Working Carers Know Your Rights - An advice leaflet for Usdaw members

Page created by Byron Daniel
Working Carers Know Your Rights - An advice leaflet for Usdaw members
Working Carers
Know Your Rights
An advice leaflet for Usdaw members
Working Carers Know Your Rights - An advice leaflet for Usdaw members
Working Carers
    Know Your Rights
    Usdaw understands that                       Benefits
    many of our members are                      Carer’s Allowance
    juggling paid work with
                                                 Carer’s Allowance is paid at a weekly
    caring for a disabled partner,               rate of £69.70 (from April 2022).
    relative or other adult that
                                                  It isn’t affected by any savings you
    needs their support.                           may have.
    If you regularly care for someone this        It can be paid to carers in part-time
    leaflet is essential reading. It outlines:     paid work.
     The benefits that are available to          The person you care for doesn’t have
      carers in work and the people they           to be a relative but could be a friend
      care for.                                    or neighbour.
     Support for carers.
                                                 To qualify you must be:
     Carers’ rights at work.
                                                  Looking after someone for at least
    The Government is making some of               35 hours a week; and
    the biggest changes to social security        Earning less than £123 per week; and
    support since the welfare state was first
    set up over 50 years ago. This is causing     The person you are looking after must
    considerable worry and uncertainty             be getting a ‘qualifying benefit’. This
    amongst many of our members,                   means they must be in receipt of:
    including disabled workers and their              i. The middle or higher rate care
    carers. If you are caring for someone                component of Disability Living
    and are unsure about what you should                 Allowance; or
    be claiming, the best advice is to get
    advice. Organisations that can help               ii. The daily living component
    are listed on the back of this leaflet.               of Personal Independence
                                                          Payment; or
                                                      iii. Attendance Allowance.

      You get a Class 1 National
      Insurance Credit for every week
      in which you receive Carer’s
      Allowance – this will help you
      qualify for a State Pension.

Personal Independence Payment               Disability Living Allowance has two
(PIP), Disability Living Allowance          components paid at the following rates
(DLA) and Attendance Allowance              (from April 2022):
(AA)                                                         Care         Mobility
                                                           Component     Component
PIP, DLA and AA are benefits that are
                                             Lower rate      £24.45          £24.45
designed to help pay for the extra costs
of living with a long-term illness or        Middle rate      £61.85              N/A
disability. They are non-means tested        Higher rate     £92.40          £64.50
and therefore, not dependent on how
much money you have, but there are          Attendance Allowance rates are:
strict criteria you need to satisfy in
order to qualify.                            Lower rate                  £61.95

Personal Independence Payment has            Higher rate                 £92.40

replaced Disability Living Allowance
for working age claimants (those aged       To claim Attendance Allowance or
between 16 and 65 years old). There         Disability Living Allowance for a child
are no current plans to replace DLA         under the age of 16 visit:
for children aged under 16. People over     or contact the Department for Work
the age of 65 who are already receiving     and Pensions on the numbers below
DLA will not be reassessed. Attendance      for a claim form:
Allowance, paid to those who first claim     Attendance Allowance Helpline:
after the age of 65, is not affected          0800 731 0122
by the introduction of Personal
Independence Payment.                        Disability Living Allowance Helpline:
                                              0800 121 4600
Personal Independence Payment has
two components:                             Claims for Personal Independence
                                            Payment must normally be made by
 A daily living component for people
                                            telephone on 0800 917 2222 or
  whose ability to carry out daily living
                                            0800 012 1573 if you live in Northern
  activities such as washing or dressing
                                            Ireland. If you cannot use the phone and
  is limited by their disability. The PIP
                                            you have no one to help you, write to:
  daily living component has only two
  rates rather than the three rates of      Personal Independence Payment Claims,
  the DLA care component.                   Post Handling Site B
                                            Wolverhampton, WV99 1AH
 A mobility component for people
  with limited mobility.                    This will delay the date of your claim.

