                                                       quality, productivity and growth segments          decor paper market and our customers are          – at Penza, Mayak-Technocell’s production fa-                                                        the Russian paper manufacturer Mayak
                                                                                                          presenting us with. This puts us in the fortu-    cility. It will be designed to produce both non-                                                     and the Felix Schoeller Group with the
                                                       Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp explains the             nate position of being able to respond to the     woven wallpapers and decor papers. Start-up                                                          aim of establishing a joint facility to prod-
                                                       proposed investments in more detail: »They         constantly changing needs of our customers        is scheduled for the first half of 2017 and it is                                                    uce decor papers for the Russian market.
                                                       are aimed at improving quality across the          – which is an important element of our cor-       set to have a capacity of 30,000 tonnes, which                                                       PM 5 started up in mid-2008.
                                                       board. The focus is on improvements in             porate identity.«                                 will take total capacity for Mayak-Technocell
                                                       sheet formation, in general, and at low basis                                                        up to 58,000 tonnes. »That will guarantee us                                                         Technocell’s mills
                                                       weights, in particular, as well as in profiles,    Going east – decor and nonwoven papers            sufficient local capacity in the Russian growth                                                      Technocell operates out of four locations
                                                       especially CD profiles. We will also be look-      for the Eastern European market                   market for a long time to come. We are                                                               in Germany: Osnabrück with paper
                                                       ing to increase machine and material efficiency.                                                     already well established in the Russian decor                                                        machines 1 and 15, Neustadt with paper
                                                       « Three paper machines – PM1 and PM15 in           »Although the wallpaper market is mostly          paper market with PM 5 in Penza. But here                                                            machine 18, Günzach with its three paper
                                                       Osnabrück and PM14 in Günzach – will there-        stagnating, nonwoven wallpaper’s share in         too, additional capacity is very welcome, be-                                                        machines PM 11, 12 and 14, and Penig
                                                       fore have new or modified head boxes. Paper        that market is growing. This replacement          cause more and more of our Western Euro-                                                             with PM 16. It also has a production
                                                       machines 1 and 15 will be rebuilt in March and     process will continue in the coming years         pean customers are building production facil-                                                        facility in Drummondville, Canada,
                                                       June next year. The head box on Günzach’s          and will play an important role in the Eastern    ities in Russia. They also set great store by a                                                      with PM 19.
                                                       PM 14 is scheduled to be replaced in 2016.         European markets, especially Russia, because      local supply chain,« claims Stephan Igel.

Felix Schoeller is a family business that, since
1895, has been demonstrating that sustain-
ability can be a living reality in many different
areas. The Felix Schoeller Group was the
first company in the industry to receive full
FSC® certification for all its business oper-
ations. This sustainability certification is one
of a series of environmental certifications
awarded to Felix Schoeller. And sustain-
ability features as a priority in our mission
statement – as does responsible behaviour
towards the people in our company. We
attach great importance to achieving our
aim of sustainability in our economic activity
and in all our actions. The Packaging Busi-
ness Unit – with its sustainable packaging
solutions – is a genuine example of that.
And the fact that we received one of the
100 Top Job awards for the country’s best
employers is proof that the mission state-
ment we developed in conjunction with our
employees is not just an idea on paper, but
something we genuinely put into practice.           Photo: Travelpix Ltd / The Image Bank / Getty Images
FO C U S O N   S U S TA INA B I LITY                                                                                                                 28    29                                                 Gü nte r Raab e /D i rk Hage n

Sustainable food packaging solutions
                                                                                                                                                           Mr Raabe, how would you summarise the
Paper composite packaging with built-in POS success                                                                                                        benefits to customers of your composite
                                                                                                                                                           packaging solutions?
Text: Hans-Joachim Graef Photos: Felix Schoeller Group
                                                                                                                                                           Raabe: First of all, there are general economic
                                                                                                                                                           advantages, cost benefits that begin with the
                                                                                                                                                           raw materials. Paper is far cheaper than plas-
                                                                                                                                                           tic. And the that wood paper is made from
                                                                                                                                                           is also a sustainable resource. Another ad-
                                                   into direct contact with food – and not just       vidually designed windows using our in-line          vantage is the first-class reproducible qual-
Developing speciality papers for new appli-        those that apply to storage, transport and sale    LaserCut technology. One of the major bene-          ity of the paper, which can be controlled as                                           Products and applications:
cations in food packaging was a very inter-        of the packaged goods, but also when heated        fits for our customers is that we can work           precisely as the project requires. A significant
esting challenge for the Felix Schoeller           at high temperature in a microwave or con-         flexibly and produce even small batches.             cost advantage is produced by the fact that                                         PrimePaper:
Group. The food packaging industry – driven        vection oven, for example.                         These products also have an advantage at the         our extrusion laminating process alone saves                                        • Print substrate offering first-class
by consumer demand for environmentally                                                                POS: the windows reveal the product inside           the ageing time needed in the adhesive lami-                                         printability, BfR36/1 and 36/2
sound packaging – seemed to be espe-               What is the target group for your product?         the packaging, thus catching the eye of con-         nation process that is otherwise commonly                                            accreditation
cially open to new solutions. Two years            Who are your customers?                            sumers. And, last but not least, we can also         used. And apart from the advantages I have                                          • Feel of the paper ensures diffe-