Universal Credit (UC)                        3.   Payments based on monthly
                                                      income: employers report all
    Universal Credit is a benefit for people          earnings directly to Her Majesty's
    of working age that will eventually               Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
    replace all current means-tested                  Your Universal Credit is calculated
    benefits and tax credits.                         on your household’s wages in the
    The following benefits are gradually              previous month.
    being replaced by Universal Credit:
                                                 If your income varies so too will your
     Income Support.                            payment of Universal Credit. Your
     Income-based Jobseekers Allowance.         Universal Credit payment increases if
                                                 your earnings drop and reduces if your
     Income-related Employment and              wages increase.
      Support Allowance.
     Housing Benefit.                           Will I be Better Off with Universal
     Child Tax Credit and Working
      Tax Credit.                                Whether people will be better or worse
                                                 off under Universal Credit will depend
    Universal Credit is now fully rolled         upon their income, housing costs and
    out across the UK. People currently          the make-up of their household. But the
    receiving the above benefits will transfer   Government will save nearly £4 billion
    automatically onto Universal Credit          a year from the transfer to Universal
    when it is introduced for working people     Credit, and this saving will mostly come
    in their area. The transfer process has      from working families.
    been subject to delay and it is now
    expected all households claiming ‘legacy     Who Can Claim Universal Credit?
    benefits’ will move onto Universal Credit    Universal Credit is a benefit for both
    by September 2024.                           single people and couples on a low
                                                 income to provide financial support for
    What Will Change with Universal              living costs. It can be paid to people in
    Credit?                                      or out of work. Carers can claim if they:
    1.   A single direct payment: Universal
                                                  Are aged 18 or over (although there
         Credit is paid as a single monthly
                                                   are exceptions for some 16 or 17 year
         payment, directly into the
         nominated bank account of each
         eligible household. If Housing           Are under the qualifying age for
         Benefit used to be paid to your           Pension Credit. If you are in a couple
         landlord, it will now be paid to you,     and only one of you is over Pension
         for you to pay your rent.                 Credit age, then you will have to
                                                   claim Universal Credit.
    2.   No minimum hours of work: there
         are no minimum hours of work to          Are in Great Britain.
         claim Universal Credit, as there are     Are not in education.
         with Tax Credits.

 Accept a ‘claimant commitment’. This       Find Out Your Universal Credit
  is a contract between you and the          Entitlement
  Department for Work and Pensions
                                             A good place to start would be to
  and may include requirements about
                                             request a benefits check with the
  what you will do to look for work or
                                             guidance of Carer’s UK Helpline team
  increase the number of hours you
                                             by emailing:
  work. Those who care for a severely
  disabled person for over 35 hours a        You could also try using the very useful
  week should not be subject to any          Turn2Us online benefits check tool by
  ‘work-related requirements’.               visiting: https://benefits-calculator-2.
How Much Will I Get?                         To make a claim for Universal Credit
When calculating how much Universal          visit:
Credit people will get the Government        Claims must be made online. Call the
includes a basic rate called the ‘standard   free Universal Credit helpline if you
allowance’ and extra amounts for people      need help with this on 0800 328 5644.
in different circumstances, for example
if you are a carer, have children or need
help with housing costs.
For claimants in work, Universal Credit
operates in a similar way to Tax Credits.
In other words, earnings below a certain
threshold are disregarded (known as the
work allowance). Net earnings above the
work allowance will be deducted from
Universal Credit at the rate of 55p for
every pound of extra earnings. In other
words, claimants keep 45p for every
pound earned above the work allowance.
The amount of earnings that are
disregarded (if any) will vary depending
on family circumstances.
However, unlike Tax Credits there are
no rules about the number of hours you
have to work to qualify. This means that
carers who care for a severely disabled
person for over 35 hours and who work
for less than 16 hours a week can apply
for Universal Credit once it is introduced
in their area. Whether or not they will
qualify will depend on their income,
savings and other family circumstances.

The Benefit Cap                          Exemptions
    In some cases, there is a limit on the    People in privately rented or social
    total amount of specified benefits a       housing who do not receive help with
    person can receive. This is called a       their rent via Housing Benefit will not
    ‘benefit cap’. The cap only applies to     be affected.
    people aged 16-64.                        The bedroom tax only affects people
    Carers in receipt of Carer’s               of working age. Anyone who is over
    Allowance are exempt from the              the qualifying age for state pension
    benefit cap.                               credit or who has a partner over the
                                               age (ie anyone born before
    Housing Benefit and the                    5 October 1951) will be exempt
    ‘Bedroom Tax’                              from the bedroom tax.
                                              If you have recently been bereaved
    If you receive Housing Benefit             you will be exempt for 12 months
    and rent your home from a ‘social          after the bereavement.
    landlord’ (the council or a housing
    association) the amount of Housing        You are allowed an additional
    Benefit you receive will be reduced        room for a child aged under 16 who
    if it is decided you have more             cannot share a bedroom where
    bedrooms than you need.                    the child is entitled to either the
                                               middle or highest rate of Disability
    You are allowed one bedroom for            Living Allowance; and the local
    each of the following:                     authority is satisfied that because
     You, the tenant, (and your partner       of their disability, the child cannot
      if you have one).                        reasonably share a bedroom with
                                               another child under 16.
     A person who is not a child (aged
      16 years old or over).                  You are allowed an additional room
                                               for a person or child who requires
     Two children of the same sex             ‘overnight care’ if:
      under the age of 16 years old.
                                                  – they are getting Attendance
     Two children of the opposite sex              Allowance, the middle or
      under the age of 10 years old.                highest rate of Disability Living
     A non-resident adult carer                    Allowance care component,
      providing overnight care.                     the daily living component of
     A child in the armed forces who               Personal Independence Payment
      plans to return home.                         or armed forces independence
                                                    payment; or
     A child who cannot share a
      bedroom.                                    – If the person is a child you have
                                                    provided the local authority
                                                    with sufficient documents,
                                                    certificates, information or
                                                    evidence to satisfy it that
                                                    overnight care is required.

– In addition arrangements must        25% of the total eligible rent if you
      have been made for one or more        are considered to have two or more
      people who do not live with you       bedrooms too many.
      to provide overnight care and to
      stay overnight regularly in your    If your Housing Benefit is restricted you
      home for this purpose.              will be expected to meet the shortfall
 Couples who cannot share a
  bedroom are allowed an additional       Usdaw is very concerned about the
  room where they can show that:          impact the bedroom tax has on its
                                          members, particularly now that it has
    – The person who cannot share is
                                          been extended from the privately rented
      getting Attendance Allowance,
                                          sector to those living in social housing.
      the middle or highest rate of
      Disability Living Allowance         Discretionary Housing Payments
      care component, the daily
      living component of Personal        If you are affected by a reduction in
      Independence Payment or             your Housing Benefit because you are
      armed forces independence           considered to have too many bedrooms
      payment; and                        you should apply for a ‘Discretionary
                                          Housing Payment’ from your local
    – The local authority is satisfied    authority. Guidance to local authorities
      that because of their disability,   suggests:
      the person cannot reasonably
                                          “For those claimants who cannot cover
      share a bedroom with their
                                          a reduction in Housing Benefit from
                                          their own resources and who have a
 People who are approved foster          compelling case for remaining in their
  carers (and formal kinship carers in    current accommodation, there is the
  Scotland) are allowed an additional     Discretionary Housing Payments Fund”.
  room, whether or not a child has        Ask your local authority what services
  been placed with them or they are       they provide as it differs from one area
  between placements, so long as          to the next.
  they have fostered a child, or have
  become an approved foster carer in      You must be entitled to help with your
  the last 12 months. This also covers    rent in Universal Credit or Housing
  a claimant who is in the process of     Benefit to get discretionary housing
  adopting a child and has had the        payments.
  child placed with them by the local     Payments are discretionary. They
  authority before the adoption order     are paid from a cash-limited budget
  is made.                                allocated to your local authority.
Rates of Reduction                        If you are struggling to keep up with
 14% of the total eligible rent if you   your rent speak to your local authority
  are considered to have one bedroom      or contact one of the organisations
  too many.                               listed on the back of this leaflet.

Support For                                 A care worker to help provide
                                                 personal care at home.

    Carers                                      A temporary stay in residential care/
                                                 respite care.
                                                Meals delivered to their home.