ago, Schoeller produced a sustainable,                                                                supply full-surface paper composite prod-            already spoken of, PrimePaper’s first-class,                                         rentiation at the POS
environment-friendly paper composite so-           Raabe: We see ourselves as partners to manu-       ucts without windows. They can be used               ink-saving printability, which is superior to                                        (replaces PET12 print substrates)
lution, which is now already being success-        facturers of packaging materials, who also go      for pastes, powders and granular products            PET films and other papers produced by our                                          • Differentiation due to optical
fully used in food packaging. Günter Raabe,        by the name of converters or printers. We pos-     and meet all current FFS (form, fill and seal)       competitors, should definitely be mentioned.                                         print brilliance
General Manager and Vice President of the          ition ourselves as an ›extended work bench‹        specifications. Development partnerships of          Our customers often take the decision to use                                         (replaces C1S papers)
Packaging Business Unit, and Dirk Hagen,           and therefore as suppliers in the classic sense,   this kind are the basis – both for our custom-       our papers at the printing machine, when the                                        • A natural and sustainable product:
its Sales Director, talk about the Felix           although our expertise is focused on manu-         ers and for us – for developing new market           printer has printed our PrimePaper and com-                                          uses renewable wood-based instead
Schoeller Group’s exclusive, innovative            facturing speciality papers and on down-           segments and offering specific products with         peting papers or PET films in a single pass,                                         of petrochemical-based raw materials
packaging solution that also has a strong          stream coating. We in the Felix Schoeller          higher benefits to the customer.                     and they are compared side by side in daylight
POS presence.                                      Group have built up unique research and de-                                                             conditions. They often draw the conclusion:                                         WindowPaper:
                                                   velopment competency, which underlies the          Is there a particular type of packaging              switch to PrimePaper.                                                               • Full-surface paper composites with
Mr Raabe, what is it that makes your               development of our papers and composites.          for which your paper composite solution                                                                                                   windows to allow the packaged
packaging solution sustainable?                    Our packaging customers are able to benefit        is ideally suited?                                   The most environment-friendly packaging                                              goods to be visible to the customer
                                                   from this because we are happy to work with                                                             is no packaging at all. What is your take                                           • Individualisation using in-line Laser
Raabe: Well, with our paper composite              them to develop new packaging solutions            Hagen: Today, we would say that our main             on that, Mr Raabe?                                                                   Cut technology
packaging we have reduced the percentage           together. Thus, in addition to actual products,    focus is packaging for the food industry, which                                                                                          • Extrusion laminating makes for
of plastic used in flexible packaging for food.    we also supply innovation as added value.          requires high-specification packaging. Within        Raabe: Generally speaking, I think that is true.                                     excellent machinability
Our speciality PrimePaper makes this possible                                                         this application, a lot of our business is in film   But the correct packaging or the most environ-
because it carries out some of the functions of    Do you have a specific example of this             lids, pouches and general bag applications.          mentally friendly packaging does not exist. In                                      Composites:
conventional plastic layers. We have replaced      kind of collaboration, Mr Hagen?                   Here, our expertise in high-quality extrusion        the Felix Schoeller Group, we have become                                           • Full-surface paper composites
plastic with paper. In conjunction with modi-                                                         coating is important. And our LaserCut facility      accustomed to thinking in terms of value                                             without windows for pastes,
fied sealing and barrier films, we can often       Hagen: Of all our project partners, I would        gives us the flexibility to cut individual window    chains. That includes careful use of resources.                                      powders and granular products
achieve an overall thickness that is less than     single out Wipak. We worked with Wipak two         shapes without compromising the barrier              Let us be under no illusion: today’s packaging                                      • Seal curves adapted to meet all
the standard film/paper composites of the          years ago to develop a solution that was revo-     properties that are so important for food            is tomorrow’s rubbish. The fewer finite re-                                          common FFS requirements
past. That is in everyone’s interest. We are       lutionary at the time and together we devel-       packaging. This, in combination with extru-          sources that need to be disposed of, the bet-                                       • Specific films and foils used in the
focusing on these paper composites, which          oped it into a mature market-ready product.        sion laminating, ensures adhesion right up to        ter. Paper is a natural, renewable resource.                                         extrusion composite to optimise
enable us to offer a more environmentally          It evolved into the PrimePaper I spoke of ear-     the edges of the window. This is far super-          And we have by no means exhausted all its                                            barrier properties
friendly solution that is, above all, more sus-    lier, which has outstanding print properties for   ior to established techniques such as cutting        properties. Our paper composites are proof
tainable in terms of raw materials. This has       both gravure and flexo printing. It also gives     or punching. And, added to that is the fact          of that. The more plastic we can replace, the                                       Applications:
been proven by an external, independently          packaging designers great creative scope to        that paper is an excellent print substrate that      more environmentally friendly packaging will                                        • Packaging for pouches for a broad
conducted LCIA (Life Cycle Impact Analysis).       achieve advantages at the POS.                     designers can use to develop packaging that          become.                                                                              range of applications: flow packs,
Another aspect is that our PrimePaper is                                                              is guaranteed to sell goods – while keeping                                                                                               pouches sealed on three sides,
made from primary pulp that is FSC- and            I would also like to mention another of our        printing ink consumption low. For consumers,                                                                                              doypacks, stand-up pouches, etc.
PEFC-certified. Our PrimePaper also meets          products – WindowPaper. It is a full-surface       of course, not only the look but also the feel                                                                                           • Packaging lids and caps for a broad
all the regulations for packaging that comes       paper composite, to which we can add indi-         of the packaging is important.                                                                                                            range of tray applications
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