    There are a number of sources of            A place at a day centre.
    support for carers and it’s not possible    Assistance with travel, for example
    to list everything here as much of it        to get to a day centre.
    varies depending on where you live.
                                                Laundry services.
    You can find out what services are          Replacement care so you can have
    available in your area by contacting         a break.
    Social Services. Alternatively, carers
    organisations such as Carers UK
                                               Carers’ Services
    can direct you to local sources of
    information. You’ll find their contact     Most local authorities now have
    details at the back of this leaflet.       support services for carers. These can
    As a carer, Social Services should         be anything that might help you to
    offer you an assessment if you appear      look after the person that you care for
    to need support. If you have not           or to help maintain your health and
    been offered one and would like an         wellbeing.
    assessment, then contact the adult         Some examples of the kind of help that
    Social Services department at the local    could be available directly to you as a
    council of the person you are looking      carer:
                                                Help with transport costs, such as
    Following the assessment, Social             taxi fares or driving lessons.
    Services will decide whether you are
                                                Costs for a car where transport
    eligible for support. Whether Social
                                                 was crucial, such as repairs and
    Services will pay for any support
    provided will depend upon your
    financial situation or on the financial     Technology to support you, such as
    situation of the person you care for.        a mobile phone, computer where it
                                                 is not possible to access computer
    Some examples of the kind of help that       services elsewhere.
    could be available to the person you are
    looking after, in order to help you as a    Help with housework or gardening.
    carer:                                      Help to relieve stress, improve health
     Changes to their home to make              and promote wellbeing such as a
      it more suitable.                          gym membership.

     Equipment such as a hoist or
      grab rail.

Direct Payments                             Usdaw, alongside the TUC and
                                            organisations like Carer’s UK, have
This is money given to you or the person    been campaigning for Government to
you care for by your Social Services        introduce a legal right to paid carers
department. You use the money to buy        leave for working carers for many years.
the services you need instead of Social
Services providing them directly. Some      Last summer, the Government finally
people use this money to buy care from      announced their intention to introduce
an agency whilst others will directly       a new day one right to 5 days carers
employ their own staff or pay members       leave. This follows a 2019 manifesto
of their own family.                        commitment and lengthy consultation
                                            process to which Usdaw responded.
Vouchers                                    While we welcome the announcement,
                                            we do not believe the government
Some local authorities give vouchers to     have gone far enough. The right will be
the person you are caring for to allow      unpaid, making it difficult for low paid
them to buy in support whilst you have      carers to be able to afford to use it.
a break.
                                            The Government have not yet confirmed
Needs Assessments                           when the right will come into effect and
                                            the Union will keep reps and members
These are for adults (18 years of age       informed of further developments.
or over) who may need help because
of a disability, ill-health or old age. A   The Right to Time Off Work when
needs assessment looks at the range of      there’s a Problem at Home
help a person needs (this can include
community care, respite and residential     Most employees have the right to take
care services). While the focus of a        a reasonable amount of unpaid time
needs assessment is the person you are      off work to deal with an emergency
looking after, in most cases the role and   involving a relative or someone who
views of the carer should also be taken     reasonably relies on you for help, for
into account during the assessment.         example:
You can request a needs assessment by
                                             There has been a breakdown in
contacting the local council adult Social
                                              your normal care arrangements, for
Services department of the person who
                                              instance if your home carer does not
may need care.
                                              turn up or is ill.
Your Rights at Work                          The person you care for has fallen ill
                                              or had an accident and is injured or
Juggling work with caring can                 upset. The illness does not need to
sometimes feel like an impossible task.       be life threatening and may be the
Getting support at work can make all          result of a deterioration in an existing
the difference and Usdaw is committed         condition.
to making sure you get that support. We
want to make sure carers know about          To deal with an incident involving a
their rights and feel confident to use        child during school hours.

 To make longer term arrangements           Alternatively, it is probably a good
      for a dependant who is ill or injured –    idea to let your GP know as some GP
      this might mean finding a temporary        surgeries hold their own register of
      carer.                                     carers. Your GP can also help you
     To deal with the death of the person       access a carer’s assessment.
      you care for.                              If you have received a carer’s
                                                 assessment from Social Services and
    In most cases Government guidance            have any paperwork relating to this,
    says that one or two days should be          you might use that correspondence as
    enough to sort out the problem but           a way of ‘proving’ that you are a carer. If
    clearly there will be circumstances          you receive Carer’s Allowance then you
    where you will need more time.               can show your manager the letter from
    For more information about the right         the Department for Work and Pensions
    to time off for dependants see Usdaw         awarding you this benefit.
    leaflet Time Off for Family Emergencies      If you are struggling to get your caring
    (Leaflet 349).                               commitments recognised by your
                                                 employer and this is causing you
    Changing Your Hours of Work
                                                 problems at work contact your Usdaw
    Usdaw strongly encourages you to let         rep in store or your Area Organiser. If
    your employer know about your caring         you don’t know who they are or how
    commitments as soon as you start to          to contact them, call your local Usdaw
    care for someone and not wait until          office.
    a problem arises or it becomes an            For more information see Usdaw leaflet
    issue at work. If you are a carer ask        Flexible Working – Your right to have a
    your employer to put a note on your          say in the hours you work (Leaflet 346)
    personnel file so that this information      or the Right to Request Flexible Working
    is recorded.                                 Briefing for Reps, both available from:
    If you are trying to change your current
    working hours or your employer is
    looking to change your working hours
    your manager might ask for proof that          The Equality Act 2010
    you are a carer.                               Thanks to the introduction of the
    There isn’t a national register of carers      Equality Act in England, Scotland
    just as there isn’t a national register of     and Wales, carers are now protected
    disabled people in the UK and therefore        from being treated unfairly or
    there isn’t a straightforward way of           harassed at work because of
    proving that you care for someone.             their caring commitments. So, for
    Some local authorities do operate a            example, if a manager refuses to
    register so you might want to contact          consider a person for promotion
    your local town hall and ask for your          simply because they are a carer,
    name to be added to the carers register        or makes offensive remarks
    (if they have one).                            about a person because of caring
                                                   commitments, then the Equality Act
                                                   can now help.
Get Advice
For information about carers’ rights       email:
contact your local Usdaw office by
calling 0800 030 80 30.                    Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Email:        DLA can only be claimed for children
and let us know what you think the         under 16 years old. Anyone aged 16-
pressures are for working carers           65 years old must apply for Personal
and what extra support they need.          Independence Payment (PIP).
Our evidence will go direct to the         Tel: 0800 121 4600
Government – the more personal
stories people can tell us, the more the   Textphone: 0800 121 4523
Government will listen.                    Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Useful organisations for carers:
                                           Attendance Allowance (AA)
Carer’s Allowance Helpline                 For those aged 65+ years old.
General enquiries.                         Tel: 0800 731 0122
Tel: 0800 731 0297                         Textphone: 0800 731 0317
Textphone: 0800 731 0317                   Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm                    Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
                                           For those aged 16 to 65 years old.
Carers UK
                                           Tel: 0800 121 4433
The leading national charity for carers.
                                           Textphone: 0800 121 4493
Helpline: 0808 808 7777
                                           Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
                                           Usdaw Equalities Section
Employers for Carers
                                           Usdaw Head Office
Provides advice and guidance to            Voyager Building, 2 Furness Quay
employers who want to support carers       Salford Quays, Manchester M50 3XZ
in the workplace.
                                           Tel: 0161 224 2804
Tel: 020 7378 4956

Carers Trust
Carers can email for advice and support.
Tel: 0300 772 9600                            This leaflet was produced with the kind help of
                                                                                   Carers UK
More Information
Usdaw Nationwide                            Join Usdaw
Wherever you work, an Usdaw rep             You can join online at:
or official (Area Organiser) is not
far away. For further information or
assistance, contact your Usdaw rep or
local Usdaw office. Alternatively you
can phone our Freephone Helpline
0800 030 80 30 to connect you                              Scan the QR code
to your regional office or visit our                       to join today.
You can also write to the Union’s Head
Office. Just write FREEPOST USDAW           What Happens Next
on the envelope and put it in the post.     Once we process your application, you
                                            will receive a membership card with
                                            your Helpline telephone number and
                                            a New Member’s Pack giving details
                                            of all the benefits and professional
                                            services available to you.

                                                                                    Lft 343 March 2022
                                                                                                   Stock photography, posed by models                          UsdawUnion
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